Debt Rattle November 6 2022
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- This topic has 64 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by
Veracious Poet.
November 6, 2022 at 8:35 am #120313
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterIvan Shishkin The wilds 1881 • Berlin – Moscow – Beijing (Escobar) • The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End (Batiushka) • Global
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 6 2022]November 6, 2022 at 8:54 am #120314aspnaz
ParticipantSlovakia is panicing because half the country trusts Moscow more than Washington …. according to FB posts and other social media. That is why they invade your privacy, to check that you are thinking right, the thought police are out to fix your thinking …
November 6, 2022 at 8:56 am #120315aspnaz
ParticipantIvan Shishkin The wilds 1881
That is one stunning painting, amazing talent.
November 6, 2022 at 9:23 am #120316aspnaz
ParticipantIf Republican candidates do as well as expected on Tuesday, they can credit the new, widespread, and coordinated effort to begin securing U.S. elections, helping give candidates the best opportunity possible to win a fair fight in the new voting environment of mail-in balloting.
Surely the people have moved past this bullshit. I do not understand why people vote in state or national elections, it makes absolutely no difference to their daily lives. I have come to the conclusion that it is an exercise for their egos, they try to prove to the politicians that “we are in charge” and think they are sending a message that the people will not put up with any crap. They then make statements like “government by the people, for the people” which just identifies them as retards. When have the people ever had any influence? In very local elections, where the people know the players, where they live, where their children go to school, then voting seems to work. For anything at the state level and above, it is all pretense, people unwilling to admit that they are powerless in Washington.
November 6, 2022 at 9:48 am #120318V. Arnold
ParticipantIvan Shishkin The wilds 1881
The master of the palette speaks; reminds me of the olympic peninsula in Washington state…
November 6, 2022 at 10:42 am #120319Red
ParticipantWes: “So I have to face that dam daylight savings clock!
The only thing I know for sure is it reduces the amount of daylight that I get to see!”
Not so. The same amount of daylight today as yesterday shorter by only three minutes or so. Just get up earlier and get some work done.
November 6, 2022 at 10:45 am #120320Redneck
ParticipantI donow shit about paintings, seems to me most are crap but that one I would hang on my wall
Early start to morrow .
G’night.November 6, 2022 at 11:00 am #120321Oroboros
Participant• Berlin – Moscow – Beijing (Escobar)
I’ve always thought that the core price of Russia engaging with Germany ever again would be to kick the Empire of Lies out of Eurotardistan Totally.
Pepe hints at that in this piece.
Alexander Mercouris’ (the Duran) take on the Scholz China visit was that Xi basically told Scholz he did not trust Scholz. That he and Eurotardistan are ‘agreement incapable’, the same as the Russians at this point regard the Collective West.
Also hinting that in order to prove they are ‘agreement capable’, you have to demonstrate it by kicking the Empire of Lies and it’s little buttboy the UK out of Europe, pretty much forever.
The Duran’s position is that both Russia and China don’t trust Eurotardistan until they completely divorce the Empire of Lies and I agree.
Xi basically snubbed Scholz in public with a lecture on trustworthiness, which the Collective West has none of.
Very humiliating grovel on Scholz’ part.
Xi Jinping schools Scholz during quick trip to China
November 6, 2022 at 11:08 am #120322Redneck
Participantand this is Putin’s closest ally? WTF? 6, 2022 at 11:35 am #120323EoinW
ParticipantChrystia Freeland For NATO! Where can I cast my vote?
There was an old joke(1980s): If Trudeau, Clark & Broadbent were all in a boat and the boat sank who would be saved? Canada!
Freeland to NATO and Canada is saved!
tbh I would want her to run anything I hate. Only good NATO soldier is a dead NATO soldier? The sad thing is that I first said that after the attack on Yugoslavia.
November 6, 2022 at 12:32 pm #120324Dr. D
ParticipantThe Oil Nationalization Two-Step (Luongo)”
Tom Luongo’s new idea. It’s about Europe and the Left so it’s about theft, of course. This is not the best writing as he’s still developing it. Let me add in:
In this jam, running out of money and wanting long-term power, they are making a play to nationalize the energy industry for “Windfall prices” that they themselves did everything possible to create. Problem > Solution.
Stop all wells? Check. Stop all pipelines? Check. Stop all refineries? Check. Stop all rail, storage, electric, and other buffers? Check. Stop huge parts of electric, dams, power plants? Check. Stop transmission lines, substations, and let the local grid decay to Bolivian levels? Check. Install no tech that would allow you to transition at all, but sell constant, total fantasy that is also so expensive that you’re too bankrupt to try workable ideas? Check. Refuse to do a single obvious, environmental thing: keep building more car-based condos, plant no trees, insulate no houses, economize no factories? Double Check.
We’re good to go! All money for fixing is gone, and all energy system is on the edge and in intentional disarray. Pull that detonator! Like every other time, every 70 years.
Remember, the core of the Technocrats – besides tracking every thing, every screw and toilet flush, for complete efficiency (and thus complete control) — was the BTU currency. Technocrats = BTU currencyThey understood ENERGY was at the root of everything, all money. Therefore, it made sense to back the currency with Gold (which is embedded energy) Oil (Petrodollar, raw energy, via their boy Kissinger). And now the new CO2 currency. Carbon Credits. Technocrats = Carbon Credit currency And Social Credit for permission to use the carbon credits, be they petrol or even charging your lithium car and driving more than 10 miles. Without express permission and a passport.
And all of these were lavishly funded for generations by whom? The Rockefellers among others. They were the ones picking the 1930s Technocrats out of deep sleep and quietly installing all their ideas in inventory (RFID) tracking, worldwide databases, Smart Meters, and BTU currency. Gold was a solid currency that couldn’t be “flexible”. Petrodollar was more “flexible” in that more dollars could be created than oil. The Carbon Credit is infinity money with complete central control and no attachment or oversight to reality or the economy.
But that can’t happen right now with oil being run by semi-private hands, AND oil in the U.S. always leaning Republican. So they need to capture this, the CORE of all human activity, the whole economy, even food – life itself – and mete it out only to the Right People™ who express Right Think™. Is this not 90% of what they themselves publish? Every month? And capture it by destroying it, or at least make it a disaster, so that they can then jump into the smoldering ruin of widespread death they created and Help™. Because when have things ever got worse when government Helps™?
Build Back Better. The Middle Class will own nothing…they will be the desperate, peasant class, on the South American model. Where even a local surgeon can have has daughter kidnapped for ransom. How are they going to finish the capture of Germany and thus Europe while there is still a German and Dutch middle class? That middle class needs to own nothing. Chop chop.
Right now, thanks to EXCLUSIVE government policy, EXCLUSIVE government shut off of power – for no reason whatsoever – they are putting windfall taxes on German oil industry, for high prices THEY CREATED, and tax penalties so high as to be a de facto nationalization. They’re setting the PR for the same thing here, as our present administration is also on the Davos plan.
Massive 9x profits (for this few month period) and THEY WANT THAT MONEY. They’re Socialists, so they don’t do work and can’t create anything, they can ONLY STEAL IT FROM CAPITALISM. It’s the only industry large enough, it’s a long-term goal, so they’re making the play for it. With the approval of the people, on a disaster THEY themselves created.
They’re broke. They’re criminals. So they kill then steal. Obvious. Then Europe can be North Korea. What could be better?!?
“this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back”
I do not see that, but I don’t know why. The industrialists should be there, and should have a great portion of power.
“International investment bankers are bullish about the Chinese economy despite worrying reports by the Western media, the chairman of UBS Bank, Colm Kelleher, said on Wednesday.”
I don’t know what they mean by this. Is UBS a Euro Bank, or one of the Fed banks? Because Euro/WEF yes, wants the world to be like China, with all the freedom and environmentalism therein.
“The west doesn’t care about feeding the poor.”Yeah, just drive to Flint. Or Dayton. We HAVE the food. What we don’t have is any f—s about human beings. They’re a virus to be killed. Just ask them! Killin’ some folks! And as Luongo says above, with the complete support of all the world’s children. To kill other children. What could be better? We gotta outlaw that farming as that one kid said.
“as the Pentagon races to replenish stocks of artillery pieces, rocket launchers and other weapons.”
They’re NOT though. They are still building no HIMARs, still no tooling up factories. Nothing’s coming off the line, not even bullets. So is this really finishing George Bush’s plan to completely sap and erase the military? And the whole WORLD’S public militaries? Who has firepower if the armies of the world turn to using sticks and stones? Why, I would think the PRIVATE militaries, who CAN get weapons. Blackwater and whoever pays them, like BlackRock, and the dark nobility of Europe.
See, the PLAN is to erase national governments. “The end of an error.” All that Democracy, accountability stuff? That’s gotta go. Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, THEY DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. TO whoever they want, even Presidents and Prime Ministers, Gone in 60 Seconds. In a TOTAL public-private merger, but in this case with the billionaires and their front corporations as the senior partner. Unlike last time’s Fascism where government was the senior partner of the same merger. (his merger also includes the people via social media, often forgot)
Erase the nations, make corporations bigger, more influential – AND THEN OBVIOUSLY ALSO BETTER ARMED – and voila! Your new 21st century government is in place. No one is elected. There is no platform. There is no voting. There are no rules. And there is no recourse. If Twitter bans you for life for a misunderstanding, there are no humans to review your case. They shut off your bank account AND your sales floor, especially if you’re a black man like Kanye West. They do it for the same tweets Ilan Omar posts. Or a Sihk truck driver facing a boy who specializes in Black Face. There are no courts, no rules of evidence, no appeals, and no alternatives. It’s the Mean School Girls’ Club, and YOU, my friend, are not popular.
Am I making this up? They want to get rid of Capitalism. They regularly say their enemy is MONEY. Okay, great, so what do we use to allocate resources if it isn’t money? SOCIAL credit. i.e. POPULARITY. + Power. That is the only POSSIBLE alternative system, and one we saw deeply in the Soviet System, and the EU system and parliament that’s based on it. Are you IN the Party? Or not invited to The Party?
So can you see why Jamie Dimon is not on board with this? He, and the Fed member banks from NYC, own the MONEY system. Not the Social Credit/Popularity/PR system. Maybe they’d have a thing to say about an attempt to erase them and all their power. And replace them with ballless non-humans like Vijay and Zuck.
(P.S. one of the major investors in Private Twitter is Jack Dorsey, shoved out, now stealing his company back from the same Derp State that chucked him)
“the ratio of your balance sheet assets to total equity is almost the highest in the history of the bank,”
Except this isn’t true. Thanks to the Fed’s non-stop decade-long bailout, the American banks are multiples better, and safer than European banks. No contest. If there’s a crisis, they’ll be fine. WE, the people, the real economy may not be fine, the CURRENCY may not be fine, but the NY Fed banks are about as safe as can be made. MacCleod is a Scot, in London, and this is not a widely-known fact, as well as the U.S. will surely be in crisis if Europe fails.
“US Wants Official of Ukrainian Descent to Run NATO (RT)”
We knew they were racists. “One drop of Ukrainian blood” fallacy. NATO – the enforcement arm of the Western Global Mafia, MUST have a Khazar as its head. Huh.
“A UN resolution opposing the celebration of Nazism and related ideologies has met with significant resistance from the US and other western democracies,”
Yes. Since this same Mafia IS the Nazis, both religiously and ethnically, going way back. What good was it to take over the CIA, then put in known, open Nazi supporters and collaborators like the Bush family, if you can’t come out of the closet? If that’s true, it would almost be like the Nazis didn’t win WWII, and we can’t have that. Now is the time!
Thank God for free speech. Never stop talking, you guys, so we can learn exactly who you are.
Hey, would this be the same group that installed Pinochet? And like 50 other torture-happy dictators worldwide?
“No chance [the election] will go smooth.”
And that’s because for it not to go smooth, all they have to do is SAY it didn’t. That’s it. Lie, say, and print the untruth. Boom. That’s so easy a cave man could do it. Especially for people who CAN’T tell the truth, and their mouths would burn with hellfire if they ever did.
“It is a masterclass in absurdity which has its roots in the inherent contradiction in drafting a plan that purports to deal with the inevitable fallout of a manufactured crisis while pretending that the crisis is not manufactured.”
This is precisely Luongo’s argument on Energy, above. And why you can never trust governments with power. Make them as small as possible to accomplish their functions and even THEN they can barely keep from killing everyone and stealing everything.
“Turkey map 2050”
If you thought that only Americans and the Collective West had lost their minds: nope. It’s worldwide.
Since I grew up with Leftists and the old left, I think that’s what makes me so critical of them. In some ways they’re the same: still too trusting and idealistic, enough that no ideas work and always bankrupt us into more misery than before. But all the good things they carried are now either missing or over the top. That’s what Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald and others maintain. They carry the flame for the real left. The worker’s left from the 1930s. I miss that, because although I could see how their ideas weren’t necessarily practical, it came from a good place for good reasons. Those included distrust of corporations, generals, wars, support for working people, awareness of real oppression ready to fall at any time and thus a high and almost limitless value on free speech, free expression, and free publishing. Out to defending neo Nazis, White supremacists, and pornography they were such free speech absolutists.
Protecting journalists and assuming anyone after a reporter or whistleblower was by definition up to no good. That wars were by nature probably for profit and against someone downtrodden, leading to more oppression at home when promoting it. Especially and particularly when our own poor people, deplorable and forgotten, need so much help.
Where did any of that go? I guess they have free expression to parade in thongs, but it’s hard to see any other former value they support, and I guess I still don’t understand why. That may be the other reason I return to it: an attempt to understand the origin of the madness. Madness because to me it seems to have come from no where for no reason and is not a real, organic evolution of ideas.
Still, maybe the cure is to re-innoculate the meme space with the real old left. It doesn’t seem to have the traction one would think, quoting say George Carlin, and I’m not sure why of that either.
“I do not understand why people vote in state or national elections, it makes absolutely no difference to their daily lives.”
It does. Clearly. But what I don’t understand is after 50 years of this we still don’t 1) Start local first where we have the most leverage and can develop talent and 2) Capture the nomination process and not the election process. That’s what they did to us, because that’s cheaper and what works. But they wander in griping about “the lesser of two evils”. Really? Then why didn’t you start the step before and get a not-evil? It’s essentially the same amount of work, just earlier. Are you that bad at game theory, or just really lazy?
“When have the people ever had any influence?”
WHEN THEY TOOK IT. They need to TAKE the power. Their own autonomy and independence. Nobody’s going to GIVE it to you. TAKE your power and throw them in a ditch. Beat them and keep beating them until they fear to cross and tangle with you over anything. It’s the only thing the kind of psychos who gravitate to politics understand. Will this get me more trouble? Or less?
Since no one’s cooperating as they all seem insane and mentally retarded right now, get as much of your life under your own control — that is, your own POWER — and position to join up when the realization finally hits them. Probably when the center fails, so the local becomes all. Starting there it will be organic to push your will upwards again.
November 6, 2022 at 1:08 pm #120325Red
ParticipantEarlier in 2022, the proposal for a WHO international Pandemic Treaty has raised alarms over the organization’s usurping the individual sovereignty of nations. The Treaty, which is scheduled to be finalized by May 2024, is largely a result of the WHO’s numerous inconsistencies, inadequacies and failures during the Covid-19 pandemic. If we call a spade a spade, the WHO has proven itself inept in handling any pandemic. Therefore, for the hardened globalists such Bill Gates and the leaders of the US and EU who wholly support the WHO, it makes perfect sense that the bumbling bureaucracy should be given more authority and control over global health.
November 6, 2022 at 1:48 pm #120326John Day
ParticipantI’m just posting my interview with Meryl Nass MD on the Children’s Health Defense site as an ”episode” today. Picture of me sweeping the floor of the complete and functional new kitchen.
‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 154: Meryl Nass Update With John Day, M.D. 6, 2022 at 1:59 pm #120327D Benton Smith
ParticipantIs that televised map with all the red colored territory an outline of the Erdogan Caliphate , or of the upcoming Iranian-Turkish War?
November 6, 2022 at 2:32 pm #120329Alexander Carpenter
ParticipantBug alert!
An edited post disappears.
Please repair…
November 6, 2022 at 2:39 pm #120330zerosum
Participantthe masses waking up
The masses have woken up.
The masses know that they should not do a frontal attack.
Look at my # 25 It’s happening now# 25. Increase of “Quiet Quitting, decrease of assuming responsibilities, increase of fault pointing
Secret meetings ( afraid of a frontal attack.)
• Berlin – Moscow – Beijing (Escobar)
Canadians are aware of the conflict of interest of Freeland
No frontal attacks on the leadership.
(Freedom convoy, Teacher strikes)• US Wants Official Of Ukrainian Descent To Run NATO (RT)
A preemptive strike/fear of loss of control
• Biden Unleashes Tirade Over Musk Restoring Free Speech on Twitter (Turley)
• The Twitter Massacre (MoA)
Media did not report on the tree falling in the forest. Therefore, it was an irrelevant occurrence.
@Alexander Carpenter
I saw it before it disappeared
Good list. It was a relevant list for investigation.
——November 6, 2022 at 2:57 pm #120331Dora
Participantfrmr President Eisenhower’s fairwell address, 60 years ago.
November 6, 2022 at 3:07 pm #120332kultsommer
ParticipantFirst: the painting
First issue of National Geographic was in 1888, seven years after the painting has bee created. I can imagine a situation where photographer of the mag was sending a telegram from the job assignment to the main HG with the message: Run out of film. There is this local guy, Ivan Shishkin that you may want to contact. Stop.
Last: Turkish borders
In Sarajevo there is the street that literally divides “East” and “West” part of the city. Former built by the it’s founders the Ottomans in 1500’s and latter by Austro-Hungarian empire. It may become of interest to Erdogan too. It is only a few small countries away.
For those who care to click on link images will, also, present Austro-Hungarian idea of occupation. Compared to US “shock and wave” where unfortunate country is leveled, occupiers of the Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to build..and build… and build as if Sarajevo and many other larger cities are suburbs of Vienna. Post Ottoman historical core of the city was built in short 36 years of occupation (1878-1914). Brick-by-brick method of building, decorated, and designed by the prominent architects of the Empire in that time. Original blueprints stored in archives in Vienna helped in restoration of damaged buildings during the war and siege that city endured in 1992-95.November 6, 2022 at 3:34 pm #120333D Benton Smith
ParticipantI think a lot of the current geopolitical prognosticating owes a lot of its content to the hypoxic delirium of “advanced” hyper-technologized civilization running on fumes and starved for air.
I mean, how in the hell can ANY of the main players go on pulling hyper-advanced weaponry of every possible description out of their bums when the civilization ITSELF (ya know, the civilization that is hypothetically PRODUCING all of that magic) has been categorically wrecked 6 ways from Sunday?
The whole ludicrous situation makes me think about how the word “sabotage” refers to throwing a shoe into the machinery.
November 6, 2022 at 3:50 pm #120334zerosum
ParticipantIncrease spending, Increase taxes/revenue. (You’ll owe nothing and be Happy. Hehehehe)
Ottawa offers $30.6 billion in new spending as it braces for a recession next year
John Paul Tasker · CBC News“We need to strike a balance today between, on the one hand, being fiscally responsible, keeping our powder dry, given the global economic uncertainty and, on the other hand, being compassionate, providing support to those people who need it,” Freeland told reporters.
November 6, 2022 at 3:54 pm #120335John Day
ParticipantAspnaz wrote: “Surely the people have moved past this bullshit. I do not understand why people vote in state or national elections, it makes absolutely no difference to their daily lives. I have come to the conclusion that it is an exercise for their egos, they try to prove to the politicians that “we are in charge” and think they are sending a message that the people will not put up with any crap.”
Elections are an opinion-poll. Voice an opinion, if you want to. I generally choose “protest candidates” or write-in somebody I like.
In 2020 I wrote-in Tulsi Gabbard, with VP Cynthia McKinney.
It’s a fairly serious opinion poll.November 6, 2022 at 4:35 pm #120336phoenixvoice
ParticipantDr D:
The worker’s left from the 1930s. I miss that, because although I could see how their ideas weren’t necessarily practical, it came from a good place for good reasons.Many of their ideas have been incorporated into our culture:
– women’s suffrage
– social security
– child labor radically restricted/children should be educated rather than earning wages
– overtime laws/40 hour work week/8 hour work day
– employers held responsible for employee injuries “on the clock” or at the job site/workman’s comp
– “safety net” for the impoverished
– universal access to healthcare (in the US emergency rooms must treat regardless of ability to pay)
– no debtor’s prison
– unemployment insurance
– the concept that food and drugs must state their ingredients
– standards for meat productionYes, the radical utopian ideas of the Left of the 1930s were not realized…(although, the utopian ideas of the Middle Ages *have* been realized, by and large, by Western Civ.) No, the “proletariat” didn’t rise up. Instead, the wealthy made significant concessions to the working class, wealth inequality lessened, and the middle class swelled. The “proletariat” were provided access to the means of having a more comfortable life, but were kept from the levers of power. They were pacified.
The wealthy who made those concessions have all passed on. Their heirs, the elites of today, are not faced with a radical, organized opposition. (When I notice conservatives calling out Democrats as “marxists” and “socialists” and “communists” I find it a nauseating joke: like Nancy (Pelosi) stated several years ago, they are all capitalists. The Democratic leadership doesn’t even know what the trio of terms really mean. “The Squad” may have some familiarity with those terms, but their loyalty is the the Party leadership, not to decades-old, bygone movements.)
November 6, 2022 at 4:45 pm #120337zerosum
Freeland’s spring budget projected a deficit of $52.8 billion for the 2022-23 fiscal year. Now, the fall economic statement is forecasting a deficit of $36.4 billion
The government’s current fiscal health is much better than expected thanks to higher oil prices and growth in personal and corporate taxes.
“We need to strike a balance today between, on the one hand, being fiscally responsible, keeping our powder dry, given the global economic uncertainty and, on the other hand, being compassionate, providing support to those people who need it,” Freeland told reporters..Translation
1. Inflation is good/increases all our revenues (see our deficit numbers)
2. Ukrainian people need our supportNovember 6, 2022 at 5:20 pm #120338Maxwell Quest
Participant“If we call a spade a spade, the WHO has proven itself inept in handling any pandemic.”
The WHO’s handling of the pandemic is barking up the wrong tree, the wrong focus. What will they say? “We made some mistakes, but learned from them. Next time will be different, we promise.”
The pandemic was a red herring, the pretext needed to install a biomedical tyranny using a supra-national institution to grab power. Notice how all local laws and sovereignty were easily swept aside in order to deal with the manufactured crisis. It was all years in the planning. Name another crisis, other than war, which has the capability to completely unravel the status quo? Where the frightened masses cling to their authorities to guide them out of danger?
As much as I enjoy Dr. D’s sarcasm, which I truly do, today was one of those rare occasions where he puts it aside in order to shed light in dark, hidden places in such a clear fashion that even a blockhead like me can see what he sees.
And of course, I appreciate all here at TAE for the light they bring to us all.
November 6, 2022 at 5:33 pm #120339zerosum
ParticipantDid they tell you
8th March 2022
Europe for Peace
We deplore Russia’s military aggression in the country of Ukraine, whilst we are aware of the multiple economic and political interests that paved the way for and that are driving the conflict.Our priority is to stop the war, save human lives and avert an economic disaster whose price will inevitably be paid by the poorest and most vulnerable.
We want peace. And peace is achieved by means of dialogue and negotiation, not by fuelling a conflict with shipments of ammunition and troops. Human life is what has most value and there is no geopolitical or economic reason, no alleged war for freedom, that can be put before human beings.
Truly saving the Ukrainian population from disaster means laying down arms. For this reason we condemn the recklessness of all those institutions that are fanning the flames of the conflict by sending weapons to Ukraine: European governments, the United Kingdom, the United States government, the European Union…
We beseech the UN to perform its role with conviction in order to uphold peace and global security.
We implore all governments not to aid and abet this war with money, soldiers or guns as this will only serve to make it bloodier and more prolonged, leading to even more death and suffering. We urge that sanctions which might make peoples’ lives worse not be imposed anywhere in the world.
We appeal to the European Union to strengthen peace, an aim written into the Treaty of Rome, and to be a neutral party in this conflict. We exhort it to use diplomatic mediation and talks, heeding the demands and concerns of both sides in order to reach an agreement that might put an end to hostilities.
The threat of nuclear war is looming over all of us. It could even be triggered by accident. For this reason we entreat all governments to immediately sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which came into force on the 22nd of January 2021.
Nuclear weapons must be decommissioned now, before it is too late.
We are angered by all those leaders who, despite having considerable economic and technological resources at their disposal, fail to create a fair and truly human society.
We do not wish to be accessories to such recklessness.
Let us assume responsibility for our future and invoke our loftiest aspirations, which link the hearts of all human beings, in order to change this destructive course of events.
We will use all non-violent forms of protest to reach this goal:
war is a catastrophe, let us bring about peace.November 6, 2022 at 5:37 pm #120340zerosum
Rome: unprecedented rally against the supply of weapons to UkraineItalians took to the streets of the capital under the slogan “Europe for peace”, they demand to stop pumping Ukraine with weapons and stop the war. Among the protesters there are politicians of major rank.
November 6, 2022 at 5:42 pm #120341zerosum
ParticipantControllers are losing control and panicking—video-1094016981.html
Italian Activists Rally in Rome, Pisa Against Weapons Supplies to Ukraine – VIDEO
A week ago, the union’s branch in Pisa reported that workers at the airport cargo terminal found crates of weapons and ammunition bound for Ukraine and marked as humanitarian aid. The workers reportedly refused to load weapons into the aircraft. According to a USB statement, lethal weapons are supplied to Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid, though the airport administration and the Italian government have denied the claims.
“First, we protest against sending military materials, against Italy’s participation in the war in Ukraine. Secondly, we oppose the involvement of civilian employees in the loading of weapons. I don’t think the authorities are unaware that civilian aircraft traffic is now being used to carry military supplies,” a USB spokeswoman told Sputnik.November 6, 2022 at 5:55 pm #120342Noirette
ParticipantOn “Amnesty” re. Covid, prev. thread.
jb-hb, yes, ‘amnesty’ made no sense, as I said, as you wrote.
re. the article by Emily Oster,,
is word salad. Imho, the obfuscations are crafted for one purpose only, to keep on board the authoritarian vxx enthusiasts in the public (CDC, Gvmt, is another matter) which = in the US, > a certain class of ppl, middle-class, Dems, other, another topic.
The article proposes excuses “We didn’t’ know” – “Times of uncertainty” (my words).. the aim is to reassure vxx enthusiasts that they are fundamentally good, correct-thinking, moral people, who did, do, the right ‘thing.’
Basically sanitary criteria imposed by State orgs. replace ethnic ones, so that is all OK, let the prejudices and hatred and divisions rip, following a new ‘scientific’ rubric.
As for the future, jb-hb posted (the idea is ‘stopping’ or ‘cancelling’ the previous nefarious policies), yes: Minimum amnesty requirements would be….. Everyone who lost their jobs getting them back. Lifting travel and other restrictions. Canceling the EUA. Stop pushing the shots through every medium. Stop the efforts to inject kids.
In part, low-key, very tentative, slow, the reversal is going on. many COV19 policies have been, are being cancelled, revised, reversed, etc.
Release ALL the data. Restore all credentials, unban, unblacklist, undemonetize, undebank, etc all affected peoples. Remove all censorship ..
In a totally corrupt society, which morevoer is breaking down, there are no legal solid standpoints, principles, avenues, that can lead to ‘just’ settlements. Past treachery, fraud, lies, murder, can’t be admitted, compensated for, victims have no recourse.
This post from the Naked Emperor details various orgs. / ppl who threatened the non-vxx, e.g. Macron, Ahern. A “Never Forget”..
November 6, 2022 at 6:02 pm #120343Bishko
ParticipantI am so glad that I have lived long enough to see that painting. Thank you Raul.
November 6, 2022 at 6:08 pm #120344willem
ParticipantYou know the proposed “windfall profits” tax on the oil companies is about more than a money grab. Otherwise, why not put a “windfall profits” tax on the Defense Industry or Big Pharma? They too have benefited financially beyond all reason from these created crises.
Nice insight by Dr.D: “But what I don’t understand is after 50 years of this we still don’t 1) Start local first where we have the most leverage and can develop talent and 2) Capture the nomination process and not the election process. That’s what they did to us, because that’s cheaper and what works. But they wander in griping about “the lesser of two evils”. Really? Then why didn’t you start the step before and get a not-evil? It’s essentially the same amount of work, just earlier.
November 6, 2022 at 7:15 pm #120345thomasjkenney
Participantre: free speech
My mentor in all things computer once described to me what using a ‘DNA computer’ meant. It’s a talus field method of finding many viable complex answers very quickly. One technique: you assign certain ‘steps’ to syllables in the DNA, these steps being parts of chemical processes, mathematical operations, software design, etc.
One goal was to do optimization. You had to do a certain chain of steps to produce a chemical you want. Certain of these steps can be done out-of-order, by-products can be precursors, etc. To find out which processes could be parallelized, or what level of parallel, is a part of this optimization. It is a brutal task (one I’ve only done for software opt).
To do this with a DNA computer, you mix up some goo that has a high rate of forced mutations. You dump the goo into a ‘sluice’ that is looking for certain steps that cannot be parallelized. This gives you a reduction in results to only those that can actually function. Now the sluice gets finer, ordering for shortest chain of processes, most parallel, least wasteful of time/ingredients/energy.
The solutions you want literally fall into place. It is a very limited tech, but applicable to realms beyond optimization of process and other mundane things.
This is how I view freedom of speech. It is the basis of science, no? Without it, the charnel house cannot function.
re: child labor
Given our energy levels as children, and our pliable minds, it is often best to set up as an apprentice of some kind. I was constantly searching for something to which I could apply algebra/geometry, language skills, etc. I’d have killed to learn how to run a lathe, build fine furniture, set type (thanks, Benji). Forcing kids into factory labor is shitty, no argument. But I was very glad to have bicycles and well-behaved computers in my childhood. I think that any apprenticeship like this has a great deal of art involved, which is extremely important for the development of new ideas (see re: free speech).
Thanks, all! These have been very rich threads these past few weeks.
November 6, 2022 at 7:24 pm #120346upstateNYer
ParticipantIt’s interesting … whenever I see headlines and articles about the WHO’s “global pandemic treaty” and various NATO treaties, and other similar global agreements … I think … “no thanks.” Didn’t vote for those individuals to have power over my Constitutional Republic and don’t feel the need to comply. I think Dr D wore off on me about 2 1/2 years ago. Pretty soon I’ll probably be wearing a MAGA hat or something like it.
Anecdotal: voted early in-person yesterday at the only *genuinely* rural early polling site in my county. Wore my “I will not comply” hat. A poll worker complimented me on the hat. 😉 Said she was the same type of person. Probably isn’t allowed from poll workers?
We have a voting system here where we fill out the bubbles on a paper ballot and feed it into a machine. I’m not sure where that falls in the “corruptible” election results scale.
We have to sign a screen for ID verification. I always purposely sign in a way that doesn’t resemble my signature on file in any way, shape or form. In the past, voting at my local site, I would torment the poll worker and offer a photo ID. They’d get flustered and say, “no, that’s not necessary.” At the rural site yesterday, they said, “we can’t ask for that.” I replied, “I’m volunteering it.” They verified my voter ID with my license. Proud of them
All of NY state is not insane, trust me. It’s the blue enclaves and we haven’t quite figured out how to overcome those areas yet. I’ve got my fingers crossed in this year’s midterm.
On the way out of the polling site, a man walking in complimented me on my hat. I responded, “Go Zeldin!!” and he nodded and smiled in agreement.
No sane person in NY likes what’s going on here. None. We’ll see how this shakes out in the next few days.
November 6, 2022 at 7:38 pm #120347Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantPeople living in dilapidated RVs, living in tents, living on the streets, unable to buy food, dependent on government hand-outs, with infrastructure decaying and not being repaired, with house prices falling, with interest rates being pushed up, with shortages and broken supply chains in the ‘richest country in the world’, and all about to get (be made) a lot worse.
(NZ is not quite there yet, but the Scorpion and its team of psychopaths are working on it.)
November 6, 2022 at 7:44 pm #120348Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantThe frog and the scorpion are on a riverbank. The scorpion wants to get to the other side. It asks the frog to carry it across the river. The frog declines, saying the scorpion will sting it if it carries the scorpion. The scorpion declares it would never do that. After much haggling, the frog agrees to carry the scorpion across the river.
Halfway across the river, the frog feels a stab and then a shocking pain.
“Why did you do that?!!! You promised not to!”
“Because I am a scorpion.”
November 6, 2022 at 7:54 pm #120349upstateNYer
ParticipantRight. I forgot. I shouldn’t vote. There’s no point to it. My bad. Again.
November 6, 2022 at 7:56 pm #120350John Day
ParticipantAFKTT wrote:
“Halfway across the river, the frog feels a stab and then a shocking pain.
“Why did you do that?!!! You promised not to!”
“Because I am a scorpion.”’
November 6, 2022 at 7:56 pm #120351zerosum
ParticipantWhy we must “help” Ukrainians
“People living in dilapidated RVs, living in tents, living on the streets, unable to buy food, dependent on government hand-outs, with infrastructure decaying and not being repaired, with house prices falling, with interest rates being pushed up, with shortages and broken supply chains in the ‘richest country in the world’, and all about to get (be made) a lot worse”.
November 6, 2022 at 9:26 pm #120352Veracious Poet
ParticipantNovember 6, 2022 at 10:00 pm #120353Dora
ParticipantAmnesty? Naomi Wolf doesn’t think so.
A Lost Small Town 6, 2022 at 10:09 pm #120354ezlxa1949
ParticipantThe main problem with daylight saving is that it fades the curtains.
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