Debt Rattle October 18 2022
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October 18, 2022 at 8:33 am #118677
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterVincent van Gogh Self-portrait with dark felt hat at the easel 1886 • A War Russia Set To Win (Bhadrakumar) • Borrell Tells EU Members ‘Don’t W
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 18 2022]October 18, 2022 at 8:46 am #118678Germ
ParticipantI was recently talking to a GP friend here in the UK who told me “if there was a problem with the Covid vaccine we would have seen it by now”.
So I sent him the video “Safe and Effective”
And this tweet from Dr. Malhotra,
This is perhaps the greatest corporate crime, damage to population health, attack on democracy and erosion of trust in medicine that we will witness in our lifetime
— Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) October 11, 2022
This is his exact reply:
“Enough. You’re a well meaning, anxious, self righteous pest.
Please stop texting me this stuff. If I’m deaf and blind then it’s my choice. You can tell yourself you tried your best to convert me to whatever floats past your feed at any particular time.”Just about sums up the state of the medical profession today:
– Zero intellectual curiosity,
– Zero professional integrity,
– Zero fucks given for patients’ welfare.And it only took £12.58 per jab: now, they get paid a £525 “incentive payment” when they death-vaxx all the residents in a care home.
GPs to receive incentive payments to deliver ‘accelerated’ care home Covid boosters
And this guy is an experienced GP who runs a large practice and trains new GPs.
October 18, 2022 at 9:05 am #118679Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Now combine that attitude -despite all the adverse events reported- with the CDC trying to get the mRNA on the yearly kids’ vaccine list though they derive zero benefit from it and tons of potential damage. And then see Bourla above saying it was “they”, not he, who promoted it. The future’s not getting any brighter.
October 18, 2022 at 9:25 am #118680Afewknowthetruth
[paraphrasing] “It is difficult for a man to understand something when his salary is dependent on him not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair
Substitute for ‘salary’ any or all of the words or phrases: status, lifestyle, ego, access to sex, access to perks, bonuses, kick-backs…
October 18, 2022 at 9:35 am #118681Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantA while ago I heard the story about the Titanic not being sunk by an iceberg and the Olympic being sunk instead but didn’t follow it up.
Undoubtedly Morgan would have been capable of conspiring with others to carry out diabolical deeds if doing so removed competitors and turned in a handsome profit for himself and co-conspirators; after all, he orchestrated the 1907 financial crisis, and then ‘came to the rescue’, increasing his fortune in the process.
Evil knows no bounds.
What characterises modern-day evil in ‘high places’ is the gross incompetence that accompanies it.
.October 18, 2022 at 9:36 am #118682aspnaz
ParticipantPfizer boss Albert Bourla throws his employees under the bus … someone needs to let him know that he is declaring himself to be a super-shite manager, a person unable to take responsibility for his own decisions, a coward and a totally untrustworthy person who we now know is also a liar-coward, someone who will lie because they cannot face the shame of telling the truth. What a total piece of scum, and how many billions did he make because of his bad employees, the ones who lied to him and bribed Fauci?
This is so unbelievably cringe-worthy that I am wondering whether this is a deep-fake video of Bourla.
October 18, 2022 at 9:47 am #118683aspnaz
ParticipantPeter Oborne Absolutely Demolishes Liz Truss
Indeed he does, but the interesting part of this commentary was the evident divide between the super-rich and the traditional conservatives. This divide has been recurring over and over again since Thatcher was put in place and she decided to persue monetary policies that scrapped most financial regulation and as a result created the hedgefund industry – the people who use the economy as a casino. It sounds as though the conservatives have had enough of the hedgefund leeches and are totally fed up with them promoting complete idiots into positions of power. This is quite a turn around for the conservatives but they have themselves to blame and they will all express a deep admiration for Thatcher, the person who started the decline. The conservatives adopted the “easy money” idea, where they could get rich by lending money, gambling on different deals selected using insider information, they loved this stuff and some of their biggest donors have been found out to be total crooks. Now their fantasy has reached its inevitable conclusion … the scumbags that gamble on the economy are now the ones who own the economy, and as is the case everywhere else, they are promoting idiots (Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Zelensky, Biden etc). Ooops.
October 18, 2022 at 10:05 am #118684Germ
Participant@ aspnaz – “It sounds as though the conservatives have had enough of the hedge fund leeches and are totally fed up with them promoting complete idiots into positions of power.”
I’m afraid nothing could be further from the truth.
Ensuring that complete idiots are in positions of power is exactly what they want – it ensures that the profits keep pouring in.And the billionaire-owned UK media ensures that the ‘conservatives’, and the working class, will keep voting against their own interests.
“Tory donor makes huge profits from falling pound” 18, 2022 at 10:39 am #118685Veracious Poet
ParticipantRFK: FDA is having an public meeting on Oct 19 to discuss adding COVID-19 Vaccine to the childhood schedule. This would give the pharma companies full liability protection and also likely lead to any school requiring it in the US.
Anecdotal: This evening I went shopping at a grocery store & as I approached the checkout I heard what can only be described as a child crying with wild animal sounds intermixed ~ When I entered the checkout aisle I saw the cause, a boy in the child seat of a cart (almost too big to fit), who when I tried to communicate with him made no acknowledgement of my presence, no eye contact at all…
I asked the mother how old the child was she responded 3 years old. He looked like 4-5 years old I replied, to which she said “He’s a nonverbal autistic”.
I asked, “Has he always been nonverbal”? She replied He was an ordinary baby, learning to talk, until at a year old he got his vaccinations (childhood schedule, obviously) ~ He hasn’t spoken a word since & continuously makes strange noises & “growling” sounds 😐
BTW, remember that article awhile back about how “vaccines” adversely affect boys with African genomes?
You guessed it, this was a medically damaged little black boy…
Made me quite nauseas, the mother seemed like a geniunely sweet person ~ I can only imagine the challenges she will face because of the “medical” mafia.
Without honest, forthright leaders “the people” suffer at the hands of tyrants, charlatans & sociopath profiteers 😐
Of course (as has been accentuate by recent conversations about the town), in general “the people” are too ill-informed and/or willfully ignorant to know the difference.
Be kind to each other, humanity may be in it’s last days…
October 18, 2022 at 10:43 am #118686Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster"Until proven otherwise, it is likely that Covid mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, & heart failure since 2021" @DrAseemMalhotra
Full interview out today@10DowningStreet @theresecoffey
— James Freeman (@JamesfWells) October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022 at 12:12 pm #118688Dr. D
Participant“UK Announces Plans to Crack Down on
ClimateProtests” Fixed it. Like China! NYT says they can only dream of being as wonderful, tolerant, and anti-hate speech as North Korea.“The Home Office said the proposed public order legislation would create a new criminal offence of interfering with infrastructure such as oil refineries, airports, railways, and printing presses.
Such an offence would carry a maximum sentence of 12 months in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.”So 12 lashes or slavery for life. Got it. And for disrupting Exxon and Shell and Rupert Murdoch or other pals. Got it.
From NewsWeek. On the fatal errors of Intolerant Twitter astroturfing. Not kidding:
“Warping the debate in this way allows delusional and contradictory thinking to go unchallenged. Thus, we get the argument that Putin is a madman who will kill indiscriminately to achieve his aims—but he is also somehow definitely bluffing about using nuclear weapons. And he’s only using that bluff because he’s losing the war—but if he’s not stopped in Ukraine, he will go on to conquer the rest of Europe. Putin’s regime must fall because he has killed or jailed all the liberal reformers and yoked himself to a hardline Far Right, but somehow he will be replaced by a liberal reformer when his regime collapses.
It’s nonsensical, and a real debate would expose some of the delusions in this thinking. But we aren’t allowed to have one.”What he doesn’t mention is that we well know and have check stubs for, the all of Twitter, FB, and Social Media is PAID, fabricated, bots, from the same Derp State, Direct Bat-phone to Congress, FBI, CIA and other known liars, to erase people and run the woke mob to and fro. Let’s not even go that far: this is what NEWSPAPERS do to DEMOCRACIES. What Mark Antony did speaking at Caesar’s funeral (in Shakespeare). It’s an old, old story, which is why we are NOT a democracy, and democracies collapse into ruin and mob violence almost immediately. We are a Republic, with a Constitution that limits government and protects human rights. Some directly by name which they also ignore, but some others presumed but also inalienable.
Read a lot of comments on Covid this week, only most of what you would expect. Even among those caught on to it, no solidarity, no reason to believe the Narrative™ won’t be able to fabricate anything it feels like, regardless of how stupid, illogical, or counterproductive. One said a person thought they were vax-injured but fretted it would delay them getting their new booster. …Darwin? I’m lost.
Noting that Austin Fitts had a chilling perspective on it. The method and color of the Covid+ project is exactly like having an overseer, a bank or investment firm, call for a corporate restructuring by cutting head count. Except in this case with literal heads. They’re saying “Cut 10% (let’s say) of your population to avoid bankruptcy.” Do it fairly, equally, in every department.” But there’s something more here. It’s as if they said “Or else.” Russia seems to have done it, kinda-sorta, hard to tell. China seems to have, even though it’s a common, previous tech Sinovac. So WHO is the “Or else”, and WHAT is the “Or else”?
Not jumping the shark here: is it not a person? Is it just “physics”? Of oil and food limits? How can that be when we don’t ship the oil we already have and waste half the food? Decide for yourself, but this is an accurate read on the process CV – and other causes of death, mind you! – have gone through.
Yesterday: “If the leaders of NATO and the collective West, above all representatives of the USA, do not sit down at the negotiating table with Russia and accept the right of the Russian people in the former parts of Ukraine to self-determination, renounce the Nazi regime in Kiev and give up from the further expansion of NATO, we can expect the imminent start of a total nuclear war…”
I disagree that far would happen. Not that it couldn’t, but prophesy and other non-logics preclude it. However, NATO CANNOT renounce the Nazis they are, nor stop expansion. They — Davos — would collapse and cease to exist. Yet they won’t get to “total” nuclear war. Pick somewhere in between, but that’s a line of history 10 miles wide where “mostly anything” can happen.
“Arthur Burns said it wasn’t his job to stop the war or the Great Society programs. These were political choices”
That is correct and what Armstrong says. As presently constituted, the Fed controls the monetary/market side. How can they possibly do that if they have no control over the budget side? That is: Congress prints Infinity Dollars, then tells the Fed not to have it cause inflation. The Fed does their best, as you see, and are pretty successful. Until now. Not that they’re not successful, but there are limits to all systems. To “do their best”, Powell is now raising rates – which compounds Federal debt interest payments – and destroys the domestic economy. He does save NY commercial banks and the currency, though. For now.
Costs? And again note this comes from CONGRESS, as they print money, budgets originate in the House: Destruction of the poor. Destruction of Europe. Collapse of banking worldwide. Collapse of the economy worldwide. Destruction of emerging markets. Vilification and blame of the U.S. Collapse of unprotected domestic banks. Collapse of all regional and state budgets. Crime. Violence. War. Breakaway of the Global South and (slower) rejection of the US$ reserve status. Boomerang collapse of US$ and NY Commercial Banks due to interconnection with collapsed, war-torn Europe, but a few months slower.
“Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship,”
This has never happened before and probably can’t happen now. Practically there’s no legal mechanism for it, if that matters in today’s “make up the law” environment. But yes, this is quite similar to the U.S. oil embargo on Japan that required Japan to start WWII. …Or would you say WE started WWII? ‘Cause I would. Anglos at work. Never a moment to honor a treaty, always creating another war.
So when they lament “Oh however did we get into a two-front world war??? Woe is me! Those evil Asians!” Eating two bugs and one potato between you, you can point to this and everyone’s blind ignorance and open support of it.
“Russians will settle for nothing less than the ouster of the Zelenskyy regime.”
I disagree. If they wanted him, he’d be gone. NATO would just hire a replacement actor, since Ze doesn’t exist and doesn’t run or decide anything anyway. C’mon people, this has been going on since Nixon. Leaders are figureheads and some half the time are probably their body doubles photo-op in the car while the real guy sleeps.
Anyway, what would be gained for any bother? Or even for Kiev itself? Nada. Take all the “Russian” parts, hand near-Odessa to the Romanians, Leave Lviv and the Nazi West to Poland, and Kiev can be a city-state like Montenegro With Ze firmly in charge of all 10 square miles. You’d trade that for International Condemnation for assassination and regime change? Wha?
But later in the article, the full war means that NATO’s opportunity to back off has essentially expired. While they have no hardware to fight the continuing war with. It’s been well-established now, to the world but primarily the Ukrainians, what their goals were: to minimize civilian suffering and prevent hardship and death for Slavs in the crossfire of NATO’s war. Not sure Ukraine will care, but the point is now made and they can compare an ACTUAL attack by Russia to the careful police actions up til now.
“Borrell Tells EU Members ‘Don’t Worry About Money’ for Ukraine (RT)”
As the Fed above, they can print “money”. However, they cannot print, have no tanks, shells, or men. Those aren’t keyboard-warrior moves. It will also collapse the currency, AND the nations + Economies of EU member states. But as I said, they will collapse and be removed anyway if they can’t sack and plunder Russia, so they have nothing to lose. Only the people do, and they never consider them for an instant. So Bob’s yer uncle – nothing could be easier. Operators standing by, Nuke your City today!
Examples? “though voiced hopes the [European] continent will “get through the winter fine” barring any “catastrophes”
That is, if we only destroy every small business in Europe, and cripple the people, killing grandmas by the ten-thousands, it’s a win! Because we #Care, so, so much. Just like Covid. We will shut down the whole continent to save one grandma even if if kills every small business in Europe. Now we’ll KILL every grandma if it kills every small business in Europe. …I see a trend here…
Whole article is bizzaro world though. “Don’t worry about money” he says. And then because money’s not an object, he will only pay under half. What? Then he is slow to cut the check and needs arm-twisting. Then somehow Yellen pops up like a gopher, and says “Go ahead and you better give: it ain’t my money you’re spending.” Then it’s a straight gift, not a loan, unlike what is always recommended to all American people and businesses, ever, even for PPP, Covid, school. Even compared to lend-lease of WWII. Like Kiev is the Capital, the King and Ruler of the planet, as I keep saying and it’s not a joke. Zero quid pro quo: just present tribute to Caesar. It’s almost as if the Kahzars run things, you know, as if they’re a mafia. Kahzars being the people originating from Ukraine.
Then US wants to see – EUROPE – pay money. Not us. Hey we have a press too, so if you care so much, why does Europe have to be so quick? And again, that money buys you nothing, as we’re not even delivering HIMARs for like 3 more years. So Europe…money…to pay U.S. Weapons profiteers? Who then won’t deliver product? Won’t mine the ore until long after Kiev falls? I’m getting lost here.
“A top US general, now retired, has said he believes that Ukrainian forces can retake the Crimean Peninsula by next summer.”
I’m baffled as to why he would say such a thing, and not because it’s a lie – they tell nothing but those. If they made any attempt take Crimea, Moscow would nuke London and NY. The End. They always would have, even in 1999, So now that it’s officially and long-term a Russian Oblast tell me again how that’s going to happen. Just like Jens and Biden everyone says we’ll nuke the entire Russian Army but nothing bad will happen after.
I’d say he just sounds like an idiot, and makes the whole military sound like an idiot, but I’m sure the people nod their knowing heads and love it. “Land War in Asia” size idiot.
“Musk Compares Crimea to Pearl Harbor”
Sure, except Russia has a better claim to Crimea than we have to the Kingdom of Hawaii. Or did we forget again? Ask the Indians how those treaties with the Anglos go. Oh, and the East Ukraine too, which was never part of independent “Ukraine” ever. It was put under the administrative command under the USSR, which Biden and NATO will die defending the will of Stalin. And against any “Self-determination” as legally enshrined by the UN.
“European Commission reportedly planning to create a mechanism allowing it to intervene to force down prices when they surpass a “dynamic” maximum level.”
We must end Capitalism to save it. No free markets! Anywhere. In any thing. …Except the bankruptcies of bakeries and pubs and the death of grandma, then free markets everywhere. Let me know how this “Means of production controlled by the state” works out for you. I know it’s never been tried before.
Maxwell: HuhWhat? I can’t even follow this. Logic brain…Melting. Reality…Dissolving.
Like the PCR test. Yeah, we know it didn’t work. From month THREE, almost 3 years ago. It gave false positives on PAPAYA. Creating a fake test is how they got the fake pandemic kicked off. That and moving all Flu numbers into Covid. Other than that they had H1N1 numbers like Obama, and no case for a deadly, murdering, population-culling vaccine to avoid certain bankruptcy and shed load before a war.
Cancer: So speaking of, ever heard the rabbit hole that when they created polio vaccine, they used monkeys? And those monkeys (accidentally) cross-contaminated to species a cancer-causing factor? Such that at exactly that time, 1950-60 cancer exploded? No wonder they love vaccines so much. Stochastic Population control. It’s both technical and far in the past though, but I think it opened their eyes to new horizons of both “Limits to Growth” and infinite profit.
“The [Jan 6] committee could have been so much more.”
No it couldn’t. Or it would have had to ask – as EVEN AOC ASKED – who opened the 2,000lb Columbus Blast doors from the inside? Why did capitol police abandon their posts to Ray Epps? Why did they wave everyone through with selfies? Why did an Antifa member – paid thousands by CNN – say “I can’t believe we got them to do this” on camera? Why were there zero weapons and zero people killed, but OathKeepers on record and video as helping the police? Why are the only deaths and injuries outward, on the people and protesters, not the Police or Congress?
Hey: Doesn’t NANCY PELOSI run all that at the top? Did she know anything? Like enough to have an IMAX camera crew on site and say something like “The moment I’ve been waiting for”?
Uh, no. You cannot have ANY real investigation, because in courts of evidence, all the camera footage would be run. We’d find the capital bomber in no time and walk him back to the front door of the FBI building.
How many AR-15s did Jesus own?
“Then Jesus said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” Luke 22:36
Translation: “Each of you — pawn your last jacket and buy a modern assault weapon.” Any questions?
Redneck: “the U.S. is running low on equipment that it can hand over to Ukraine.” Is Austin lying? Not a trick question: “Appear weak when you are strong” –Lao Tzu. Bottom of the barrel? But you’re not back-filling our OWN army? You’re fired. And court-martialed for treason.
Redneck. Yes, you’ve got my vote. Your Honor.
“So I sent him the video “Safe and Effective”
Don’t worry, he will never, ever watch it. He will know it is wrong before looking at the evidence. That’s Science! And actually, his response is even worse than that. “I’ll kill anyone they ask me to. And I’ll even kill them for free!”
October 18, 2022 at 12:15 pm #118689That Bloke
I had the exact same response from a GP friend. He will no longer talk to me.
October 18, 2022 at 12:20 pm #118690aspnaz
ParticipantThe Dark Side of Nuclear Fusion excerpt
The wind and photovoltaic revolution, rendering the already proven nuclear fission obsolete despite the urgency of decarbonization, are making fusion unappealing even before it’s proven to work. At the same time, possible military applications should discourage even the investigation of fusion tritium technologies. At the very least, new research regulations are needed.
Really? I think Germany just re-adopted their previously rejected nuclear power because they have no carbon fuel.
October 18, 2022 at 12:56 pm #118691D Benton Smith
ParticipantLet’s add a term to the geopolitical lexicon, that term being, “Useful Idiot-Savant”.
They are characterized by nearly impeccable reasoning skills in one zone of thought, and gob-smackingly moronic blindness in another.
The blind spot will in most cases pertain PRECISELY to the core falsehood upon which their wealth & power (such as it is) depends. In other words, they know which side of their bread the butter is on, and they are pathologically loyal to those who wield the butter knife.
There are myriad examples, and I’m sure that you know more than a few. Beware! Despite the glimpses of Heaven that can be seen in their area of expertise, their blind spot can get you literally killed, and instantly dispatched to Hell in a hand basket.
October 18, 2022 at 12:58 pm #118692October 18, 2022 at 1:06 pm #118693Germ
Participant@ That Bloke – “He will no longer talk to me.”
Oh – I have lots of people who will no longer talk to me over Covid issues.
And that’s just fine.People’s response to the Covid psyop is showing us their true character.
It has revealed to us who would have been the Nazis, and the “Good Germans”, in WW2.October 18, 2022 at 1:15 pm #118694Oroboros
ParticipantIt’s interesting that Putin actually used the word ‘satanists’ while referring to the Collective West in one of his sterling speeches.
Well, the Blooding Drinking Satanists of the Collective West spew Lies like a fire hose of vomit all over the globe.
Their Lies on this present level are stage 4 cancer.
The Lies are metastasizing into every organ of the Collective West body politic.
It’s a marriage of the trans-national global mafia and the criminally insane, attended to and facilitated by the terminally incompetent.
Like two scorpions at the bottom of a tequila bottle fighting for the Worm.
The West is a collection of Ass Clowns waiting for it’s ship to come in.
The ship however is sinking beneath the waves as we speak.
So Sad.
October 18, 2022 at 1:24 pm #118695D Benton Smith
ParticipantThat is one fine and righteous rant and I really, really like it
October 18, 2022 at 1:30 pm #118696Oroboros
ParticipantIncredible Shrinking England and it’s Sty in the Eye partner in crime Olde Blighty have really put their foot in it this time.
No amount of James Bond wet dreams will save it’s bacon this late in the Great Game.
The English peasants will never revolt, they have been bred for centuries to accept their fate as barnyard animals to be bossed and ordered about by Toffs and Inbreds.
Less Truss is the cherry on top of the ridiculous rancid sundae the UK has devolved into.
A gooey puddle of has-been Imperial boo-whoism.
October 18, 2022 at 1:43 pm #118697D Benton Smith
ParticipantYou’re on a roll. Go ORO!
October 18, 2022 at 2:23 pm #118698Red
With the biggest economic crisis in living memory looming over Britain, Dagenham Liz has decided – or more likely was coerced – to put the man who, by his own admission, left Britain wholly unprepared to cope with a pandemic in charge. That’s right, our new rhyming slang Chancellor has blood on his hands even before winter kicks-in and the poor start succumbing to hunger and hypothermia. Worse still, it appears that – even without the fig leaf of a ballot of MPs, still less a vote of the party members or an even more necessary general election – Hunt is now the de facto Prime Minister, with Truss – assuming she doesn’t resign or isn’t sacked in the next few days – left as a mere puppet, taking her instructions from the fabled “men in grey suits” whose Machiavellian scheming takes place behind the curtains.
If I try really, really hard, I can even raise a nanoscopic hint of sympathy for Truss. Because an unholy coalition of IMF, Bank of England and Government technocrats, aided and abetted by establishment media editors and disgruntled failed politicians, ought not to be allowed to force a sitting Prime Minister and Chancellor to reverse their economic policy. In a democracy, that role is supposed to rest with the electorate. And while it is convenient for opponents of the Tory government to align themselves with the forces of technocracy, they might want to consider first, that this is more or less what the technocracy attempted to do to Corbyn and McDonnell in 2016, and second, that the same would very likely be done to any Labour Prime Minister and Chancellor whose economic policies went against the increasingly extremist neoliberal orthodoxy.
I dare say we will wait in vain for a politician to be brave enough to call for an investigation into the role of the Governor of the Bank of England in forcing the sacking of the Chancellor. Nevertheless, the Governor’s very public announcements of policy which would ordinarily have been activated in private, sounds for all the world akin to telling Truss, “Fire your Chancellor and reverse course or I will unleash the mother of all pensions crises.”
Whether the central bank should be bailing out pension funds, or even supporting the value of the pound at this point ought also to be a matter of policy. Arguably, British electorates over four decades have voted consistently for policies which both undermine the value of the pound, and – particularly since 2008 – render most pension funds unsustainable. In such circumstances, having the central bank use up foreign reserves and print currency in a – likely doomed – attempt to prevent further runs on the pound (which, among other things, devalues pensions) is likely to go the same way as it did on Black Wednesday three decades ago when speculators like George Soros roasted the government.
The crisis is now baked-in anyway. The only question to be answered is how bad the losses are going to be. The point is that a government attempting to ride out the crisis in order to reframe economic policy in a way which takes a realistic view of the UK’s – very weak – economic circumstances is no more unreasonable than assuming that it can carry on depleting essential foreign reserves and printing ever more funny money in an attempt to sustain a financialised economy which is no longer sustainable.
It is here though, that any sympathy for Truss evaporates. Because, unlike Corbyn and McDonnell in 2016, Truss and Kwarteng were in government when they attempted to turn the clock back to 1979. So that, not only is their third-rate Margaret Thatcher tribute act wholly out of step with today’s economic circumstances, but – more important in a democracy – it goes against the manifesto commitments that they were elected on in 2019.
Of course, Truss – if she were bright enough – might argue that after two years of lockdowns, broken global supply chains and blowback from energy sanctions on Russia, Britain is a very different place to what it was in 2019. And as such, an entirely new policy platform is needed. She may be right. But if so, the only way in which this can be done legitimately is to follow Theresa May’s example in 2017 when, following resistance from her own backbenchers, she called – and promptly lost – a general election, standing on her own policy proposals.
Here though is where Truss’s own incompetent scheming removes all legitimacy from her. Because she and Kwarteng knew full well that cutting taxes for the rich, funnelling huge bungs to energy companies, and leaving a massive hole in the government budget would crater their standing in the polls. Not least because of the Tory Party’s obsession with using austerity cuts in an attempt to balance the books. In other words, Truss attempted a coup of her own – forcing illegitimate and wrong-headed policy onto a party and a wider electorate that had neither voted for nor approved of it… one last binge for the hedge fund managers before the UK economy collapsed and the opposition parties were left to clear up the mess.
The Tory Party was likely facing a long period in opposition as a result of the antics of the previous Prime Minister. But in just weeks, Truss seems to have plunged Tory fortunes to an all time low. As Matthew Goodwin explained in a recent newsletter:
“There has been no honeymoon period, no bounce in the polls. For the first time in modern history we have a prime minister who has failed to inspire even an initial display of warmth from voters. And all the key indicators of how the prime minister and her government are performing are moving in the wrong direction…
“Between the week before Truss walked into Number 10 Downing Street and today, the Conservative Party’s average share of the vote has continued to slide from an already low 32 per cent to just 23 per cent… In my own polling, conducted two days ago, I have Truss and her party on an even lower 19 per cent. This is lower than anything that was recorded during the mass resignations that culminated in Boris Johnson’s downfall or the Partygate scandal that preceded it. William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith, Jeremy Corbyn never fell this low…
“Were these kinds of numbers replicated at an election then the Conservative Party would simply cease to exist in its current form. An entire generation of MPs — Theresa May, Jacob Rees-Mogg, David Davis, Sajid Javid, Andrea Leadsome, Penny Mordaunt, Iain Duncan Smith, Greg Hands, Grant Shapps, Kwasi Kwarteng, Therese Coffey, James Cleverly, among others — would be wiped out…”
Although, historically, party support has tended to return as a general election draws near, this is not a law of physics. Indeed, there is every chance that Tory fortunes will sink even further. Which is why – out of naked self-interest if nothing else – hundreds of MPs who risk being ousted at the next election, will want to be done with Truss sooner rather than later… but even the proposed “government of all the (lack of) talents,” wedded as it would be to the failed neoliberal orthodoxy, will be submerged by a global economic tsunami that is already visible.
October 18, 2022 at 2:25 pm #118699zerosum
ParticipantMy two cent
The emperor’s new clothes
(Taken from the Hans Christian Andersen fable of the same name, in which a vain king is sold imaginary clothing (i.e., nothing at all) by two weavers who promise him that it is visible only to the wise and cannot be seen by those who are ignorant, incompetent, or unfit for their position)The media knows and are silent about the fact that the majority knows.
(Everybody is playing dumb)
A war Russia set to win
The Europeans have been nicely played by the Americans
MK Bhadrakumar – Former Ambassador
Noted Russian military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia that if this tempo was kept up for a week or so, it ‘will disrupt the entire logistics of the Ukrainian military — system for transporting personnel, military equipment, ammunition, related cargo, as well as the functioning of military and repair plants.’
(individuals or companies,(banks), exploiting the local populace for their own financial, political, and/or social gain.)• Borrell Tells EU Members ‘Don’t Worry About Money’ For Ukraine (RT)
• US Poised For Slowdown In High-end Munitions Deliveries To Ukraine (Fox)Problems: inventory levels, industrial capacity, (forgot to mention financial capacity)
@ Germ
You are identifying the mRNA problemsJust about sums up the state of the medical profession today:
– Zero intellectual curiosity,
– Zero professional integrity,
– Zero fucks given for patients’ welfare.
October 18, 2022 at 2:27 pm #118700anticlimactic
ParticipantDeveloping deadly strains
Covid is not the only thing :
World’s Deadliest Virus: ‘Spanish Flu’ Reverse Engineered, Recreated
It is not just the possibility of accidental release, it is also the possibility of deliberate release!
Some people, like Bill Gates, think the human population should be less than a billion. What if they had the opportunity to ‘make it so’. Ebola was touted as one of the best ways to reduce the human population, then three different strains appeared in three different countries around the same time.
The US has dozens of biowarfare labs dotted around the world, like the ones in Ukraine. Who knows what horrors are being created? Again, the worry is accidental or deliberate release.
Is there ANY oversight? If brief descriptions of all of the lines of research were presented to the public how many would be approved and how many would be regarded as ‘crimes against humanity’!
October 18, 2022 at 2:32 pm #118701Red
ParticipantThe follow up:
Making any kind of prediction is always risky… especially about the future. Nevertheless, there is a growing consensus that a recession is on the way – I would argue that had it not been for rigged official data, a recession would have already arrived. Less clear though, is what kind of recession we are going to get. Will it be one of those brief and shallow downturns which most people barely even register or, most likely, is it going to be deep and long?
Within the official data – which is a measure of what the economy was doing in the summer, not what it is doing today – we find a few disconcerting indicators which decision-makers appear to have overlooked. The number of vacancies – which, remember, the Bank of England economists feared would presage an inflationary wage-price spiral – had fallen significantly from last year’s high… even before the summer tourist season had come to an end. The number of hours worked – a better measure these days than rigged unemployment data – continues to fall – a sure sign that employers are having to cut workers’ hours as business slumps. Insolvencies are rising again – although as of August, not yet to a point to be of concern to mainstream economists.
There are also what we might call “common sense” indicators that the economy is slowing. The rise in purchases of body-warming goods such as sweaters, hot water bottles and blankets, together with the high demand for firewood and chimney sweeps, points to a population which intends making serious cuts to its energy consumption… even as higher prices are only just kicking-in. The big decline in second hand car sales also suggests an economy in which consumption and credit are in steep decline.
Perhaps the most tragic, given that Britain is supposedly a nation of animal lovers, is the big increase in the number of pets being abandoned, together with the big decline in people taking in pets from rescue centres. Although Britain’s animal rescue charities make a virtue of not euthanising unwanted pets, it is surely only a matter of time before they will be forced to do so, as their costs spiral upward even as donations dry up.
These though, are only indicators of an impending downturn if you take them seriously. Unfortunately, government and central bank economists do not, because they remain fixated on neoclassical economic models which are both mathematically exquisite and fundamentally wrong. And so, rather than taking their feet off the accelerator before the economy crashes, it is only when we witness widespread redundancies, a housing crisis and several banking and financial sector crashes, that they are likely to reverse course. By which time it will be far too late to prevent economic and political chaos.
It is for this reason that we ought to take seriously Friday’s announcement from Royal Mail. As Dearbail Jordan at the BBC reported:
“Royal Mail has announced plans to cut 10,000 jobs by next August, blaming ongoing strike action and rising losses at the business. The postal company said it will begin notifying workers of its plan, which includes up to 6,000 redundancies. Apart from the redundancies, the firm will cut roles through natural attrition, for example by not replacing workers who leave.
“Royal Mail also said it expects its full-year losses to hit £350m. It said this included ‘the direct impact of eight days of industrial action’ as well as lower volumes of parcels being posted.”
Mention of the current industrial dispute with the Communications Workers Union implies that the final job losses are still up for negotiation. However – as I have argued previously – strike action in a slowing economy often benefits employers by saving on wage costs at a time when business is slacking anyway. And while it is possible that Royal Mail will lose customers as a result, this is unlikely to be permanent in a market in which price and location are more important than loyalty.
Far more worrying, then, is Royal Mail’s acknowledgement of falling custom. Because, despite the company performing a valuable social service by delivering important letters and documents – such as medical information, legal papers and service contracts – its main business is servicing other businesses. We might not, for example, welcome the mountain of junk mail delivered to our homes. But this form of business advertising helps keep Royal Mail profitable without making our letters too expensive to send. The other arm of Royal Mail’s business being business-to-business and business-to-consumer parcel deliveries.
In one sense then, Royal Mail is like the proverbial canary in the coal mine. It’s announcement of a business slowdown great enough to warrant up to 10,000 job losses, indicates a big slowdown across the economy. Put simply, businesses are sending out fewer goods and are cutting back on their advertising budgets. And this, in turn, indicates that households and businesses across the economy have been curbing their spending. And in its way, this is also a backward-looking indicator – Royal Mail’s losses could get far worse as winter draws in and energy prices spike upward.
At this point, government and central bank are stuck. Further interest rate rises together with austerity cuts threaten a massive collapse in demand and a crisis on a scale not normally seen outside the developing states. On the other hand, further government spending – especially if it is unfunded – together with interest rate cuts risk a run on the currency which would seriously undermine the UK’s balance of payments… most likely making essential imports like food and energy unaffordable. One reason why we now have a crisis and paralysis at the heart of government is precisely that there is no politically acceptable way out of the trap. All that remains is to allow the UK economy to shrink – either by inflating its value away, or by allowing the mother of all asset crashes to render most of it worthless anyway.
One way or another, we are all joining the infamous “de-growth coalition” now.
October 18, 2022 at 2:35 pm #118702zerosum
ParticipantQuite Quitting is rampart in our leadership.
(read …
A very British coupOctober 18, 2022 at 2:48 pm #118703zerosum
ParticipantSave the rich or bankrupt the rich
The Fed’s Dilemma: “QT Will Break Something, And No One’s Talking About It”October 18, 2022 at 2:51 pm #118704anticlimactic
ParticipantChinese Chips
The US does not want to create the situation where China does not gain from the chip plants in Taiwan.
They could be destroyed in a moment OR it would be a MAJOR incentive to invade Taiwan and take direct control of these plants.
It would be devastating for the West.
October 18, 2022 at 3:18 pm #118705John Day
Participant@Germ: Thanks for the exchange with the GP who is a businessman and trains other physicians, cannot admit that he was wrong, and disparages you and tells you to disappear instead.
I don’t now what it might take to show him the error of his ways.
Dr. Malhotra had such an expensive epiphany when the booster gave his healthy dad a fatal heart attack.October 18, 2022 at 3:20 pm #118706John Day
ParticipantI think that SORRY poster is a picture of Terry Thomas, the English comedian.
“Mind the gap” in his front teeth.October 18, 2022 at 3:42 pm #118707John Day
ParticipantDr.D alluded to the Khazars, from Ukraine, and what some call “The Khazarian Mafia”.
Who/where were the Khazars in history? is “North Caucasus”?
Looks like a lot of different ethnicities separated by mountains, north of Georgia. 18, 2022 at 3:53 pm #118708willem
Participant“Trudeau’s arbitrary 30% fertilizer emission reduction target would ONLY REDUCE EMISSIONS BY 0.00028%!…Why is our government jeopardizing food supply for meager gains?”
Because the bans on fertilizer are not really about emissions, although that is how they are characterizing them. What the fertilizer ban is really about is limiting the consumption of natural gas used in its manufacture.
October 18, 2022 at 4:01 pm #118709willem
Participant“Pfizer boss Albert Bourla throws his employees under the bus…”
All these people who get megabucks for “leading” their companies have actually internalized the fiction that it is because they are “adding value,” pushing up the stock price with financial tricks like buybacks or LBOs, etc., or promoting their company with clever PR. But, in the West at least, they never step up to the plate and say “the buck stops here”, taking the responsibility for the failures of their companies.
In places like Japan they at least have the dignity to apologize deeply and resign. Here they have no concept of the real reason they get the big bucks.
October 18, 2022 at 4:04 pm #118710John Day
ParticipantI have seen a very credible case that the US Army recovered bodies of American soldiers frozen since 1919 or so, after their airplane went down in Greenland. One of the 3 had the pandemic influenza, and they have continued it in the lab since then. I think it was 1970s or early 1980s when they recovered the frozen corpses.
October 18, 2022 at 4:13 pm #118711Dora
ParticipantZelensky working from home.
October 18, 2022 at 4:14 pm #118712John Day
ParticipantA 50 m section of Nordstream pipe is missing. Gone. The article discusses explosives necessary to do that, but I think it’s just removal-of-evidence. What kind of explosive would remove 4.1 cm thick steel pipe with a thick steel reinforced concrete casing? Nuclear would, through inductive heating, but they didn’t say that. It would be easier for Swedish investigators to remove it, though clearly not “easy”.
Did Russia secretly use a tactical nuke on their own pipeline? 18, 2022 at 4:48 pm #118713John Day
ParticipantI lifted this from a Saker article: Cui Bono? The Big Picture
The USA has depleted all its economically viable sources of oil and gas, all its remaining sources have woefully low EROI and hence are super costly (energy wise and hence price wise) to extract, process and transport. Fracked shale oil is nothing like crude oil, it has the API index and volatility of paint thinner, which is why the trains used to transport it are called “bomb” trains. You cannot make diesel, the indispensable workhorse fuel, from fracked shale oil.
Russia, along with the Caspian area, has in aggregate gone past the peak of oil production, with declining EROI (with only a few fields pre-Peak eg Kashagan). However compared with the USA, the Eurasian oil and gas sources have a far higher EROI, which is IMPOSSIBLE for the US to economically compete with. The fact the the USA is now depleted of easy, cheap oil is the reason they are now stealing oil from Syria and also why they hijacked several Iranian oil tankers. Pipeline terrorism was the only way the US could sell uneconomic LNG to Europe, just as provoking a war was the only way the US could “sell” their obsolete old ordnance to Europe. Dirty tricks and devious skulduggery is how the US “free market” and “rule based order” operates, indeed how it has always operated. …
At present the European currencies have fallen against the USD, primarily as a result of their own energy sanctions against Russia which has caused the recession of their own economies. The European industrial sectors are poised to collapse from energy starvation. Once the BRICS+ currency arrangements and financial systems, which bypass the USD, get up and running, there will be massive flight of away from US bonds and securities and the massive international repatriation of US dollars back to the US, which will result in hyperinflation and devaluation of the US dollar, resulting in their inability to afford any imports.
October 18, 2022 at 5:03 pm #118714maryballon
ParticipantThis video with Michael Hudson and Ralph Nader explores the private bank called “the Fed”.
October 18, 2022 at 5:40 pm #118715Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantYes, declining EROEI is the major reason why all established economic-financial arrangements are in terminal decline. And that is why there is no discussion about falling EROEI in any ‘official’ circle.
“There’s a hole in the hull and we’re sinking.”
“I can’t hear you.”
Shouting at the top of his voice: “There’s a hole in the hull and we’re sinking.”
“I can’t hear you.”
Wheat breakfast biscuits can be considered a staple food. The 1kg box that was $5 earlier in the year went to $5.20 and has now gone to $5.80.
Methinks that is much greater than 16% devaluation of the purchasing power of the fiat currency I have access to.
Can’t complain though. I understand in other nations devaluation of fiat currencies is at the rate of 8o% per annum.
Diesel now costs more than petrol (for the first time in NZ history). So we can expect the devaluation of fiat currency to accelerate, practically everything being moved by diesel. .
Demand destruction seems to be holding the lid on international oil prices, with Brent hovering around $90 US for quite a while.
Credibility destruction amongst so-called leaders in NATOstan nations continues unabated. 🙂
.October 18, 2022 at 5:59 pm #118716Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantAccording to the Military Summary channel, Russia has continued its attacks on power stations and electrical distribution systems, and has knocked out a major communication centre. Also, taking ground (liberating from fascist occupation).
Massive Ukrainian losses of personnel and equipment, as usual.
October 18, 2022 at 6:13 pm #118717Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantAlex suggests the politicians will lose interest in Ukraine when they can no longer skim off their cut of the money flow, which is now getting rather short in Europe.
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