Debt Rattle September 24 2021


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    Maxwell Quest

    For those who hate subtitles, below is the dialog from the Israeli TV news spot posted above by Ilargi:

    What the numbers are telling us? The reporters of “Kann News” will now explain the data and its meaning.

    Nov Reuveny, the stage is yours. Yes, Hi Doriya.

    So today we will look an the number of new cases at the age of 60 and above.

    Let’s take for example the numbers from yesterday: Out of 279 cases (age 60+) 250 cases were “Fully vaccinated”, and 29 were “unvaccinated” or “partially vaccinated”.

    This is how it looks in percentages: 90% of the cases were Fully vaccinated, and 10% were unvaccinated/partially vaccinated.

    Now let’s look on another pie chart, with the general percentage of vaccination in Israel. Unfortunately, it’s similar: 94% are vaccinated.

    Why “unfortunately”? It’s encouraging that so many people got vaccinated, and we can see that it’s being reflected in “severe morbidity”. However, the fact that the portion of “Vaccinated” in the 60+ population is almost identical to their portion in “verified cases” is saying at the age of 60 and above, there is almost no difference between being vaccinated or not – You have the same chances of getting the disease!

    And this is exactly what the 3rd dose of the vaccine is supposed to change. However, only people at the age of 60+ are currently getting it, while the decline in the efficiency of the vaccine in preventing transmission was also seen in younger people, even though it’s a smaller decline, yet, this is significant.

    Now we will add the conclusion of the CDC: In their document that was exposed this week at “The New York Times”, they wrote that if a person was being infected with “Delta”, the “Viral load” in vaccinated people is not lower than the one that is present in unvaccinated people. In simple words: Vaccinated people that got infected can transmit the disease exactly the same as unvaccinated people!

    Based on this data, the fact that vaccinated people that were exposed to a verified person are exempted from being quarantined or tested – is a bit strange.

    This issue has already been discussed in the past, but went off the table – in attempt not to lower the general motivation to get vaccinated. However, according to the numbers – the motivation to get vaccinated should stay high, because the vaccines are still able to protect us against severe morbidity. And perhaps, even if it sucks, it might be worth re-examining the issue of self-quarantine (…!?)


    Excellent letter, phoenix.


    “The weeks ahead will determine whether we are a coherent society that can function on the basis of a firm consensual reality, or just a convocation of battling narratives designed to conceal anything that quacks like truth, all veering toward failure.”

    I think we passed that point quite awhile ago, but I digress.

    Biden Breaking Bad


    “Of course, given the undefined nature of ‘high risk’ employment, this action by Walensky opens the door – just as ACIP warned – for everyone to argue they deserve a 3rd (4th or 5th…) booster shot and further kicks the door open to enabling the ‘annual COVID shot’ that big phrama CEOS (most recently Moderna’s CEO) have suggested.

    As a reminder, these decisions come shortly after two top FDA scientists submitted their resignations in protest of the pre-emptive announcement by federal health officials.”

    Posted to confirm Germ’s posted tweet regarding Welensky’s (Heretofore known as “The crying lady in a white lab coat conducting another Milgram Experiment) overnightdecision to overrule the panel’s recommendation.


    They’re coming for your babies ladies.

    This is what maternal instinct actually looks like.

    The clown in this video was walking down a back trail road with apparently No Situational Awareness (NSA)

    He walked too close to some Mt Lion cubs in the road ahead of him because he was paying attention to the Here and Now.

    Big cats advance when you break eye contact. Never stop looking at a big cats approaching you.

    Mama Mt Lion has to balance the chance of a predator
    killing her babies against killing her and leaving her babies orphans , which also meaning losing all her potential future babies. Evolution has decision trees for this.

    Mama Mt Lion backs this clown up a mile or so before she goes back to her cubs.

    She probably about 110lbs and all fast twitch muscle. She can run a deer down and break it’s neck. Know any humans who can do that?

    This is what a real mother does for her babies.

    Do human mothers do this when ‘they’ come to vax their baby???

    Doc Robinson

    [India] ICMR drops Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine drugs from Covid treatment

    Could the national ICMR have been pressured to do this, after the successes of Ivermectin usage in the state of Uttar Pradesh which go against the narrative? Let’s see if that looks plausible…

    The ICMR is the Indian Council of Medical Research, which has a National Task Force for Covid-19. The ICMR is a partner with the US on vaccine research.

    “The collaboration to develop countermeasures against COVID-19 builds on more than three decades of U.S.-India cooperation in science and technology. One such partnership includes the 33-year-old Indo-U.S. Vaccine Action Program (VAP), a bilateral program between the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and India’s Department of Biotechnology and the Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR]. united-states-and-india-partner-on-vaccine-research/ [remove spaces for URL]

    Looking into the Vaccine Action Program partnership between India’s ICMR and the US NIH:

    Indo-U.S. Vaccine Action Program Funding
    Over the years, the VAP has received funding from various sources, both public and private… Currently, awards to the Indian institutions are made entirely through the DBT and/or ICMR.. NIAID International Research in Infectious Diseases…may also provide Indian institutions working on VAP projects with additional funds to expand their research focus and collaborations.

    From the NIAID website (under the NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, M.D.)


    Illegal immigration problem at the border has disappeared in the night. They don’t know how to count.



    Apologies, as the tweet I attributed to Germ posting was actually yours. The Zero Hedge article referenced above confirms your post.



    NYT also confirms this


    Denninger calls it Murder for Profit. I’m inclined to agree. Hell, those vaxxed nurses are still dancing to deaths.

    “Beyond April of 2020 people died because we let the medical system and governments murder them for profit and they’re still doing it today. We, the people, have allowed this. We have failed and refused to rise up and hold accountable, personally, every single hospital, doctor, so-called “hero” nurse and every single politician across the globe. They willfully and intentionally slaughtered millions on a global basis.”



    Even MSM…lol. Thanks, I just hate misattribution and not giving credit where it is due.


    I don’t know why the nyt link didn’t work … I will try this


    Scolding the unvaccinated, right before two of their vaccinated hosts are told they have COVID and sent home.


    Re Oroboros
    “ Do human mothers do this when ‘they’ come to vax their baby???”

    That is where the letter came from. My daughter witnessed me pounding the steering wheel of the car exclaiming how I had chosen to devote a huge part of my life, my love, my energy in raising my kids and no one was going to inject them with something that could/would damage their health, their well-being, their life. I almost never cuss, and not in front of my kids. I cussed.


    How did all those good Germans turn to “I’m just following orders?”

    The same pathos is repeating itself in 2020- with a new mix of Liberal Capitalists/ Maoist Cultural Rev/ Stalinist purges/ Fascist Nazis / Franco religious cult /Pharma Health Science controllers

    From 1930s Rise of Nazi party to the 2020 Vaxzis… same sick and twisted mental illness.

    After 20 mos of this insanity- being threatened, bossed around, life stolen, job taken away, obey obey obey… I am healthier and more mentally inquisitive, sound and balanced, than the majority of sheep I’m surrounded by. Sheep who pop a pill to manage their pathetic excuses for being vital, spirited and living meaningful life. Obese pill popping drug/entertainment addicted society is not a picture of human success.

    -Pleasure yourself

    A toxic formula for society imploding into itself.

    The gloves are off- Vaxzis can go fuck themselves to hell- There will be no forgiveness for just following orders or lazy research or allowing themselves to be propagandized or for any of their inhuman degrading agenda.

    Thank all of you for your info and detail to illuminate honesty and truth.

    @deflatulance- keep posting loser, you’re giving us all a good laugh at your cowardly expense, and you’re giving me strength. I see you folding into a pathetic blubbering crying shaking ball of fear if ever confronted in person- haha. Ignorance and Delusion has nothing to do with IQ.


    So … the NIH included invermectin as a covid treatment back in July, but hospitals refuse to administer it unless ordered by a court (sometimes not even then), drs won’t prescribe it, and national chain pharmacies won’t fill the prescriptions.

    Am I getting that right?

    Doc Robinson

    “invermectin… national chain pharmacies won’t fill the prescriptions.”

    Some related “Know Your Rights” information, with “A Guide to Challenging Pharmacists”:

    The FIVE MISTRUTHS: “I cannot fill your prescription…
    1. Due to corporate policy”
    2. Because we are out of stock”
    3. Because we cannot order more”
    4. Because it is not FDA approved for COVID-19”
    5. Because I refuse to put my license on the line”


    1. NO CORPORATE POLICY exists against filling Ivermectin by Walgreens, CVS, or Rite-Aid
    • NO POLICY exists for major grocery/pharmacies: Kroger, Publix, Walmart, Sam’s Club,

    2. NO NATIONAL SUPPLY SHORTAGE in the United States at this time

    3. VERY FEW CIRCUMSTANCES where a pharmacy/pharmacist cannot obtain a supply of
    Ivermectin within 24-48 hours of ordering

    4. FDA APPROVAL for COVID-19 is NOT REQUIRED to prescribe Ivermectin off-label – in fact, 20%
    of all prescriptions written in the U.S. are off-label

    5. VERY FEW U.S STATES allow pharmacists to refuse to fill a valid prescription
    • Exceptions: If error in script or a dangerous drug-drug interaction exists
    • Even fewer states allow pharmacists to “abandon” the patient by not providing them an
    alternate place to get the prescription filled
    • Check the Law in your State: laws-andinformation.aspx

    those darned kids

    i think it says that ivermectin is allowed in clinical trials.

    regardless, what jerks.


    @ Doc Robinson
    The FLCCC should include the following
    Its legal. A copy of (for the purchaser to present to his doctor and to the pharmacy)
    Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19
    Last Updated: July 08, 2021

    Dosing Regimens
    The doses listed here are for approved indications or from reported experiences or clinical trials.
    The dose most commonly used in clinical trials is IVM 0.2–0.6 mg/kg PO given as a single dose or as a once-daily dose for up to 5 days.
    Generally given on an empty stomach with water; however, administering IVM with food increases its bioavailability.2
    A list of clinical trials is available here:
    78 Studies found for: ivermectin | COVID-19
    Showing: 1-10 of 78 studies 10 studies per page


    @darned kids: “i think it says that ivermectin is allowed in clinical trials.”

    Where does it say ivermectin is *allowed* in clinical trials? It states the dose “most commonly used” in clinical trials, and also has a link to some clinical trials … I don’t see the word “allowed”. I could be missing that though. Long day.


    Doc Robinson: can’t argue with those mistruths. Unfortunately, arguing doesn’t fill the prescription, does it?


    The heading on the NIH column where Ivermectin is listed (along with the other meds) states:

    Dosing Regimens
    The doses listed here are for approved indications or from reported experiences or clinical trials.

    All of the drugs listed provide links to clinical trials. The word “allowed” doesn’t appear on the page. I did a search.


    They spent $6 million to learn that Biden actually got more votes. Grifters gonna grift.

    Fucking morons.


    The democratic process of voting has been verified and not found to be full of errors.

    Thanks to Trump.


    Am I sensing that deflationista is feeling deflated? I thought I had a potty mouth.

    Veracious Poet


    I spoke with my GP today, surprisingly he answered some questions I had about the vax…

    He said when the jab rolled out, he received 1-3 calls a day about patients’ reactions to the serum, anyone with serious issues were referred to Kaiser urgent care/emergency services to get help ~ He wasn’t allowed to connect the vax to symptoms, nor advise care, that was left up to the other doctors.

    He said that over the last couple of months the calls have trickled down to a couple a week, he couldn’t comment on whether the serum was safe, or not…

    He also said that thankfully Klownifornia isn’t experiencing out-of-control outbreaks like Mississippi or Florida, were all the ICU beds are full.

    I didn’t push him too hard, he’s actually a nice Doc, so take from this what you will…

    My brother’s co-worker that was intubated after getting the jab died, so add another to the hidden list(s).

    Mister Roboto

    They spent $6 million to learn that Biden actually got more votes. Grifters gonna grift.

    I really have been on the fence lately about whether or not the election was stolen from His Orangeness. The USA is becoming such a complete kakistocracy these days that it’s hard to dismiss the idea out if hand. However, Trump’s cult also tried claiming that the only reason the Democrats did so well in the 2018 elections because of all those illegal immigrants supposedly voting, and I found that about as believable as water running uphill.

    The shadow of a doubt with the 2020 prez election is that the nature of the Electoral College makes an election theoretically easy enough to steal if enough people are in on it in just the right amount of key cities in just the right amount of states where it’s going to be very close. I really don’t want to believe that Wisconsin was one of these states, as quite a few people are claiming, where cheating supposedly happened because blatant election stealing is actually pretty rare here.

    There was a state supreme court justice race in 2011 where that might have happened (the Republican ended up getting the seat), but that one was very, very close and it was one of those elections that was essentially a referendum on Scott Walker’s controversial governorship. But at the very least, I think the election official in Waukesha who was at the heart of the controversy should have been dismissed for doing things in a way she was specifically instructed not to do.

    those darned kids

    thanks, upstate. sorry if i’ve confused you.


    “They spent $6 million to learn that Biden actually got more votes. Grifters gonna grift.”

    And now, the rest of the story.

    “None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.

    There appears to be many ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
    Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.

    Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.

    Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.

    On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain‐of‐Custody documentation for the ballots for the time‐period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results; and added ambiguity into the final conclusions.

    Had Maricopa County chosen to cooperate with the audit, the majority of these obstacles would have easily been overcome. By the County withholding subpoena items, their unwillingness to answer questions as is normal between auditor and auditee, and in some cases actively interfering with audit research, the County prevented a complete audit.

    Veracious Poet


    However, Trump’s cult also tried claiming that the only reason the Democrats did so well in the 2018 elections because of all those illegal immigrants supposedly voting, and I found that about as believable as water running uphill.

    I’ve actually loathed the demoRAT/GOPher cabals more or less equally for most of my adult life ~ They’re both full of sociopaths that would torture their mother for a buck.

    But, in Klownifornia I know for a fact that illegals vote & that the CCP here have stolen elections for a long, LONG time.

    Hell, they busted a wanted armed, drug-dealing felon in LA that just happened to have THOUSANDS of blank mail-in-ballots, a couple of months ago ~ Most of the TJ Norte consumers/voters probably didn’t even give the story a moment of thought. They trust the CAL-CENTRAL-PARTY to have their backs…

    It’s actually harder to be an honest, moral, spiritual-based human than a pathologically deranged criminal in the golden shower state 😐

    I’m actually glad that Trump didn’t win 2020 now…although he’s a narcissitic arse, the DnC should be in charge when the country implodes. Hopefully a good man like Dr. Paul can reform the GOP into something more AMERICAN than the money for nothin’, chicks for free parasites running it now.

    Trump is done. I am grateful that the Donald saved us from HItlery (Can you imagine her running things from 2016 until now? :-o) & the U$ consumers aren’t ready for the advent of a new party, I think Rand Paul is our last, best hope…

    P.S. Our GP (my wife’s too) has never mentioned the vax to us, nor has asked if we were jabbed, even after I spoke with him about it today. He’s a doctor of osteopathic medicine, why we chose him from the usual AMA sales reps.

    Mister Roboto

    I am grateful that the Donald saved us from HItlery (Can you imagine her running things from 2016 until now?

    We probably wouldn’t be sitting in front of our computers or with our smartphones talking about it, because we would be dead with our radioactive corpses glowing in the dark of the lifeless night.

    Mister Roboto

    Had Maricopa County chosen to cooperate with the audit, the majority of these obstacles would have easily been overcome. By the County withholding subpoena items, their unwillingness to answer questions as is normal between auditor and auditee, and in some cases actively interfering with audit research, the County prevented a complete audit.

    Perhaps. But you had people like Kunstler claiming that it was really going to blow the lid off this whole thing when the results of the audit came out, and the fact that this just isn’t what happened is going to make me take such claims with a very large grain of salt in the future.


    “Perhaps. But you had people like Kunstler claiming that it was really going to blow the lid off this whole thing when the results of the audit came out, and the fact that this just isn’t what happened is going to make me take such claims with a very large grain of salt in the future.”

    One of the weaknesses of Kunstler is his stern belief that a white knight person or event is going to come riding to the rescue and save the country from itself. Though he’s right about the decline of the good old USA and the subpar moral compass of its people, there is no savior or event that will turn things around. I surmise he is just as flabbergasted about the depth of dishonesty among the PMC as anyone else, but can’t quite process the end game. To get rid of as many of the “lowers” as possible before the Long Emergency happens. No dice, we’re in it now.


    I doubt we’ve heard the last of AZ, but from here on it just looks like more kabuki theater.

    those darned kids
    Mister Roboto

    @Veracious Poet: California is a special case in many different ways. I’m very glad that I don’t live there.

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