Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future
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March 16, 2012 at 11:16 pm #1780
el gallinazo
You still may partake of the same wholesome fare as always from Ilargi, Nicole, and Ash. No hay problema. If you don’t like chopped liver, then don’t order it from the menu. Why do you bother to read the jumbled and deranged words of a buffoon anyway when it is FDA labelled in bold print on the can? Oh I see. Chopped liver is bad for the public health, so the public should not be allowed the option to injure itself. Nice blog you got here. Be a shame if something happened to it.
Let’s see, what did I say that was so bad? That Israel was going to force Obama’s hand earlier than he wished into a war with Iran? Looked at the headlines in the last couple of hours? Israel’s cabinet has effectively declared war on Iran by an 8 to 6 vote. Obama is probably not pleased with it due to his re-election campaign, but the real deciders in the USA have obviously also wanted to go ahead with it pronto. But being nice guys, they staged it so that Obama now just has no choice but to support an ally after the fact. The Peace Prize winner gets reluctantly dragged into another (really big) resource war. Otherwise the Enterprise and her crew of thousands would not have already set sail into her sunset mission.
But look at the bright side. Since you are a first time poster, it appears that my commentary got you off the couch, perhaps with the help of a couple of phone calls? Now if you could only add something of substance next time. Also a nice big war should allow the DHS to really crack down on all dissident and buffoonogenic speech. Elegant way to deliver a coup d’grace to the Constitution. Let me offer you my congratulations for a job well done.
March 16, 2012 at 11:42 pm #1781ben
MemberMarch 17, 2012 at 1:25 am #1785Reverse Engineer
Memberel gallinazo post=1380 wrote:
Let’s see, what did I say that was so bad? That Israel was going to force Obama’s hand earlier than he wished into a war with Iran? Looked at the headlines in the last couple of hours? Israel’s cabinet has effectively declared war on Iran by an 8 to 6 vote. Obama is probably not pleased with it due to his re-election campaign, but the real deciders in the USA have obviously also wanted to go ahead with it pronto. But being nice guys, they staged it so that Obama now just has no choice but to support an ally after the fact. The Peace Prize winner gets reluctantly dragged into another (really big) resource war. Otherwise the Enterprise and her crew of thousands would not have already set sail into her sunset mission.
OK EG, let’s assume the Israelis are going to go ahead with a First Strike. What’s the Target? Will they go after Tehran or a Military/Nuke Installation? How many missiles will they fly?
I can’t imagine they’ll pull a Nuke out of the closet at this point. They gotta wait to get hit back hard for “justification” for that. No Nuke (actually Multiple Warheads) the Iranians will definitely have some retaliatory capacity. Besides mining the Straights of Hormuz and sinking any ship that tries to move across it, what else will they target? Ghanwar? Suez Canal? Aswan Dam? Flooding out the Nile Delta would definitely make a statement.
March 17, 2012 at 2:19 am #1788TINW
MemberWow. defending “the Jews” against a remark that was directed at the government of Israel by shifting the blame onto the world’s poor, powerless, elderly and sick who you consider parasites using baseless rightwing propaganda. I’m sure Herr Doktor Goebbels would agree you are quite a mensch.
Apparently even Jews who are insufficiently zionist are forbidden to criticize the fatherAbrahamland anymore, so I’ll just shut my goy mouf. Doesn’t really matter what the rest of us think anyway. The whole subject of Israel can be summed up with one phrase: not going to end well.
PS. This bit was so perfect: “Obama was a little better choice last time since he neutralized any resistance of the dumbass trendy liberals, who couldn’t see past his complexion and ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. They never heard his campaign slogan, “Chains We Can Believe In”, clearly.”
I’ve been saying more or less the same thing for over 4 years about Mr Soaring Rhetoric. Those liberals don’t seem so trendy anymore, but they still look at me in amazement when I tell them Obama is not a liberal and his sole purpose is to disempower liberals from any influence in his party. They still think he’s just a nice, idealistic man who has been unfortunately but inevitably compromised by power (darnit, happens to the best of them!). They even believe there might be a bit of truth to it when he gets called a socialist.
I guess the dumbshits deserve what they get. But how shameful it will be to be stacked like cordwood along with such fuckwits for future generations to gawk at.
March 17, 2012 at 2:52 am #1790Golden Oxen
Participant@ Reverse Engineer, Now that you mention him, I always figured Newton was a Hybrid.
March 17, 2012 at 3:14 am #1793Glennda
ParticipantWaa happened to the original post #1303 ?????
Have I gone blind or something?
Did Cheryle turn into a hacker troll?
Funny now that El G’s prediction of Isreal taking aim at Iran has proven to be spot on (see earlier posts), suddenly his post has vanished.
I smell a conspiracy of some sort.
March 17, 2012 at 9:45 am #1801Glennjeff
ParticipantIt really is a fine example of successfull mass indoctrination through propaganda the way any negative mention of the policies of the Israeli government elicits cries of “Jew Bashing”.
Sunshines post in particular was deplorably pathetic, poor little Israel, would that be the Israel that responds to a few home made rockets by bombing child care centres with white phosphorous, or boarding peacfull protest ships and using automatic weapons on the crew and passengers, or intentionally shooting UN observers in their compounds, or pulling false flags on US Naval vessels. That Israel ? The one that has just declared war on Iran?
Stick it where the sun doesn’t shine!
March 17, 2012 at 10:33 am #1802el gallinazo
MemberI hate to debunk a good conspiracy theory, but my post is still quite accessible through the home page 🙂
March 17, 2012 at 5:30 pm #1809ogardener
Member[b}Israel’s Willing Executioners: AIPAC Invades Washington[/b]
A Week of National Humiliation
“From March 4th to March 9th, 2012, 13,000 militant Israel Firsters, took over “political Washington”1 and imposed a foreign regime’s (Israel) political agenda to the rousing applause and appreciation of their captive vassal US legislators and executives who crowded the halls and platforms groveling for the imperious nods of their visiting Israeli overlords.2 The annual meeting of the American (sic) Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the most outrageous public display of Zionist-Jewish power as it shapes US foreign policy. The sole purpose of AIPAC is to ensure Israel’s unchallenged military and political power over a huge region from North Africa to the Persian Gulf. Over three-quarters of the US Congress members paraded themselves before the AIPAC, as well as President Obama and Vice President Biden, and any high ranking Cabinet members in any way related to US foreign policy (Secretary of State Clinton, Secretary of Defense Panetta included). They all loudly parroted the political agenda and military priorities that the AIPAC has imposed on the United States.3”
Additional details here:
March 17, 2012 at 5:57 pm #1811Babble
ParticipantEG wrote: Obama was a little better choice last time since he neutralized any resistance of the dumbass trendy liberals, who couldn’t see past his complexion and ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. They never heard his campaign slogan, “Chains We Can Believe In”, clearly. Must have been the PA systems. But now that the hammer is falling and copies of the Constitution are being used to puppy train Rottweilers, it has become almost irrelevant.
Shows the right wing bias you have. Obama was by far the best choice over McCain/Palin, only an idiot would think otherwise. He is the best choice this time as well over any of the loonie running on the right. Romney is the best of that lot but how stupid would it be to put a corporate raider in charge who wants to “make our military so powerful no one would challenge it”. Yep, just spend 70% of our GDP on the military and no rag tag mountain boys will fight us. Let’s see the liberals wanted to give everyone health care and stop the discrimination against gays serving in the military. While all the Republicans want people to just wing health care on their own and kill the gays in Uganda. Stick to the economy where yo do make some sense.March 17, 2012 at 7:11 pm #1812el gallinazo
MemberBabble, let me first commend you on the appropriateness of your ID.
I am neither left wing nor right wing, and I find rooting for either the blue team or the red team absurd. These designations are simply a way of enforcing a pseudo democracy where the power and decisions are handed down to puppet government officials to implement. I find all the Repug candidates with the exception of Ron Paul at least as personally despicable as Obama. But Obama is even more dangerous than these crazies because he cloaks himself as a liberal, has violated every significant campaign promise, and is a puppet for the global banking cartel. To name a few: business as usual for Gitmo; readied, staffed, and expanded the FEMA concentration camps; continued the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as decimating Libya and Yemen; totally destroyed the Bill of Right of the US Constitution as well as enhanced the blueshirt TSA VIPR program and allowed these goons to sexually grope our children and elderly at airports as well as take and store naked photos of us; initiated a drone program over the USA; murdered US citizens in foreign countries without even an indictment, and claimed the right under NDAA to do so anywhere in the world including USA territory; refused to indict one major bank CEO including Jon Corzine despite massive evidence of embezzlement and criminal fraud; ran thousands of guns to the Mexican drug cartels with the plan to use the blowback to confiscate the guns of US citizens; recently informed the Senate via the SecDef that they shall have no say in decisions about going to war and the “legality” of such rests solely with the UN and/or NATO…………….. Sorry, my fingers are tired. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. A decade ago I would have classified myself as on the left of the progressive wing, but old dogs can learn new tricks. I realize now that there is a concerted globalist banking agenda to enslave humanity in a neofeudalistic system, and we have to fight back against this takeover. Their takeover of the left is somewhat more hidden and thus more insidious than the right. I have an analytical mind and I could no longer fight off the overwhelming onslaught of evidence. I wound up reluctantly downing the “red pill.” But if you want to keep drinking the Kool-Aid, may I recommend the sugar free (of course) KiwiLime.
And my support of Ron Paul is not total to say the least. For example, I reject certain aspects of his abortion position, and feel that there is nothing to stop the inevitable collapse of an ideal Libertarian economy in time into the crony capitalistic, fascist, centrally planned one we now have. But usually the perfect is the enemy of the good.
What exactly would the slobbering idiots McCain and Palin have done that Obama has not? Hey, they are all vetted before they can become a “major” candidate and are handed their marching orders after they win.
March 18, 2012 at 3:22 am #1822John Day
ParticipantGood standing of your ground, El G.
I have drifted away from the site for awhile, since the new format. I found myself missing the “regulars”.
I return today and see your guest post, which seems to be a Rorschach test for the readers, or at least for the respondents.
There are a lot of folks with very firmly fixed views, which they are always primed to vigorously defend at the drop of a hat.
I’m not so much like that but I did teach my kids that it is wrong to take pleasure in the suffering of another.
That’s as doctrinaire as I get.
There are a lot of things I don’t know yet, but many of the possibilities are intriguing.
I have certainly thought about the herd behaviors of our species, as have those who “ranch” us. I don’t want to control the herd for my profit, at the expense of many members of the herd, but I do want to stay out of stampedes, and try to contribute to self awareness. I think that knowing the truth can set you “free”, but it will mean that you can’t go with the herd, and that is hard on a body.
The first self awareness I need to work on is my own. (Of course I have a strong streak of wanting to straighten everybody else out when I notice their glaring mistakes.)
I spent the tax overpayments on an off-grid solar rig with nickel-iron “Edison cells” and 1.2 kW of panels. That’s my most recent investment, and it should be aone timer. Now, where to install it? Well, I’ve got the area, but not the location…March 18, 2012 at 3:27 am #1823John Day
Participant@ Babble
Cynthia McKinney was the best choice in the 2008 US Presidential election. Did you overlook her? She was certainly the most honest and had stood up against Bush/Cheney enough to be very seriously attacked, but not quite as seriously attacked as Paul Wellstone was…
March 18, 2012 at 3:18 pm #1829advanceheating
ParticipantFunds are being salted away at every turn… inwards to our institutions, and then upwards to the invisible hands that El G refers to.
In the UK we have lost our presumption of innocence when possessing 1000 pounds or more in cash, this article also shows that our police forces receive 18-50% commission on deposit box raids. The police and the Inland Revenue work hand-in-hand against each deposit box holder, first using diamond disc cutters to raid every box in the entire facility, and then forcing the cash owner to sue for recovery of his property. Yet the costs of jewelry forensics, lawyers and court charges fall only on the property owners. Investigations into accusations of cash and diamonds disappearing from the police inventory were obfuscated by official video recordings that contained inexplicable discontinuities in the recordings. The original documentation should best be kept independently secure – after all, the entire cctv footage from the shooting of de Menezes at Stockwell Tube station went missing. This is like standing on softening mud.
TAE readers actioning Backyard National deposits may want to think about laser-printing bank statements onto acid-free paper for those plastic plumbing tubes. And a duplicate set of statements & photos should be kept elsewhere to remain out of reach from the “faulty” video cameras and edit lust of our unawakened footsoldiers. Respect for the lucidity of one of our many honest and courageous policemen, Tony Farrell.
As Stoneleigh points out, we only have a limited window before the Internet becomes less accessible than now, so we need to store key documents for posterity. If anyone can figure out how to download the Institutional Denial video linked above, please post how… The “Download” button is broken.
On the question of regional institutions actually turning out to be private companies, I think it was in 2010 when dozens of surprising entries existed in the UK Companies House register for a variety of national police forces, the Labour Party, and even courts of law, etc.. But today in March 2012, those entries do not appear on the database, and these are the moments when you kick yourself for not having downloaded the results.
Huge thanks to TAE for their clarity of vision. And El G., when are you throwing a party over there in Mexico?
March 18, 2012 at 4:11 pm #1831advanceheating
ParticipantFunds are being salted away at every turn… inwards to our institutions, and then upwards to the invisible hands that El G refers to.
In the UK we have lost our presumption of innocence when possessing 1000 pounds or more in cash, this article also shows that our police forces receive 18-50% commission on deposit box raids. The police and the Inland Revenue work hand-in-hand against each deposit box holder, first using diamond disc cutters to raid every box in the entire facility, and then forcing the cash owner to sue for recovery of his property. Yet the costs of jewelry forensics, lawyers and court charges fall only on the property owners. Investigations into accusations of cash and diamonds disappearing from the police inventory were obfuscated by official video recordings that contained inexplicable discontinuities in the recordings. The original documentation should best be kept independently secure – after all, the entire cctv footage from the shooting of de Menezes at Stockwell Tube station went missing. This is like standing on softening mud.
TAE readers actioning Backyard National deposits may want to think about laser-printing bank statements onto acid-free paper for those plastic plumbing tubes. And a duplicate set of statements & photos should be kept elsewhere to remain out of reach from the “faulty” video cameras and edit lust of our unawakened footsoldiers. Respect for the lucidity of one of our many honest and courageous policemen, Tony Farrell.
As Stoneleigh points out, we only have a limited window before the Internet becomes less accessible than now, so we need to store key documents for posterity. If anyone can figure out how to download the Institutional Denial video linked above, please post how… The “Download” button is broken.
On the question of regional institutions actually turning out to be private companies, I think it was in 2010 when dozens of surprising entries existed in the UK Companies House register for a variety of national police forces, the Labour Party, and even courts of law, etc.. But today in March 2012, those entries do not appear on the database, and these are the moments when you kick yourself for not having downloaded the results.
Huge thanks to TAE for their clarity of vision. And El G., when are you throwing a party over there in Mexico?
March 18, 2012 at 10:16 pm #1833FrankRichards
ParticipantRE, The Russkis have been second tier players for all but 50 years out of the last thousand.
Russia was founded by vikings who weren’t good enough to become kings in the West or powers behind the throne in Constantinople. Who then got their asses kicked by the Mongols.
One of the few things the Brits, French and Germans all believe in is that Poland, Bohemia and Hungary are the end of European Civilization.
March 19, 2012 at 12:38 am #1834bluebird
ParticipantAbout that limited window before the Internet becomes less accessible than now…
It seems to me that people are becoming so techie dependent, they don’t buy books anymore because they have e-book gadgets for downloading and reading books, people rely on electronic banking and access to the Internets for email, texting, researching history, watching videos, business transactions, and many other things.
Most people cannot comprehend a world with less technology, but more and more ways to develop and use it. It is really difficult to conceive a world with less accessibility to the Internets 🙁
March 19, 2012 at 1:44 am #1835Anonymous
GuestJews must not be exempt from close inspection just because they murdered Jesus and think they are a master race and the chosen ones by God.
It is not antisemitism to question or even comment on facts against the Jews or Israel.
If you love Jews, well then that’s fine and dandy, but you shouldn’t force your pro-“Jew-Uberalles” master race bullshot beliefs on others that have a critical opinion against the Jews. Many times you would think it is Nazi Germany all over again — but it is the Jews that are acting like little Nazis.
I’m not anti-Semitic, I think Jews and all people of this world are equal ((((try getting that statement from a Jew))))), JEWS ARE NOT SUPERIOR to anyone else.
When will the Jews come off their high racial supremacy horse? Don’t play that antisemitism race card on me booby.
March 19, 2012 at 1:58 am #1836Anonymous
GuestSunshine, you are showing your Jew colors …
“Shame on you, you owe a humble apology to your incredible Jewish ancestors who consistently carried the burden of the losers and blamers for many many generations.
Remember no one died for their sins, they live in a world of consequences and is one reason Jewish people are in the top percentile of all competencies. “OH COME ON NOW!! #1. Why do Jews think other people always owe the Jews something? #2. You claim Jews are better than others… OK Adolph Hitlerstein!!
March 19, 2012 at 2:17 am #1838pdh53
MemberI am so happy to read El G’s post and look forward to more of his analysis and completion of the future post he mentioned. I only wish it would be sooner than is probably possible. I am very grateful for the post, information shared and opinions.
March 19, 2012 at 2:27 am #1839Reverse Engineer
MemberFrankRichards post=1433 wrote: RE, The Russkis have been second tier players for all but 50 years out of the last thousand.
Russia was founded by vikings who weren’t good enough to become kings in the West or powers behind the throne in Constantinople. Who then got their asses kicked by the Mongols.
One of the few things the Brits, French and Germans all believe in is that Poland, Bohemia and Hungary are the end of European Civilization.
That’s a very interesting spin on Ruskie History Frank 🙂
However, I would make the case that the Vikings came into the game well after the Power Base had been established through the Mesopotamian and then Roman civilizations, and they were fortunate just to maintain their relative independence before grabbing hold of the Ruskie political system.
Far as getting their asses kicked by the Mongols, as you are well aware I am sure the Mongols were funded by the House of Medici, basically providing the Illuminati with the Big Ass Military of that time to run roughshod over anyone who would not Play Ball. The end result of course is the general Trilateral World power structure we have today of the Anglo-Amerikan and Teutonic Illuminati in the “West”, the Chinese Illuminati in the East and the Ruskie Vikings wedged in between. Vikings of course were never too good on the Political or Economic organization end, but were mighty good at Pillaging, Raping and dispensing Mayhem. They likely will repriese this role in the future.
March 19, 2012 at 3:38 am #1843Patrick
Member“The term ‘conspiracy theory’ itself is used as a propaganda memetic to dissuade from analytical discernment even when the known facts logically yield the truth of some conspiracies.”
Nicely put Gravity! Of course the best cover to debunk any single conspiracy is to discredit the whole notion of conspiracies themselves. It’s worked so well that the question of some conspiracies has become so toxic that even generally fearless sites such as TAE ban them. (I know the whole discussion can get very distracting but 911 was central to what’s going on today no matter who (DC) did it.)
Count me in as another one tired of the whole anti-semitism smear when it comes to discussing Israel. Btw Winston, I know for a fact that Naomi Klein, like many other Jews, is in accord with El g’s view on Israel–I’ve heard her speak on it.
However on the issue of who’s in the driver’s seat the US or Israel I part company with the tail wagging the dog theory of El g and others. The US has used Israel from the beginning as their client state in the ME. Sure Israel is a noisy and demanding client but Uncle could slap her down anytime he wants. Israel is the US stalking horse in the region. Or in street terms, they’re the US’s bitch. It’s all a little drama they put on for the rest of us. Really, think about it. Israel is going to tell the US where to get off and then what, go it alone? Yeah, I know all about AIPAC. The US has so much on Israel they could get the folks riled up to a fever pitch whenever they like. Sinking of the USS Liberty is just one item.
March 19, 2012 at 4:46 pm #1848longgonesam
Member“I do have strong opinions. One opinion, held as an American citizen of primarily Jewish ethnic background, is that the nation of Israel through its AIPAC PAC has a stranglehold on US foreign policy, which is usually not in the best interests of US citizens. This group has foot soldiers throughout the country just waiting to pounce on anyone who may express an opinion which might disrupt this status quo. They are very well organized and funded. Anyone, including a person of Jewish or primarily Jewish origin, becomes a loathsome, self-hating Jew if he points this out.”
Thank you, El G for the above quote from your comments response. Thank you, as well, for inadvertently beginning a conversation long overdue and number one on the forbidden subject list. Those among you who have not read the Hasbara Handbook, please do so. To understand the factual reality of Zionist Israel’s control of US foreign policy, one must understand, as mentioned by El G, the preponderance of the well organized, and extremely well funded media control network of Zionist Israel. Avigdor Lieberman and Netanyahu are dangerous extremists in control of a nuclear arsenal (remember the WMD panic?). Netanyahu has an extensive, well developed network of US zionists, the Feiths, the Pearles, indeed, the signatories to the PNAC “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”.
This should be cause for great alarm in the US. Robert Fisk, Noam Chomsky, Ali Abunimah, Klein, Max Blumenthal have all documented the dangers of Zionist Israel. Yet, as Chomsky has so perfectly stated, there is free speech but only within tightly controlled parameters that meet the agenda of the 1%. The Zionist Hasbara network has been enormously successful in stifling some very necessary conversations: Israel’s nuclear arsenal, Israeli apartheid in Gaza/Palestine, Israeli war crimes in Gaza, Lebanon, Israeli state terrorism. They have been given an international pass on all of the above, spearheaded by US zionists. What’s to stop a catastrophic strike on Iran?
One has but to examine the current state of US election cycles where all candidates prostrate themselves before Israel/US zionists, pledging unquestioning loyalty and support. We saw that yet again at the recent AIPAC conference. All candidates realize the factual reality of the political suicide they commit by doing otherwise. No US candidate for federal public office can win an election without this shameless prostration. Cause for alarm? Should be, but it’s not.
In fact, it’s quite the other. Not only do these Israeli beholden “public servants” provide billions in dollars and weapons, but have shadow support in the form of massive deployment of the US Death Star in the Middle East, under other false flag pretenses, for which Israel pays not a sheckel. You and I pay for that even as our domestic fabric disintegrates under the weight of military/police state, national and international, bloat.
Quoting El G again, wake up.Obamunists? Fools.
Conspiracies? If the MO is psy ops and black ops, then nothing is as it appears.March 19, 2012 at 7:37 pm #1850Sunshine
What a passionate response we get when we only so much as mentioning the mighty Hebrews.It is not just here, we all know there are hundreds of sites dedicated to spewing out how it’s all the Jews fault. TAE is not one of them but does attract some level of the ‘blame others’ crowd by the nature of our discussions.
Is the reason people wake up in the morning and spend their most valuable time and energy blaming the Jewish people for everything rather then spending it on building a better life for themselves merely because it is easier then risking failure? I think so
But there are many that think that Jews are indeed the most evolved humans and they naturally become a target of lesser evolved ones since the latter generally don’t have the capacity to rationally manage their impulses and feelings such as fear and envy.
Pretty weird ah?
But then again it is truly odd how the Jews have been getting so much special focus and attention for the past several thousand years.
Look today in the year 2012 after there are practically no Jewish people remaining in Russia and the ones that are there have been so brutally oppressed for generations yet read any media from there and most of the coverage is related to Jews, similar to many other places where they have never seen or talked to a Jew.
Are they really so unique?
March 19, 2012 at 9:29 pm #1851John Day
For the record: Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish of the Abrahamic lineage (Mizrahic, not Ashkenazi or Sephardic).
Jesus of Nazareth was crucified by the ITALIANS (AKA “Romans”) for “troublemaking”, same crime as the 2 “thieves” he was crucified with.March 19, 2012 at 9:35 pm #1852Reverse Engineer
MemberSunshine post=1450 wrote:
Are they really so unique?What is unique is the connections inside the International Banking Syndicate that in modern times goes back to the Medici era, and predates that into ancient times going back into Rome and Mesopotamia before that.
The confusion between the Religion and the Banking system is what generates so much angst. Essentially, you are looking at a 6 Millenia long Ponzi Scheme, and a few Jews started it way back when. It could have been Zoroastrians, but it wasn’t.
March 19, 2012 at 11:13 pm #1855John Day
ParticipantPlease consider the reference to “Jews” as a single entity.
It is a fundamental flaw, in whatever logic proceeds from that point.
The Abrahamic lineage consisted of 12 tribes, 10 were “lost”?
Genetic analysis makes it clear that there is a group of Jewish and Palestinian people, who are the traditional inhabitants of that area, who are genetically indistinguishable from “each other”, sort of like Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.
The Ashkenazi Jews from the Southern Russian/Georgian area, are a very distinct genetic group, and have numerous genetic disease syndromes which are only in their lineage.Reverse Engineer
You might reconsider your analysis of thousands of years of global banking cartels in this light. What about the Rockefellers?March 19, 2012 at 11:55 pm #1857Reverse Engineer
MemberJohn Day post=1455 wrote:
Reverse Engineer
You might reconsider your analysis of thousands of years of global banking cartels in this light. What about the Rockefellers?After the reformation along with the consolidation of the royal families, several other banking houses were chartered by Protestants of various sorts, and the Holy Roman Catholic Church has always run its own Bank as well. In most cases you will find interlocking directorates with older Jewish Banking Houses for these banks, which here in the FSofA include the Bank of NY Mellon, JP Morgan-Chase (Morgan and Rockefeller interests). You’ll find connections in both banks to Warburg and Kuhn as well as the House of Rothschild.
By no means is the International Banking Syndicate a strictly Jewish operation anymore, however the first folks in on the Ponzi most definitely were Jewish.
March 20, 2012 at 12:48 am #1858el gallinazo
First let me commend you on the inappropriateness of your ID. I remember you back from the fall of 2009 on TAE. Same old tune.
Would you care to cut the crap diversion about Jews and how envious everyone else is and proud we are about our ubermanship, and discuss the consequences of a preemptive Israeli attack on Iran regarding crude oil? Do you think they will use nukes since you seem to be connected? Do you think Putin might heave a few back into ha aretz? Were any of your Mossad friends involved in the hit on Rabin, who appeared to be a peacemaker?
As to the discussion as to who is the dog and who is the tail, it certainly started out with the USA as the big dog. But I think it entered a mutual tug-o-war feedback loop as time went on. Johnson couldn’t have been ecstatic about the Liberty false flag operation, but he let it ride with barely a peep. Why? Even Ron Paul treads carefully. McKinney was defeated with AIPAC money. If one studies the history of the 20th century, the banking families couldn’t care less about Jewish carpenters and plumbers. They are just farm animals like everybody else.
March 20, 2012 at 2:17 am #1863John Day
ParticipantHey El G. You’re right!
It was “Sunshine” that jumped me on that Anne Frank issue of TAE, which I guess was back in 2009. I was some kind of “hater” for saying that genocide is the same in Cambodia or Western Europe, or Israel/Palestine.
For the record again, I took my 4 kids to Anne Frank’s House, Dachau and Tuol Sleng prison in Phnom Penh to teach them what to look out for in our species, and even themselves, when times get really tough.March 20, 2012 at 3:05 am #1864Patrick
MemberEl gall,
We can agree or disagree about the dog vs. tail and the results will probably look pretty much the same. But consider how the US sees it in its interests to garrison the ME and even to take out Iran–although that looks like the damnedest miscalculation ever. They want to make it look like they’re holding Israel on a tight leash keeping them from attacking when, ooops it slipped, they got away.
I saw an interview with Lyndon Johnson a few months before he died. He was old, sick and tired. He told the interviewer (Dan Rather?) that he was deeply troubled about something he could never–he stressed “never”–unburden himself of. Might it have been the sinking of the USS Liberty and that perhaps it was a false flag that top levels of the US govt were in on? I’m not claiming I have evidence of that but it might explain the US’s curious lack of response. Had it succeeded as such and was blamed on Egypt, then the US and Israel could have jointly attacked Egypt and installed “a shah.” As it is they managed to either help Mubarak into power or co-opt him once in.
March 20, 2012 at 10:40 am #1873el gallinazo
Just to keep the record straight, the USS Liberty was not sunk. Her surviving crew miraculously kept her afloat though she never had another mission and was decommissioned the following year and scrapped in 1974.
As to Johnson, he was responsible for many personal murders and the death of millions on a grander scale. We can only speculate, raised as a fundamentalist southern Baptist, what ghosts haunted him as he approached the pearly gates for judgment.
March 20, 2012 at 12:09 pm #1874Jack
MemberHi Folks!
The only thing I will say about the bankers is they are using their own people for their own personally gain.
I have a question and that is why I am writing
I was watching this
damon vickers and company
This person has a book that’s for sale on AmazonThe Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
There is a video here about the book is predicting what will happen the the US dollar
Do you think it would be a good idea to buy this.
ThanksMarch 20, 2012 at 2:59 pm #1877John Day
Participant@ Jack
Damon Vickers, in this interview, is very careful to promote the conservative investment strategy of his company. The book is several years old now, and the concerns in 2008-2009 have taken a bit of a turn since then.
The problem with the dollar is not unique, but is shared by all electronic fiat currencies. The problem is that there is a very slippery connection between the electronic assessment of money, and the real physical economy value, which it used to represent. Once that slippery connection takes a big-enough slip, then there will be nobody willing to trust that system. This could happen along our current central banking trajectory, or with cyber warfare eliminating ownership databases like MERS, or with disconnects inherent in MERS-type arrangements. We could get a really big solar-storm “Carrington Event” knock out the electricity and burn-out data storage in New York or London, and that would crash the system (I speculate).
The question of what could then replace the current system is widely debated. Expect military to play a dominant role. Throughout history there has been one currency, which was always accepted as payment from anybody, even when they were losing a war. Can you name it? (Hint: It was not heroin.)March 21, 2012 at 2:34 am #1893vangoat
MemberFirst a minor detail in the abbreviation CoL , I imagine you mean Cost of Living and definitly not Cult of Luna? Would you mind, for the sake of new readers and as well the older, tired of remembering lists of acronyms, ones to preface them in full?
On Iran and Israel, my impression is that the main bone of contention for the US is in what currency or currencies petroleum is to be priced, nuclear weapons are merely a useful straw man.
As long as stability or net balance in the derivative market can be maintained then printing will continue until trust in the US dollar fails. How long this can continue is as guess but when it happens it will be very sudden and deflation as it occurs will be measured in nanoseconds and no use to anyone foolish enough to be holding any form of fiat.
March 21, 2012 at 3:32 am #1894vangoat
MemberFirst a minor detail in the abbreviation CoL do you mean Cost of Living or do you mean Cult of Luna? Would you mind for the sake of new readers and as well the older, tired of remembering lists of acronyms, ones?
On Iran and Israel, my impression is that the main bone of contention for the US is in what currency or currencies petroleum is to be priced with nuclear weapons merely a useful straw man.
As long as stability or net balance in the derivative market can be maintained then printing will continue until trust in the US dollar fails. How long this can continue is as guess but when it happens it will be very sudden and deflation as it occurs will be measured in nanoseconds and no use to anyone foolish enough to be holding any form of fiat.
March 21, 2012 at 4:52 am #1896Patrick
MemberEl gal.. right on both counts, sloppy of me on the “sinking” as I’ve read a great deal on the incident.
Here’s a paragraph from Wikipedia on the incident with overtones of my suggestion:
“The press release for the BBC documentary film Dead in the Water states that new recorded and other evidence suggests the attack] [on USS Liberty was a daring ploy by Israel to fake an Egyptian attack to give America a reason to enter the war against Egypt. Convinced that that attack was real, President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson launched nuclear-armed planes targeted against Cairo from a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. The planes were recalled only just in time, when it was clear the Liberty had not sunk and that Israel had carried out the attack. An information source for the aircraft being nuclear-armed, James Ennes, later stated that he was probably wrong in his original book. According to Ennes, the planes were not nuclear-armed, but most likely armed with Bullpup missiles.[79] The video also provides hearsay evidence of a covert alliance of U.S. and Israel intelligence agencies.[80]”
“covert alliance of U.S. and Israel intelligence agencies” ya think? Nah, then it would be a conspiracies and we all know those don’t exist, right?
Amazing though isn’t it? The U.S. would be prepared to launch an attack on Egypt without even a cursory investigation. But it was Israel so OK then must have been a mistake–understandable in war. Gag me!
March 21, 2012 at 6:50 am #1898Bukko Canukko
MemberEl Gallo wrote: “Actually, the problem is not so much one of disinformation as it is information overload.”
There’s a word for that: “crapflooding.” Brilliant word. One which I think you’ve had some literal experience with on the other end of the infamous Sawzall, eh?
March 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm #1899Jack
MemberAbout the Jewish issue
This has turned into one of the biggest ponzi scams in human history where you have people like madoff and than you have everyone else as victims.
It is a shame that the name of God is being dragged into this pictureMarch 21, 2012 at 8:20 pm #1907Reverse Engineer
MemberJack post=1499 wrote:
It is a shame that the name of God is being dragged into this pictureDisagreed. God is CEO. He should be held accountable.
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