Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future
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March 15, 2012 at 7:14 pm #8587
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterCommentary by El Gallinazo. I find it very unlikely that we would see hyperinflation (as opposed to, perhaps, CoL increases in the 10% annual range) b
[See the full post at: Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future]March 15, 2012 at 9:11 pm #1710Winston Smith
El Gallinazo Quote 1:
“the executive branch of the global mafia, with a primary base in Israel”
El Gallinazo Quote 2:
“a total collapse of the world economy may be part of the NWO’s long term plan”
is this the defining Jump-The-Shark moment for TAE?
why are you resorting to NWO (new world order), “the Jews did it”, conspiracy theory drivel?
and i guarantee you Naomi Klein would not appreciate having her well researched-and-reasoned thesis dragged through NWO, “the Jews did it”, conspiradroid mud.
there is no need for shadowy cabals of Jewish “evildoers” to explain our cold, harsh, indifferent and unforgiving reality.
i implore TAE to reverse this despicable, debunked and counterproductive course with dispatch.
if TAE has a reasonable grasp of reality, it will at the very least redact this offensively specious BS.
and if TAE has any sense of ethics, it will not reward let alone reproduce this effluvia.
it’s an odious brand of miseducation and ignorance that does more harm than good as it grossly distorts reality.
it’s Alex-Jones-level crap, which is to say, mighty low.
for those not so easily ensorcelled:
they’re good for what ails El Gallinazo.
March 15, 2012 at 9:36 pm #1711seychelles
ParticipantEG is not PC! Has Cheryl figured out how to crack the new site?
March 15, 2012 at 9:37 pm #1712JoeP
Help me understand the connection between NWO and Jews. I googled New World Order and didn’t see squat about the Jews except one small bit about the Red Scare. Is this what you are basing the connection on?
March 15, 2012 at 9:40 pm #1713MR166
MemberFor the most part, El Gallinazo is 100% on track here but I too disagree with his premise that Israel is the enemy. Liberal Jews are just useful idiots in the progressive/one world government movement. As far as I can see the control battle is now split between the socialists/communists and the Muslim extremists. They are both using chaos as the means to the end. The S/Cs want to end all religion as it threatens their absolute power and the Muslims want their religion to be the only true religion. IMHO the Muslims are are using the Socialists/ Communists as THEIR useful idiots.
March 15, 2012 at 9:45 pm #1714Franny
MemberI’ll take a pass on the anti-semitism as well.
March 15, 2012 at 10:10 pm #1715Martin DownUnder
ParticipantThis is a guest post, and it’s always good to hear different opinions. Thanks EG for taking the time to write and for making the commitment to speak.
But avoiding the resort to conspiracy theories to explain the mind-boggling times we live in has always been one of TAE’s greatest strengths. The editorial and brand issue for TAE is not about being PC, or even being a platform for anti-Israel opinions or veiled antisemitism (odious as the latter would be in its own right). It’s about surrendering to the intellectual poverty of conspiracy thinking.
That way madness lies…and powerlessness. It seems to me that TAE has always sought to empower, not disable. When we surrender to conspiracy theory, we surrender our own agency. Please don’t go there.
March 15, 2012 at 10:16 pm #1716istt
MemberGet real, Winston. I am tired of the anti-Semitic sling any time someone points out the obvious. Israel is as entrenched in US policy, both financial and foreign, as is possible. The author is stating the obvious. Rather than trying to stifle open dialogue, if you disagree with the content, go elsewhere.
March 15, 2012 at 10:25 pm #1717sangell
MemberNot a whole lot to recommend this post even if it didn’t contain the gratuitous Jew bashing.
As to the notion that ‘very little of the funny money is getting out into the real economy’ er, just where do you think it is going if not as transfer payments to the poor? So if you want to blame a group of people for our economic woes blame the poor and elderly whose housing, nutritional, medical, educational, bingo and recreational drug needs have outpaced government revenue throughout the developed world.
March 15, 2012 at 10:41 pm #1719Golden Oxen
ParticipantAfter reading Mr Smith’s post I went back and read el g’s post again and cannot find anything anti-semitic. Israel and Iran are universally recognized enemies. Huge over reaction to el g’s typical very colorful style of writing IMHO. Appeared to be an article about the implosion of the worlds supply of credit and how an attack on Iran might be the final nail in it’s coffin from the ensuing spike in the oil price’ to this reader anyway.
March 15, 2012 at 10:45 pm #1720ashvin
ParticipantHere is the full sentence that people seem to be upset with:
It seems pretty inevitable at this point that the executive branch of the global mafia, with a primary base in Israel, has decided to attack Iran in the near future.
While there is obviously reasonable room for disagreement about the timing of such plans, it is very hard to deny that there are elements within the Israeli government who are extremely intent on attacking Iran. They have admitted as much in public. To call the above statement, as well as off-hand references to NWO, “anti-semitic” or “jew-bashing” is patently ridiculous.
I am starting to work on an article titled “The Loyal Opposition,” where I detail where I part company on some very fundamental issues of big picture analysis from Ilargi, Nicole, and Ash. But even in retirement, I am lazy, so it may take a while. I bring it up from the standpoint that a total collapse of the world economy may be part of the NWO’s long term plan.
El G made it a point to state that his fundamental views may not be compatible with all of ours, and that he is working on fleshing the specifics out in more detail. Perhaps we should allow him to do so without pre-judging his views and putting them under some blanket, dismissive label of “conspiracy theory”, which I find is much too easy for some otherwise intelligent people to do.
March 15, 2012 at 11:30 pm #1722mrawlings
MemberWow, mention Israel and the anti-semitism charges start flying. Oh lordy, might it be some conspiracy theory, heavens to mergatroid! Anything that even vaguely smells of conspiracy that might involve anyone of Jehooish decent (and I’m married to one, so don’t anyone get your panties in a wad) brains start shutting down and gums start flapping incoherently.
Yes there are some nutty conspiracy theories out there, and some even nuttier conspiracy theorists, but concluding from those two facts that all conspiracy theories are BS, and all conspiracy theorists are nutty is about as dumb as thinking Growth will continue forever because some prophets of doom such as Malthus and Ehrlich were off on timing. Besides which, the above article hardly proposes anything that flies in the face of recent and well-documented events/experiences. While there may be a few points where El G uses hyperbole in a free-wheeling fashion, I fail to see where anyone remotely familiar with his style could confuse cynicism with bigotry, or tin-foil-hattery.
While some of us (myself) might disagree somewhat as to the extent of the level of collaboration among TPTB, I myself am inclined to see the inevitability of these macro-events as the result of the inherent pattern logic of the global economic system in a finite ecosystem rather than an organized cabal of greedy sociopaths orchestrating events. Still and all it is no doubt a combination of the nature of non-linear organized systems and organized crime.
So in summation, thanks El G. I enjoyed it, and for those of you with bunched panties, goofy theories about islamo-commi-socialist plots, or scapegoating poor people- you may bugger off.
March 15, 2012 at 11:46 pm #1723Anonymous
GuestSeeing the political identity of Israel as one big dialectic conspiracy to divide the middle-east is too simplistic, but common anti-israel sentiments are almost always anti-zionist and not anti-semitic, placing the blame for Israels wrongdoings with the state and military intelligence, and not with any of its religious peoples.
Political zionism is an extremist ideology with explicit racist and militaristic themes similar to national socialism, and has nothing whatsoever to do with judaism. Some would suggest that the political identity of Israel, as founded on zionism, is anti-semitic and incompatible with judaism.
I tend to classify Israel as a caste-theocracy and militarised apartheid regime and not a proper democracy with equal rights and respect for minorites. Although Israels people are decent, their military, religious and political leaders, including the palestinian leadership, often have suspect motives in keeping the country in a permanent state of antagonism and military mobilisation.Conspiracy dissonance is due to an incompatible individual knowledge base, which tends to widen the gulf of understanding when conspiracy sceptics are confronted with emotionally dissonant facts known to be true to believers.
The term ‘conspiracy theory’ itself is used as a propaganda memetic to dissuade from analytical discernment even when the known facts logically yield the truth of some conspiracies.
Most conspiracy stories are just nonsense when completely detached from observable reality, but a surprising number of them have some corroborating evidence, sometimes conclusive evidence of the worst kind of organised crimes has been found in declassified government documents, indicating that goverments of the world, also corporations, will generally engage in criminal conspiracy whenever it suits them for furthering agendas. Its second nature to powermongers.Criminology is a necessary component of sociology, and theories of criminal conspiracy are simply indispensible to criminology, some social phenomenon cannot be adequately explained without a contingent framework of criminal conspiracy, such as the holocaust perpetrated by the nazi syndicate.
Most people also dont know that fase flag operation is the most used paramilitary tactic in history, with dozens of verified incidents in the 20th century alone, some causally relating to big historic events.
This seems to be what El G was on about, if Iran cannot be provoked into rash action or retalliation, a false flag could be perpetrated by the political zionists within Israels military industrial complex to foment war with Iran, it wouldn’t be too farfetched.March 16, 2012 at 12:01 am #1724el gallinazo
MemberFirst, I am not on the staff of TAE and my opinions are strictly my own. I think I made it quite clear that I see different underlying causes for the current financial and geopolitical fiascos the world now sees itself in at the end of my piece. Once again, my opinions do not represent those of TAE, Ilargi, Nicole, or Ash.
As to “antisemitism,” I only use the word semite, or it’s derivatives to refer to certain ethnic and religious groups which includes both the Jews and the Arabs, as well as others.
For the record, I am not anti-Jewish. Actually, for what it is worth, I am more than half Jewish by genetic background (the remainder being Neanderthal). Herr Himmler would have toasted my buns in Dachau without a second thought to it. That, of course, doesn’t prove that I don’t have a prejudice against Jews. I could, in fact, be one of those self-hating Jews we hear so much about, which, in fact, I am not. I lived for most of 1968 and much of 1969 on a Kibbutz in Israel where I worked as a banana farmer. As I recall, there were a lot of people in the country who were not Jews, such as Arab Moslems, Christians and Druze, As a matter of fact, the primary reason that Israel has not officially annexed the West Bank is that the Jews would then have a minority status. And recent demographics see this as coming to a head soon in the traditional border of Israel.
I do not use the word “Jew” in my commentary. I believe I referred to a nation state called Israel that has a certain, rather belligerent (IMO), foreign policy.
I do have strong opinions. One opinion, held as an American citizen of primarily Jewish ethnic background, is that the nation of Israel through its AIPAC PAC has a stranglehold on US foreign policy, which is usually not in the best interests of US citizens. This group has foot soldiers throughout the country just waiting to pounce on anyone who may express an opinion which might disrupt this status quo. They are very well organized and funded. Anyone, including a person of Jewish or primarily Jewish origin, becomes a loathsome, self-hating Jew if he points this out.
There are a lot of Jewish Israelis who don’t like the direction of their country either. As I recall, we also had an Israeli spring with over 400,000 protestors in the street. This was played down in the US MSM.
I made one statement about the nation state of Israel in my piece. This was that Israel was coercing the US into a war with Iran ASAP, and there are factions in the US power establishment that are trying to resist this for a variety of reasons, some common sense and some involving political timing. This has been reported by the MSM and every talking head for weeks. Not exactly controversial.
And yes, I believe that there are a very small group of people of enormous wealth and power who direct the central banks and governments of much of the world, and that they are attempting to transform the planet into what they wish it to be (which I would regard as a total hell hole). They reach a consensus through a variety of private organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the CFR, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, and others. Chief among them are the Rockefeller clan and the Rothschild clan. Some of them are from established Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Schiffs, and a lot of them are not, such as the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, etc.. One thing that these clans all seem to hold in common is that they were raised to regard the other 99.9999% of us as agricultural animals.
You might note that in my piece, I referred to Israel as “a primary base” of the NWO. I regard the other primary bases as New York, Washington, The City of London, and Frankfurt. So let’s not stop at painting me anti-Jewish, but anti-New Yorker (I was born there), anti-Washington, and anti-German.
I regard the destruction of any remnant of the US Constitution, which has reached a fever pitch in the past year, by a multinational, multi-ethnic global banking elite to be the scariest thing going down in the USA today. It’s easy to lose a war if you just get picked off by snipers walking around like zombies. Time for people to wake up.
March 16, 2012 at 12:16 am #1725Anonymous
GuestOnly zionism would see criticism of Israel as an attack on the entire jewish people, this perspective has been internalised by many non-jewish people who self-censor any criticism of Israel this way.
Also, a forbidden item, but I personally believed the official narrative of 9/11 for years, and only started to question it when Iraq was invaded for no logical reason. Although it may take years to realise the impossibility of the sanctioned narrative, no person who has made the effort to turn away from the official narrative has ever turned back, the pattern of terror-psychosis for any such narrative cannot be reestablished once broken.
Seriously, no one person has ever turned back to believing the official narrative after being otherwise informed, because even when informed with a minimum of alternative facts, the official narrative repels all logical thought. You have to be in dissociative terror-psychosis to believe it.
Its the same thing for econometric statistics in general.March 16, 2012 at 12:50 am #1728Reverse Engineer
MemberI for one look forward to EG fleshing out further his opinions on this topic. The line between “Conspiracy Theory” and “Conspiracy Fact” is an extremely thin one. For instance, just about everyone here now believes that the CIA undermined the Iranian political system by installing the Shah as a Puppet Goobermint, but if you went back a decade or so few people would have bought that as a Fact.
I do think that saying Israel dictates FSofA policy is something of a Tail Wagging the Dog argument. Israel as it exists now is a post-WW-II construct of the Anglo-American branch of the Illuminati. It was established as a Military Beachhead from which to control the Oil Fields of the Middle East. Its strategic position on the Mediterranean makes it a great fuel depot for Air Power projected around the region. Its proximity to the Suez Canal allows Naval assets to be deployed from this location also. Its basically a Fortress, but its not the Central Controlling Hub here by any means.
If you want to peg a hub where all the policy directing what both Israel and the FSofA are doing, its neither in the FSofA or Israel. Its in Switzerland at the BIS. If I were to give any advice to EG in approaching this problem, I wold advise looking more at the King and Queen in the Chess Game, rather than the Rooks and Bishops and Knights personified by the various NATO countries and Israel.
You always work yourself into a world of shit once you start making the question about International Zionism. While this is a component of the overall issues, its certainly not the only thing impacting on the monetary collapse and drive toward War, and making the argument about Zionism just gets everybody’s Panties in a Twist. Its like bringing up Hitler in an argument, as soon as you do it all rational discussion stops.
March 16, 2012 at 1:18 am #1730Glennjeff
Learn to read. Learn to comprehend what you read.
What Gravity said sums it up not so breifly, it may however give you a migraine.
March 16, 2012 at 2:05 am #1733g-minor
ParticipantThat so many call criticism of Israel “anti-semitism” marks the success of Israeli propaganda in labeling themselves a “Jewish state.” Like El G, I am Jewish (in every quadrant of my recent genetic heritage). Also, like the estimable buzzard, I am a New York Jew who speaks both Yiddish and Hebrew and have lived and worked in Israel. Zionism is the negation of all the qualities of Jewish culture that I grew up to cherish. By the way, most of the world’s Jews do NOT live in Israel even those who claim to support it, and the line for visas at the US Embassy in Tel Aviv is around the block.
Israel has repeatedly stolen state, industrial, and military secrets from the United States (and probably enriched uranium and/or plutonium to kick start their nuclear weapons program). Israel attempted to sink one of our unarmed naval vessels in international waters (and succeeded in murdering and wounding 200 of our sailors). No one was punished. There is lots more. Nevertheless we give them billions of our tax dollars while our despicable government officials grovel before their DGOs when they come to Washington, leaping to their feet to cheer every loathsome piece of Israeli mendacity and war-mongering.
For those needing to take the cure, I strongly recommend a book by Israeli historian (Tel Aviv University) Shlomo Sand, “The Invention of the Jewish People.”
March 16, 2012 at 2:24 am #1735deflationista
Participantautoearthadmin post=1303 wrote: Obama was a little better choice last time since he neutralized any resistance of the dumbass trendy liberals, who couldn’t see past his complexion and ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. They never heard his campaign slogan, “Chains We Can Believe In”, clearly. Must have been the PA systems. But now that the hammer is falling and copies of the Constitution are being used to puppy train Rottweilers, it has become almost irrelevant.
Pure. Frikkin’. Gold.
That’s one of the best encapsulations of the Obamabots I have seen.
Well done el g man.
We are toast.
March 16, 2012 at 2:46 am #1736el gallinazo
MemberWinston Smith
Are you the Winston Smith who at the start of the book just couldn’t take the mendacious Stasi crap any more, or the Winston Smith, who at the end of the book saw what ever number of fingers O’Brien told him to see? I don’t think Naomi Klein would have objected to much of what I wrote in my comment, but if George Orwell were alive today, he would probably sue you. Typical disinformation.
I agree that the International Bank of Settlements in Basle is getting very close to the head of the hydra, but I was referring to the tentacles where they execute power; Washington and Israel for military and NYC, the City, and Frankfurt for financial. That said, I really do not know how they reach consensus on current strategies, though their multigenerational goals are obvious. I really want to learn more about their inner workings, but it is cloaked in shadows and disinformation.
What you say about conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts is very true. As you said, 10 years ago few Usacos would believe that the CIA overthrew the democratically elected center left government of Iran and installed the Shah monster to keep their oil under Anglo-American control. The sad part is that Kermit Roosevelt, who ran the CIA operation, revealed all the details decades earlier. But what do you expect where most people think that Africa is a nation? Like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit.
I really don’t want to pursue this “Jewish” diversion other than to repeat once again that the word was never used in my original comment. Getting back to a serious point in my comment though, I see it as a probability that if the US and Israel attack Iran, the world price of crude could stay over $200 for 6 months or a year. The result of that would seem pretty obvious regarding the global economy. So one has to ask the question again – Cui bono? The nuclear thing is a total fabrication.
March 16, 2012 at 3:47 am #1739NZSanctuary
Memberistt post=1316 wrote: I am tired of the anti-Semitic sling any time someone points out the obvious. Israel is as entrenched in US policy, both financial and foreign, as is possible.
Me, too. I’m tired of people spouting “anti-Semetic” accusations every time someone criticizes Israeli policy or influence in the US, or Zionism. Stop conflating legitimate concerns about politics, corruption and collusion with racism, for fcuk’s sake. Yep, sometimes people will paint overly broad brush strokes and add Jews into the equation. In that case, correct them and move on.
March 16, 2012 at 4:33 am #1741Reverse Engineer
Memberel gallinazo post=1336 wrote:
I agree that the International Bank of Settlements in Basle is getting very close to the head of the hydra, but I was referring to the tentacles where they execute power; Washington and Israel for military and NYC, the City, and Frankfurt for financial. That said, I really do not know how they reach consensus on current strategies, though their multigenerational goals are obvious. I really want to learn more about their inner workings, but it is cloaked in shadows and disinformation.
Actually, the problem is not so much one of disinformation as it is information overload. Long before the internet was a gleam in the eye of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergei or Suckerbug, investigators both academic and otherwise have been ferreting out connections, and nowadays the information available on the net on these topics is vast. The problem you have is that so many people have chipped in their 2 cents on this with “research” that sounds plausible its very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Learning about the real “inner workings” is much like trying to ferret out the inner workings of a Proton. You can’t directly observe any of it, you can only observe its effects and then try to deduce from that how it is actually working. You accumulate as much evidence as you think you need and then make a hypothesis based on that.
I actually do not think the multi-generational goals are all that obvious, because as stated before I think there are several different branches of illuminati who often have mutually exclusive goals in mind. There is a Power Struggle at the top going on, of this I have no doubt.
I do not think the Frankfurt group has precisely the same goals in mind as the City of London does; I think the City is more or less lined up with Wall Street, and I think all of them are bargaining with Hong Kong and Shanghai for financial hegemony.
Millitary hegemony is another question entirely. The Ruskies play in this game much more than in the financial battles, though there has been some change there recently. However, if you trip back in time with Mr. Peabody to Peter the Great’s time, you can see it was that back then the Ruskies got cut out of the game the Krauts and Brits were playing. This culminated finally in Nicholas and Alexandra Romanoff getting filled full of Lead in a Ruskie Basement.
So one has to ask the question again – Cui bono? The nuclear thing is a total fabrication.
Here the Chess Metaphor falls to the Poker One as the better choice. Cui Bono? Why, whoever wins the game of course, whoever bluffs biggest and best and takes home all the chips. Big Players can work in concert together to push the smaller payers out of the game, but eventually that forces them to bluff each other. The Iranians represent about the last Independent Player in the game with a Deep Pocket of Oil that everyone else wants to bluff them out of. The Iranians have their backs to the wall now, and really they have to Put Up or Shut Up. They either will fold their cards or they will make one last big Bluff here, and in this case, a Bluff with consequences.
They obviously cannot win a War against NATO if ALL the players line up against them, but they can fracture the alliances. They can force the Chinese to make a play. They ALSO can go ALLAH AKBAR!!! and destroy pretty much all the Oil Infrastructure throughout MENA. They are geographically well positioned to do that with Conventional Missiles.
Those who seek to control this situation bet on a couple of things. First that its possible through a massive First Strike to take out virtually all of the Iranian offensive capabilities. Second, that the Iranians are not so Suicidal as to blow the whole fucking ball of wax to Kingdom Come on the Way Out to the Great Beyond.
Based on the behavior of the Mullahs to date, that last one is a VERY bad bet indeed. I have no doubt in my mind that if the FSofA or Israel undertakes bombing Tehran or drops a Nuke on them, they will let loose every last Chinese Missile they have purchased here over the last Decade, and you can be quite sure there are plenty of them outside of Tehran. Not just the USS Enterprise will go to the Bottom of Davey Jones Locker, probably the entire 7th Fleet will go with it.
Its a Bluffing Game though, and the Illuminati think they can out Bluff the Mullahs. I am not so sure they can.
March 16, 2012 at 4:42 am #1742YesMaybe
What does FSofA stand for?
March 16, 2012 at 5:08 am #1744Reverse Engineer
MemberYesMaybe post=1342 wrote: RE
What does FSofA stand for?
Fascist States of Amerika.
March 16, 2012 at 5:17 am #1745m111ark
MemberIt’s obvious that there are centers of power attempting to control world events. However, it’s the Debt-Money System that allows them to maintain that control. In all the post I’ve sprinkled about the internet, not one response has suggested the reader has grasped the consequences of bankster controlled Debt. Until the problem is properly diagnosed, their can be not solution.
March 16, 2012 at 5:18 am #1746m111ark
MemberDamn, no edit!
there… not their
March 16, 2012 at 5:42 am #1748Reverse Engineer
Memberm111ark post=1345 wrote: It’s obvious that there are centers of power attempting to control world events. However, it’s the Debt-Money System that allows them to maintain that control. In all the post I’ve sprinkled about the internet, not one response has suggested the reader has grasped the consequences of bankster controlled Debt. Until the problem is properly diagnosed, their can be not solution.
You must have missed the thousands of posts I have sprinkled across the net on this topic over the last 5 years. Big Ocean out there.
Come visit DD. Debt is the Name of the Game, has been since the Dawn of Money.
March 16, 2012 at 7:04 am #1752Glennda
ParticipantBack to the real topic of this post.
Cuo bono? – This is the real question.It’s not just banks that control things, but also the transnational corporations that buy politicians and banksters. Buying a bank may just be part of international corpoate conglomerates that have many entities. It’s hard to know which way the power flows, when it’s under cover.
Pepe Escobar at THE ROVING EYE at Asia Times is a fine analyst and has recent articles that touch on the Iran issue.
Why Putin is driving Washington nuts
By Pepe Escobar, Mar 9, 2012“A New World Order is a no-go for Washington’s top bogeyman, back-to-the-future Russian President Vladimir Putin. Good old-fashioned state sovereignty rules his world. The Putinator will be ultra tough on all fronts, from closer coordination with China, thwarting NATO bases in Afghanistan and ensuring Iran is not attacked, and all points in between.”
War, Pipelineistan-style
Pepe Escobar, Mar 16, 2012“United States Secretary of State Hillary “We came, we saw, he died” Clinton’s message to Pakistan was stark; try to go ahead with the IP (Iran-Pakistan) gas pipeline, and we’re going to take you out financially.”
As far as Iran goes, Pepe Escobar describes the coming axis of power with Iran trading with Pakistan, India, Russia and China in money that is not US dollars. I don’t know much about India and Pakistan, but the others seem to be State crony capitalisms.
China has a financial/trade war with the US and it’s corporations. And while China may seem like they’ve swallowed the US neo-liberal free-trade model, they may really be playing the game of monopolizing the local Asian surplus army of labor. (Course the huge surplus of commercial ghost cities being built in China may sink their ship, unless those are just stock piles of materials to be used after the crash.) China may be the next center of the NWO, now that the US has gotten depleted by debt and a lack of low paid labor slaves.
March 16, 2012 at 7:14 am #1753alfbell
MemberIt is interesting how so many people can take such umbrage at the mention of conspiracies. To me, it indicates a very low reality on human behaviour. And, in some cases I’m sure that it is also a fear-based response. Look at the history of humanity… it is saturated with violence, intrigue, evil-doing, manipulation, sabotage, destruction and the like.
Rome, Egypt, Chaldea, Babylon, Ming Dynasty and every other empire in history was rife with conspiracies.
Of course there are conspiracies. Both hidden and overt. And they exist on every level of human activity: personal relations, family, business, finance, government, world affairs, etc.
Look at the degraded mental states that men have dwelled in. Think of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, conquerors, mass murderers, child molestor/killers and so on. We only think of these people as large or historical figures. Yet there are people operating off of evil and destructive purposes just like the above mentioned sociopaths throughout all aspects and activities of life. They might not have the volume or intensitiy of a Pol Pot but they are out there causing disruption and destruction on different levels.
Not all sociopaths are heavily sedated, fastened into straight-jackets and inside institutions or prisons. Many sociopaths can appear quite sane and they wear $3,000 suits and are driven around in limos. Some attain head of state heights, some are just a neighbor or your child’s teacher.
And, is it not feasible that some of these sociopaths can find agreement with other sociopaths and thus form groups and conspiracies to further their objectives? Couldn’t they create a “contagion” by insidiously passing their ideologies down to their progeny, associates and followers through manipulation? Can people be misled into thinking that the evil they do is actually for the overall benefit of humanity or of some higher constructive purpose? Can’t groups of people be put to work in a compartmentalized fashion and kept out of communication with their other peer groups so that they don’t fully understand the project or purpose that they are contributing to, and what effect it will have on their fellow man? Propaganda is a powerful technology.
If an action is too incredible or outrageous to believe, it takes on the characteristic of almost being invisible. It goes right over everyone’s head. Yet, it is happening.
With what has been and is going on on this planet, I am pretty much open to anything… anything is possible.
There is one postulate that we have “visitors” meddling in our affairs.
I’m open to that as well.
When our negative socio-economic and other conditions start being solved and man starts truly evolving to a higher state (not technologically because technology has gone way beyond the humanities… but mentally, emotionally and spiritually), then and only then will we know that we have located and confronted the real sources of our problems. We can’t repair or change a condition until we know its true cause or source.
As long as negative or non-survival conditions persist in our world, we know that we don’t have the real answers as to what lies behind them. Having the truth, the real answers, is what unlocks the door to repairing or eradicating them. Having the truth is 90% of the battle.
Best to keep an open mind and develop the power of observation. I think it is our only chance.
March 16, 2012 at 11:40 am #1757ben
MemberWinston Smith post=1310 wrote: SERIOUS NOTE OF COMPLAINT TO TAE STAFF:
El Gallinazo Quote 1:
“the executive branch of the global mafia, with a primary base in Israel”
El Gallinazo Quote 2:
“a total collapse of the world economy may be part of the NWO’s long term plan”
is this the defining Jump-The-Shark moment for TAE?
why are you resorting to NWO (new world order), “the Jews did it”, conspiracy theory drivel?
and i guarantee you Naomi Klein would not appreciate having her well researched-and-reasoned thesis dragged through NWO, “the Jews did it”, conspiradroid mud.
there is no need for shadowy cabals of Jewish “evildoers” to explain our cold, harsh, indifferent and unforgiving reality.
i implore TAE to reverse this despicable, debunked and counterproductive course with dispatch.
if TAE has a reasonable grasp of reality, it will at the very least redact this offensively specious BS.
and if TAE has any sense of ethics, it will not reward let alone reproduce this effluvia.
it’s an odious brand of miseducation and ignorance that does more harm than good as it grossly distorts reality.
it’s Alex-Jones-level crap, which is to say, mighty low.
for those not so easily ensorcelled:
they’re good for what ails El Gallinazo.
winston, are you going to believe your masters or your lying eyes?
realpolitik and oilgarchy are not mutually exclusive.
i happened to take a copy of the domhoff book ‘who rules america?’ from the shelves of an indie-chic hotel in istanbul two octobers ago. it was awesome but as with every other book i only ended up reading about fifty pages. it’s around here somewhere. the beginning laid out in great detail the social structures erected to groom the elite american youth. social secretaries, arranged marriages, a separate but unequal education system. it seemed little different from an episode of downton abbey.
i’ll never forget reading in ‘who rules america?’, written in the 60s, that being on the board of a major hospital signified an entrance into nobility for a woman not of nobility; i was like, wait! michelle obama was on the board of a big ass hospital in chicago! then i was like oh man that’s some fucked up shit right there. but there it is. coinfatecidence.
obviously she’ll never be true-blooded but her grandchildren might. beautiful still-brown bluebloods. land of the free.
domhoff’s psychology background clearly took a backseat to his sociology background. that essay against conspiracy that you linked-to, winston, wasn’t very convincing. it started guilty of inferencing a generalized conclusion from a particular instance:
“In the past, the conspirators were usually said to be secret Communist sympathizers who were intent upon bringing the United States under a common world government with the Soviet Union, but the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 undercut that theory.”
an instance, furthermore, that is declared by domhoff to be illegitimate without any analysis whatsoever. my analysis is that even if the ‘communist sympathizer’ conspiracy theory among capitalists in america was baseless, there was probably a converse ‘capitalist sympathizer’ conspiracy theory among communists in the soviet union proven correct by catastroika.
then domhoff goes on to believe in magic bullets and get suckered by the warren commission, which is what i took gravity to be alluding to in his argument for not fearing the science behind the more recent inside job in 9/11.
the next paragraph, too, is entirely unconvincing.
“There are several problems with a conspiratorial view that don’t fit with what we know about power structures. First, it assumes that a small handful of wealthy and highly educated people somehow develop an extreme psychological desire for power that leads them to do things that don’t fit with the roles they seem to have. For example, that rich capitalists are no longer out to make a profit, but to create a one-world government.”
he obviously forgot to insert ‘inanimate,’ or perhaps ‘static,’ before “power structures.” domhoff’s economics are clueless not to realize that the urge to monopolize something is characterized by “extreme psychological desire.”
it’s just another attempt to monopolize all the shit. welcome to civilization.
March 16, 2012 at 12:29 pm #1759m111ark
MemberNice website RE. I’ll visit often. Here’s my thoughts on sovereign debt.
Governments must PRINT their own currency, they must NEVER borrow money. All banks should be government owned. Market interest rates paid to banks become part of the general revenue. Infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, ports, sewage, schools and military) are paid directly with government issued currency. Citizens pay NO income tax, NO property tax, in fact, no tax at all. Citizens who open themselves to even a small tax risk the expansion of that tax to eventually creating a dependency on the taxing authority.
The banksters only source of power is the ability to print money. That must be taken away. The banksters as a class are a cancer on the citizens and their governments. There are no solutions absent the destruction of the entire class of banksters.
March 16, 2012 at 3:46 pm #1762Greenpa
ParticipantAnd I don’t like anybody very much.
March 16, 2012 at 5:01 pm #1765Norseni
ParticipantThis post and all of the above comments are the reason I visit TAE almost daily. Thank you one and all.
March 16, 2012 at 7:22 pm #1768ExtraO
MemberWell, I read El G’s post yesterday and sort of whistled through my teeth a couple of times in the process, thinking that it would be sure to provoke some strong reactions. Thought about commenting but decided to let it stew for a few hours first. I’ve just re-read it now and all of the comments, and I’ve got to say I find nothing in his original post or in his follow-up in the comments that I think worth quibbling over. Pretty much pins the tail on the donkey in my view.
Hey El G.! It says you are in NW Mexico, correct? Hmmm I’m in Mexico too -but not NW). At one time many decades ago when I first came down here it seemed like it could be far enough away once the even then clearly inevitable started coming to pass. Alas, that perception is turning out to have been way off the mark, but when it all finally falls apart -and boy-oh-boy are we a lot closer to that than we were 42 years ago- I don’t think even Tierra Del Fuego will be far enough away.
March 16, 2012 at 8:29 pm #1771Sunshine
MemberFellow readers and commenters of TAE I’ve been reading this blog since 2007-8
And have added very few comments but decided to add to this heated Jew envy debate this time.1)It is a fact that the financial and economic negative discussions (be it with good intentions) forums and blogs naturally attract negative minds which thrive on lack of self responsibility and blame anything other then themselves for not reaching their potential, easiest to blame are the ones that do not fight back AKA the Jew who is busy building a better life for their children while the blamers well.. spend their precious time um.. blaming
2)Blaming tiny Israel or its so called foreign policy is not only blaming the victim but are based on irrational lies and are identical to the unimaginable horrors inhumane treatment of the Jewish people who shared the European continent for hundreds of years with the blamers of those days.
3)El Gallinazo despite your arguments (and many other negative commenters here) your written words clearly put you in the camp of blamers vs the pious and hard working Jewish people who are only struggling with their sovereignty and consistent declarations of war against them precisely because they do not do what you accuse them of, Israel would not be pointed at as ‘the bad guys’ if they defended themselves like say the Russians or Brits etc.
Shame on you, you owe a humble apology to your incredible Jewish ancestors who consistently carried the burden of the losers and blamers for many many generations.
Remember no one died for their sins, they live in a world of consequences and is one reason Jewish people are in the top percentile of all competencies.
March 16, 2012 at 8:36 pm #1772ashvin
According to Israel’s NRG, in a just completed cabinet vote, for the first time Netanyahu has gotten a majority (8 over 6) supporting an Iran attack. NRG also notes that at this point Israel has decided to not wait until the US elections in November before proceeding with sending crude to the stratosphere. From NRG (google translated): “Israeli political sources believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a majority Cabinet support Israeli military action against Iran without American approval….He announced that he would not hesitate to perform the operation without the approval of President Obama mentioned the precedent of the decision to attack the Iraqi reactor, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and with the comments heard yesterday some cabinet ministers say privately that “It sounds like a speech preparation for attack.” Political – Security Cabinet 14 ministers. According to estimates, at this stage tend to support Netanyahu and Barak’s approach eight ministers, and six against it (including the traditional opponents octet: Moshe Ya’alon, Dan Meridor, Benny Begin and Eli Yishai).”
Because, good things always happen when you follow the “precedents” set in Iraq… :huh:
March 16, 2012 at 9:26 pm #1773el gallinazo
I’ll let you apologize for me to my Jewish ancestors. I believe there is an ultra-orthodox procedure where I can hire you for that? I’m too busy apologizing to my Neanderthal ancestors.
March 16, 2012 at 10:09 pm #1775simon.dc3
ParticipantPlease TAE, the insights on financial system dynamics of Foss, Ilargi and Ashvin are truly enlightening and for the most part right on point.
Do NOT “jump the shark” by trying to have more frequent posts. Contributors like El Gallinazo risk putting the rest of you on the wrong side of legitimacy. Maybe on the flipside of Glenn Beck, but complete buffoonery nonetheless.
Am constantly working on some acquaintances still deeply plugged into the failed paradigm we live in. Your site, amongst a very few others, is one I point them to once I see they’re ready to wake up and get some further bearing.
March 16, 2012 at 10:37 pm #1776Reverse Engineer
Membersimon.dc3 post=1375 wrote:
Do NOT “jump the shark” by trying to have more frequent posts. Contributors like El Gallinazo risk putting the rest of you on the wrong side of legitimacy. Maybe on the flipside of Glenn Beck, but complete buffoonery nonetheless.
Oh brother. Keep drinking the Kool Aid there Simon.
Just to let everyone ELSE know, over on DD we WELCOME all levels of Conspiracy Theory/Fact analysis. We even set up a board specifically for these discussions. Im even willing to speculate that both Newton and Leibniz were Aliens 🙂
March 16, 2012 at 11:05 pm #1779hombre
MemberOle Buzzard, don’t worry… as Yogi would say…
“Half the lies they tell about me aren’t true.”
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