“Leaving the poor alone is not what’s seen as fair in today’s societies.”
Of course not. The producers of wealth will simply pass the tax on to the consumers.
As always, authority uses upper classes as tax collectors. Anyone remember all those folks rallying around Jimmy Carter’s “Windfall Profits Tax” on those evil Oil Producers, when prices skyrocketed due to shortages created by price controls and excess Fed printing?
They had no clue where that tax revenue would have originated. Even as they pumped “over priced” gas into their cars, they demanded higher taxes on the producers.
All moot, really. The old way is over, and it’s every man for himself now. Justice and fairness are no longer viable in a world where Moral Hazard has been let out of the bag. One must align oneself with .gov, or prepare for a rough ride alone.
And don’t let any of those bales of $100 bills falling from the sky flatten you, as you keep in mind the larger number of them you collect, the greater the tax take for “The Power.” Nice incentive on their part?
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