I am a bit surprised Nicole didn’t mention precious metals when mentioning a handful of alternatives to cash. Also, I realize Americans are far softer than they were decades ago, but I hope and pray that we would rise up refuse to give the failed fed even more control over our money through negative conversion rates or elimination of cash. The very fact that it is being discussed is an admission the fed has failed miserably and needs to be ended. Finally, even if it were to abolish cash and somehow force people to consume their retirement savings, in the end it is just another delay of an inevitable collapse that will leave people with no money for the future and therefore be even worse in the intermediate/longer-term.
I tried on and off for over a year now to login and post but couldn’t get in here because I forgot my initial password, had changed email addresses (internet provider) and also confirmation emails went unknowingly to my clutter or junk email box instead of inbox. Anyway, these articles are fantastic, “red pill” reading for sure and resonate with me. IMO, the notion of credit REQUIRING exponential expansion in a finite world is the biggest lynchpin to the public’s understanding of the forthcoming collapse. I have for some time fully understood the value of holding cash, but more and more it seems that when we really need the most, the gubment will take it away in one way or another. Same with PMs I suspect. I see part III is now posted and will read it. I hope there are some tips on what, if anything, we can do other than get out of the financial markets.