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  • in reply to: Mass Extinction and Mass Insanity #31759

    For those who feel the desperate urgency of stopping the destruction ASAP, I highly recommend the Deep Green Resistance book. I haven’t seen any other strategies to head off ecological collapse based on a realistic assessment of the time we have left, or the political and popular will to make serious change.

    in reply to: Crash on Demand? A Response to David Holmgren #11014

    I wrote a response of my own, that elaborates on my comment above in agreement with Holmgren’s goal of causing a crash sooner than later: “Demand Crash!”. (Though I don’t think his plan for accelerating collapse is very realistic.)

    The nice thing about everything being so screwed up is that there’s plenty of work for everyone to do, whether folks think it best to push the system down sooner to have more chance of a livable planet when it’s all over, or whether they prefer working on preparing their community (human and nonhuman) to rebound after the crash. Best wishes to everyone doing whatever their calling is, in response to this crazy system!

    in reply to: Crash on Demand? A Response to David Holmgren #10463

    Two brief points:

    “Much better, in my opinion, to continue the good work with the declared, and entirely defensible, goals of building greater local resilience and security of supply while preserving and regenerating the natural world.”

    I could agree with this *if* we were anywhere close to actually achieving either of those goals. But in reality, every day that civilization continues its operations, it destroys more of our landbases leaving us less able to cope with survival after its collapse. In reality, civilization continues to destroy local resiliency and the natural world at a level orders of magnitude faster than we can possibly rebuild them. We won’t be able to offset the destruction without slowing or halting that destruction at the same time.

    My second point goes to the heart of the disagreement you have with those who advocate bringing the system down ASAP: you’re a liberal, believing that individual actions and decisions are the best or the only way to effect change. Radicals see the existing system as an organized enactment of force and violence. They believe that the only way to stop the ongoing destruction, to create breathing room for alternatives, and to have some hope of a livable planet at the end of this, is to meet that organized force with collective force of our own. The Deep Green Resistance “Liberal vs Radical” video series does an excellent job of explaining the contrasts between these frameworks.

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