Commentary by El Gallinazo.
Under what Bill Gross describes as “the new paranormal,” one has to ask, what exactly do these market caps and index futures mean? While many might argue that in the GOD (good old days) price discovery was rigged, it ain’t nothing compared to what is occurring today. The new generation of software and superduperpooper computers enables the Cabal to fix price discovery as they see fit.
Under the old model of capitalism, the shareholders of a corporation were the owners and the managers were often quite a bit lower on the totem pole. But is that still true? Perhaps the share holder class has become the new suckers and the Owners are primarily invested in the bonds. Who actually owns these equities? From what I read, despite a major disinformation campaign by the Media that “the pump is finally primed,” and “Yes, Mission Control, we do have lift off,” people and even funds are fleeing equities in increasing numbers.
One thing we can be sure of. The Owners and the politician class (three rungs below the Owners on the Great Pyramid of Power) are trying to use the new, improved false price discovery of equities to bamboozle Joe Bagodonuts into believing that we are experiencing an “economic recovery.” If you have three working synapses in your pocket to rub together, then you know this is a load of shit. Basically, its, “Are you going to believe your Masters or your lying eyes?”
Can the supercomputers keep the S&P500 at 1400 or more until they either pull the plug or the Electric Company turns off the juice at the meter? Maybe. If you are not a speculator or a trader, does it amount to a hill of beans? Only in the sense that it will be concomitant with a credit crisis which will shut down commerce. Is this a set-up for a huge pump and dump on colossal proportions, even dwarfing the South Sea Ponzi? Probably.
Would that activate another round of TARP and a Fed breastfeed of the Too Big to Jail when QEIII proves as effective as shooting meth into a cold cadaver? Probably. If so, when are the owners going to pull the trigger? Well, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds rudely refuse to respond to my emails, so it’s anyone’s guess.
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