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Once again, to close off the year, we promote our new set of video downloads, Facing the Future. Sales have been OK, but not more than that so far. And we simply do need the revenue to increase, quite a bit, in order to be sure we can carry on our work in 2014. Everybody who’s ordered the videos so far, loves them; we haven’t seen even one negative review. So why should you be the one to miss out? Please purchase our DVDs and downloads, and make sure you send in your donations too. Help The Automatic Earth hit 2014 running!
Facing the Future is a brand new 4+ hour video presentation that combines the future-mapping work of Nicole Foss and Laurence Boomert, extending the material presented in their recent lecture tour of the US and Canada. It spans the full range from big picture vision to detailed prescription for positive action in light of their view of what’s ahead.
Here’s a 4 minute teaser video:
File 1): Nicole and Laurence focus on the scope of the challenges facing local government – the debt crisis, a history of disempowerment through political centralization, the downloading of unfunded responsibilities and the myriad governance issues that arise as a result. They offer advice to local governments in navigating a future very different from that envisaged in their ubiquitous 30 year growth plans.
File 2): Nicole takes her most comprehensive look at money and the global financial situation yet, covering a variety of systemically important US states and different corners of the globe. She explains the nature of a deflationary liquidity crunch, and how it creates a state of artificial scarcity.
File 3): Laurence offers a detailed exploration of community initiatives capable of building the trust and social cohesion necessary to navigate what lies ahead. From specific projects to general community hubs to maker-spaces to cooperative businesses, these initiatives facilitate the development of collective sense and constructive action.
Facing the Future is available for just $39.95 at our Store and Donations page, click here.
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