The Greek Fraud Reads Like a Crime Novel


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    Tamara de Lempicka The refugees 1937   Note: I feel kind of sorry this has become such a long essay. But I still left out so much. You know by no
    [See the full post at: The Greek Fraud Reads Like a Crime Novel]


    The thing that I find outrageos is how Papandreou and other politicians fleeced the country and fled abroad – without anyone going after them. It is obvious that he was doing their bidding and that they don’t want to go after him because he knows too much and could have brought down people like Merkel.

    Papandreou’s mother linked to Swiss fortunes

    This photo of the Papandreou clan was taken in 1984. The old man at the front is Andreas Papandriou, the father of George. He was prime minister at that time – an ostensible Socialist. The whole family was Trotskyist and we all know who financed the Trotskyists for over a century now.

    V. Arnold

    My heart goes out to the Greek people. My parents lived on Mykonos for 5 years in the 70’s.
    They absolutely loved the island and their neighbors. It was only my father’s heart attack that brought them back to the U.S. on the advice of a doctor in Athens.
    I commend you Ilargi for all that you are doing, and I’ll send you a donation after the new year.
    Unfortunately, I also recognize it will take far more than money to fix Greece.
    It’s citizens deserve much better from the galoots than a boot on their face…


    Why doesn’t the Greek court go after the team and the investment house that put together the swap with the intent to “cook the books” so that Greece’s debt to GDP would look smaller than it was so it could join the EU. It has always seemed as if everything that has happened has been deliberately engineered to disguise, or at the very least distract attention from how the entire mess started. That team at the squid has a lot to answer for.

    Dr. D


    “And you will go to Mykonos
    With a vision of a gentle coast
    And a sun to maybe dissipate
    Shadows of the mess you made

    Brother, you don’t need to turn me away
    I was waiting down at the ancient gate”


    I hope your appeal yields some help for your Greek friends and the people they serve. Let me suggest it was probably a mistake to call out Kyle Bass since you base must certainly now include the denizens of T̶h̶e̶ ̶D̶a̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶o̶r̶m̶e̶r̶ ZH where Bass is practically a patron saint next to the likes of neo Confederate Ron Paul and the father of neoliberalism Hayak. It’s a shame no link has been found linking Hillary or Obama to the Greek tragedy but inaction does not supply evidence. At least then you might garner some real if short term sympathy from the ZH crowd for Greeks who truth be told are always going to be untermenschen to them. Not to be unfair, to the Clinton crowd too but they are after all known softies and snowflakes.


    There’s more … Michael Nevradakis interviewed Zoe Georganta, another former ELSTAT board member.
    Here is the link: Transcript: Interview with Whistleblower Zoe Georganta on ELSTAT Scandal @

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