Debt Rattle August 12 2023


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle August 12 2023

  • This topic has 43 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Dr. D.
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  • #141073

    Vincent van Gogh Beach at Scheveningen in Calm Weather 1882   • AG Garland Appoints Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Probe (Sp.) • Ukrainian Lives
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 12 2023]

    Formerly T-Bear

    What is going on with the site? To the second post yesterday, this was submitted long before John Day’s sequential copy and paste exercises but never appeared, Why?

    … I wish I was a cartoonist, and could capture the entire image in one frame. I can see it in front of my eyes, but I can’t draw it.

    No need a cartoonist, your word pictures work well enough if not even better as your competent reader will embellish your words with their experience far better than any cartoonist. Trust your readers and their experience; cast your bread on the waters as directed. (smiley thing)

    One might do well to impress the relationship of WHO controls the site and WHAT IS or WHAT IS NOT permitted at the site. Should these relationships NOT be acknowledged, others can also provide the service and boycott can happen to their services. As is, appearances are the site is to be wrecked. FIRE the bastards doing the damage.

    That Bloke


    I gave up commenting a while back because my comments rarely showed up.

    Dr. D

    “U.S Suicides at All-Time High”

    Yes, but they’re overwhelmingly young boys and men, so this is a good thing! 4 out of 5 doctors approve! I’m sorry, why is this reported? Do we report it when cockroaches are killed? No, because that’s a good thing, a normal thing. And so here, Mr. Reporter I’m very upset that you’re wasting all our time. Call us when something bad happens, something we DON’T want.

    ““He said the West needed to stop Russia now, before “American soldiers have to shed their blood and to lose their lives in Europe..”

    Let me translate: We need to have an existential million-man total war in Europe so we can avoid a million-man total war in Europe.

    Although an uncomfortable interview I wouldn’t recommend, candidate Marianne Williamson said the same thing, as totally, or effectively, pro-war. But she’s on the Left, so that goes without saying. Dore didn’t say but effectively she’s the poster child for the Left being the Left boot of the NeoCons. THEY say the war, and like 100% of all Democrats, who then vote for it, she says “We need a negotiated peace” and then mill about, mealy-mouthed, while the NeoCons run the Pentagon and kill 6 Million people. Or 6 million children at this point and that many more adults. Why? She repeats every NeoCon talking point about Putin’s aggression, NATO’s innocence, nothing about Nazis, and once again history starts Feb 2022. That’s not being a “Peace” to adopt 95% of all NeoCon talking points, most of which are false. That’s being a codependent, or more properly, an accessory to murder.

    Were you to state it directly, as RFK does, then I might start to believe you don’t like it and oppose it.

    Anyway, Progressives: relentlessly, aggressively, tirelessly Pro-War.

    Back to Poland, they all think – Ego, Subject-Object consciousness – that what THEY do has no effect on Putin, ever. They are as innocent as doves. Why has Putin militarized the border just because Finland joined NATO? Why, I say sir, that is just beyond the pale! When WE militarize, WHY! That is JUST NO REASON for YOU to militarize. We need ALL the guns, and YOU need none of the guns. Then you can trust us! When has Europe ever invaded Russia? And when has Poland ever made trouble with their neighbors? Why, I say you are simply seeing things. It’s “Aggressive” for you to react just because we point a nuclear-armed gun at you. And We must Invade to stop this Aggression!!! Russia’s army in RUSSIA? Belarus’ army in Belarus? When will the madness end???

    “Shoigu also alleged that Warsaw is actively seeking to take over parts of Ukraine by forming a so-called Polish-Ukrainian military unit, whose official purpose will be defending Western Ukraine, but will in fact serve to occupy it.”

    Thankfully, the Polish people, like the American people, are totally on with this and are done with it. They can try, but as they have nothing but resistance through the population, they may think better of it.

    ““This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy prohibiting hate speech”

    Note that this is essentially Libel. They could post “Sorry, this channel is under review” or something, they SPECIFICALLY accuse them, in the MOST INFLAMMATORY way possible, as an attack on them and more importantly, a THREAT to all others. Anyone under billionaire, who would have lawyers enough to make them behave normally.

    So did they prove it? No. There is no process, much less a court of law. Or I should say, they have a process, but from experience, they almost never follow it, which is direct violation of their EULA contract, which is itself funny since they can put whatever they want in that, and they STILL lose?

    “with users appealing to the site’s owner to have him permanently banned.”

    Huh. Funny way to put that. How about this, “While other users appealed to have him instated and promoted”. So SOME people say yes and SOME people say no, but we only report the one peoples? Hey: don’t do the enemy’s work FOR them. You can at least not do that, Sputnik. (They do this regularly, daily almost).

    “this indictment is nothing more than a declaration of war against American voters and their constitutional right to free speech.” — Alistair Crooke

    As we all know, this war was declared a long time ago. Probably 2001 with the Patriot Act, that is, the Act criminalizing Patriots. And we all know it. And Crooke knows we know it. So be more careful: don’t do the enemy’s work for him. His worthless statement reads as “If we don’t look out, something bad might happen.”

    “Do you doubt any longer that this demographic in the USA is mentally ill?”

    This is a little bit of a better statement. It builds consensus for something we’ve all long-seen and suffered since 2001.

    “the Democratic Party shoves us inch-by-inch and day-by-day toward something that looks like national suicide.”

    And this is your warning and call to present action.

    Only the most pathologically credulous might fail to notice the slime trail of bribery lately uncovered by congressional sleuths.”

    As far as I can tell, 100% of the people I meet fail to notice it. They don’t want it to be real, so it doesn’t exist, they’ve never even heard of it, same as how they live their personal lives.

    “voilà, there was something supernatural about how fast we were off to Impeachment Number One!”

    …Which was the day of Covid. Coincidence, I’m sure. Doesn’t that suggest THEY ALL KNEW? And not only knew…something…but they all knew how VERY, DEEPLY, INCREDIBLY, FELONIOUSLY, TREASONOUSLY BAD it was? Or why would the be in a hurry? As they say: “Nothing happens in a hurry in D.C.” Except this. All lock-step and in a world’s biggest hurry Because nobody knewd nothin’ about it. Yup. Uh-huh.

    “Do you suppose Judge Tanya Chutkan would do anything but allow that evidence to be introduced?”

    See how all this goes? Trump had but one play in the whole book and used it for 2 years as his only play before they started to notice. “These people are dumb.” But that leaves the only OTHER play he’s ever used, which is this one: Get them to rail on Trump, post him in the media, put a spot light on him…just like the “Pied Piper” strategy that worked so well for Hillary she totally lost the election with it. …As everyone tried to tell her every day for the whole year.

    The Media, the Courts, WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING. …Unless it’s Trump. TrumpTrumpTrump. Orange Man Bad! Orange Man Really Bad! Okie-Dokey. That’s fine. So the ONLY way to have something happen – in the Media – is “Bombshell, Walls are Closing In!!!” We’ll ASMR Trump indictments all day, mainline them, To My Veins!!!! Just like the Trump vaccine they all loved so much.

    So here once again, no cases can be brought? Not in any of 25 states? Not a single uncorrupt judge from sea to sea? Okie-Dokey then! We’ll create a condition, a case where TRUMP is being arrested, OVER the voter fraud. Then YOU will FORCE us into that case, and we’ll hold the Trial right ‘ere in this Briar Patch, br’er bear.

    Wot a crock. Please. I am SO. BORED. Please, please please AT LEAST get past this so we can see what Playbook No. Three is? I can’t take it anymore.

    ““If the US dumps Ukraine, then the Kiev regime would collapse and the blame for that would be laid at the door of the Biden administration”

    And…? The administration wouldn’t want to pull out like F-Stan? They already did. No one cared. Don’t give me crap about how “they can’t”, the optics, blah blah. They did, they do, and look stupider for a dozen other reason every minute of the day. You’re just running cover for what’s really going on and why they’re really staying.

    “How Zelensky ‘Blackmails’ the US – Mercouris (Sp.)

    Let me count the ways? Biden. Hunter. Congress. Biolabs. Trafficking. Drugs. Money Laundering. Collateral. All of the former for EUROPE and not the U.S. But we don’t have all day, just a short list.

    “• China Is Run By ‘Bad Folks’ – Biden (RT)

    Huh. Weird. Once again what Joe says and does – and is working against all actions of his NeoCons like Blinken — is really channeling his inner Trump, saying exactly what Trump would say in the same situation. Anyone notice? Anyone care to explain? I guess we’ll find out. I’ll remind you when we do.

    “Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of the area”

    As Ukraine lines finally collapse. Still on their own. Russia has 90 tanks and 200,000 men up there, but isn’t using them.

    I’m not upset by the site. It always AI’s spam, mostly incorrectly. It always denied multiple pics and links. I always have to log out and in, sometimes within 1 minute. I always have to cut-paste so the comments aren’t lost. Nothing’s changed.

    “It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be
    oppressed by a majority. … The most certain test by which we judge
    whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by
    minorities.” — Lord Acton


    This site is hopeless.

    Veracious Poet

    I guess I should feel *special*, as I haven’t had any problems posting for a long, long time 😉

    That script hi-jinks a week or two ago, that tried to trick AdBlock, was a little greasy, but not too bad considering…

    Hmmm, well I don’t actually have any data and/or content to add, huh!

    How would one add to the greatest episode of The Twilight Zone ever thunk up?



    TAE gathers “Opinion Shapers” for your evaluation and gathers facts from around the world.
    You decide/chose what you want to believe.
    You will enjoy reading Ukrainian the opinion of all the aids given to Ukraine.

    Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian politician and chairman of the Council of the Other Ukraine movement, said in an article published on the website.
    the Ukrainian politician wrote. “Under it, 80% of the aid remained in the United States. Translated into the language of corruption, this is an 80% kickback. Naturally, Biden would declare anyone he wants ‘a democrat’ and ‘a defender of European values’ for such money.”

    Medvedchuk said that “Biden blackmailed Ukraine’s then-president [Pyotr] Poroshenko by saying that the United States would deny a billion dollars in aid.”

    “As we understand, it was not a billion, but about 200 million, as the remaining 800 million dollars was left in the United States at Biden’s disposal,” the politician wrote. “Poroshenko intentionally opted to ‘milk’ the money, sacrificing Shokin to the corruption scheme. After that, the next Ukrainian president, Zelensky, will make the entire Ukrainian people a victim of this scheme.”


    How Kadyrov Feels About ‘Negotiations’ With Ukraine

    Straight from the horse’s mouth

    I’m in complete agreement




    The kiss of death for Ukronaziland is that Russian drone production is so high now, moving in parallel with Russian shell production, that they can now be using drones on small infantry formations.

    Even 6 months ago, drones were reserved for heavy high end targets like tanks and artillery and armored vehicles.

    Now they can afford to target individual soldiers, the cost is not a problem.

    The Russians are perfecting modern combined arms warfare in real live time

    FPV drone operators found and destroyed the firing point of the AFU (Ukraine)

    At the last frame, you can see the rifle telescopic lens in detail an instant before impact


    U.S. Government Creating Human Animal Chimeras


    Satanic Monster Zombie Chimeras

    What will ‘they’ think of next

    Maybe that was the purpose of dozens of bio-war labs in UkroNaziland


    Russian FPV Drones Blowing Ukrainian Trenches Directly


    If you don’t read TASS, do you read /

    War is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 BILLION in Sales from Proxy War With Russia

    Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. According to media reports, this coming year-end will see that record figure exceeded by another salivating $50 billion.

    Ukraine may be resembling a bloodbath, as we noted in last week’s editorial. But apparently, Western military corporations are swimming in a bonanza of profits and stock market investments.

    Most of this lucrative new business stems from NATO’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, which is heading toward its second year. There is no sign of a diplomatic effort from the West or the Kiev regime it sponsors to end the bloodshed.

    The main corporate beneficiaries making a financial killing from Ukraine are by far the American firms. They include such behemoths as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and RTX (formerly Raytheon). But also enjoying soaring profits are arms makers in other NATO countries: BAE in the United Kingdom, Airbus in France, Netherlands and Spain, Leonardo in Italy, and Germany’s Rheinmetall.

    This week the Joe Biden administration requested another $24 billion in U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine. It’s hard to keep track of the money flowing from NATO countries to prop up the Nazi regime in Kiev. Even the NATO authorities don’t seem to know the precise figures, such is the rampant corruption that is inevitably associated with the vast doling of funds. But estimates of total U.S. and NATO aid to Ukraine range from $150 billion to $200 billion over the past year alone.

    What we are seeing is an audacious racket whereby the American and European public are subsidizing the funneling of their own taxpayers’ money into the coffers of weapons firms. And there is no democratic choice in the matter. It’s a fait accompli. Or, put another way, extortion.

    Of course, too, part of this huge scam is the hefty financial cuts for the inner circle of the Kiev regime, including its puppet president, Vladimir Zelensky, and the brazenly sleazy defense chief Aleksy Reznikov. It is reckoned that at least $400 million has been grafted by the top members of the regime from the arms bazaar flowing into Ukraine. Reznikov has even boasted that his country serves as a testing ground for NATO weaponry.


    Ukrainian Man Is Outraged At Corrupt Authorities

    Things on the home front are collapsing

    Alexander Carpenter

    For some of us, this may seem a parable for our times:

    For others of us, it may seem a different parable for our times…

    John Day

    “Goading the Russians”
    Ukraine has launched another attack on the vital Crimean bridge which links Russia to the Crimean peninsula, according to Moscow officials.
    The defense ministry and Crimean officials say a pair of S-200 missiles had been inbound but Russian anti-air defenses engaged and shot them down. Unconfirmed video footage shows large plumes of smoke rising near or on the Crimean bridge, also known as the Kerch bridge, as of Saturday afternoon.

    John Day

    @Formerly T-Bear: You did not see that it took me many attempts and logging out and logging back in and dealing with the AI-robot-inspector algorithm, and that the reason for a double post was a 5 minute black-out.
    TAE is under ongoing AI-nuisance attacks. They keep shifting patterns.



    Heh! Agree. You might have to shop around for some actual hosting, but what you do on that host should be under as much of your control as possible for this kind of site. Your control ends at your public IP address and registered name. You can do without the name, but it’s a speakeasy at that point. The ‘recipe’ hosts of this kind (WordPress, TapaTalk, etc, maybe even Substack) strike me as a Facebook Funnel, where they have herded all the bloggers into the pen…and…well, even Denninger has to hide half his content or get ‘de-searched’ by the Goggles.

    A programmer or two may be expensive, but a horde of them is a bust!


    re: inadequacy of brush

    I was thinking it would have to be someone the level of Tolles, Horsey, maybe Don Martin (SKROINK!).


    US Diplomat Threatened To “Kick The Shit” Out Of Biden For Groping Wife


    I would pay a thousand dollars for a front row sit to see Senator Scott Brown beat the living fuck out of Pedo Joe.

    Yeh, even though he’s 80, it would be sweet to see the shit kicked out of Presidementia Bibet



    OK, if you want, let’s put some commenting complaints in a row. We’ve had some trouble with an ad service interfering with comments recently. John Day posts comments so long it’s a miracle the platform doesn’t spit them out more frequently, but other than that? 😉 😉 😁


    oh, and keep it short please..

    I see one comment today, from Aspnaz, that the system refused, and made it the second time. that’s it.


    Pro Tip on Posting Comments at TAE

    I know this might sound like patting your head while rubbing your stomach in a circular motion tip..

    But I’ve found for some reason that holding down the mouse pointer/button on the SUBMIT button for a long count of 20 to 30 and NOT moving the mouse pointer even a smidge during this process, then letting go of the mouse button works most often and keep me from the dreaded Spam Dialog/sign in sign out loop


    I’ve also found the same long hold down technique for single photos, especially photos with long WWW addresses.

    If you have the same photo from two different websites, the SHORTER address one usually posts and the longer one does not.

    Here again, I suspect the LONG HOLD DOWN on the submit button allows the photo address to “spool” on the upload to the server better

    Who knows, feels a little voodooie to me

    Formerly T-Bear

    At John Day

    John: commiserations but your submissions went through. I seldom post and the either ate it, no links, no length, no foul language, no attack on another, no controversial subject. I for one will not accept such reception. Accepting such reception feeds a cancer that needs be excised and destroyed, particularly if it anything Alphabetic – try CIA, NSA, FBI, Google and a few others including the Washington comPost [sic].


    but it works 95% of the time

    D Benton Smith

    I don’t think too many people would disagree with the statement that Power in this world seems to be running amok at the moment. It certainly is doing so at the moment around here anyway. So what does “running amok” mean?

    It means that certain people (both named and unnamed) have too much power and are using it very very badly. And how much power is “too much power”, and just how bad is “badly” done?

    Too much power is having and using enough power to defy and evade justice.

    Too much power is when certain people can do bad things at will, are not slowed or stopped from doing those things, and are not held to account for those seriously bad acts.

    What does “bad” mean? It means causing HARM to an innocent human being, who is free and unencumbered as their birth right. They are not property, or or indebted to others, or guilty of any infraction whatsoever. Very simple and completely unambiguous.

    But isn’t a certain amount of “power” and authority necessary to having a good society and civilization? I dunno. Maybe. Just how much power are we talking about here? If it is enough power to defy and evade justice, and ride roughshod over the innocent with impunity, then I think that is too much power and I would say no to it.

    So I suppose right there in a nutshell is where a sane and proper limit to power must be set. There must never be allowed concentration of power in any person or group of people such that he, they or it can defy and evade justice.

    If that defiance and evasion is already in evidence …… and running amok upon the land …… then things have already gotten way too far out of hand and are far and away beyond the “point of no return” after which nothing short of compulsion can bring the exorbitant (justice mocking and evading) power back under check.

    A Case In Point:

    Just a few days ago a man named Craig Roberts publicly advertised that he would be more than happy to administer massively deserved justice to Joe Biden. His declaration was perhaps a bit too luridly explicit, but it was still……..nevertheless and only…….. just WORDS about thoughts about fair justice.

    In response to Craig Robert’s words, and without further ado, Joe sent a squad of heavily armed FBI to the 75 year old man’s home and shot him dead on his own doorstep. At the time of his death Mr. Roberts had committed no crime other than the promise of the delivery of Justice to a flamboyantly open and defiant offender (the sexually deviant toward children, openly murderous, and impudently traitorous, Joe Biden). Undeniable proof that Mr Robert’s charges were valid was the consequent extrajudicial execution of Roberts by Biden’s agents.

    They are all presently getting away with it completely, in full public view.

    Enough power to defy and evade justice is too much power.

    Justice can only be restored by successfully taking that power away.

    Anything short of success in such removal of criminals from power is INJUSTICE, and acceptance of such injustice is exactly what it sounds like, acceptance. I think we all understand, without further explanation, all too exactly what that means.

    Formerly T-Bear

    One horrific fire over Hawaii way, one historic town now history and ash contaminating the landscape. How many missing were there and how many have been found so far? The speed of fire spread would find many without escape plan or escape route particularly tourists and children at home. The reported 67 is tragic enough, what else will they find?

    Formerly T-Bear

    Let me try again, seems the Alphabet identities don’t favour First Amendment and blocked another comment about the fires in Hawaii, quoted below:

    One horrific fire over Hawaii way, one historic town now history and ash contaminating the landscape. How many missing were there and how many have been found so far? The speed of fire spread would find many without escape plan or escape route particularly tourists and children at home. The reported 67 is tragic enough, what else will they find?

    John Day

    5 links is what TAE blog comments AI will usually accept.
    Sometimes it refuses Russian links, and after a few rounds of trying I deactivate them wth a space between dot and com.
    For a while it was rejecting Substack links. Sometimes it will only accept one link, but 15 minute later it will accept 5 again.
    Remember “we” got “our own” part time part-human-part-robot “troll” for the vaccine-battles,
    Neo-deflationista, identifiable as a one-note troll with at least 3 different human babysitters(different “voices”) and the autobot for the lurid links to pro-vaxx stories.

    These kinds of near-continuous interferences with communications are routine, and will get worse and weirder in waves, never just the same thing each time.

    John Day

    @DBS: You mentioned the FBI offing “Craig Roberts” for threatening Biden/Harris, so I thought I really should know more about that story than I do.
    I looked up “Craig Roberts”, which he was mistakenly listed as in a couple of stories, but I then found “Craig Roberts” at”Spartacus” a wounded Vietnam-vet sniper, who went to Dealey plaza as if he was setting up a sniper tem to hit JFK. It’s pretty interesting. He really liked the picket fence at the railyard and a couple of city office building rooftops.


    Applying justice is going to take violence and a tremendous determination, D. Benton. Do you seee these qualities in the people around you? I don’t. Like an embedded tick, every aspect of your government and culture is infected. They are never held accountable, ever. When you control money, you control everything. Rothchild stated that hundeds of years ago, he was correct. Next up is legal pedophilia, mark my words, people do not understand the Devil they are dealing with, the power and control they have over your life.


    Celticbiker said

    You will never have peace in a jew run world.

    A few days ago Noirette posted a video ( of Max Blumenthal tearing apart RFK Jr’s zionist extremism. One of the statements you will frequently read on TAE is that not all Jews are like the Zionist Jews of Israel. Interestingly, Max Blumenthal said the same thing at the end of this video, and he accused people who group all Jews together as the “real anti-semites”. I love this stuff, there is Blumenthal pretending to be anti-zionist and then he uses the pro-zionist accusation of “anti-semitism”. I see it this way; there will be catholics who believe in abortion, despite the Vatican having an anti-abortion policy, so does this mean that we cannot say that catholics are anti-abortion, it is the policy of the religion. Similarly the Jewish policy is that Israel is their rightful homeland. There will be some who disagree, like Blumenthal, and who object to the immorality of the Jews in Israel, but if you think that your faith is committing crimes in Israel then why do you identify as a Jew; Blumenthal identifies as a Jew, he says so at the start of the video. You cannot identify with a religion yet also condemn the official policy of that religion, that kind of makes you someone who wants their cake and eat it. Despite the hypocrisy, Blumenthal does a good job of discrediting israel’s latest candidate, RFK Jr.


    Celticbiker said

    You will never have peace in a jew run world.

    Yesterday Noirette posted a video ( of Max Blumenthal tearing apart RFK Jr’s zionist extremism. One of the statements you will frequently read on TAE is that not all Jews are like the Zionist Jews of Israel. Interestingly, Max Blumenthal said the same thing at the end of this video, and he accused people who group all Jews together as the “real anti-semites”. I love this stuff, there is Blumenthal pretending to be anti-zionist and then he uses the pro-zionist accusation of “anti-semitism”. I see it this way; there will be catholics who believe in abortion, despite the Vatican having an anti-abortion policy, so does this mean that we cannot say that catholics are anti-abortion, it is the policy of the religion. Similarly the Jewish policy is that Israel is their rightful homeland. There will be some who disagree, like Blumenthal, and who object to the immorality of the Jews in Israel, but if you think that your faith is committing crimes in Israel then why do you identify as a Jew; Blumenthal identifies as a Jew, he says so at the start of the video. You cannot identify with a religion yet also condemn the official policy of that religion, that kind of makes you someone who wants their cake and eat it. Despite the hypocrisy, Blumenthal does a good job of discrediting israel’s latest candidate, RFK Jr.


    It took three goes today to post the above comment. I now put dots under the comment, one for each go, they prevent the system from telling me that I have already posted the same comment.


    Russian drones working in pairs, a spotter and an attack drone, now hunt platoon sized groups of Ukronazis.

    Very effective

    If they escape the first house, the spotter drone follows them to the second and no one leaves

    D Benton Smith

    @JohnDay My apologies for misreporting the correct name of the man killed by the FBI in Provo. His name was Craig Robertson (not Roberts). The article I read actually used both spellings. My luck to choose the wrong one.

    Here’s a link to the the article I read:





    Activestards glue themselves to the wrong oil truck

    They glues themselves to a truck full of cooking oil


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