Debt Rattle August 14 2021
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- This topic has 125 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
August 14, 2021 at 3:27 pm #83778
madamski cafone
ParticipantIt takes a sick mind to leave the TV on for a dog or cat for 8 hours.
One reason I don’t believe in a totalitarian takeover is because we’ve already lived in one since TV hit critical mass around late 50s/early 60s. We are not, imo, witnessing a totalitarian lockdown or crackdown; we are witnessing a totalitarian breakdown. Huxley ruled on the way up the 20th century Hypnotic Control Contest, but Orwell plans to get his kiicks in on the way down. One thing that angry younguns agree on from neo-nazi to vegan tree-huggers is that Doc Martens are forever cool.
August 14, 2021 at 3:37 pm #83779madamski cafone
ParticipantI can never find it online, but I recall learning 20 years ago that Hitler allegedly said that if he and his creeps had been stopped in the streets, they’d never have come to power. This is in response to a comment on the TikTok vakz vid:
“As @ThomasSowell eloquently puts it: “It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance” ”
Which is why a short sweet “FU and the vakzination you rode in on” with a menacing undertone works better. “It’s MY body: wanna piece of it? Want me to force you to receive a dangerous untested medication becaiuse I think you’ll make me sick if you don’t let me ram this lozenge up your cloaca? No? Me neither. Besides, it doesn’t work:, period, and I have to rely on my own five-knuckle anti-bodies to make you sick enough to make me feel better. This is NOT a rational conversation because you are so obviously non compos mentis. Lookitup, shitkick.”
The broken windows will not happen in neat orderly rwos this time, not like the BLM orchestration. They will happen wherever people decide a business owner willing to destroy hir business via insane and deadly covid/vakzine/mazk protocols deserves a little help on their way to bankruptcy.
August 14, 2021 at 3:41 pm #83780zerosum
ParticipantSUCK IT UP!
Where there is smoke there is fire.
There is ash falling out of the smoke.
Visibility is dangerously reduced
TAE is the water bomber.
Looking is destroying the existing social/economic systemAugust 14, 2021 at 3:41 pm #83781phoenixvoice
ParticipantDr d: “ “and why vaccinated people can’t tap out of the pandemic’s collective problem” Because vaccines don’t work. Otherwise getting them WOULD tap out the problem. But unvaccinated can’t tap it out either. Because if they get vaccinated, they will be in Body 2, who can NOT tap out of the problem. Answer: NO ONE can tap out of the problem, vaccinated or no. So Vaccines don’t work.”
And…the mainstream narrative is succeeding every time anyone devolves into a narrative of “the vaccinated” vs. “the unvaccinated.”
“ : NO ONE can tap out of the problem”
I disagree. I am “tapped out of the problem” of fearing Covid. I survived. I have natural immunity.
My only problems?
Keeping myself and kids free of the vaccine.
Maintaining my civil liberties while being assigned to a group of people that are being denigrated as social pariahs.Joe Biden’s handlers want to prevent me from crossing state lines.
If I don’t get my passport renewed I won’t be able to take domestic flights soon. (I refuse to carry an ID with an RFID chip around with me continually.). It may become a moot point, because “the unvaccinated” (including those naturally immune) won’t be able to board any commercial flights.I remember, as a young child, asking the adults around me why we were opposed to communism in our country (USA). I remember being told that in communist countries one was perpetually told to show one’s papers to do anything.
August 14, 2021 at 3:42 pm #83782D Benton Smith
Participant@those darned kids
You’re right, I know that you’re right, but every time reality hurts me again and I decide to leave the bastard, it says it only hit me because of how much it loves me, and I remember how much I love it, too.
I guess I’m just a sucker for love.August 14, 2021 at 3:53 pm #83783zerosum
ParticipantYou think that you got trouble trying to deal with the vaccine and the pandemic ….
Try Haiti …. earthquake sat. 8:30 am
Tropical Storm Fred
Tropical Storm GraceAugust 14, 2021 at 3:58 pm #83784Germ
“It was scary. The doctors said there’s nothing we can do other than Tylenol or Motrin to treat symptoms,” Vowell said, noting the doctor said his symptoms were consistent with the delta variant.
August 14, 2021 at 4:00 pm #83785upstateNYer
Participant@madam – Simon Wristband video. WOW. Awesome. Don’t get much better than that. thanks!
August 14, 2021 at 4:02 pm #83786ctbarnum
ParticipantThanks for the Denninger link. I found this in the comments (go to Bluto):
” The rate of increase in the southeastern states is slowing greatly. Florida is now #42 in the nation in weekly increase of cases. The top 5 are now: Washington state, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Virginia. The vaccination rates in those states range from 63% to 73%. Additionally, all of those states, except for New Mexico are in northern latitudes so they are going to get hammered as Vitamin D levels wane with the onset of autumn.”
I looked it up and the link checks out. With all the shrieking about Florida and school boards wanting mask mandates, we are also in the middle for hospitalizations and deaths. I think the steep drops that other countries with Delta experienced will also apply here, but not in the Northeast. But I could be wrong.
August 14, 2021 at 4:04 pm #83787Noirette
ParticipantOn: Horowitz, Why won’t our Gvmt even inform people about the importance of Vitamin D?
This is another smarmy ‘balanced’ article. The title sound appealing! Obviously it is designed to appeal to those who believe vit. D / C / zinc / meds like Ivermectin / other .. / are of some use as preventatives / cures.
Not even a glimmer of an answer to the title question is provided in the article.
It lays out some arguments about why Vit. D is good, and vaxxes are or might be, baaad, and then goes on to garble the role of Vit. D: Taking Vit. D doesn’t cure covid, nope, so that is called a staw-man argument, then it is stated Vit. D is important post-infections, but it takes many months to up one’s levels, then we read that Vit D supplements would have prevented hospitalizations, and so forth. A designed-to-confuse mess.
Next: Studies results that show Vit. D > beneficial. Then some doc who sounds wacko is quoted … “Though D is called a vitamin, it is actually a pro hormone responsible for up to 5% of gene activity and protein production in the human body” which no reader can make any sense of. Etc. I could go on..
The reason, artfully obscured with piles BS in the article, is that the US Gvmt., its Corporate Partners aka Oligarch Overlords, don’t want to protect from, or cure ppl of, COV-19. Big Pharma is doing all it can to cash in many billions, and it distributes them (dividends, insider trading, bribes, raiding Gvmt. budgets via scams, etc.) – the vaxxes are the holy Grail bringing in HUUGE profits for a consequent no. of Cos. and thus ppl.
After WW2, there was a need for educated labor (as opposed to dumb slaves who push carts or pick cotton under the whip who have to housed and fed..), as the machine age was flowering, built on fossil fuels. Engineers, mechanics, efficient factory workers, creating infrastructure, teachers to teach the basic RRR and more, higher-Ed in Science, some surplus for ‘arts’, propaganda thru movies (etc.) was the name of the game.. Many workers are no longer needed as expansion or “growth” has ended.
August 14, 2021 at 4:06 pm #83788upstateNYer
ParticipantRe: MLK. His Beyond Vietnam (april 67) speech is sobering, and I like it best. Prescient.
August 14, 2021 at 4:23 pm #83789Germ
ParticipantThe Atlantic: “Unvaccinated People Belong on the No-Fly List”
August 14, 2021 at 4:27 pm #83790phoenixvoice
ParticipantDr Michael yeadon…
Just stated that he is aware that the vaccines DO create antibodies against that placental protein.Up to now I understood this to be a “wild anti-vaxx” theory. (Well, I didn’t think it Wild…rather simply thought it should be explored.)
Anyone aware of a study that verifies his statement that we now know that antibodies to this placental protein are being created?
I suppose it wouldn’t be so hard to create a study to see this…just need blood serum from some vaccinated folks, mix it with the placental protein being discussed and then use whatever method(s) is/are commonly used to see if binding is occurring.Still doesn’t prove that this will affect fertility, but the likelihood increases greatly.
August 14, 2021 at 4:34 pm #83791madamski cafone
Participanttdk: “abusive relationship” Well done.
August 14, 2021 at 4:49 pm #83792Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymasterwhat on earth is a placental protein?
August 14, 2021 at 4:52 pm #83793phoenixvoice
Participant@ deflationista
I’m really perplexed as to why you share this video. Yes, this woman is caught in a box of her own beliefs. She is a converted, “true believer.”
This sort of person occurs in all societies, in all social strata, in all movements. I am reminded of my youth when we were encouraged to “bear down” with “pure testimony” to those who weren’t Mormon. We were told that this was strength on our part, that it would convince others that they were wrong. Lol. No, actually, it just helped to calcify us into self-perpetuation of our beliefs.
There may be folks at TAE who are operating similarly to this woman. Since this is a written forum and a large bulk of the posts are simply sharing articles and studies and others’ opinions, it would be difficult to judge whether anyone here is operating from that mindset.
Is this meant as a reminder not to fall into the trap this woman finds herself in? If so, noted.
Is this meant as a representational caricature of the bulk of us who post here? If so, that is a curious ad hominem. Still, as my father used to say, “If the shoe fits…wear it.” And then my mother would add, “If not, ignore it.”
I remain perplexed as to your purpose in posting it. So I looked back at your comment. It is about human stupidity. Well, perhaps humans behaving stupidly really gets under your skin. Okay. We all have our triggers.
Personally, one of my triggers is when humans behave narcissistically — totally puts me on edge.August 14, 2021 at 5:05 pm #83794Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterHe posts it so you will post about it, phoenix. So don’t.
August 14, 2021 at 5:17 pm #83795phoenixvoice
Participant@ Raul
This is the “fact checker” version: Michael Yeadon article on childrensealthdefense
Somewhat evenhanded approach from about 6 months ago:
Tellingly, a quick search yields hundreds of articles claiming that the claim that the vaccines may affect fertility in this way is false — I struggle to even find the inflammatory articles making the rounds 6 months ago that made this claim. Censorship in action.
I haven’t read the Yeadon article yet.
August 14, 2021 at 5:24 pm #83796phoenixvoice
ParticipantFrom that Yeadon article (looks like I’ve answered my own question)
The Syncytin family of proteins are considered critical for the formation and successful maintenance of the placenta. Therefore, no matter how weak the homology between spike protein and syncytins, the concern arose that, upon making a strong immune response to spike protein, some women might generate an immune response to their own placental proteins. This concern would, in this reviewer’s experience of over 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry, be met technically with a small series of studies to examine, hopefully to rule out, this concern. There are a number of ways in which this could be done. It is not difficult to devise a clinical study to evaluate whether or not women administered a covid-19 vaccine develop circulating antibodies to syncytin-1. Such a study has just been reported as a pre-print: (
15 healthy young women were recruited to the study and were administered the Pfizer / BioNTech covid-19 vaccine. Blood was drawn at various times afterward and the relative amount of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and to syncytin-1 was measured.
In the first 1-4 days after vaccination, there was no measurable increase in antibodies to the spike protein. However, there was a striking (2 to 3-fold; marked by a vertical, red arrow) increase in antibody binding to syncytin-1. It is the judgement of this reviewer that the increase in antibodies to syncytin-1 at that time is ‘statistically significant’, that is, it is very unlikely to have occurred by chance. It is not possible to state what this extent of increase means, but it is consistent with an increased risk of first trimester pregnancy loss. That the elevation of anti-syncytin-1 antibodies was absent by 4 weeks doesn’t diminish the potential for harm at early times after vaccination.
August 14, 2021 at 5:25 pm #83797Mr. House
ParticipantPeople told us this would happen, they were censored or ignored. Looks like when we speculated that the jabbed would need shots just to live, we were right. Add on top of that the fact that the jab kills many, how low do the odds drop you survive your sixth, seventh, eighth jab?
August 14, 2021 at 5:28 pm #83798Germ
ParticipantOver 10% of COVID vaccine deaths reported to VAERS occurred on the day of vaccination.
One-third occurred within 2 days.
Three-quarters within 30 days.
August 14, 2021 at 5:28 pm #83799Mr. House
ParticipantThe head of rueters is on the board of pfizer. A man with honor would step down, a man with an agenda would ask you ignore that.
August 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm #83800Germ
ParticipantOy Vey!
“Hawaii Attorney Michael Green Files Class Action Lawsuit Says Vaccine Has Killed 45,000 People”
August 14, 2021 at 5:32 pm #83801August 14, 2021 at 5:38 pm #83802Germ
ParticipantUnexpected? Hahahaha!
“Duke, UNC see unexpected COVID-19 clusters among vaccinated students.” 14, 2021 at 5:40 pm #83803phoenixvoice
ParticipantI just occurred to me…
ALL of the unvaccinated against C19 are (eventually) going to end up getting C19 – because C19 is endemic and here to stay. They will either survive or die. If they survive (and most will survive), they will essentially have “perfect” and “sterilizing” natural immunity. Meanwhile, if TPTB have their way, those unvaccinated against C19 will be stripped of their civil rights — unable to vote, unable to congregate, unable to recreate indoors in public, unable to travel. Meanwhile, those submitting to C19 vaccination will vote, congregate, recreate, travel, but with the caveat of periodic boosters to C19 — because their immunity to C19 (whether they have already had it or not) will be “imperfect,” “non-sterilizing,” and wane about every 4-6 months from their most recent injection. (The natural immunity to C19 suppressed by the C19 vaccine & its boosters.) Those who have submitted to C19 vaccination will always be subject to fear of C19 — knowing always that they can still catch it, can still transmit it to those that they love, and there will still be C19 deaths and C19 “waves.”
This sounds like a dystopic series on Netflix. This is ridiculous.
August 14, 2021 at 5:44 pm #83804Germ
“The British prime minister’s wife Carrie Johnson encouraged pregnant women to get vaccinated, writing on Instagram that she was “feeling great” after taking her second jab.”
August 14, 2021 at 5:45 pm #83805Mr. House
ParticipantNo you’re incorrect. Did you read the market ticker Germ posted earlier? If they don’t get their shot every 4-6 months they will die.
August 14, 2021 at 5:48 pm #83806Mr. House
ParticipantNot to mention that the jabbed will have a hard time now with any coronavirus
August 14, 2021 at 5:50 pm #83807Mr. House
Participantgerm buddy, slow down.
August 14, 2021 at 5:59 pm #83808madamski cafone
ParticipantForecast scenario:
When the Ivermectin black market becomes the primary survival-go-to, USA will be where Russia was in the late 1980s. It will collapse. China will pick over the pieces as it can but will be too crippled to do much.
The Oaficial Narrative will fail for the same reason that USSR communism failed: both large-state communism, and the oaficial narrative with its anointed vaccines, don’t work.
August 14, 2021 at 6:15 pm #83810slimyalligator
ParticipantFrom the AP fact check team. Enjoy.
AP FACT FOCUS: Indiana doctor’s speech spreads COVID falsehoods 14, 2021 at 6:17 pm #83811TAE Summary
ParticipantPerpetuating The Pandemic With 5 Harsh COVID Realities
1. The virus will spread and mutate.
2. Testing will continue so reported case numbers can remain high keeping the fear alive.
3. Natural immunity will be repudiated and people with it will be demonized as unvaxxed.
4. COVID-19 will not be treated at home.
5. The current vaccines will be mandated and will be used as booster shots.August 14, 2021 at 6:21 pm #83812madamski cafone
Participant“germ buddy, slow down.”
Wasn’t aware that you were Germ’s boss. Maybe try asking nicely instead of with a condescending “buddy” followed by a blunt imperative? And you present yourself as someone we should listen to when you warn me about creeping censorship? A person who themselves chronically censors and, imo, in a creepy (I despise passive-aggressive nice-nice) way?
This isn’t a college course. There’s no test. You didn’t pay for the data and concepts shared here. It’s a communal ‘autodidactery’.
This isn’t a clique, despite numerous attempts to turn it into one: there are no membership requirements, no hazing ritual, no nothing but people gathering to share info around a few themes.
It certainly ain’t no army, or church, or cult. It’s a place where people express themselves freely. Don’t like their expressions, critique their content. Feel they post more than you can read? Get over it: they post for their reasons not yours.
Feel disrespected by me? Show more respect. Precisely because this is a functioning commune run by a benevolent dictator, there is a high correletion between what you contribute and what you get back. You get what you pay for.
Not to mention that when you’re busy grading others’ papers (despite it not being a class or a test), it helps if you’ll at least identify which paper you’re garding, rather than just walking into the room and unloading a shotgun like some kind on a shooting spree:
“No you’re incorrect.”
August 14, 2021 at 6:24 pm #83814madamski cafone
ParticipantAugust 14, 2021 at 6:32 pm #83815Mr. House
ParticipantF+ 😉
August 14, 2021 at 6:33 pm #83816Mr. House
ParticipantMe thinks you project to much
August 14, 2021 at 7:08 pm #83817madamski cafone
ParticipantAugust 14, 2021 at 7:10 pm #83818madamski cafone
Participant“Me thinks you project to much”
In grammar schopol, this went in the form of “I know you are but what am I?”
It’s a form of projection, btw. Throwing yourself at the other to see what sticks.
August 14, 2021 at 7:12 pm #83819Oroboros
Participant@ d Benton Smith
“It’s very difficult for me to trust Reality after all of the awful things it’s done to me.”hahaha
Reality is getting more S&M by the day.
It’s like the old New Yorker cartoon of a caveman dragging a cavewoman away along the ground by her hair, her girl friend, standing off to the side yells, “Why do you put up with that sadist?”
And the woman being dragged say, “Beats me!”
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