Debt Rattle December 15 2021


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    Otto Dix Ice drift 1940   • Latest VAERS Estimate: 388,000 Americans Killed By The Covid Vaccines (Kirsch) • Covid Boosters May Be Needed Every 6
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 15 2021]


    Raul, funny you should say we may need to step up our game at the top of today’s Covid Rattle. I watched Chris Martenson’s interview with Dr Matthias Desmet today and he said really we have no choice. It will be more pain for us in the short term to push but if the counter argument gets truly silenced under the conditions of Mass Formation during Totalitarianism – atrocities begin.
    Totalitarianism is inherently destructive which is why it won’t last but it will be that much worse if we don’t work on reaching out in a compassionate way with a community building approach and open heart (with some non-personal humor as an attack)
    You are doing such important work with this news feed.
    We all need to step up a nd reach out by starting local groups on Signal or Telegram or similar. Start or join a group that shares local info – good bad and ugly as a stepping stone for the 40% who are not fully asleep. They want it now. But they will easily have free-floating anger and anxiety easily directed toward us if conditions deteriorate.
    We are already at the jabbing children with experimental vaccine stage and time is slipping into the future.

    Dr. D

    “by Pfizer, Moderna or even the Russians.”

    Even the Russians are trying to save us. Damn them. Damn them all to hell. Saving humanity. Is there nothing they won’t stoop to?

    ” • Covid Boosters May Be Needed Every 6 Months To Protect Against Omicron (G.)”

    They never miss a beat, this fix-you-up chappy.

    “it was likely those two travellers had a poor vaccine response and this did not mean two doses of the vaccines offered zero protection “

    The data is not the data. Data is what I FEEL, and have decided already, before data. That’s Fauci-Scienz. Oh, and makin’ money for billionaires. That.

    “• Young People 40 Times More Likely To Die From Vaccines Than From COVID (GGI)”

    Since young deaths of Covid are zero, that seems easy to believe. Any deaths would have high multiples of zero (so to speak).

    “facemasks and other such COVID rules are responsible for causing a 23% decline in children’s cognitive abilities.”

    And the CDC released a study in only August saying masks don’t work for children or schools. Officially.

    It doesnt’ work? Then that’s what we’ll do!

    ““200 participants”?? Be still my heart. Now that’s Science!

    That WAY outweighs the 5 billion people, two years, and for some drugs, 60 test papers.

    South Africa’s Omicron Outbreak Already “Running Out of Steam” (SN)”

    Really? Seems like it’s raging everywhere. It just doesn’t have any presentable symptoms. Like other common colds.

    “This policy is quite remarkable coming from a progressive like Carroll. After all, for decades, we’ve been hearing from the Left that “healthcare is a human right”

    Are you kidding? Nothing could be more expected. As I say every day and look like a heartless cad and grump saying. Conspiracy Theories, or as we now call them: Spoilers. And P.S. “My Body My Choice.” Save the Childrens!

    “Joe Biden promised a “very dark winter”

    So all the deaths since Jan are his fault, right? New pandemic, also his fault. Every. One. I mean, that’s how it works, right?

    Also promised no mandates. But since he’s a politician, we did the #Opposite of every campaign promise, and the people cheer for the fix-i-up chappy.

    “a fruitless battle against a bug that can’t be defeated,”

    Yeah, the CDC documents said this. In 2019. If only we’d followed the Science.

    more gene sequencing to detect variants sooner. She’s sure that all of this is absolutely necessary

    PMC magic: you record something in a spreadsheet then…I don’t know, some magic elves in the basement move pallets and products or something, I’m not sure. I’ve never been there or seen them. But I know when I click this button, something happens. Then I scuba Bermuda.

    If you missed it: as of now Legally and officially Fact checkers and fact-checking is all a matter of opinion. That’s Factz. Truthiness!

    “Toronto police ask for help in identifying suspect in murder of billionaire philanthropists” –CNN

    Really? From 5 years ago? They finally ask?

    Totally unrelated: Will they ever ask for help with the DC Bomber who walked with his cell phone past 1,000 running cameras in front of the FBI? Nah. Helping bombers fabricate crimes is an FBI mission statement.

    …Says the NYTimes. In those heady days of yore called “before”. Article: “90% of terror attacks staged with FBI informants.” Squirrel! No one remembers. Never happened.

    Speaking of, “Bombshell! Walls are closing in! Devastating texts that will put Trump in jail at last!”

    This is Meadows, several levels of lies. Texts have GOP and Trump-adjacents saying “Hey! Capital is actually being overrun! This is bad! Tell them to stop!” Which Trump did, *almost* immediately. Not like in 5 minutes or less, but like 20 minutes.

    Wow. Okay, what’s the bad part here? GOP saw it. Check. Said they didn’t like or approve of it. Check. Said they should reverse it. Check. Did call for it to end. Check. People later left without injury. Except for Nancy Pelosi’s chair and the guards shooting one visitor in the face without warning.

    How is this bad? It should be the opposite of noticing, disapproving, and remediating?

    So they were supposed to…what are the #Oppositeland words here? Like it? Allow it? Publicly encourage it? Because that would be the #OPPOSITE of what happened.

    Anyway, boooo-ooringgggg. Said that to point out that Cheeto has been sidelined without fanfare long since by the White Hats. Don’t know if they told him but probably. The baton has moved to DeSantis.

    Why? He had to go up the hill with the grenade on the vaccine thing. No vaccine = no seawall against Covidmania-o’rama-o’geddon. So I suggest he cut a deal on that, and despite non-stop shrill, klaxon, air-raid siren lies, has promoted the vaccine – with DeSantis—AND many of the GOP, AND the State of Florida, which is pretty-average vaxxed, AND the GOP who are pretty average vaxxed. I mean, unless you plan to have a war without battles or casualties.

    This has taken out a major chesspiece, maybe a Bishop or something in the chess game. But it’s just a game.
    Now here’s the fun: Remember, Podesta had it all worked out. The perfect plan. Get 50-state illegal voting, get it all set up, then when there was election contention, GOP would say “We wuz wronged!”, take/claim the win, then the DNC/CCP/FBI/CNN/Antifa would be the resistance, the outsiders, the rebels, and “Fight da Man!”, civil war, mobilized, secede China’s side of the U.S. with China’s resources, and you get all those 400M guns shooting each other and more than the pathetic 12 Fed cities burned, that all had to be laboriously planned, pushed, and paid for with no native, organic violence at all. That’s why they didn’t care a bit to have the Second worst and Most worst candidates in human history as Thing #1 and #2. I mean like 6% approval ratings.

    So what is one to do, Sun Tzu? Well at the very least don’t FOLLOW the enemy’s plans, Sheesh. This isn’t rocket surgery here. Cheeto says “Okey-dokey, here’ you go” and hands them the burning pile of dog that is the country. They are NOT the rebel resistance, they are now the NeoLiberal Establishment Hacks, run by octogenarian fools and Nike with Coke. All in the open.

    They are confused, set up the ring-fences, (PS: fences don’t work) waiting for the Military to show. They don’t.
    They run the Jan 6 fiasco, all paid for, as they will not release the agents in the crowd, nor their communications, as demanded by Congress and refused. They cannot find a single guy and his cell phone in the most surveilled, secure trr’st-free city in ‘Merica. This is their fuel to MAKE the rebellion that h’isn’t.

    No one shows up, as E V E R Y O N E said, everyone, right down to Alex Jones with a popsicle. They subpoena Alex Jones. For inspiring. The Rally. He said NOT. To go to. …Oh and every other person, animal vegetable or mineral ever now, or ever suspected to be, a member of the Republican Party. All subpoenaed their records. For their whole life. About every election anywhere in a America, and any text they ever sent. If they refuse they’re “obstructing.” Bastille for you!

    Now here’s why: They have in mind that “Trump’s Coming BackTM” He’s like the ‘Rona and Santa Claus all in one: he knows!!! He’s our god!!! So the Podesta-planners have been bracing and maginot-lining against his election recount return, whereupon they would use the Jan 6, say it’s a coup, open fire with the FBI, blah blah blah. Congress, media, all focused on this terrible, deadly, nationwide “insurrection” now. Uh, where? Yeah I really see pickets and snipers in the streets of Louisville.

    And, like for 5 years now, because they are so, SO stupid, and they run the same pass play EVERY time until it stops working, they are just letting the NeoLib/Cons/CIA/CCP waste time and attention on the non-return of Cheeto, let the media drive themselves into a rabid frenzy, then all look like idiots when AGAIN it doesn’t happen, and everything they say and predicted is a lie.

    …Of course, why bother when the U.S. people, the Maddows and blue-checks won’t notice, but while their attention is on this, the real attack is humbly beavering away in the corner, undermining, say, Chris Cuomo’s child-raping producer. Getting all those blackmail files. Naming them, mapping Antifa and their money, then having bad things happen to them one by one. Like a whole bunch of retiring CEOs and Governors, governor’s brothers, and governors brothers’ TV producers.

    …I mean, it is a war after all. By a foreign power, in treasonous collusion with bought off Vichy reps from our own side. It’s pretty ordinary war-book stuff, happens all the time. But that means, should you know that, you have legal right and duty to use very specific, war-book delineated processes to expel them.

    But anyway, yes, Trump took a bullet and has been sidelined, but he’s not important and never was – and they, the authoritarians, the minions, don’t understand this. Even Washington was never important and not to be the King, Lady Liberty was. The PEOPLE are the government, not Trump, Trump Jr, or Flynn. Which they can’t conceive of. Because: power. So if Trump has to be played and removed, it’s incidental. And he has, still keeping them flapping like chickens on his election recount return. Still out there wavin’ red capes and makin’ ’em jump like morons. And the banner moves to DeSantis, but there are a lot of DeSantises too. So long as people believe in Liberty and Rights of Man they will continue the American Experiment and perhaps we can continue improving as we have for 100 years.

    Gotta go. At least one person has to work and not sit on the couch in this country.


    “The European Union’s drug regulator has recommended that a booster dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine may be given to adults at least 2 months after a first dose”

    In the new year we’ll bring that back to two weeks. Just to be sure.


    Get your arse off that couch and work Doc.

    I planted eggplants today and did not much else. Today I needed rest.

    Tomorrow I work. And yes I will put up pictures at some stage too for those interested. I am gunna make a building for almost nuthing (again)

    Stay strong brothers and sisters – you are the best disembodied mind-entities I know.


    TDK said, “i do like sleuthing, though!”

    I hear ya, sometimes the perceived inconsistencies we are trying to make sense of are actually associative contradictions. We tend to miss these clues because our perception is tainted by our hidden biases.

    Figmund Sreud

    OK, here we go. Following is just a latest – about 10 hours old – snip (example) of how we Canuckstanians get bombarded by MSM – CBC The National News, in this case – about COVID.

    It’s relentless, it’s 24/7, … that keeps up for about 21 months since the very beginning!

    Oh, … gawd, help us! ( … and I thought Trybuna Ludu*was bad in my childhood!)


    *) Trybuna Ludu (Polish pronunciation: [trɨˈbuna ˈludu]; People’s Tribune) was one of the largest newspapers in communist Poland, which circulated between 1948 and 1990. It was the official media outlet of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR) and one of its main propaganda outlets along with the televised news program Dziennik.


    A huge amount of material today. And a creeping feeling that we need to step up our game. We get held back all the time by the one-sided, one-dimensional “reporting” in the mainstream media, but it has become too dangerous not to counterbalance that. R.I.M.

    Dr. Peter McCullough on The Joe Rogan Show – Links to Resources (Urgent Share)

    Links to resources mentioned. We must change allopathy from the outside in. Share w/nurses and doctors. Share everywhere.J.L.W.

    Quantum entanglement. Timing is uncanny.


    Israel centric,

    Obviously, this is absurd, and in my opinion the govt is way overplaying their hand. There are far fewer Israelis who are vaccinated and returning for boosters than they’d like. The children’s vaccination campaign is a lot slower than they’d like. Parents aren’t buying it, young adults are saying screw it to the booster, and note to Israelis reading this- prepare for a major ramp up of protests and civil disobedience.



    mRNA vaccine protection from Covid is far weaker than natural immunity and declines very fast, according to a new study of almost 6 million people in Israel.

    Mister Roboto


    There was a French topflight footballer yesterday who was the 3rd in a few days to leave the game with heart/breathing issues, and Sergio Aguero, an absolute star player in the Premier League, announced the end of his career, also for heart issues. And there is NO link in any media to either Covid or vaccines in any of the 100s of afflicted athletes. We should open that discussion. There is zero chance that there is no relation.


    symptoms from the Omicron

    1. “the percentage of people who die from a COVID infection has dropped significantly since the arrival of Omicron.
    no significant rise in deaths from Omicron. “Omicron is extremely mild. The rest of the world has nothing to fear,” said Streicher.”

    2. “lockdowns to stop the spread of the variant would harm the opportunity that Omicron provides to reach “herd immunity.” ”

    3. Professor Karol Sikora has accused the government of creating “unnecessary alarm,” while asserting the victim probably had co-morbidities and was elderly or died with Omicron and not from it.

    4. What this means to me is that the infamous “new variants” Delta and Omicron variants have the mutations in the RBD [to] now make all existing spike-only vaccines obsolete.

    5. What I believe is the truth

    6. Saving humanity …. Why!!!
    Hate and Fear – Jan 06 – “insurrection”
    It must be true because our leaders/handlers/motivators/enablers/snobs keep repeating the same message.
    I’m irrelevant, why are they trying so hard to convince me. /s


    Latest Gov. advisory

    Avoid all non-essential living

    Figmund Sreud

    Bit off daily topic: Summit for Democracy just happened. Participants – subset in our word (all autocrats?) intervened. Here are their visions as listed by the organizer of the summit:

    … fwiw


    Doc Robinson

    For ages 0-59, the Covid deaths are dwarfed by the number of deaths due to “illicit drug toxicity.”

    Top 15 causes of death by age group in BC Canada for March 2020 to October 2021

    Mister Roboto
    Doc Robinson

    …and the number of deaths by suicide are much higher than the Covid deaths, for the 19-39 age group (BC Canada data).

    John Day

    “How To Fix Society, One Baboon Group At A Time”

    How to Fix Society, One Baboon Group at a Time

    CT Barnum sent this yesterday about a group of forest baboons who lost all of the adult males from (naturally) poisoned raw meat that humans had discarded in a pit. The males of this “troop” had been in contention with males of another troop for this prized garbage pit, so only adult males of both troops were killed.
    The forest troop was left with females and younger juvenile males, who matured in a female-dominated setting. A few years later the troop was observed to be more feminine in it’s ways, with males grooming males, and little display of dominance behavior. This was watched. Something different happened when a young male baboon from elsewhere came and tried to assert dominance.
    They all suddenly became violent and literally ripped his face off, tore his body asunder and returned to their peaceful ways.

    I think it’s not really possible to abstract this to central banking. It’s inherently different.
    There are inherent checks and balances in small primate groups with group culture.
    Phoenix Voice was addressing this difference in direct vs distant relationships in “socialism”, too.

    Mr. House

    My god it never ends, ive never witnessed a creature (she’s not human, can’t be) this determined to anger people in its quest for personal power.

    Mr. House

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    John Day

    @Figmund Sreud:
    David Kabu, the President of the Marshall Islands (US nuclear annihilation test site, deeply pitied by all other Pacific islanders) reads a sub 3 minute teleprompter statement as his hands tensely fidget, and his face is impassive.
    “His people are preparing a statement and will coordinate in the interests of democracy. He agrees with “President Biden”.

    John Day

    @Mr. House: “Hillary Clinton” may be “The Democrat’s” best hope in 2024, as the link suggests.
    Indeed, she is the female-John-McCain in such a scenario.

    I’m sure a lot will change by 2024, for instance, 2022 will have happened.

    John Day

    Go Oxymoron, Go!


    Good-on-Ya, Mate!

    Just Some Randomer
    those darned kids

    the discrepancies with mr. kirsch’s numbers versus openvaers arises from his using only the “domestic” data while openvaers includes “foreign” reports as well.

    just above the red boxes, one can find a toggle between “All VAERS COVID Reports” OR “US/Territories/Unknown”.

    dr. jessica rose also uses the domestic data only.


    There was a French topflight footballer yesterday who was the 3rd in a few days to leave the game with heart/breathing issues, and Sergio Aguero, an absolute star player in the Premier League, announced the end of his career, also for heart issues. And there is NO link in any media to either Covid or vaccines in any of the 100s of afflicted athletes. We should open that discussion. There is zero chance that there is no relation.




    Neil Oliver: “The Attack on Our History & Culture”. The New Culture Forum’s 2021 Smith Lecture


    Cardiac arrhythmia is a heart rhythm frequency disorder which is something that he suffered with at the start of his career.


    Sergio Aguero

    “Referencing a previous heart problem, Argentinian team doctor Donato Villani told reporters: “He felt bad twice, and with the medical history he has, since he was operated on when he was 15, we wanted to be sure it was nothing.”

    Figmund Sreud

    @ John Day: … after 60+ nuclear experimental explosions on Marshall Islands by the U.S., one would expect no Marshall Islands, … but I digress.
    Anyway, … I did view few more vids of attending dignitaries, but my mind kept recalling names like: Jacobo Árbenz, Patrice Lumumba, João Goulart, Kwame Nkrumah, Salvadore Allende, … many more! Mohammed Mosaddegh, …

    … and couple of vids:




    And let’s talk about Martin Terrier. @Just Some Randomer claims that this is their “pet topic”. So surely they would know that Terrier also collapsed in January of 2020?

    Perhaps he had heart issues prior to 2020? Certainly, when this is your pet topic, you would figure that out before spreading innuendo that Terrier collapsed because of a covid vaccine? Was there a vaccine available in January of 2020?

    Suddenly, your “More damned coincidences….” seem very, very weak.

    Mr. House

    or perhaps he had heart issues and the jab made them worse, nah couldn’t be that. Everything is TINA

    Mr. House

    How’s your deathly ill mother deflationista?

    Mr. House
    Mr. House

    and for your reading pleasure:


    Mr. House,

    I think the proper response is thanks for catching that. It doesn’t disqualify the overall premise outright. Our minds are geared to take shortcuts and one was taken here.


    Wow, Llargi and Dr D both on fire on the same day! I’m putting my neck out and voting this best eva. No wonder we’re getting the good trolls.

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