Debt Rattle January 24 2022


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle January 24 2022

  • This topic has 95 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Dr. D.
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  • #98927


    I always had much respect for Canadian truck drivers when I was running cross border in the late 90s. It took me about a year to keep up with them on ice. They protest (including during the petrol price increases) better than American drivers ever could.

    Funny part, the CBC is blaming it on the weather…hahaha.



    Oops. I am not sure how anyone takes John Campbell seriously. But then again, people here believe that there are hydras and nanotransmitters in the vaccine and that the unvaxxed should stay away from the vaxed because they will be poisoned, so maybe it is not so surprising that John Campbell is highlighted as some fount of information.


    those darned kids


    Stay warm in Greece


    zero, I’m a Montrealer.


    @Bill_Roope: with regard to Steve Kirsch’s kids being vaccinated, I suspect that the kids in question are old enough that they make their own health decisions. I seem to recall him stating that they are in college.


    I’ll use this tomorrow.



    The Kids Are Not Alright: Data suggests 10% of children with COVID-19 become “long-haulers”

    “At this point, it’s a pandemic of bureaucracy. It’s not real anymore.”
    “I’m done with Covid!”
    “Let it rip!”
    “Get back to normal!”
    “Masks don’t work!”
    “young people that have basically 0 chance of getting seriously sick or dying from the vaccine.”

    While the data on long covid rates amongst adults varies, I have seen data that suggests that between 30%-50% of adults suffer with long haul symptoms. People on this site suffer from long covid. Two of my brother in laws suffer with long covid. My neighbor had covid in May of 2020 and he still cannot smell or taste. The point is, we may eventually achieve some sort of herd immunity, but most people who are “tired of covid” and want to “get back to normal” and who consider kids to have “zero risk”, are not considering the real long term consequences that will plague a large segment of the population. I don’t know what the solution is, but it seems like standing up for your right to contract a virus that could potentially debilitate you for a long period of time, is probably an unwise strategy.

    Assuming that kids have no risks associated with this, is somewhat ignorant. Somewhere around 800 kids a day are getting hospitalized for covid. Should we just ignore this? Maybe the next time you feel tempted to be a pretend tough guy and say that “kids have zero risks, so we should let this rip like the common cold”, you might think about the game of Russian roulette parents feel like they are playing by sending their kids to school. Maybe you don’t care? Possibly, you don’t have kids? Or maybe you are confident that your kids are perfectly healthy and you are fine with them contracting this virus? There are so many people that felt that same way prior to infection, and now suffer from long term problems. Yeah, they aren’t dead. But is that how we are measuring things now? You don’t have to be seriously ill to develop long covid. You don’t even have to show symptoms. Does that mean people who voice these facts are asking you to crawl under a bed in fear? No. It just means that maybe you don’t know what you don’t know. And maybe you should consider that when claiming that kids will be fine. Most will be fine. But many are not, and may not be for a long time.

    Those who know, don’t say.
    Those who say, don’t know.

    Mr. House

    “Those who know, don’t say.
    Those who say, don’t know.”

    I had covid, no long haul symptoms at all. Took about another 2 to 3 weeks after symptoms ended for taste and smell to come back.

    What again do you know? You sure as heck say alot!

    Mr. House

    Those who know, don’t say: like the scientists who created this?
    Those who say, don’t know: Like everyone who has been bossing us around since march of 2020 and been wrong on every account?

    those darned kids

    that’s why early treatment is so important.

    injecting young children with gene therapies whose long-term consequences to their immune systems (to name one) are unknown is madness.

    Veracious Poet

    I trust everybody saw Bill Maher and Bari Wiess finally snap out of it. And let’s get this straight: same audience as the last two years, saying anything and everything the #Opposite of last night. And they cheer. So wait, you ALWAYS were against this? Or you just cheer and believe #anything #anybody #any where at #any time, tell you to?

    Only a fool negotiates with psychopaths, terrorists, small children & democrats…


    Vermeer: it’s that room again, isn’t it?


    Russia is going to drive USA to bankruptcy with war games

    Mr. House

    “Russia is going to drive USA to bankruptcy with war games”

    Ha they don’t even need to do that, we’re totally capable of doing it to ourselves thank you very much! 😉

    Veracious Poet

    Kunstler analyzes the sad & twisted phenom I noticed decades ago for #HateAmerica mercs, quislings & other associated proglodytes (AP), once their narcissistic cognitive dissonance progresses from sour to putrid:

    Seeing as how Ms. (Erin ) Burnett is the mouthpiece for the Progressive Woke news media in the primest evening slot, does that glowering visage represent the peculiar joylessness of the political Left, a movement steeped in a special kind of shame induced by the irritating failure of its ideas to comport with reality? This is the joylessness of people bunkered too deep in anomie to even find pleasure in their own sadism. Thus, the hint of bored indignation: how dare you not believe the bullshit I am delivering on behalf of your betters… who know what’s good for you?

    A Real American Hero

    Veracious Poet

    Russia is going to drive USA to bankruptcy with war games:

    Ha they don’t even need to do that, we’re totally capable of doing it to ourselves thank you very much!

    But we can print our way out of this before the sheeple realize it! ~ Resident Xiden

    Got Ag/Au?

    Good luck & God speed,


    Figmund Sreud

    Freedom Convoy Calgary – January 23-24, 2022



    @phoenixvoice Wikipedia is good a place as any for a list of basic logical fallacies. There’s also this:

    Recognizing logic fallacies is important defensive armor to give young people going out in the world. However I encourage students to avoid engaging with people who don’t recognize basic logic — it’s foolish to argue with fools. My own views have taken a decidedly Platonic turn. I believe the West went far off the rails in favoring Aristotle over Plato during the dark ages. Unfortunately this mistake has led to the imbalance we see today. I’m currently considering writing a book called “H.E.L.P. (How Ethos, Logos and Pathos Can Save Modern Education).” I’d be happy to share some links or ideas for further research if you email me at


    Russia survived the pandemic without “our” vaccines.
    So did China.
    So did many other Countries


    @V. Arnold Thanks for your kind comments.


    Colds and flus mysteriously disappeared over the past two years only to return recently in many countries, often with a vengeance. While only rarely discussed and frequently dismissed as a mere curiosity, the mystery of the disappearing flu is actually one of the most important events of the past two years. Unpacking this mystery provides deep insights into the future trajectory of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, exposes the abject failure of the vaccines to control the pandemic, and puts the final nail in the coffin on futile public health measures like masks and social distancing. Get ready for more than a few surprises as you follow me on another deep dive into po Covid mayhem.

    John Day

    Hmmm, having trouble posting again.
    There is a good picture of the attic-room taking shape with a nice strong, screwed-in plywood ceiling.

    John Day

    It’s rejecting everything I try to post about the medical freedom rally, so far, even the Steve Kirsch story posted at TAE today…. still trying.

    John Day

    ​I’m not a “top doctor”, not even employed, but I agree with these guys and gals.
    “Do Not Comply” – Top Doctors Speak At ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Rally In DC

    John Day

    I’m trying to get another story and interview about/with Meryl Nass MD to post.
    Still trying…

    ​I’m not a “top doctor”, not even employed, but I agree with these guys and gals.
    “Do Not Comply” – Top Doctors Speak At ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Rally In DC

    ​Meryl Nass MD, an expert in bioweapons and Anthrax vaccine toxicity, Gulf War Syndrome and Lyme Disease​, has been treating her patients in Maine for COVID from early 2020, and now has her license suspended for “misinformation” about COVID-vaccines and treatments. Everything she has said and done is backed by scientific evidence, so “misinformation”? She has been ordered to undergo Neuropsychiatric Testing (“Back in the USSR!”) at a facility designated by the Maine Medical Board, and to turn over all of her office records (“fishing expedition”). There has been no patient complaint, but she’s long been a “troublemaker”.
    Crucifixion is no longer the prescribed punishment for “troublemakers”, but this does have similarities.

    Dr. Meryl Nass: My Side of the Story, and the Constitutional protections that I believe are being abridged by the Misinformation Witch Hunt

    John Day

    Oh my, now it has all shown up, though first attempt last…

    John Day

    Caitlin Johnstone argues that algorithmic censorhip, the slow, invisible fade-to-black, is worse than traditional censorship.
    It’s a good argument, but it’s just new-normal-censorship. It’s what’s-not-for-dinner these days.
    This began in the 2016 primaries for me. My news-email sends just got blocked as I pointed out the DNC vote stealing done for Clinton, against Sanders. That’s why I added the blog format edition.
    ​ ​Journalist Jonathan Cook has a new blog post out on his experience with being throttled into invisibility by Silicon Valley algorithmic suppression that will ring all too familiar for any online content creators who’ve been sufficiently critical of official western narratives over the last few years.
    ​ ​“My blog posts once attracted tens of thousands of shares,” Cook writes. “Then, as the algorithms tightened, it became thousands. Now, as they throttle me further, shares can often be counted in the hundreds. ‘Going viral’ is a distant memory.”
    ​ ​“I won’t be banned,” he adds. “I will fade incrementally, like a small star in the night sky – one among millions – gradually eclipsed as its neighbouring suns grow ever bigger and brighter. I will disappear from view so slowly you won’t even notice.”
    ​ ​Cook says this began after the 2016 US election, which was when a major narrative push began for Silicon Valley corporations to eliminate “fake news” from their platforms and soon saw tech executives brought before the US Senate and told that they must “quell information rebellions” and come up with a mission statement expressing their commitment to “prevent the fomenting of discord” online.

    Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship

    ​John Helmer does a word-salad analysis of Secretary of State Blinken’s remarks about Russia and diplomacy at the recent meeting with Russian Foreign Secretary, Lavrov. This is the kind of analysis pioneered in WW-2, to discern the base assumptions underlying Nazi propaganda. (See the detailed analysis, please.) Thanks Figmund Sreud.
    ​ ​When the RAND method is used to analyze what Blinken told the US press, following his meeting with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, it is revealed that Blinken has no intention whatever of negotiating a non-aggression pact with the Russians on any terms. According to the scientific method devised by the best and brightest Americans for dealing with their enemies, it’s now clear from Blinken’s own words that he is unable to understand what Russians tell him. In the mind behind the words there is only one compulsive idea – attack, punish, destroy Russia.


    So, Steve Kirsch, his wife, and his three kids are vaccinated?!!??!?! HAHAHAHA!!! You can’t make this shit up.

    “The irony is that Kirsch, along with his wife and three children, has himself gotten vaccinated—although he insisted they got their shots back in March, before he began to proselytize against them. He admitted he could attribute no ill effect to his inoculation, though he suspiciously pointed to a persistent cough and an increase in his required insulin dosage.

    “Those symptoms happened since I got vaccinated,” he said, even as he acknowledged the correlation didn’t amount to proof. “It could have been caused by other things.”

    This, of course, is the problem experts point to in Kirsch’s and other anti-vaxxers’ VAERS-dependent methodology.”

    Veracious Poet

    LaLa Land Pravda:

    L.A. County is seeing more fatalities from Omicron variant as COVID death toll rises(?):

    The spread of the latest coronavirus variant has moved with unprecedented speed since December, although officials have said illnesses related to Omicron produce milder symptoms than the earlier Delta variant. Even so, officials say it is fatal for some.

    Of 102 deaths reported Thursday — the highest single-day tally since March 10, 2021 — 90% involved people who became ill with COVID-19 after Christmas, and 80% were among those who fell ill after New Year’s Day, indicating a high likelihood of Omicron infection, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.

    It appears that people who are dying from the Omicron variant are deteriorating much quicker than those infected by earlier variants, Ferrer told reporters.

    Figmund Sreud

    @RIM – # 98909 – Without Germany, this is no use, just noise.

    Absolutely, … Blinken is now trying to defend Germany’s position:

    ”US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday that he had “no doubts” over Germany’s determination to stand up to Russia, after Berlin drew anger in Ukraine over its refusal to supply Kyiv with weapons.

    America’s top diplomat maintained his confidence in unity among Washington’s allies, saying any Russian aggression towards Ukraine would be met with a “severe” response.

    “If a single additional Russian force goes into Ukraine in an aggressive way… that would trigger a swift, severe and a united response from us and from Europe,” Blinken said in an interview with CNN. […]

    Ukraine: Blinken defends Germany after Kyiv criticises Berlin over Russia stance



    John Day
    Russia survived the pandemic without “our” vaccines.
    So did China.
    So did many other Countries
    Space Telescope reaches it intendent position

    The search for beginning of expansion of space and the beginning of time
    (Maybe the answer will send the researchers to look into the microscope)


    Sort of like PMCers who think “food comes from the grocery store”. Yep, heard that one.


    Blinken is Old White Joe’s holiday celebration Butt Plug

    A joke at best

    All you’ll need to figure out the Ukraine Clusterfuck



    Latest update from Andrei Martyanov (01/ 24/ 22)

    Latest update from Andrei Martyanov (01/ 24/ 22)


    Most other Ukraine coverage is blahblahblahblahblahblah

    MSMediawhores all dolled up turning their usual tricks.

    Andrei Martyanov


    “we don’t need truckers.. we have Amazon Prime”



    They are pretty tall for their height

    those darned kids

    i wonder if jerome powell is haunted at night by the spectres of previous fed chairs.

    “jerome, this is paul volcker, ghost of inflations past. your profligate ways will only lead thee unto ruinous calamity. you’ve got to change your evil ways, baby”


    Blinken and Lavrov

    A Bedtime Story

    The Midget and the Super Hero

    Andrei Martyanov

    those darned kids

    how come all the russian officials seem really good at what they do, yet america, regardless of administration, is represented by bumbling twitfarts?

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