Debt Rattle July 30 2024


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  • #165188
    John Day

    Celia Farber,
    Reports From Venezuela: Maduro Possibly In Flight, Military and Police Removing Their Uniforms, Joining The People; Influencers Call It A CIA-Mossad Led Color Revolution To Get The Oil
    Many Things Can Be True At Once

    John Day

    @ a kullervo: Correction: not “two types of Christians”, sir.
    Rather I wrote that I found there to be ‘2 types of “Christians”‘

    I presume that you see the difference.
    My implication is that “Christians” includes sincere followers of Jesus of Nazareth and hypocrites.


    Crusades vs Jihad (Islamic Crusades)

    A startling debunking of the ‘Crusades’

    Dr Bill Warren:

    “When ever you dealing with an apologist for Islam, or even a Muslim, and you bring up ‘Jihad’ (Islamic Crusades to spread the Faith) almost immediately, they kickback to you:

    “What about those terrible Crusades!”

    “Why they’re the moral justification for ‘Jihad’ ! (Islamic Crusades to spread the Faith)

    Dr Warren:

    I created a database of some 548 battles, that Islam Jihad fought against classical Christian civilization, and these weren’t even all the battles. It really doesn’t addresses much about the Jihads conducted against Africa, India and Afganistan etc…..

    These were the Jihads primarily against the classical civilizations based from Rome and Greece

    548 battles is hard to comprehend so Dr Warren created what he called ‘ a dynamic battle maps’ to graphically display the real scope of Islam Jihads against the West

    The white dots represent 20 year intervals between major battles of Jihad (Islamic Crusades to spread the Faith)

    On the next 20 year interval, the previously white dot turns red showing it’s a done past deal.

    It starts in 680 AD as Jihad (Islamic Crusades to spread the Faith) burst out of the Arabian Peninsula.

    It’s quite the show of breathtaking Islamic hypocrisy vis-à-vis western ‘Crusades’ vs Jihads (Islamic Crusades to spread the Faith)


    John Day

    Here is video from an FBI-confiscated smartphone at the Trump shooting, ground level, with view of first story window of building “the sniper” was on top of. It is worth looking in at 7 minute mark. I think we will see better analysis. Somebody reported a muzzle flash from that first floor window. I can’t tell.


    Israel FAILED to kill their alleged target in Lebanon. But they reportedly struck a hospital in Beirut, several children and adults were killed and wounded.
    The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah carried out multiple strikes on Israel’s Beit Hillel military barracks on 30 July while using its air defense systems to repel Israeli jets flying over Lebanon, Al Mayadeen reported.


      Attempt to Kill Hezbollah Commander Shukr Failed – Source in Movement
      3 hours ago
      30 Jul, 13:29
      Number of casualties from Israeli airstrike on Beirut rises to 68 — officials
      According to the Health Ministry, 14 people are in serious condition

      BEIRUT, July 30. /TASS/. At least 68 people were taken to hospitals in the Lebanese capital with injuries following a recent Israeli airstrike on southern Beirut, the Lebanese Health Ministry said.

      According to the Health Ministry, 14 people are in serious condition.

      It was earlier reported that the airstrike killed one woman and injured 17 others. Earlier reports also said two Hezbollah field commanders were killed in the strike, but their names were not disclosed.

      On July 30, Israeli Air Force jets fired four missiles at southern Beirut, which hosts Hezbollah offices. A source told TASS that a four-story building was severely damaged in the neighborhood where the missiles landed. Damage was also done to neighboring buildings and cars parked nearby.
      Israel claims responsibility for strike in southern Beirut
      By Aditi Sangal, Sana Noor Haq and Antoinette Radford, CNN
      Updated 4:02 PM EDT, Tue July 30, 2024

      Israel has claimed responsibility for a “targeted strike” in southern Beirut, which it said was aimed at the Hezbollah commander responsible for Saturday’s Majdal Shams attack — a major escalation that stokes fears of a regional war.
      Fu’ad Shukr, the “most senior Hezbollah military commander,” was killed in the strike, according to the Israel Defense Forces. A senior Lebanese government official earlier told CNN that Shukr survived the attack.
      The strike came after a rocket attack in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights that killed 12 children. Israel blames Hezbollah for the attack though Hezbollah denied it was behind the strike, the deadliest to hit Israel or Israeli-controlled territory since the October 7 Hamas attacks.
      28 min ago
      Iraq condemns Israeli strike on Lebanon
      From CNN’s Nechirvan Mando
      Iraq joined a growing list of countries and groups that have condemned Israel’s strike on Lebanon.

      “This attack is considered a blatant violation of international law and conventions,” Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. “Iraq asserts that this aggression poses a serious threat to the stability of the region and warns of its negative repercussions on regional security and peace.”

      Iran, Lebanon, the Houthis and Hamas have condemned the attack. The United Nations also said it is “deeply concerned” by the strike, according to the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert.


    AI binary: lololololololol


    The Trump assisination attempt is beginning to take on the decades long re-hashing of the Zapruder Film

    An endless trail of dead ends where nothing will be done about any of it, with NO CONSEQUENCES, resulting in the natural response by Satanists to just continuing to do the same old shit like that over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over again until the Sun burns out and all the cockroaches are actually dead.

    Big Yawn

    The Secret Service and FBI are accomplices. PERIOD

    Get over it

    Nothing will be done

    Duh’mericans are LOSERS

    They will do nothing and the Satanists know it.

    Just double down on your spineless studity until their moral and what’s left of ‘the country’ is a smoldering ruin.

    The End


    It all comes down to the fake jewmoney. The delusion we are sunk in, pretending its real. Keep staring at talmudvsion or your jewphone, they have all the answers. The West is just Ned Beatty in Deliverance now. fat , losers getting fucked in the ass, squealing like a pig, expecting someone else to save them. What a fuckin disgrace.

    a kullervo

    The Crusades were the wars that were fought by Christians in Palestine against the Muslims during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries.
    Word origin
    from earlier
    croisade, from Old French crois cross, from Latin crux; influenced also by Spanish cruzada, from cruzar to take up the cross

    Islamic “crusades”?
    Ignorant demagoguery.
    (“My sins are virtuous; your virtues, egregious.”)

    D Benton Smith

    You guys all hyper-adamant about Jews under the bed, in the closet and behind the curtain should FIRST take a closer look under the bed, in the closet and behind the curtain. What you find there might be a bit surprising. It also wouldn’t hurt Catholics to take a look too (and Muslims). It gets a leeetle complicated, so ya might want to take notes.

    Here, let Candace Owens help you get started.

    John Day

    @DBS: You left out Hindus, Man. Hindus have a big, powerful crime machine, but they keep a low public profile over here.


    Jimmy Dore on Venezuela:


    Hey DBS, who prints your money? Who controls your media, including Candice? Who does your “representatives” jump in joy for? Hindus? The Irish? Shove your Boomer, We Are The World bullshit up your ass.

    a kullervo

    Who am I going to find lurking behind the curtains? Mrs. Owens? @DBS in the closet?
    And not even one single Jew under the rug? I’m shocked, let me tell you. Shocked!
    (Or we can go back to pretending we’re all sorta grownups, sharing half-baked ideas in a more or less respectful manner.)

    D Benton Smith


    My my, aren’t you a mean one! How many wheels on that bike of yours, road warrior? Like 3, maybe? I’m TRYING to help you, man, and every time I do you turn around and get all nasty about it. I do believe the basic problem is that you just aren’t very smart. LISTEN to the damn video!

    D Benton Smith


    Hate whoever you want, jerk. That’s none of my business. Lying to me, or about me, however, or deliberately misleading people to serve your own EVIL agenda , well that IS my business. I’ll tell you the same thing that I told the last asshole who thought he could just waltz all over this forum spreading lies and bullshit with wild abandon, as though it didn’t matter. I will show you EXACTLY the correct amount of respect that you deserve, which in your case is pretty nearly none.

    I’ll say this for you, though, you live up (or is that DOWN?) to your namesake, who had the chance to be good but wasted his gifts to become an ignorant, implacable, immoral and vengeful man who took pride in his degradation. Congrats. You made it.

    D Benton Smith


    @DBS: You left out Hindus

    My bad, Doc. I didn’t leave them out prejudicially or anything like that, I just had to draw the line somewhere and reckoned that a couple of big examples would do the trick. I’ll see if I can work Hindus into the mix the next time around. I’m sure there’s room for them.

    D Benton Smith

    In the midst of everything else aimed at reducing the human population it would be easy to overlook something as mundane as weight loss drugs, but make no mistake! Mounjaro and Ozempic are positioned to rub out half the population and no one is even MENTIONING it.

    Wake up folks! Those drugs wreak total havoc on the human metabolic system, and leave their users with NO CHOICES other than the choice of what to die from (while spending $20K per year in the meantime. There is ZERO long term data on the long terms effects of blocking the GLP-1 Receptors throughout the entire human body, but you can bet your life that when that data comes in it will not be good.

    It’s going to make the ravages of Covid-19/Vaxx look like NOTHING! We’re looking at HALF of the population dead from (take your pick:) metabolic collapse, suicide, diabetes, heart disease, obesity or long-term drug side effects, and they’re pushing those poisons like no other drug in human history.

    It’s a big deal.


    There will be a response

    Hamas deputy leader killed, (murdered, assassinated), in Lebanon in alleged Israeli air …

    News Wrap: Israeli airstrike kills 3 sons of Hamas leader … › watch

    Top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran: Hamas › watch

    Israeli air strike kills Hamas leader Haniyeh’s sons and …

    An Israeli air strike in Gaza City has killed three of Hamas’s political leader, Ismail Haniyeh’s sons. They were killed along with three of …

    D Benton Smith

    Look., All else aside, there are only a few things that have an absolute cause-effect outcome on whether or not you live of die. You have to breathe. You have to drink, and you have to EAT.

    Ozempic and Mounjaro (and other GLP-1 “agonists”) DIRECTLY effect your ability to eat, digest, and metabolize FOOD. Those two drugs fuck that up, and early evidence suggests that they fuck it up PERMANENTLY.

    Once caught in the trap of dependency (no one knows precisely how long that takes, but it’s months, not years) the users will have to keep on taking the drug until the metabolic damage and literally STARVATION kills them, or they stop taking the drug and died from the knock-on effects of morbid obesity, diabetes and cardiac failure. It’s a death sentence either way.

    I’ll stress again that this “murder by medicine” is a BIG DEAL, and their target is KIDS (again!).


    “weight loss drugs, but make no mistake! Mounjaro and Ozempic ”

    Those drugs will also cause Poverty&Death& misery and pain.



    You know if you are Muslim, you can have two or more wives?
    It isn’t too late for you to convert!
    However, death by 2 women can be very painful!
    Three or four wives is likely very deadly!


    Benton the Jew up to his old tricks again. Benton says there are no Jews involved, total fantasy, they just CALL themselves Jews, but BtJ knows better, they are not real Jews, they are something else unspecified, ask BtJ, he will tell you they are something he imagined while dumping a turd this morning. BtJ redefining the language that we use, so that he can pretend to himself that he is right, whatever that means.

    Shilling for the genocidal Jews, pretending that AIPAC does not exist, that the USA is not the servant of the rich Jews who use the US government to support Israel; why would a good spiritual man like you do that if not for the reward of cash, on earth, not in heaven. Either that or helpful BtJ is deluded and is telling us how the world is in his head; the world that bears no relationship to the world outside his head.

    But Benton rates himself as the source of truth; he is blessed by God to be the only man on earth with the faculties to discern truth. Again, more stories from inside his head, stories that bear no relationship to the world outside. Totally delusional boomer.


    WES said


    You know if you are Muslim, you can have two or more wives?
    It isn’t too late for you to convert!
    However, death by 2 women can be very painful!
    Three or four wives is likely very deadly!

    WES shouting about his Christian roots to all the world. Christians spread monogamous relationships, the vast majority of the world was polygamous prior to the rise of western civilisation; a lot still is. In China there are still people alive with multiple wives, dating back to the days when polygamy was permitted in China. When you don’t have the lead weight of Christianity around your neck, you can see that there were and are many good reasons for polygamy, but the Christians would shit themselves if their parners suggested such heresy.



    Yes, I was trolling, Kullervo!

    One day I made the gastly mistake of saying to some Muslim men, I was working with, how lucky they were to be able to have more than one wife!

    Well they both literally jumped down my throat!
    Boy did I get straightened out about this matter, in a real hurry!

    First they warned me of all the dangers of having multiple wives!
    Only the very rich could afford multiple wives.

    They concluded that one wife was more trouble than most men could handle!

    After getting married late at 40, I completely agree with them!

    a kullervo


    Cyber-bullying? Who’d knew?
    How thoughtful of you…

    Hell hath no fury like the self-righteous scorned.


    WES said

    Only the very rich could afford multiple wives.

    Ain’t that the truth. But I find it very interesting that when you look through documented history, you would think that most men had multiple wives, but of course this is impossible. The rich in this world set the laws to suit their proclivities, one of which is fucking children, the other more whoesome option is the manliness of a harem. But, in actuality, having multiple wives is actually driven by the same drive that men have to have multiple cars, multiple houses etc, it is all about possession.

    That said, in China, where families still tend to adopt long time close friends as a part of the family, wealthy men would marry multiple women for various reasons that were actually altruistic. Many husbands died in battle, many women were threatened by bandits, many of these women became secondary wives.

    I too was sort of joking when I responded to you. My wife once accussed me of being a monogamist because I am from Christian stock. I adamantly refuted that, saying that statistically one woman one man was the only way marriage could work on a large scale, otherwise there would be masses of single men, which is not historically common. But then I did my research and realised that in many cultures there is a wealth class who like to collect wives, some of the worst are African tribal leaders. I had to apologise to my wife for being so adamant about something that, at least in literature, appears to be a Christian attribute.

    a kullervo


    Trolling, uh? How mature.
    Already potty-training?
    (Or have you gone full circle, and it’s now back to diapers again?)

    Best regards.


    The bigger picture Posted by: Memory Man

    So: after the strike in Hodeidah port the Ansarallah have mostly been quiet and haven’t retaliated yet.
    Hezbollah have officially denied the death of the organization’s #2, Fouad Shukr, however in later statements it didn’t present any updates regarding his state. The latest announcement said it would “act according to what rescue teams find under the rubble and debris of the building that was targeted by the Israeli occupation”. Seems reasonably possible that he is indeed dead, or seriously wounded if still alive.
    A couple of hours after the airstrike in Beirut, Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated by an airstrike that somehow evaded detection and reached its target in one of Iran’s better-guarded quarters, a special residence for military veterans in the north of Tehran. As much as i don’t like it, anon2020 is quite right citing Rybar that “Iran suffered significant damage to their reputation”. The deterrence upper-hand gained after the restrained airstrike in Israel has evaporated, and then some. A senior foreign guest has been assassinated while under the protection of the state during a most formal visit. Can’t get much more provocative that.
    Sandwiched between these two, there was a third, USAF, airstrike in Iraq killing four Hashed al-Saabi (an Iran-affilated militia) fighters patrolling in Babylon province.
    No way would Satanyahu escalate so seriously and so quickly without previously securing US backup all the way, and one can reasonably guess that all these were discussed and agreed during his latest visit in Washington. As a matter of fact, further military moves additional to the USAF airstrike in Iraq point more towards full complicity & coordination: the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1), the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS New York (LPD 21), the Harpers Ferry class dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), with embarked Amphibious Squadron 4 and 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC) have just left the US naval base of Souda, Crete, to meet a fleet of UK Navy off Cyprus on their way to Lebanon “to assist a possible evacuation”.
    The Zionists, and by that i mean Israhell as well as deep power structures inside USA/UK, push for a major regional war or the complete humiliation of the Axis of Resistance. The Majdal Shams incident was designed as the spark plug. Peace is out of frame…no point of peace talks when one side assassinates the other side’s most prominent negotiator. The message is clear: “dare to fight back, so we can at last bomb you back to Stone Age, or shut up and step down”. Tough choices for Iran & the whole Axis of Resistance.
    The warmongers & global manipulators are salivating already.

    However, as Israeli analyst Akiva Eldar noted:
    “The graveyards of the Middle East are full of senior Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian leaders who [we were told] couldn’t be replaced. But they have been replaced”.


    D Benton Smith


    Just amazing. I opted not to copy/paste your post in an effort to save a little digital ink and valuable TAE real estate. Basically, every single line that you wrote about me or “fact” you attributed to me, or ‘belief’ that you cliam I have, is a 100% flat-out lie as in, “the complete INVESRSION of the truth.”

    Pretty hard (and rather a waste of time) to laundry-list the lies item-by-item, along with the corrective truth that might set the lie straight. So why bother? I’m not going to bother. @aspnaz is a compulsive and unrepentant liar. So there it is.

    Sure would be nice if we could just leave it at that, but there is a compelling reason that we must not leave it alone. The reason is that the lies which @aspnaz espouses lead to the extinguishing of MILLIONS of totally innocent people on BOTH sides of the war to kill all of those “bad” people.

    He doesn’t care. Aspnaz reckons that so long as ALL of those filthy Jews and Christians and “white” people get genocide to extinction it will have been worth the price.

    That’s pretty sick, and we can’t just let it happen so we can’t let @aspnaz and his cheering section to foment such undifferentiated blind hatred of entire classes of people based on their skin color, last name or ethnic affiliation.

    It’s simply not acceptable, @aspnaz, and we aren’t going to stand for it.

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