Debt Rattle March 10 2022


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  • #103939

    So the Russians military love witches’ cauldrons!
    They have now turned the Donbas cauldron into 2 separate cauldrons!
    Both cauldrons are boiling over with Ukrainian neo-nazis!

    I wonder what the evil CIA witches are saying as the cauldrons boil?
    Boil slowly until the last Ukrainian?
    We are winning the propaganda war?


    word play
    Use an appropriate adjective/adverb to refer to your preferred, TV armchair generals ego.
    expert motivator, influencer, enablers, enforcer, script writer, inflator, delusional, deniers, liar, snob


    word play
    Use an appropriate adjective/adverb to refer to your preferred, TV armchair generals ego.
    expert motivator, influencer, enablers, enforcer, script writer, inflator, delusional, deniers, liar, snob


    The Russians shut down the Ukrainian bio-labs. Does this mean they short-circuited Bill’s plans? (joke)


    Anyone happen to have been following the Igor Shusko thread? It was deleted this afternoon.

    Side note: Ted Cruz road with the lead truck in the convoy around DC today.


    Pinched from the comment section regarding HK CFR

    Hi Igor, your research and writing is nothing less than stellar. I just want to give my two cents on the situation since I live in the city. Hong Kong had the unique opportunity to look at the world around them as a crystal ball of what could potential happen. The city lagged behind the world in terms of covid cases. The government contributed its success to their experience with SARS one and their zero covid policy. They were able to keep covid at bay for two years and the government sat on its laurels patting themselves on their back on the good job they have done. Because of this, they built quarantine units in the outskirts of the city, Penny’s Bay, and anyone who had covid or a close contact had to go there for 21 days.

    All this was fine and dandy until Omnicron started to emerge in the city. Then the government turned up the fear knob up to 11 and told people to get vaccinated or they will die. I remember that the vaccination rate jumped from like mid 60% to more than 70%. A week later, cases started to explode. Somehow within the two years, they failed to notice that cases explode after mass vaccination. And as the cases soared, the vaccination rate followed. And as vaccination rate soars, cases soar in an ironic obvious cycle that was completely predictable.

    Most of the deaths so far are from the elderly 65+ from retirement homes who have frail health and comorbitities. Being one of the densest city in the world, it’s not a surprise that a highly transmittable disease will spread like wildfire. There are mass outbreaks in apartment building because of the way they were built. People are getting infected in their homes simply by opening their windows.

    Some scientists estimate that up to 15% of the 7.5 million inhabitants are already infected. The hospitals are overflowed, people can’t get access to medication and even private clinics are closed. People in Penny’s Bay and quarantine hotels are locked up with little to no help.

    Now, schools will have their early ‘summer holiday’ from mid March to late April so schools can be converted to testing center as the government prepares for compulsory testing for all 7.5M people. It’s terrible policy one after the other. The whole city is dead with few shops open. There is also a vaccine pass in place where the people who haven’t had one shot can’t enter restaurants and even shopping malls. In April, it will be two shots and in June three shots. I can’t imagine the potential vaccine adverse effect fallout in a few months.

    My family and I all contracted covid and we all took Ivermectin. None of us were any worse of than catching the flu. If we had caught it a few weeks before, our building would have been closed for mandatory quarantine and we would have been moved to Penny’s Bay. But since there are so many cases, there simply isn’t any manpower. Many people actually don’t need to visit the hospitals but because of the fearmongering by the government, people flock there at the first sign of symptoms.

    It’s the poor government policy that’s making a mess rather than the disease itself. All the anxiety, waste of resources and economic ruins, Hong Kong has learnt nothing from the rest of the world. Instead, it follows the same paths of other failed countries. Hong Kong is no exception; it’s just late to the party.

    Bill Roope

    Robert W Malone MD just published a really nice balanced article on the Ukraine biolabs.

    Ukraine Biolab Watchtower
    An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs

    I tried to comment and thank him but I can’t because I’m not a paid subscriber.

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