Debt Rattle March 5 2023


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    Taking the gloves off and doing some rather fast demolition of NATO-Nazis’ infrastructure from now on (with minimum casualties on their side).


    D Benton Smith

    The Kazarian Mafia are not Jews, but they will claim to be and try to shut down investigation into their shenanigans by calling it anti-Semitism . . . much to the chagrin of actual Judeans who actually do follow the Religion of Abraham instead of the Kazarian Talmud.

    So no Jew ranting, huh? Ah, well. No surprises there. I assume I am completely free to rant about ANYBODY else though. Ain’t it wonderful how gaslighting works?


    Karl’s on fire today:

    Will YOU Force It To End?



    It is said that about 1900 years ago a bunch of people left Judea, after some bother with the Romans, and headed north, where then encountered other wandering tribes. They persuaded the other wandering tribes to adopt their religious practices. Not sure whether this conversion was voluntary or by application of force. There could have been some smiting going on.

    Subsequently, these genetically unrelated people began calling themselves Jews, and over time they wandered north and west.

    By Shakespeare’s time they, as a religious tribe, had apparently acquired a reputation for being rapacious money-lenders. But that may have been an invention. After all, from the thirteenth century on, Europe was embroiled in religious wars and anyone who believed in a different god or carried out different religious practices risked persecution or torture and murder.

    We seem to have reached a similar point in human development. This time round one has to believe in Mamon-worship and various fantasies invented by the controllers -who may or may not be Jewish but are definitely anti-truth and anti-life.

    Figmund Sreud

    Surveying optimistically stupid!

    … and the survey says:

    Nearly three-quarters (72%) of Gen Zers believe they’ll become wealthy one day, making them the most financially optimistic generation. Overall, 44% of Americans think they’ll be wealthy in their lifetime, though that’s down from 51% in 2019. The past three years saw millennials’ expectations of wealth drop, from 66% in 2019 to 59% today.


    Figmund Sreud


    For Russia it would never have turned out this way if President Boris Yeltsin had decided to run for a third term, ruling as medically incapable as President Joseph Biden, but deferring the succession until after Mikhail Khodorkovsky had sold the Yukos oil company to the US, and the other Russian oligarchs created by Yeltsin had followed suit. Heart, brain, and liver disease stopped the Yeltsin part of that. The Vladimir Putin succession plan then failed to deliver what had been intended.

    What has remained of the plan of the destruction of Russia from those days is what there is today.




    The fall of Bakhmut in detail.

    The evacuation is likely to be over in 2 or 3 days. But some diehards may stay Mariapol-style and have to be starved out or blown up in situ.

    Chasiv Yar next.


    Pedo President brings over two Ukronazi pilots to train on F-16, the fighter that first saw operation in 1979

    The two pilots are named Maverick and Goose



    Nate has a summary of the current state of the shitstorm.


    The Collective West

    Doc Robinson

    “Update for E Palestine and surroundings re the EPA’s proposed plan for dioxin testing”

    the EPA is planning to scam the dioxin tests. This is readily apparent from the plan they outlined in Thursday’s press release.

    Here is my response. I recommend that the plan be rejected in its entirety. Once you understand it, you will see how it’s a pass for Norfolk Southern to leave the contamination where it is and move on.

    In the audio above I left out three crucial issues.
    One, it’s outrageous that the railroad’s consultant will be the only people doing the sampling. Two, there must be two consultants and two labs — split sampling.

    Three, there must be citizen witnessing of the sampling. If this plan goes forward, it can waste six months of your time —while people continue to get exposed.

    The problems I cover.
    In the recording above and my response, I describe the issues with the locations of sampling, the types of samples that will be taken (air, water, soil and sediment verge on useless for dioxins at this time). In the recording above, I confront the “background level” study they say they are planning to do — this is where significant cheating can occur.


    Notice that Russel Brand’s point is obscured.

    His voice is turned down, the audience turned up, and then the recording is garbled when he makes his cutting point. It starts when he starts and lifts when he is done. I cannot make out what he says there.

    These things are possible now with a single stereo recording.

    For instance, you can take a recorded guitar chord, throw it into Melodyne, and change individual notes within the chord or tune the performance if the guitar was not tuned properly before recording

    Or with Clarity VX, you can sing, talk, or rap while a jackhammer is going and then isolate the voice. (the old spy movie trick of talking while you run the tap or shower – nope, doesn’t work anymore)\

    The youtube videos are garbled too. I tried about 5 youtube videos. ALL have Russel turned down, laugh track turned up, and garbling.

    I will absolutely not believe that audio for a professional network broadcast was ruined as if a 5 year old was the sound engineer. Just for the one part Russel is making a devastating point.


    Ukraine is still looking like WW1 to me.

    Back in WW1, the Entente thought it was human wave attacks that was giving Germany success in Belgium and France, so they didn’t realize the waves of men THEY sent were meeting waves of not men but explosives.

    Germany had looked west, seen a landscape chock full of massive concrete fortifications, and built the weapons needed to crack them open. It just so happened that these same weapons, meant to maximize volume of explosives delivery and portability, were perfect for the upcoming war in general, not just for sieges – because the entire western front ended up being siege warfare.

    German doctrine was to get your artillery situated by creating all your infrastructure – essentially building an underground concrete city – then positioning your artillery (with ammo stockpiles) so it could easily shift which sector it was targeting, then strike massive coordinated artillery blows sector by sector, moving infantry in to occupy.

    While it was certainly superior to anything the Entente powers were doing, they had problems as well. It took time to move the artillery and ammo dumps. You could VERY effectively hammer chunks out of the enemy, but once you had blasted everything within range, you’d have to re-position which, again, constituted building a new underground concrete city.

    The problem was that you couldn’t maintain a sustained advance. The very success of the bombardment left a quagmire filled moonscape you couldn’t move artillery or massive quantities of ammunition through. And in this era of conscription, it was simply impossible to have a breakthrough. With armies in the multi-millions, the gaps could always be closed, no matter how costly.

    Falkenhayn had the right idea. Go ahead and build the underground concrete city, get your ammo dumps and artillery set. But don’t even worry about moving. Choose someplace the enemy will continuously feed men into, stay put, and just keep blasting. That was Verdun. The idea of it, anyway. Cut it off – all but a single small gauge rail line – and continually threaten this symbol of French resistance to invasion.

    It worked, initially, but the established ideas of offensive advance were too strong to resist. Instead of remaining in place and blasting away, the Germans tried to advance and take the territory the way the Entente tried, with the same results. Falkenhayn must have been face-palming. The plan was to stay put and blast. Old ideas of success/failure die hard. And then as casualties mount, someone says “let’s keep trying for a week or two – we have to make all these casualties worth it” And in anther week or two, the same reasoning only with more casualties to justify, and so on, so that a ww1 “battle” would last for an entire month or an entire season. Certainly the Battle of Bahkmut, if there is such a thing, has lasted that long.

    The Russians appear to have been playing Verdun in several places in the line, including Bakhmut, but without ruining Falkenhayn’s idea by rushing in for “big-arrow” breakthroughs. And with MLRS, the chunks they can gouge out are more widespread and varied. And MLRS can be repositioned way, way quicker.

    The same dynamics are playing out for different reasons. In WW1, the problems with big-arrow breakthrough offensives was mobility and the giant conscripted armies. In Ukraine, it’s the advanced anti-vehicle weaponry and near omniscient intelligence of the battlefield. But the same result.

    So they’re doing Falkenhayn. But a US Civil War general solved the same problem a different way. With armies moving too slow compared to the speed of enemy intelligence, Sherman used neither firepower nor speed. Instead, he would make an approach to more than one valuable target, steering his forces so that he could go for alternative objectives until the last moment. He called this “putting the enemy on the horns of a dilemma”

    Over and over, he’d simply go for the OTHER objective once the southerners committed to a particular defense. And so they had to drop back over and over. That’s what the “march to the sea” was all about.

    I THINK I can detect some “put them on the horns of the dilemma” action with Russia, but only hazily. It’s possible to be seeing these things only because they are looked for, I suppose.

    Aside from that, I see a lot of comments-chatter in various places over “high ground” being taken or lost on various parts of the Ukranian theatre such as Bahkmut or Chesniv Yar. I’m not sure there’s that much value in a hill nowadays, what with drones and satellites. Does anyone actually need to look around from the top of a hill for targets? The artillery is far away from these hills and providing indirect fire just fine. Not like a of direct fire from the tops of hills is contributing.

    I could see some value as an infantry position on the reverse slope. That would defilade their position from some weapons and prevent casualties, at least. But the top of the hill? Naked to infrared, presumably?


    The sound engineer is a Mediawhore®

    Hand picked and paid off. Only the finest for Russell

    You are probably on to something.

    Interesting if they do it to other videos on other platforms

    Try a little Whitney Web

    Nice overview historically

    Figmund Sreud

    @ Dr. D. – Atlantic doing a victory lap for how there’s no recession:

    Fools! Reality is that letter “r” ( recession ) has been just superseded by the letter “s” ( stagflation ), … and The Atlantic never noticed even a glimpse of this change, …

    … anyway, the headline for the article should haveread, The Reason the Stagflation Hasn’t Happened Yet, … than, the article should have been Re formulated on the basis of following:

    According to FactSet, 94% of S&P 500 companies have reported numbers, with 68% beating estimates. That “beat rate” was primarily a function of the rapid cuts to estimates since June of last year. If analysts were held to their original estimates, roughly 100% of companies would have disappointed expectations.

    … or something alike!

    Here is the latest cartoon of S&P 500:

    … fwiw,









    There will be flowers, still, when we have overcome this hill
    That seems so insurmountable. And sunsets, trees, and bumblebees-
    So there will be more flowers.
    We’ll climb that now-tamed hill again- and keep the stars
    With all the patience of our kin so long ago, who gave us ours.



    It indeed an Easter Island Culture that infests NATOstan governments (managers on behalf of the controllers).

    Even when you point it out to them – I tried many times in the past and even used the term Easter Island Culture and point out the future consequences of their bizarre actions- they still continue to build monuments to folly.


    The WEF writes the polices and they are given to western leaders to implement.”


    Jim Kunstler has been ranting about the Empire of Lies rail system for a couple decades, with good reason.

    Imagine if the cars derailed just before the crossings and came straight at the stopped car taking the video.

    Jeez Another Train Derails In Ohio – American Infrastructure Is AWFUL



    Since 2014, Ukraine have been building strongholds/impregnable fortresses against the wrong kind of attacks.


    The Chinese Rail System is fabulous compared to the third world shithole Empire of Lies® Rail System

    The Chinese have awesome high speed rail, the Empire of Lies® cant even do low speed rail.

    And Pedo president and his Neo-con-handjobs want a two front war with Russia & China



    Figmund Sreud

    Sachs in Hungary, … worth hearing out. Especially U.S. – Yeltsin Russia events of the day part. If all true to his words, I don’t believe Putin ( or Medvedev, too! ) will stop with Ukraine! Vendetta, vengeance, … a blood feud. Guaranteed!



    Curlene48 said

    aspnaz: Your constant anti-Jew tirades are getting very tiresome. I am Jewish by birth, could not help being born Jewish. My parents were socialists and I have always opposed the Apartheid state of Israel and everything that it stands for. There is a difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist. Your racist rants against Jews are in aid of nothing positive, and they are personally offensive to me and probably to others as well. Who cares that some who lead our oligarchy are Jews? There are plenty of evil goyim as well. I could make a tidy little list like you did, starting with Bill Gates, the Clintons, the Bushes, etc. Please stop it.

    Raúl Ilargi Meijer said

    Curlene is right. All I can add is that, as much as I try never to ban or censor anything here, I can not accept Jews rants like aspnaz’s. They drag down this site much too much.

    Observing that there is a very high concentration of Jews in positions of power, for example, almost all the Covid positions of power were Jews, is now unacceptable? I can rant about the Chinese trying to take over the USA but if I say the Jews have already taken over the USA then I am crossing RIM’s red lines? Do you think that the Jews need your protection? Do the Jews in Israel need to be protected when they steal Palestinian land? There are laws across the world about criticising Jews, there is Google preventing people from criticising Jews, the whole of the US congress defends the Jewish Zionists and you need me to stop mentioning this?

    Why? Were I to criticise Christians in the same way would that be okay? Of course it would. Social pressure makes you see the Jewish question as distasteful, it makes you feel uneasy, so you prevent yourself from seeing the truth, you imagine that it is all in aspnaz’s mind, that reality is different. You will continue to live in your dream world.

    Curlene48: I am not here to protect your feelings. If you don’t like it, start a Jewish campaign group to curtail the evil doings of your brethren, then I can see the real change and celebrate it with you.

    RIM: Although the first step on a slippery slope, I will censor myself out of respect for your great website.

    Figmund Sreud

    @ Oroboros – STAYING THE COURS

    Shirt happens at times!



    Another interesting little tidbit on the Ukrainian war. I

    n the Lviv region, Maxim Kozitsky, head of the Shlyatch system, sold 60,000 exit permits for between $3,000 to $7,000 US dollars each. That’s is somewhere between $18 million and $42 million! Nice pocket change!

    This goes to show that it is mostly poor Ukrainians that are dying to the last Ukrainian for the US. The wealthy, wanted no part of this war racket, and have all left the country. If they left early there was probably no fee. But the tardy had to pay.

    Prorated this level of corruption to all of Ukraine, and it wouldn’t be hard for over a million Ukrainian men to have actively avoided serving in the doomed Ukrainian army.


    Most of those on aspnaz’s list can be found on a Jerusalem Post article entitled
    “Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff”

    Figmund Sreud

    Who knew Rheinmetall, “A company of environmentally friendly mobility”.

    Who is behind Rheinmetall? Well, Harris Associates, Wellington, Capital World, Fidelity, LSV, Vanguard, BlackRock, Dimensional, BKF.

    War business is good business!


    The New Green Warriors, CO2 Neutral


    upstateNYer said (a few days ago)

    Re: the ongoing climate change debate. Hard to believe anyone is still responding to AFKTT’s comments after all this time.

    AFKTT gains credibility by being anti-vax, anti-Ukraine war, anti-establishment, anti-oligarch, then he goes forth and uses that credibility to promote the establishment and oligarch climate change lies. People keep reading him because he needs to provide entertainment and our-side hate-speech in order to try to get you to read his stuff and hopefully recruit you on to his climate change team. I do not read his shite, I know where he is coming from, but it astounds me that people still take him seriously given all the obvious contradictions in his political position. I can understand reading him for the rants, if you are into that sort of thing, but not for serious info or debate. Consistency of values reveals whether someone is disingenuous or a true believer. AFKTT does not have consistent values.


    Fuck off you lying arsehole.

    I do NOT promote establishment lies. I exposed them constantly, especially the climate scams, and have been doing so for over 20 years.

    So FUCK OFF you sniveling lying arsehole scumbag.

    I note that I am not alone and that others think you are a sniveling lying arsehole with too much access to a computer and nowhere near enough intelligence or morals.

    So why not just completely fuck off and never return to TAE because we are sick of your lies and inventions.


    On a happier note, so far this spring I have collected 31.5 litres of maple sap. Tonight I am boiling down the 11 litres of sap collected over the last 9 days. This is close to the 33.5 litres of maple sap I collected last year which gave me about 700 ml of maple syrup.

    Once this sap is reduced 40 to 1, I should have the grand total of 750 ml of maple syrup! I am sugar rich!


    I write this in memory of a good man.

    He was born in the Czech Republic and was a young Jewish boy when the Nazis invaded. An aunt used her jewelry to save him from being loaded onto a concentration camp bound train. He was hidden with a Catholic priest, serving as a choir boy. One day he saw several drunk German soldiers shoot for fun young school boys playing soccer. Eventfully, the Nazis came after the Catholic priest, torturing him before they killed him. Yes, he witnessed all of this too.

    He went on to become a top metallurgical scientist before escaping in 1967 with his wife, also a top metallurgical scientist, with both ending up working for Canada’s top nickel miner. He then created and built a new industry called nickel vapor deposition technology. This allows for depositing nickel coatings on metal in micro millimeters thicknesses.

    He did not practice any religion. He couldn’t believe in god because of the terrible things he had seen as a boy. If there was a God, how could he have let such terrible things happen?


    In case it was not clear, my suggestion to fuck off permanently was directed at aspnaz, who has acquired a reputation on TAE for invention, fabrication and generally annoying people, and has now gone to the next step of ramping up his self-importance by blatantly lying.

    There are many kinds of people. I do not like bullies. I do not like liars. I am not impressed by poorly educated people who know very little about topics but have opinions based on ignorance yet feel the urge to thrust those opinions on others.

    Although I suggested to aspnaz that he fuck off completely, there is value in having him around to remind us that humans are not all cooperative, intelligent and respectful but that a large proportion are in fact nasty, bullying liars.


    @ WES
    I remember, going to the ‘cabane a sucre’ to get my toffie, ‘oreille du cris’, with pancakes.
    Now, I’m on a 4 pill a day to control my sugar, blood cloths, and blood pressure.



    Sorry to hear you have to avoid too much sugar.
    My younger brother is borderline diabetic and he keeps wondering why I am not in a similar situation too.
    For me, so far so good with sugar. Knock on wood!
    Now, if I could just do something about my eyes and ears.
    Growing old isn’t very golden.

    those darned kids

    better old than mold..


    It is a bad idea for any ethnic group to have extreme over-representation or under-representation in government. It is downright dangerous in times when the SHTF. In Southeast Asia there are substantial ethnic Chinese populations in many countries. In these countries the Chinese dominate the economy, but they are not as dominant in government. This seems to work well in Indonesia and Malaysia. In Singapore, the Chinese are the majority, but they make sure to make room in government for the sizable Indian and Malay populations. The point is to make sure that everyone is represented, and that no group is dramatically over-represented.

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