Debt Rattle May 30 2022
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- This topic has 57 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
Veracious Poet.
May 30, 2022 at 8:47 am #108717
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterGustave Courbet The man made mad by fear 1844 • Zelensky Hopes for Regime Change in Moscow, Plans To Reclaim Crimea (Antiwar) • Zelensky Signal
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 30 2022]May 30, 2022 at 9:24 am #108718V. Arnold
ParticipantGustave Courbet The man made mad by fear 1844
Nicely done…
Fear is the mind killer as spoken by Paul Atrades in Dune…
…and it’s true; fear is what’s driving the world into madness…May 30, 2022 at 9:31 am #108719V. Arnold
ParticipantWay back yonder, in the 70’s there was a saying: Feel the fear; and do it anyway…
Properly understood, it’s still a good bit of the reality of dealing with this world……May 30, 2022 at 9:46 am #108720Red
ParticipantSeven minutes of fun on the AI front:
May 30, 2022 at 9:53 am #108721Red
ParticipantSo the National Post says it’s time to end the mandates because everything that was done was successful!
“even if a year on from initial doses and post-Omicron, the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent infection and transmission is greatly diminished.”
“The primary toll of the pandemic was in death, illness and physical suffering. Pandemic restrictions were intended to reduce that, and they largely succeeded.”
“to enforce a vaccine mandate that has outlived its usefulness?”
May 30, 2022 at 10:12 am #108722V. Arnold
Participant“The primary toll of the pandemic was in death, illness and physical suffering.
I do not agree with that!
The primary toll was the utter destruction of all trust in science and the medical profession…May 30, 2022 at 10:12 am #108723Red
ParticipantSome laymen talk of the position the industrial civilization finds itself in.
“A human being has about 45 working years. This computes to around 4 barrels of oil equivalent which, at today’s price, equates to a value of $440 for a lifetime of human labour! This sobering estimate brings into sharp focus how and why our modern world works so well to deliver a lifestyle beyond the measure that a king would experience just two centuries ago.”
May 30, 2022 at 10:40 am #108724EoinW
ParticipantThe scary thing about Canada – the media anyway – is the National Post is suppose to be the right wing newspaper. What a Trojan Horse!
Restricting civil liberties is normal during a pandemic? Yes we have a 2 year history of doing so. If the media can find proof that native Canadians protected themselves from the Black Death with lockdowns and masks then I stand corrected.
I agree the damage to the medical system is horrendous. They’ve been trying to dismantle the Canadian system for a quarter century. Did they finally stumble upon a winning strategy?
I’d say the most serious damage is the social destruction. We couldn’t just have an economic collapse? Too boring? We must throw in social disintegration!
At my age I shouldn’t complain. I’ve been granted the honour of a front row seat to watch a civilisation collapse. I’m old but was a bit late and missed the Hittite Empire going down. This is an interesting way to wrap up the final quarter of ones life. Too bad I’m boring by nature.
Just wondering: if they are determined to lose the currency through inflation, then how do they retain power? All their power is based on buying loyalty and paying for others to provide coercion(police/justice system). Do they also suffer from normalcy bias or are they really that stupid – born on 3rd base and think they hit a triple(G.Celente).
May 30, 2022 at 11:29 am #108726Oroboros
Participant• Everyone on Special Counsel Team Wiped Their Cell Phones (CTH)
This is an old story, I remember it distinctly because it should have been a big story back then but it was not because the Media Whores buried it.
What made the Empire of Lies Memory Hole puke it up now?
The ‘legal system’ in the Empire of Lies is such a joke, an open weeping pus filled bed sore.
The judges, prosecutors and cops are rotting corpses masquerading as actual humans.
The recent school shooting shows you the true meddle of ‘law enforcement.
Gutless, confused bureaucratic brown nosers.
The whole lot of them enjoy sitting with their thumbs up their asses. They find it intellectually stimulating.
May 30, 2022 at 11:42 am #108727Oroboros
ParticipantGustave Courbet The man made mad by fear 1844
Love the shoes, square toes can make you mad.
Are those spats he’s wearing?
May 30, 2022 at 11:50 am #108728Oroboros
Participant• EU To Block Seaborne Russian Oil Deliveries, Not Pipeline (ZH)
Eurotardistanian pulls the pin on the grenade, then sits down on it and enjoys a quick espresso.
May 30, 2022 at 12:17 pm #108729zerosum
Participant“living in a bubble of alternative reality,”
Communication/Interpretation breakdown of realityterrorist or freedom fighter
1. Government functions/purposes are to make life better for those people that they represent.
2. Government functions/purposes are to make life better for all the people.
3. Government functions/purposes are to make life better for those in power.
4. Government functions/purposes is to keep the social/economic systems operating.The primary toll ………
The primary benefit ………..
For who?
It wasn’t for me. Was it for you?May 30, 2022 at 12:35 pm #108730zerosum
ParticipantChose your reality
Health problems are because of ….
1. old age
2. long covid
3. VaccinesMay 30, 2022 at 12:50 pm #108731D Benton Smith
ParticipantSlow Suicide
Recently, the alternative seems to be fast suicide (of the assisted variety.)
We are supposed to being grateful for having a choice.
May 30, 2022 at 12:58 pm #108732D Benton Smith
ParticipantTo assert that a game is rigged is redundant.
May 30, 2022 at 1:12 pm #108733those darned kids
I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me.
The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway.
May 30, 2022 at 1:30 pm #108734Dr. D
ParticipantYeah, they had a (fake) article on that gun store I.D. thing. We know they knew it was fake when they published it because they removed the byline (author). “We bought this gun online with only five clicks!!!” “So how easy??? In America it’s as easy as buying legos!” LIE!
For one thing, yes, that’s stopping your 1st Amendment and getting permission from the government to defend yourself. Possibly from them. But we HAVE those gun laws, whether they’re legal or not. So the gun was shipped to an FFL gun shop and you can’t PICK UP the gun at the gun shop without ID, an FBI Background check, 5 day wait, and a bunch of other things. Aaaaaand unlike some, the writers of that article ALSO knew that, put in small print parentheses that your “5-click purchase” has to be fully background checked/gun controlled by the FBI, photo ID, and just lied and wrote the article pretending that wasn’t true anyway.
Very, VERY common. Not just for reporters to lie, but all American adults to lie, all the time, about everything, for no rational reason. Perhaps someday we’ll live in a free country where you can buy crazy glue and claratin without a photo ID, like Russia. Or someday you’ll actually need the same photo ID to vote. Or a photo/camera on the multi-thousand election drop boxes at all. The footage was accidentally lost. 100 times. Okay, sorry to hear that: then those votes are erased for no chain of custody.
“Zelensky Hopes for Regime Change in Moscow, Plans to Reclaim Crimea (Antiwar)”
He’s also said the opposite. Since Ukraine is the 51st state and the U.S. Capitol, he is therefore an American and also lies with every spoken word.
Adding: we’re not going to get out of this. A nation can’t do what we’ve done and walk away. But also can’t have 80% pathological liars and my-child-killing psychopaths and not have internal issues from it. “Civilization” is merely “Cooperation” I realized. That’s the best way to describe it. You can’t cooperate safely with 80% liars, cheats, and people who would hurt you at the first opportunity ‘cause it’s funny to them.
“Zelensky indicated he was open to talks but wanted regime change in Moscow first.”
“All we need to have peace is the complete unconditional surrender of Russia. Is that so hard?” –Emperor Napoleon, General Goring, and several others. Note here that the only place they wanted was the Donbass. The rest of the country could be scrapped.
“[Ze] said his counterpart [Putin] was “living in a bubble of alternative reality,”
Wow. Great then. I guess we’ll all find out. P.S. now that Kissinger is antiwar AND pro-concession of territory, every DNC and every Progressive, all members of the Squad are to the Far-RIGHT of Kissinger. Maybe you should rethink your politics on this.
“Zelensky Signals Donbas Could Soon Fall (ZH)”
They are kidding, right? There was never any chance of the Donbass surviving since day, I dunno, 10.
“The public was in favor of it.” i.e. the Iraq War.
Were we? These are the same liars as always, only back then we didn’t realize both the talking heads and the polls were lies. There were giant protests. Like all protests and all public, they didn’t care and did what they wanted anyway. I’m not saying we weren’t for it, but how would you know?
“if the public had had a say over the question, in 1991, of whether or not we should expand our military alliance with its attendant costs, or whether we should reap the [peace] dividend”
The Left was on this for years, and brought it up regularly as part of their general #antiwar platform. No one cared of course because we’re not a democracy. However now they are the most violently pro-war we’ve seen since the Indian Wars and scalpin’ massacres of “the childrens”. We/They will fight on behalf of any nation we’ve never heard of against any nation that would nuke us to ashes from coast to coast, is how much they love and desire, rampage and want war. Every Leftist still remaining (the disturbingly few) has remarked on, and is dumbstruck by the position and the change. They don’t care. Bernie is violently pro-war, and everyone to the Left of Bernie is a Nazi, they say, like Chomsky, Brand, and Dore. Kissinger, however, is shouted down and ignored as a Russia-sucking, pantywaisted peacenik. You can’t make this up. The people who fight the wars – the demographic “Right” – are finally against it. Took them long enough, more than 20 years, and it sure wasn’t their church and the love of Christ that brought them to it.
“EU To Block Seaborne Russian Oil Deliveries, Not Pipeline (ZH)”
Standing on principle, they are going to refuse Russian oil, except for everywhere they get it from. And against appeasing Russia except when paying in Rubles exactly like they were told. Russia’s profits are higher than ever in history, and Russia is stronger than it’s been in 200 years, all thanks to Biden.
“Erdogan’s Revisionism (Rozakis)”
Don’t bring this up, but I don’t know how Greece survives at all when Turkey has the largest Army in Europe and Greece the smallest, with an eternal history of hatred and occupation. Somehow Greece when occupied has persisted, no idea how, but Erdogan has directly said he’d love to invade and occupy them right up to the Balkans, and will. NATO may be the only thing keeping Turkey out, which is ominous since Turkey has reason to leave at any time and Brussels punches them regularly as a bunch of barbaric darkies. There are prophesies on this and strangely Greece still doesn’t do too badly. “Badly” in the sense of now or during Germany occupation. Cross your fingers.
“Negative Views of Russia Mainly Limited to Western Liberal Democracies (G.)”
Places where they have actual media (at least on the other guy) and places they don’t.
“Everyone on Special Counsel Team Wiped Their Cell Phones (CTH)”
4 year old news. And they’ll be arrested when? Doing it is a crime, lying about it is a crime. I can get arrested for not having the right size numbers on my mailbox. Also: for the mouth-breathing inbreds in your life, all the data on the phone is already on record: wiping it does nothing. “The Internet is Forever.” The NSA has everything that crossed the towers, which is 100%. Admiral Rogers already handed it to Trump back in ‘16.
“ The Biggest Get-Rich-Quick Scheme in History (Root)”
$100,000 a day. To be fair, they’re wasting 80% of it and it’s NOT PROFIT. They could profit 100x more easily by providing the care. IT’S ABOUT CONTROL. Don’t obey social credit, get your SS# as part of the system? Instant death as healthcare is denied. All you rural, stupid-hat wearing, bible-clutching holdouts. How do you like it now?
“mild to moderate symptoms with a 99.9 percent recovery rate. They whip Americans into a frenzy.”
Yes, but as the elite would say: “Who’s at fault here? Why on EARTH would you believe us??? We’re not your daddy, we’re a company serving the largest felony fine for murder in U.S. history, advised by an organization 75% funded by felony-paying billionaire corporations. Double-duh, you deserve to die if you’re a moron that large.” Can you see their unpleasant point?
“Let them go back to work, let them visit their relatives, let them live [free]”
YOU DON’T ASK PERMISSION. You just do it and say “Come Make Me.” It would be over in six hours. That’s what human rights mean. That’s what they ARE. Stop being a child of 5 and asking daddy for everything. Murdering, abusive, thieving, black-faced, racist, coke-snorting Daddy. He’s ill. He can’t stop until you do. Help HIM by stopping YOURSELF.
“if they are determined to lose the currency through inflation, then how do they retain power?”
With raw violence and mass murder like South America. Haven’t you been watching? Every solution to every problem is more fascism and more violence. If you don’t obey, you don’t get food. If you don’t kill your neighbor, you don’t get food. Not complicated, used worldwide with stellar results.
Run out of money? Bomb a country and don’t’ pay them for goods. Use violence and murder to pirate an oil ship. Someone write bad things about you? Throw him in the dungeon for life. So easy a caveman could do it. Now what are you going to DO about it?
“Manners Maketh Man”
Civilization = Cooperation.
May 30, 2022 at 1:34 pm #108735my parents said know
ParticipantI see Iceland has been drifting. They probably enjoy the warmer weather.
You get offered food and/or a beverage at my house, even if you’re the repairman. (We’re Scandihuns/Germanavians).May 30, 2022 at 2:01 pm #108736Germ
ParticipantJust wow!
“The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.”
How this made it onto an NIH website is a mystery. It’ll be gone in a few days!
May 30, 2022 at 2:13 pm #108737willem
ParticipantUgo Bardi has a very dark assessment of Europe’s near-term future. This is a pretty dire assessment of how things are likely to go with Europe if it persists with its sanctions. He predicts that while Russia itself might regress to a 1990s standard of living, things in Europe will fall back to a medieval 1400s-type life. It’s hard to believe that the people and the governments would actually let things get that bad without one of them doing something. It also doesn’t consider several possibilities in the way things might play out as they slide into this situation. But still…
May 30, 2022 at 2:16 pm #108738kultsommer
ParticipantI can’t resist.
This painting is one of my favorite because of lover 1/3 of the canvas.
We are talking 1844 in here.May 30, 2022 at 2:27 pm #108739chooch
Participant(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
Not sure if the is true (nyet).
Interview with Retired Russian General,
A must-see for everyone who is pushing Ukraine for “compromise” with Russia
— Andrij Melnyk (@MelnykAndrij) May 30, 2022
Eye Candy meets patriotism.
This is not a parody
Moscow plastic surgeon Yevgeny Dobreykin is promoting his new Росгрудь breast implants for "real patriots"
They're available in camouflage or the colours of the Russian flag
— Francis Scarr (@francis_scarr) May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022 at 2:28 pm #108740Kassandra
ParticipantSo it’s official. We are planning a trip back down to California this summer and my husband’s father (4 times vaccinated) is scared to see us because we are unvaccinated.
My husband is understandably very upset. I don’t even know what to say. We have a few things to pick up so we’ll be doing to 2 day drive to get there, and neither of us even wants to go anymore.
Are we the crazy ones here? Has anyone heard of anything so sad? What on earth has happened to people?
May 30, 2022 at 2:41 pm #108741willem
Participant@Kassandra: I feel for you. Last fall we took a 12 hour drive to visit our daughter, her husband, and our 1 y/o grandson. We, too, are unvaxxed, and my daughter wrote me before our visit (an annual thing) that her husband was nervous about our visit, so it was not completely unexpected. They met us outdoors in the driveway fully masked, and although there was no confrontation or anything, we were invited to spend our time with them outdoors in the yard. It was a very short visit, and I understand when you say you don’t even want to go any more. I guess as it stands, I’m unlikely to ever get to play with my grandson while he’s young.
May 30, 2022 at 2:47 pm #108742Dr D Rich
ParticipantDr D is right again. Admiral Mike Rodgers, he of the 4 titles, sprinted to Trump Tower and he testified to the contrary shoulder-to-shoulder with Comey Clapper et al before Congress. We haven’t heard much from Mike, not much at all since his infamous sprint.
***CARNIVORE*** (one of the few they gloated over publicly). The FBI claimed to have abandoned it since they rely on good Patriots among Internet Service Providers to do the spying for them. Just ask the accused and their attorneys from the January 6th Witch Hunt.
Send me the phones. You or I can **recover** it. It’s not that hard.
If Gov’t wants YOU they can “recover” anything they want from ATT servers, Utah Data Center Bluffdale, NSA Black Cube in Laurel Maryland on and on ad nauseam. Of course the Post Office records every piece of mail.
The author of the article about Weissman’s phones can’t be such a credulous naive. The fellow is part of the cover-up as an agent to educate ignorant rubes.
May 30, 2022 at 2:48 pm #108743those darned kids
Participant“I’m unlikely to ever get to play with my grandson while he’s young.”
but it seems you’ll be more likely to be here when he’s older..
May 30, 2022 at 2:48 pm #108744Dr D Rich
May 30, 2022 at 3:01 pm #108745Dr D Rich
Participant“This turns Americans into paranoid hypochondriacs and hospital junkies”
How convenient…
The author didn’t say it turned every RN into an aspiring SNE/CEO while blaming the rubes and the brainwashed for submitting to the coercion.May 30, 2022 at 3:05 pm #108746Armenio Pereira
ParticipantEverything’s working according to God’s plan.
Be grateful if you can – be disrespectful if you must.
God is (Change) – You are (an agent of Change)
As above – So below
Nothing more – Nothing less
The food you deemed so tasteful not long ago soon to become loathed
manure, yet so precious for the land to remain fertile.
Nothing remains precious forever – Nothing remains noxious forever
Some things anew – Some things decay
Everything changes – The Everlasting Dissatisfaction remains.May 30, 2022 at 3:49 pm #108747phoenixvoice
ParticipantIt takes more than 10 bad passcodes entered to actually get rid of text message data on an iPhone. Typically, the entire phone is fully backed up to iCloud, and after a wipe the data will all return. iPhone messages are also available on iPads and Mac computers if the same Appleid is used. The iPhone would need to be set up without iCloud. This can be done, but is unusual. Or, the messages need to be deleted, the phone synchronized with iCloud, and then the phone’s data wiped. Then the restore would occur without the messages. It is much easier on an iPhone to purposely erase the data, rather than deliberately enter the password wrong multiple times over 3 hours. It takes very little time — the phone deletes an encryption key, rendering the data unusable. There still could be backups of the phone with the text messages intact if the user ever backed up to a Mac computer or PC with iTunes installed. It takes effort to lose data on an iPhone.
Of course, judges don’t understand this — even though they likely use iPhones themselves. And most judges won’t take the time to understand this. So the mass delusion regarding iPhone passcodes will probably shield the group from liability.~~~~
Naomi Wolf
Ah, but we knew the babies were being affected. It is almost anti-climactic to see the studies verifying the truth that we knew deep in our bones. The real question now: is the damage to the vacksed women’s bodies, the damage that adversely affected fetuses and nursing babies, is that damage permanent, or will the women’s bodies regenerate so that future babies are not affected as long as their mothers steer clear of future MRNA injections? I wonder for my nieces whose parents were deluded by the legacy media, who ignored my plea to not vaccinate.~~~~~
BioMilq….so, the woman donating the tissue gets a Target gift card, and the owners and investors of the company get all of the profits. This is what it comes to. As if donating the tissue were such a small thing, as compared to all of the tech…which cannot create the tissue.
Ah, but it’s about control, always about control. I cannot control every aspect of the doings of a wet-nurse.
Just like I cannot control the behavior of a pregnant woman.
Women thought they were free when they got the vote, when they could own property.
But, no, that was a short respite, for now the freedom of all but the most wealthy is being rescinded, so that we can be propertyless vassals, carefree and happy, dependent children, rewarded for behavior desired by our masters, punished for behavior undesired by our masters.May 30, 2022 at 3:52 pm #108748Polder Dweller
ParticipantJim Kunstler talking to Tom Luongo on his latest podcast brought up TAE and the concept of the trust horizon. I know Nicole (and Raùl?) did more work on this, but so far I’ve only read the original 2010 Stoneleigh article
The part that caught my eye was this paragraph:
It is absolutely to be expected that existing top-down power structures, or political opportunists with their own agenda, will seek to hijack bottom-up movements as they develop. My primary concern is that in doing so they will lay the foundation for a society attempting to live far beyond the trust horizon, and where there is no trust, and consequently no political legitimacy, there will be surveillance, coercion and repression instead.So it would seem that the World Evil Forum has recognized this and instead of relying on jackbooted henchmen to do the coercion and repression they think to use vaccine passports and CBDCs. The thing is that with the Ukraine gambit falling apart as well as the vaccine debacle, fuel prices, food shortages etc. they’re going to have to hurry up and implement it or they’ll all be swinging from lampposts within a year.
May 30, 2022 at 3:59 pm #108749Dora
ParticipantProfessor Christian Perronne Interview – Monkeypox & The True Nature Of Public Health Organizations
Professor Christian Perronne Interview – Monkeypox & The True Nature Of Public Health Organizations
May 30, 2022 at 4:40 pm #108750phoenixvoice
ParticipantRed shared: “Diesel underpins global economy…”
From that article:
<<The Globalists are using every device to preserve their own lifestyle at the expense of the masses as we transition to a world devoid of the energy provided by cheap hydrocarbons. They visualise islands of exclusive opulence serviced by a rump of human slaves following the culling of the global populations much in the image of past empires like the Roman Empire.<<And they can do it because they own all the factors of production including the premium oil reserves over which the masses have no control. >>
Reminds me of Karl Marx talking about how “The Capitalists” own the “means of production.” I completely agree that reading Marx and then supposing that “the government” can own the “means of production” in trust for the masses has largely been a colossal failure and experiment with totalitarianism. (Although, we do have a few instances of government managing leases on fields of hydrocarbons and returning dividends to the citizens (Alaska) and of government extracting hydrocarbons and investing profits into public infrastructure (Venezuela, Gaddafi in Libya — he was “done in” by the US for this) — which suggests that some limited government involvement can be publicly beneficial. It really depends upon the particulars of the situation and to what degree the government responds to the needs and desires of the masses versus the needs and desires of the oligarchs.)
To have fair and just communities, all members must be sovereign, empowered, and able to speak without fear of legal reprisal. Equally important, property can be individually held, or held by a group…but property held by a group must be managed democratically, one person, one vote. When the US had homesteading acts in the 1800s, often the size of the homestead was limited by the area that one man could plow in one day with his team of animals. There is an internal logic here: one individual should have sole control over only as much property as the individual can handle without the input of additional human help.
What we need is not Socialism(tm), as it has been commonly practiced— a means to consolidate what should be the property and control of the masses into the control of a small group — but rather a body of stories and myths that help us understand that when human capacity or resources used by many are pooled that the control over them must be shared in a generally equal fashion among the participants. Yes, this means that the efficiencies of top-down, command-and-control economies and states are lost. However, there are other sorts of efficiencies that will arise because when humans are empowered and have real responsibility, many of them will notice niches that are overlooked by top-down organizations that confer new types of efficiencies. (I see this often in gardening.). We are told that the only alternative to top-down, command-and-control organizations is “anarchy” and “mob rule” and “chaos.” But what if these are simply the stories and myths that are being told to us? The natural world defies these myths: there is no top-down control of the natural world. (Even if one believes in a sentient God, this individual is typically seen as a creator, a watchmaker, who perhaps intercedes and nudges here and there, but not as someone who engineers every occurrence — such a god would abrogate the idea of human choice and accountability. [Yes, I do realize that there are flavors of religion that do see god as the engineer of minutia.]). If the natural world survives without an autocratic executive, perhaps humanity can also function this way.
May 30, 2022 at 4:40 pm #108751Kassandra
ParticipantIt was a very short visit, and I understand when you say you don’t even want to go any more. I guess as it stands, I’m unlikely to ever get to play with my grandson while he’s young.
I am so sorry Willem, what a nightmare. What is wrong with people? My husband has had a strained relationship with his father the majority of his life, ever since he didn’t become the person his (narcissistic) father wanted him to be. Now with his father in his 80s, after trying so hard to have a relationship with him for years, we get this. I can’t imagine being kept from your grandchildren, by your own children. So much ignorance and cruelty.
May 30, 2022 at 5:10 pm #108752zerosum
ParticipantStrained relationship are the norm/majority.
Lies are the Movies/TV/books/stories that stress loving/supportive relationships.May 30, 2022 at 5:49 pm #108753D Benton Smith
Participant@PhoenixVoice . “If the natural world survives without an autocratic executive, perhaps humanity can also function this way.”
Good point.
May 30, 2022 at 6:03 pm #108754willem
Participant@Kassandra: We must be going in opposite directions for our visits. We live on the California central coast, and drive up to the northwest to see our daughter. Sounds like you must live up there somewhere and drive in the opposite direction.
The 12 hours we drive is actually more like 14 hours. Sane people probably take 2 days to make this drive, but we always do it in one long day. This was easier when I was young.
May 30, 2022 at 6:53 pm #108755Armenio Pereira
ParticipantLife’s inherent contradiction: you fight for a thing that’s not yours to keep. From there, all the human drama unfolds.
The paradoxical solution: do nothing to extend life, do nothing to waste it.(Such a fine line between appreciation and zealotry, and most of us aren’t even funambulists.)
May 30, 2022 at 8:09 pm #108756Veracious Poet
ParticipantThe thing is that with the Ukraine gambit falling apart as well as the vaccine debacle, fuel prices, food shortages etc. they’re going to have to hurry up and implement it or they’ll all be swinging from lampposts within a year.
Thanks for the chuckle 😛 … If I had a nickle every time that I heard/read someone state that “The Owners” and/or “The Annointed” would soon get their comeuppance (starting in the 90s), I’d be as rich as a soulless apparatchik parasite.
It’s probably a good thing I’m reacting to futile displays righteous indignation with humor, I’m finally detached from the wall-to-wall madness…
Much like today’s frustration with Special Counsel Team Wiped Their Cell Phones (four years ago!) agents/operatives getting a pass for in-your-face illegality 😈
Time to accept reality folks, We the People love “The Annointed” with their imperial licenses to torture, kill, lie & entrap ~ It’s only a few “conspiracy weirdos” that are unhappy with the arrangement(s) 😉
If you can’t laugh at the heroes & heels in Clown World now, you’re gonna hate the third act!
Got pure blood?
May 30, 2022 at 8:41 pm #108757Polder Dweller
My history books tell me that when the elites overplay their hands with the result that the masses don’t have enough food to eat then the guillotines and summary firing squads come out. It’s happened pretty much every time before, so what’s different this time?
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