Debt Rattle October 5 2021


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    Paper published in Eurosurveillance showed COVID spread rapidly by fully vaccinated patient to fully vaccinated staff, patients + family members despite 96% vaccination rate + use of full personal protective equipment. 5 patients died + 9 had severe cases:


    zerosum, yep there are others that will see this as raw meat and unpack. I threw it out there in hopes of that. In, the moment, I am trying to piece together other stuff.


    Germ, triathletes have efficient cardiovascular systems. The velocity of the blood in the capillaries next to the air sacs is low to begin with and in an athlete even lower. The fact that those cells happened to to get painted for destruction by the latent immune response is no surprise to me in the way I have been thinking thru this lately. I think I will keep running with it (pun intended).


    “Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines.
    White paper on vaccines’ compositions”


    Too late on humatrix- “this page is unavailable”.
    In other news, Francis Collins is out. I expect he wants to spend more time with his family.


    “We’ve established they are lying, that was established rather quickly from the getgo. Why are we still talking about it/listening?”

    Good question. Why are we.

    “As @Antidote rightly reminds us, “we only see what we look at” “

    Here’s a plan. Let’s stop looking.

    “This is data from USA not from a suspected 3rd world country.”

    Why would anyone automatically suspect 3rd world countries?

    “The World Health Organisation tells pregnant women to get the jab to protect them and their families.”

    See the first quote above. Anyone still falling for it cannot be helped. Time to move on.


    Anectodal: had lunch at a local pub today. First time eating out in months. Horseshoe shaped bar we were seated at. Woman around the corner from us, on the other horseshoe leg, wearing a mask while sitting there. Not kidding. How effing stupid.

    A couple seated on our leg of the bar, next to our 3-person lunch group. The man kept sneezing. I kept saying “bless you”. (It’s a habit, what can I say). Finally turned into an ongoing joke between our group and the couple about covid, sneezing and [GASP, GOD FORBID!!!] coughing. Gobs of disdain, even in NYS, for the whole sh*t show. Gobs. There are a lot of us out here who realize the thing is effing stupid.

    A dangerous game. Biden, Fauci, et al., need to be careful. They are playing with fire.


    WES- Your squirrel story from yesterday gave me a smile- with forty gallons of butternuts (white walnuts?), it wasn’t much of a punishment! In ten years the island’s name could be changed to Butternut Island.
    I love the smell of those things. Also, they make a dandy brown dye.

    Veracious Poet

    God helps those that help themselves.

    Actually, that’s incorrect.

    God helps those that ask.


    ‘Bridgerton’ Emmy winner Marc Pilcher dead at 53 of COVID-19
    He was double vaccinated and had no underlying health conditions


    > Mr. House

    “..the timeline for when the virus was actually spreading in the wild would dramatically shift: from December 2019 to as early as May 2019..”

    Uh huh, and like i’ve said since this began, if the media wasn’t blaring it from the rooftops everyday, would you even notice? Maybe it was that strange vaping disease that you heard about in the summer of 2019 and then never heard of again. Karl D doesn’t go far enough, cause it isn’t just the medical industry but the media, education, .gov and on and on. It wasn’t a coup by Dems in 2020 it was a coup by the WEF and anyone who accepts their blood money. <

    Same thought here: if not for twenty months of incessant media fear-porn, who’d know we’re in a pandemic / “pandemic” ? Agree with the rest of your comment too, and will add this:

    Funny where I found that link.


    It seems most everyone in a position of significant influence (media, pols, corps, “donors”, wokies) is selling something, and usually not to the benefit of the great majority of the Citizenry.


    My Hospital Story. Over three weeks ago I started coming down with an illness that was growing in my lungs. Bad productive cough, fevers ramping up and down. Difficulties sleeping. I couldn’t eat. I lost 25 pounds in 14 days. I had covid over a year ago in April, 8 days of misery and extreme fevers, headaches &c. Despite this I now took several doses of Ivermectin (+zinc, C, D &c) that I had purchased a year ago in the expectation that it would eventually become unavailable. No effect. I tried Erythromycin (bird) no effect. I was going down. I ended up in the emergency room of our local hospital O2 sats at 85%. They treated me as a covid patient and took a deep swab. Results came back positive. I asked the admitting doctor how many cycles did they run on the PCR test. She had no idea what I was talking about. She didn’t even know what PCR stood for. I was getting bad feelings here. I told her that they probably ran the cycle 40 times or until they got a positive result. They had no idea what I was talking about and completely disregarded me. They kept telling me I had covid. I insisted that I did not, that I had it a year ago and was immune and that this was something else. Deaf ears. They treated me with remdesivir which did nothing except cost medicare $50K. The only thing that helped was Oxygen and a steroid they gave me iv to help clear my lungs. However, because my resting heart rate is about 41 they would not let me sleep. Every time I fell asleep my heart rate would drop into the thirties and the ICU center would panic, rush in and wake me up. No matter how I tried to explain to them that this heart rate was normal for me they could not ignore it and started taking blood samples every few hours for heart attack markers. The nurses actually showed me how to remove the battery from my cardiac monitor so that the computer would reset if my heart rate dropped. I ended sitting up all night trying to stay awake so they would not panic every time I fell asleep. I had to get out of there. I ended up tricking them to escape their covid isolation ward. I asked every nurse and every doctor I was able to talk to if they had ever had anyone show a positive response to remdesivir. They all looked at their feet and just mumbled a few things like “some improvement” but I knew and they knew that it was completely ineffective. I was not doing very well when I got home. The inhaler helped and thank goodness I had purchased an oxygen machine a year ago. It saved my life. I’m sending my own samples to a lab to find out what I had/have. I suspect Legionnaire’s pneumonia. Luckily I have Levaquin in my freezer.


    Google “Uttar Pradesh Covid Cases”.

    There are less than 20 reportable cases per day in a population of about 240 million people.

    This Western CovFeFe crisis that ended the “calm before the storm,” is 100% synthetic at this point.

    That means EVERYTHING following from this synthetic event is synthetic as well.

    Why? A Rothschild reveals why…

    Archived Rothschild Q&A —


    They treated me with remdesivir which did nothing except cost medicare $50K.

    Check your kidneys. Remdesivir is BRUTAL on the kidneys. It might be a leading cause of death.

    CovFeFe is not killing most of these people, rather, POLICYMAKERS ARE KILLING PEOPLE THROUGH THE FRAUDULENT POLICY. “KNOW YOUR ENEMY” — Sun Tzu


    From a Rothschild in his circa 2011 disclosure…
    “The genius of the system established is the illusion of freedom and having humans act as their own jailers! It is amazing, even to us, how well the system functions.
    However, as demonstrated above, those with just the slightest benefits accorded to them were ALL TOO EAGER to further subjugate their FELLOWS! Which continues apace.
    Laughing out loud!
    Of course, we take the blame although we see no value in surveillance of this nature. It means nothing to us. We are more interested in controlling the course of “human events”
    Laughing out loud!
    Those humans who feed off their peers (cannibals, in a sense) consume with a ravenous appetite which puts us to shame. They enjoy the sense of power and humiliation over those subjugated!
    What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago…the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way…and they will pay a dear price!
    As to your current situation, you may discover that these same oppressors also function under the laws of cowardice. That is to say, it is exactly the ILLUSION of control and power which makes it so. You may, at your discretion, choose to opt out at any time you decide that you refuse to further participate!
    Of course, under the order of NATURAL LAW you are free to do so at any time! It is your free will to do so.
    I ask you, have you made ANY concrete effort to express your will in this regard?”

    The Money Power Monopolists, who run the fraudulent debt-based money system so many are blind to, fully expect all the Muppets to take out the people who are being led like Hansel and Gretel… they expect you to take their heads.
    What they don’t expect, is for you to get a clue as to what is actually going on, and WHO is doing it.
    And they are pretty much right in their assessment that we are a joke not even to be taken seriously.

    From Rothschild…
    “The problem without the preparations is that there is no framework of reference or understanding. You can access great historical works which explain much, but if you do not know the language in which they are written, it is a fruitless experience. One must be brought from the initiate stage through the preparation process to yield any true value. You may have noticed that the efforts to deceive are waning. Some believe it is no longer necessary.”
    “At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step….referred biblically as the thousand year peace. At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.
    THEN things get interesting!
    Thanks for playing!”

    THEN, not now. Right now we are a blithering joke.
    Ya don’t want to focus on the root cause, then the branches will eventually choke you out…

    Michael Reid
    Michael Reid

    The spike protein may be just one issue with the jab contents

    Michael Reid

    Not only a organic issue but designed mechanical structures as well in the jab


    Boogaloo: What if Bitcoin does what Facebook did? Repeatedly? Cash?

    John Day, I am not sure what you mean by that question. Bitcoin is only a protocol — it is not a company. It cannot really do anything. There is no phone number to call, no door to knock on, nobody to arrest or threaten or intimidate. It is nameless and faceless. Doing anything to change the protocol requires nearly unanimous consent, which is nearly impossible, even for non-controversial actions.

    Other cryptocurrencies like ETH or ADA are more centralized. They work a little bit more like companies — like Facebook. They are platforms, not protocols. They have leaders who are easily identifiable. They are a lot easier for authorities to target, and a lot easier to regulate. They are the Wall Street version of a crypto asset. For that reason they may be a good speculative buy, but make no mistake: They are operating within the status quo system.

    If you want to opt out of the system, you have to go 100% decentralized — and the only option available is Bitcoin.



    The meek, the poor, the destitute, will inherit what is left.
    Did you want to survive an A bomb?
    Are you sure you want to survive THIS future?


    Yoh Michael,

    I would think Stew would do a better job to prevent from getting punked. “How many surgeries did say she performed in a day in that interview” From her website.

    “Please take note that Dr Botha is not a medical Dr but an academic Dr. Her qualification is recognized in 194 countries including America and Europe but not in SA. Dr Botha does not diagnose or treat any illness but supports health through complementary medicine, lifestyle management.”



    If electricity fails …..
    If internet fails …..
    If the supply lines fail …..
    If energy supply lines fail ….
    If credit is denied …..
    If mother earth doesn’t care about humans comfort …

    (Maybe it happening now and the news is being suppressed.)


    Dr. Peter McCullough speech to the AAPS on Oct. 2, 2021. 1 hour. He puts it all on the table: the lack of safety, the corruption, the data showing the path recommended by the CDC and FDA is exactly the wrong path. Well worth watching.


    If you survive the vaccine, ….. If you survive covid ….
    Are you sure that you will want to live in that future social/economic system?


    Waning Covid-19 Humetrix article:


    I couldn’t keep this to myself

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    Tree Frog

    The US Dollar is already a Digital since the vast majority of US Dollars are not hands-on paper or coin.

    Exactly what is a Digital Dollar beyond what already exists – sans paper and coin?

    V. Arnold

    Well, chalk up another first for Russia; first movie shot entirely in space…
    boohoo, Tom Cruise won’t be the first… ;-(

    Michael Reid
    Michael Reid

    @ chooch

    She probably knows how to use a microscope



    Most anybody can use a microscope.

    Her qualifications are not even recognized in the her home country of South Africa.

    Just a hunch, but I don’t think she is being honest.


    Re martial law being brought in in Canada: it will not be as easy as one might think to implement this. First of all, the military was already called in last year to help out in long term care in Quebec. Military folks did find terrible lapses in care, but it is recognized that this was as much as anything a reflection of long- term under-resourcing. In addition, hospitals all have their own procedures and information systems (inconveniently not uniform even within one city in some cases), making it difficult for military to just jump in and effectively deliver service. This will be a total mess to implement and I have trouble believing that this will be the way tptb are going to take over. How much military do we have on standby to cover off all the non-vaxed truck drivers, health care workers, police, fire fighters, educators etc. Like we’re these military folks just standing around doing nothing waiting fir an assignment to come along? Presumably their regular work is being put on hold. If the idea is that the military will be called in to pinch-hit in all sectors for the unvaxed, this sounds ridiculous to me. There’s no way that these folks could be deployed all over the place and deliver effective replacement of the unvaxed – my prediction. If this is how TPTB are taking control of the universe, it will look like the Mickey Minnie and Moe show. They won’t scare too many people but they will look as incompetent as heck for trying to pull this off.


    PS now would be a great time for some other nation to invade Canada, since our military will all be busy teaching kids at school, providing health care, driving truck etc.


    Raul has provided a link to a Dutch language paper for the first graphic of today’s posting. That graphic actually comes from a very comprehensive English-language paper that is referenced vertically in the Dutch paper (you can see the URL in the image Raul published on the right, vertically). There is a lot of information in the English language source paper on topics like asymptomatic transmission, PCR testing, effective treatments, and some esoterica on how data collection practices were altered for the pandemic. Here is the URL:


    Last point: I hate to take some of the mystique away, but governments in different regions rolling out the same programs at the same time is business as usual – not a new conspiracy. I did strategic program evaluation for quite a few years and can confirm that many national government programs are rolled out across the globe at more or less the same time — policy makers communicate with each other and develop ideas collaboratively.


    By the way, the original graphic is on page 96 of the greenmedinfo paper, with an explanation of how the authors came up with the numbers on the preceding pages.


    Exactly what is a Digital Dollar beyond what already exists – sans paper and coin?

    Tree Frog, presumably a digital dollar would have an additional advantage that you would trade 24/7 without currency exchange fees, bypassing the banks, and with much lower remittance fees. That’s the whole reason the USD “stable coin” cryptocurrencies were invented — to let people trade into a USD equivalent outside the banking system. A digital dollar would eliminate the risk that one of these stable coins might implode one day (there is not enough transparency about what backs these stable coin USD equivalents). Having said that, nobody is going to save in a digital dollar as a long term store of value. But if it gives you a chance to give the banks the bird, I am all for it.

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