Debt Rattle September 8 2024


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  • #168482

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder The Triumph of Death 1562   • No Foreign Attempts To Interfere In Presidential Election Detected – US Intel (RT) • Tuesd
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 8 2024]


    “If you get into an accident with an FSD vehicle, who gets the blame? Man or machine?”

    In light of recent events in France shouldn’t it be the CEO of the auto company?


    500 years later, the Bruegel captures our world accurately.


    A Republic is Different than a Democracy

    Seems to be a lost point with many, many ‘citizens’.



    The population of the thirteen colonies in 1760 was roughly 2.8 million
    20/2800= .00714

    The average number of viewers who watched college football national championship games in 2022 and 2023 was 21 million.
    The average number of registered voters in The United States in 2020 and 2022 was 165,000,000.
    .00714*165,000,000= 1,178,100
    In 2022 there were 42,795 automobile fatalities.
    Extrapolating the last two products would mean 27.5 times the annual US automobile fatalities would be the toll for registered voters using RFK Jr.’s number of revolutionary fatalities.

    i am less than inclined to believe that the universe is a random chance event when i watch the analemma video. No one will ever convince me that mathematics is not the language of creation. Absolutely no one will convince me that mathematics is a product of human intelligence.

    i am therefore i think


    • Tesla Announces Full Self-Driving Coming To China, Europe In Early 2025

    Go Green

    You’ve stolen my Future Mofos!


    Your ‘Self-Driving’ Car is Ready




    All of the Democracy talk is New World Order Bullshit.
    The Rockefeller education paradigm extended to the Rockefeller New World Order.

    could the first graphic below Bruegel in today’s post be more juvenile?
    reckon there is a possiblity but the probability is far outside of any calculable real number

    Dr. D

    ““But it WON’T BE REPORTED that way.”

    Like every other day. Like 2020 probably. Like the slave markets they opened in Libya. But they’re happy joy markets.

    “It’s not something that I want to do, I have a really good life,…”

    There are no White Hats, just regular guys, plus guys in the system, plus a bunch of rich guys who risk prison daily in order to defend these principles, methods, and way of life against what is apparently raw evil. Is this the Evil = Good, White Hats = Black Hats argument? All things are their #Opposites are the same? Buying Twitter and allowing more free speech to push in the right direction is the same as shutting down free speech and bulldozing a genocide?

    Nice how that attitude liberates you from having to do anything. Savoir-faire, sophistocates.

    Ireland: I guess Prime Minister Connor McGregor is in their future?

    Jeff Sachs: And again, they know who this guy is, they ask him on all these interviews and let him speak. Why? Because they’re not in the sort of control it appears they are. And I think somebody is puppeting them. And for Sachs, it’s a shame they didn’t give him time to cover only 1/20th of the places the U.S. has been. Setting up more happy joy markets worldwide.

    “President Trump responds to Crowder Undercover Bombshell”

    That everybody knows and has always known the dice are loaded, Mr. Cohen, is the story that they’re such nit-wits they just tell everybody on camera all the time? › watch?v=mnfoUJxI2dM

    “Without playing off Russia, Iran and China, the US wouldn’t know its own identity. It would be lost.”

    This is true. As the NY Times says, “The Constitution is the major threat to America, and is evil and terrifying. Should we bomb it?” Basically I kid you not.

    “Well, that won’t stop them. They go seamlessly from “directly interfering” to “indirectly interfering” in 2 seconds flat.”

    Sure, the alternative is “NOT lying” then all getting arrested and hung. Hmmm…my money is on them lying. I mean they have to breath out their air-holes anyway, might as well make sounds while they’re doing it.

    “Trump should simply be himself. And be wary of trickery.”

    That’s odd. Why wouldn’t he be shot by Jill Biden personally, live on camera, and go “What assassination?” Worked so far. Right, the people will say, “I’m not a biologist” “I’m not a trauma surgeon, who can really know what happened here?”

    “energized their base,”

    So energized that when you walk the streets of Blue cities, like Don Lemon did, they go “Kamala who?

    What else is their avowed, affirmed facts? It’s a super-close race. Don is tired and old. He should totally attack a “black” “Asian” Canadian Woman Object on TV because that’ll work super-well. Don has no message. Kamala is sharp and beautiful, stunning and brave, and her campaign is working well and perfectly.

    “Harris should employ two techniques that could throw Trump off stride. One is humor. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Joe Biden effectively used wit against”

    I mean, “used wit, ever” because they have no sense of humor and can’t meme to begin with. Because humor is moderately associated and allied with truth and must be banned. Also humans would be happy, can’t have that either. Core principles.

    “As of right now, Democrat pollster Nate Silver has Trump winning PA at 60%. The Kamala Collapse is official.”

    Plane crash it is then.

    “No better endorsement than having Cheney endorse your opponent.
    • Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Over ‘Depraved’ Trump (ZH)

    Just what I was thinking, and all I needed to hear. Just run with this in all your ads. Election over.

    “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” old man Dick continued.”

    Wait: when did this happen?

    ““If we lost the dollar as the world currency, I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war, that would make us a third world country.”

    Why? We have lots of oil, food, mines, manufacturing, a great electric grid, high-tech ops, R&D, space ships… But the only thing that can save America is colonial extraction fake-printing the reserve currency and not honest hard work?

    “Wide-reaching sanctions on Russia will remain in place no matter who wins the US presidential election in November,”

    Yes, but you know what won’t? The end of the US$. Like bombs, if we have them, the NeoCons and Team K-pop will find a way to use them. Surprise! We have no bomb factories, and no bombs. Your war is over, you lost. So when they are on the BRIICS Unit at 40% gold, the U.S. has to make and do things like a normal country. Yeah, we know. We know that’s the End of the Empire and what that means, that’s why we’re doing it as America First.

    On that side, Canadain Prepper who is always wrong and hyperventilating, was running on WWIII and such. And he’s not Wrong, in principle on this. What is their plan? To preemptively nuke Russia. Always has been. THAT, is why they don’t need bomb factories, shell factories, or tanks. That was never the plan. There was never supposed to be a conventional war in Europe, because Europe will utterly lose. It was SUPPOSED to go nuclear, so they still need and are doing everything they can think of to make it so. –I mean K-Pop to drop a nuke, and Russia to keep it conventional.

    Like? Like all those so many things – the seen and the unseen – the thing they’ve shut up about with Finland running stealth nuclear F35’s on all Finland’s highways, avoiding the risk of airstrips. Shutting down their radar in Crimea and getting missiles in place from the South. THEY think if you just take out like Moscow, all Russia collapses, they get advantage enough to win. The other cities will regionalize, won’t matter.

    This is why they can’t tell you their plan, You’d be horrified and fight them all. They just say, “No, no, c’mon Satan, don’t be a p-ssy!

    They say, “Oh gosh, oh total shucks, we’re losing. Darn it, you got us.” Whack! Right on the big red button. “Oh it was Russia!! Russia launched and we launched right after!!” (Prove me wrong you f—ks, sitting in ashes on “the Road” with no food).

    …But PCR says Russia’s like sooper dumb n’ stuff not to attack all Ukraine, get to the border, and make his point by bombing Poland n’ stuff. Totally normal!! I mean, it’s safe, right? Do these guys LOOK like they would have 75 child-experimenting biolabs on their own allies, then release a worldwide pandemic just to steal money and an election? C’mon.

    But again, I don’t like Scott Ritter, therefore there are no nuclear-capable F35s training in Finland. Go back to sleep.

    Will all that happen? No, I don’t think so. Russia still needs to whack us, but WE need to have control of The Button so John Bolton or AOC doesn’t hit it. I think we do, but it’s important to know what was planned, happening, and what the stakes were. If WE don’t see it, if WE don’t feel the risk, K-Pop will just do it all over again next year. WE need to stop them, not one guy hidden in chain-of-command somewhere.

    “• Sanctions Against Russian Media Aimed at Discrediting Trump Victory (Sp.)

    Thankfully, there won’t be an election so we won’t have to worry about it. Or would a bunch of guys with 75 child-torturing biolabs planning first-strike nuclear war not be willing to shut off the power in a few states on election night? Yeah, that’s crazy, that’s totally a bridge far too far for them. Yup! All good here!

    “acting on behalf of Kremlin-supported media organizations.”

    Since their legal standard is clear, the Kremlin should buy ads and “support” CNN and MSNBC. Then they would have to be shut down too. And they’re sanctioning somebody, somewhere, for something. But can’t tell us who that guy is. Trust me!! But that doesn’t interfere with journalism when you drive a bulldozer into the loading docks and lithograph machine, noooo. It’s only the REPORTERS who are sacrosanct. …Unless they are normal citizens, barely getting paid for freelance stories, then we sic the FBI on them, in airports or on camera. So ONLY Walter Cronkite is protected, all other reporters, staff, employees, management, bank accounts, advertisers, and trucks are all free game. That’s supporting 1A!

    “• Britain ‘Thinking Head of Western Hydra That Helps Zelensky Regime’ (Sp.)
    It’s safe to say that London is directly involved in hostilities against Moscow, military journalist, Alexey Borzenko, told Sputnik.

    For example, when things went badly, where did the ACTUAL general and competent of Ukraine go? London, as ambassador.

    As Luongo says all the time, when you’re a fourth or sixth-rate power, what’s your only chance? In game theory? Well, get the 1, 2, 3, and 4 player all in a useless world war and bring them down to your level. Over and over, every 70 years for no earthly reason. Usually with “Some d–mned thing in the Balkans” – Churchill. How do we know? ‘Coz we MADE it happen, stupid! I paid a lot of money to make sure.

    Aaaaaaaaaand so today, with the 3rd Crimean War. That LONDON needs to destroy Germany (done) France (done) United States for (half done). Yup! When Russia pays reparations where is the money flow with the only industry England has left? That’s right, flows through London banks. Trillllllllions. And if not? …If not, they all die, and England as we know it collapses. (To become something different than last 200 years)

    “@Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party’s lawfare against President Trump is “disgusting”

    Yes,but he’s brown, so the Democratic Party won’t listen to him, tell him to know his place and get to the back of the bus. Like the entire African Press corps for example.

    “The president’s son spent his adult life with his father, his family, political allies, and reporters enabling every corrupt deal and human debauchery.”

    Hunter is the victim here, merely born to a mafia family. Why don’t you go after the crime head abusing, extorting, and blackmailing him? We always pick up a guy for a bag of weed, and let the Cartel Bosses go. Ask Kamala! The Drug Lords work for the CIA, so we have to let them go! What are we going to do, arrest ourselves?

    “Only five allies in 32-member NATO spend more than 3% on their military needs: Poland, Estonia, the United States, Latvia, and Greece.”

    Wait, a $15 Trillion economy spends +3% on war and doesn’t have a single box of shells? Explain?

    “Will we still be able to drive ourselves? If you get into an accident with an FSD vehicle, who gets the blame? Man or machine?”

    That was in the Waymo clip, got confused, did oncoming in a work zone, then ran a red light and the policeman let him go. Didn’t even consider impounding for a second. I need to get a steering wheel on the passenger, side, drive anyway I want, if I get pulled over, point to my laptop in the driver’s seat and take another slug of whiskey. Answer: NEITHER is responsible. NO ONE is responsible, ever, anymore. We split it into parts, like a middle management committee meeting, now there’s no such thing as crime!

    …And that only makes sense since criminal never have talked to each other and never will, and there’s no such thing as a Conspiracy.

    ““I know Bill Gates because I’ve wrote a book about him – what he calls ‘Philanthrocapitalism’”

    That word means, “Love – Man – Moneyism.” I think he’s totally right! It’s a cookbook: “To Serve Man.”

    Anal-Emma. Just like you see in “Cast Away” and you can stake it out with sticks, or rocks, on the ground.

    Another sad day where I didn’t get any smarter about Eastern Europe. Is there no one who can help me?

    Sort of, odd statement, but I understand it. But since becoming Socialist is not like a light switch, not Matter and Antimatter, and since Socialism always takes over an existing (capitalist) system and runs it into the ground until nothing moves, the thought that we’re somewhere between the two end points, driving my F350, is obvious and not very insightful. The relevant part would be the location between the two points and the direction of travel.

    In 1960, before we locked on a level of Socialism like 1/3 of the economy, called “The Great Society”, poverty was low in America and you could afford both a Ford pickup AND for your wife not to work, stay home with the kids AND to buy a house. Every year since then, we’ve moved in one direction of travel, and exactly as predicted, every day got noticeably worse, which we all said, every day of every year, until an F350 now costs $100,000, and a house costs $1,000,000, while wages remain at $60,000, and two incomes only mean you have to go $100,000 and 40 years in debt that can never be repaid, to NOT own a house, since the first hiccup like medical, you’ll go bankrupt. (also a socialist system, government-directed) Unemployment is like 5x 1960, half not-in-workforce, And Social Services, for the poors, find the poors about 4x more numerous than what they were in 1960, and even if they have cable, almost unfathomably more violent and miserable, dying by the 100,000s from suicide, drug overdoses, and health of lifestyle choices.

    Just like we said in 1947, 1950, 1960, and every year since.

    So exactly as predicted, every year we slowly added “Socialism”, the nation collapsed and got worse including or ESPECIALLY the poor, working class, and proletariat, and every year we stand up and say “We would prefer not to do that” especially because it doesn’t work and kills everyone but especially destroys poor and minority, “vulnerable” people.

    So not sure what point you’re making. They added the suck. So it sucked more. Surprise! We now work like 3-6x harder than ever. The country has a lot of resources. So if you’re willing to do that and take 40 years debt you can still drive a car and own a house. Yes. And when they add that last 10% of Socialism, that will be removed from us too, by actual literal definition. And is happening now, in the news, daily, by people literally calling themselves socialists, and saying it is a socialist platform. Green Deal, no cars, pricing them out of market for no legal reason, Blackrock buying houses, distributing them to illegal immigrants. Literal government nationalization and redistrubution, $15k at a time. Openly and proudly, on National TV and the campaign trail.

    Our argument, I think, is that “This worse” location than 1960, so we should reverse what has been installed and head more towards 1960 that as a minimum. There might be a better place than even that, but at a minimum you should go back to the last place you realized you were off the path. And we call that system of better property rights, more opportunity, and less interference, “Capitalism”. Or, I don’t, but other people do and I have to use it so they know what I’m talking about.

    Yes, it is weird in a semi-Socialist system to complain about a Socialist system, but that’s because you can be more or less deep in the bayou, with greater and lesser alligators. I prefer less sinking and less gators. Surprise.


    Ain’t Life Odd

    Imagine years of crowd control and riot policing techniques comes down to being neutralized by a Three Stooges slight of hand




    I think governments have already passed laws that say humans are automatically guilty.
    This what is required before self driving cars can be rolled out.


    Speaking of the People’s Socialist Paradise

    The Official State Bird is a Turkey



    Depressed High School Kids leads to Depressed Times

    Depressed Times leads to well, you get the picture……





    Daily Affirmation









    Hate the haters hating haters




    World Record!

    It’s a “Self Driving Country”

    Technological Triumphs





    Boomers are now disproportionately Democrat.

    It’s time to unanimously agree they are the worst generation of all time

    Good night sweet Prince

    Not all ‘boomers’ are the same…..




    symbiotic cooperation is not democracy
    the microbiome is a symbiotice cooperative network, it is not a democracy
    the microbiome is the foundation of the macrobiome

    human life is not possible without symbiotic cooperation
    and all of the dumbass memes in the human lexicon will not change that reality

    socialism, communism, capitalism, fascism, ( are all devoid of the substance of life on the third rock from our sun.
    The leading cause of death is birth and that is a fact.
    Humanity’s self esteem must certainly be described as a product of exponential and logarithmic functions with ego being the constant base, yet the life in the cracks in a sidewalk are most certainly of greater value.


    “…devoid of the substance of life on the third rock from our sun.”


    John Day

    Since I was 16 I never expected to collect any Social Security, but I get a check every month since May of last year, thanks to getting fired 18 months before that. I expected to work forever, but I refused COVID vaccination.
    The government pays me back some of what I put in since I was 15, so I get paid to blog about stuff…

    “Social Security is facing $63 trillion in long-term unfunded liabilities, according to the 2024 Old-Age, Survivors, Disability Insurance (OASDI) trustees report. The report looked at two things: how much money will be missing indefinitely and how much will be missing in the next 75 years.”

    John Day

    Better “Uranus” pun than I have seen in a long time, rivaling the “go to Uranus to wipe-out Klingons” Star Trek joke.

    John Day

    @tboc: I feed my gut microbiome fresh vegetables and it sends antidepressants to my CPU.


    Our generation is not the first to realize that we are, also, the tools of depopulation, and genocide, and death.

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder The Triumph of Death 1562
    Hope for Peace
    Democrats joining Trump team
    RFK Jr, Kennedy
    Tulsi Gabbard

    Elon Musk will join efforts of Trump, to streamline the gov.

    Still in the running for president

    Green Party nominee Jill Stein.
    Independent Cornel West.

    “I want to use sanctions as little as possible
    If we lost the dollar as the world currency, I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war, that would make us a third world country. And we cannot let it happen,” – Trump
    The US and its allies have imposed a record 22,000 sanctions on Moscow since 2014,
    • Russia Sanctions Will Stay… Until US Collapses – Medvedev (RT)
    • Sanctions Against Russian Media Aimed at Discrediting Trump Victory (Sp.)

    Is spending for war or for defense?

    Poland a record-breaking 4.1% of gross domestic product for the military spending in the 2024 budget.

    For thousands of years, democracy and freedom walk hand in hand, as do censorship and dictatorship.
    Everybody knows in their heart that censorship is wrong.
    We all know that we are imperfect and do not know everything.
    We know that we rely on others to discover the truth.
    Why, then, do so many people want censorship?

    Read more …
    unfunded liabilities, promises, lies


    @John Day

    Old Uranus jokes could fill their own volume in an encyclopedia

    Bare with me, I’m still cleaning out my Pedo Jo-jo files before he hits his expiration date and I must use them up…..






    Liz + Dick Cheney (article at top re. Dick) supporting Kakala is a powerful sign.

    The facade of two opposing ‘political parties who represent some segment of the ppl’ – is Finito.

    Along the similar lines, Trump was a Dem. all his life afaik, until he reckoned he could beat the hated w / b – itch Killary.

    Recently, Trump is publically supported by arch-Dem figures, ex. the moderate patriotic lovely looking Tulsi Gabbard, plus a descendant of the Kennedy line.

    So the US, via manipulated ‘fraction’ opinions, propaganda (from all sides) shows the terminal collapse of political parties vying for control via the vote on any pol. / econo. / social issues.

    ‘Love the leader’, ‘support Da Man’, show your allegiance type atmosphere for ‘our champion’ rah rah, is all that is left.

    Much like some recent events in South America.

    What about policy papers, proposals? The K. Harris site had no policy prop. of any kind on it for months, only slogans, publicity, and begging for money. Did that change? Idk, here is the site on 8 sept …I couldn’t read it now, have to go cook etc.



    All that I saw at the link you provided was “give me your money”


    Jimmy Dore show, Russell Dobular interviewing Matt Taibbi.


    human life is not possible without symbiotic cooperation
    and all of the dumbass memes in the human lexicon will not change that reality

    socialism, communism, capitalism, fascism, are all devoid of the substance of life on the third rock from our sun.

    We use words to refer to things and communicate to each other. It is a postmodernist deconstructionist cheap parlour trick to say “It’s just words so it doesn’t mean anything”

    In the Left intelligencia, postmodernism, deconstructionism, and leftism have a significant overlap. The intellectuals in this space have long argued that words only mean things in terms of other words. The conclusions from this are an extreme nihilism, and a belief one can cast spells with words. In combination, this leads to evil.

    The left holds up “Capitalism” as a bogeyman and then attacks capitalism, which is what NORMAL PEOPLE, decent people working class people, mean when they say capitalism:

    do something or make something that someone else would willingly pay you for
    without coercion and without deception

    this is the essence of capitalism. It means direct service to others.

    Leftists push in to establish themselves in as middle men between the normal daily, hourly inherently cooperative capitalist activities of The People.

    Naturally, as part of establishing themselves as rentier middle men between all cooperative transactions, leftists BLOCK normal human cooperative behavior. As Paul Atriedies said, a person owns a thing who can destroy that thing.

    Leftists do not BRING cooperation, they declare “Cooperation is OUR thing. We OWN cooperation. We ARE this thing. We are That Thing You Love – Kneel to Zod”

    D Benton Smith

    My wife Ruey just quipped sarcastically that, “Anyone voting for Kamala doesn’t have to worry because they’re going to get exactly what they voted for.”

    John Day

    “Clearly, this ad is designed to get low-information and low-engagement Arab-American and left-leaning voters to oppose Harris…a classic ratfucking operation by a PAC that is helping a former president that uses ‘Palestinian’ as a slur.”

    GOP PAC Runs Ads In Muslim-Heavy Michigan Lauding Harris For Israel Support
    Hoping to further estrange Michigan’s Muslim voters from Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a Republican political action committee has launched a clever ad campaign that praises Harris for supporting the State of Israel and for putting “supporters of a free Palestine…in their place.”

    Harris Campaign Has No Time To “Think About Why Certain Things Have Happened” In Past 4 Years
    “We’ve got 60 days until the election. You know, we don’t have time to sit around and think about why, over the last few years, certain things may have happened or may not have happened.”


    Situational Awareness

    Not here

    Not nowhere











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