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    Paul Klee Sicilian Landscape1924     We’ve been following, and reporting on, the travels and travails of mankind in virustime every single d
    [See the full post at: Five Alarm Fire]


    For a while I might not post or ? as touring, vacation.

    Unvaxxed and without a “Pass”, heh, might make for an interesting travel diary 🙂

    To enter Italy I need a negative antigen test. It is free for CH citizens. The first ‘center’ I call mumbles in a breathy sweet feminine voice about testing being limited – to vaxxed persons? to ..the vulnerable..? I couldn’t make it out.

    I call a commercial lab (cost of test about 50 dollars) and get a spiel about how they have the most superior tests, and “no worries Ms. Noirette” ha ha! and I book an appointment. Then I call another ‘free’ testing place, they tell me you can only book via internet. I do, get a conf. message. (…)

    Until COV-19, certification of ppl for travel was the responsibility of the state (West), and if one needed a laissez-passer (these still exist btw, all over Europe, for all kinds of ppl, stateless like Palestinians, those who pretend to be so, refugees, etc.) or document X, like a biometric passport, or vax certificate, it was up to the State to provide that for the citizen / resident, following negotiations at State level with others .. (Might be problematic with wait times, etc.)

    No more. Individual persons have to scramble around to find a private cos. that will provide the service they seek, maybe desperately need, to satisy or conform to arbitrary (other country) rules.

    In CH, the ‘free’ tests are paid to Big Pharma via Private Insurance (paid by the insured public) and State (paid by the taxpayer) funds. Poor ppl will be disadvantaged.

    Globalisation proceeds partly through ‘atomisation’ – the cancelling of the Nation State, making individuals ‘responsible’, ‘accountable’ for their own ‘certification’ their own ‘standing’ – which btw is an open door to corruption, already terrifyingly rampant all over the World in the Big Med-Pharma-Sickness Corps.


    cherry picking
    control the source of the message

    If the data does not compute to give you the answer that you want, then you got no choice but to accuse, blame the opposition …..

    “Don’t deny the Science we did with faulty tests and the complete LACK of testing, evidence, and statistics since we don’t check/confirm via antibody.”

    “What is true has an amazing adherence to money + power and to no other variable especially if would decrease yours”

    ““Science” is OK to cite as long as it validates your bias, – is a two edge sword.”

    1. ivermectin is highly effective in both prevention and treatment.
    2. multiple vaccines are highly effective in both prevention and treatment.


    The beautiful Paul Klee Sicilian Landscape “quilt” is a metaphor for the current patchwork of information (science and thoughtful commentary) revealed throughout our 20 months together on TAE in “Virustime”. I am truly grateful for the insight gathered here which has enable me to construct a garment of my own making, something I can wrap myself in, providing protection in the real world where I ultimately uncover, experience, and translate the impacts for myself.

    The mind-blowing connection Ilargi highlighted above is another patch in the quilt….”These spike proteins bind to cells called pericytes, says the research, “which triggers a cascade of changes which disrupt normal cell function, and lead to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation.” “Even when the protein was no-longer attached to the virus.” There is a big health/wellness/aging story here where cellular energy is the key – and is described in the The Root Cause Protocol where copper and iron (rusting/inflamation) play a role. It will be good to get more science along these lines.

    Today’s Rattle included the Wentworth Report and summary which presents the “complete case”. All of this propels me to clarify a few things after coming off my own Covid journey where I successfully used Ivm (early on) as the primary tool: 1) PROTECT, do hesitate to begin using Ivm NOW – as a protective. My resistance to doing this was an incorrect mental “idea” about saving the best tool for when I really needed it. I also think I hid the thought from myself – that getting Covid and having natural immunity was a positive – and I wanted to go there. 2) PREPARE, act fast, upon first signs that something is “not right”. This is ESSENTIAL. 3) PREVENT, I will continue to use Ivm (perhaps weekly or monthly) until this wave dies down, the season changes, or when the next wave hits.


    @ilargi – thank you for all you do. I agree, the British Heart Foundation article is alarming. The question that has been bugging me is what is the actual administration risk of the jab. What is the risk that the shot hits a vein or artery and injects the nano-particles directly into your blood stream. I think it is those events that cause the most damage post shot, because the lipid-nano-particles get immediately distributed throughout the body, turning different organ cells into spike protein factories ( instead of staying local in the arm). Market Ticker has a recent post about this phenomenon.

    Also, May I point out a clarification – in your post reads like it conflates “spike protein” and the “jab”. you said “Remember, spike proteins are cytotoxic, they kill cells and/or turn them into spike protein factories, possibly for a long time. You don’t want these things in your body.”….The spike protein is cytotoxic, yes. but the spike protein itself does not reproduce. It is the virus that reproduces another virus (with spike proteins). Additionally, it is the “vaccine” shot (nano-lipid particles with RNA instructions), that turn your cells into spike protein factories. Not the spike protein.


    PLEASE understand and include the risk factors – that the process of self-treating, avoiding the hospital at all costs may present. Not everyone responds in the same way and along the same timeline to treatment.

    My partner came down with Covid a week after me. He was reluctant to act, waiting for more “evidence”. By the time he started Ivm (and the other items in the protocol) it was already underway. The battle has been harsh, not at all like mine. 10 days in and still fighting daily fever (up to 102 degrees). We are upping the Ivm dose (nothing like the numbers seen in the article Ivm safety profile!) and restarting the cycle. His attitude is positive, he has confidence in his choice. As the caregiver, this one is heavy.

    Be sure your plans are realistic and that in sync with one another.

    Mr. House

    My fever lasted about 13 days but never went over 100. Watch out for dehydration, i noticed the body seems to be using all the fluids you pour into it fast. Never took IVM, just vit C D and zinc.


    bpeptide, welcome

    Injecting straight into veins is obviously awful, but I don’t think it happens a lot. Where would you find a vein amidst the blubber of the average American shoulder anyway? The vaccines will spread through the body regardless. As the same BHF article confirms.

    As for your second point, I trust people here to know that, I must, because I can’t explain this every single time. What I said is: All “vaccines” used in the west [..] work by inducing your cells to produce spike proteins.. That should do for most people.


    Yeah, I think Russian roulette is a good “model” for the vaccines. The classic six-shooter gives you a great 5 in 6 chance (83.3%) to live. Would you take it at those odds? And then they tell you to do it again, boosters. Still feel lucky? Hey, the odds are the same….


    5 out of 6 people agree that Russian roulette is completely safe


    Don’t think I ever shared this, but the @AutomaticEarth Twitter account has been steady at about 3,800 followers for as long as I can remember, rain or shine, a decade easily. They go up and down by a few 100 here and there, but that doesn’t reflect readership. This occurred to me again because over the summer we added quite a few readers, but no Twitter followers. Of course you know Facebook cancelled our account for vague/unknown reasons years ago, and we have no presence on any other social media.

    Mr. House

    I don’t do twitter, the less social media the better in my opinion.


    Michael Reid

    The spike proteins travel all through your body, through all your blood vessels, stick to their linings, and cause inflammation there. How would you like it if that happens to your brain, your heart, your lungs, your central nervous system? With no virus around? Remember, spike proteins are cytotoxic, they kill cells and/or turn them into spike protein factories, possibly for a long time. You don’t want these things in your body.

    Yet, we inject millions of people every day with them, many two or even three times, and say this will make them safe.

    Yes mRNA injections cause cells to become spike protein factories and accelerates the arrival of death. And yes injected with the promise that we need to do this to keep everyone safe when in fact what it achieves is to exterminate (over time) those receiving the injections.


    “Injecting straight into veins is obviously awful, but I don’t think it happens a lot. Where would you find a vein amidst the blubber of the average American shoulder anyway? The vaccines will spread through the body regardless. As the same BHF article confirms.”

    muscle perfusion can be quite good especially among athletes. You don’t have to directly hit a vein.


    I would love to see the dosing trials from the various manufacturers. How did they determine the size of the “one size fits all” dose? Did they know about the waning immunity of the vaccine and increase the dose to help cover that? What did they know about the pathogenic nature of the spike protein?


    What did they know about the pathogenic nature of the spike protein?

    A lot from many years of animal trials.


    I guess it’s a comfort to know that the unvaxxed will supply the “parts” for the transplant hopefuls of the future. [miserable/s]


    limeincoconut: “I would love to see the dosing trials from the various manufacturers. How did they determine the size of the “one size fits all” dose? Did they know about the waning immunity of the vaccine and increase the dose to help cover that? What did they know about the pathogenic nature of the spike protein?”

    Dosing trials: K Denniger covered this in a recent post on his NAD site, including the idea they increased trial dosing because they knew immunity would wane quickly if they didn’t.

    The Science knew about the pathogenic nature of spike proteins last December (2020). A study was released by [don’t remember who, Salk Institute?, a well-respected institution] proving the pathogenic nature of spike proteins. Shortly after being published, that study was edited to note that the spike proteins produced by vaccination were “different” than that by infection, although it’s not explained why that’s the case.

    Anyone else with more detailed info, feel free to jump in. Long day – tired! 😉


    Raul, excellent post. Thank you for finding this study and sharing it.

    Veracious Poet

    I long ago realized that Idiocracy was a cogent documentary, but I didn’t realize until this year that Dumb & Dumber was a documentary too!


    Veracious Poet



    @ Mr House – thank you for sharing. 10 days feels like forever as you would know.

    Today’s Rattle is very empowering for those of us going our own Way.


    My concern with these articles is that they can be traced back to quality sources. I’m hoping to accumulate a dossier that may have weight in any argument. If ever I have to mount a defence of my position, most anecdotal sources will be deemed irrelevant — maybe a medical doctor’s personal blog would count for something but I suspect I’d need a few of those to avoid being laughed out of court. So far so good.

    A couple of days ago I received this reply to an inquiry I made about Novavax in Australia, having noted that our federal government has ordered 51 million doses of it. Make of it what you will.

    Thank you for contacting the Australian Government Department of Health.

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration, or TGA, has granted the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine with provisional determination and is currently evaluating it.

    Provisional determination means that the TGA has decided that US biotechnology company Novavax is eligible to apply for provisional registration for its vaccine. The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is not yet approved for use in Australia — or anywhere in the world.

    The Novavax vaccine must pass the TGA’s rigorous assessment and approval processes before it can be approved for use in Australia. These processes include assessment of the vaccine’s safety, quality and effectiveness.

    If the vaccine is proven to be safe and effective and the TGA approves it for use, it’s expected that the first of 51 million doses will be available for use in the second half of 2021.


    That BHF article is hugely interesting and relevant to me as I have heart disease. A pacemaker is keeping my condition stable, but if the heart tissue itself is undermined then I doubt that the pacemaker could resurrect me!


    This post is like one of Sherlock Holmes’s crime stories about dogs not barking.

    The first one being silenced is the fact that the acknowledge side effects of the vaccine a) boys heart inflammation and b) young women’s blood clotting are subsets of the COVID-19’s pathology. This can only be due to the coronavirus spike protein. Either the mRNA vaccine travels to these sites within days of the injection, or the spike protein assembled in cells at the injection site travel throughout the body. The second silenced truth is the failure of the West to close its borders and its utter incompetence at doing the most basic of public health measures. Testing is a debacle in the USA. The CDC ended masking and social distancing just as the Delta Variant entered the US since its models said next month coronavirus would be gone. Instead, two teachers died in Texas this week due to reopening schools.

    In fact, a whole pack of dogs aren’t barking. Since 9/11, no US General or political appointee has been removed due to corruption, military defeat, or the crash in American’s life expectancy. In addition, climate change extreme weather events are occurring nationwide; Drought along the Colorado River, Walls of Water and Tornadoes hitting Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York yesterday, Louisiana crippled by the sixth hurricane in little over a year, Greenville, CA burned down, and South Lake Tahoe evacuated.

    The actual but unannounced official reigning policy is “Let ‘er Rip”. Profits matter more than human life.


    A couple of days ago a new NZ action group called Voices for Freedom hosted a real-time Zoom session with Reiner Fullmich. I’d read a number of his pieces here but I generally loath watching videos (feels too passive), but I was impressed. Not only did he speak cogently and concisely, but the format with three kiwi women interviewing him really connected me back to my country and culture which I’d been feeling extremely alienated from.
    One of the key things I took away (though it was not a big theme of the night) was the understanding that resistance to the official narrative is necessary but insufficient. We must find things – anything at all – that jams up the gears of the machine.
    One of the things that makes right wing memeing so effective is that is self-generating and self-sustaining. It doesn’t require energy to support and defend.. memes arise and are circulated, they decay and are replaced. They’re a form of asymmetric narrative warfare that is very energy efficient.
    Consequently I’ve turned my mind to what narratives can – at this time and place – be highjacked energy effectively.
    The MSM lives off controversy. Anything which is related to a live (ie fashionable) social narrative thread can be injected into the borg’s live-for-drama messaging. My job now as I see it is to find the live threads and to inject the subversive controversies.
    I have sooooo much more energy now that a way to fight has become apparent, and also that there are other kiwis actively alive and fighting.
    Resistance is life!


    Russian roulette – i like the analogy, but the odds of bad shot outcome are probably closer to 1 in a 100, than 1 in 6. That is still too high for a vaccine!


    @ilar@ilargi – the risk depends on which cells are instructed to manufacture the spike protein. if it is a muscle or fat cell, then the risk is lower because the spike protein does not immediately enter the blood circulation. It is stuck in the medium of fat and muscle and skin, and the immune system has time to respond. On the other hand, if the shot gets injected directly into the blood stream then it is the vascular system, heart, and brain that get instructed to manufacture the spikes protein. that is where the danger lies…this is why i really do think the bad outcome is related to where in the arm the injection lands. If it pricks a vein and enters the blood circulation directly, than that is where we get the worst, vascular and heart short term bad outcomes. Russian roulette….

    Dr. D

    Speaking of ecological disaster, Saudi, the new Russian ally, had already shown they can cause rain in the Arabian desert, it just takes some drones and some money. Meanwhile, back in the U.S., there’s a drought on the coast of the world’s largest ocean, as well as all over inland. Do I really need to ask the obvious question of why the U.S. doesn’t have the price of a small car to help it rain anywhere, but would like forest fires and droughts that cause real estate to go on fire sale for BlackRock instead? WHILE completely bankrupt states like CA get ten-bil subsidies in disaster relief, and all they need is Newsome and some matches? Last time CA burned, it just haaaaapened to be in a strip where they has passed laws more or less prohibiting hte rebuild of all the houses. …Unless you were a ultra wealthy corporation that had the proper tech and permits, like Newsome’s friends have.

    It’s an accident, I’m sure. Like every other thing in the whole gosh-darn world.

    Yes, it’s not meant to be “in a vein”. Whatever, that’s metaphorical language. However, it’s been well supported from the first that the proteins quickly go everywhere.

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