Pablo Picasso Bather on the beach 1920

Heart attacks
'They aren't going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money'
Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine. pic.twitter.com/63evorQwlJ
— GB News (@GBNEWS) November 25, 2021

Mount Sinai Long Beach hospital

“Merkel’s remarkable virus paranoia, quietly acknowledged by the press now for months, explains her fixation on social isolation, closures and curfews as the only acceptable pandemic policies.”
I’ve mentioned this episode a few times: On 11 March 2020, Angela Merkel held a press conference where she remarked that the best hope was to slow the spread of SARS-2, and that 70% of Germans could be infected. The Italian lockdown was only a few days old, and it was plainly not Merkel’s intent to go down the path of mass containment. The United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and likely a few other countries too still planned for an ordinary approach to Corona, with minimal mitigations. All the while, though, Team Lockdown was hard at work behind the scenes, to bend policy in their direction. As a leaked email from 20 March shows, German medical bureaucrats deputised by the Ministry of the Interior were soon consulting experts on how best to instil “fear and a willingness to obey in the population.”
Because Western governments doubted their capacity to enforce Chinese-style lockdowns outright, fomenting mass panic became a non-pharmaceutical intervention in its own right. The histrionic media messaging has continued to this day, and it has contributed to a profoundly important division in our society: There are on the one hand those people in essential roles, who have endured exposure to Corona from the beginning, and most of whom have had the virus by now. And there are on the other hand those in Martin Kulldorf’s “laptop class,” that is to say well-off urban professionals, who have spent most of the last 21 months at home, hiding from a virus that many of them believe is approximately as dangerous as SARS. Mass infections among these people are only starting to happen right now.
As members of this privileged, sheltered class, politicians and bureaucrats have absorbed the virus hysteria that they helped seed in their social milieu. In the beginning, Merkel did not especially fear the possibility of mass infections in Germany. Six months of press hysteria later, in October 2020, she had grown accustomed to carrying two plastic envelopes in her bag. One was for the careful, hygienic disposal of used surgical masks. The other carried precious new ones, whenever she judged her current mask had reached a dangerous state of virus saturation. [..] Merkel’s remarkable virus paranoia, quietly acknowledged by the press now for months, explains her fixation on social isolation, closures and curfews as the only acceptable pandemic policies.
She is a 67 year-old sedentary woman who likely suffers from one or more undisclosed health problems. And she is surrounded by other older, unfit government officials, like 73 year-old interior minister Horst Seehofer, who nearly died of a B19 virus infection in 2002, and so has a reason to fear viral infection. For months and months, all of these people have been taking every possible personal precaution – including house-arresting the entire domestic populations of the countries they govern – in the vain hope of escaping Corona. You could feel their collective relief when the vaccines were rolled out. All of them eagerly accepted vaccination. Merkel even provided pictures of her personal yellow vaccine pass to the press, with the stamp documenting her first dose of AstraZeneca. (Her purpose, in part, was to allay public concerns over the propensity of AstraZeneca to cause blood clots.)

Not allowed to ask.
• Ex-England Star Wonders If Football Player Collapses Linked To Vaccine (RT)
Former England and Manchester City player Trevor Sinclair has been criticized online after asking if the recent collapse of a professional footballer may have been linked to the Covid vaccine.Sinclair won 12 caps for England and is remembered for a 14-year stint in the Premier League that began at his most associated club, Queens Park Rangers. Now acting as a pundit in his post-playing days, he made controversial remarks on popular UK radio station TalkSport. On Tuesday, Scottish Sheffield United star John Fleck was rushed to hospital after a scare in his team’s 1-0 victory over Reading. The following evening, in a Champions League clash against Real Madrid, Sheriff Tiraspol’s winger Adama Traore went to the turf clutching his chest and had to be helped off the pitch by medical staff.
Elsewhere, Barcelona’s Sergio Aguero is tipped to retire after a heart incident earlier this month, while Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen suffered a high-profile incident at the European Championships in the summer. But even though there has been no evidence that these occurrences were connected to the Covid vaccine, Sinclair seemingly suggested a link. “I think everyone wants to know if he has had the Covid vaccine,” the 48-year-old began on Fleck. Later on Twitter, he also added: “Everyone I speak to about these heart problems suffered by footballers (which worryingly seem to be happening more regularly) are they linked to Covid vaccines or not??”. Sinclair was widely-attacked for the comments. “This is an inappropriate place to ask that question,” Sinclair was informed.”You are begging for conspiracy theories. Ask a doctor. Ask a medical researcher.
“Do your own research online, being careful of the reliability of the sources. Everything I’ve read says NO.” “Pretty irresponsible stuff to post, Trevor,” said another do-gooder.”If vaccines had anything to do with this, then surely millions of us would be having new heart problems every day all over the world. And we’re not.””Eh, so you came up with an idea and are now asking people on social media if your imagination is reality,” was another criticism.But not everyone jumped on the bandwagon. “We don’t know Trevor as TalkSport cut you off when you asked,” came one reply to his Twitter post.
“Fair play to you for having the balls to ask the question. “Yes Trevor, don’t ask questions or think for yourself ever again,” it was suggested in support, after another user told him to think before he tweets.”All these comments are trying to be politically correct, grow a pair and say it how it is,” demanded another outspoken voice. “One major side effect of the vaccine is inflammation of the heart. Yet we’re supposed to think these sudden cases are a coincidence.”

“Restrictions on freedoms can be justified only if they are reasonably necessary to preserve what makes human life worth living, because freedom is a necessary condition of a life worth living and, therefore, worth preserving.”
• Ethics of Vaccine Refusal (BMJ)
Arguments in favour of mandatory universal vaccination rely on the premise that everyone who can be vaccinated has a moral obligation to do so for the sake of those who cannot be vaccinated due to age or certain immune system disorders, or because the public health benefits of universal vaccination are so profound that to refuse vaccination would be unethical. This line of reasoning underpins the ‘obligation to vaccinate’ (OTV) range of arguments. Brennan1 formulates a broadly representative OTV-type argument in terms of an ‘enforceable moral principle that prohibits people from participating in the collective imposition of unjust harm or risk of harm’.
Brennan begins by positing that (A) certain vaccines have a low incidence of side effect and are effective at preventing serious illness; (B) it would be a disaster if a large majority of individuals failed to receive various vaccines; (C) individual freedoms can be overridden to prevent a disaster; therefore, (D) ‘it is permissible to force individuals to receive certain vaccines against dangerous illnesses’. The argument seems to imply that non-vaccination is a sufficient condition of a disaster (would make the disaster imminent) that mandating mass vaccination is a sufficient condition of preventing the disaster, and that the overriding of individual freedoms could not result in a disaster of a different kind. None of these conditions can be assumed to be true.
We could also infer from the above premises that anything conceived of as harm could be classified as a ‘disaster’ and this would automatically give someone a legitimate right to override the freedoms of others, but this is absurd. We must, therefore, conclude that C is false: individual freedoms cannot be overridden just to prevent a disaster. Restrictions on freedoms can be justified only if they are reasonably necessary to preserve what makes human life worth living, because freedom is a necessary condition of a life worth living and, therefore, worth preserving. This is a conceptually appealing formula, but since the criterion of reasonable necessity is as elastic as the notion of disaster, it does not tell us much about practical moral obligations.
Brennan sidesteps this problem by proceeding to hone an OTV-type argument just in virtue of preventing ‘the collective imposition of unjust harm or risk of harm’. The reference to unjust harm makes his moral premise intuitively true but also compels us to identify the underlying injustice. Given that the existing vaccination technology is not risk-free (even if serious adverse reactions are rare) the alleged moral OTV implies that we have an obligation to reduce the risk to the health of others by accepting an increased or unknown health risk to ourselves. If I must accept an increased risk to myself in order to reduce the risk to others, because everyone has a moral obligation to do so, then justice demands that others must also accept an increased risk to themselves in order to reduce the risk to me, therefore, contradiction. This impasse can be resolved only by taking into account what set of ‘risk-permitting rules would tend to benefit everyone as individuals’1; a crucial question to which I will return.

Very little is known, which is a great reason to panic.
• WHO Calls Special Meeting To Discuss New Covid Variant (CNBC)
The World Health Organization is monitoring a new variant with numerous mutations to the spike protein, scheduling a special meeting Friday to discuss what it may mean for vaccines and treatments, officials said Thursday. The variant, called B.1.1.529, has been detected in South Africa in small numbers, according to the WHO. “We don’t know very much about this yet. What we do know is that this variant has a large number of mutations. And the concern is that when you have so many mutations, it can have an impact on how the virus behaves,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19, said in a Q&A that was livestreamed on the organization’s social media channels. The monitoring of the new variant comes as Covid cases surge around the world heading into the holiday season, with the WHO reporting hot spots in all regions and particularly in Europe.
South African scientists have detected more than 30 mutations to the spike protein, the part of the virus that binds to cells in the body, South African scientist Tulio de Oliveira said in a media briefing hosted by the South Africa Department of Health on Thursday. The B.1.1.529 variant contains multiple mutations associated with increased antibody resistance, which may reduce the effectiveness of vaccines, along with mutations that generally make it more contagious, according to slides he presented at the briefing. Other mutations in the new variant haven’t been seen until now, so scientists don’t yet know whether they are significant or will change how the virus behaves, according to the presentation. The variant has spread rapidly through the Gauteng province, which contains the country’s largest city of Johannesburg.
“Especially when the spike happens in Gauteng, everybody travels in and out of Gauteng from all corners of South Africa. So it’s a given that in the next few days, the beginning of rising positivity rate and numbers is going to be happening. It’s a matter of days and weeks before we see that,” South Africa Minister of Health Joe Phaahla said during the briefing. The variant has also been detected in Botswana and Hong Kong, Phaahla said. “Right now, researchers are getting together to understand where these mutations are in the spike protein and the furin cleavage site, and what that potentially may mean for our diagnostics or therapeutics and our vaccines,” Van Kerkhove said. She said there are fewer than 100 full genome sequences of the new mutation.

Not could, will. Just try.
• Former WHO Director Warns Making Vaccines Mandatory Could Cause Riots (SN)
Former World Health Organization director Anthony Costello warns that making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory could cause “riots.” Costello, a professor of global health and sustainable development at University College London, made the comments in response to numerous European countries continuing to experience COVID case surges. Although insisting that mandatory vaccinations is a “debate we can have,” Costello said it might sweep up more of the “indifferent” people, but that there were potentially explosive ramifications. “But you will repel a lot of people who lack trust in government and in vaccines. And you may start to see the unpleasant civil disobedience and riots they’ve had across Europe,” he added.
Meanwhile, WHO official Robb Butler called for other European countries to consider making vaccines mandatory. Doing so “can, but does not always, increase uptake,” argued Butler, adding, “We believe it’s time to have that conversation from both an individual and a population-based perspective. It’s a healthy debate to have.” Numerous countries have already seen large scale civil unrest in response to attempts by governments to impose new lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations. Austrians face fines and even prison time if they refuse to get jabbed after a February deadline.

Warped “logic”: immune systems must fight off the vaccine.
“Children do have a robust immune system and I expect that they will mount a good immune response to the vaccine as well..”
• COVID-19 Vaccine For Babies And Toddlers Could Be Approved Early 2022 (CBC)
Canada’s chief public health officer says COVID-19 vaccines for babies and toddlers could be approved early in the new year, depending on how clinical trials play out. In an interview with CBC Radio-Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam said a vaccine for some of Canada’s youngest people could be a turning point in the fight against COVID-19. “Children do have a robust immune system and I expect that they will mount a good immune response to the vaccine as well,” she said. “And for their parents as well, it’s sort of offering them some further hope.” In a major vaccine milestone, children aged five to 11 started to receive their first doses this week after Health Canada approved Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for that age group. Meanwhile, that company is running clinical trials for those aged six months to just under five years.
Moderna is waiting for Health Canada approval on its COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six to 11, and is also in the midst of recruiting younger children for a clinical trial. “I can’t tell you exactly when those results will be available,” Tam said of the trials. “It depends on how many people they recruit and how fast the trials go. But I think all of that is well underway.” Tam said she anticipates seeing results from Pfizer-BioNTech for those aged two to five first. The doctor said she’s hoping to see some trial data toward the end of this year. “Which means for the youngest age group, the most likely timeline is optimistically at the beginning of next year,” she said.

“..millions of households may need their own Thanksgiving bouncer..”
• Media Tells Americans to Check Vaccine Status of Thanksgiving Dinner Guests (SN)
On the eve of Thanksgiving, media outlets urged Americans to perform COVID tests and check the vaccination status of Thanksgiving dinner guests before allowing them into their homes.Yes, really. During a segment on CBS Mornings, psychologist Lisa Damour was asked how nervous Thanksgiving hosts should bring up the subject of vaccination status when welcoming friends and family. “It might be a difficult conversation before people step into your house to say, ‘whoa, wait a minute, where’s your card, what’s your status?’ before you walk into my home,” the host of the show said. “This is tough because people are all over the map on this,” responded Damour. “They’re also all over the map with their risk tolerance. But the rapid tests have made this a lot easier. Whatever people’s vaccination status is, we can actually confirm safety on the spot.”
“If the situation feels weird, maybe make it kind of fun,” she added. “And say, ‘we’re going to start with hors d’oeuvres in the garage. You know, we’ll have drinks, we’ll do our rapid tests, and then come on in,’ right?” You can make it playful, make it fun, and then be able to enjoy the holiday because you’re not worried about safety.” Let’s just take a moment to sympathize with people who are attending Thanksgiving dinner today at a relative’s house who is so paranoid about a virus with a 99.9% survival rate, they want to perform medical tests on their own family members before letting them in. Good luck to those people.
Meanwhile, Axios published an article suggesting that hosts should deploy “Thanksgiving bouncers” to deal with people who fail to comply. “No one really wants this job, but millions of households may need their own Thanksgiving bouncer. The cover charge is a negative COVID test, done ahead of arrival or outside the front door,” the article states. “Normalizing rapid tests is a practical way to help extended families feel a little more normal around the holiday dinner table.” The piece went on to encourage hosts to inform guests ahead of time that they will “be testing everyone at the door for their own safety.” No thanks, think I’ll be staying home this year.

“The current system, under which countries are added and removed from a safe list, will be dropped, a change officials think offers more certainty.” Huh?
• EU Moves To Place Covid Booster Jabs At Heart Of Travel Rules (G.)
People hoping to travel to the European Union next year will have to get a booster jab once their original Covid vaccines are more than nine months old, under new proposals from Brussels. On Thursday, the European Commission proposed a nine-month limit for vaccine validity that would apply for travel within and to the EU. If the plans are approved by EU ministers, from 10 January 2022 non-EU travellers will be required to show proof of an EU-approved booster jab once their original vaccine status is more than nine months old. Similarly, travellers between the member states would have to meet the same requirement to avoid Covid tests, quarantine and other restrictions. The Commission hopes to avoid a confusing mixture of rules across the 27 member states, as governments scramble to tighten restrictions on everyday life following a surge in coronavirus infections.
The plans were unveiled on Thursday as the European Medicines Agency approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children aged five to 11, opening the way for governments to extend vaccination campaigns. The EU regulator recommended two injections three weeks apart in the upper arm for primary-school children, at one-third of the adult dose. The latest EU proposals prioritise vaccinated people, as Brussels moves to classify travellers according to individual health and vaccine status, rather than their country of departure. From 1 March 2022, EU member states would only permit entry to vaccinated, recovered or essential travellers, such as lorry drivers. The current system, under which countries are added and removed from a safe list, will be dropped, a change officials think offers more certainty.
The recommendation to make booster jabs necessary after nine months for non-EU non-essential travellers is part scientific advice, part practical policy. Immunity wanes after six months, but EU officials added an extra three to allow governments to get booster-shot programmes up and running. The EU executive also wants to allow entry for travellers with non-EU approved vaccines that are recognised by the World Health Organization, such as China’s Sinopharm and Sinovac and the AstraZeneca vaccine made by the Serum Institute of India. The EU has only approved four vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca (produced in Europe), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) and Moderna. Most EU member states only permit entry to people with EU-approved vaccines. Under the new proposals, travellers to the EU with a WHO-approved vaccine that is not EU approved, could enter the EU, but would have to produce a negative Covid-test.

“Hospitals cannot be allowed to become prisons where patients are denied rights they would otherwise have.”
• No, You Cuck. This Is How (Denninger)
**** you Daniel. “The family of Sun Ng will definitely have a meaningful Thanksgiving this year thanks to an attorney, a judge, and a doctor who bucked the system and enabled him to get ivermectin when he was at death’s doorstep. Imagine how many thousands of others are missing at this year’s Thanksgiving dinner thanks to the satanic effort to block this lifesaving drug – both outpatient and for those close to death?” It’s not just Ivermectin. These *******s are filling people with Remdesivir, which I remind you failed three times previously, including in a clinical trial for Ebola, a virus that kills half of those who get it. Distribution of patients into that treatment arm was stopped because of safety problems; in other words it was killing people more than the virus itself did, so they stopped using it partway through.
Today hospitals are being paid bounties — yes, actual bonuses — if they use this drug on all Covid-19 patients. So the answer isn’t this: “There is an immediate need for every attorney general to do battle with these hospitals and every legislature to pass a law specifically barring hospitals from blocking any patient from seeking the use of an FDA-approved drug at the direction of a physician to treat COVID. Hospitals cannot be allowed to become prisons where patients are denied rights they would otherwise have.” The way you stop it is simple: Charge the hospital administrators with felony manslaughter for each and every Covid-19 patient who dies and is either (1) denied medication they, their family or their physicians want to use OR (2) is given Remdesivir, which generates a rebuttable presumption that the drug killed them and not the virus.
Said presumption can be rebutted by autopsy if and only if their kidneys and liver are not damaged, which is what the drug does. Charge the hospital administrators with felony manslaughter for everyone they kill this way and watch their tune change immediately. Oh, and people will stop dying of Covid-19 too. Until and unless you advocate and in fact demand that **** you Mr. Auschwitz.

The winter of excess deaths is coming. And nobody knows why.
• FDA Report Finds All-Cause Mortality Higher Among Vaccinated (INN)
The clinical trials of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine found that the all-cause mortality rate of the vaccinated group was higher than that of the control group, months after the trials were launched, according to a recently released FDA report. According to the report, which was released by the US Food and Drug Administration to provide background information on its August 2021 decision to grant full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine after offering limited emergency authorization of use in last December, six months after the vaccine’s clinical trial began, the total number of deaths reported in the vaccinated group was nearly one-quarter higher than the number of deaths in the placebo group. The report emphasized that “None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination.”
Just under 22,000 participants were included in each group, with half receiving the coronavirus vaccine, and half receiving a saline solution injection. The initial results of the clinical trials suggested a high-level of efficacy for the vaccine in preventing symptomatic cases of COVID-19, an in particular, serious illness from COVID – but lacked significant data on all-cause mortality, due to the short time-frame and small number of total deaths. A follow-up assessment of participants completed on March 13th of this year looked at the overall health outcomes of the trial participants, six months after they received either the COVID vaccine or the saline solution injection. While Pfizer in July released partial data on the outcomes from the six-month assessment ending March 13th, the new FDA report includes more comprehensive data, and shows a significantly higher number of all-cause fatalities among the vaccinated cohort.
The Pfizer report in late July of this year showed effectively equal all-cause fatality rates between the vaccine and placebo cohorts six months after the tests were conducted, with 15 deaths among the nearly 22,000 vaccine recipients, versus 14 deaths among the nearly 22,000 placebo recipients. Most of the total 29 deaths in both groups were not related to the coronavirus; of the deaths in both groups, three fatalities were listed as being related to the virus; two in the placebo group and one in the vaccinated group. The FDA report, however, revealed a larger number of deaths by all causes in both groups, with 17 deaths among the control group and 21 in the vaccinated cohort.

“The idea of rejecting an order, that’s counter to Marine Corps culture.”
• Marines Face Defining Moment Ahead of Vaccine Mandate Deadline (USN)
The Marine Corps faces a defining moment leading up to its Monday deadline for all Marines to have received a coronavirus vaccine, with reports of a significant number who have refused the shot clashing with the service’s meticulously crafted image as the military’s most disciplined fighting force – and its most potent. Roughly 10,000 of its 186,000-strong active duty force are positioned to miss the deadline the Department of the Navy set for all Marines and sailors to become fully vaccinated, according to the latest data, representing the highest proportion of any of the military services potentially to violate direct orders from the chain of command. Even those who may have waited until the final weeks to begin the vaccination process will ultimately miss the deadline, which requires Marines to have completed the two-week vaccination process.
The 38,000 Marine Corps reservists face a later deadline of Dec. 28. Marine Corps headquarters has so far declined to say how many have applied for or been granted exemptions – a bureaucratic process to accommodate religious, medical or administrative concerns that has taken on outsized relevance in the age of coronavirus vaccine skepticism – or how it will punish those who outright refuse to receive the shot. A spokesman says it continues to study the scope of the issue. But those with deep experience in the corps and its place in the wider military say it has already suffered from the initial refusals, with the potential for greater damage after next week. “For decades the Marine Corps has been about the expeditionary force and readiness.
‘First to Fight,’ ‘Send the Marines’ – all those slogans about how they have to be ready to go on a moment’s notice,” says David Lapan, a former Marine Corps officer and later a spokesman for the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security. “The Marine Corps prides itself on its discipline and following orders,” he adds. “The idea of rejecting an order, that’s counter to Marine Corps culture.” The Navy, by comparison, facing the same deadlines neared 100 percent vaccination early this month – matching a trend it has maintained in recent months following the catastrophic fallout of outbreaks that sidelined Navy ships early in the pandemic. The Office of Management and Budget revealed Wednesday that 92 percent of the entire federal workforce – including the military – had been vaccinated, with 4 percent receiving exemptions. The mandate takes on a different meaning for the Defense Department, however, as it was issued as a formal order by each service member’s chain of command.

“.. Among those who filed the lawsuit was Ben Brown, who is running for state Senate in Missouri and owns Satchmo’s Bar and Grill..”
• Missouri Judge Says Covid-19 Public Health Orders Must Be Lifted (Hill)
A Missouri judge ruled that local health officials can no longer issue COVID-19 safety orders, which he said infringe upon the constitutional separation of powers between branches of government, reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The ruling from Cole County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Green means local health regulations throughout Missouri are struck down and rendered obsolete, reported the Post-Dispatch. “This case is about whether Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services regulations can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official. This court finds it cannot,” said Green, according to the Post-Dispatch.
“Missouri’s local health authorities have grown accustomed to issuing edicts and coercing compliance. It is far past time for this unconstitutional conduct to stop,” added Green, a Republican who was first elected as county judge in 2010. The lawsuit was originally filed in 2020 and claimed that state health officials were overstepping their authority by issuing coronavirus mitigation measures such as quarantines and business closures, reported the Post-Dispatch. Among those who filed the lawsuit was Ben Brown, who is running for state Senate in Missouri and owns Satchmo’s Bar and Grill, which he fought to keep open during the pandemic against St. Louis County officials’ orders, reported the Post-Dispatch. Brown posted about the ruling on Tuesday on his Twitter account, where he wrote, “The age of mandates and forced quarantine of students by local health departments in our state is over!” and “Freedom wins!”

Be open about it. It’s the only thing that will work.
• Pfizer Vaccine Linked To 26 New Cases Of Myocarditis In Australia (DT)
The number of cases of heart inflammation linked to the Pfizer Covid vaccine in Australia has risen to 341 from about 23.9 million doses. There were 26 new cases of the rare side effect known as myocarditis reported in the week ending November 21. There was also one new blood clots case linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine following a first dose. It involved a 67-year-old woman from Victoria. The new case increased the total Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) or blood clots cases to 164 out of 13.4 million doses. Of these 148 (81 confirmed, 62 probable) related to a first dose and 21 to a second dose (six confirmed, 15 probable).
Eight people have died as a result of blood clots – six of these were women. There have also been a total of 150 reports of suspected Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) occurring after vaccination with AstraZeneca, a rare but sometimes serious immune disorder affecting the nerves. And a total of 90 reports of suspected immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) following vaccination with AstraZeneca, a rare immune reaction that can occur after a viral infection or vaccination when platelets, which help blood to clot, are mistakenly destroyed. [..] Myocarditis is reported in one to two in every 100,000 people who receive Pfizer, although it is more common in young men and teenage boys after the second dose (five to 11 cases per 100,000 doses).

Poorly written, but still..
• 365 Studies Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19 (GP)
There have now been 67 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a 67% improvement in COVID patients. [..] Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, accused Dr. Fauci and others of lying and causing the death of over 500,000 Americans by preventing HCQ and Ivermectin, and other treatments from COVID-19 patients. Dr. Malone is right. It is well documented that Dr. Fauci and top US doctors conspired to disqualify and condemn hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment. Millions died as a result of this. As TGP reported earlier — It wasn’t just Fauci but all of the top US medical leaders who were in on the hydroxychloroquine lie. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, broke this story in The Defender. According to Dr. Nass, the top health officials were all in on the conspiracy against hydroxychloroquine.
“Fauci runs the NIAID, Collins is the NIH director (nominally Fauci’s boss) and Farrar is director of the Wellcome Trust. Farrar also signed the Lancet letter. And he is chair of the WHO’s R&D Blueprint Scientific Advisory Group, which put him in the driver’s seat of the WHO’s Solidarity trial, in which 1,000 unwitting subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine in order to sink the use of that drug for COVID. Farrar had worked in Vietnam, where there was lots of malaria, and he had also been involved with SARS-1 there. He additionally was central in setting up the UK Recovery trial, where 1,600 subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine.
Even if Farrar didn’t have some idea of the proper dose of chloroquine drugs from his experience in Vietnam, he, Fauci and Collins would have learned about such overdoses after Brazil told the world about how they mistakenly overdosed patients in a trial of chloroquine for COVID. The revelation was made in an article published in the JAMA in mid-April 2020. Thirty-nine percent of the subjects in Brazil who were given high doses of chloroquine died, average age 50.Yet the Solidarity and Recovery hydroxychloroquine trials continued into June, stopping only after their extreme doses were exposed. Fauci made sure to control the treatment guidelines for COVID that came out of the NIAID, advising against both chloroquine drugs and ivermectin. Fauci’s NIAID also cancelled the first large-scale trial of hydroxychloroquine treatment in early disease, after only 20 of the expected 2,000 subjects were enrolled.”

A curious story. She wants big changes.
• Centrist Dems Sink Biden’s Nominee For Top Bank Regulator (Axios)
Five Democratic senators have told the White House they won’t support Saule Omarova to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, effectively killing her nomination for the powerful bank-regulator position. The defiant opposition from a broad coalition of senators reflects the real policy concerns they had with Omarova, a Cornell University law professor who’s attracted controversy for her academic writings about hemming in big banks. Their opposition also hints at a willingness of some Democratic senators to buck the White House on an important nomination, even if it hands Republicans a political — and symbolic — victory. Republicans have attacked the Kazakh-born scholar in remarkably personal terms, and turned her nomination into a proxy battle over how banks should be regulated.
In phone call on Wednesday, Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), all members of the Senate Banking Committee, told Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) — the panel’s chairman — of their opposition. They’re joined in opposing her by Sens. John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) and Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.). Biden officials also have heard directly from the senators. They’re aware of their deep opposition and know Omarova faces nearly impossible odds for confirmation. Still, they continue to back her publicly. “The White House continues to strongly support her historic nomination,” a White House official told Axios. “Saule Omarova is eminently qualified for this position,” the official said. “She has been treated unfairly since her nomination with unacceptable red-baiting from Republicans like it’s the McCarthy era.”

"Have you had an STD?"
During a media briefing Tuesday (11/22), Arizona's Family Political Editor Dennis Welch asked AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich what the AG's COVID-19 vaccination status was. Here's his unedited response. https://t.co/4GbUMqEwSu pic.twitter.com/E01BnWLgHT— azfamily 3TV CBS 5 (@azfamily) November 23, 2021

Temples of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Ed Meeks strikes again: "No earthly king, or president, or public health official, or billionaire technocrat gets to dictate what we must put into our bodies, into these temples of the Holy Spirit… because that's between us and God." pic.twitter.com/QF84K5vbgf
— Wake Up From COVID (@wakeupfromcovid) November 24, 2021

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