Debt Rattle April 27 2021


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  • This topic has 46 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Germ.
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  • #73963

    Hieronymous Bosch The Haywain Triptych c.1516   • India’s “Covid Crisis” Has Been Hijacked (DE) • China To Mobilise Its Private Companies To Help
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 27 2021]


    Dr Kory hits it out of the ballpark again.

    Also confirms Dr. Day’s recent comments re. higher dosing for more severe cases.

    Up from 0.2 to 0.4 and even to 0.6 mg/kg body weight.

    Get some for next winter.

    John Day

    Late last night, Madamski wrote:
    “Re: The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul:
    Flesh blood and bone are experienced by ??? No explanations avail.”
    You might crack that Urantia Book again, or maybe you did.
    “Foreword” works fine.
    I think “you” have an inkling…
    I think “I” have an inkling.

    ; I’ve Gotta’ catch up on your posts, maybe after work.

    John Day
    Picture with daughter, Holly and 2 young peach trees, just planted at her new house

    We Have A COVID Lifeline. The Powers Won’t Allow It.​ Mary Beth Pfeiffer​
    In a widely reported announcement, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”​ …​
    ​ ​A website tracker summarizes those 52 ivermectin trials, involving more than 17,500 patients. Collectively, ivermectin:
    –Prevented 85 percent of infections (similar to vaccines);
    –Resolved 81 percent of early illness;
    –Improved 43 percent of late-treated patients;
    –Reduced deaths by 76 percent.
    As authorities dismiss study after study, it has become clear. The drug’s rejection is not based on science, data or the experience of many doctors. Instead, a disinformation campaign is raging to demonize the drug and belittle studies that support it.

    Lots of information about physiologic benefits of vitamin-D here, Note that Michael Hollick MD, PhD is an author
    Vitamin D and Its Potential Benefit for the COVID-19 Pandemic
    ​ ​Vitamin D is known not only for its importance for bone health but also for its biologic activities on many other organ systems. This is due to the presence of the vitamin D receptor in various types of cells and tissues, including the skin, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, endocrine pancreas, immune cells, and blood vessels. Experimental studies have shown that vitamin D exerts several actions that are thought to be protective against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infectivity and severity. These include the immunomodulatory effects on the innate and adaptive immune systems, the regulatory effects on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system in the kidneys and the lungs, and the protective effects against endothelial dysfunction and thrombosis. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation is beneficial in protecting against risk of acquiring acute respiratory viral infection and may improve outcomes in sepsis and critically ill patients. There are a growing number of data connecting COVID-19 infectivity and severity with vitamin D status, suggesting a potential benefit of vitamin D supplementation for primary prevention or as an adjunctive treatment of COVID-19. Although the results from most ongoing randomized clinical trials aiming to prove the benefit of vitamin D supplementation for these purposes are still pending, there is no downside to increasing vitamin D intake and having sensible sunlight exposure to maintain serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D at a level of least 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) and preferably 40 to 60 ng/mL (100-150 nmol/L) to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection and its severity.,sepsis%20and%20critically%20ill%20

    ​The (16 page) 2007 Vitamin-D paper by Dr Hollick that really got me interested in Vitamin-D, testing and treating patients for deficiency.
    (I did discover that I needed much higher doses than he lists in the paper, and the journal article above also uses much higher doses. I don’t know why, but I need 5000 units per day for several months to get most people up into the normal range, twice that if they are obese.)
    Vitamin D Deficiency​, ​Michael F. Holick, M.D., Ph.D.

    Truth Over Fear, COVID-19 and The Great Reset, free registration, April 30 to May 2 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
    Look at the quality of these participants. Dr McCullough, who is one of the presenters, sent this.

    Cheap, safe Nitric Oxide nasal spray clears SARS-CoV-2 from nasal passages (in early infections where that’s where it still is)

    Isreali Health Body Report On COVID Vax ‘Deadly’ Impacts Thanks Jeremy
    The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects.* The findings are catastrophic on every possible level.
    Their verdict is that “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people.” The report is long and detailed. I will outline just some of the most devastating findings presented in the report.
    “We received 288 death reports in proximity to vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination), 64% of those were men.” Yet the report states, “according to data provided by the Ministry of Health, only 45 deaths in Israel were vaccine related.” If the numbers above are sincere then Israel, which claimed to conduct a world experiment, failed to genuinely report on its experiment’s results.
    We often hear about blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. For instance, we learned this morning about 300 cases of blood clots in of Europe. However, if the IPC’s findings are genuine, then in Israel alone the Pfizer vaccine may be associated with more deaths than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe.

    We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly, Gail Tverberg , Actuary​, Thermoeconomics Analyst
    ​ ​In this post, I explain why, in my view, COVID-19 seems likely to become endemic, like the flu. The vaccines won’t be enough to make it go away completely. I will also look at the issue of how we should respond to the cases of COVID-19 that we will almost certainly experience in the future.
    ​ ​To a significant extent, what we can and should do in the future is an energy issue. If we plan to transition to a green energy future, or if we simply plan to reduce usage of fossil fuels in future years, we probably need to scale back our plans for vaccines. In fact, any treatment that would be given in today’s emergency rooms is likely to become less and less possible as energy supplies deplete.
    ​ ​We will need to focus more on what our bodies can do for us, and what we can do to assist them in this effort. We also need to think about what simple changes to our environment (such as windows that open) can do for the prevention of both COVID-19 and the many other communicable diseases that we can expect to encounter in the future. ​ ​

    John Day

    John​ ​Ward presents actual statistics about COVID-19 in India, which is doing very well, not terribly.
    ​ ​Unless you made an early getaway to Planet Drongo before the lockdown, you will have read pretty much everywhere that “India sees world’s highest daily cases amid oxygen shortage”. In fact, the BBC tells us that “some people” have died waiting for oxygen, the Indian health service is “completely overwhelmed” and the country now has “sixteen million cases”.So it’s a disaster, right? Well actually, no – it isn’t. The Indian health ministry has already made it clear that the Covid19 variant they’re dealing with this year has “a considerably lower death rate than the previous version”.
    ​ ​Go to the Worldometer site, and you’ll see that India’s deaths per million is a minute 134: that’s 7% of the US and French figures, 6% of the UK and Italy’s and the lowest by far of any country in the Top 30 for cases. Virtually no vaccination has been undertaken in India (only 1.3% are fully vaccinated) and the country is not using lockdowns. The Times of India has just denied the BBC’s ‘deaths from oxygen shortage’ fakery.
    ​ ​What India IS doing, however, is employing the anti-inflammatory drugs tocilizumab and itolizumab and the antivirals favipiravir and hydroxychloroquine on a very wide scale. Go to Pharma site/accolyte spaces, and you’ll see all four drugs being rubbished: the Pharmafia and their bureaucratic whores don’t want any signs of a success to get out.
    ​ ​But the Truth already is out there: India is doing spectacularly well without either vaccines or lockdown. You won’t find that reality expressed anywhere in the Western MSM, but the facts show that its infection management drugs have delivered one of the lowest case to death rates on the planet.
    ​ ​Not that you’d notice, reading Bloomberg: (my emphases)
    ​ ​‘India saw the world’s biggest one-day jump in coronavirus cases ever as a ferocious new wave grips the country, overwhelming hospitals and crematoriums and prompting frantic cries for help on social media.
    ​ ​The South Asian nation reported 314,835 new infections Thursday, topping a peak of 314,312 recorded in the U.S. on Dec. 21. People took to Twitter and Instagram to call for everything from hospital beds to medicine and doorstep Covid-19 tests.
    ​ ​The grim milestone shows how the pandemic crisis has shifted firmly to the developing world, where variants and complacency are threatening containment measures and there’s a lack of vaccines, with supplies dominated by richer nations.’
    ​ ​It’s a pack of lies from end to end. India has a population of 1.4 billion people – so overcrowding is almost generic – and being four times more people than the US, the comparison with America is completely ludicrous. Hospitals do not get overwhelmed when 134 folks out of a million get ill. India’s water purity and basic hygiene measures are very Third World. Yet despite all that, it is doing phenomenally well against Covid….by having and doing respectively none of the advantages and policies of the West.
    ​ ​Sloppy journalism? No – criminally misleading journalism designed to scare as many people into vaccination as possible.

    Corruption in the Medical Establishment
    Unpleasant facts​, ​Tessa Lena​ ​
    ​ ​This article is meant as something simple and logical that you can send to friends who still blindly trust in the American medical establishment. It’s a collection of stories and links that are not conspiratorial at all. All logical, all “respectable,” bland almost—yet demonstrating beyond any reasonable doubt that we need to watch out for ourselves.

    ​We all lived at Camp Lejeune , North Carolina, which had the biggest TCE contamination of the drinking water of anywhere, but we didn’t know it. We drank it and swam laps and laps and laps in it. My Dad got Parkinson’s disease, and he died in early 2018, and we are just hearing about this.
    Rates of Parkinson’s disease are exploding. A common chemical may be to blame
    ​ Dorsey, a neurologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center and author of Ending Parkinson’s Disease, believes a Parkinson’s epidemic is on the horizon. Parkinson’s is already the fastest-growing neurological disorder in the world; in the US, the number of people with Parkinson’s has increased 35% the last 10 years, says Dorsey, and “We think over the next 25 years it will double again.”
    Most cases of Parkinson’s disease are considered idiopathic – they lack a clear cause. Yet researchers increasingly believe that one factor is environmental exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical compound used in industrial degreasing, dry-cleaning and household products such as some shoe polishes and carpet cleaners.

    41.000 years ago the earth’s poles reversed, and a lot of big animals got wiped out by the increase in cosmic and solar radiation from the vastly diminished Van Allen Belt protection. Humans did red-ochre (ie. sunscreen) cave paintings, all of a sudden…
    They say this might happen again kinda’ soon, but nobody knows how soon. Thanks (NASA guy) Mel.
    Scientists link Earth’s magnetic reversals to changes in planet’s life and climate
    The discovery of a fossilized tree in New Zealand is providing scientists with insight on how magnetic pole reversals could affect life on Earth.

    Mister Roboto

    @Germ: For the more aggressive variants, I’m guessing that earlier treatment is also highly beneficial.

    With regard to the recovery, the velocity of money still isn’t what it used to be, but considering the effect of the mass lockdowns of a year ago, we’re probably fortunate we have any recovery at all. I remember the way those unemployment numbers just mushroomed as though a nuclear warhead had been detonated somewhere. That was when I had my first faint glimmerings of questioning the wisdom of the lockdown strategy. Unfortunately, when the people protesting lockdowns were bringing assault-rifles and Confederate flags to their rallies, I and many others came to see the lockdown issue through a partisan lens. Since about the start of this year, I have been trying to form a clear picture of the coronavirus situation free of “memefication”. The amount of personal discernment one must employ is daunting, but for the biggest public health crisis of the twenty-first century it is a necessity.

    Mr. House

    Who are you trying to impress by reinforcing the mainstream view that all people who affiliate with the right are neo confederates and hate everyone who doesn’t look like them? I’ve noticed the past five years that one group openly does that and gets a pass and another group doesn’t really do that but has it heaped upon them. Do you just like to remind us of this? Or do you get tons of confederate flag bearing people in your grocery store in Wisconsin that you have to verbally spar with everyday in the customer service department who then try to cough on you while trampling on masks with the heel of their jackboots?

    Mr. House

    This ain’t naked capitalism my friend, or ian welsh.

    Mr. House

    People protesting lockdown in France and England? NOOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

    Funny how we don’t hear about this in American news much. Also funny how we were talking about India the past few months, pondering how a country with a huuuuuuuuuge population wasn’t having nearly as bad a go of it as the US and now suddenly we’re getting fear porn about them 24/7. Things that make you go hmmmmmm

    Mister Roboto

    Wow, somebody really wants to pick a fight today, don’t they?

    Mr. House

    The left and the right are just mirrors of each other with different slogans to get behind. You reinforcing this is not helping anyone. In fact one may call it irrational

    Mr. House

    I find your generic and baseless “observations” of people who consider themselves on the right offense. How’s that? Is that how we do it these days?

    Mister Roboto

    As authorities dismiss study after study, it has become clear. The drug’s rejection is not based on science, data or the experience of many doctors. Instead, a disinformation campaign is raging to demonize the drug and belittle studies that support it.

    I know, and it’s heart-breaking and anxiety making in the extreme. :-((((

    Dr. D

    I think, about Gates thinking he’s smart ‘cause he’s rich & versa vice, that all that is true BUT something more. The something more is that they write, openly and proudly, that they consider human beings a virus that must be reduced to save the world and everything on it. They’re the good guys here! If they wrote it, they published it, they donated heavily to it, why wouldn’t I believe it? Are they liars? And if this helpful, necessary, intelligent reduction in humans leads to the smart people – whoops, I mean rich people – should re-establish a neo-feudal utopia with themselves as the philosopher kings, on a green earth that looks like their Cancun retorts or Banff, well, you know, sacrifices have to be made for the good of the planet.

    That’s the extra. Now WHAT IF – spitballing here – that they know there really IS “Climate Change”, but not “Global Warming”, as hasn’t happened in all the 30 years they’ve been talking about it. Maybe cooling, as we’re on the 10,000 year clock for, maybe weather comes unglued and crops fail, but there will be a constant, unstoppable food and population pressure for a hundred, hundreds of years. How do you position yourself? What is the most merciful thing to do to the lemmings when 1/3 of them won’t have food in 50 years, and a bunch don’t have food even now? Maybe reduce them cheerfully, accidentally, without a war? Isn’t that really a GOOD thing? Hard, necessary choices from the GOOD guys? And if I get rich trading it, well, I’m also doing the hard work, aren’t I? Somebody’s got to run the ship, forestall a nuclear charred cinder in worldwide food wars, have “continuity of government”. Wouldn’t you agree?

    So it’s not evil, it’s LOGICAL, it’s NECESSARY, for me to tax the one thing that will keep poor people alive in a cold downturn: heat and heating oil. To save the ship, the weakest hands are just going to have to go overboard, as any competent captain or general would. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you were me, and this was true, what would YOU do?

    And going on, the problem is certainly with US, not them. I get so frustrated people fall for this stuff. It’s not even a good con, owning the slightest human suspicion that not every adult is your Daddy would make their games transparent. We don’t, and could stop it in an afternoon, clinging to “Mommy loves me” like a toddler still on the breast.

    Tell the truth. The ends do not justify the means. That’s how you can tell the good guys: they choose the hard way.

    “Rick Santorum: “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here.”

    Actually, he’s not wrong. There may have been 60M natives here, but when smallpox landed on the coast in the 1500s they kept getting erased generation after generation, so that there were like 10M people left. After the Iroquois attacked and extinguished their enemies with war and slavery, in 1780 all Ohio might have had like 30,000 people in it. It’s no joke. But it’s also not Europe’s fault, or not at that time, in 1700. Ohio is the size of Ireland, so when they say Armageddon, the world ended in 1493, they’re not kidding, but the Iroquois weren’t exactly helping things.

    Now just like slavery, we want a infantile cartoon history. That the land was in fact essentially unoccupied doesn’t affect their behavior later either where it was clearly occupied, and Anglos used raw power to break all contracts, or when they were intentionally erasing other cultures to impose their own. It’s not either-or. We don’t start from goals and work back to facts. But there were white guys doing this. There were red guys doing this. There were red guys going Christian and farming. There were white guys (and gals) going native and opposing. The Iroquois power had strong influence on America and the Constitution, and were as powerful as any colony, but not all colonies combined. ENGLAND was itself not as powerful as the colonies (they lost the war) and had fought the war because they were just about to be out-powered and out-voted BECAUSE the colonies were larger than the home country. So the Iroquois (in my example) were as powerful as an important nation like Belgium, and not some deer-rubbing forest children beating rocks together as history books have the overwhelming racism to suggest.

    That was true all over. Many African nations were stronger than Europe at that time too, and could not have gotten their slaves without permission and profit of those African Empires, the Ashanti being one, that they love to wear their garb of Kente to show anti-slavery by supporting the continent’s largest slave empire. (Insert picture of Pelosi kneeling in Congress to the Empire of slavery) Irony is dead. History’s weird like that.

    So although that seems like a heartless and false thing to say – and it is – it more displays the ignorance of the AUDIENCE, the people, and not Santorum, who may not know the more detailed things I’m saying, although he is less wrong than the common belief about it. Since the discussion is VERY large and heated, how would you even approach correcting it? Stop printing textbooks full of lies? Admit that Europe was a bunch of ignorant nobodies outgunned by Ghana and New York? Not a chance. Then we couldn’t hate who it’s profitable and steal their stuff. The spice must flow, citizen, and the maltovs, and if I have to tell a thousand lies to make it, so be it. I mean, I gots properties to buy in Minneapolis, I’m on a schedule here.

    Deism would be one of them, as part of the cartoon drawing. In aggregate, that’s true, so it’s nice to grab onto. However, they were violently in disagreement about almost everything. And still worked together: a good lesson for today. And Deism is also and more a skip and jump TO Christianity they were swimming in, just trying not to get sniped in denominationalism still going on there. Obviously Christianity was a huge and overwhelming backdrop for everything and these Deists spent more time in church than 90% of people claiming to be Christian in the U.S. today, the world’s “Christian” nation.

    Pennsylvania or Massachusetts were not going to be caught dead claiming to be Deists, while in opposition to the crazy Plymouth fairy tale, Virginia and South Carolina maybe never were, being 2nd sons of a 2nd Lord fobbed off somewhere to make some $$$. So in that sense there was no “Founding Fathers were X.” At all. Probably except for Ben, the most radical progressive example (CoughJeffersoncough) would more conservative than the furthest religious right today, times being what they are. As would MLK probably in his own way, and just a few years ago. These details get lost when there’s some power to be had. Some Libs/Cons to be pwned. But how would you clear it without a lifetime of reading annoying, cross-indicating details?

    “They are dying for lack of basic needs deprivation”

    Yup. Just like us, but worse. Just like us, as in, on purpose. The freest states are safest, the lockdown states are worst. No one learns a thing, because #OppositeLand.

    Exporting AstraZeneca, since there’s $$$ to be made and they know it kills people. Killin’ some people, killin’ some people, always gotta be busy-busy killin’ some people. Knowingly, since we have the evidence, and it’s been outlawed all over. For white folks. Brown folks are different that way. …That is, the way we don’t care and need to kill them like they deserve. And remember, slavs and Greeks are brown folks. Americans, like Kamala and “Spartacus” Booker, are white folks. So I hear.

    “..a high rate of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological damage, and damage to the skeletal and skin systems [..] Hypercoagulability (infarction), Myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, impaired blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism.”

    They know, and like it, and approve, or they wouldn’t bother to shut down the reports and reporting structures. How much clearer can it be?

    Germany’s New Lockdown Law Sparks Constitutional Court Complaints (RT) “

    That’s so cute: Lockdown states have been ruled against by their courts constantly. They say “Make me.” The courts and the people roll over and preform anatomical…but this is a family show, no need for graphics.

    Biden’s first 100 days in office have been busy.”

    I haven’t seen anything. They’ve been talking a lot. Not that I mind. I appreciate when you have a majority your do nothing, like GOP in 1994, DNC in 2008, GOP in 2016, and so on. The less they get done the safer we are.

    Moving w/ Day, poisoning all water – which is what happens when you create poisons at all – seem to be their overall goal. If not, it’s one heck of an accident.

    Yes, the “Red” man were red largely because of red ochre they were STILL using as sunscreen, being out in a hot North America a lot. Look at natives today, not nearly as red, or copper. It was mixed with bear grease and used liberally from an early age. I’d use it myself but my boss at the office doesn’t agree.

    Note, these are the “Sun changes” they may have discovered in the 70s, and needed to prepare for and make up a story about.

    Dr. D

    I didn’t see anything in Confederate flag comments. He said, because people were identified — and that’s according to a narrative they’re selling for profit — the very question became polarized and partisan. That’s not wrong, regardless of how false the framing is, or who’s really the rounded-up untermensch to the state that’s run by…oh wait, is it all Democrats now? Claiming to be Progressives? Except for the S.C. who only claims to be Conservative while voting consistently with the Progressive Over-state?

    Whatever, who cares? Yeah, I’m aware that when you’re the underdog, you get shot for the slightest tactical transgression. Meanwhile Bernie Bros regularly shoot up baseball fields full of Congressmen and it’s just “free expression.” What is it, like 17 of the last 18 shootings were on their side, plus 100% of the riots this year? But that’s the game, so what, and you’ll just have to win it anyway. And the American people will. Being the good guys, being the adults, always sucks. You have to be responsible and follow rules while the children lash out and break things, sow choas and think they’ll grab quick wins in quick power. What is the “Dark Side”? “Not stronger. Quicker. Easier.” And losing. As Washington showed, you can lose every battle for years and still win the war. CNN is showing that’s happening now. Facebook and Coke and the NBA are fading away as quickly as they’re identified. So the point of the “battle” — the unhinged tweets — isn’t to “win”; it’s to call out the oppressors to identify themselves so the people can cut them apart from everywhere. THEN win. The good guys, MilIntel, could never win: there aren’t even 10% of them in the whole government. Only the PEOPLE are large and powerful enough to beat them.

    Like the 1776 war, it’s irritating, endless, and slow. The only thing anyone’s won is “not losing”. But I think American values ARE winning. Fauciism, oppression, is being revealed. It’s just the world’s largest pain in the -ss and I don’t like it any more than anyone else does.

    Although thanks to them I can become as rich as Rhett Butler on their failure and corruption.

    Mister Roboto

    Confederate flag-wavers can be right about things every once in a while just like purple-haired hyper-wokesters can be right about things every once in a while.

    Mister Roboto

    John Day: Thanks for the alternative information about India. As Dr. Malcolm Kendrick said in his most recent blog-post, I can believe the Western media is exaggerating the dire nature of what’s happening in India because they are desperate to convince people that locking down is the right way to go, and if the public ever believes otherwise, then it will be “Katy bar the door” for our establishment elites!

    Mister Roboto

    Sorry about the choppy wording in the last post, I’m pretty much on my way out the door to work right now. 🙂

    madamski cafone

    @ Mister Roboto & Mr. House

    “Wow, somebody really wants to pick a fight today, don’t they?”

    Agreed. Mr. House, please notice the text in itals in MIster Roboto’s remarks:

    Unfortunately, when the people protesting lockdowns were bringing assault-rifles and Confederate flags to their rallies, I and many others came to see the lockdown issue through a partisan lens. Since about the start of this year, I have been trying to form a clear picture of the coronavirus situation free of “memefication”. The amount of personal discernment one must employ is daunting, but for the biggest public health crisis of the twenty-first century it is a necessity.”

    PLease let that siunk in for a minute. The man is doing earnest self-examination. You kicking him in the butt and blaming YOUR butthurtedness on him hardly recommends your perspective to the rest of us.

    madamski cafone

    @ Dr. D

    “The something more is that they write, openly and proudly, that they consider human beings a virus that must be reduced to save the world and everything on it. ”

    Well, it’s true. My sole hope for humanity lies in supernatural redemption. I know nice kind everyday people of al stripes who all say, “Humanity is SO fucked up. We’re destroying the planet.” It’s a widely held sentiment, and it was making the rounds back when Gates was dropping out of Harvard. Guys like Gates hardly invrented that meme. But don’t worry. Some day you’ll find the right person to blame. You’ll point your finger, holler liarliarliar, and that person will turn into dust, and all their evil works will as well.

    Meanwhile, the Pentagon has for decades openly been working oin making genocide as massively effective and cheaply affordable as possible. Close to 6 million warheads in our arsenal.

    Hell, even God repented of making humanity:

    Genesis 6:6 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓]
    Genesis 6:6, NIV: “The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.”

    Genesis 6:6, ESV: “And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.”

    Genesis 6:6, KJV: “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

    Genesis 6:6, NASB: “So the LORD was sorry that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”

    Genesis 6:6, NLT: “So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart.”

    Genesis 6:6, CSB: “the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and he was deeply grieved.”

    So if Gates thinks he’s god and needs to drive the depopulation effort, he is in good company.


    the mainstream media are manipulating you and lying to you.

    India’s “Covid Crisis” has been hijacked – The Mainstream Media are lying to you

    TUESDAY, APRIL 27TH, 2021

    So isn’t it curious to find that after over a year of nobody dropping dead in the street throughout the world, suddenly the public are being told it is happening again in India.

    Could it be that the rise in Covid deaths in India are actually deaths due to the experimental Covid vaccines? We can’t be certain but it’s one hell of a coincidence.
    Why did it take so long? No bodies in the street from other poor countries; ie. Haiti,

    Where is the proof that this article is the truth

    I got my supply of ivermectin
    I take my vitamin C and D with zinc.
    I got the Pfizer vaccine.

    GOOGLE will not find the Apri report. (IPC),

    I want to see it. Where is the link to the Israeli People Committee (IPC), april report?
    Pfizer vaccines side effects.

    Isreali Health Body Report on COVID Vax ‘Deadly’ Impacts

    Isreali Health Body Report On COVID Vax ‘Deadly’ Impacts
    Published on April 25, 2021
    Written by

    Michael Reid

    @ Dr. D

    Brilliant comments.

    It may be a logical culling. This planet should have a population less than one billion to be ecologically sound

    Doc Robinson

    zerosum: “I want to see it. Where is the link to the Israeli People Committee (IPC), april report?
    Pfizer vaccines side effects.”


    Full report:

    Other translations:

    madamski cafone

    I am putting a sim kit into my old handroid, reactivating it so locals can contact me. This warning card caught my eye:

    “ATTENTION! Place this label on W-Fi Calling Device. 911 service through Wi-Fi calling may be limited or not available compared to traditional 911 ser4vice due to various circumstances, including, relocation of equipment, loss or disruption of power, internet or wireless service, internet congestion or a connection failure, delays in availability of registered location information, and/or other technical problems. Always be prepared to report your precise location to 911 emergency responders.”

    So the system caveats itself against, seeks to avoid liability for, the fact that the communication network is wonky shit made of silly putty: ‘Things fuck up a lot in our system so be prepared and don’t blame us. Everyone knows the system is shit and so should you. It’s not our fault. It’s just the way things are.’ Plus, the final sentence dovetails neatly with “Dzoo you haffv your papersz?!”

    Hilarious. Another reason I kneejerk against focusing on How Powerful Are the Powers That Be is because what I see are deluded parasites thinking they can control and feed off a culture while they actively destroy it. I see their mighty steed disintegrating under their sorry butts. I see their victims so dependent on believing that the Powers That Be are in control, and therefore know what they’re doing, that they believe the PTB are capable of destroying the entire mess while themselves miraculously surviving like a passport amazingly found intact by the FBI shortly after the towers turned into rebar and dust.

    I see people fucking up including the arrogant greedheads who suck the marrow out of everything we build, that they can get their hands on, for their perverse private purposes. I see almost everyone… fucking up, pretending we have a clue about how to remedy the messes we make even or especially when we try to remedy the last mess we made (which process is the womb of the Wars on xyz social “problems” like drugs, terror, communism, ignorant GOP rednecks and insufferable DNC liberati.

    To see it all through the central lens of the Illuminati Empire is indeed valid for certain understandings like, for example, Why can’t we have nice societies? But to place central blame on them is the most brilliant socialist liberal con job since foreign aid, a massive denial of our role, i.e., my role, your role, in getting us here. It reinforces the delusion that nothing works unless we stand together upon an agreed cause (said cause having been whittled down into fluff while covered with addenda froth by countless committees and compromises), especially the cause of f-r-e-e-d-o-m, that tired old worn out word.

    Free people don’t stand in ranks and march for anything. They don’t have to. Free people smack hir teeth out the first time an elected official betrays hir sacred trust. Don’t need no army standing like a wall. That’s what the PYB LOVE: us standing together for some noble cause, all obeying by necessity some Central Voice….

    But we are not a free people, and this word that we bounce around like a giant rock concert balloon, f-r-e-e-d-o-m, doesn’t seem to mean much more than some gradual lessening of oppression by permission, a process of coaxing a totalitarian government to permit us freedom when a) it is decidedly unwilling to do so, and b) you can take your own damn freedom and snatch it right out of the thin air like the wind blowing unruly through your freshly coifed hair.

    I mean, seriously, can we at least come up with sexier PTB icons than Bill Gates or, god forbid, Elon Spunkboy Musk? King of the spoiled maladjusted narcissistic psychopaths? If you want people to buy this shit, give them charismatic villains to hiss before and cower from?


    I could get into being scared of that. Sick old men, some of whom can’t get it up unless their partner is ridiculously disempowered, full of money and lunatic hopes driven by logical fears (deep down, they KNOW they’re fucking up as much as it is possible for a human to fuck up)… they don’t deserve my fear much less respect. They deserve my compassionate pity and gratitude that I don’t face their fate. (Look into the final years of L. Ron Hubbard for an example of that.)

    American Dream


    Ilargi posted:

    Hard to understand why not much more of this is happening globally.

    …. Germany’s New Lockdown Law Sparks Constitutional Court Complaints (RT)


    In Switz. in June we will vote to curb / remove some / most of the ‘emergency powers’ of the Federal Council re. Covid. I can’t go into details of the legal text as I haven’t analysed it. For now, I expect it won’t pass. (one link in eng. below)

    However the power of initiative > to a referendum has helped in these Rona Times. Ex.

    The authorities in Geneva refused to pay compensation and bail-outs to illegal workers, those who are totally undocumented. (Many levels exist, from diluted black, to grey, to transparent, invisible, etc.) Organising all this took time, and the vote took place in March 2021 (it took at least 5 months to realise what was happening, plus the process to docket the thing is cumbersome): 70% or more voted to award the compensation, and it is quite considerable.

    So, locally, small victories do help the mood – it has been quite joyful around here with terraces, sportsfields, etc. opening up, the result of this vote, ‘solidarity’ – small triumphs wonderful. The larger scope is… another matter, a different discussion.. 🙁

    Be local before going global, was that the leitmotif, the pop slogan? Of course CH is a postage stamp country with no global influence or clout. It likes to parade as a ppl’s democracy, as a moral calling card, which rests on some correct info, see vote above, what the lesson is, nobody knows, even if there is one.

    One thing the internet furnishes is ppl’s experience around the world, that is one of the reasons for participating (me), posting, for ex. John Day’s post above, others, yes…thx to all.

    madamski cafone


    So, to activate it, I have to use the PIN # under the scratchoff seal. The seal is so strong (probably to prevent shoplifters scanning the pin # with their cellcam) that some of the #s are missing. I honestly think God doesn’t want me to have a phone except maybe a landline. I’ll look into it. But not today.

    The system is collapsing evenly across the board. When you postpone and forestall all possible courses of correction, the final collapse is holistically total. Every cultural thing is falling apart. At once.

    I need to vent some steam:

    Little Ms Fuckitall

    madamski cafone

    Understand, pls, that I’d previously tried to reactivate my old service by calling the number my screen always tells me to call when I want to reactivate.

    a) the autobot was retarded, spoke almost as fast as the fine print at the end of a pharma commercial (“your mother will probably die of shame but who cares”), and b) whewn I finally got through it to a live person, the goddam signal cut in and out although cell reception here is just fine.

    Bill Gates is not currently falling apart. Society overall is falling apart, right on schedule, as predicted not by Bilberger secret meetings leaked to the press but by every free-thinking, reasonably intelligent and tolerably informed person since about the time I first had sex with a boy in the impossibly hyped 60s.

    I say: look around you and deal with where you are; don’t stare fascinated at the Big Screen skyorama steadily falling down to smother your ass.


    @ Doc Robinson
    Thanks! One more link!
    My specific concern – disruption of blood flow to the limbs

     It should be noted that a significant number of adverse events reported are related, directly
    or indirectly, to coagulopathy (myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, disruption of
    blood flow to the limbs
    , pulmonary embolism).
     The reporting of adverse events from hospitals and HMO clinics has been very low, and there
    is a tendency for a diagnostic bias that excludes the possibility of a link between the adverse
    events and the vaccination. There are probably many thousands of unreported cases.

    Do a google search – adverse events following vaccinations
    this report will not appear



    Dr Kory mentions Geert Vande Bosch as someone who can speak the truth because is is independently employ and funded. No one can fire or pressure him or Dr Kory

    The scandal around the suppression of Ivermectin is amazing

    Watch the video link to have it summarized


    According to this futuristic video from Chatham House after a 100 years coronavirus will still be an issue in central London

    0.08 to 0.12 on the left hand side


    @ Dr D

    Enjoyed your expansion on my brief comments yesterday. Much truth there. I didn’t have time to elaborate. Thought about Iroquois influence.

    .” The freest states are safest, the lockdown states are worst.“

    I’ve been observing this. Other than folks wearing masks in public and places such as retirement communities/care homes having draconian rules, life in Arizona hasn’t changed all that much. I have friends/family in states with stringent lockdowns…there seems to be a pervasive paranoia in lockdown states.

    I’m hoping the schools will relax masking rules soon — at the very least, when people are outside. The state has dropped its rules regarding masking for the schools, it is now up to the schools/school districts to form their own policies.


    Mister Roboto
    “Confederate flag-wavers can be right about things every once in a while just like purple-haired hyper-wokesters can be right about things every once in a while.“


    madamski cafone

    Maybe it takes the gu who started it all to recognize the end of it all:

    Ex-Clinton strategist says ‘WOKENESS IS A PROBLEM’ for Democrats, who are too afraid to criticize because they’ll be ‘canceled’

    I don’t see the DNc able to recover its brand name fast enough to put a populist candidate into office. Meanwhile, the GOP did just that, albeit unwillingly, in 2016. It’s ahead of the curve. If we have elections in 2024, the strength is on the GOP’s side, imo.

    madamski cafone

    Another day, another disaster

    “The 272-meter-long ‘A Symphony’ tanker, which carries around one million barrels of oil, is spilling petroleum into the Yellow Sea, off the coast of China’s Qingdao port, following a collision with a bulk carrier vessel.
    The Shandong Maritime Safety Administration confirmed that a spill had occurred after the oil tanker, owned by Symphony Shipholding SA and NGM Energy, had a collision with bulk carrier ‘Sea Justice’ at 8.50am local time (12:50am GMT) on Tuesday.”

    madamski cafone

    Get in on the ground floor of a dying empire!

    Doc Robinson

    Craig Murray posted a good explainer about Julian Assange’s current legal situation:

    The USA has submitted its appeal to the English and Welsh High Court against the decision not to extradite. The defence have submitted their response to the appeal. In doing so they have also submitted a counter-appeal against the many deeply concerning points on which Baraitser ruled extradition was possible, before ruling it out on the sole grounds of medical history and conditions of custody.

    The situation now is complex. The first thing to be said is that the High Court has not yet ruled that the United States government’s grounds for appeal have sufficient legal merit to be considered, and thus accepted the case and set a hearing date. This is taking much longer than usual, and hope is growing that the High Court may rule that the United States’ grounds for appeal are too legally weak to meet the bar of a hearing. If that is the case, Julian could suddenly be released very quickly.

    If the appeal is accepted, a hearing date will be set and the legal grapevine thinks that could be as early as July – much quicker than usual. We then have the further complication that the counter-appeal by the defence is not an automatic process, indeed it is exceptional. The normal procedure would be that the High Court would hear the US appeal on the medical and conditions of imprisonment points and the defence response, and rule on that. Should the US appeal succeed, the High Court would send that judgement back down to judge Baraitser, who would reconvene Westminster Magistrates Court and order the extradition. The defence could then appeal to the High Court against the extradition on all the other grounds, which are numerous but headed by breach of the provision on no political extradition of the Treaty under which the extradition is taking place.

    The whole process would then start again, which would take us well into 2022 with Julian still in jail. The defence hope the High Court would instead take the counter-appeal at the same time and hear all the arguments together, but it is by no means a given the High Court will agree. If the High Court considers the US appeal weak there is a danger that the High Court would also think a hearing on all the other points – which would last weeks – would be an unnecessary waste of its time. Which leads us to the paradox that a quick victory for Julian on health grounds that sees him released, would leave in place as a precedent the awful aspects of Baraitser’s ruling on extradition for political offence being lawful, and on the dismissal of Article X freedom of speech arguments, and the acceptance of US universal jurisdiction over publishing of US classified information worldwide.

    The CIA’s Chinese Walls


    I see the dems in Arizona have managed to get a new dem judge appointed to overlook the Phoenix vote audit!
    The dems are really desperate to stop the vote audit!
    So many things happening here that an observer could be forgiven for claiming whiplash!
    I suspect the dems have finally succeeded in putting a cork on this!


    Doc Robinson:

    Julian will get the outcome which keeps him in jail until he dies
    A judge sullivan repeat.

    Mister Roboto

    I don’t see the DNc able to recover its brand name fast enough to put a populist candidate into office. Meanwhile, the GOP did just that, albeit unwillingly, in 2016. It’s ahead of the curve. If we have elections in 2024, the strength is on the GOP’s side, imo.

    I have to agree, based purely on a dispassionate computation of the political situation. A certain poster around here is fond of maintaining that the Republican Party is completely and entirely out of power on account of the momentary realignment resulting from the most recent election. This evaluation conveniently overlooks the fact that the Dem majority in the House shrunk and that the majority in the Senate consists of one vote that Joe Manchin is bound and determined to do everything in his power to undermine. But the big overlook here is that the Dems miserably failed to make any inroads on majorities Republicans have in statehouses around the country and the fact that Donald Trump despite losing did manage to win more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

    And do you know why I think that is? Because what political resistance there has been so far to the lockdown response to Covid has been desultorily coalescing under the banner of Trumpism (or “conservative nationalism”, if you want to call the movement what it actually is). Meanwhile, the blue-state big-city neo-liberal establishment has made the lockdown/ vaccination response their political baby. (And how does that make me feel as someone whose current mindset is largely a product of “Team Blue”? Very sad and anxious.) Not to mention that the globalists represented by HideEmbarrass regard Flyover Country working people as entirely expendable.

    I don’t think we’ll see Trump ever run for the Oval Office again based on his health (he’s an old guy who has never been very big on taking good care of himself). But “Trumpism” ain’t going away, whether people like me like that or not.

    And as for me personally, one thing about the way I’ve been thinking lately that is certainly sub-rational (irrational) is my unwillingness to accept the fact that the normalcy of the recent past to which I have become accustomed to living in as an adult, went bye-bye over the course of 2020. And it’s not coming back, because too much has changed and too much is changing. What’s happening right now is the spiritual equivalent of a surging tsunami that is simply going to do its thing for good or for ill before it finally dissipates. And I need to accept that and stop thinking that singing from Ye Olde Hymnal will bring that old normalcy back.

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