Debt Rattle August 20 2024


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    Charles Burchfield Bluebird and Cottonwoods (The Birches) 1917   • Let the DNC Frolics Begin (Jim Kunstler) • The NAZIFIED EU and Democrat Party
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 20 2024]


    “You will never believe what I found on-site at the DNC:

    They built a massive Border WALL for protection.”

    This encapsulates the staggering mind boggling hypocrisy of the Empire of Lies

    But it’s only possible because half the Sheeple People by into it.

    The Duh…Mericans

    Brainwashed, brain damaged, knee jerk, mentally constipated “citizens”.

    They are hopeless lost causes paddling around in the cesspool of their own convictions, running their country into totalitarian rule and utter destitution.

    It’s like ‘assisted suicide’ for a country to put it out of it’s misery.



    The election is not going to be stolen, it has been bought just like monitors in a parking lot.


    The “health care system” in Duh’merica isn’t quite yet a 3rd World Backwater

    It’s a 2nd World Backwater system like a Bulgarian mountain village in the 1950s

    It’s pitiful and could never be confused with a 1st World Health Care system.

    Like everything else in the Empire of Lies……

    It’s Profits Before People

    Writ large…….



    That Turley article about free speech is replete with omissions errors and bullshit. I’m not a reporter but straight off the bat I know of twitter censorship under musk. Baseem Youssef’s entire account Musk just deleted (with millions of followers). This is money/Israel/Zionist backed. Elon gave Bibi a tour of the gigafactory so we all know what’s what.
    Also, while on the subject – kicking up a stink about it now rather than it’s initial coup during Covid show’s who the canaries are and down that coal mine we can see the dead or sick ones – Lira, Hopkins, Assange etc.
    Susan Wajoki banned over 1 MILLION youtube videos covid related to the point people like Chris Martenson were having to use code words like ‘Dwivabitz’ when referring to Ivermectin – as useless as it turned out to be.

    Ship. Sailed.

    Next stop War, famine, rationing, riots and growing vegies.


    Self Justification

    You’re pretty tall for your height



    Nazilensky, parting is such sweet sorrow……..

    It’s time to Screw the Pooch

    Normally he enjoys the toe of the boot up his ass far far as it can go…..





    Dr. D

    “The World Health Organization has declared the ongoing outbreaks of mpox in Congo and elsewhere in Africa to be a global emergency, requiring urgent action to curb the virus’ transmission.” — The Associated Press

    To go along with their other list of virtually untransmissable diseases, like Cancer. Ah the Election virus… Well at least we only mask between Sept and Jan every four years!

    Wait, Actual Headline: “Now that mpox is a global health emergency, will it trigger another pandemic?”

    Will the pandemic trigger a pandemic? Will the disease cause a disease? Tune in next week… “This man is Dead, Jim. …Brain dead.” This reporter is retarded. Actually, the answer in the article: No. This will not cause a pandemic, because it’s not contagious. What is going on around here? CNN reporting on Kamala being a sham, WaPo criticizing the DNC?? Reporting correct Science of “Don’t be afraid”? Did I wake up in Bizarro-World where the media tells the truth now?

    10,000 Ukr soldiers in Kursk? Yeah that sounds more about right. I was getting to that but there’s a media blackout. So they take out 100 tanks in 3 days and they’re claiming there’s only 1,000 soldiers? That don’t wash. Now maybe not 10k first day, you have to have them follow in after, but that they let them go, there’s just too much space for it to be I dunno, less than 5k.

    WHY would they not headline this? Depends on what Russia wants done. Is it planning a total war with NATO? Or do they need to soft-pedal to their own people so Russia, a nation of 150M doesn’t try to take on the combined might of US-EU with 600 Million? Yeah, the latter. They also know the strategic situation in Kursk– a forested, sparsely-populated area with nothing to hold, 20 miles from their supply lines, completely surrounded. Generals know this is bulls—t with zero chance of working, they can cut them up at leisure with very little damage done. However, the PEOPLE may not feel that way and demand WWIII like his generals (some) have. Again, that escalates to mobilize NATO and snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.

    So admitting it happened – unlike Ukraine – and moving 110k civilians out gets them moving while saving what face anyone can in an invasion. The Russian people are even more unified than last month, which was already all-in. Then they minimize casualties and let Ukr hang themselves, needing only to stop the nuclear threat and make it like Avdiivka and all the other cauldrons – since 2014! — where they keep the supply road open so long as they are stupidly piling in resources into a trap. Now this whole sector is one big Avdiivka ‘cause apparently Ukrainians – or Nazis, your pick – can’t learn. It works, why should Russia change a plan they’ve taken two years to perfect?

    Okay, suppose you didn’t know anything beforehand (improbable) and the army is already here and going to dig in to occupy like Ze says (laughable). What would YOUR master general plan be? Mine would still be to minimize casualties. They don’t have the resources to drive a wedge in central Russia, not even on the first day in 2014 or 2022. They’re TEN miles in. Russia is like Five THOUSAND miles long. Every Ukrainian could move to Kursk and it wouldn’t make a dent. All 13 million or whatever the real number is. Politically, it sucks, but militarily, why would I care? Are there some major railway, port like St. Petersburg there? A major Tank plant? A refinery? What are they going to steal the trees?

    Keep them there. They split their force and now the front line is collapsing 100 miles behind them.

    Same thing: “Why Might Ukraine Want Russia To Use Nuclear Weapons?

    “Time For NeverTrump Republicans To Put On Their Big Boy Pants & Think Of Their Country

    They did. Several deep Republicans came out for Kamala. “We loves her soooooo much forever and ever, she is soooooo smart and Brat.” One said core GOP is speaking ahead of Biden at the DNC. So I guess we know who’s really “Conservative” and “Republican” and who isn’t? A true deep Conservative always supports what are openly and ravenously Soviet Socialist policies like universal price controls, that’s just common sense. That’s what “Conservative” means, right? AntiCapitalist, full-central control, with an infinite police state that consumes >50% of the country and eternal foreign wars? Boy, that’s what it means to me, can I get a hallelujah?

    BTW Jimmy Dore on site there, walking down the richest district (he’s from Chicago, and it’s probably his hotel), and the have ALL Chicago shut down. MILES from any event. They were 3 miles from anywhere, streets shut down, and not just that, FENCED IN. Okay, gut check, HOW did you get 9 miles of stand-up riot fencing, (3 miles each side of street, plus other areas) and WHO did you get to install it? WHO do you think you’re protecting for or against here? Like Leftists, yes, they’re violent, yes, so you know your people well, but I can’t even CALCULATE shutting down a city and its tax revenue for 1/52nd of a year, PLUS costing a $5M dollars an HOUR for 150 hours in overtime for city workers – and outside contracts??? — to NOT be fixing the streets in high summer.

    Like, where does all that fencing go afterwards? Do you melt it down at the steel plant and just buy it again next time? That would be square miles of chain-link panels, rusting in the snow of some 1,000-acre parking lot for the next 25 years, no?

    They didn’t do this in Milwaukee. No plywood, no expectation of any riots or anything smashed, just millions in tourist money, flying in booking the town, making their year. Only riots where Democrats are.

    Okay, next thing, the Radical Left is PROTESTING TRUMP. Okay, um, Trump’s not in office. What are you doing?

    The Radical Left is PROTESTING DEMOCRATS, saying “Democrats go home or we’ll bring the war …home.” (Apparently bad at rhymes) So you’re promising to attack…yourselves? Yes. Yes, they are. So DEMOCRATS are attacking and shutting down the DEMOCRATS at the Democratic convention of Democrats, in a Democratic city.

    WHAT ARE YOU DOING? What exactly are your demands? How will shouting in a park 5 miles from anywhere do anything? The world may never know. So that was Tim Pool’s Jimmy Dore’s observation: fine but we don’t understand how any of these actions DO anything. For Gaza, the US, themselves, anyone. It’s like “Well, we always protest, that’s what we DO. So when there’s a Mississippi flood, we get out our signs and protest the rising waters…” It’s what they DO. It’s the only thing they DO, to shout, antagonize, disrupt, beat, maim… So when this…something else…happens, they take out the only tool they have and have ever heard of and use it again. Christmas shopping comes around: riots and protests.

    I would think you can organize, so you’d organize to get some demands out of Kamala, change some positions or withhold your vote. Like, honestly: they didn’t want to vote for people supporting Israel, and she does, so this is not some weird stretch, right? No. It’s randomized. He was in the crowd talking to people who were going to vote Jill Stein. He said “You know she supports Israel and Ukraine, right” and they said, “Well maybe I won’t vote for her then.” What??? Talk about conviction! So they’re on a Protest vote, but didn’t know the position of the establishment candidate AND didn’t know the position of the opposition candidate AND didn’t care which they voted for – meh – but are still involved, I guess! They’re passionate!

    No, they’re getting their Feelz off without engaging brain. Even the other Leftists, Democrats from Dore were like “Oh my God.”

    So they are smashing and protesting themselves this week, then paying for it. And have no demands or plans. And won’t talk to the candidates or negotiate. Which is fine because their tactics mean nothing and have no leverage or impact. Got it. I’m talking in circles because I can’t get my mind around it.

    “Democratic D.C Councilman Arrested & Charged With Bribery, Faces 15 Years In Jail

    Back to so many of these stories: so the BIDEN Administration did this? The D.C. POLICE did this? Under Pelosi, etc? Riiight. Nothing to see here.

    Harris ad:

    Yes, let’s pretend any of that matters when nothing’s been fixed in the voting process. Expect 400-800 million votes.

    Inflation, Friedman. Technically he’s correct because that’s how it was defined. In the textbook and a thing called “The Dictionary”. It’s a Tautology: Sad panda is sad. But then they just re-defined the word to mean something else. A bunch of things, but also nothing. So no definition = no problem. Nobody knows WHAT it is anymore. ‘What the meaning of ‘Is” is.”

    So since that long ago date – and they were already pushing on it then – it now means PRICE increases, not the “Inflation”, that is, “Expansion”, “Increase” of the money supply. …Which CAUSES price increases.

    “Instead, we have STOPPED overspending and STOPPED printing money.” — Milei

    Okay, great, but there are other exploits for Wall Street to rig and steal. Did you close those other doors too? Also you do this but no one will act. For why? Because no one will believe you’re serious and not kicked back out again in 6 months. All markets act on forward anticipation, belief.

    Abramson. Yet every day what he says is proven false, and every day for 8 years he is not discredited, nor any other people in the media. Like Luke Harding. “Not a single thing [They] say is true.” Okay, we all understood, mostly, when it was new and they were selling 40 years of industry credit and belief to lies that couldn’t possibly be false because no one would dare.

    Now still: he just says it. Just says. So it becomes the truth. Via “Appeal to Authority”? An authority we (Democrats) don’t believe (Burn it all! Fight da man!) and ALSO has been wrong for 8 years running? Like, when does it end? Does everyone have to DIE of Con-men, this CON-fidence, to gain your trust and Confidence, then betray it for money? (A: Yes. History shows it proceeds, like Science, “One funeral at a time.”)

    Why this is, I do not know. Clearly, clearly you can look around and agree with me that it is, though.

    Trump-Hitler rounded up all the Jews and all the Blacks (aka, “his family and cabinet”) and put them in the camps. If Trump gets in now he’ll do this because he did it last time, and he’ll never leave because he left last time. When this still works – a DECADE later – why should the bad guys change? “I just say stuff” and then you just give me your bank account number and children. It’s hard not to, you’re making it really, really hard not to lie and be a criminal!

    “As the US government works overtime to stigmatize any journalism possessing connectivity with Russia, the world slides dangerously down a path defined by a Russophobic US-driven agenda that leads toward the inevitability of conflict,”

    So we say, every time, in every history class since the 4th grade. “What backward creeps and cowards. How could they do that?” Meanwhile the INSTANT it is done, everyone hops-to like little robots on the NEXT idiotic thing, not to be called a traitor – or far, far worse, a “Peacenik”. So backward, supersitious, like Vietnam? Like Iraq? Dim mists of primeval history of like a year ago?

    They ALWAYS do this because it ALWAYS works.

    ““Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” ― Hermann Goering, Germany Reborn

    But that wouldn’t work on me, the super-smart and sophisticated, degreed, well-read, when they say Trump-Hitler is going to gas his own Jewish family. No. Then I believe it! We’re in imminent danger!!!

    “tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.”

    You just TELL them. Prove nothing. Show no evidence. Just SAY it, and poof! Magic! It’s true. “I will heal you with my LIES!” No one checks, no one cares, no one looks. I open my mouth, little sounds come out like bird song, and They instantly attack every friend or family member they’ve every known for 50 years, expel, disown them, and have them hung. ‘Cause one guy I never heard of said something we never checked.

    No, I am not kidding.

    In school people were like “How could Germany do that?” I had a different take, “Well Germany DID do that, so clearly it’s eminently possible. Therefore WE can do that, we’re not special or different.” That is, we are not the Exceptional Nation, free from all sin. Therefore WHEN it happens, we are ready for it, exactly because it IS possible, and it IS coming.

    Now this week I was talking to someone, and I said, “What would you have thought if I told you all this would happen, the nation would be an insane, fascist, police state with worldwide constant wars, an invasion, with every leader a compliant, collaborating Quisling? What would you think if I told you that as a little girl in 1956?”

    You know what? Actually THAT WOULD HAVE MADE SENSE IN 1956. They would have just said, “I guess fascism and evil never sleep” and moved on tirelessly to a new attack in a new country. It would be obvious that would and should happen, and what we must do about it. In 1956. So why not now?

    Again, why does that not make the same sense, or more, now after we’ve seen the whole slow train a’coming? Ah the wonders of the Fabians, and social engineering. This is exactly what they DID say in 1959, with the Reds, in 1971 with churches and Roe, with Hollywood. They DID tell you — Ward Cleaver — and he was right. You owe Billy Graham an apology.

    “• Italian State TV Normalizing Nazi Symbols – Moscow (RT)

    Why would you get rid of it? To hide the truth? I want to know. The greatest service he could possibly show is TO interview and show what’s really going on and who’s doing what. Then we can all decide as an informed electorate instead of a propagandized and stovepiped one.

    “The act bars speech that is viewed as “disinformation” or “incitement.”

    “Viewed” by who? I view that it’s not; don’t I count? A: No, the answer is POWER. Whoever has POWER gets to choose. We obey Power to get…more Power. Fine for them: why do YOU obey to give THEM more power? That power ain’t yours; you don’t get to yacht with it.

    “In response, Hillary Clinton and other Democratic figures turned to Europe and called upon them to use their Digital Services Act to force censorship against Americans.”

    This was always the Plan, both from Davos_Euro types and the City of London minions. The DNC is entirely subservient to them, although flavors differ. America is a rightful colony of Europe, and the American rebellion must end. Deplorable clutchers.

    “• Biden Committed ‘Impeachable Offenses’ – GOP Report (RT)

    GOP “Suddenly Noticed”. After 45 years!! “Whelp, my work here is done: Biden got to do impeachable things for 45 years while we did nothing. And now he’s retiring to die of very old age.” We would do the same for Capone! So long as he “already retired” we’re suddenly brave.

    Hey, um, GOP? Biden is off the table, for funs I’ll grant you that. So then were there any other names in your report? Even one? Hunter, His brother, Jill, Pelosi, Chinese nationals, Swawell, McConnell, his wife, General Milley, the head of Raytheon, the Crowdstrike crew, Ukraine, Comey, Wray, anyone? Not a single other name in the entire report? So like Epstein, he was bribed, etc for 45 years but there were no bribe-ers? Like Epstein provided girls, but there were no clients for the girls? Like that?

    So for 45 years, Biden had zero accomplices, no accessories, he was the single, mad lone gunman, never talking to a single soul, who radicalized himself?

    Go on: free speech, I’m all ears. Fascinating, tell me more.

    “• Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put On Their Big Boy Pants (AT)

    Hypocrisy exists? And it’s on both sides? No one noticed. It’s the “Beam in my eye” the most powerful invisibility shield known to man. Nothing has ever penetrated it.

    “• Manhattan DA Defers to Judge on Delaying Trump’s Sentencing Date (ET)

    No point since it was never real anyway. They needed him not to be nominated, then to be a felon so Congress could remove Secret Service and assassinate him. Both failed, (backfired) so what’s the point? They already had to expose themselves by openly shooting him with the full, signed, confessed approval of the Secret Service. Oh wait: what shooting? There was a shooting?

    “RNC Asks Supreme Court to Block 41,000 Arizona Voters From Voting (ET)

    So…10,000 NATO troops are using JESSAM missiles on F16s to blow up a nuclear power plant – or the Kremlin – in a fully-authorized total war land-invasion of Russia. Glad we’re talking about the election and a mere 40k voters when 100k per month are being illegally registered in 5 states. …Really takes my mind off it to something far more relaxing.

    “The first shot to strike the man who fired at former President Donald Trump came from a local law enforcement officer,”

    Yeah, we knew that for weeks, which shows how much traffic the story is getting. Did you know the shooter was SHOT? You don’t say. But it ALSO shows that USSS did NOTHING, ever, and less than nothing. They didn’t manage a SINGLE valorous act. Yet I pay their taxes.

    Okay, back to this week: the Hercules Team picked up all their equipment and turned it around, being dead sure by action that there was a grave, deadly threat from the Glass Works. …Then Trump was ordered to go on stage. Any interest? Curiosity? Any chain of command, any names? Nope. Not from Republicans you won’t. Trump himself hardly cares, why should I?

    Crooks is also missing, with no autopsy, FBI illegally and outside authority ordered the Coroner to release so he could vanish. After hosing down the roof, another thing they never do. (Sadly. Police don’t help a bit if someone horribly dies on your bedroom carpet. Sucks to be you! Good luck with that! But this Oooooooooone time, they were sooper-careful and DONATED MONEY to send a guy up there, outside of ranks, to clean squeaky clean! Boop: what crime scene?)

    Higgins said he did not think it was possible for a second shooter to have been on top of the tower and that he did not see any evidence supporting the theory”

    No evidence” except for the FILM we have of the guy on the water tower? I mean, other than direct film footage, it’s impossible. Like OTHER than the direct security film footage we have in Atlanta of them pulling boxes from under the table and running votes through 5 times, we don’t have any evidence…

    I’m sorry, HOW does this work again, and where do peoples’ brains go? The guy on the tower could be perfectly innocent. It could be the groundskeeper. We might never know. But we can’t DENY and prove a negative WHILE there is direct video evidence of a man-sized thing moving up there.

    “Other than the evidence, there’s no evidence. Other than the facts there are no facts.” The Narcissist’s special. Every. Day. Every day for a lifetime. Surely this is hell.

    “• Zionists Dare US To Pull The Plug On Their Nakba Agenda (Alastair Crooke)

    The crew on Jimmy Dore – core NYC Jews – are adamant that Israel will cease to exist from this (and should) . That Israel is a non-Jewish, non-canon scam that like the “Rapture” no Jew had ever heard of for like 2000 years before 1900. There’s no “Jewish push” to this end, it’s all astroturfed. By rich people who wanted to steal a country. All of that is completely correct. I’d post but it’s in the middle of a long live stream in the park at the DNC Chicago, and he’s said it before.

    Dr. D

    Actually the DNC, “withhold the vote” was the Jimmy Dore thing with M4A. Like, he made it really, really, Ruh-llly simple: Just ONE task. One. Withhold the vote with the Squad, not even to ACCOMPLISH something, just Proof-of-Concept. That they would demand a VOTE on Medicare-4-All, no chance of passing, and get people on record over it.

    This was TOO COMPLICATED. The Democrats that are his base couldn’t comprehend the concept. So the all all a man, turned on Jimmy and Started firing. “How DARE you ask for something in return for your vote! That wouldn’t be politics at all!!!” Aaaaaaand with that, he was done. That was/is LITERALLY as simple as you can possibly make it. LITERALLY to take the first baby step. Nope. So he even sort of stopped talk about a People’s Party, etc. Like, if his own base can’t comprehend the simplest, first, and only act in all Politics, what’s the point? This whole base, not the leaders, the members, are going nowhere.

    And here we are, they are still “Protesting” to this day. No idea WHAT they are protesting. No idea what the fix or demands are. …That’s up to Daddy. We as the feminized Wives, our only job is to nag and complain and add nothing.

    So all Chicago, the park, the violence, the fencing, the billions lost that could feed the homeless? All the same as that “One weird trick local housewives use” called, “Negotiating”. With “Power.” 4 years later, haven’t learned a single blessed thing. Even for an open genocide, STILL going to support “Killer Kamala” and “Genocide Joe.”

    Wouldn’t want to withhold that vote.


    This is hysterical

    Putin just signed a degree making it much easier to become a Russian citizen because you don’t acspect “western values” i.e. Woketurdism’


    From Andrei Martyanov’s Blog.


    “Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree providing assistance with resettlement to those who do not accept Western values.

    According to the decree, foreigners who do not accept the policies of their countries, which contradict traditional values, will be able to apply for temporary residence in Russia without having to comply with the established quota and provide proof of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation, TASS reports.

    Foreigners who do not share the policies of their countries, which “impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” can apply for assistance. A large family from the United States, which previously adhered to traditional values, received a certificate of temporary asylum in Russia.”

    Ya Baby!

    As you may have already surmised, after that the change from temporary to permanent status will be very easy and a straight road to Russian citizenship.

    Normal Western people are being saved.


    Yes they are!


    unfounded conspiracies/‘official narrative manipulation’/used and abused/shift the narrative/Opinions/manipulation/hurt/hate/revenge/illusions/peace/war/kill
    August 19, 2024
    The EU Just Declared War on Free Speech in America. It is Time to Fight Back

    The EU Just Declared War on Free Speech in America. It is Time to Fight Back

    Today, the vast majority of political speech occurs over the Internet and specifically social media. That is why the internet is the single greatest advancement for free speech since the printing press.

    In Europe, free speech is in free fall. Germany, France, the United Kingdom and other countries have eviscerated free speech by criminalizing speech deemed inciteful or degrading to individuals or groups.

    The European Digital Services Act.
    As of 17 February 2024, the DSA rules apply to all platforms.
    The act bars speech that is viewed as “disinformation” or “incitement.”
    European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager celebrated its passage by declaring that it is “not a slogan anymore, that what is illegal offline should also be seen and dealt with as illegal online.
    Now it is a real thing. Democracy’s back.”


    The article on the RNC trying to get 41,000 AZ voters disqualified leaves out some pertinent details. This one adds some back in:

    The Epoch Times article doesn’t explain who the 41,000 are. The suggests that they are largely service members, students and Native Americans who did not have birth certificates when they registered to vote.


    Registering to vote in AZ does not directly require a birth certificate. It does require documentation of citizenship…and many those forms of documentation originally required a birth certificate. For example, the AZ law can use a drivers license or valid passport as documentation of US citizenship…most people aren’t carrying around their birth certificates, but do have some sort of state-issued document that asserts citizenship. Once a resident has an AZ drivers license or state identity card, the opportunity to register to vote — or change party affiliation — is presented each time the individual is, for example, registering a vehicle or applying for state aid. Since the individual’s citizenship isn’t changing, the only requirement at those junctures is documentation of current address.

    Federal law has required AZ to register to vote those who attest US citizenship but have not bothered to provide documentation. So AZ is printing separate ballots for these individuals that only include federal races. The RNC is trying to also prevent those folks from voting in the federal races.

    While I have no desire to block any Native American grannies or uncles who have never held an AZ drivers license nor identity card and never received state aid, neither SNAP nor Medicaid (both of which require proof of citizenship,) and are also not in possession of their tribal documents (which are also accepted,) I imagine that the individuals who lack all of these things must be difficult to find.

    Here is the list of acceptable documents to register to vote in AZ local elections:
    Arizona Driver’s License/Identification Number: If you have a valid Arizona driver’s license or nonoperating identification card issued after October 1, 1996, you should provide the license/identification number in Box 9 on the Arizona Voter Registration Form or register online at A.R.S. § 16-166.

    If you do not have an Arizona license you may need to provide one of the following documents to establish proof of citizenship: A.R.S. § 16-166.

    Your Indian Census Number, Bureau of Indian Affairs Card Number, Tribal Treaty Card Number, or fill in your Tribal Enrollment Number in Box 10 on the voter registration form.
    A photocopy of your U.S. naturalization documents or fill in your Alien Registration Number in Box 11 on the voter registration form.
    A legible photocopy of your birth certificate and supporting legal documentation (i.e., marriage certificate) if the name on the birth certificate is not the same as your current legal name.
    A legible photocopy of the pertinent pages of your U.S. passport.
    A legible photocopy of your Tribal Certificate of Indian Blood or Bureau of Indian Affairs Affidavit of Birth.

    They don’t even require an official copy of a birth certificate! A photocopy will suffice!

    As far as students and service members…why are they leaving home without their birth certificates? Obviously, if they want to vote where they are, and won’t be getting a local drivers license then they need to look up the local rules about voter registration, acquire the pertinent documents, and get registered. This is 2024 — it isn’t hard to call up a parent, say: Hey, can you snap a photo of my birth certificate and send it? and then print it out for the required photo copy. Nor is it terribly difficult to request a new copy of a birth certificate if lost. I turned 18 the second week of my freshmen year of college, about 2 months before the presidential election. I registered to vote at my then-address and voted. If it is important to people, they will do it.

    However, the timing of this is problematic — students and service members may decide that they don’t care about local politics and only want to vote in federal elections. They may have deliberately registered as “federal only” and not bothered to provide documentation, as it wasn’t required. To disqualify their registration shortly before an election disenfranchises them, and is inappropriate. If the rule is to change, the 41,000 should be notified that they need to provide citizenship documentation, and be given sufficient time to provide it. This is the problem with bad laws — they create unnecessary headaches later on.


    We are witnessing the end of the ‘democratic’ structures in the so-called West.

    The Kakala vs. Trumpet election is beyond clownish edging over into hysterical madness.

    Ex. An aquaintance of mine, a young woman from S. America who is rich (doesn’t work), a Taylor Swift Fan, travels by plane from CH to the concerts. She was at the Olympics in Paris as well.

    Prev. she told me that all the Fans were eagerly awaiting Swift’s endorsement for a Prez. candidate. I asked her what she would prefer and she said K, but many fans wanted Trump. I asked her how many votes this represented, she said, enough to decide the election.

    Oh, I said.

    Short article 1 below treats the topic of the no. of Swifties ? (back o’ the envelope > who would vote, etc. I can’t do..) Then, Trump is somehow pretending / joking that TS endorses him. 2. Prev. news was that Taylor endorsed Kakala, now that seems to be debunked. 3.

    All MSM.

    This is madness, a kind of terminal slice/n/dice of the population into voting segments, from pop. Cults, appeals to them, strategy.

    Kakala is not a communist / a socialist, I doubt she could even define these terms. She is just a stooge (~ expendable..) for one group within the present struggle for power at the top. Blathering on with ridiculous promises / proposals that are illusory, make no financial sense, and will never be implemented. Trump is not much better, in a way he is an old-fashioned protectionist (tarifs, etc.)

    Both defend (I have read) No Tax on Tips! Rightio! 🙂 Good Job! USA, USA, MAGA, etc.

    *never mind the slave labor wages*


    “Kakala is not a communist / a socialist, I doubt she could even define these terms”

    Agreed, but it’s funny for a bimbo like her to be draw to a glamour version of Comrade X



    In US federal elections, it is not the number of people who vote, but who generates the most ballots, that wins the election!

    Notice, so far, not a peep from Trump on ballots.

    The Democrats have a,ready won the ballot war by tens of millions.
    Republicans helped!

    So we are seeing fake polls to set up the steal!

    These days only puppets are allowed to be president!

    Susan C

    I found something yesterday that I thought to share here but before I do so I have to mention that the direct links to twitter/x (or is it x/twitter?) make TAE look awful.

    But is there profit in it?

    BC has had a number of forest fires in the past couple of years. The Narwhal has been doing an investigative series about wildfires – this one was of particular interest. Here’s the introduction:

    “Wildfire salvage” — an industry that’s growing as B.C.’s wildfire seasons worsen.

    The B.C. government has been pushing to accelerate salvage logging.

    But as Zoë details in the story, “salvage” is not always the right word. That’s because logging in wildfire zones can include living trees in old-growth forests. So long as some wood in an area is considered to be “fire damaged,” companies get salvage-logging rates for the whole area — meaning they can get premium lumber at a discounted price.

    That can be a problem for the health of the forest. Left untouched, scorched and burned trees still offer benefits for wildlife, including endangered species like spotted owls, while dead or dying trees also nourish forest ecosystems.

    “Is there a better way to do it? The answer is yes,” one wildlife advocate told Zoë. “Are we doing it a better way? The answer is no.”

    But there is hope things are moving in the right direction: First Nations, government and industry have recently come together to map out the course for responsible wildfire salvage in B.C.

    D Benton Smith

    Trump talking to a room full of Zionists (who Trump is trying to get big campaign donations and other support from) is very illuminating. Jimmy Dore and his side-kick dismantling the whole shitty thing for what it might actually MEAN is also pretty damn good. Enjoy:


    Susan C:

    How has your wood stove/boiler been working during the past winter?

    D Benton Smith

    Advancement in the American (Western Empire) is dependent primarily on the size of the crime that the aspiring ladder climber is willing to commit. That’s about it. Intelligence, competence, hard work, connections, and knowledge are all still factors, of course. That’s largely how and why Trump has gotten as high up in the criminal organization as he has. But at the end of the day it still all comes down to that one question. Where is that PERSONAL line in the sand. Just how nefarious of a crime is the job applicant willing to do? The extinction of the species in a conflagration of vile Satanic debauchery is where most BUT NOT ALL would-be bigshots draw the line.

    But SOME are all inb on that prospect because they literally worship Evil and see it as a “good” thing, at least for themselves, which to them is all that matters.

    Those birds are the ones running ALL (repeat, ALL) of our institutions, governments, NGO’s corporations, etc. Jews are WAY “over represented” in that cohort of criminals because Judaism was taken over by them more than 2000 years ago and it’s gotten worse since then, BUT the Jews didn’t invent it and they are not at the “top” of it. Still, using that clue that wouldn’t be a bad place to start rolling them up. Just don’t fool yourself into believing that rooting the Satanists out of Judaism is going to magically root out all of the Satanists. It won’t. It goes WAY deeper than that, and they’ve been at it in an ORGANIZED fashion for a lot longer than a couple of millennia.

    The “Capstone” of the Cabal might not even be homo sapiens, Indeed, PROBABLY not, but that’s a story for another day.


    Interest on debt hits $1.2tn.
    Is there a list of who, and when, won’t get paid.


    We talk about “The Deep State” frequently. This article makes the case that it is actually the Inspector Generals that run the show, by directing or suppressing lawfare against political targets.

    Their (the Council’s) construct of reality is more akin to the way a corporate industrial farm executive, in suit and tie, looks upon the stewardship of livestock, or how most humans think of ants. If something is harvestable and profitable, then that respective “carbon unit” has a positive value. If something has a negative value, it is of no consequence, starved, or butchered.

    To simplify this construct as a “war” between “good” and “evil” is correct. “The Council” does not operate in a construct of morality and spiritualism.

    As the “The Council’s” operations and deceptions are unmasked, it will become clear that there is no “heaven” or “hell,” or divine accountability, from their perspective. “This” is it. “This” is all there is. There is nothing beyond our earthly dimension of concern to them, any more than there might be to a lizard.

    Do not trouble yourself yet with the “why” and pathology. When someone is treating you like livestock, it is first necessary for your immediate survival to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (“OODA”). Unless, of course, you prefer to be a well-behaved, sheered sheep on your way to the slaughterhouse.

    For the purposes of this treatise and exposé, it is sufficient that these arch-nemeses of the Constitution have names and faces, and the first phase in the deconstruction of “The Council” is exposing its key players, and how they operate.

    A root cause analysis of the reasons for “why things are the way they are” in the United States of America is that the subject (root) and the ultimate goal of these self-entitled “stewards,” is maintaining “state capture,” and “finishing the job” of self-serving objectives to an elite class, euphemized as “progressive social reconstruction,” to ensure their harvest and wealth extraction machine remains uninterrupted.

    To this end, “The Council,” in addition to controlling weaponized government agencies through the seventy-four (74) Inspectors General embedded in government agencies, controls a Political Arm, an Intelligence Arm, an Infiltration Arm, a Business Arm, a Propaganda Arm, and an Entertainment Arm.

    The Council – Who Is Running the United States of America?


    Russian Double Punch back Against Ukronazis in Kursk

    Remember Nazilensky pulled many of the best unit from other parts of the contact line to shovel into the Kursk suicide hail Mary.

    Not going well.

    The entire contact line is collapsing for Ukronaziland. So Sad ;>(

    Just a few months ago Russian advances were measured in meters per day, now they are measured in kilometers, sometimes tens of kilometers PER DAY.

    So Kursk is the graveyard of NATO/ZATO dreams gone up in smoke and the Empire of Lies is gearing up for Afghanistan 2.0 with all the attending humiliation but this time on a massive global scale of laughing stock dumbfuckery.

    The Russians are mopping up the Kursk Oblast and there are already audio posts of Ukronazi radio channels begging and screaming and pleading like little girls to extract them. So Sad ;>(

    The Duh’merican Merc Maggots too, they didn’t seem to know what 3000kg FABs could do to your position. Burnt lungs, blown out eardrums, bleeding from their lying asses. Especially because they are non stop cascades of FABs. Ka-boom, a kilometer of dead zone in one pop. And the Ukronazi Suicide Project has no fuel for the few survivng vehicles that might aloow a retreat.

    Plus Russian infra-red night hunter drones that see every nook and cranny.

    Empire of Lies Military Intel Maggots are a Total Fail.

    Figures for a bunch of chickenshit moron thugs. Duh’merica always looses since WWII, it’s how they roll

    Napoleon invaded Russia with almost 600,000 troops, less than 100k got out.

    in this latest Kursk Clusterfuck, very few Ukronazis will make it out, worst than Napoleon’s ratio.



    Anyone got a centralized list of awfulness for Kamala Harris or a superclip video of her awfulness?

    High school chum of hers – philosophy phd for that matter and college teacher, husband of a federal govt employee – came back very aggressively “Why do you oppose Kamala??!?!? She is a Champion Of Womens’ Rights (you traitor!) etc” when she mentioned via email she thinks Kamela is awful

    (what right do women have other than abortion? Do they have free speech? Does leftist uber feminist Naomi Wolf have free speech? Any Democrats campaigning for her woman’s free speech rights? Outraged at her being silenced on Twitter-X? Or do women not have the right to not agree with blue square?)

    But anyway, anyone have a concise yet thorough shitlist on Kamala? Enslaving black men and withholding exculpatory evidence are kinda bad to start with of course.


    “Harris Proposes Raising Corporate Tax Rate To 28 Percent”

    Who gives a fuck? Corporations aren’t people. Lower it to 0%. Corporations are an artificial government construct.

    “28% corporate tax” #$%@#%$#ing @#%#@%. That’s just a pass-through.

    Basically, you’re designating Corporations as SUBCONTRACTOR TAX COLLECTORS. Like ancient Rome.

    So you can PRETEND people are ONLY paying tax for 1/2 their yearly earnings instead of 3/4. Corporations collect it for the govt and then hand it off – like hiring a whole bunch of “contractors” (mercenaries) so that you can lower your casualty reports for the war you’re fighting. Like that.

    D Benton Smith

    And if you think that I’m being too hard on the “Jews”, have a listen to what Candace, Jimmy Dore and is pal have to say on the subject. Newcomers to actual history might want to brace themselves a bit.


    The Russians will destroy the last of Ukronaziland’s electrical power system….going into this Winter

    What’s left of Ukro civilians will not be able to survive the winter without power. Food, heat and public transport will be gone.

    So where do they go?

    Euroturdistan, the New Totalitarian Pigsty on the played out ass of Extreme West Asia

    More migrants, just in time for winter competing with the millions of illegal migrants from ‘else where’

    Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

    The two waves of migrants duking it out for benefits and freebees

    Should be quite a show.

    Especially in Germany with massive layoffs and a collapsing economy with no cheap gas for industry and home heating.

    The tens of billions Germany gave to Project Ukronaziland© has all gone up in smoke….

    Sure would be handy to have some of that back when the leaves finally fall….



    Whose the Bitch here?





    Dr. D

    Yes, I’ve been keeping this link warm wondering who I was going to send it to. So back to the board:

    It’s breathtaking crime, even by modern standards, and I don’t say that lightly.


    Too bad Trumps brother didn’t tell him to not fuck kids or bend over for jews. I’ll take a drunk anyday.


    Recently in the aftermath of the scamdemic a few close to me have asked for my opinion on political issues ( methinks they use antivaxxers as weathervanes).
    Asked my opinion on Harris I simply forward that threader link. It gets met with total silence.
    Kamala Harris is a total psychopath



    The election is not going to be stolen, it has been bought just like monitors in a parking lot.

    Few hundred $ exchange (if that) is the proof that “capitalism works”, by TAE resident “capitalist” (with no pot to piss in).
    In ancient times, under the different poli/eco systems, people did exchange goods for the money but did not call is a capitalism. Many times that exchange was, often, under the “duress”, if you know what I mean.
    By his (and some others too) “philosophy” Russia should ave been non-existent today (aka nothing works in soc), and yet….Power that Russia has today is derived, in part, from the previous system that they lived under.

    From me, “the one uncapable of serious discussion”.

    John Day

    They First Make Mad

    “Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.”,_they_first_make_mad

    Alastair Crooke, Revisionist Zionists dare the U.S. to pull the plug on their Nakba agenda
    ​ Israelis have been deeply divided these last years, unable to coalesce around a government. After five general elections, they decided to dismiss the Lapid/Gantz team and to put a new coalition – formed around Netanyahu and small Jewish supremacist parties – into power.
    ​ However, soon after the formation of the new government, there occurred an severe outbreak of ‘buyers’ remorse’, with a substantial segment of Israelis seemingly ready to contemplate almost anything to oust their government.
    ​ Demonstrations have occurred regularly throughout Israel to prevent the country from becoming – in the words of one former Mossad director, “a racist and violent state that cannot survive”…
    ​..Most people outside Israel tend to lump together different, and often opposing views in Israel, solely through the reductive perspective of seeing all these diverse actors as being Jews and Zionists of slightly differing hues.
    ​ They couldn’t be more wrong. There is an existential divide; there are diverse forms of Zionism: The divisions go to the very meaning of what it means to be a Jew. Benjamin Netanyahu is a ‘revisionist Zionist’ i.e. a follower of Vladimir Jabotinsky (for whom his father Benzion Netanyahu served as private secretary): ‘Revisionist Zionism’ is the polar opposite to the cultural Zionism of the World Jewish Congress.
    ​ As a young man, Netanyahu professed that Palestine is “a land without a people for a people without a land”. He was consequently in favour of expelling all Arab ‘blow-ins’ (as he saw them). Furthermore, he advocated the idea that the State of Israel extends “from the Nile to the Euphrates”.
    ​ However, during his 16 years as prime minister, Netanyahu was perceived as having moderated (become more pragmatic), but still devious. With hindsight, maybe he simply adapted to the times. Or possibly, he was practicing Straussian ‘double-truth’ – the practice which Leo Strauss taught his followers as the only means of preserving ‘true’ Judaism within the encompassing ‘liberal-European’ (largely Ashkenazi) ethos. Strauss’ ‘esoterism’ (drawn from Maimonides, the early Jewish mystic), was one of outwardly professing a ‘worldly thing’, whilst inwardly preserving a completely contrasting esoteric reading of the world.
    ​ Just to be clear: Revisionist Zionists (of which Netanyahu is one), include Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon who demonstrated that of which they were capable with the Nakba (the mass expulsion of Palestinians) in 1948.
    ​ Netanyahu is of this ‘line’ – and so is a key dominant faction in Washington.​..
    The ‘war’ with Washington, post-7 Oct
    ​ At first, Washington reacted with unreflective and immediate support for Israel, vetoing various UNSC ceasefire resolutions and fully provisioning Israel’s military needs for the destruction of the Palestinian enclave in Gaza. It was unthinkable in the U.S.’ Establishment eyes, to do anything other than support Israel. Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge (QME) is enshrined as being one of the foundational structures supporting the brittle branch on which U.S. hegemony rests.
    ​ Ordinary Americans (and some in the Administration) however, were watching the horrors of genocide ‘live’ on their cell phones. The Democratic Party started to fracture badly. The ‘power-brokers’ in the backroom began to put pressure on the Israeli war cabinet to negotiate the release of the hostages and conclude a ceasefire in Gaza – hoping for a return to the status quo ante.​
    But Netanyahu’s government – in various tautological ways – said ‘no’, unashamedly playing on the 7 October trauma of its citizens, to assert the need to destroy Hamas.
    ​ Washington somewhat belatedly came to understand that 7 October was now the pretext for Jabotinsky’s followers to do what they had always wanted to do: To expel the Palestinians from Palestine.
    ​ The Israeli message was perfectly ‘received and understood’ by Washington’s ruling strata: The Revisionist Zionists (who represent about 2 million Israelis) intended cynically to impose their will on the Anglo-Saxons; to threaten them with igniting war with the world, in which the U.S. would ‘burn’: They would not hesitate to plunge the U.S. into a wide regional war, should the White House try to undercut the neo-Nakba project.
    ​ In spite of the absolute support Israel has across Washington, it seems that the ruling class decided that the ‘Revisionist stratagem’ ultimatum could not be tolerated. A crucial U.S. election was in train. U.S. soft power around the World was collapsing. Anyone around the globe watching events unfold understood that killing 40,000+ innocent people had nothing to do with eliminating Hamas…
    ..To understand the nature of this occult war between the Revisionist Zionists and Washington, it is necessary to revisit Leo Strauss, a German Jew, who had left Germany in 1932 under the auspices of a Rockefeller Foundation grant, finally to arrive in the U.S. in 1938.
    ​ The point here is that the ideas at play in this ideological struggle are not just about Israelis and Palestinians. They are about control and power. The essence of the present Israeli government’s agenda – particularly its controversial Legal Reform – are pure Leo Strauss derivatives.
    ​ The concern amongst U.S. rulers was that Netanyahu’s agenda was becoming an exercise in pure Straussian power – at the expense of secular American power…​
    ..Revisionist notions are shared by the influential group of Americans that formed about this Professor of Philosophy – Leo Strauss – at the University of Chicago. Many accounts report that he had formed a small inner group of faithful Jewish students to whom he gave private oral instruction: The esoteric inner meaning to politics was centred, hearsay recounts, on asserting political hegemony as the means to guard against a new Shoah (holocaust).
    ​ The core of Strauss’s thought – the theme to which he would return time and again – is what he called the curious polarity between Jerusalem and Athens. What did these two names signify? On the surface, it would seem that Jerusalem and Athens represent two fundamentally different, even antagonistic, codes or ways of life.
    ​ The Bible, Strauss held, presents itself not as a philosophy or a science, but as a code of law; an unchangeable divine law mandating how we should live. In fact, the first five books of the Bible are known in the Jewish tradition as the Torah and ‘Torah’ is perhaps most literally translated as ‘Law’. The attitude taught by the Bible is not one of self-reflection or critical examination – but of absolute obedience, faith, and trust in Revelation. If the paradigmatic Athenian is Socrates, the paradigmatic biblical figure is Abraham and the Akedah (the binding of Isaac), who is prepared to sacrifice his son for an unintelligible divine command…
    ..The U.S. Straussians began forming a political group half a century ago, in 1972. They were all members of Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s staff, and included Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and David Wurmser. In 1996, this Straussians trio wrote a study for the new Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. This report (the Clean Break Strategy) advocated the elimination of Yasser Arafat; the annexation of the Palestinian territories; a war against Iraq and the transfer of Palestinians there. Netanyahu was very much a member of this circle.
    ​ The Strategy was inspired not only by the political theories of Leo Strauss, but also by those of his friend, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, to whom Netanyahu’s father served as private secretary.
    ​ For the avoidance of confusion, the American Straussians – today usually called ‘neo-cons’ – are not in principle opposed to the Netanyahu government’s Nakba agenda. It was not Gazans suffering that exercised them; rather, it was the threats by the Revisionist Zionists to launch an attack on Iran and on Lebanon. For, were this war to be launched, the Israeli army – for certain – would not be able to defeat Hezbollah on its own. And for Israel to wage war on Iran would amount to certifiable madness.
    ​ Thus to save Israel, the U.S. undoubtedly would be forced to intervene…
    ​..The only alternative for the U.S. would be to encourage a military coup in Tel Aviv. Already, some senior officers and non-commissioned Israeli officers have come together to suggest this. In March 2024, General Benny Gantz was invited to Washington (against the wishes of the PM). He did not, however, accept the invitation to overthrow the Prime Minister. He went to make sure that he could still save Israel, and that his allies in the U.S. would not turn against the Israeli military cadre.
    ​ This may seem odd. But the reality is that the IDF feels undermined, even betrayed. The agreement struck at the outset of the government between Netanyahu and Itamar Ben-Gvir (of Otzma Yehudit) – was the outlier to this anxiety.
    ​ The governmental accord provided for Ben-Gvir to head an autonomous armed force in the West Bank. He was given charge not only of the national police, but also the border police, which until then, had been the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence…
    ..Ben-Gvir is a Kahanist, meaning a disciple of Rabbi Meir Kahane, who demands the expulsion of Palestinian Arab citizens from Israel and the Occupied Territories and the establishment of a theocracy, and he makes little secret of wanting to use the border police to expel the Palestinian populations, be they Muslim or Christian.
    ​ Ben Gvir’s official forces represent, as Benny Gantz noted, a ‘private army’. But that is the half of it – for he separately holds the allegiance of hundreds of thousand West Bank settler-vigilantes over whom the radical Rabbi, Dov Lior and his coterie of radical Jabotinsky Rabbi influencers, have control.
    ​ The regular army fears these vigilantes – as we saw at Sde Teiman military base – when Ben Gvir’s militia vigilantes stormed the base, to protect soldiers accused of raping Palestinian prisoners…
    ​..The IDF élite want a ceasefire/hostage deal, primarily to ‘stop Ben-Gvir’ – not because it resolves Israel’s Palestinian issue. It doesn’t.
    ​ But Netanyahu’s ultimatum is that if the Haniyeh assassination isn’t sufficient to plunge the U.S. into the Big War that will give him (Netanyahu) the Great Victory, he can always trigger a bigger provocation: Ben Gvir also controls the Temple Mount security – there is always the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa escalatory ladder available for climbing (through threatening the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque).​
    ​ America is trapped. The power-brokers are unhappy, but impotent.​

    ​ As Israel Recovers Bodies Of 6 Hostages, Victims’ Families Blast Netanyahu For No Deal​ Killed by American bombs, perhaps?
    ​ The Israeli military (IDF) on Tuesday announced the recovery of six hostage bodies from the Gaza Strip. They have all been identified as victims who had been kidnapped alive on Oct.7: Avraham Munder, Alex Dancyg, Chaim Peri, Yagev Buchshtab, Yoram Metzger, and Nadav Popplewell.
    The grim fact that most of the IDF’s recent recoveries are of deceased persons doesn’t bode well for the remainder 109 hostages, who have been held prisoners of Hamas in a raging war zone for more than ten months.
    The Hostages Families and Missing Forum called on the Israeli government to “do everything in its power” to finalize a long-delayed agreement to gain the release of the rest. More are feared already dead.
    ​ “Israel has a moral and ethical obligation to return all the murdered for dignified burial and to bring all living hostages home for rehabilitation,” the group said. “The immediate return of the remaining 109 hostages can only be achieved through a negotiated deal.”
    ​ On Monday we noted that Secretary Blinken while in Tel Aviv issued words praising Netanyahu for accepting a US-proposed ceasefire, but one that doesn’t actually exist within the framework of real negotiations with Hamas.
    ​ A mere 12 hours later, Netanyahu told the hostage victims’ family members in a meeting that “I’m not sure there will be a deal, but if there is a deal – the deal will be one that preserves … Israel’s strategic assets.”​

    ​ Blinken Praises Netanyahu’s Acceptance Of Gaza Truce Deal That Doesn’t Exist
    ​US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in Tel Aviv in what both called “a very good and important meeting.”​ ​Blinken touted that Netanyahu has accepted latest US proposal on a Gaza ceasefire deal, and now he’s urging that Hamas “must do the same”…
    ..But the reality is that this is Blinken’s ninth visit to Israel since the war began after the Hamas terror attack of Oct.7, and each and every trip has been filled with statements of the voicing a US “ironclad” commitment to Israel’s security and simultaneous declarations that a truce as at the ‘goal line’.
    ​ And yet the same blame-game always quickly ensues following such empty declarations, over the question of who is to blame for ultimately blowing supposedly ever-so close to the goal line deal – though realistically it doesn’t seem there is a viable deal on the table at all…
    ..On the recent build-up of Pentagon assets in the region, Blinken claimed that Washington does “not want to provoke aggression” but rather it’s all about deterrence, and “also to make clear that if it does, we are fully prepared to defend Israel.”
    ​ Meanwhile, Blinken on the ground in Tel Aviv, Al Jazeera is reporting that IDF strikes across Gaza have expanded and are relentless…
    ​..According to the latest AJ newswire headline: Senior Hamas Official says they agreed to proposal made by Biden and the US administration failed to convince Netanyahu of it, Al Jazeera reports.​

    John Day

    ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 318: Gazans given new evacuation orders as Netanyahu insists on additional ceasefire conditions​

    ​ Egypt agrees to Israeli control of Gaza border in return for Rafah reopening
    Cairo to allow Israel to keep soldiers in Philadelphi Corridor or build an underground barrier – but the border crossing must be operated by Palestinians​

    ​ Israel Premier Netanyahu refused to meet ​(bitch) UK Foreign Secretary over anger at ICC decision – report
    ​ Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, reportedly refused to meet British Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, during his visit to Israel last week, apparently over the United Kingdom’s withdrawal of its objections to the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrants for top Israeli officials.
    ​ On Friday last week, Lammy embarked on a joint trip to Israel with French Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejourne, in which they met their Israeli counterpart, Israel Katz, and the Minister of Strategic Affairs, Ron Dermer. During his visit, Lammy called for a ceasefire and warned of a “dangerous moment” for the wider region.
    ​ Lammy had also reportedly been aiming to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to Israeli media outlets such as Channel 13 News and The Times of Israel, but he had refused to meet the British Foreign Secretary due to an apparent scheduling conflict. The refusal was despite multiple requests by the British government for a meeting with the Israeli Premier.
    ​ Citing unnamed Israeli sources, the outlets reported that Netanyahu was angered by the UK’s new Labour government led by Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, due to his recent decision to withdraw British objections to the ICC’s efforts to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant.​

    65% of Israeli Jews oppose criminal prosecution for soldiers suspected of raping Palestinian detainees​

    ​ British Foreign Office official resigns over Israel arms sales, war crimes in Gaza
    ​The resignation email was sent to a wide set of distribution lists including hundreds of government officials, embassy staff and special advisors to Foreign Office ministers.
    ​ Smith said he had previously worked in Middle East arms export licensing assessment for the government and “each day” colleagues were witnessing “clear and unquestionable examples” of war crimes and breaches of international humanitarian law by Israel in Gaza.
    ​ “Senior members of the Israeli government and military have expressed open genocidal intent, Israeli soldiers take videos deliberately burning, destroying and looting civilian property,” he wrote.
    ​ “Whole streets and universities have been demolished, humanitarian aid is being blocked and civilians are regularly left with no safe quarter to flee to. Red Crescent ambulances have been attacked, schools and hospitals are regularly targeted. These are War Crimes.”
    ​ He stressed there was “no justification for the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel”.​

    John Day

    ​ Scottish government suspends all meetings with Israel
    ‘The Scottish Government does not support any normalisation of its relations with the Israeli Government during this period,’ says External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson​

    ​ Israel Is Holding Thousands of Palestinians Captive — Including Children
    ​ In October 2023, Fadiah Barghouti’s home in Ramallah was raided by Israeli forces. Soldiers broke down her door and smashed everything that they could get their hands on. They were searching for her son Basel, whom they beat along with her other son, saying they would all “pay the price for supporting Hamas.” It was a claim Barghouti was familiar with: Her husband Mahmoud is currently being held in an Israeli prison for the same unsubstantiated charge, as he has been on and off for 10 of the last 30 years.
    ​ Still, Barghouti was unwilling to lose Basel, a computer engineering student at Birzeit University, to the abyss of the Israeli prison system. She began advocating for his release, along with other Palestinian detainees like her husband, on social media, in interviews and at public demonstrations. So, in February, Israeli forces arrested her too.
    ​ “I experienced the meaning of the stories that we have heard about Guantánamo,” Barghouti told Truthout.
    ​ Barghouti and her son are among the more than 10,000 Palestinian men, women and children who have been arrested by Israeli forces since October 7. Taken into custody in violent raids and held indefinitely without charge under conditions that include hunger, torture and even death, many Palestinian detainees are essentially held hostage by the Israeli prison system.​

    ​ Prolonging the genocide is a smokescreen for Israel’s other war in the West Bank​
    Since coming to power in December 2022, Netanyahu’s latest government has approved 12,000 new housing units for illegal settlements, while ordering the demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes and other civilian infrastructure.
    ​ In the first three months of 2024, Israel declared nearly 6,000 acres of the West Bank to be “state-owned land”, and therefore made it eligible for settlement construction. The decision was described by the Israeli watchdog Peace Now as the “largest West Bank land grab in 30 years.”
    ​ The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is already under way. According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, in the first half of 2024 alone, at least 1,000 Palestinians were forcefully displaced while nearly 160,000 were affected by home demolitions.
    ​ The Israeli war on the West Bank has come at a high price in Palestinian blood.​

    ​ UNRWA loses touch with many staff in Gaza, learning of deaths UNRWA Chief of Staff Ben Majekodunmi told Sputnik
    ​ He explained that “communication is very limited. Many of our employees can not work, in particular, because all schools are closed since October 7, or because they are taking care of their children.”
    ​ “Over 205 UNRWA employees have died in Gaza as we are gradually receiving information on casualties. For instance, recently we have learned about the death of our colleague killed in January,” the official said.
    ​ Majekodunmi added that 135 children of UNRWA staff have been murdered in Gaza.​–learning-of-death

    ​ Nearly 1/3rd of Entire U.S. Navy Deployed to Middle East: Israel-Iran Fight Coming
    ​The longer Iran takes to retaliate against Israel for the assassination of Ismail Heniyeh in Tehran a few weeks ago, the more force the US moves into position to “defend” Israel.​

    John Day

    ​ House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family
    The 291-page report lays out evidence of the Biden family’s foreign payments and the family patriarch’s role in meeting or speaking with partners.​
    ​ “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” the committee’s concluded in the the report released the day Biden was to be honored at the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
    ​ “Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,” the executive summary added.​..
    ​..The committee’s investigation found Hunter Biden and other family members received over $27 million from foreign sources. These funds were often obscured in “shell companies” to hide their true origins, the committee says. Some of the funds sent from China, for example, ended up directly in Joe Biden’s bank account…
    ..“Then-Vice President Biden met or spoke with nearly every one of the Biden family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. As a result, the Biden family has received millions of dollars from these foreign entities,” the report reads.​..
    ​..The IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who worked together on the Hunter Biden investigation, approached Congress last year with complaints that the Justice Department was improperly giving Biden “preferential treatment” to avoid filing charges against him.​..
    ..Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf—a deputy to Weiss—intervened to stop a search warrant at Joe Biden’s Delaware home over “optics” concerns despite admitting there would be evidence at that location, Shapley testified.​

    ​ The 90% spending cut at Twitter/X looks like it might apply: Trump would like Musk to be his adviser if he wins election — news agency
    US ex-President said that he will offer to the businessman a position​

    ​ Meta permanently bans The Cradle in latest attack on free speech
    The social media giant has singled out an independent West Asian media outlet, as it intensifies its crackdown on Palestinian and regional voices, both on its platforms and among its employees​

    ​ Biden says Gaza protesters ‘have a point’ after thousands gather at DNC
    ​ Thousands of marchers took to the streets for a mostly peaceful protest near the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on its opening day, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to US support for Israel.
    ​ But several demonstrators were arrested when dozens of them broke through a security fence around the Chicago venue.
    The turnout appeared to be well below the tens of thousands that organisers had hoped for and short of the 15,000 they claimed turned out.
    ​ Later in the evening, President Joe Biden acknowledged that the protesters “out on the street have a point” in his primetime convention farewell speech.
    “A lot of innocent people are being killed, on both sides,” he said, adding that a US-brokered ceasefire – which has so far proved elusive – was necessary.
    ​ Protests in Chicago have highlighted divisions among Democrats over one of the most contentious issues on the left of American politics, US support for Israel’s war in Gaza.​

    ​ Harris Refuses to Participate in Televised Debate on September 4, Trump Says
    ​ “Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th,” Trump said on social media. “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in.”
    Trump noted that instead of the debate on that day, Fox will host a televised meeting with him in Pennsylvania.​

    John Day

    ​ Study Shows 84% of Media Coverage of Kamala is Positive, 89% of Trump is Negative​ [Kennedy is never mentioned, ghostlike…]
    ​ And while Republican Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance and his Democratic counterpart, Tim Walz, have received nearly equal amounts of airtime, the networks have celebrated Walz (62% positive press) and punished Vance (92% negative).​

    ​ Don Lemon Hits The Streets and Can’t Find A Single Kamala Harris Voter
    He thought he’d hit up New Jersey and ask them who they’re voting for, Trump or Harris.
    I’m sure Lemon thought he’d get a bunch of Kamala support, but turns out he got NONE!
    You have to understand how this works, this is a 2:00 clip that was no doubt edited down from much longer raw footage.
    And you have to assume if even ONE person said Kamala Harris, he would have included that somewhere in the 2 minutes.​

    ​ Same story: Ex-CNN host Don Lemon surprised by New Jersey voters’ take on election: ‘Four years ago, it was a lot better’ One voter said he ‘made a lot more money’ four years ago

    ​ Harris Polls “Much Less Rosy” Than Reported, SuperPAC Admits
    ​ Mark Davin Harris of political consulting firm ColdSpark says they’re seeing a “historic response bias on surveys that is setting the table for a large polling miss this fall.”​ Diving right in, Harris says pollsters are essentially injecting unreported bias into polls by targeting subgroups more likely to answer the way they want.​

    ​ Kamala Refuses to Hire Unvaxxed for Campaign
    ​ “Harris for President requires all employees to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign’s COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department*prior to reporting to an office location.”​

    John Day

    ​ “Unvaccinated”? RFK Jr. Refutes Report That He Approached Harris For Cabinet Position

    ​ RFK Jr Campaign Mulling “Joining Forces With Trump” Because We ‘Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency’
    ​ Just days after refuting reports that RFK Jr approached Harris for a cabinet position, his running mate, Nicole Shanahan just dropped a bombshell during a podcast that could change the race considerably.
    ​Appearing on the ‘Impact Theory’ podcast (that was filmed yesterday), Shanahan said they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump:
    ​ “There’s two options that we’re looking at…​ and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump.​ Or we walk away right now and join forces with with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”​
    ​ Shanahan is clearly disillusioned at the anti-democratic methods that the Democratic Party have pulled to stall RFK Jr’s progress:​ “…the DNC made it impossible for us…
    …they have banned us, shadow-banned us. kept us off stages. manipulated polls. used lawfare against us. sued us in every possible State. They’ve even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it, and to create actual legal issues for us.​ I mean the extent by which the sabotage they’ve unleashed upon us is mindblowing.”

    ​ You can always sell unused bricks if nobody picks them up this week… Pallets of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC; Antifa prepares for ‘summer of rage’
    ​ Suspicious deliveries of bricks have been reported in multiple locations across Chicago as the city braces for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) ‘Hell Week.’ Concerns mount as residents and officials recall similar tactics used by Antifa in past protests that erupted into widespread violence.​

    ​ Russia plans to raise the topic of the acts of sabotage at the Nord Stream gas pipelines at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said.​ “Of course, at some point we will bring it to the attention of the Security Council, most likely the open briefing,” he told journalists.​

    ​ Gilbert Doctorow, Kyiv plans to intensify attacks on Russian military
    ​ The big discussion on Russian television in recent days has been the possible, in fact the likely, use of a different weapon, a long-range missile that is US-manufactured by Lockheed. It’s called JASSM, J-A-S-S-M. ​[Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile] That has a 400-kilometer range in one variant and a 900-kilometer range in the other. ​ However, the most salient fact about this missile is it is in the stealth program. That is to say, it would be introducing a new weapon system for which the Russians do not yet have any answer, and this would be fitted on F-16s. ​ You would place two of these on each F-16. The Russians have made it perfectly clear that if this proceeds– and they have reason to believe that those missiles have been dispatched by the United States to Poland, probably to Romania, and possibly also have been, through Moldova, been handed over to Ukrainians– if the use of that begins, then we will have a new stage in this war…​
    ​..If they are introduced, the Russians have already said what they will do. They will use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy the bases from which those F-16s are stationed. That is most likely in Moldova, and quite possibly in Romania. But let me explain why they would use nuclear weapons, because people who have been in contact with me, readers of my blogs, have said, “Why use nuclear when you can destroy the F-16s with conventional Russian missiles, the Iskander?”
    ​ The reason is very simple. Russian nuclear doctrine is changing as we talk. And Russia, if it decides to destroy the F-16s, will do so very likely with tactical nuclear weapons to deliver a very strong message to NATO, which is: don’t even think of escalating further, because we will be in nuclear war.​

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