A few days ago, we had this headline:
“Climate Change In The Land Of Santa Claus (Ind.) ”
As usual, it takes time to work out where reality lies. Furthermore, it is easy for someone who has only been in Finland for 18 years to come out with statements such as “In my very first fieldwork, 300km (186 miles) above the Arctic Circle, it was 20°C below zero on 31 October – really the Arctic feeling by the end of October,”
However, 18 years is a very short period of time and her statements lack objective data. Bringing in Saint Nikolas – who was Greek and lived in what is today called Turkey – is just a bit of emotive baggage.
Here is what it was like last January in Lapland:
Extreme weather in Finland: Cold record snaps at -41.7C (-43F)
As for snow in the Northern Hemisphere, it has been increasing for the past 25 years and is back where it was 50 years ago:

Snowcover Increasing Since 1950s, But Newsweek’s Reality Is That Christmas Snow May Soon Be History
(22 December 2017 Newsweek)
It goes without saying that the southern hemisphere (90% ocean) has been cooling for quite some while:
12 New Papers: North Atlantic, Pacific, And Southern Oceans Are Cooling As Glaciers Thicken, Gain Mass
Personally, I always prefer data which has not been tampered with (e.g. Australian temperature data)
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