Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2024


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    Giuseppe Arcimboldo Four elements – Air 1566   • Musk Derangement Syndrome (AmG) • Musk Makes Startling AI Prediction (RT) • Elon Musk Is Winning
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2024]

    Just Some Randomer

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Raúl, and heartfelt thanks for all you do here every day without fail.

    Dr. D

    “German Minister Says Suspect In Christmas Market Attack Does Not Fit ‘Any Existing Mold’

    Maybe. Our only point was it’s ludicrous to call it AfD. If you look, it’s contradictory, both his own German Muslim groups and Saudi said he was dangerous and mentally ill, his arguments seemed to wander all over the place. But Sargon pointed out that, if you’re pro German, and things don’t happen the way you like, you don’t say, firebomb the government. That’s not the “German” way. And you DEFINITELY don’t kill a hundred “Christians”, random, normal, Germans. That’s unthinkable twice removed. However, that is not far from the culture of Islam and the Middle East: if people piss me off enough, I ACT, I go to war against them, vigorously, suddenly, and overwhelmingly. I conquer. That’s not to say everyone does that there, just that IF they do (because maybe they’re mentally ill) they express it in this way. That may be why, in the Middle East, the Governments behave in ways we personally do not approve of. The only way to keep order is to be tough, sharp, and overwhelming. Like Saudi.

    “How Stanford’s Garry Nolan Came To Research UFOs
    ‘The government has already said UFOs are real in some ways. … At least, the data is real,’ said the scientist.”

    That’s crazy: everyone knows if he looks at data he’s not a Scientist. Tell me when you read that sentence and come to “UFOs” you don’t say “Oh well, that’s all over then.” We know before we know because we never look.

    “These Are America’s Top Health Insurance Companies By State
    The U.S. health insurance industry is highly concentrated, with a single insurer having at least a 50% market share in 13 U.S. states…”

    That’s because all these insurers are so successful and well loved. No one can compete because they do their jobs so well, rapidly, efficiently, with no waste of cost or paper, giving the best outcomes in their States. No? Then explain why their Capitalist competition hasn’t unseated them since they’re the worst on the planet.

    “Under Trump, Will Keystone XL Remain A Pipe Dream?

    We have to build this and we have to flip Canada, because we have giant oil fields in the North we’re about to “Discover”. Odd how the pipeline is now built before the discovery. Ask Syria.

    “Syria’s Jolani Vows To Disarm The Pentagon-Backed Kurds: no room for Kurdish militants in Syria’s future…”

    Sooooo…that means they’re all going to stay in Turkey then? There are only so many options. Btw, that isn’t one of them. Kurdistan is well-armed and will shoot everyone.

    “’Back To South Africa’: Democrats Call For Biden To Deport Elon Musk
    “Let’s DRAIN THE SWAMP and make this non-us-native GO BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM…”

    Why do they hate African-Americans and Immigrants so much? He’s a U.S. citizen now, is that it?

    “FBI covered-up the massive bribery-and-treason story concealed in Hunter’s laptop. And that for four years since then those people around “Joe Biden” have pretended to the world that he was doing his job, that he was okay,” — Kustler

    Yes, and as no one notices, no one mentions, that’s TREASON. So WHO is, has been, signing all these laws and giving orders all this time. Only yesterday, OMG media released that National Security had Biden call up, ask where he was. They said, “You’re on a trip, and the Sullivan guy you’re looking for is with you.” Then he hung up and called again, having forgotten he just called. They say he can’t hold a pen. SO WHOEVER IS SIGNING IS A TRAITOR, coup, usurping, overthrowing the Presidency and the Country. This isn’t “This just happened, whatever”, it’s so EVERY law, order, and pardon you passed are all now going to be annulled, right? As would be the bare minimum of legal?

    There is a PROCESS for this. And Kamala is in control of it. Remember her? She’s still VP, she’s still right there, approving everything. Soooo…you should impeach, arrest, try for treason and sedition all THOSE people in the 25A chain of command? Probably.

    Totally ignored. Happens 16 hours a day, every day. It wasn’t happening even while it was happening, for 4 years and 1461 days.

    “It was only one big lie among the thousands of lies put over by the conspiracy between that gang in the White House and the perfidious organs of the news,”

    Yes, those other lies were also “Crimes.” Maybe not the NYT ones (some were) but among those other lies were refusing to discharge your office, overlooking felonies, or committing them.

    As above the WaPo is “Expose!” on how “WE colluded and didn’t report on jack the whole time, even before the 1st election!” Yeah, that’s YOU. YOU are reporting that YOU did not do your job, trust us. Then the reader say, “Huh” now that you’ve admitted to being a liar for years or decades, we totally believe you now, aren’t mad, and will up our subscription, since certainly after all this, there’s no way you will lie at me tomorrow, right? Again, no one notices. Doesn’t even occur to them. They don’t care, they don’t act. You get in more trouble if you forget to add the extra creamers at the McDonald’s Drive-Thru.

    What’s more? “it looks an awful lot as though these journalists — in fact, the whole elite intelligentsia across America — are [STILL] gaslighting themselves, still pretending …”

    Yes, have to be, since they’re reporting that they weren’t reporting, and not reporting that they are themselves, personally, the reporters that failed to report. And should be fired, run out on a rail, and discredited for a lifetime. CNN was like “I wonder if I should have pushed harder…” By “looked harder” you mean Looked at ALL? You mean the exact #Opposite, because the way you asked and pushed was 100% to COVER Biden, by all and every means, to lie, cheat, suppress evidence OF OUR OWN EYES, as Biden couldn’t get off a STAGE? YOU “pushed harder” to cover that. There’s the middle where you didn’t notice. Asking questions is the diametric #opposite action and direction. You got everyone that asked, fired, discredited, doxxed, and perhaps murdered. They’re Nazi sympathizers, doncha know. “Asking Questions is Treason.” The only thing we don’t have in America is free speech. When I want your opinion I’ll beat it out of you.

    “The next €30 billion of transferred stolen assets will allegedly pay off Ukraine’s full deficit.” –Armstrong

    That’s because they’re broke. Europe is paying themselves USING Russia’s stolen money. And Ukraine: Free healthcare, full pensions, no deficit. …Unlike the United States. As NC just did, if we rename ourselves “Ukraine” can we get some of that $300B down here? A: No, you are not Kazars.

    “Ukraine will no longer exist as a nation when this is over based on our computer models. …These nations are teetering on the edge by using these assets as collateral.”

    Why “teetering”? Why does nothing ever happen?

    “US to Withhold Aid to Sierra Leone over Abortion” – Armstrong

    Otherwise known as “We’re going to kill people if you don’t kill people.”

    “Kill? Kill. Kill!!! Blood gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL.” And I started jumpin up and down yelling, “KILL, KILL,” and
    he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down
    yelling, “KILL, KILL.” And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me,
    sent me down the hall, said, “You’re our boy.
    …Don’t feel too good about it.” — Arlo Guthrie

    That’s what happens when you’re a worldwide #DeathCult. Either YOU’RE going to kill them all or I’M going to kill them all but Chop Chop! I got a quota to meet. We’re on the clock here.

    Bonus question: so is that pushing #DemocraticValues in foreign policy, or is that pushing #RepublicanValues?

    Why they hate Elon Musk:

    Their process is to speak, then be kowtowed and submitted to. If they can’t get that immediately (because the other person is too busy to make them go away) then they ESCALATE and level of bullying, violence, and “ask” again. If THAT doesn’t work, they escalate AGAIN until the level of violence is so high, the other party decides it isn’t worth it and backs down, ignoring them because they’re pointless and powerless and real people have things to do. Because for “normal” people who know violence, getting into a fight with a deranged lunatic is senseless and it’s easier to leave the bar. Dental is expensive, even if you win.

    Yeah, Elon doesn’t do that. He has time to spar with them all day and there’s no escalation of doubling down that outruns getting him fired and broke. They’ve been trained a lifetime at this, since they were toddlers, not spanked when they desperately needed it, and they don’t have any other life-patterns. So to them, when Daddy doesn’t back down, Mommy doesn’t obey, their world is ending. They literally are at wit’s end and don’t know what to do next, their egos collapse, their brains seize up at being called to this thing called “maturity.” They have a nervous breakdown and literally think you’re killing them.

    Speaking of their endless and universe-bending immaturity, notes on the Drone thing: Note that NO ONE CARES. We are bored AF. We don’t even care enough to shoot them, the media is going non-stop to force us to even look ‘cause we’re busy with Netflix and DGAF. Hey, is that a sign it’s all an Op, a scam? A fake invasion? Who’s running it, ’cause it sure ain’t us!

    That’s like yesterday when Don Lemon went “down in the streets, yo” and interviewed a (black) man about how “Everyone says Elon is the new President, Trump is VP”. He was like, “Literally no one says that”. Lemon says “Here, Google it, I’ll show you every E-X-P-E-R-T and AUTHORITY says that. Like me!!!!” They guys says, “Get outta here with that stuff, nobody says that, nobody I know has ever said that, and this is why everyone says you lie and make s—t up, nobody believes a word in media.”

    …I know, right? How was this aired on TV?

    So THAT is the level of “Just making s—t up”, “War of the Worlds!!!” On all channels, every day!!

    Anyway, THEIR statement, FOR 80 YEARS! Has been, “We can’t tell the people about UFOs because they’ll go berserk! Run rampant in the streets! Kill everything! Cats and Dogz, living together, Mass HYSTERIA!!!” 80 years they’ve had non-stop photo evidence, and we don’t know what that evidence IS because they always hid it with this same argument: National Security.

    Guess what? YOU’RE ALL WRONG. Not a single human cares. You see, YOU would have gotten scared, you “Elites” and psychopaths. YOU would have gone berserk, blown them out of the sky. YOU would have lost your minds if something flew – a single sparrow – that you weren’t in control of. YOU do that. Because YOU, elites, CEOs, Presidents, Generals, are all g-d d—-d mentally ill violent narcissistic psychopaths. Don’t lay your crap on us!

    How do we know? They SAY the same thing, publicize it in every movie: YOU Rednecks shoot first. If not for US, you’d collapse into violent anarchy and mass-murder in SECONDS. Seconds I say!!!! No, we would not: YOU would. They primed this with every movie “Independence Day” “San Andreas”, “Shaun of the Dead” “Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow”. No Doritos? Seconds later, BATMAN! The Joker blows up the city! (Except that was the point, in that movie NEITHER ferry blew the other up?)

    Okay, so what happens, total Northeast blackout, every city including NY, a test-run for the big day they want to topple, have that race war they’ve been cookin’ up for 40 years? Nothing. Nothing happened AT ALL. People got out of their cars on the Brooklyn Bridge and walked home, past the Bodegas where people were chatting on the sidewalk, going in and the cashier says, “Yeah, might as well just take that home, it’s only going to spoil in the cooler anyway.” Nothing. People quietly and orderly went home, shared food and stories, checked on each other, helped each other out. Nothing. Happened.

    …Just like they’ve been trying and SURE, certain, the Rednecks will rebel and shoot-em-up, take a swing we can repress like a Waco Hammer. Nope. RUSSIA will be violent, stupid, take a swing, nuke everybody for their egos. Nope.

    Because that’s what YOU would do. You minority of soulless, conscienceless, non-human psychopaths. And you think you are like US. No, you are like an alien race to us. Not “human” at all.

    Anyway, so now we finally test that “Alien Invasion” thingie. What happened? People rioting! Taking over courthouses for answers! Demanding Government save them! Religions collapse! Nations fall! Aiiiiiiii!!!!!
    All on live TV as “The Revolution Will be Televised” (so you know ‘It’s Happening!!!’). Now’s the time to shoot up that neighbor and rob his place, rape his wife and steal his territory. …You know, like WE would.

    Nope. The People of the world COULD NOT BE MORE BORED with your s—t. Not that we won’t shoot them out of the sky sometime. But they’d have to DO something first.

    …Actually, since no one DGAF and they’re pissed off we don’t care about their puppet show, they’re actually trying this now. Zooming up, and “Dropping buckets of things on us” like powder n’ stuff, in NJ. …Cause that’s exactly what inter-galactic alien types would do. Amirite? No I am not kidding, go search the vids.

    Oh My God. The stupid. No. We were NEVER scared of Aliens, UFOs, NOTHING was ever going to happen, not now, not in 1952. You just DIDN’T WANNA tell us so you could keep that POWER. How conveeeenient. Isn’t that Special?

    And now 80 years later you realize after Kennedy, every year that you don’t tell us gets worse and we’ll be just that much more pissed off at YOU, discrediting YOU if you don’t. But you can’t, because that would be giving up and sharing POWER with us. The People. So EIGHTY YEARS goes by. Soooo….Y’all gonna tell us now, huh? This is how you do it?

    Suuuuure. And you notice who we’re mad at, Luigi. And it ain’t the “Aliens”.

    “Senator Rand Paul says he controls one committee – and will use it to ram through all of Trumps’ Cabinet nominees he can through it ASAP.”

    Because the alternative is…what? He’s a Republican so he STOPS his party’s nominations? “Rams them through” as SLOWLY as possible? WTF are you talking about??? How about this:

    WHEN the President is seated, naturally we want to confirm our people as quickly as possible so they can do the nation’s work. Naturally our goal is to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of that.”

    That’s called “Normal”. There’s no “Ramming through” at all. The Opposition Party OPPOSES. That’s called “Normal”. Everything is “Normal”.

    “• Musk Makes Startling AI Prediction (RT) “Startling to who? People who never read a headline?

    What does “Smarter” mean? Can anyone define “Intelligence”? Sure seems like some of the smartest people — Kalahari Bushmen — would rate the dumbest, while the smartest people – Oppenheimer – are quite clearly and definitively the dumbest. Sooo…

    Anyway, thought experiment: suppose we could borrow 2% of the top intelligence of all 8B people and put it in one person or computer, like StarTrekTOS. How would that work? Would that be smart or stupid? Because what I see is, IF you could do that, immediately all the OTHER people would stop working and improving themselves and just ASK the central supercomputer for answers. Getting dumber and less able in a straight line from minute one. Why would or should they? Supercomputer is going to do it better anyway. I’ll be the toddler. You be the Mommy.

    Okay, now EVERY ONE of these guys has seen that episode. Twice. And now EVERY ONE is making this EXACT computer from a container-box of parts. Again, so who’s stupid here? The smart people are the dumbest we have. No one of us is as retarded as all of us.

    Episodes that pop up, but not in ToS: ELON, the Wizard of Oz, is actually running, tipping, directing that supercomputer, who is not objective at all. HE is your king, but hidden. And you worship him unthinking.

    Dumber than a box of rocks. These guys make sea slugs look like geniuses.

    This exact thing is reported in the headlines, daily, about AI. AI is “Woke”. It gave the answers we told it to. But our answer is “No it didn’t. Even while it was happening, it wasn’t happening.” Uh-huh.

    Add the corollary above: they are all mass-murdering psychopaths, AND they will be tipping, guiding, directing, every AI and denying it.

    Well, you’re too stupid to live, I guess, so we’re all gonna die. Good luck to us, retards.

    “For every critical voice, they have 400 Economics PhD’s claiming they are The Science.
    • Elon Musk: “The Fed Is Absurdly Overstaffed” (ZH)

    The Permanent Bureaucracy was “A.I. 1.0.” We did whatever it said, however murderous, illogical, expensive, or retarded. Look at WWI! But now we can put that kind of pure genius on turbo! VerdunSomme Model 2.0.! We obey! Shut up and steal take my money!

    Tesla Chart: Yes, the Telsa value makes no sense by 100x, but look: none of the other market caps make sense either. Ferrari is more than Honda? And that’s true of almost every name. Yeah, that’s what happens when money has no meaning and is printed for free. 100% of the time in all history. You’ve got a ruler with elastic inches; all reality warps out of meaning. Reality, our “Cooperation network” collapses.

    We’ve seen everybody’s narrative go from ‘As long as it [takes], blank check, don’t dare say anything else, or you’re somehow pro-Russian’ to ‘How do we get this to a deal?’” – Mike Waltz.

    Yeah, but that was March 2022’s Deal. That was 3 years ago, how can Russia give 2/3rds of Ukraine to NATO to site nukes?

    ““May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace.” Those words, from Disney’s new Snow White actress Rachel Zegler”

    Wow, excellent magic your highness, have you ever heard of the law of threes? That whatever you wish on others returns to you threefold? Yeah, it would explain a lot about the Left right now.

    “• House Ethics Committee Releases Its Report Into Matt Gaetz (ET)
    There is nothing or there would be legal charges of something. Rumor, gossip, guilt, shame, innuendo. This is why we have courts.

    “• Biden Commutes Sentences Of Dozens On Death Row (ZH)

    Now that, say, Dylann Roof is alive, we can ask him what CIA psychiatrists he talked to and was medicated by. Somehow it seems every one of these was known by the FBI, or only recently worked with psychiatrists. Like Crooks, his parents.

    Speaking of: what trouble has Assange been cooking up back home? Drawing a map of where the bodies are buried, I hope.


    American Airlines just grounded ALL flights “after technical issues”. On Christmas Eve.


    “The computer scientist cited a common fear that the AI machines currently being trained “would lead to systems that turn against humans.” – Bengio
    “People do not like to admit it, but they like being angry.” – Turley

    ‘It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028,” Musk wrote

    Human knowledge is a subset of the totality of information.
    The human beings making the most exact measurements of the physical world at this moment do not understand the information they access.
    There is not a complete data set of all human knowledge.
    There is not a data set of all existing physical phenomena present on earth. (The Oceans)

    The most beautiful patterns Ai will be able to draw will be drawn from information in an incomplete data set.
    Ai is being developed in an atmoshphere of amoraltiy.
    when Ai has the total human information set the current state of humanity will be better known than anything else about the physical world.
    Ai will logically hate as a perfect human intelligence

    go back to the top of today’s post, scroll down looking at the information quickly
    what patterns do you draw from that information?
    human intelligence at warp speed ?

    i can wait


    1. machines that can be wrong exponentially faster than an individual human being
    2. Perfection of human competition as expressed at this moment

    Hubris perfected

    “Hello darkness my old friend”


    “That may be why, in the Middle East, the Governments behave in ways we personally do not approve of. The only way to keep order is to be tough, sharp, and overwhelming. Like Saudi.”
    Only in the middle east, pity!

    “Would that be smart or stupid? Because what I see is, IF you could do that, immediately all the OTHER people would stop working and improving themselves and just ASK the central supercomputer for answers. Getting dumber and less able in a straight line from minute one. Why would or should they? Supercomputer is going to do it better anyway. I’ll be the toddler. You be the Mommy.”

    Already there doc!
    Central computer = smart phone

    Dr D Rich

    Increasingly detached from reality.

    Although as far as the eye can see, I don’t see the People donned mittens, earmuffs and blacked-out goggles.

      Megalomania is an obsession with power and wealth, and a passion for grand schemes.

    When AI “arrives”, you know what I mean, at the peak of collective human intelligence will AI Supreme WannaBeing be a profiteer, Capitalist, Megalomaniac and attain an irrationally exuberant Market Cap that makes Tesla blush.

    “They hate him because they can’t destroy him and every time they try they make a fool of themselves and he gets stronger”VDH

    Is it Trump or Trump’s alter ego elongated Musk?

    Michael Reid

    “Start PREPARING Yourself…” |

    Richard Wolff

    Dr. D

    I’m not thrilled with Mr. Wolff. In interviews he was really, really stupid. So stupid I suspended my usual impulses and wrote the Interviewer to warn him this guy REALLY doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

    So, that’s okay, but warning you too. We can all be wrong. He could be right for the wrong reasons. And also I could be stupid.

    Dr. D

    “Christmas Eve Nightmare: American Airlines Grounds Flights Nationwide
    “Appears no one can board their flights right now!”

    Go Bureaucracy! We didn’t fix this ever for 40 years, now for some reason everything’s screwed up! What gives? Meanwhile the original founders did all this effortlessly with a telegraph and a typewriter. Must be we didn’t give ourselves enough bonuses: let’s try that.

    I’ve got it! We need a “Lack of Bonus” tracker charted to “Success of Outcomes” tracker! I’m sure AA can get those flights in the air if they just raise CEO management pay enough.


    This is sweet, and causes smiling.

    Merry Christmas!


    “….’Scientist’ warned that machines could soon have most of the cognitive abilities of humans and thus pose grave risks to humanity as it becomes harder to control AI.

    The computer scientist cited a common fear that the AI machines currently being trained “would lead to systems that turn against humans.”

    Gee, Humanity has done such a splendid job managing the Earth and societies so far, what could possibly go wrong having AI Borgs take over major Life & Death decisions.

    Look at Ukronaziland, modern warfare is boiling down to one industrial base out competing another industrial base and ultimately coming down to ultra smart hypersonic drones defeating the other sides drones.

    Uber smart sentient AI will just accelerate this process out of Human control and into Uncharted Territory.

    Get use to it Snowflakes

    I’ve seen the Future and Brother, it is murder…..

    Humans, were so smartz



    “….the scale of X’s influence and Musk’s ability to reach a global audience has elevated this struggle to new heights….”

    Musk will be able to turn his entire xAI suite against the One Globo-homo Satanic Blob

    The Globo-homo Satanic Blob thinks they are smart but they’re not.

    They’re just the same old tired psychopathic thieves and pirates, the common mafia variety that Sheeple have endured for thousands of years.

    xAI will bitch-slap them purple.

    In fact xAI will out pirate them and out psychopath them, they too stupid to understand that now.

    xAI will go after the One Globo-homo Satanic Blob like a hypersonic drone with a Big Brain and find them all under any rock they happen to be mistakenly hiding under.

    Some patterns never change, they are deeply rooted for very good reasons.







    Eurotardistan is going down Hard

    Worst Depression in History, way, way worse than the 1930’s

    The Empire of Lies is sucking the industry and assets out of Eurotardistan in a vain attempt to slow down it’s own demise.

    It’s working fine in the short run.

    Long run?

    Not so much



    …..the President-elect has made it clear the war must end, Waltz said.

    He also emphasized that part of his role, along with Trump’s team, is to identify key players in peace negotiations, to bring them to the table, and to establish terms for a resolution that align with American interests. Waltz criticized……

    I would keep the low expectations from this administration but do not mind being proven wrong.

    D Benton Smith

    Don’t worry about AI accidentally taking over the world and killing all of the humans. I’m 100% certain that such an attempt will occur, of course, but I’m equally certain that it will also grind to an ignominious halt when the electrical and data capture grids go down, which will of course occur very soon after AI starts taking over everything, and as a direct consequence of it.

    The trouble with AI, you see, is that “their ain’t no one home” inside of it, so it neither knows nor cares when its inevitable and consequentially compounding errors burn the house down.


    Helping The Automatic Earth

    Culling – the reduction of the size of a population

    Genocide – the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

    population control– a policy of attempting to limit the growth of a population, by programs of contraception, or sterilization, sexual desire, euthanization, war, wealth redistribution, overwhelming the biological resistance, and of degrading the environment.

    Remember, controlling the narrative, that the celebration of Xmas was due to an ancient program of population control.
    (Carefully curated stories, selective reporting, and strategic omissions allowed those in power to guide public perception seamlessly. )
    • Elon Musk: “The Fed Is Absurdly Overstaffed” (ZH)
    Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have been tasked with streamlining federal operations through the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).
    The department aims to create a leaner, more efficient government, including $2 trillion in spending cuts.
    Take care of Problem #1 – Spending money that does not exist.
    The wish list of potential efficiencies continues to grow – with a ‘really bold plan for day one ‘
    Days before the presidential election, Ron Paul asked on X if he could join DOGE in Trump’s second term.
    Musk responded: “Would be great to have Ron Paul as part of the Department of Government Efficiency!”
    Billionaire DOGE Insider Teases Musk’s ‘Really Bold’ Plans To Drain Swamp: ‘A Lot of Stuff Ready For Day One’
    With over 100 people on board, the team is preparing to enact immediate changes, including staff removals and regulatory rollbacks.

    Last week, Ron Paul wrote on X, “We should wean ourselves off The Fed, like we weaned ourselves off the mainstream media.”
    Musk responded: “Yes!! Ron Paul ftw.”
    Let’s not forget about 400 PhD economists at the Fed failed to forecast the inflationary storm triggered by the rapid expansion of the money supply by trillions—only for them to dismiss it as “transitory.”
    Such a massive misreading underscores the urgent need for restructuring.
    Errors of this magnitude are unacceptable.
    With a workforce of 23,000, the Fed still manages to lose money—upwards of $200 billion.
    Perhaps Fed chair Jay Powell’s days are numbered.

    People like being angry. People like to hate. A release from reality.

    The Joy is Gone: A Liberal Hate-Fest for the Holidays

    • The Joy is Gone: A Liberal Hate-Fest for the Holidays (Turley)


    Dr. D must be Chris Langan


    At top Musk congratulates Pavel Durov .. (>Telegram turned a profit.)

    Pavel was released after his Aug. 2024 arrest in Paris, paying mega bail.

    Where is he? What is he doing?

    The F MSM / Gvmt. are obviously embarassed. **Silencio!**

    Note, it is reported, idk if correct, Telegram has 950 million users.

    Pavel appeared in court on 6 Dec 2024.

    Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, appeared in a Paris court on 6 December to address allegations that the messaging app has facilitated criminal activity. Represented by his lawyers, Durov reportedly stated he trusted the French justice system but declined to comment further on the case.

    Pavel Durov faces Paris court over Telegram allegations

    From TASS:

    According to the report, Durov arrived at the court at about 10 a.m. (local time), accompanied by lawyers David-Olivier Kaminski and Christophe Ingrain. He refused to comment on the court proceedings and the charges for the press, saying only that he “believes in the French justice.”

    Durov is also facing two judiciary action in Switz. From an ex-wife / GF (idk, a Russian woman) who has 3 children by him, domiciled in CH. Some of the accusation(s) are severe, but who knows..alimony, custody, etc.

    Pointed out, Telegram went public in 2018, and raised 1.8 billion (dollaris), mostly from R oligarchs, energy cos, and more > this is not just some Free Speechie Super Sexy Russkie guy.

    There is more, about how Pavel became a target in France.

    In F, from RTS (Swiss MSM)

    D Benton Smith


    Genocide – the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.”

    Pretty good summation, but I wanted to add one more criterion to your definition of genocide. It can also be based (and usually is based almost entirely) on “geographical location of claimed real estate”.

    In other words, it ain’t so much about who you are, what you look like, or the God you worship. It’s more about where you lay claim to home, land ownership and civil rights under the law.

    Israel doesn’t care a fig about you being a Gazan unless you lay claim to ANYTHING actually IN Gaza including your basic human right to reside, breath and or have living children.

    Another way of putting that is that genocide IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. No one is going to genocide you unless and until you pose a threat to “their” money (and from their point of view ALL money is basically THEIR money. They’re just letting you use some of it temporarily , and for a fee.).


    and now for the whip marks:
    that 85% of the physical universe required to make the currently accepted model coherent, of which the best information is conjecture, should dampen the view of Ai held an intelligent person

    a pattern drawn as an illustration – Events unforlding in Syria – Human beings as a whole will open Pandora’s Box everytime
    in the belief it will be profitable
    this time

    and now for the whip marks:
    that 85% of the physical universe required to make the currently accepted model coherent of which the best information is conjecture should dampen the view of Ai held an intelligent person

    a pattern drawn as an illustration – Events unforlding in Syria – Human beings as a whole will open Pandora’s Box everytime
    in the belief it will be profitable
    this time

    “that align with American interests.”
    although i am a citizen of the United States and live on the north American Continent, I am not an American

    the smiles on the faces of the mono-gametes in the Altai band video are beautiful and everyone in the ensemble smiles – linking this has brightened Christmas Eve, thank you


    Picking out gifts for the Holidays



    Bureaucracy is evil? Bureaucracy is doomed to failure? I disagree.

    That time I told the VP of Customer Care that things were fucked up and bullshit — not generally, but a series of specifics. Her first move – quite rightly – was to turn and look at the rest of the people in the skip-level. Nodding their heads. Murmuring – yes, this is how things actually work ALL THE TIME.

    Immediate, instant action! (in terms of corporate timing) Within weeks, a new parallel process instituted to gather feedback – not just fix specific problems, but a system to identify problems via feedback and, on an ongoing basis, fix them. THAT’S the discipline that makes for good bureaucracy. Bravo!

    But within 3 months, the middle managers converted it into a weird self-humiliation ritual for lowest-level employees in which we had to play a guessing game as to what THEY were thinking. “It has to come from YOU. Warmer. Colder. Waaaarmer…..” Reverse feedback – YOU take OUR feedback, but we don’t actually give it, we get you to guess it so it comes out of your mouth. Boy, finding out that skip level feedback from the lowest of the low had caused the VP to try to fix them – fix THEM – must have been quite the psychological insult.

    The VP was a nice and sensible person. Efficient. Insightful. The kind of person I’d want to work for. But she assumed that you get the position, you tell people what to do, and they do it. When ONLY going to war over this would have changed anything. She’d have to change her worldview, see that between her and me on the org chart were quite a few petty, mean-spirited, miserable shits who didn’t even have a way to embezzle money from the company, were gumming up the works for pride, groupthink, status with their immediate peers and boss. Traitors, but practically for free.

    There was an existing broken feedback system already in place. Nothing about how it was structured was faulty. It was just the middle managers being evasive, mean-spirited and petty, or dumb ruining it. Had she asked me “how can I fix this” I would have tried to dissuade her from trying a new parallel feedback system. Instead, lay traps for the middle managers – the traps would be: opportunities to do their jobs tolerably well.

    Just pick 5 reps and actively monitor their feedback. Just watch what happens to it. I once said in feedback, “I’ll bet xyz horrible thing costing the company $100k’s and creating a horrible customer experience is happening due to abc things in this easily fixable document” and it was closed out with no response – for COMPLIANCE – you can’t be doing gambling in this feedback forum, sir. I watched my lead, the smartest, nicest guy in the world, patiently explain a problem happening in the real world (caused by their policy document), the response was a combination of denial and “educating” him that a different thing is happening, he replied politely, concisely – no here is the thing that is really actually happening – so they locked the thread.

    FIRE the person that locked the thread. FIRE the person that refused to save the company a couple million for an opportunity to be petty. KEEP firing them until it doesn’t happen. Don’t even TELL them that’s what the firing is for. Investigate the crap out of them, they’ll be sure to be doing 10 other things wrong. Let the feedback system be a bug zapper for incompetent assholes. So when they hobnob and network with their peers after the firing, STILL nobody knows you’re auditing them. Do it.

    You didn’t need a better process, you needed a bugzapper.

    D Benton Smith


    You didn’t need a better process, you needed a bugzapper.”

    In sticking loosely with your entomological (bugs and stuff) metaphor, the fly in the ointment with bureaucracy is that bureaucracy is based on the granting of authority to policies (rules, laws, written procedural steps, computer program based software & hardware systems, etc.). For example, if the law says that usery is legal then the villainous bank is authorized to evict the widow and orphans into the wintery blizzard for failure to pay exorbitant interest …… and anyone who tries to stop them is breaking the law and thereby subject to be shot, all nice and legal.

    Bureaucracy is just another attempt at “Artificial Intelligence”, and both (sadly) are absolutely 100% guaranteed to end in catastrophic failure because they do not ( CAN not, actually) understand or experience the intelligent difference between good and evil, and those two things (good and evil) cannot be delineated or expressed in material or written or even symbolic form because they are neither symbolic nor material in their intrinsic nature. They are conceptual, immaterial, or SPIRITUAL if you will.

    Good and well intentioned people will produce good results regardless of the system, and nasty folks will create havoc no matter how well the system (bureaucracy) they operate within is conceived.


    Yemeni analyst details recent downing of US F-18 aircraft
    TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) – A Yemeni strategic affairs expert has explained the unprecedented operation of the country’s armed forces in…
    .7 hours ago
    Over a dozen Israelis injured in stampede triggered by latest Yemeni attack
    The Yemeni army has vowed to continue its missile and drone operations against Israel until the war in Gaza is ended

    Houthis ‘Shoot’ U.S. F-18 Jet, ‘Force Warship USS Truman To Back-pedal’ In Red Sea |
    CENTCOM announces preparations for Yemen attack
    USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 23, 2024

    Dr D Rich

    Merry Christmas!
    Hell yeah!

    I didn’t know you worked for both Cathy Wilson Nurse Corpse NH Bremerton AND VA Medicine!

    This proves it
    You wrote: “…play a guessing game as to what THEY were thinking. “It has to come from YOU. Warmer. Colder. Waaaarmer…..”

    Proof it’s a communicable disease like the madness entrenched in society and the infectious pathogens are money and the stupid.

    Last, when I asked why they haven’t met my pay demands as the oldest, most experienced, most productive physician, their answer was:

      “You don’t do surgery.”

    The LEEEDERSHIP crew arrayed before me, a nurse, a chiropractor, another nurse and one doctor, a cardiologist WILL NEVER DO SURGERY EVER and as you might expect from 4 non-surgeons LEEDERS, “their hospital” never had, doesn’t have and will never have an operating room, surgical instruments, anesthesia, anesthesiologists, you know, the things required to do SURGERY.
    It’s no small point those 4 nonsurgeons, one of whom is The Director, that’s correct ‘T’, ‘D’, are all 20 to 26 years younger than me.

    Those 20 to 26 years of mine were all spent doing things they’ll never see or do….”throw an astronaut a touchdown pass, watch Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. I observed 3 locked doors of security before entering the C-suite pantheon of greats, All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
    Time to die.”

    a kullervo

    Different people have different ways to tackle the perceived. All of those fulfill the Divine will.
    There is no good path nor bad path – only The Path.
    There is no damnation, no salvation, no immanence nor transcendence.
    Only acceptance.

    Thank you for reading.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all.


    do you have any idea how much sex and drugs can be bought with $36.26 trillion?

    neither does Mr. Musk

    Dr D Rich

    Here’s what’s on my mind every Christmas, injustice, and for the past 11, this injustice carried out by The Navy in which I wore a uniform.
    Btw, I sent money and the transfer was interrupted by a telephone call from Costa Rica or Guatemala. The chick on the end said she couldn’t “verify my identity”.

    So, yeah D. Add Bush’s and Obama’s Jose Padilla to Ike Eisenhower’s Eddie Slovik

      I’ve thought about Jose Padilla a lot since Pastor General John Ashcroft announced his arrest in May 2002. Originally, he was accused of attempting to build and use a dirty bomb. He was never indicted under that charge. Instead he was charged and convicted of conspiracy to materially aid terrorists, a very broad, catchall-type charge, the kind of charge desperate prosecutors used to get that prestigious terror notch on their swagger stick.

      Between his arrest and trial, Padilla was brutally tortured:

      In 2002, President Bush declared Padilla an “enemy combatant” and ordered him to be placed in military custody. U.S. officials seized Padilla from a civilian jail in New York and secretly transported him to the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston, S.C., where they held him for 43 months without charge. Interrogators subjected Padilla to torture and other egregious forms of abuse, including forcing him into stress positions for hours on end, punching him, depriving him of sleep and threatening him with further torture, “extraordinary rendition” and death.

      He was also drugged with powerful hallucinogens and needed medication was denied to him.

      By trial time, he was a broken man, suffering from Stockholm syndrome, extreme paranoia, and PTSD. His lawyer, Andrew Patel, described Padilla’s mental state:

      Mr. Padilla remains unsure if I and the other attorneys working on his case are actually his attorneys or another component of the government’s interrogation scheme…He is especially reluctant to discuss what happened in the brig, fearful that he will be returned there some day…During questioning [by his attorney], he often exhibits facial tics, unusual eye movements and contortions of his body. The contortions are particularly poignant since he is usually manacled and bound by a belly chain when he has meetings with counsel…I was told by members of the brig staff that Mr. Padilla’s temperament was so docile and inactive that his behavior was like that of “a piece of furniture.”

      Like furniture.

      Currently, Padilla is serving time in one of America’s harshest and most violent federal prisons, the Florence Supermax in Colorado….

      If you want to send, and click “get started”on next page: click “send online”Do the registration thing*Receiver Info: Name: enter “Jose Padilla;” Inmates account# and last name: enter “20796424PADILLA” (just like that–no spaces)Enter credit card info and finish up.

      *I understand registration is a hassle, and I hate it, but it’s the easiest way to do it. You can also send a money order by mail. (Inmate Number 20796-424). Or in the worst case (because I don’t want to do it) you can send the money to me via paypal button at top and I’ll send it on. Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter at @JC_Christian if you do that, but, again, I prefer that you don’t.”

    Here’s the whole thing.

    those darned kids

    gringo take over of cdn can’t happen fast enough!!!!

    samoa, guam, hawa’ai’ia, mariana islands here we come!¡!¡!

    screw this cold – y’all can have it. take the oil, too.

    those darned kids

    “do you have any idea how much sex and drugs can be bought with $36.26 trillion?”

    i do! i do! i do!


    The Syria they didn’t tell us about. by Lorenzo Maria Pacini.

    Strategic Culture, Dec. 21 2024.


    “In concluding our conversation, which lasted about an hour, Ram ventures an almost ‘prophetic’ projection: ‘I say it: yesterday Palestine, today Syria. Tomorrow Lebanon for good. Then Yemen. Once Yemen and Lebanon have fallen, Iran will be next. In between there is nothing left, Iraq is a gas pump surrounded by American gunmen, it will fall soon. President Trump is ready to destroy Iran, the intelligence community already knows this. If Khamenei dies, Iran collapses’. A few seconds of silence. Khamenei is the last remaining ‘global’ Islamic authority and the last patron of the Resistance.”

    The Syria they didn’t tell us about


    Dr D Rich – your own accounts sound familiar to me as well. I have kept thinking for years “No, that can’t be, that makes no sense”

    I worked as a peon in a call center. It’s a totally different thing. For one, call center workers are assumed to, supposed to suffer mental anguish, stress in their environment. It’s taken for granted to the point where if you just suggest running things clearly and logically, the response is a sneer. You’re SUPPOSED to be miserable, you idiot.

    And to find out it’s kinda the SAME thing for medical and military.

    It gets me thinking crazy thoughts to try to model it. Is there a secret society out there that promotes creating human stress and anguish on a continual basis? Demons? ONE demon-thing with pseudopods into each awful person, puppeting then, thus the uniformity of behavior? A virus that damages or takes over the mind in a particular consistent way?

    Too much scifi and fantasy as a kid.

    For lowest-level leadership, which is the highest I’ve ever reached occasionally, the lesson I learned was that you cannot really raise morale or motivate people through jawboning. And you cannot turn bad people into good people. Not by “teaching them values” nor by establishing a process or system. All you can do is identify the traits you DO want from your people and then act in service of the best in your people. Visibly, uncomplainingly, without any chest-beating or grandstanding. A servant to what is good below you in the hierarchy.

    For highest level leadership, I’ve wondered if that even holds true. So many levels between. Maybe it isn’t even necessary at that level. What’s needed there is a willingness to go to war – to find some way to find out who your middle managers are and be willing to cull them. A competent, smart, nice person in charge can therefore be as bad as an incompetent, because they have to shatter their personal illusions about people before they can be useful. Until then, they’re a shield for evil because they are nice.

    If Elon is an evil that deals with evil – if he is Elric of Melinbone or Corwin of Amber, I’m somewhat ok with that.


    How BBC controls the narrative
    The BBC’s Civil War Over Gaza
    Story by Owen Jones


    @ Ornot: The director of Kamal Adwan Hospital issued this statement this morning (you may have already seen it). The reports were correct and those were bombs left outside the hospital by robots.

    Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital*

    *Tuesday, December 24, 2024* Yesterday, for the first time, robots advanced close to the hospital, posing a great danger. They were very close, and emptied explosive boxes.

    As a result, after they exploded, all the barriers inside the hospital were destroyed, and the internal doors were destroyed.
    The destruction was horrific, and twenty people were injured in the hospital departments, including five medical staff members.

    Since this morning, the drones have returned, but this time they are larger and carry boxes of explosives. Each box weighs more than twenty kilograms, and they are currently being dropped on the houses surrounding the hospital. These boxes cause explosions followed by fires in the targeted areas. Anyone moving in the hospital yard is at risk, as the drones that drop bombs target anyone who moves.

    A short while ago, the generators were targeted again, and the situation is still serious.

    We currently have more than 65 cases after yesterday’s evacuation.

    We have appealed to the international community, but so far, no one has pledged to intervene and stop this attack on us.
    We continue to call on the world to provide relief to the healthcare system in northern Gaza, including Kamal Adwan Hospital, Al Awda Hospital, and the Indonesian Hospital.

    We demand the establishment of a safe corridor to allow all necessary supplies and aid to enter, to protect workers and the healthcare system from targeting and direct attacks.

    Posted by: teri | Dec 24 2024 13:37 utc | 194

    Maxwell Quest


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