Debt Rattle February 22 2022


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    Salvador Dali Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder 1933   • “Joe Biden” Wins World War Three (Kunstler) • How the United
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 22 2022]


    Take away what you will from this, looks like all are now the enemy. As if that’s news to most here.
    Who in you circle will be first to be disappeared?


    German economist and journalist Ernst Wolff believes that many of the national leaders included in the Young Global Leader program have been selected for their willingness to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns in recent years without asking any questions, and that their impending failure (as evidenced by in a growing dissatisfaction of the masses) will be used as an excuse to create a new form of Global Government where the old nation states become largely obsolete.
    A new global digital currency with Universal Basic Income (UBI) can then be gradually introduced to replace our doomed monetary system.[3] This conclusion partly coincides with my own.
    It is also supported by Paul Raskin‘s scenarios from The Great Transition Initiative on how a totalitarian “New Earth Order” is established, to be replaced in the long run by a global democratic government (Earth Federation) with a World Constitution.[4]

    World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed


    22 minutes till 20:22 22/2/2022



    This seems to be an extremely clever move.

    Some weeks ago there were claims that the UK had sent sabotage experts to the Ukraine, and that US operatives were moving chemical weapons into the Donbass.

    Then the US claimed that Russia was planning ‘false flag’ incidents in Donbass to justify invasion. Sabotage incidents started, blamed on Russia of course. Ukrainian forces increased the shelling of Donbass. It was obvious that these provocations would increase until Russia felt forced to act.

    By recognising these regions as autonomous it means that Russia has no reason for false flag incidents. They have not annexed these regions so it is not an ‘invasion’, just peacekeeping forces. It removes the main area of contention in Ukraine.

    The EU and the UK are bleating about the Minsk Accord but their efforts to implement it over the past six years can be shown on a blank piece of paper!

    What next?

    Sanctions obviously, but they were going to happen anyway. The EU has a problem as many of the things that can happen will mean less oil and gas from Russia, or even none. The EU has always been willing to make sacrifices to support the neo-nazis in Kiev but do they have a limit?

    Russia is currently the main foreign supplier of oil to the US, will this change?

    The best option for the Ukraine is to accept it and back down. They say they are losing 3 billion dollars a month because of the invasion claims, so they need to stop that. The Russian peacekeepers are going to respond to any shelling of the Donbass. They could lose all gas supplies, including transit. I can’t think of any upside for them.

    The big question is the response of US/NATO. Again the best option is to accept it and back down. Sanctions but no more, or it could be disastrous!


    or said thus (say with me – it’s fun)
    twenty to 20:22 22/2/2022

    Veracious Poet

    Western civilization’s apparatchiks have mutinied against humanity, for a seat at the billionaires table…

    This surreptitious war is being waged by sociopaths that feel entitled to impoverish, imprison and/or cull the masses for profit, privilege and other numerous goals as outlined by “think-tanks”, both known & unknown.

    There is no way back from this madness, we don’t even know for sure who is pulling the strings behind the scenes, but we do know that a large portion of humanity will literally be driven over the proverbial cliff before they get the memo they’ve been betrayed.

    Not that it would have made any difference to know beforehand, hell most sheeple will cling to their partisan illusions until their last breath ~ NPD Mass Formation Psychosis indeed…

    IFF is impossible in Clown World, where everyone is a masked stranger & media has been co-opted into The Sociopath Narrative.

    Buckle up bobble heads, the churn is about to increase to CAT 3, 4 then 5…



    … always been willing to make sacrifices to neonazis….

    Well, many disagree ( reading blog ) . The EU are viewed as captured poodles of the US and do as they are told, all grumbling aside.

    The war Biden needed was to further enhance this political and economic bond to almost slavish levels, buying their energy at twice the cost as what Russia would charge — hence keeping the impending everything bubble from popping.

    At least that’s one working theory.


    Taibbi’s most recent article knocks it out of the park, making a quilt out of numerous patches.

    “When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Canada’s Insane Power Grab: The Canadian government’s decision to freeze bank accounts in the trucker protests is a mad leap toward bureaucratic dystopia”

    Includes this:
    “Deciding to seize funds is a major leap in the manic progression of a certain type of disordered authoritarian personality who’s suddenly everywhere. They’re coming out of decades-long disguises as milquetoast center-left careerists, and they all seem to believe now that all things on earth happen or don’t because of them. It’s as if Raskolnikov’s madness seized a generation of Western yuppies simultaneously.”


    The EU will accept all the sanctions the USA wants because European politicians cannot go against the MSM narrative. Better to hope for an early spring when the Russian gas runs out. After all, it will be the average citizen who freezes and can’t afford to pay energy costs that triple or more.

    EU politicians won’t freeze and who knows how much money they’re getting from the Magic Printing Machine? Thus the cost of anything is of no personal consequence to them. But to go against the narrative, be demonized by it and have their access to the easy money cut off!

    If Canadian politicians can go to war against their own citizens to defend a covid policy that will expire in warm weather, then the EU gang can be counted on to endlessly sanction Russia.


    So we have heard the stories of the serious ill patient being initially denied IVM but ultimately receiving it (thanks to a judge) and surviving.

    One man’s IVM is another man’s mRNA. At the end of the day, we should be free to choose/own our own story.


    I agree that the real horror show coming out of Ottawa isn’t the police cracking a few skulls(they’ve always done that) it’s the government and the banks attempting to financially destroy people. Didn’t they just steal $18 million in donations?

    We knew we were post law and order when it became illegal to appear in public without a mask. Then vaccine mandates and firing people(more economic ruin for those not toeing the line) Now plain theft of people’s money. Remember a frozen bank account prevents a person from existing in modern society. Can any monthly bills be paid in cash any longer or must it all be done through ones bank account? Does anyone receive paycheques any longer or is all pay direct deposit to the bank?

    If you stop and think about it, this is a really vicious action. I wonder what they come up with next.


    Considering the covid numbers, can’t the Australian government claim that their harsh measures worked? They did what governments claimed to be doing: protecting people’s lives.

    I wish people would cool it on covid data. It’s a no win argument. Everything governments have done has been anti-science and anti-common sense. Also against everything a free society is suppose to represent. Oppose the restrictions and mandates because they are morally wrong. Don’t get lost arguing over how many people died of covid.


    Nicole Foss often uses the example of ‘the greater fool’ when discussing our runaway finance bubble: it’s expansion amid an otherwise collapsing economy requires the seller of a financial investment to find a fool greater than himself.

    The same principle applies, I feel, to the ongoing selling of credibility that TPTB do. From RussiaRussiaRussia to UkraineUkraineUkraine to green energy scams and the many nonsense scams being sold hourly by the mainstream mediaplex, the principle is the same: we need more fools! Not enough people are buying our bullshit — and it’s the only thing we have left to sell!Every Chain…


    As for mRna vakzines and saving lives: the one thing that they do of benefit is their short term ability to prevent covid from going ballistic in a person’s body. One pays considerable risk-price for this benefit, but that much about the vakzine is real.

    tony smyth

    “Russia is currently the main foreign supplier of oil to the US, will this change?”

    I say yes, as soon as our currency turns to shit: the prices will go through the roof and, who knows, we may not be granted a credit line.


    When Truckers were kings,

    Read this today, having a hard time believing any of it.

    My cousin’s dog walker volunteered to empty out piss jugs for the convoy, and now he can’t access his TFSA and Freeland took the hydro meter off of his house.


    And this from a vaccinator.

    We are all about to be participants in the biggest, most incredible, and least ethical, pathogen evolution experiment in history

    My take: We are the victims of a very unethical pathogen experiment and it’s novel therapy.

    those darned kids

    “Russia is currently the main foreign supplier of oil to the US, will this change?”

    even though i no longer consider “canada” a country, nor “foreign” to the u.s., for those who do, the entity formerly known as “canada” is the main “foreign” supplier of oil to the u.s., by 7 fold, actually.

    #2 is once again méxico, a country far freer than this dystopian land of robots.

    #3 is russia.



    Thanx for the clarification, tdk.

    “But that leads to the question of how sanctions on Russia might impact the U.S. market. As of late 2021, the U.S. was importing 8.5 million BPD of crude oil from all countries. Canada was our top supplier, sending the U.S. 4.5 million BPD. (Having secure oil supplies from close allies highlights the importance of the Keystone XL Pipeline expansion). Mexico was second, at 700,000 BPD, and then Russia at 595,000 BPD. Saudi Arabia was our 4th largest supplier at 555,000 BPD.”


    BTW, personal pet peeve, fwiw. While we all know that ‘nanotech’, particularly the nano- part, has been devolved into a silly marketing buzz word, in science what we have these days is “molecular engineering” which does not usually equate with “moving things molecule by molecule by molecule” but, rather, moving or creating much larger assemblies on the microscale.

    Most of the magical promises of nanotech, the scientismic religion preached by Eric Drexler, who made the word ‘nano’ famous with his book Engines of Creation, are forms of wishful magical thinking.

    “The book and the theories it presents have been the subject of some controversy. Scientists such as Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley and renowned chemist George M. Whitesides have been particularly critical. Smalley has engaged in open debate with Drexler, attacking the views presented for what he considered both the dubious nature of the science behind them, and the misleading effect on the public’s view of nanotechnology.”

    I agree with the critics although on first reading, I too fell, swooning, for the concept and in love with same. Silly me.

    Assuming the reports of self-assembling objects provided by The Buzz article cited above by Tony Smyth are true, said objects are self-assembling chunks MUCH larger than nano-scale.


    “Remember a frozen bank account prevents a person from existing in modern society. Can any monthly bills be paid in cash any longer or must it all be done through ones bank account? Does anyone receive paycheques any longer or is all pay direct deposit to the bank?”

    Attorneys for the bankruptcies this might produce will some of them probably pass
    the bill to the government, and that will create noise alerting even more Canuckistanis that their government is a pickpocket. The whole thing is a logjam with Turdeau’s willy caught in the tangle.


    A nice wrap up.

    The Gathering Storm In The West

    Tyler Durden

    “….What is now following is amplification and clarification of the Western divide. We the public are at the global theater. And we are watching a tragicomedy. On stage, a petulant cast of clueless Justin Trudeaus and bumbling Joe Bidens simply cannot fathom why few anymore are listening to them. More and more North Americans are perplexed why anyone would wish to follow such unimpressive mental and physical figures along with all the toxic hypocrisies they embody and weaponize.”


    @t Smyth

    “Nanotech found in Pfizer jab.”

    Sure looks like a circuit design

    John Day

    They say it was a human error to show pictures of ivermectin with other potential COVID treatments that the Queen of England might be taking. There is no announcement of what she is taking from her doctors.
    “Mum’s the word”…


    TAE and commenters have gather a priceless accumulation of fact and wisdom that is required to make your crystal ball work.

    Stupid things to do/none profitable activities
    Make your energy supplier angry.
    Enrich the war chest of your enemy
    Repeatedly scream, ” The sky is falling”
    Use a dirty crystal ball
    My favorite nick-name – papa

    Dr. D

    “US prepping for citizens in Russia to exit country, citing possible “attacks in shopping malls, metro, and railway stations”…

    So that’s their plan. Use CIA terror attacks on Russia directly. Uh-huh. I guess they just can’t stop poking the bear. F around and find out.

    Soooo, I’ve got an idea. Don’t go to shopping malls, metro, and railway stations in America and England because Russia will be bombing them back. Plus substations in L.A. if history is any indicator.

    “Putin Recognizes Breakaway Ukraine Regions, Heightening Tensions” — Barron’s Online

    CIA Says They’re Going to Bomb Russia, Heightening Tensions.

    Whyyyyyy? Can you kids just knock it off?

    Although qualified (has anyone read the “Minsk” Agreement?) I am taking a loss on the “Invasion” prediction. If it is an invasion, since Biden promised non-stop bombing, ten thousand civilian casualties, and invasion of Kiev. Specifically. But Russian boots on the Ground is good enough for me. “L”. And the breadth of the Right Internet also wrong as well, as Pancake warned. But hey, everyone’s right sometimes.

    So they’re going to stop NordStream over this? Really? And what, just let Germans live in caves, shutting off gas pipes all the way to Glasgow? The U.S. has f-all for gas. Never did. Their plan – not publicly of course – was to attack and conquer Russia and have the Anglos’ puppet government kill all the Slavs (again) and sell that gas back for THEIR profit. And UAE, Syria, the same. But somehow OUR gas got underneath THEIR sand and snow. Anyway, so Germany just shoots themselves in the head at London’s behest now? Why wait, they could have told all Germany to commit suicide 30 years ago and saved the planet.

    …I don’t think this is going to work out. Not for Germany, nor for London. Like China, America is devolving, has no government, and will go “Isolationist”, that is, “Mind our own dang business.”

    [Yanukovitch] was removed for his refusal to sign an association agreement with the EU.”

    “Removed”? Really? And this was legal how? UN approved how? That’s right: we are without rule of law. Specifically in the EU, US, NZ, Canada, and Australia. Hey wait, are those the Anglo countries? The whole “West”?

    “[Freeland] had consistent, remarkable access to gangster-oligarchs like Boris Berezovsky, who appeared in her Financial Times articles described as aw-shucks humans just doing their best to make sure “big capital” maintained its “necessary role” in Russia’s political life.”

    “Years later, [Freeland] is somehow Canada’s Finance Minister, and what another friend from our Russia days laughingly describes as “the Nurse Ratched of the New World Order.”

    Huh. She had amazing and unprecedented access to the robbing oligarchs who funneled Russia to the West and London. I wonder why. Oh, she also loved Putin, but they all did.
    “It looks as if we’re about to fall in love with Russia all over again…” Awwww. A Russia lover! RussiaRussiaRussia.

    And that link adds a Video of her saying she’s going to crush all protest and the banking system. Beaming with joy. Tears. Never been happier. A life’s mission, finally accomplished.

    Speaking of though, so Turdeau is not the Dictator now. And I was going to say that he can’t be on his own. They all are. They let him, at every level, so they are all the “Dictator”, the totalitarian, anti-Democracy government. Didn’t allow disapproval or dissent. Didn’t even TALK to them; didn’t care. As their boss Schwab says, “You’ll get nothing and you’ll LIKE IT!

    And as the later article says, the entire PLANET is stopping mandates. Canada is nuking their financial system to uphold a rounding error of mandates: Truckers specifically, or mandating vaccines to one of the most highly vaccinated countries. Austria mandated with draconian, untermensch, no-longer-citizens, or as Trudope says “Should we tolerate these people (or kill them)?” and Austria got ZERO additional uptake to vaccines. So literally no gain. This is because it is exclusively a social-credit system to let them survive the economic reset banking-collapse apocalypse, which they won’t.

    All the world WILL, however, slowly remove their assets from the Canadian banking system. They are planning it now. So…Ms. Best-Friends-With-Organized-Crime-and-Russian-Oligarchs decided to joyfully go to war with all of Canada FOR NO GAIN AT ALL. Okay, man, it’s your country. You’re the one showing everyone who you are with your free and protected speech.

    Going to “war on dissent”? That is to say, going to war with “Everybody but me.” Truly the province of the mentally ill…and the math illiterate. Maybe they didn’t notice they’re outnumbered a million-to-one.

    Still haven’t had time to research the exact Nunchuk software method, but if it’s anything like the others, it rolls all participants’ wallets into a ball, and using the software, anonymizes them, then on demand spits out the amounts they owned before based on their authentication (password). When wallets exit, they land in a new BTC wallet address. Therefore, anonymous. Unless someone were to input and output the exact same amount at the same time, someone was wiretapping them (they are), and also crack the encryption in more or less real time.

    If they want you, they’ll just hack your home PC and phone. Put on a keystroke recorder, or just arrest you for no reason, hold you in solitary for contempt like many others. Hit you over the head with a $2 spanner. So how anonymous do you practically need to be? If every transaction has to go State-level in real time, that’s a giant obstacle, and one they’re not overcoming at the moment.

    Meanwhile, they’re overcoming I’ll-steal-all-your-cash-in-person and We-confiscate-all-gold-even-wedding-rings on trains and in cars quite handily.

    Dr. Day has the news that QE II was taking horse paste, as prescribed by her doctor, because, as Pancake-head says, “It’s voodoo that just doesn’t work, you cult-following morons.” I know the Queen always gets terrible doctors with unworking medical advice – after all that’s how she’s 90 – but they just couldn’t stop her from going to the feed store in Notting Hill.

    Don’t worry: this open reality will have zero effect on people’s beliefs, just like all evidence before.


    Mooseilini celebrates his dictatorial coup with a new suit


    Dr. D

    Leery of the nanotech. What would such a circuit DO? Where are its inputs and outputs? If it doesn’t communicate with the outside world, why would I care?

    Using electric to form carbontubes on demand? Now THAT I understand. And why they were hell-bent and perfectly silent on setting up huge 5G boxes throughout Manhattan (hey, is that where the sick rates were really high? Like other 5G areas Italy and Wuhan? Huh.) I remember articles on NYT trying to find out wtf was with all these new mystery boxes appearing in NYC and why nobody would admit what they were. Like seriously: if Verizon is installing awesome, widely-promoted, super-speed 5G network, you would just admit it, and proudly.

    So why the denials if they’re putting in 5G? Because anyone with a brain or a wifi-meter can prove you’re hard-core microwaving NY’ers brains every day as they walk by? And why the fever? 5G still isn’t in place hardly anywhere. Yet they absolutely, positively HAD to have these boxes in place by 2020 for some reason. And Carbonanotubes are solidified into clots by it.

    Well, you tell me. I don’t know. And what the circuit would do. It’s your theory. Sell me on it.


    “US prepping for citizens in Russia to exit country, citing possible “attacks in shopping malls, metro, and railway stations”…
    “So that’s their plan. Use CIA terror attacks on Russia directly. Uh-huh. I guess they just can’t stop poking the bear. F around and find out.”

    This assumes that there is a reliable narrator behind this media report. Lately, press releases from Team WBNod and their global colleagues remind me of this kind of thing:



    Duquesne Whistle

    “Don’t worry: this open reality will have zero effect on people’s beliefs, just like all evidence before.”

    Minds are opening every day, and “zero” doesn’t exist any more than “the people“: there are only persons. “People” is an abstract concept. Every day, more persons are opening their minds to new forms of data. How this affects the imaginary leviathan called ‘polis’ has yet to be known, although history suggests torchescellcams and pitchforks computers (today’s hay-handling tools for a populace majority addicted to the chewing of cud)


    Lifting – too early
    keeping – longer



    ‘This assumes that there is a reliable narrator behind this media report. Lately, press releases from Team WBNod and their global colleagues remind me of this kind of thing.’

    There’s a bit of a contradiction in this, I know. Doctor Disco Doom is saying that Russia is willing to pull down Putin’s ladder in desperate escape attempts, and I have repeatedly said they are stupid enough to do just that. However, I’ll also note that, in Media Magicland, one can get a ton of mileage just by saying or suggesting a thing — although at this point, tptb’s mileage on such shadow puppetry is surely reaching its point of minimal return at maximum cost.

    In fact, in a way, what we’re seeing now from Team WBN is quite possibly analogous to the love-sick kid dreaming after experiencing baseball bat communication. Biden had several talks with Putin this year. Putin surely laid down the law in private. Biden has already had his kneecaps popped, and was apparently ecstatic that he got out of place in one piece in terms of media reportage.

    “Say whatever you like, Joe. But don’t cross this line or (holds up Louisville Slugger). And yes, say whatever you want, I am going to invade Russia, you’ve seen inside to the evil of my soul, your dick is bigger than mine… knock yourself out (hands baseball bat to Joe who looks, oh, about as confused as usual but with much bigger eyes)… so long as you go on record that there are no plans to place more missiles on our border.”


    “So why the denials if they’re putting in 5G? Because anyone with a brain or a wifi-meter can prove you’re hard-core microwaving NY’ers brains every day as they walk by? And why the fever? 5G still isn’t in place hardly anywhere. Yet they absolutely, positively HAD to have these boxes in place by 2020 for some reason. And Carbonanotubes are solidified into clots by it.”

    William Gibson wants to steal this concept.

    btw, are you referring to these? New York prepares for 5G kiosks after stinging program review I found no mention of the black boxes you described and would like to confirm/know more. Like they teach in journalism (or used to) 101: ‘When your mother tells you her age, trust her… but verify.’


    Today’s mantra as I set down to work and struggle with a lifetime’s sense of failure:

    I can neither justify nor exonerate my life, nor is there adequate atonement I can make. But I CAN try and act in a manner congruent with my true ideals.


    zerosum: so Papa Zero it is. Zero? Well, you are a tad enigmatic, Papa Z.


    Whoa. Feels a bit politically inspired:

    When the Levee Breaks

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