Debt Rattle February 7 2019
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- This topic has 11 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by
John Day.
February 7, 2019 at 10:15 am #45244
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRené Magritte The Pleasure Principle (Portrait of Edward James) 1937 • Led By Donkeys (G.) • Tusk: Special Place In Hell For Brexiteers Without
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 7 2019]February 7, 2019 at 10:55 am #45245V. Arnold
ParticipantToo late already. A deliberate Monsanto policy.
This kind of duplicity should evoke the death penalty. Seriously.
Monsanto is the most vile example of corporate criminality; death is too good for those in charge!
The common man should never face the death penalty, for their worst crimes pale in conparison to corporate murder for profit…February 7, 2019 at 11:32 am #45246V. Arnold
ParticipantEdward James;
James is best known as a passionate supporter of Surrealism, a movement that was born from the political uncertainty and upheaval between the wars. Rejecting the bourgeois’ dominating rationality, surrealists escaped into a world of fantasy and irrationality. He sponsored Salvador Dalí for the whole of 1938 and his collection of paintings and art objects subsequently came to be accepted as the finest collection of surrealist work in private hands. He also provided practical help, supporting Dalí for about two years, and inviting René Magritte to stay in his London house to paint.
James appeared in two famous surrealist paintings, both by Magritte:
Not to be Reproduced
The Pleasure Principle: Portrait of Edward James[12]A fairly good overview of Magritte’s subject. Interesting at the least…
February 7, 2019 at 3:46 pm #45249John Day
ParticipantJohn Ward, The Slog, summarizes Brexit negotiations: The EU is facing an existential crisis. The UK isn’t. That’s the reality.
This clarification explains the reason why the EU cannot negotiate in good faith, but has to take the hardest possible line, a position of betting everything upon reversing the Brexit vote, by creating fear and despair in the UK. If Brexit happens, it will hasten the inevitable demise of the common currency. That is death, so Eurocrats must bluff hard and gamble everything against that death. They have no room to negotiate, nor can they come to any other consensus. No-deal Brexit hastens Eurodeath faster, but it’s all-or-nothing at this point.
At the End of the DayFebruary 7, 2019 at 4:21 pm #45250John Day
ParticipantFebruary 7, 2019 at 5:17 pm #45251Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThe UK does NOT have an existential crisis? If not now, they will never get one, they’d be set for time immemorial. John Ward is British, is he?
February 7, 2019 at 6:42 pm #45253seychelles
ParticipantYellen: Next Fed Move May Be A Rate Cut (CNBC)
EXACTLY the wrong move. No pain, no gain. But then again, they want chaos, as long as it is controlled.
February 7, 2019 at 7:06 pm #45254zerosum
ParticipantAre you having troubles making end meet.?
Blame Brexit.
Do you fear loosing your ill gotten gains?
Blame Brexit.Can you leverage/blackmail someone to improve your situation?
Blame the politician that represents you.February 7, 2019 at 8:06 pm #45255zerosum
ParticipantDo you strive to be rich?
Avoid or pass on all increase ( interest, fees, taxes, etc.) to the consumer
February 7, 2019 at 8:49 pm #45256MoFlora
ParticipantThank you Ilargi, for the important posts you’ve run lately. I hope you don’t mind if I comment on several at once this morning.
I would have commented yesterday on Dr D’s fine article but we lost power during our first real cold weather of the winter and I wore myself out packing water to the livestock. Thanks to Dr. D for an excellent piece. It’s interesting to me that the good doctor’s article ran during a week in which I am butchering mutton, lamb and turkey that we’ve raised. These critters work doing forest restoration for us during pasture season. In the winter they are more tightly confined and we gather the manure to use in the gardens and guilds (multi-layer diverse orchards). The soils here are young glacial gravels and sand, full of minerals but with very little organic material. The animal manure is absolutely essential for us. We grow a large portion of our own food and without the manure it would be MUCH more difficult if not impossible.
In the woods the critters take down brush and other fuel that would otherwise burn in wildfire or require motorized equipment to control. This forage is converted to manure, of course, which adds fertility and does not present a fire risk. The sheep and goats are slower than a bulldozer or masticator but they taste better and don’t burn diesel.
This is hilly, coniferous woodland, unsuitable for tillage or traditional farming, yet we grow much of our food including a surplus of fruit, eggs and meat. Dr D is correct. Much of the world’s meat is grazed and browsed on land just not suited for industrial agriculture.
As for bovines, we have a Brown Swiss ox who works with me in the woods. He is also slower than equipment but is quieter and smells better. If our next intern is interested in dairy I will get a Jersey cow – which will also produce a calf a year for meat.Mono-cropping soybeans is so environmentally destructive that it would take an entire page to detail the problems.
I suggest that anyone interested in the potential of livestock to restore landscapes and sequester carbon view Allan Savory’s TED talk.
Thanks also, Ilargi, for your posting of articles regarding the climate. This is the big one. Unfortunately, people tend to lock into positions on the subject that do not allow for the necessary evolution of our understanding. The IPCC will not, according to their own statement, include studies in their reports that show the pace and effects of climate change being faster and worse than their official models. They do not include them because of a fear of adverse public reaction. As early as 2012 the Scientific American was publishing articles about the IPCC underestimating climate change and why. The more recent US government report is somewhat more realistic.
At the same time, climate scientists (all nice folks I’m sure – good to their mothers and their dogs) do their best to ignore the warnings from astrophysicists, astronomers, and other space folks about the weakening magnetic field around the earth, wandering magnetic poles and obvious cyclical changes in solar output. All these things must matter, must have relevance to the bizarre weather we are experiencing.
Something is going on.
Having this clash of egos and interests does not lead us to the truth or even a greater understanding of the problem. Why does it have to be a binary choice? Why should the recognition of forces beyond the earth that effect the climate and life on earth obviate the need to do something drastic about planet killing pollution?
The insects are gone. We just don’t see many of the normal species here anymore The birds are gone. We have perhaps ten percent of the normal native forest dwellers we expect. Two of our five native major tree species are winking out. It just doesn’t get cold enough in the winter any more to kill the bark beetles or several diseases. We have several more weeks every year of very hot dry weather, resulting, of course, in much more evaporation and severe fires.There are solutions. In my opinion they do not involve billionaires telling us how to eat, or Hollywood stars lecturing us on fossil fuels from the deck of their huge yacht. The solutions are not to be found in the limos of those seeking to make billions from carbon credits, or those who want to build artificial trees! Restore vanished forests. Restore vanished prairies.
I can remember – about a decade ago – that it was the position of Nicole and TAE that imminent peak oil and the related economic disruption would drastically slow human caused climate change. I wish it had happened that way. Now, it will all be worse.
I disagree with one major point in your post about Robert Mueller. He is not a coward. He is a decorated, wounded, combat veteran. This is important because it directly relates to how he responds to criticism and pressure. You obviously despise him, but it is dangerous to underestimate your adversary. He is not afraid of Trump or much else. McCain was the same in that regard. These men faced adversity that shaped that side of their character. I was vehemently opposed to the Vietnam war. But it would be a huge mistake to devalue the effects, both positive and negative, that the experience had on us all who lived through that time.
Mueller is absolutely a product of the patrician elite. This is a system that has been very good to him. I assume he believes that it is a system worth fighting for, and he is a badass. I see no sign of fear in his conduct. Sometimes courageous, capable, intelligent people fight for the other side.
There will be much more collateral damage as the crisis unfolds, such as Mr Assange. Unfortunate, but remember, these are the guys who destroyed the village to save it. Trump declared himself their enemy. Now he is outraged because they don’t fight fair.
Trump has many vulnerabilities. The Inauguration money, the pornstar payoffs, the hotel, the Trump Tower in Moscow, New York taxes, etc. He left many easy targets and reasons for investigations in his wake. It did not have to be the Russia election investigation to start the ball rolling. Ridiculous to believe this crap wouldn’t come out.Thanks also for offering us alternate and sane coverage of the Venezuela situation. The great game of this century, so far, seems to be the contraction of the North Atlantic Empire around its periphery. US involvement militarily in Venezuela would seem to be the perfect reason to accelerate withdrawal from places like Syria, Ukraine, Korea, S.China Sea, etc. More so because Europe/NATO is fragmenting. It seems that managing this contraction with a minimum of conflict, keeping us out of major confrontation with Russia or China, would be the definition of a “win.”
As usual, the poor suffer most of the consequences.
Thanks Ilargi – please pardon the long comment. I should have held off that second cup of coffee. Please keep up the good work.
February 7, 2019 at 11:35 pm #45258zerosum
ParticipantThis blog is not attracting the noise that is normally heard at Zerohedge
Something is going to happen.
Keep watching.
Some dreams can happen.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Guarantee a job with a family-sustaining wage 8, 2019 at 2:24 am #45260John Day
Participant@Ilargi, Yep, John Ward is a Limey, living in France now, so paying a lot of attention to both populist waves. He used to have a line in one of the big UK papers, before the management changed or something.
It’s starting to look like a cat-fight between the older, meaner, Pelosi, and the younger, quicker, more energetic Ocasio-Cortez. -
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