Debt Rattle January 12 2025


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  • #179102

    René Magritte The victory 1939   • Trump Starts Governing Early From His Palm Beach Shadow White House (Whedon) • Trump To Sign Around 100 Execut
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 12 2025]


    Good Morning :-))

    What do you give to the man who already has everything, including all his boosters?

    “At-home ECGs will detect early heart issues and save thousands, say doctors”

    TVASSF – yeah sure, ‘cos they really care about saving lives.

    Michael Reid

    those darned kids

    america protects canada from ¿¡whom!?

    the only real threat actually seems to be from america..

    those darned kids

    pachamama actually seems way nicer than the catholic church.


    “His untruths and half truths are unforgivably irresponsible from the owner of a social media company” I havnt seen anything that establishes untruth or half truth. Just todays popular “we tried hard”. How about you publish a transparent accounting of statistics and your responce for maybe the last 20 years. That would back up your claim.

    those darned kids

    that “bait fish” was here way before mgm studios.

    show some respect..


    Know Thyself Quotes

    Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God. – Pythagoras

    Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. – Aristotle

    There are two sentences inscribed upon the Ancient oracle… “Know thyself” and “Nothing too much”; and upon these all other precepts depend. – Plutarch
    https: /

    Trump starts governing early from his Palm Beach shadow White House, creating significant impact

    https: //

    • Trump To Sign Around 100 Executive Orders Upon Taking Office (ZH)

    A Warning to All Foreign Leaders (You are not allowed to do what we do)

    By making an example of Starmer, Trump could send a stark message to any foreign leader contemplating interference in U.S. elections: no one is beyond the reach of American justice(/revenge).
    A New Era of Retribution

    This unfolding drama signals a new era in international politics, where foreign meddling in American elections is met with fierce and uncompromising retaliation. As Trump prepares to step back into the Oval Office, one thing is clear: the rules of the game have changed, and the cost of betrayal has never been higher.

    Pot calling the kettle black
    • Meloni: Soros Is Interfering In Democracies, Not Musk (RMX)
    “The problem is when wealthy people use their resources to finance parties, associations and political exponents all over the world to influence the political choices of nation states”,
    The pandemic may be over, but speech about COVID is not. – RFK Jr’s organization.

    https: //

    • We Were Censored By Meta; We’re Taking Them to the Supreme Court (CHD)

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Meta not only censored our posts – many having to do with topics that the so-called medical “experts” like Dr. Anthony Fauci were dead wrong about – but outright kicked us off the platform without warning.
    Meta first took action against CHD in May 2019, from takedowns and restrictions to an outright ban in August 2022 that is still in effect.
    What were our offenses? Simply publishing data on the risks of COVID vaccines, Remdesivir, and ventilation, as well as having the temerity to raise the benefits of natural immunity and alternative treatment with ivermectin and other protocols.

    “You can’t have it both ways,” Kuznick asserted, highlighting the inconsistency in condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine while supporting Israel’s in Gaza.

    https: //

    ‘Nyet means nyet’—even the CIA warned against crossing Russia’s red lines over NATO expansion in Ukraine.

    Dr. D

    “I’ll never call Donald Trump a convicted felon. He is a convicted innocent man. A convictively framed-up man.”

    They’ll call him that anyway and everyone will cheer. No one cares a bit if it’s true or false.

    “Trying to “steal” the presidential election. That earns Trump… *checks notes*… an unconditional discharge. Trey Gowdy quips, “What you just described should earn someone the death penalty.”

    Yes, like that. No one notices. Repeat it anyway, as if it is real and shows they’re super smart.

    • Trump Starts Governing Early From His Palm Beach Shadow White House (Whedon)

    Demonstrates the level of sham. So there’s no power, but he’s expressing the power he doesn’t have? Schrodinger’s Government: both in and out, both rules everything (de facto) and nothing (de jure). See why we have dates, events, thresholds now? That’s called #Logos. Rules. Order. Definitions. Reality. Things are and things are not. Not both.

    Biden, who is President, also isn’t. And where’s Kamala? Who? Huh? What Kamala, who’s that? Why didn’t she pull a 25th, which is her sworn duty? Because Biden is perfectly fine. But also isn’t. And is really running things. But also isn’t. For a government that has this power. But also doesn’t.

    “Outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speedily traveled to Mar-a-Lago after Trump floated the possibility of imposing tariffs on the country.”

    I may be mistaken, but all of this is completely normal, like everything Trump does. I was unaware that no leaders communicated with the electee until inauguration day. Like Flynn, talking on the phone, setting up with his diplomatic counterpart for the work they would do shortly. It might be slightly more, but what does “more” mean? One extra word? Complete shadow government?

    “• Trump To Sign Around 100 Executive Orders Upon Taking Office (ZH)

    So is today a day Executive Orders are legal and mean something, or an odd-numbered day when they don’t? Both!

    “With undeniable proof surfacing that UK Labour leader Keir Starmer allegedly orchestrated a covert operation involving 100 staffers to support Donald Trump’s rival, Kamala Harris,” …It wasn’t covert. We all knew.

    Trump: death penalty for election interference of a misdemeanor taken months/years ahead of running. Starmer: what crime, foreign PM goes on CNN and openly runs against a candidate, giving money, men, intel, time. AFTER running the Steele Dossier right out of MI6.

    “Reports reveal that Starmer sent 100 staffers to the U.S. in an effort to undermine the re-election”

    Yes, but they do that to all their colonies… They swear fealty to the British Crown, which is why Brunson exists: they did not/”forgot” to swear in any oaths of office to the U.S. and are therefore….not sworn in yet? Duh? Really guys, is it that hard to just LIE?

    Not being sworn in is the #Logos, BothNeitherAi I don’t see why I can’t be all things and their opposites, you can’t judge me. Only being one is Oppression. It’s literal concentration camps.

    This kind of “it’s everyone’s fault” and “it ain’t so bad” is precisely what’s wrong.”

    Narcissist’s creed. It isn’t happening. If it’s happening, it’s not bad. No one decided it. If I decided it and it’s bad, it’s really YOUR fault. Etc.

    “The government says they are intent on implementing her recommendations, and point out that much of the inaction happened on the watch of the Conservative Party.”

    So Labour does NOT want to investigate their opponents in order to lambaste them in public? How unusually generous of them. You might even say “unprecedented.” To what do we own this great good fortune of universal government camaraderie? In open support of rapes?

    BTW, what a weird article. He goes out of his way to say it’s all false…but also true and justified. I imagine to CYA and not be arrested on false charges and jailed for years like so many.

    “Why is it that people are always calling for someone to think “outside the box,” then when someone does, say, “Aaaak! He thought outside the box!”

    No! We don’t mean that box! We mean MY box. Now do what you’re told! (The box is called “Overton”. Now see why Hugh Smith speaks of the pointlessness of fiddling around the edges)

    “Canada wouldn’t be able to function, if we didn’t take their 20% of our car market… So, I said to him, well, why are we doing it? He said, I don’t really know.”

    “We’re” doing it to collapse the United States. Easy. Says Noirette. WHO benefits from that? Europe. Britian, the smaller we are the more they can direct us. If we break up, they regain their colonies. Just like 1750, 1780, 1812, 1860, 1913… Trudeau doesn’t know. That’s why he’s not a leader, so then who is? Is articulating things possibly part of his job?

    “Is the problem that Elon Musk is influential and rich or that he is not left-wing?”

    Goes without saying. ANY motion to Socialism is a good motion. Critical Race Theory, Cloward-Piven, open borders, burning whole cities while spreading a virus. That’s the GOOD spreading of virus, that’s the GOOD destruction of workers– it causes the Glorious Revolution that’s Eternal. However, if you HELP the workers by closing the borders as (Socialist) Bernie Sanders has, you’re the BAD kind and Hitler. Even if you’re a real, card-carrying Socialist, like he is. Or Jimmy Dore. Sooo…got nothin’ to do with it, does it?

    “Left” (NeoLiberal) = Good. “Right” (the rest of the universe that is an inch to the right of Mao) = Bad. The world is so simple!

    ““In 2021, I set out to destroy the woke mind virus and now it has been deleted..”

    Always taking credit for things he didn’t do. He didn’t do that on his site, and it’s barely reduced anywhere on earth.

    “• Special Counsel Jack Smith Resigns (RT)

    He can’t resign, he’s never been Special Council to begin with. BothNeitherAi.

    “He allowed a jury to convict Trump without any agreement, let alone unanimity, on what actually occurred in the case.

    Technically, but this needs expansion. The Prosecution said they didn’t know what crime was committed. The Jury specifically asked, and the Judge said he wouldn’t tell them. “Any crime you like” was the legal answer.

    “Hunter will have to talk. And under oath he can’t lie.”

    Prediction: not only can he lie, he will. Often, egregiously, and at great length.

    That’s like how you can’t drive without a license. Well 12 million people don’t have licenses and drive the U.S. daily. They therefore have no insurance, no legal position, so all minor events become 12 Million hit-and-runs as they flee the scene at high speeds. You can pay that claim yourself from cash. Just another creative service brought to you by caring Democrats.

    “• CIA Can Read WhatsApp Messages – Zuckerberg (RT)

    Yeah, no s—t. Their problem is they’d have to actually assign a human being to do it. WITHOUT A WARRANT. To spy on a U.S. Citizen, WHICH IS ENTIRELY PROHIBITED. Since law has no effect on them, as if it doesn’t exist, the only thing that stops them in manpower and too many details.

    They do this with “Cracking your bitcoin address”. Are you kidding? They’ll put on a $2 keystroke logger, it’s way easier. But hitting you with a hammer is far funnier and the more preferred method.

    “According to Carlson, the agencies spied on him by tapping his messages and emails, and leaked his intentions to the media,”

    Again, this is totally illegal. But that’s the “Law” and government doesn’t follow that.

    Btw, the reason Intel is a monopoly – behind Android and Apple, which are monopolies – is that they, the government, put this open hack INTO THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CHIPS. Then prevented anyone from opening a chip company that wouldn’t have an unlimited back-door. Yes, your chip too.

    Congratulations, morons, CHINA HAS THAT HACK TOO, or I’m a cow. Any security flaw you invent will be used by EVERYONE and fast, within a year or something. So the CIA is going to use WHAT chips in their internal and field computers? Chinese chips from China, or Intel chips hacked open by China? Decisions, decisions. …I literally cannot believe these people.. For decades like this.

    “• US Playing ‘Fool’s Game’ By Ignoring Russia’s Red Lines – Peter Kuznick (RT)

    Who? Who exactly? What game? What red line exactly? I am America, am I playing this game?

    “2025 election manifesto a condemnation of Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine conflict.”

    Because that would change what and be helpful how? Boy we are signaling the f—k out of this! Man, we are the greatest signalers ever!

    BTW, MSNBC anchors were in hysterics yukking it up about the lack of men in Ukraine. They were like, “Did you see that breadline! Like 30 women and no men! Hhahahahaha! That’s so funniee-awesome!!!” I thought they were going to fall on the floor in delight. Joe Biden’s genocide.

    “Former European Commissioner Thierry Breton says the EU has mechanisms to nullify a potential election victory of the AfD: ”We did it in Romania”

    Yeah, uh, Shut yer face about it?

    Soooo…fire. All reservoirs were drained, staff was fired, insurance was canceled, and only fire insurance. …Ahead of time. Perfectly, to the week. Strange, unprecedented winds then occurred, while live humans were filmed starting the fires. Stop me if you’ve heard this before. In Lahinia. Then they will follow new laws passed that 1) gets infinity Federal money 2) Raises all taxes as you can’t rebuild at the same estimate/baseline 3) can only be afforded by larger millionaires (corporations) than yourself and 4) All the codes make you a 15-minute panoptican ruin.

    Well, I see nothing suspicious here! No motive exists, must be climate changed caused all those arsonists to go mad!

    Rogan: Liminalism. The Pope is the Pope and also the Non-Pope, doing what Popes do and also the Opposite. Every day. They’re not fighting FOR something, they’re fighting against any THING at all. Any Logos, fact, rule, word, order, limit, at all. Great point though, WHY would they fight for human souls? We’re too tiny to mess with, right?

    …I guess not. We’re too small, nothing we do matters? That’s not what your vaunted elites say. And you tell me they know everything and control everything. If that’s true, then why have any fuss about us?

    …Because it’s NOT true. And the top believers in God, Christ, etc, by their ACTIONS are NOT the Christians: it’s these guys, the deniers. Odd, wouldn’t you say? So who would you believe? Us guys without information? Or those guys that you tell me have ALL the information?

    Well, I’ll take YOUR word for it. Not mine. Okay, you sold me. Now why don’t you believe what you yourself are saying? What was that about arguing the #Opposite of yourself yesterday?

    ““Ukraine changed in 2014 after Maidan. It became truly a dangerous country.”

    Yeah but he’s calling it a “Country”. After 2014 it’s not.

    Wiki: Remsen is in Utica-Rome, NY

    Dr. D

    “This unfolding drama signals a new era in international politics, where foreign meddling in American elections is met with fierce and uncompromising retaliation. As Trump prepares to step back into the Oval Office, one thing is clear: the rules of the game have changed, and the cost of betrayal has never been higher.”

    Because: Trump. Well all of that is totally false. All 53 words. So we’ve always promoted the interference of foreign nations in our elections ‘til now? It’s a “New era” I hear. We would never have retaliated before. If so that’s the only way any rules have been changed at all: if you totally deny and re-write the past, not just of us, but all human history everywhere. What Betrayal might you mean? Up until now we liked betrayers? Higher than what? We’re going to go up from hanging to re-instate drawing and quartering? Sounds to be like the cost of betrayal has perhaps never been lower.

    Lower = Higher, bothneitherai. History = NotHistory, bothneitherai.

    ““You can’t have it both ways,” Kuznick asserted, highlighting the inconsistency in condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine while supporting Israel’s in Gaza.”

    Speaking of new eras: there has never been a day in my life they were NOT doing this inconsistency. And they’re doing it now and almost everyone approves, even enough to sign up and die for. So clearly they CAN have it both ways and do every day. Stop them. Make them.


    • Trump’s ‘Crazy’ Ideas Not So Crazy After All

    The Uni=polar World has received a swift knee-to-the-Groin


    The Multi Polar World replacing it is just like Orwell predicted:




    This are the new “Spheres of Influence”

    Except Russia has cast it”s lot with Eastasia

    So has India and Iran

    And Eurasia is now Euroturdistan

    And Euroturdistan has no army, no energy, no natural resources, no free speech and is full of illegal migrant invaders who hate the native people and culture, and an emasculated male population surrounds by bitter man hating mentally ill women.


    Euroturdistan is done.

    It’s just beginning it’s “Century of Humiliation”

    Good luck on that Euro=tards, it’s goin’ be Hell on Earth.

    Worse than a Hieronymus Bosch painting


    D Benton Smith

    @aspnaz seems to be endorsing Jeffrey Sachs as a trustworthy source of true information about what’s happening in America and Israel. That’s very interesting, because I too have a very very high regard for Sachs. Frankly, I think Sachs would be an excellent choice for US Secretary of State. He sure has the chops for the job.

    Makes me wonder if Aspie knows that doctorate and full professor Jeffrey Sachs is Jewish.



    “Judge” Merchan pisses on Supreme Court’s Head, Tells Them It’s Rain

    The Supreme Clowns are spineless geriatric douche-bagettes

    Merchan just gave them a Toilet Swirlie.

    Their heads are matted wet and dank and they seem genuinely puzzled at what just happened to them as a court.

    Duh’merican Justice at it’s finest!








    Palisades Reservior:


    Having a DEI Bitch be head of LAFD didn’t work, damn!




    Ellen Degenerate moved to the Cotswolds


    those darned kids

    donald should be a convicted war criminal.

    stormy daniels?

    what about eviscerated children in yemen?

    those darned kids

    donald trump should be a convicted war criminal.

    stormy daniels?

    what about eviscerated children in yemen?

    those darned kids

    ““Is the problem that Elon Musk is influential and rich or that he is not left-wing?”

    no, the problem is that he is another war criminal.


    Yeah! It’s Big Pharma Day!!

    Treat the symptom, mask the malady schedule the next appointment.
    Better Living Through Better Obfuscation…Through Propaganda
    (“Better Things for Better Living…Through Chemistry” – DuPont 1935)

    “The State doesn’t just want you to obey, it wants to make you WANT to obey.” ~ H. L. Mencken

    Son listen, with all of your attention, your future depends on it.
    Never Jeopardize Your Plausible Deniability

    Dr D Rich

    @tboc ((belatedly))

    reaction formation
    buying debt
    cognitive dissonance
    banking (((when what is meant is debting, fleecing or impoverishing)))

    Dr D Rich

    projective identification *particularly the acquisitive variety*


    on Greenland
    a known counterfeiter is going to purchse Greenland while running from states carrying brics, tar and feathers and chanting
    “Last week, he took all my money
    And it may sound funny
    But I come to get my money back”

    and all the sisters sing right out

    “Yeah, you don’t tug on Superman’s cape
    You don’t spit into the wind
    You don’t pull the mask off the old lone ranger
    And you don’t mess around with Him(Slim)” – Croce


    Dr D Rich, gotcha



    Oh, good heavens! A quick perusal of many Catholic traditions show that they are co-sourced from older, pagan traditions. But, indigenous South American religious traditions, now, when those are merged with Catholicism, that is “bad” and “evil” and “heresy.”

    Do some thinking.

    The reason why “satanism” is bad is because you have a group of people committing human sacrifice and ritual sexual abuse — one can condemn it based on the framework of Christianity, calling it “satanism,” or worship of Baal, etc., or it can simply condemned on its own merits, completely irrespective of any religious overtones.

    D Benton Smith


    or it can simply condemned on its own merits, completely irrespective of any religious overtones.”

    Exactly. Furthermore, by doing it that way one avoids falling for the slick trickery of the guilty ones switching the labels around like a shell game to avoid detection and the condemnation that they know will go with it.

    D Benton Smith

    That astute advice just given by phoenixvoice is why I won’t let @aspnaz get away with the shell game he’s playing with the labels of Jew, Christian, American and white people. You won’t know dangerous miscreants by their names and labels. You know them by the intention and outcome of their deeds.


    In the same way that Ukraine was made into an anti-russia, California has been made into an anti-USA.

    Its repeated self-inflicted failures and disasters cause it to demand more resources from the rest of the country while pooping out continual hordes of fleeing Californians to ruin other places (Austin TX, Boise ID, Denver, CO, etc, etc, etc)

    Every level of responsibility in the hierarchy responsible for he LA fire prevention and response is filled by a person who has overtly pledged allegiance to wokeism (marxism) which is diametrically opposed to the US and CA constitutions. Below the hair-gelled white guy marxist at the top who can get the white liberal female vote due to being over 6 feet tall and having good hair, it was all marxist lesbians, mostly BIPOC, mostly named Kristen.

    The bipoc lesbian marxist in charge of the water supply said her interest in the job was mainly establishing “social equity”

    The lesbian marxist fire chief thought if a firefighter could not rescue a man from a fire, well, he got himself into that situation. Guess he’ll die then. (the “and that’s a good thing” was palpable)

    The lesbian bipoc marxist mayor seemed unconcerned about the known impending high wind and about all the reports she’d received about the city’s state of readiness. Seems she was most concerned with LOWERING the fire budget by tens of millions.

    The state refuses to maintain its forests for fear of “disturbing” a protected species. Being incinerated apparently does not constitute “disturbing” They have been warned for decades. They wouldn’t build the reservoirs they were legally obligated to build. They fired hundreds of experienced firefighters.

    The entire leadership hierarchy effusively believes in current-year wokeism, which is 70’s-00’s academic marxism. It very specifically says we need to establish protected classes and oppress perceived privileged classes.

    It enthusiastically, specifically advocates for anarcho-terrorism in which basic government services are taken over – fire, police – and then only selectively used. Withheld from any perceived “privileged” and in fact exercised in a hostile action towards any “privileged” who attempt to solve problems for themselves. Enemies are thus targeted if they do anything and still targeted when passive. This is their overly stated Thing That Should Be Done.

    The $950 theft threshold is another example of anarcho-terrorism in action. It has totally destroyed the downtowns of CA’s cities.

    The entire leadership structure is incompetent. They do not KNOW how to manage forests, prevent fires, fight fires. I saw a list of unused military assets that could have swung into action against the fires — they probably did not know the procedures to call them into service. They know marxist “theory” which is such garbage it cannot make it to the level of hypothesis let alone theory. Creationist “theory” is more of a theory than marxist “theory.”

    Moreover they are actively malevolent. It is entirely in keeping with their VALUES and goals to, when hearing year after year that the Palisades fire hydrants are dry, to leave them that way. (….”an that’s a good thing”)

    Worse, in addition to being incompetent and malevolent, their malevolence is itself incompetent!

    If your’e a Protected Class, you are still smart enough to understand that fires spread? While the 5 levels of leadership responsible for the protection of your city, in their marxist wisdom, strategize water and forest management, fire prevention, preparation, and suppression on the basis of totally abstract symbolic theology from 70’s marxist sociologist phd’s who hate you, the actual fires they actually bring into being spread and burn down YOUR home, kill you, make your neighborhood unlivable in 10 different ways.

    From asst fire chief up through governor, the entire leadership is corrupt, incompetent, and actively malevolent on the basis of an alien ideology-superstition. YOU CANNOT GIVE MONEY TO THESE PEOPLE. They steal BY creating the need FOR the money through creating disasters. If you wanted to hold snap elections and THEN consider sending help to new management, this would be FUTILE. The malevolent parties have been working to make non-corrupt elections an impossibility.

    I can only imagine, as a workable solution, putting California into some sort of receivership. Like if you had an insane retarded evil relative that was going to inherit (and squander) the family fortune, you might have to have them declared legally incompetent, get a sane family member power of attorney. Not only to stop the waste but stop the active harm they would do.

    You’d need to impose some sort of new parallel non corrupt non marxist non anti california/usa government structure, prosecute parties for malevolent negligence, money laundering, fraud, embezzlement, nepotism, etc etc. Kick out 5-15 million illegals illegally registered to vote. Deal with well-funded active subversive organizations conducting espionage/terrorism warfare. Set up the necessary infrastructure for a fair, non-corrupt election.

    Even then, have the citizens of the state been rendered too ignorant and idiotic to make a wise choice? Should California be in receivership, protective custody for a generation? Can we forcibly return those Californians that fled in the past 20 years back to California who, after being vetted, turn out to be anti-usa, anti-constitution, pro-marxism?

    LA burning down is no less a marxist atrocity than the marxists fucking up the harvest and distribution in Ukraine during Holodomor. They’re incompetent, they’re malevolent, AND their malevolence is itself incompetent. A danger to themselves and others.

    I keep seeing articles about “Biden” pouring billions and billions out to various parties – sometimes there are interviewees stating specifically that he is doing this to fund things to fuck up the Trump admin later on. Cloward-Piven – who CARES if the money never even goes towards anti-Trump efforts so long as it gets shoveled out the door!

    Unless a radical change is made, California will be a contagious horribly diseased vampire bat on the neck of US citizens.


    It’s been hilarious seeing the marxists in charge of CA and LA citing their wokeist “climate change” as a defense.

    Okay, so those ignorant non-marxist non-wokeist white dudes of yesteryear who were in charge before, they would have UNDERESTIMATED the threat, yes? Because they would NOT expect Climate Change™?

    But the marxist leadership, avidly, effusively expresing I Believe™ in Climate Meltdown™ EXPECTED increased fire danger, yes? Implicitly in their coreiest core of core values???

    So then they stopped all preparations, decreased preparations even, because of how much HIGHER the danger of fire is due to Climate Inferno™? Your prediction was the danger would be higher EVERY year, every month, every day, ever second?

    So you heard 80mp winds in your city were immanent and went to meet with marxists in Ghana? US marxist academics love meeting with african marxists almost as much as killing farmers, nobody knows why.

    Are any Climate Supernova™ Believers saying “This thing where fires can happen… our CO2 At Record Low Planetary Levels Will Cause The Earth To Achieve The Temperature The Universe Had A Moment After The Big Bang (10 to the 32nd power Kelvin)™ Belief did not account for FIRE. I mean Woah, slow down man. We didn’t predict FIRE in any of that shit, man. We’ve added it to our tHeOrY, of course. Fire is now part of it, but NOBODY could have predicted fire from massive predicted heat and disaster that we were always warning of. They use CO2 in fire extinguishers, don’t they??? God is Trump heartless!!!”


    A. We’re mega-retarded and incompetent — Climate Change and its consequent disasters like continual worsening WILDFIRES, despite being constantly on our minds and issuing like continual diarrhea from our lips, results in us going: “Derrrrrrr” and decreasing fire-preparedness while drooling on ourselves.

    B. We’re Malevolent — we believe in increased wildfire risk therefore ….THEREFORE, we reduce fire preparedness every way we can.


    Preview/it started “no more fact check”

    Trump makes false claims … CNN, MSNBC


    Homeless guy started a fire on the sidewalk and the 9woke) cops just drove off like it’s nothing

    Welcome to Los Angeles

    Califoricate has 50%+ of the nation’s homeless cause of the mild weather

    Homeless Man Busted on Suspicion of Starting One of the Ravaging L.A. Wildfires With a ‘Flamethrower’


    Light him on fire and watch the response.

    D Benton Smith

    The ancient Inca made human sacrifices to Pachamama.. One of the most well-known rituals was called Capacocha. This ceremony involved the sacrifice of children, who were selected for their purity and perfection. These children were often given offerings like coca leaves and chicha (corn beer) before being sacrificed through methods such as strangulation, suffocation, or being buried alive.

    I think that is sufficient evidence to condemn Pope Francis and coconspirators in their deliberate and decades long campaign to subvert the Catholic Church. The reason they are so perseverant in that literally diabolic effort is that that they KNOW who is their most dangerous adversary.

    Those who think that this battle between God and Satan is some sort of political accident or clash of unintentional coincidences is uninformed and has not done their homework.




    They are in fact in pretty much all administrative positions in DEI Californicate







    If only we could figure out what’s causing all this extra drag..


    Meme Memo



    2nd Century AD




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