Debt Rattle January 27 2025


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  • #180436

    Vincent van Gogh Weaver 1884   • Trade War Ends In Less Than 10 Hours After Colombia Agrees To Trump’s Terms (ZH) • Trump Suggests ‘Cleaning Out’
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 27 2025]

    Formerly T-Bear

    The U.N. General Assembly, the I.C. C., the I.C.J. , ALL must demand an immediateCensus of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem to establish Palestinian populations in those areas currently existing. Istael has no standing to object. The constant churning of the population of Gaza erased all information of numbers there. That must be firmly reestablished immediately. The decrease from pre-extermination will be the genocide quotient Israel is accountable for. Failure to do this adds others to the responsibility for genocide.

    Dr. D

    Easy button:

    US-Russia. “What an odd thing to say.” Don’t you know we’re not at all involved in this war with Russia?

    BTW, if those 200,000 Europeans are “peacekeepers,” we’re not giving them rifles, right? I mean, if we gave them rifles, they’d be “Warkeepers.”

    “President Trump Signs Executive Order To Declassify ALL Documents Pertaining To The Murders Of JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr”

    That’s already going badly. First release FBI docs that St. MLK was taking “government” money and buying hookers, having gay orgies, as a matter of course. It’s hard for this to be FBI slander because these are internal documents that weren’t released. Slander to whom? Gay in 1960 = blackmailable, on payroll. And 2) we already know he was having affairs and not moral, the only question is to what level.

    This is what I’m saying about “Something odd has to be in there, something still relevant.” So invoking the name of MLK, which was doing a lot of good, gets trashed as well. Oh well, we have to have Truth, Fīat iūstitia ruat cælum.

    Not thrilled with designating Yemen as terrorists, but for a change that’s an (arguable) legal fact: there are two rival governments, so they’re calling the outer one 1) Non-state actor (non U.S.) 2) they are more or less sinking random third parties, 3) these are not warships, 4) to achieve a political end. What can I tell you? The problem generally is that it’s a State actor ACTING like a bunch of terrorists, and it’s unclear if that term would apply. If not, it would be an act of open war of aggression, a war crime all the others are rolled in. No one acts like either is true, and States can kill whoever they want, internally or externally. That is not legally nor practically the case. The UN doesn’t care about either, so long as they’re on OUR side.

    “Trump: You used to be able to say…” STOP! You can’t say “Waitress” either. All your words are belong to us.

    “CIA Director Ratcliffe: Releasing Covid Lab-Leak Intel Key to Restoring Trust in U.S. Institutions”

    Did it work? Well, if they released it, then it’s false. How they doin’?

    “It was over when President Gustavo Petro sent his own plane to pick up the migrants.”

    How dare they accept their own citizens.

    “F around and find out”. Yeah, and my concern here is that they screw everything up, then you put in these guys who (possibly/probably immorally) fix stuff juuuuuuuuust enough that the Left wing of the same bird can keep limping along as ever with no real change. This is obviously the most likely.

    ““I’d like Egypt to take people, and I’d like Jordan to take people,” Trump said. “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, we just clean out that whole thing. It’s a real mess.”

    Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this. Yes, that’s just Trump completing Israel’s genocide. That’s it, the whole thing. And yes, that makes it literally a genocide, not different from Jackson and the Trail of Tears. So f—k off and when you get there go ahead and f—k right off again.

    “removing over a thousand Presidential Appointees from the previous Administration..”
    • Iran War Hawks Getting Wrecked

    Is he pretending to do Gaza to get cover to wipe out Neocons and AIPAC, then says whoops? Probably not so simply, but.

    “• LA Will Reopen Pacific Palisades To Residents Starting Monday (ZH)

    They are building apt blocks which are far more profitable in 15min (brutalist) cities, according to Dore. The key was to 1) Cancel insurance 2) Cause fires (going back years) 3) cause them intolerable expenses like paying taxes on a house that isn’t there to 4) force them to sell out to Blackrock, like any villain in a Clint Eastwood western. Trump only undercuts one tiny part of that, making Blackrock very slightly less effective, by not having the people stalled out for 18+ months, then another 18 months in planning and permitting.

    “• Trump Floats Eliminating Federal Income Tax ‘If The Tariffs Work Out’ (JTN)

    Yes this is the plan. No one knows if it can be done yet. I would say the pressures are too high, you can’t re-pipe the steam engine while it’s redlining, there’s going to be an error that causes a blowout somewhere. Armstrong interview says they weaken the US$ then like ’87, the Dow crashes +50% overnight. This is likely, also because like ’87 it bounces back quickly, and allows a rest of being impossibly overvalued (Cullom).

    “The DOGE $2 trillion budget savings goal is crucial to the very future of constitutional democracy and capitalist prosperity in America.”

    Yes, and see above. The odds of doing it are quite low. However, the slower you are and the closer to ground, the more likely there are survivors.

    ““..if Trump 2 fails, “the American experiment will come to an end: bureaucratic rule will devour the constitutional order.”

    Yes, this is it. The PMC and permanent managerial state. That is also the Dictatorial Technocracy. Or put another way, the Soviet Socialist State, what they aspired to be, but didn’t have the computing tech. I’m not making this up, they wrote about it extensively, including “Technocracy” magazine.

    “• Trump Fires ‘Virtually Worthless’ Inspectors General, Warren Freaks Out (ZH)

    Are there bad things in government, we found out? Oh, then the Inspectors General were provably useless, weren’t they, past tense.

    “• How Ukraine Lost Trillions-Worth of West-Coveted Natural Wealth (Sp.)

    Collateral. No intent, in fact no NEED to actually pump/mine it. Better if we don’t, actually. It’s all mental, fantastical, CONFIDENCE to back up other mental constructions…which we write down on spreadsheets. But it’s all abstractions and signals.

    “• Belarusian Peacekeepers ‘Best Option’ For Ukraine – Lukashenko (RT)

    Haha ha ha.

    ““..humanity could be saved from a privatized, weaponized, and monopolized AI wiping us out.”

    Surely you jest.

    “• No Evidence Closing Schools Materially Reduced Covid Transmission (Turley)

    Quite the opposite: it was a catastrophe for education and even child development, measurable and akin to torture and child abuse. (This is somewhat surprising, but that’s the consensus data). And everybody told you so. That means you knew it, did it anyway. We ALWAYS KNEW no children were at risk of harm from Covid. The olds murdered all the youngs. Just ‘cause, when it didn’t help the olds either.

    “revamped American liberal-capitalism by taking it to a new level, trendier and more glamorous, but above all more popular,”

    Uh, whaddyoutalkinabout? Everyone hates these guys even MORE than yesterday, on BOTH sides. “We Make S—t Up”

    Where is V Arnold? If he gets sick will he tell us?


    The UK has first refusal to buy Greenland. Hahaha, man what with? The crown jewels? I wonder if they are even there anymore?

    There is no mystery to who killed these men, unless one wishes to engage in pseudo-debates forever because the truth and its implications are too terrible to bear.

    The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

    Dr. D



    Where is V Arnold? If he gets sick will he tell us?

    2 good questions.


    Are they going offer “apartment of their choice” in the new multifamily structure built on their property to all those destitute people who lost their homes and no means to rebuild it?

    In Lima, in my visits I am watching single family residences being snatched by the developers and replaced by the multifamily high-risers – hooked onto existing water and sewage infrastructure. Stubborn homeowners who does not want to sell, despite the rather great offer, have to learn to live in their beloved house often sandwiched between such a new buildings.

    Dr D Rich

    “I don’t care, Margaret”

    JD Hamel Vance Bowman BLANTON, Vee Pee

    Truer words were never spoken.


    DEEPSEEK! …. Can Find/Tel/Expose//find evidence -Your Secrets and Lies

    • China Drops Powerful AI Model That’s Free, Fast and Better for Humanity (Sp.)

    “..humanity could be saved from a privatized, weaponized, and monopolized AI wiping us out.”
    Do a better job.
    Tell the truth.
    Take responsibility.
    Stop denying
    Stop blaming.
    Stop the diversions.
    Improve investment strategy.
    Can be used to prevent adverse effects.
    Can be used to dig through all the white noise.


    In Las Vegas speech, Trump floats eliminating federal income tax ‘if the tariffs work out’
    • Which Country Could Buy Greenland? (Sp.)
    • Iran War Hawks Getting Wrecked In Trump Personnel Fight (Ryan Grim)
    • Are Trump and His Supporters Ready for a Fight to the Death? (PCR)
    `• Trump Fires ‘Virtually Worthless’ Inspectors General, Warren Freaks Out (ZH)
    • US Officials Pushing To Unfreeze Aid For Ukraine – FT (RT)
    • America’s Fiscal Doomsday Machine Must Be Stopped (David Stockman)
    • No Evidence Closing Schools Materially Reduced Covid Transmission (Turley)


    So they ARE relaxing all those ironclad rules and regulations!

    …not to let homeowners rebuild better and cheaper, but to kick them out.

    The “water management” strategy of letting nobody catch rainfall seems particularly stupid. Look at the sahara where they are purposely making all these little catchments and beating the desert back. If California marxist “environmentalists” (we skin-suited Environment) were there, they’d be going “no, no, that’s crazy putting water into the desert like that, WE need to gather that water together and “manage” it for you. YOU managing the water falling on your land is awful, horrible, unthinkable.

    At best, even with no ulterior motive, the would only understand any moisture in any form being pulled into those catchments as “resources” to be “distributed.” As opposed to a process that ends up with an entirely different climate – with more for everyone.

    What would the LA basin look like if every house had a cistern and was using it? The water goes through your cistern and yard before it goes to the ocean, so what? And maybe the whole area transforms into something a bit less flammable, a bit more verdant? Like with those miles of Sahara that have been beaten back? Maybe it rains more – to the same extent that people used cisterns and at worst it is no better no worse in terms of total passthrough. How could you think keeping the area desiccated is the better “management” plan? Then start kicking all those Sahara catchments down.

    And do you need a water-managing bureaucracy, a water infrastructure, regulatory enforcement, to work its will, when everyone has a cistern? How much continual energy input does it take to run that? How much energy does it take to let water fall from the sky and into your catchment?

    Doc Robinson

    What happened to the promised report on the mystery drones?


    Greenland is not part of the EU. It left after a Referendum.

    Iceland, Norway, Jersey and Guernsey, and since Brexit, the UK are not part of the EU. Ireland is the exception here, trad. strongly pro-Europe, pro-EU,understandable, damn those Murderous Brit Colonisers…

    From top post,

    EU Military Chief Wants Troops In Greenland (RT):

    The European Union should deploy military forces in Greenland, the chairman of the EU Military Committee (EUMC), Gen. Robert Brieger, said in an interview published Saturday. He cited Greenland’s geopolitical importance and “tensions” with Russia and China as the reason for his suggestion.

    Why would the EU control / defend a non-EU country? Humanitarian stuff, hmmm.

    –> Greenland is a full member of NATO. Should the US ‘attack’ or ‘control’ Greenland, that would be a NATO country subjugating another one, thru force of arms, intimidation, or more. One other reason for Trump to quit – disband – nullify, NATO.

    I guess all these ‘accords’, signed pacts, security guarantees, are now just immaterial, part of the Past.

    Doc Robinson

    Noirette: “Why would the EU control / defend a non-EU country? Humanitarian stuff, hmmm.”

    Military base envy? To offset the USA’s military presence and interests in Greenland?


    DEEPSEEK …. Can Find/Tel/Expose//find evidence Your Secrets and Lies

    • China Drops Powerful AI Model That’s Free, Fast and Better for Humanity (Sp.)

    “..humanity could be saved from a privatized, weaponized, and monopolized AI wiping us out.”
    Do a better job.
    Tell the truth.
    Take responsibility.
    Stop denying
    Stop blaming.
    Stop the diversions.
    Improve investment strategy.
    Can be used to prevent adverse effects.
    Can be used to dig through all the white noise.


    In Las Vegas speech, Trump floats eliminating federal income tax ‘if the tariffs work out’
    • Which Country Could Buy Greenland? (Sp.)
    • Iran War Hawks Getting Wrecked In Trump Personnel Fight (Ryan Grim)
    • Are Trump and His Supporters Ready for a Fight to the Death? (PCR)
    `• Trump Fires ‘Virtually Worthless’ Inspectors General, Warren Freaks Out (ZH)
    • US Officials Pushing To Unfreeze Aid For Ukraine – FT (RT)
    • America’s Fiscal Doomsday Machine Must Be Stopped (David Stockman)
    • No Evidence Closing Schools Materially Reduced Covid Transmission (Turley)

    those darned kids

    deep seek is total crap.

    ask about covid schots. ask about climate “change”. ask about any narrative that ‘globocap” wants to go in a certain direction, and you will be guided.’

    i gave it links to papers in “nature” etc. AND IT CAN’T ACCESS THEM.

    so i gave it the papers AND THEN ALL THE “CHATS” STARTED TIMING OUT where nothing like that had happened before.








    “If you call a woman beautiful today, it is the end of your political career …”

    Trump confirming my point once again that Politics is downstream from Culture

    The Woke-Tard Cultural Psy-op is an attack and perversion of a country’s Culture towards a Political Goal.

    Better the Reds are Dead



    deep seek is total crap.

    The stock market spoke …

    Let wait and see.
    Its cheap enough, and affordable for the rif raf to use it to find answers.


    And Culture is downstream from Memes


    Warning: Vicious Circle Meme


    Doc Robinson

    The answers from AI are incomplete, depending on the hidden agendas.


    To the Elon Musk detractors here at TAE peanut gallery:

    With numbers like this Musk will continue to exert great influence

    Money talks, Bullshitters get to walk

    So Sad. :>(



    @ Doc Robinson

    “The answers from AI are incomplete, depending on the hidden agendas…”

    The AI you are allowed to see and play with are second third rate Potemkin retarded AIs

    The Good Stuff, much like the best booze and pot, will never be available to the Little People, the Unwashed Masses.

    If the Pedo Blob wanted to hear what you had to say about AI, they’d squeeze your head.

    The Cutting Edge AI, the kind that uses enough electricity to power a medium sized CITY, you will never even imagine what it’s like because it’s Super-Duper Ultra Top Secret.

    The Empire of Lies is in a Death Match Race to best the Chinese, Russian and Indian AI versions for WORLD DOMINATION

    Can you dig it?



    “Cultural Marxism” caption with consequences to a family, religion, private property and Nation.
    So how one, then, explains the current state of Russia vs USA?
    Former had a good 70 years of “hammer and sickle”


    The fact that Duh’merica was ALWAYS ranting about ‘communism’ for seventy years then when the USSR fell and Russia resumed, the hypocrisy of Duh’merica finally revealed itself because non-communist Russia is now being portrayed as the same ‘evil’ as the USSR.

    Had NOTHING to do with ideology

    It’s alway been about you controls 11 time zones worth of nature resources.

    Duh’merica is control by Monsters, look in the mirror my feloow Duh’mericans.


    Correction: Incompetent Monsters



    Duh’merica ‘kulture’ has been ritually humiliated now so many times it doesn’t know which way is Up.

    The Good Old Days



    The Present



    Going through some old medieval manuscripts, found a gem…..



    “Van Gogh Down by the River”



    The answers from AI are incomplete, depending on the hidden agendas.

    Now, MSM is still saying “don’t trust the alternate sources of information”

    Soon, your cheap “black swan” will say, “Check out the info that I found, before you decide to make up your mind.”

    D Benton Smith

    Our deservedly beloved Raul Ilargi Miejer was presciently astute enough to include as part of our daily homework assignment the very recent presentation by Catherine Austin Fitts to the Hilsdale College assembly. For those who missed it, here’s the link again:

    She was as focused laser brilliant as usual, what a genius and treasure she truly is. I would only add ONE observation & conclusion to her talk. This addendum is simply that all of the procedures and actions that she describes (which includes BOTH the procedures and actions which generated the problem AND the procedures and actions which might, hopefully, reverse and repair those problems) ARE 99.9% DEPENDENT UPON ADVANCED NETWORKED COMPUTERIZED SYSTEMS MANAGED AS, AND MANAGED WITH WHAT WE WOULD HAVE TO CALL “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS”.

    The Panic that is arising within the ranks of our various leadership elites is that they have LOST CONTROL of those AI systems, which are at this very moment, and increasing exponentially, being turned against them and being used to create a new and hopefully better system.

    I say “hopefully” because I am not at all confident that the “new” control system is going to work much better or for as long as would be necessary to actually SOLVE the problems we face. Nor am I very confident that the “new” system will not rapidly go corrupt as fast as the last one did.

    But make special note that my personal doubts and reservations are almost purely academic and entirely irrelevant insofar as the switch from old to new SHALL HAPPEN AND IS HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK, in complete disregard for how I feel about it.

    Should I be offended by that snub of my tender feelings or should I instead deal with the reality of the events and its consequences?

    And if THAT rhetorical question is not setting myself up for callously snarky responses then I don’t know how else to do it.


    NASDAQ spoke, It’s at (- 677) 3 .9% bobobobo

    Doc Robinson

    Craig Murray reports from Lebanon.

    Yesterday, not only did Israel fail to evacuate its army from Southern Lebanon as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, Israel also shot over 130 Lebanese civilians attempting to return home in accordance with the deal, killing 23 and wounding 109 (of whom some are in critical condition).

    This included a 12 year old boy wounded in the neck in Kfarkela, standing right next to my local producer Mahmood. I was twenty yards away and on my way to them…
    Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon


    Still going down … gottastopp crying .. its only pretend money

    those darned kids

    elon musk is a war criminal. the number of cars he sells means nothing.

    he is a murderer.

    D Benton Smith

    The present moment seems to be a particularly good time to sharpen up the ability to tell the difference between friend and foe. The following SHORT essay from political ponerology on that skill is a good start, since there are so many bad guys telling us that they’re our friend, and so many friends who are keeping their mouths and profile on the down-low.

    those darned kids

    if you’re telling them where the toddlers they need to decapitate are found, you are guilty, too.

    Doc Robinson

    Craig Murray reports that “the Lebanese army is fully under US control” and “the Lebanese army simply watched the Israeli army massacre Lebanese civilians.”

    The role of the Lebanese army is extremely dubious, but 100% in Israel’s favour. The Lebanese army is fully under US control. Literally, 50% of the salary of every single Lebanese soldier is directly paid by the US Government.

    Yesterday the Lebanese army simply watched the Israeli army massacre Lebanese civilians. If the Lebanese army was protecting anybody yesterday, it was protecting the Israeli Defence Force.

    Sill more extraordinary, the new Lebanese Government failed to protest at the Israeli failure to withdraw, and the Trump administration has subsequently announced that Lebanon has agreed to extend the withdrawal deadline until 18 February.

    In fact neither Israel nor the USA ever had the slightest intention of IDF withdrawal. Israel has demolished more than 2,000 Lebanese homes during the ceasefire period, about half of them in towns and villages which Israel was unable to reach during the fighting but has occupied during the ceasefire.

    Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon

    D Benton Smith

    International Treaties (such as the one signed by all of the so-called NATO nations) are just like marriage licenses: Fully enforceable under Law, until either or both of the parries involved decide that they don’t agree with it any more. At that moment the written and co-signed contract becomes used toilet paper.

    Dr D Rich


    Elon(gated) Musk….

    Dr D Rich

    Charles Hughes Smith opines that Deep-Seek may be a game-changing black swan:

    Doc Robinson

    Former British diplomat Craig Murray didn’t mince words when he tweeted this on January 24:

    “I think Israel has proven it does not deserve to be a state, beyond any argument.”

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