Debt Rattle January 7 2015


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    DPC Foundry, Detroit Shipbuilding Co., Wyandotte, Michigan 1915 • Attack at Paris Satirical Magazine Office Kills 12 People (WSJ) • Is Attack Linked t
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 7 2015]


    Tremendous reaction to the attack against Charlie Hebdo. Vigils in just about every major city. The Front National is playing it very cool. Marine Le Pen knows that she does not need to say much. She has essentially said “Well, we told you so” in a very calm and measured statement. She can let other non-FN politicians speak because she knows that this attack will boost her results in the coming elections.
    I know that this may be theoretically unfair to Muslims (there has been a major debate as to whether they should come out vocally against fundamentalism when they are in fact not any more responsible than the local Catholic, Jew or Buddhist), but if there is not some convincing sign of true adhesion to some basic principles on the part of their organisations, this may leave some very harmful scars.
    I have for years felt that when the economy eventually turns decidedly south, some of the main victims will be people of MENA origin. Like Negroes in the U.S., they are simply too visible and too easy to target for people looking for scapegoats.
    Hard times are coming.

    Chris M

    As said in the CNBC article:

    “Much of that investment flowed into derivatives, investments in paper backed by commodities, not the underlying goods themselves. That investment helped artificially force commodity prices higher than the underlying demand.”

    As many of us know, these speculative devices distort the physical market. It happens in agriculture all the time, the field in which I work. These things have no place in a just world, as far as I’m concerned.


    The piece on the BOE is truly disturbing. There is part of me that hopes that, at the heart, these people are hard, cynical and corrupt; that they act as they do despite the risks they are running with people’s live bvecause they simply don’t care.

    Apparently they drink their own Kool Aid, they are true believers incapable of any connection with reality that is not mediated by their belief system.

    As a long-time reader of you guys, Steve Keen, Kunstler, Martenson, Tverberg et al. I knew that as I moved, debt free, into my new NZ home on August 10 2007, I had just scraped in before the shit hit the fan. If I knew that, there is utterly no excuse for those with the power to change things were not aware.

    Callous indifference I can at least understand, this level of deep, DNA level self-blindness and culpable ignorance beats me entirely.

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