Debt Rattle July 29 2024
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July 29, 2024 at 9:02 am #165050
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterVincent van Gogh Courtyard of the hospital in Arles 1889 • Kamala Harris Is A “Low IQ Individual.” – Trump (RT) • It All Tracks – Hersch Report
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 29 2024]July 29, 2024 at 10:31 am #165052Dr D Rich
Participant‘Two things’…..
………………….is always a nice way to start, but it’s always so much more.Denigrating Christianity really shouldn’t be too triggering.
Christianity ought to be able to laugh it off….handle it, so to speak.Now Christianity’s silent, ineffectual role in the priest-pedophile program that ran from little ol’ Seward Pa right to the Holy See, the sovereign juridical entity IS a whole separate level of depredation.
They offered me $140,000 to shut up in 2018 when they hadn’t known for 47 years I was Father George Pierce’s victim and a witness who can still place his principal victim, Clarice, in Holy Family’s Rectory over and over and over again.
You see, Pierce’s proclivities had been known to church authorities none of whom advertised the systemic and systematic nature of Church authorized child rape in the manner y’all think “Satanist” hurt yours and Christianity’s tender feelings at Paris 2024 Opening Ceremonies.They, Church Authorities from Greensburgh Diocese Bishop William Connare overseas to The Holy See, The Sovereign Juridical Entity, concocted the plan to cover up Pierce’s crimes against a 10 year boy by moving George to Holy Family Parish, Seward Pa. They also put Fr. Pierce in charge of other priests as prelate.
No use bitchin’ and moaning or else nothing gets done in the capitalist workplace.Juridical
What they didn’t do was warn me or put on a public display of their deviance like that on display in Paris 2024.
You ought to be grateful they’ve gone public and still like aspnaz and Celticbiker extol thee you still can’t identify the monster nor name the enemy
“Onward Christian Zionist soldiers marching as to War,
With the cross of Jesus going on before”I recommend being careful with the exhortations of Sundance at CTH. Or is it TCT, as in The Conservative Treehouse. He or She, Sundance is an overly sensitive counter to overly sensitive Marci Wheeler at The Emptwheel.
One should be read by also reading the other.
They rarely if ever brook criticism and they are persuasive in the same manner as videos from Scott Ritter. You know, the videos Dr D orgasms to in the mere anticipation of Scott Ritter’s message.
Eee-gawd! The imagery!!
Both Sundance and Marci wear blinders more prominent than those devices worn by horses drawing carriages.Marci’s musings come from her connections to Intel Section of the Deep State, American and British varieties.
I won’t be surprised when Sundance is exposed as such.July 29, 2024 at 10:38 am #165053Dr. D
ParticipantCanada’s standard of living is on track for its worst decline in 40 years:
In previous videos, I’ve talked about the disaster that is Justin Trudeau’s Canada. In short, incomes are West Virginia-level, house prices are at the Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are halfway to the Soviet Union.
It’s not rare for a middle-class family in Canada to pay half their income in taxes.
What changed? Justin Trudeau. Specifically, his campaign to convert Canada from a mixed economy like the US into a government-dominated economy like the sick men of the European Union.”Well…not exactly, but like UK, things like the National Health caught up with them. This form – of whatever, Socialism, the take over and control of industries – always works well at first, that’s why people vote for it. But it then removes cause and effect, Cost-Benefit, removes competition and slowly over institutional habit is lost and no one cares what things cost or how or if they work. And right on schedule Canada follows that pattern to the day. As this is “How we do things” then that attitude of larger government – who produce nothing – spreads elsewhere while also always expanding and never contracting. That is, in recession, industries get smaller and adjust to the less demand. Governments get larger. But also in times of high taxes, governments ALSO get larger. So they just get larger every year whether upturn or downturn, and do less and less until they are too big a drain on production and collapse. As they don’t WANT to collapse – a collapsing government is considered too dangerous, a failure, but ALSO shuts of my and my corporate buddy’s paychecks, they then arrest everyone who peacefully goes up to Ottawa and tells them politely to knock it off. Then it’s really on. And requires essentially a war. A class war of government vs the people. Those who work vs those who don’t.
So again, ““If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.” Madison
Or maybe ““No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.” Madison
Or even, ““Experience is the oracle of truth” ― James Madison
Government cannot control itself, neither can it judge itself and decide to get smaller, erase departments, etc.
“Government workers in Canada are growing almost four times faster than the private sector, and one in three Canadians now work for the government, raking in 30% more in salary and benefits than the taxpayers they lord over. Another 1.7 million Canadians – roughly 1 in 10 households – are on welfare.”
This isn’t rocket science. And is this merely coincidental? I don’t think so as history has shown.
Infinity homelessness thanks to government “helping”.
I can fully attest to this, and everywhere, not just warm areas. The reasons are many, but what are they, the Homeless, doing? The Free market. Government has set an UN-free market by rigging home prices via insider inflation. They are making one party rich (Home and Stock owners) and therefore the other party poor (Millennials, everybody else) Just like Australia, etc where it worked so well. So the People go outside the system and “Build their own homes” outside the law. Just like the Indians would. They have their own sub-economies, and their own communities, and their own laws and rules, and their own law enforcement, violent or otherwise. WHY do they fall back on the free market? Because Capitalism, the “free market” is what humans ARE. They need something, so they make it, then that property is theirs and they possess and defend and trade it. Note this would or could ALSO be what they call a perfect Communal, communist, anarchist situation. Problem being, like all other places and times, people need to be perfectly enlightened and behave themselves, and perfectly enlightened people are in real short supply.
There are homeless camps everywhere, and so openly, and so badly behaved, you’d think they were the majority of the cities. They’re not, but only because the cities are so awfully large right now. Why? Nobody wants to take a loss. That’s it. There’s no free market, because the free and fair market price of say, houses, would have to fall. Because markets go up AND down. So any time a market goes down, they go to government, order it not to, the government intervenes with real tax dollars and real costs, and bails out the losers in a near-perfect merger of corporation and state. But that has costs. Usually we deal with the problem of $36 Trillion in debt owed, and the zero production of steel and shells. But this is the OTHER cost of interfering. Social. Whole lives, whole GENERATIONS have now been destroyed. That is: all YOUR kids.
Total interference into every part of every market with every body, every time? That’s Capitalism! Not like that honest money, free markets, honest pricing, and bankruptcy stuff, no. You were misinformed. Capitalism = Total Government control.
How to solve it? In 10 seconds, like Coolidge did. Enforce the law. They got themselves into this mess, they can get themselves out. Rich guys take their losses and cry like little whiny babies. Guess what? They’re still rich. Meanwhile, prices re-connect to REALITY, markets clear, jobs open up, and prices like houses all match again. Practically overnight. In 1921 or Germany after the war.
“Suppressing Silver Prices Has Been Official US Policy Since 1965And many other things. Like houses for one. Education. Health care. Any place it’s all f—d up, look for government to be “helping.”
“After Failed 1984-Style Censorship-Crusade, Paris Olympics Forced To Apologize For Woke Opening CeremonyContinuing this, they censored THEMSELVES. ‘Cause what they did was very very good, and they are very, very proud of it. That’s why they had to hide it all from us, AFTER forcing us all to watch. Like seriously, daddy comes home high on coke with his girlfriend, does her on the kitchen counter, then tells the kids, “What girlfriend?” Is this not the same behavior and profile? What you saw DIDN’T HAPPEN. You’re just crazy. And if you did see it, it wasn’t that bad. And if it did happen, it was actually good, which is why I’m hiding it.
“Bitcoin Breaks Through – with Trump and Vance endorsement.
So the beginning of the end. …Or maybe not, as government is due to collapse and get smaller right now. But normally it would be the end and I’d be thinking of how to edge out. Government can buy up BTC? That will drive up the price and set infinity insider-trading as we’ve seen BY THE SEC DIRECTORS THEMSELVES. And Fed Chairs. But also if anyone gets 51% of the Block, they can own it all, the transactions are no longer “Consensus”. …I don’t think they can get there, but it’s worth watching. Already Satoshi’s blocks were probably always government, so the threshold may be lower than you think.
“Biden chose Kamala” the most far-left Senator. Except even the far-left hates her. It wasn’t for that vote, because he didn’t get it. It was because they the “America First” signaled that they would wrangle the election, coup the other side, start a Civil War, then shoot Joe and Kamala for treason, so they have to put their worst, dumbest, most expendable people there. Not like an Obama or Podesta or something. They had it all worked out, and Podesta was open about the plans for his Civil War and secession – which also would have crippled the U.S. and driven world capital back to Europe.
The Right looked at that and because they have Brains, and can think on the ground, not according to some Alien Insect AI “Plan” were like, “What if we DIDN’T contest the election?” “What if we LET them show the American people who they are? Could we get that last critical 10% to end support?”
Anyway, THAT is how they got themselves into this jam. Where they desperately needed to go around Kamala, but ultimately couldn’t. …So far. They can still kill her and blame MAGA. Everyone will be very for this, Left and Right. Killing Kamala and not caring they can all agree. …What sickos.
And a lot of Congressmen are dumb. But you have to be curious, in earnest, and delegate. She can’t do any of that because more importantly, she’s a bad person, inside.
“• It All Tracks – Hersch Reports Obama Threatened Biden with 25th Amendment (CTH)
“Obama” doesn’t exist and never has, he has always been a CIA man from birth, and a CIA collective. But he does that job well, and it’s a good shorthand to refer to this faction.
“Going all the way back to 2007 through 2017, that decade is filled with unlawful action by Barack Obama”
Or back to Eisenhower, or Wilson, or right after Lincoln in 1870 when the Industrialists captured the country in an orgy of lawlessness. Every time government gets bigger, and it also rules that it should have more power, just like Canada, above. Every administration of every government always does this, even Washington, Madison, Reagan… “Obama” just made it run slightly faster for a while.
“• For 25 Minutes, Secret Service Command Center Didn’t Notify Trump Detail (ZH)
There is no official story. We’re making it up. Why? In my theory, Trump was on to them and diverted it – either successfully or unsuccessfully, your choice. Now they’re in disarray and going to get hung on this. They can’t release an official story because whatever that is, it won’t hang together and make any sense. Then that will be used to hang THEM together, whoever was in on it. So they are plotting the CYA among themselves. They are also feverishly watching the autists examine it and float theories. When someone can float a theory that kinda, sorta is less bad, they will suddenly snap and run to it, calling it the “Official” story. –Although, as I said, it will make no sense. But for this, they are letting US be the AI Processing power of their evil plan. I don’t think we can or should try to avoid that, as that is our free nature, but should be aware it’s going on. Whatever story WE make up, THEY will then run with as suddenly true.
I say the story is they did the whole thing. From the top. 99% of the guys were in on it. Run with THAT, you fxxxers. Go to court and prove to me your innocence, and you’re all fine. The local cops did. They’ve been perfectly open and we’re not mad or suspicious of them at all yet. Funny, huh? Why? Your behavior itself tells me you did it. Their behavior after tells me they didn’t. Did you not take Lying 101 in school?
“Orban also pointed out that the collective West denies the existence of nation states,”
And family, etc. We’ve been gaslit for a generation now. I wonder what the real numbers are. Far, far less than they list and try to make appear, but clearly this sort of advertising and engineering works. If they let go we would snap back to normal, but that would take time, like 10 years at least.
““We imagined a ceremony to show our values and our principles so we gave a very committed message,” Olympic message
Yes, that’s the problem. And I agree, you should be committed. As they said, if you want a picture of what’s inside Macron’s head all day, this is it.
““German readers want to read the book, which Ullstein acknowledged is one of the most influential works of this generation..”
Excellent. Now thanks to themselves, they’ll have no idea what’s going on, and therefore their response to it will be stupid and wrong. #Winning! How’d that same process work for you in Ukraine? Did not knowing anything help you win the war?
“• Erdogan Says Turkiye Could ‘Enter’ Israel To Help Gazans (Sp.)
Remember Gog and Magog come down from the north with Turkey to Har Meggedio?
“• Erdogan ‘Going Down The Path of Saddam Hussein’ – Israeli FM (RT)
Great. Except you have no power at all and neither does the United States. Pretty saucy talking for a guy who’s about to cease to exist. They can’t beat ONE city. With all the Carpet Bombs in the U.S. arsenal. And you think you’re going to beat…(checks chart) Hezballah, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, and Yemen? Combined? Last I checked, Iran is larger than Gaza, and Hamas is a rounding error to Hezbollah.
“• T-Rex May Have Been 70% Bigger Than Previously Believed (Sp.)
I disagree. But for this reason: the ALREADY can’t explain how such a T rex could ever exist in the first place. Solve that problem and I’ll talk to you about how they could be even larger. Ex: they are too large to walk, too large to breathe, too large to eat, and too large to pump blood. You want to explain that when our presently largest animals have severe physical issues existing?
July 29, 2024 at 10:40 am #165054Dr D Rich
I was 10 years old and altar boy when Pierce arrived at Holy Family Seward Pa as punishment for previously raping another 10 yo boy.
Do you think Bishop Connare and The Holy See appreciated the diabolical genius, the perfect symmetry of it?
July 29, 2024 at 11:52 am #165056Michael Reid
ParticipantThe Enlightenment tradition
The Enlightenment tradition marked the historical moment when humanity changed compass and direction. The religious worldview proposed ethical principles: humans must first and foremost, with every step they take in the earthly realm, ask whether they are walking towards Good or Evil. Some took the ethical principles more seriously than others; for some, the ethical discourse became purely a tool of hypocrisy and perversion. But the story on which the culture was based, in any case, placed the ethical level first.The Enlightenment tradition swept the whole idea of ethics as a guiding principle off the table. From now on, humanity would follow reason. No more religious illusions. From now on, humanity would go by what they observe with their eyes and understand with their minds. And there it immediately fell prey to … an illusion. Our supposedly objectively observing eyes are directed by forces that lie entirely outside the field of rationality. For example: whether one sees in nature a system where the strong eliminate weaker life forms via survival of the fittest and promote the stronger, or a system where the stronger care for the weaker in the most loving and sensitive way, is determined by factors that have nothing to do with rationality.
The 19th-century imperialist saw survival of the fittest everywhere. And he was remarkably blind to the flood of examples showing that nature is at least governed by many other principles. The imperialist saw nature that way because he, from his narcissism and egocentrism, liked to see nature that way. What the imperialist really claimed through his theory of survival of the fittest was that the imperialist, who was at that moment the strongest due to certain historical circumstances, not only had the right to ruthlessly oppress and subject the weaker in his colonies but that he, while doing so, was also the best and most noble that nature had ever produced.
Let narcissism give way to Love for a moment, let the Soul take the helm from the Ego. You see another Nature arise. You see, for example, a nature where strong trees support weaker trees by providing them with nutrients through their root systems; you see a nature where an elephant mother mourns her dead young for months; you see the strong human who recognizes himself in the weak and gently places a hand on their shoulder.
And even if you believe that the strong should triumph over the weak, it is far from certain that this actually happens in ‘nature.’
July 29, 2024 at 12:38 pm #165057Oroboros
ParticipantTrump as a Hood Ornament
Netanyahu as a Hood OrnamentNazilensky as a Hood Ornament
Kamala La-la Kabala as a Hood Ornament
July 29, 2024 at 1:25 pm #165059Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 29, 2024 at 1:27 pm #165060Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 29, 2024 at 1:29 pm #165061Oroboros
ParticipantA Day in the Life
July 29, 2024 at 1:32 pm #165062Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 29, 2024 at 1:33 pm #165063Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 29, 2024 at 1:34 pm #165064Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 29, 2024 at 1:35 pm #165065oxymoron
Participanthere’s my latest track. It’s about running bankers and other psychotic little shits through my wood-chipper to make compost for the garden. Lyrics and audio too.
July 29, 2024 at 1:44 pm #165066Oroboros
They’ve let in at least tens of thousands of terrorists under Pedo Jo-jo and the Demonrats
July 29, 2024 at 1:49 pm #165067Oroboros
ParticipantThe Future’s So Bright I gotta Wear Shades
July 29, 2024 at 1:58 pm #165068Noirette
Participantjb-hb posted about energy and markets… The real problem is people aren’t free to problem solve. Full spectrum at every level simultaneously, individual problem-solving is being blocked…
Big Corps in cahoots with Gvmt. control the problem-solving mechanism, they are interested only in making money, protecting positions, and controlling others. The top dogs in ‘their’ company, conglomerate, etc. don’t even care about its survival, as they reckon they can just move on to occupy some other power node. (Gvmt. officials are more wary and frightened.)
See the embrace of large, lux. electric cars, which with subsidies and temp. profits from v. rich ppl suckered in, afford a short term spike ‘boost’ profits, which then deflates intoto ‘ruin’ or relative loss, downsizing, closing off, etc.
Imho the belief in ‘new energy arrangements’ has been so pervasive, and the subsidies from Gvmts. (W, China, other) so ample, that many jumped on the bandwagon, either thru calculated cynical opportunism, or yes, following along, the new thing dont’cha know. Because everyone wants to ‘keep their position’…
July 29, 2024 at 2:10 pm #165069zerosum
ParticipantSummary: Seek Peace. Go Fishing.
July 29, 2024 at 2:11 pm #165070a kullervo
ParticipantThe frustration over being unable to eradicate discomfort is the unacknowledged/unassailable spring that keeps mankind ticking.
There’s no cure – only transient relief.July 29, 2024 at 2:19 pm #165071Doc Robinson
ParticipantThe Yemeni side of the story: “Eisenhower’s escape… Roosevelt’s disappearance”
The Yemeni battle with American naval vessels marked the end of the era of aircraft carriers and confirmed their vulnerability to targeting. Yemeni forces targeted the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier three times between May 31 and June 20. Although the US did not explicitly acknowledge this targeting due to its implications of the decline of American hegemony and what Yemen might represent as a model of its audacity in striking this diplomatic military vessel according to the American definition, Eisenhower group leaders admitted after the group’s return home, in statements to the U.S. Naval Institute, that it was “the first time an American aircraft carrier has faced a direct and sustained threat from an enemy since World War II.”
The Eisenhower aircraft carrier group withdrew after a complete failure, as confirmed by U.S. Central Command leader Eric Korilla in a message to the Defense Secretary, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. However, it wasn’t just a failure; it was targeted for the first time and hit, as confirmed by the Yemeni armed forces on May 31. It was forced to escape in a humiliating and degrading manner to the north of the Red Sea. Before fully withdrawing after twenty days from the first targeting, American warships turned from guarding Israeli navigation to guarding the Eisenhower.
The US states that Eisenhower’s withdrawal wasn’t due to being targeted but because its deployment was extended for an additional period, and it will be replaced by the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier, according to the U.S. Central Command statement on June 22.
Despite the U.S. Central Command’s announcement that Roosevelt had already reached the operational area to protect navigation on July 12, it didn’t enter the Red Sea and remained hidden for days in the far east of the Arabian Sea before heading to position itself in the Gulf region off the coast of Bahrain, as shown by the latest satellite images. Unusually for American coverage of aircraft carrier movements, Roosevelt shut down its tracking devices and had its supply aircraft halt tracking signals midway.
Roosevelt’s direction towards the Gulf contradicted what was announced by the US, as the Gulf is not an area for Yemeni operations but a forced route, showing fear of the carrier being attacked by Yemen, an attack threatened by the leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, days after Washington announced its intention to move Roosevelt to the Red Sea.
The National Interest newspaper says that the Houthis panicked when Roosevelt moved from the Pacific Ocean to the Red Sea, but it is clear that Roosevelt is the one in panic, fearing real targeting if it crosses the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait. It fears a scandal if it enters the Red Sea via Good Hope, the Strait of Gibraltar, and Suez, so there is no harm in showing off in the media that she is there even if she appears as what the Chinese now describe as a paper tiger…
July 29, 2024 at 2:24 pm #165072zerosum
ParticipantMaduro Declared Venezuelan President For 3rd Term, But Opposition Claims Victory In ‘Stolen’ Election
Regardless of what actually happen or what will happen in terms of the possibility of violence, it’s clear that the leftist and socialist Venezuelan government just suffered its most significant electoral test and shock in decades.
Share the wealth, (the basement)
The Share Of Young Adults Living With Parents Is The Highest Since 1940Due to waning housing affordability, a growing number of Americans continue to live with their parents into adulthood…
————July 29, 2024 at 2:44 pm #165073phoenixvoice
ParticipantIn my experience, Christianity is often obsessed with finding examples of “wickedness” in the world and trumpeting about it to parishioners. It is used as a means of proving the need for the existence of Christian churches to the believers. And when the world’s wickedness directly attacks Christianity or Christian stories and symbols, Christian ministers often go into overdrive, decrying this as an attack upon Christianity, admonishing parishioners to condemn the wickedness.
I am conflicted by Christianity these days. I recognize that my own moral compass is strongly rooted in my religious upbringing, while at the same time I reject the traditional dogma. The Left has gone crazy, coming completely unmoored from Enlightenment roots, the Right remembers much of the Enlightenment — but then I see people standing and cheering when DJ Trump suggests year-long prison terms for anyone who burns the flag. (I don’t like the idea of people desecrating the flag, however, it isn’t appropriate to prosecute anyone for it.). We need rule of law and blind justice, not prison terms for anyone from the other tribe that behaves in ways that we don’t like.
July 29, 2024 at 2:45 pm #165074a kullervo
ParticipantQueerympic games: Did the Christian athletes leave?
Then everything’s hunky-dory!
(… maybe there isn’t such a thing as a Christian athlete.)(What would be of Christianity without Judas?)
July 29, 2024 at 2:52 pm #165075Noirette
ParticipantIlargi, you say, Noirette disappoints me:
I explained about energy and the economy, extensively.
Yes that is so, my apologies, not that I state you didn’t but that the focus of this board right now is on US internal and external (foreign policy) issues …
Well maybe right now this is the most important matter in the World? OK… but what about the war in Sudan? Or what is happening in Syria?
Ilargi: BTB, You will never see Gail mentioned here. Long term readers may be capable of explaining why. Idk what this is about.
Ilargi: That’s pretty insane. No world wide news?! All I’ve been trying for years is to steer TAE away from MSM, and she steers it back. And I’m not that crazy, I know I succeeded to a large extent in providing a different view from western media. That people are not aware of that effort, and that that costs me a lot of donations, is maybe a different story. But I still know.
Ilargi, yes, but views on such an effort differ, but bury the hatchett is good.
July 29, 2024 at 3:04 pm #165076jb-hb
ParticipantEveryone swimming in a morass of spin/frame/lies – from White Hats as well as Black Hats, so what’s the difference?
Judge it like a Hollywood movie. Just evaluate the narrative. Making a narrative IS an action, after all, and it is useful to look at what people do as opposed to what they say.
The Assassination Attempt narrative is… wholesome? WHOLESOME.
Around the time I was saying it is time to legitimately, truthfully, accurately shame the democrats for their past decade of behavior, the DNC occurs on the heels of the shooting and what did they DO by saying what they said there?
They presented a COHERENT and very positive, VERY simple, very wholesome narrative. They’re giving the world something very straightforward and easy to grab hold of, to frame past events, to frame future actions and goals. All of which are wholesome.
Amusingly, the Dems’ tactics in response feed into that narrative quite nicely.
I don’t have access to roofs, shell casings, gunshot triangulation etc. But I do have total access to the narrative. So hold it at arm’s length and examine as a thing to objectively observe, as a hollywood film to evaluate.
July 29, 2024 at 3:13 pm #165077phoenixvoice
Participant@ Oxymoron
You have a knack for putting words together!
The gardening references create an interesting juxtaposition of ideas.
And the song graphically represents the angst so many feel against the WEFfers and their ilk.
Although, for me, the level of violence in the song is off-putting…it isn’t something that I would listen to with regularity.July 29, 2024 at 3:29 pm #165078Dr D Rich
“The CIA has actually taken time to issue a denial that would be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks was part of an infamous agency mind control program.”
Is this true?
It sounds like a non-denial denialThey CIA et al scoured western Pennsylvania for brainiacs back in the 60s and early 70s. They carried out the process under the guise of identifying Gifted Kids. Once identified the “enrichment programs” centered learning the methods and means of…………(wait)……………
(wait for it)………..Mass communications.
Made movies.
Imagine being 9 to 12 years old and entrusted with movie-making equipment and film editing machines….producing 5 to 30 minute shorts.July 29, 2024 at 3:59 pm #165079jb-hb
ParticipantOxymoron’s latest (as usual, well mixed and mastered, sounds great) wood chipper fest
Leftists (or monopolists and people manipulated BY leftist language, as you will,,,) giving up civility and the base-layer civility underlying that civility thinking they’ve discovered the cheat codes that turn on God Mode. Because we like, as high schoolers, to go to the kindergarden playground and run around beating up 5 year olds. Sneering at the fools bound by civility playing on hardcore mode.
WEFers going in the wood-chipper is analogous to people like Home Depot lady having her nose shoved directly in her own shit until she determines, perhaps from first principles, why we do things within civilization in a civilized way.
To the people a billion levels above my pay grade, I’m not against stratified societies nor aristocracies per se. You want to be a Master Of The Universe, okay. But if you have no sense of ownership, of having a place in the world, THEN I have contempt.
WEFers could have been awesome. Could have been making things awesome. But instead it’s this. They’re useless ignorant boring killjoy fucks. Rather than seeing their own position and then concluding there is ALL THE MORE REASON to try to be wise, they have assumed they are gods and the rest of us are animals based on the HAPPENSTANCE of their birth for the most part. And instead of concluding that their high position merits a pursuit of excellence, they decide their own base depravities rule over them. Goddamn slovenly 4th generation trust fund kids. Slovenly in action, thought, spirit.
And at their level, they too have forgotten not only civility, but the base-layer beneath civility. Or they decided they found the Cheat Codes to everything – just play everything on god mode pounding 5 year olds right and left while sneering. Har Har stupid people who work for a living.
very VERY sadly, the Home Depot lady has to have her nose rubbed in it, the WEFers apparently need to be fed into the woodchipper feet first – metaphorically speaking, no doubt – until they can rediscover why humans figured out how to do things in particular ways and why values even exist. There is going to have to be a point at which they discover normal folks AREN’T inferior permanently-manacled fools, a point at which they rediscover the totally obvious that most other people DID understand.
We weren’t unconscious stupid animals, we were CHOOSING to be decent. And decency is… (really straining my brain here…) ACTUALLY decent!!! Holy fuck. I admit that personally, it took me quite awhile in my own life to go all the way around the world to get back to stand in the original spot, but there it is.
I suppose the other WEFer idea is that they keep poking until the masses degenerate into incoherent, undirected rage? “I KNOW you are just an animal and you obstinately deceive me, keep pretending to me, in a way very offensive to me, that you are not, but I know the real you and if I poke you long enough, you will reveal the REAL stupid animal you underneath this fake human exterior!” (typical narc stuff- you being a person was an offensive trick being played on me….)
But what if you get, in response, is an army of Washingtons and Jeffersons, not giving up their brains or principles at all, but, keeping in mind what is best, temporarily set down civility for a specific and limited, just purpose? Just as illustrated in the Declaration of Independence.
July 29, 2024 at 4:25 pm #165080Dr D Rich
ParticipantI personally believe Erdogan’s past behavior on these topics establish him to be a bloviating blowhard.
Wouldn’t it be grand if he proved himself wrong this time and “entered” Israel with Turkish armies?-
Erdogan: “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we cannot do. Only we must be strong. “
July 29, 2024 at 4:29 pm #165081zerosum
ParticipantNoblesse oblige definition:
* the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc.
* the idea that someone with power and influence should use their social position to help other
* It’s your duty to act right and help others.
* Benevolent, honorable behavior considered to be the responsibility of persons of high birth or rankJuly 29, 2024 at 5:46 pm #165082Dr. D
ParticipantThe Mass Formation Psychosis update fro yesterday. It struck me that he was talking about “Setting parameters” and then “logical rigidity” to it, and the base thing that occurred to me is, “yeah, that’s not Human’.” They are not acting as humans, in a human way, and all other humans also know it. Humans might take that extra deer to have a party, but then they get lazy and lay around the fire. We are less self-limiting than other animals, but still limiting. What he’s describing is when people act like machines. Which us other humans TELL them they’re being worthless jerks, etc and we don’t like them, won’t deal with them anymore.
That goes many directions, so you’ll have to think about that yourself, but imagine the Indians vs the Settlers here, or even the 1969 Hippies vs the Man. It’s extremely self-evident. And so it doesn’t happen on it’s own, nobody wants that. It has to be MADE, PAID, FORCED, and PROTECTED from on high, and then it self-implodes. So it has a short shelf life and if I’m right that’s how our White Hats beat it…they merely ran out the clock, knowing you can’t keep people in a pointless fury forever, when anything you do in that state makes them react, lash out, and increase. We merely suffered, so they burned out.
And would that be a Christian thing to do? I mean opposed to lining them up and shooting them?
I imagine that the Enlightenment thinkers, released from Christianity by Protestant revolution, thought they were really getting back to the foundation of the New Testament. And mostly they were. However, all things form the seeds of their destruction, or death, inside them. In this case a few, but really it’s only pure rationalism that was the problem, which quite likely they themselves would oppose, just as Christians would oppose most of their extremes as well.
I guess it’s odd even at 300 years distance, what they’re saying is mostly up to date and able to be implemented well as is Christian message, or a few others, Science I suppose.
Would that they can be corrupt? ANYTHING can be corrupt, for some reason they’re just more upset about their corruption. They’re raping kids every day but only care about it in Churches. I’d say “Power corrupts absolutely.” WHO gave them the power? I don’t trust no pastor or priest, why would I? He’s a man, isn’t he? So why did parents, societies…who knows? It’s a sorry situation they’re still getting off easy, but also the present church isn’t the church it happened in, same as I’m not responsible for the sins of my father, nor is GM needing to pay reparations to troubles in 1910, although the law might say otherwise — every single person has rolled over since then, it’s not the same at all. We convict and punish people for THEIR crimes, not those of others.
Thankfully or not, a mot of these guys are still alive and we can do that. But so is George Bush and Dick Cheney and Tony Blair, who have each harmed about ten-thousand more children. Each case is a tragedy, and each case the failure to immediately prosecute strongly encourages more. So let’s get cracking! There’s whole cabinets to round up!
July 29, 2024 at 6:11 pm #165085kultsommer
ParticipantMaduro Declared Venezuelan President For 3rd Term, But Opposition Claims Victory In ‘Stolen’ Election
Almost decade long, borderline sick “excitement” about other country’s internal affair? As if your job, mortgage, car payment or even life of your dear ones depends if Venezuela goes “one way or another” ideologically?
If you scroll down on the zerosum’s linked ZH text there is, well, post on “X” by Aaron Mate that gives different perspective on the country. Trump himself stated that US should cut the crap, move in and take the oil.
Should we not have economic sanctions on the country, include Cuba too, that we are ” now ideologically aligned” with? I guess I am late into the game of “current Marxism”.July 29, 2024 at 6:30 pm #165086zerosum
ParticipantChose a descriptive word …
Depopulation, Bacterial warfare, Murder, Genocide, epidemic29 Jul 2024
Gaza’s health ministry has declared a polio epidemic across the Palestinian enclave, blaming Israel’s devastating military offensive for the spread of the deadly virus.Poliomyelitis, which is spread mainly through the fecal-oral route, is a highly infectious virus that can invade the nervous system and cause paralysis. Cases of polio have declined by 99 percent worldwide since 1988, thanks to mass vaccination campaigns, and efforts continue to eradicate it everywhere.
Earlier this month, Gaza’s health ministry said it had detected “component poliovirus type 2” in coordination with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The virus was found in sewage “that collects and flows between the tents of the displaced,” said the ministry.
Already scarce supplies of drinking water in the densely-populated Gaza Strip are at risk of being contaminated by the virus.
On Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it was sending more than one million polio vaccines to Gaza to be administered over the coming weeks to prevent children from being infected after the virus was detected in sewage samples.
Israel’s military, which said it has evidence of the “component polio virus type 2”, said it would start offering the polio vaccine to soldiers in Gaza.
Israel’s war in Gaza has damaged and destroyed sewage and water systems, and sewage has spilled into the streets near some camps for the displaced Palestinians.
Last week, the UN reported that besides the detection of the polio virus, there has been a widespread increase in cases of Hepatitis A, dysentery and gastroenteritis as sanitary conditions deteriorate in Gaza.
“This is only the start of the wave of diseases the Gaza Strip is going to face,” said Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir-al Balah in central Gaza.
“Palestinians have been living in makeshift tents without any bathrooms, without any hygiene, without access to water, sanitation. Sewage is everywhere,” she said.
“Normally if you have a case of polio, you’re going to isolate them, you’re going to make sure that they use a bathroom that nobody else uses, make sure that they’re not in close proximity to other people, [but] that’s impossible,” she said.
“You have everybody clustering in refugee camps at the moment without vaccines for at least the past nine months, including children who would otherwise have been vaccinated for polio and adults who, in the setting of an outbreak, should receive a booster, including healthcare workers.”
July 29, 2024 at 6:43 pm #165087zerosum
Russia Considers Building Oil Refinery in Cuba
By Charles Kennedy – Jul 22, 2024, 9:20 AM CDTCuba’s key crude oil supplier is nearby Venezuela. However, shipments have dropped in recent years, also due to Venezuela’s crumbling oil industry and the U.S. sanctions against Cuba’s staunch ally, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro.
The crumbling Venezuelan oil industry means that less fuel oil from the country sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves is reaching Cuban shores to power the old power plants on the island.
Maduro Declared Venezuelan President For 3rd Term, But Opposition Claims Victory In ‘Stolen’ Election.
July 29, 2024 at 6:51 pm #165088zerosum
ParticipantU.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has ‘serious concerns’ about the announced result of Venezuela’s hotly contested presidential election that authorities say was won by incumbent Nicolas Maduro.
Speaking in Tokyo on Monday shortly after the announcement was made, Blinken said the U.S. was concerned that the result reflected neither the will nor the votes of the Venezuelan people. He called for election officials to publish the full results transparently and immediately and said the U.S. and the international community would respond accordingly.
July 29, 2024 at 6:52 pm #165089Michael Reid
Participantthe phenomenon of mass formation
Jan van Bijlert painted his Feast of the Olympian Gods around 1635, about a hundred and fifty years after Da Vinci painted The Last Supper. And Van Bijlert’s painting is clearly a pagan variant of Da Vinci’s painting. In other words: whether the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games directly mocked Da Vinci’s Last Supper or did so through a parodic imitation of Van Bijlert’s painting, it doesn’t matter, what happened at the opening ceremony was indeed mocking The Last Supper, and thus ethical and religious principles, particularly Christianity. Period.The most remarkable thing, above all, is that the fact-checkers and woke enthusiasts indeed did not see that it was about the Last Supper. They even mocked those who did see it, claiming they were lost in illusions and delusions. The more someone is gripped by totalitarian thinking, the more they accuse those who think differently of madness. In itself, it remains one of the most remarkable effects of the phenomenon of mass formation: the enormous narrowing of perspective accompanied by a radical blindness to anything that does not align with one’s own fanatical beliefs.
It is not that the representatives of the dominant narrative are the only ones who fall prey to this. Fanatical conspiracy thinking essentially suffers from a similar problem. Those who break free from the grip of the dominant narrative, in a sense, wander unprotected in the world of the Real and often seek refuge in another illusion, or at the very least, another narrative that irresponsibly reduces reality to a simplistic story.
July 29, 2024 at 7:05 pm #165090zerosum
ParticipantWhen we do it, we don’t call it political interference
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says Canada has “serious concerns” about Sunday’s election results in Venezuela.
Opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez and incumbent Nicolas Maduro have both claimed victory.
Venezuela was the region’s most developed economy when Maduro took power in 2013, but he has since overseen an exodus of 7.7 million people fleeing hyperinflation and social unrest.
Why? Who? Political interference?Freeland says Canada is “working closely with our partners” to respond to the election, and said Venezuelans were courageous for standing up to an authoritarian regime.
Global Affairs Canada is calling on Venezuelan authorities to “respect the will of the people” and to publish detailed results for all polling stations.
TJuly 29, 2024 at 8:31 pm #165094Oroboros
ParticipantImagine if the Olympic opening ceremony mocked the Prophet Muhammad’s Hijrah
The Muslims would have burnt Paris TO THE GROUND
Present day Christians are girlie men who wouldn’t know which end of a hammer to pick up.
Notre Dame would be a pile of knee deep smoldering ash and the French ‘elite and Macron the Petite Maggot would say, “Tant pis”
July 29, 2024 at 8:33 pm #165095Oroboros
ParticipantThese go on Macron’s crown with the other bananas
July 29, 2024 at 8:40 pm #165096Michael Reid
ParticipantWar Between the Empire and the Resistance Axis?
Table of ContentsIntroduction
Summer 2024, Setting the Stage for War
July 19, 2024, Blinken Fearmongering – Weapons of Mass Destruction
July 24, 2024, Netanyahu’s speech – Prepping the U.S. Political Establishment
July 27, 2024, The false flag – Majdal Shams Attack
The Financial Context
July 29, 2024 at 8:47 pm #165097Oroboros
ParticipantRussia has totally given up on Euroturdistan and the Empire of Liea.
It has pivoted East to Eurasia and that is where it’s Future & Fortune lie
It no longer gives a rat’s asshole what “the West” thinks about anything under the Sun.
The West is a corpse, especially Ukroturdistan, and it’s beginning to stink….
Look at a hemisphere map of Eurasia,
Euroturdistan is the swollen Hemorrhoid on Eurasia’s ass.
Nothing more to do except surgery
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