Debt Rattle July 8 2016


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    Lewis Wickes Hine Whole family works, Browns Mills, New Jersey 1910 • Brexit Opens Up Bank Fault Line From Milan To Lisbon (R.) • Europe Banks Close t
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 8 2016]

    V. Arnold

    Beautiful Brexit
    Ain’t it though, and the house of cards comes crumbling down like a domino set up.
    Loverly, loverly, loverly; and the neo-lib fools spin their lies and strangely, it seems to fall on deaf ears.
    Not one to be even optimistic; is something happening here?
    We’ll see…

    Dr. Diablo

    Headlines working hard to make recent events as racial as possible. As an American, I see careful tending going going back 40 years to keep this trouble prepared for ready for use. And it ain’t too hard to substantiate that feeling with hard documentation.

    But they’re assuming we will be against each other and not them and it hasn’t been working very well. Justice and theft are color-blind, unrelated to your status or country of origin. Justice is something we can all agree on. It’s easy: Keep your word. Don’t take stuff. Don’t hurt others. Indict, try, and remove those who do. Replace those who won’t do their job. Problem solved.


    “In what is likely to be its most significant move, the Warsaw summit is expected to give formal approval to a plan to deploy four multinational battalions along the eastern flank—one each in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.”

    Only needed because Russia is a belligerent, country controlled by a dictator called Putin. The first question is why is Russia constantly (just like the Soviet Union) trying to be an enemy of the west? Its not because they fear their freedom, it because it the only way they can hold their country together. The former small countries that were under Russia oppressive, corrupt soviet government want to make sure they are never there again. Only NATO can help with that. Russia needs to know that any further aggression from them will get them kicked in the teeth. Stop being evil, Russia!


    Babble – buddy, take a deep breath. The U.S.S.R. was a terrible thing for people, but it is understandable how that came about, isn’t it? I mean, how many Russians were wiped off the face of the earth when Hitler came to town? Of course they wanted to make sure that that never happened again by creating a huge buffer zone. And the U.S.S.R. did become a prison.

    But things have changed. Get in the game, Babble. Now Russia is finding herself surrounded again – again! What’s she going to do? When you go around pushing people, don’t be surprised when they push back. The aggressors here are the West, the U.S. in particular. If you can’t see that, then I have no hope for you.

    And Russia is going to get “kicked in the teeth”? Really? No, Russia, if pushed, might be tempted to use nuclear weapons, and then the West would retaliate, and some other animal (because it won’t be a human – there’ll be none left) will be crawling over what’s left of your teeth in a few year’s time. This isn’t a game of Risk nor army men moved back and forth on a board. This is real and could get all of us killed.

    Babble, dream on.

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