Debt Rattle June 27 2024
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- This topic has 75 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago by
D Benton Smith.
June 27, 2024 at 7:25 pm #162233
John Day
ParticipantMan, I can’t get one link in edgewise…
June 27, 2024 at 7:32 pm #162234SeaBirds
Great news, all too rare these days. Let’s not forget Stella who stood by her man through the dark times. Hats off!
‘The only sane voice in Britain.’
Afraid so. He needs to win his seat to continue to be heard and set about rebuilding the rotten Tory party. Not only Labour, but the Tories too are pouring as much acid on him as they possibly can. A one party socialist govt. is staring us in the face. Go Nige! Gutsy guy.June 27, 2024 at 7:58 pm #162235hexadec
ParticipantCaption Contest
“Ready to Trick or Treat in my new Monster costume.”
June 27, 2024 at 9:28 pm #162236aspnaz
ParticipantCarlson underscored there was nothing bigoted about his views, adding that they centered on a “deep concern for Americans, actually. Americans aren’t having kids because they can’t afford to and nobody in charge cares. And so that’s my position. That doesn’t ‘inspire’ mass shootings.”
The fertility rate in the U.S. last year was 1.784. By way of contrast, in 1960, the U.S. fertility rate was 3.7. For a population to maintain stability and replenish itself without need for an influx of foreign nationals, a fertility rate of 2.1 is needed. -The Blaze
The boomers, born in the 50s and early 60s, when life was good in the USA, have overseen the decline of the USA. They were left a successful American economy with a successful birthrate and have turned it into what it is today; unaffordable housing, lower pay rates, massive private and public debt. As the boomers got older, they took on more powerful jobs and the decline accelerated. Is it unfair to blame the boomers even though it happened under their watch? What happened?
June 27, 2024 at 9:31 pm #162237Raúl Ilargi Meijer
June 27, 2024 at 9:53 pm #162238zerosum
ParticipantI expect Trump to act nice.
Joe Biden (one of them) and Donald Trump will stand and if Trump see that Biden needs a chair he will ask the crew to bring a chair.
June 27, 2024 at 9:54 pm #162239Dr D Rich
ParticipantHot war?
What hot war was yours, sailor?
The Cold War, perhaps….DBS manufactured aspersions about a conspiracy to foment violence against members of a fringe religion, but dbs and DrD his fellow traveler in defense of the chronically aggrieved and indefatigable proclaimers of victimization don’t quite apply the same spirit, elon and hysteria to the other side.
That pattern is reproducible…defending the indefensible by routine use of projective identification.When you start calling me Hannibal Lecter or Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde, again, maybe then your message will resonate. For the record, H. Lecter and Dr. Jekyll/Hyde remain fictional constructs in at least a few minds.
Navy Brass bought those “aspersions” on me while subsequently, deliberately and repeatedly promoting a bonafide monster Bruce Meneley to rank and positions of authority.
Bruce was never correctly identified and labeled by Navy Brass as a monster par excellence while that entire being a Monster Par Excellence.
How did Bruce get away with IT until he could no longer get away with IT as a bullet ridden corpse?
How did Navy CAPTAIN BRUCE MENELEY evade scrutiny and detection when the ascent from Navy Enlisted to CAPTAIN and receiving an MD and medical license requires:
1. multiple FBI Background Investigations
2. state relicensure every 2 years
3. hospital recredentialing every 2 years
4. Selection board screening at 2 to 4 times for each promotion from Ensign to LTjg to LT to LCDR to CDR to CAPT
5. 2 or more XO screening boards
6. for Bruce 3 or more CO screening boards
7. and approval for each iteration by the goddam U.S. f*cking Senate
8. National Command Authority had a handing sending Bruce as a Skipper to GITMO and Afghanistan.The resident sailor, if true, can attest to the steep and equally unlikely climb from enlisted to CAPTAIN or Colonel. Yet, the entire time Bruce was an Established Prior Enlisted Pedophile, “EPEP”, awaiting his brain’s destiny with a few dozen bullets.
Long after Meneley was an established Pervert and almost two decades before Seattle PD or Kitsap Sheriffs blew out Bruce’s Brains and his despicable heart in 2024, Navy CAPT Dr. Bruce Meneley’s MEDICAL LICENSE AND CREDENTIALS TO PRACTICE MEDICINE WERE REPEATEDLY RENEWED AND APPROVED BY the navy, navy medicine, a number of fawning Navy nurse Admirals, and a fellow Navy Admiral ER physician (like EPEP bruce).
They found Bruce Meneley agreeable and by at least two state medical boards worthy of repeated relicensure.
How can One expect DBS and Dr. D to be better at detecting danger than these august boards and entities skilled, trained and empowered to do just that…protect the public and not just the Jews?
It looks deliberate, doesn’t it DBS?
I’ll throw the question back at ya, sailor.
It looks similar, doesn’t it? You know, like an infection, communicable disease, a difficult to eradicate gram negative, obligate intracellular anaerobe.So what do you think, brain worm, Powassan virus, pandemic dementia, shared psychosis?
You see, DBS, the Navy picked Bruce over you too. I mean that’s if you really went to sea.
Now you’re behaving like the Navy getting it all wrong and shit.June 27, 2024 at 10:02 pm #162240aspnaz
ParticipantSix years later, New York Times mentions that the Maldives is not sinking
The NYT is getting nervous about its climate fairytales; the people can see that the sea is not rising, they can also see that wealthy people are still buying mansions by the sea. Eventually even Americans will be able to see through the lies, although I suspect that day is still a long way away.
June 27, 2024 at 10:24 pm #162241D Benton Smith
Meh…prolly a coincidence…”
There are occasional instances of mistaken identity, but there are NO coincidences.
June 27, 2024 at 11:00 pm #162242Autonomous Unit
ParticipantAn 18 gigabyte wikileak archive is on the pirate bay, and other torrent (file sharing) sites.
“WikiLeaks Document Archive-ANONYMOUS”
I suggest using a VPN if interested.June 27, 2024 at 11:06 pm #162243D Benton Smith
I believe that you and I could have a good and productive conversation, and this seems as good a time as any.
The reason(s) that flagrant practicing pedophile Navy CAPTAIN BRUCE MENELEY shot to the top of the system before meeting a richly deserved impromptu lobotomy is the same reason that Bio Labs now use lawyers instead of lab rats. Because there are some things that a lab rat just won’t do.Bruce was beloved of the Brass because he was their kind of guy. He gladly did things that you declined or did only with they bumped his grade and left you to wonder why.
Part of what I was saying in my preceding comment was that this “style” of spreading corruption does not just infect the current system, it IS the system. It took me a long time to see that it was pervasive, but now that I have I cannot un-see it.
You can work right next to it or even within it, and not really see what’s going on. It’s fairly simple, and I’m sure you have seen it in action many times. A likely candidate is assigned a task that involves a certain level of unethical conduct. If he does it to his mentors’ satisfaction then he is given another, slightly dirtier task. If he fails or hesitates he is simply passed over for promotion and otherwise is usually left to his own devices and offered no further opportunities, but woe be to he who blows a whistles. Guys like Captain Pedophile, however, who demonstrates appetite and aptitude shoot straight up the chain of command like a greased dildo.
My core message is that all or most of that chain of command is playing for the wrong team and won’t even ley themselves know it, because all the propaganda agrees that it’s a noble profession. Besides, everybody needs a job, the pay is remarkably good considering you don’t have to produce any GOOD results, and there’s a family at home to feed. So, suppress that guilty conscience and go on working for the wrong boss until it kills you.I made a speech roughly equivalent to that to the Captain of the ship I was pressed to serve on, and got officially processed from sailor to civilian in less than 24 hours.
June 27, 2024 at 11:34 pm #162244John Day
June 27, 2024 at 11:38 pm #162245John Day
ParticipantDo watch the Kennedy feed of the debate, if any.
Sorry I can’t post links. See my blog at the one link that got through earlier.June 28, 2024 at 12:20 am #162248Doc Robinson
ParticipantCaption contest
Joe’s new uniform for his job at Red State Septic Tank Services.
June 28, 2024 at 12:36 am #162249zerosum
Participant@ John Day
Here is the link 28, 2024 at 1:12 am #162250Oroboros
ParticipantHow did the “debate” go tonight.
Missed it, I was having a manicure
June 28, 2024 at 1:16 am #162251Oroboros
Screw world events
Let’s talk brass tacks
June 28, 2024 at 1:16 am #162252my parents said know
ParticipantHe’s just forgetful old gentleman…. (set-up for replacement).
Making Biden sympathetic so that Trump can’t pounce.
Using Trump’s strengths against him. But I think they have called up the negotiator instead f the campaigner.
First impressions.June 28, 2024 at 1:18 am #162253Oroboros
ParticipantIf you’re having trouble sleeping, as your doctor for BIDENICA
June 28, 2024 at 1:19 am #162254tboc
Participantmade it ten minutes
first two questions – Good Grief
June 28, 2024 at 1:56 am #162255those darned kids
“eek! clintonpox!!!”
June 28, 2024 at 1:59 am #162256those darned kids
Participantre: “debait”
that’s some weird shazbot..
it’s gotta be a mask.
June 28, 2024 at 2:06 am #162257zerosum
ParticipantBiden is strugglling.
He will be lucky to not get a stroke on the stage.June 28, 2024 at 2:07 am #162258those darned kids
Participantwowsers, america (i.e. the whole freeekin planet) is doomed.
June 28, 2024 at 2:18 am #162259those darned kids
Participantwhen mr. biden blahblusdhrhlgljdbjbjbbjates, my stream keeps buffering..
mr. trump is just awful.
mr. biden is beyond weird.
June 28, 2024 at 2:26 am #162260those darned kids
June 28, 2024 at 2:26 am #162261my parents said know
Participant“we knock on wood wherever we have wood” DJT
June 28, 2024 at 2:26 am #162262those darned kids
June 28, 2024 at 2:34 am #162263those darned kids
Participanti wonder if the commercials are for “my pillow”.
June 28, 2024 at 2:51 am #162264my parents said know
ParticipantCNN says how can they have let him on stage if they loved him?
June 28, 2024 at 2:56 am #162265my parents said know
ParticipantHonestly, I feel privileged to listen to CNN be shocked SHOCKED to find out how debilitated Biden is:
Yikes! If Donald Trump is so dangerous, how can the democrats run such a dangerously old man?June 28, 2024 at 3:01 am #162266zerosum
ParticipantLOOK AND LOOK AT WHAT CAN HAPPEN. conservatives could make it very hard for Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ballot if he has a disastrous debate or steps aside
PUBLISHED: 17:37 EDT, 21 June 2024We have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed.’
If Joe Biden were to withdraw at any point before the Democratic National Convention, it would be up to the delegates at the DNC to pick a new nominee. But from there, they can expect legal challenges from Republicans looking to prevent any other Democratic nominee from getting on the ballot in certain states.
The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’
If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
June 28, 2024 at 3:21 am #162267WES
ParticipantIt is pretty clear Joe Biden easily won tonight’s debate.
Could you please tell me what he won?
Joe can’t remember!June 28, 2024 at 3:25 am #162268John Day
ParticipantI popped in and out of the 3-way debate a few times, occasionally turning on the sound.
I have my impressions.
I wish somebody could take a firm stand against Zionist Genocide and for Palestinian human rights.June 28, 2024 at 3:52 am #162269John Day
Participant“Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon,
goin’ to the candidates debate,
Laugh about it, shout about it, when you’ve got to choose,
Every way you look at this you lose…”
June 28, 2024 at 6:23 am #162272D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt makes no difference who the Blob replaces Biden with in the coming election (and I use the word loosely). No one, and I mean NO ONE in the world thinks for a moment that Biden is running the country even a little bit. The only effect that swapping an old (really OLD) pretense with a new pretense is that the new “make Believe President” will have the distinct advantage of NOT being Joe Biden.
I see five categories of near future events that seem possible.
#1. There will simply not be a 2024 National Presidential election. Something else is caused to happen instead, and I think it’s safe to predict that it could not be anything pleasant.
#2. The Dems cheat again and “win” again, in which case the current shit show continues, as a sort of accelerated flamboyant extravaganza of national suicide, as if jacked up on a hotshot of steroids, fentanyl, cocaine and adrenochrome. Expect gunfire, ordinary fire, and blood in the streets.
#3. Trump wins, and the same thing happens as in #2, above, but with the addition of more entertaining sound-bytes and Democrats fleeing to whatever non-extradition countries will let them in.
#4. All of the above are indefinitely suspended so as to free up the time and resources necessary for blowing the world up with those thermo-nuclear weapons we’ve been working on for the past 7 decades or so.
And finally there is possibility #5, which I’ve covered at some length in earlier comments, and which might well contain all 4 of the above listed other possibilities, so no need at this time to go over all that again.
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