Debt Rattle June 8 2022
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- This topic has 41 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
John Day.
June 8, 2022 at 7:54 am #109261
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Napping 1932 • The Very Special Operation (Batiushka) • Biden Works to Prolong Ukraine War (Craig Murray) • The West and the Rest
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 8 2022]June 8, 2022 at 8:53 am #109262V. Arnold
ParticipantPablo Picasso Napping 1932
I remember this from a while back; it harkens to a more mellow time that is increasingly being lost by us…
We’re lost in the miasma of the current/present insanity that surrounds us…
Get out while you can; while it’s still possible…while you still recognize reality…….June 8, 2022 at 9:54 am #109263Mister Roboto
ParticipantEpic tweet-storm. Read the whole thing.
I am not looking for patreon donations, I am looking for a fucking job and noone on god’s earth will hire me. I have completed coursework in javascript/react and that’s what Im looking for right now. Formerly I was a designer but i quit after working for an alcoholic boss.
— Blue Moon (@bmrwshow) June 7, 2022
June 8, 2022 at 11:22 am #109264Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterInteresting from RT (which I can get on my phone but not laptop, so no link)
Oil ban exposes US ‘hypocrisy’
The supply of Russian crude to the US has almost doubled despite Washington’s claims of giving up on it, the parliament speaker says
The US has revealed its “hypocrisy” by announcing a ban on Russian oil, while continuing to purchase it in large quantities, Vyacheslav Volodin, Russian State Duma speaker said.
The US moved to restrict all imports of Russian crude oil, some petroleum products, liquefied natural gas and coal in early March as part of sanctions imposed on Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine.
“Russian oil will no longer be accepted at US ports,” US President Joe Biden vowed back then. But the statement wasn’t backed by action, Volodin pointed out in a post on Telegram on Wednesday.
The data from the US Department of Energy suggests that “oil deliveries from Russia almost doubled in March compared to February – from 2,325 to 4,218 million barrels, respectively,” the parliament speaker wrote.
June 8, 2022 at 11:27 am #109265Germ
Participant“People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked, because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)”
SADS? – Hahahaha.
June 8, 2022 at 11:38 am #109266boilingfrog
ParticipantMost of my clients closely attached to the university are spending big to modify, remodel, enlarge, etc their homes to the latest fashion. They are feeling “wealthy” on their salaries, stock holdings and pensions. They are aghast at the delays in some formerly easy-to-atrain materials and the prices, but move forward.
Simultaneously, I hear them talk about “so many interim positions” at the university, and bringing back retired faculty as “adjuncts” instead of hiring new, young faculty into tenure track positions.
Curiously, for these very bright and educated people, the messages being sent from our marketplace are seemingly not being heard. Or acknowledged.
Solidly Democrat and left-leaning, they see no connection between President Biden and the current state of our world. It’s all about the need to keep Trump down.
My working class clients are a little more in tune to energy prices and a sense of turmoil and fragility. Several are focused on insulating their houses, better windows and doors… And, planting gardens. Many are implementing “workarounds”, or simply ignoring, with regard to nonsensical rules (clotheslines, gardens, poultry).
Interesting to observe the response as I move between these two worlds.
June 8, 2022 at 11:40 am #109267V. Arnold
ParticipantSADS? – Hahahaha.
That’s a wee bit macabre; don’ cha think???
June 8, 2022 at 12:00 pm #109268Mister Roboto
ParticipantIt’s very SADS that so many people refuse to realize what’s actually happening here.
June 8, 2022 at 12:00 pm #109269Dr. D
ParticipantThis was pretty good:
Among other things: “my overarching theory about what is happening with the Western elite is that the systems that civilizations run on now are extremely complex. You have too much compartmentalization without any effective grand strategists. Without a clear view of all of the compartments, if any compartment fails to accurately assess the situation, or fails to deliver the results it promised, the entire thing fails. What’s more, the compartments have their own internal drives, which can conflict with each other.”
Then using the example of Ukraine. Source warning.
“eight years, to carry out the necessary painstaking preparations for the Operation, in view of the high probability that the West would refuse to get off its high horse of hubris and negotiate”
And they were correct. I’ve been reading the West and Russia ‘negotiating’. I don’t think so because the West is “not agreement capable”. That’s what that word means and why they had to invent it. No treaty, no negotiation matters, might as well not be written, which means all things that happens must be installed and enforced by Russia alone, against all opposition, long-term.
…But I thought I read a story that Russia had no war plan? They had no idea why they were there, and didn’t expect Ukraine would shoot back at them, they’d be greeted with flowers. Oh wait, that’s just narcissistic projection Americans do 99% of the time, or 100% of the time they open their mouths. 8 years of planning and grim resolve.
“Lloyd Austin, who openly stated he wanted the war to wear down Russian defence capabilities.”
And keep profits rolling for his personal company Raytheon. Like Hank Paulson did for Sachs. The government, by, for, and in service to Sachs. And Raytheon. No cost is too high as long as somebody else is paying it. When you have a merger of corporation and state, there’s a direct line vacuuming money from the people at gunpoint to the boardrooms of those with access.
“Hudson: Is US/NATO (With WEF Help) Pushing for a Global South Famine?”
Yes, as this article in Turkey attests. But I just realized the U.S., by killing everyone, killing that 25M WEF, UN, and The Economist promised, they are attacking and cutting off the allies and supporters of Russia. Same as if they just openly bombed them. In fact, far better. For Raytheon. Gee, would that be a war crime? Voluntary wars of aggression and engineered mass-starvation of brown people?
“..did we think we can adequately address a global starvation crisis by pointing the finger at Putin?”
No, but why would we address a starvation we WANT, created, and nurture? This is their true love, cherish, protect this tiny, fragile famine from anyone who would prevent or harm it. Deep Love of the heart is reserved only for murder and death.
“But when the largest exporters of those commodities disappears, the rest of the world experiences physical shortages”
Manchau misses something more important. Although Russia is only the exporter of 20% and 11% of gas and oil, that’s not abstract, theoretical, perfectly distributed. Burkina Faso may not care about Russian oil, gas, or wheat in the slightest. However, the Russian supply is 80-100% of what can be delivered to many EUROPEAN countries. They don’t have 11% dependency, I think one of the central Euro states had 100% dependency.
Details matter. “Did we think this through?” No, because as inbred morons protected from consequences of their stupidity for 7 generations they are incapable of rational thought. They also have no grit to endure and zero “grim resolve” to do or die. Why should some part-time plumber in Salsburg sacrifice with grim resolve when he can just make up with his fellows in St. Pete and they both carry on with mutual prosperity and cooperation? After checking Brussels into the channel?
“It can do that by providing financial incentives to US manufacturers”
Constantly, they think that ‘money’ = ‘things’. That the map is the territory. The report of the person is the person themselves. That is, they’re g-d insane. They have the intelligence of a 5-year-old. Doc McStuffins is a real doctor inside their TV somewhere.
The only way history has for a 30% over-valuation of the currency, which 100% of the time hollows out the core empire economy so that it collapses, is to STOP having the world reserve currency and returning to being one nation among many. Then all “exorbitant privileges” are halted, and all the oligarchs lose their power of their “Blood money funnel”. So pretty clearly the USD is 30% overvalued. (I bet much more). No individual corporation can overcome such a headwind, which is why it’s such a “giant sucking sound”. As known and planned. As we told them, as we were right 30 years in a row, and they still don’t care.
“Why would you pay 30 cents/kwh for power you can have for 10c?”
There are possible reasons, but I just heard they had gas streetlights throughout NYC in 1900, they didn’t outlaw them in Congress. Electric was just cheaper and worked better. The conversion does itself. If it doesn’t, it’s not “economically” viable, meaning BTU viable, better according to the laws of physics. They are naturally in rebellion to the laws of physics, which is what subsidies and edicts are. #AntiLogos, by definition. Against the Way. The Wu Wei.
People look at the wasteful surberia stretching out like a cancer across America. Strip malls, nail salons, broken down 3-lane highways with unused traffic lights. That’s BY LAW. The laws we wrote REQUIRE it to be built in this and only this way. Ask around. People try all the time to do something different, but it’s literally illegal. The code enforcement and the city council will stop you, single you out for destruction, refuse all code variances. Then they blame “Capitalism” for the closed-up nail salons that laws written in 1963 demand be created. Suit yourself. The city can vary most anything they want, write any law they feel like, and refuse to enforce everything. They do all the time for their friends and donors. It’s their club. But they won’t. ONLY more roads, ONLY more houses, and ever-shorter, more disposable are permitted. Literally “permitted”. Go to Phoenix suburbs and build a self-cooled, water-recycling earthship and see what happens. They’ll complain about the overloaded grid, the water shortage, then BY LAW do Every. Single. Thing. They can think of to insure that collapse and bankruptcy happens. And therefore everyone dies, with their city, and even themselves. Like Vegas. They cry, “Why, Oh. God? Why????” We hates God who did this to us for evah!!!
I can’t stop them. I can even tell them but they neither comprehend nor care. “That’s the law” they say, while not following it themselves and running down every city, every town, every structure, grid, or system in America. Okay then.
“White House Refuses to Comment on Hunter Biden Pictures (Radar)”
But, but, gun control! But the police will save you! As these individuals ALSO let the gun out of their custody and onto the streets of … Baltimore I think… which is how we heard of the whole thing. When the Secret Service – which I don’t think was supposed to be covering him, as Hunter is not a Senator, nor was his father a presidential candidate, then committed serial felonies to cover up his crime for him.
No one was charged. As if I need to say that.
But I’ll g-d charge you if you put a wood stove and water recycling in your building, with GOD as my witness!!! You will go DOWN, mister! Flaunting the law by refusing to freeze to death! “How DARE you???”
Yeah, ‘Merica. Funny place.
“Mainstream political and media sectors instantly consecrated the narrative,”
Why? Why did they do this? Who sent the memo? How was the memo distributed so that “everybody knows”? If we knew that, we would find the name of the memo sender(s).
“right-wing domestic terrorists now poses the single most dangerous threat to the American homeland,”
“Homeland” Hahahaaha! Makes me giggle, you cross-dressing fascists. Anyway, yeah, like we told them on 9-12 about the “Patriot” act. Meaning, like all other laws, like the “Net neutrality”, like “Disinformation” board that it will do the exact #Opposite and target people who DARE to obey Federal law (The Constitution) instead. They didn’t listen, of course, and bombed Baghdad like Jesus said.
Anyway, if he doesn’t mention it, they are so off base that the 1/6 Committee is ILLEGAL. Yes, it was never legally called and constituted and is pretty transparently a rogue Star Chamber. Which I always do when I’m completely honest and trying to find the truth of course. Call in all and only be friends and allies and arrest anyone else who gets near or points out my totally illegal, anti-Congressional actions.
But this is Congress, in DC, in ‘Merica, so we don’t follow no laws. I quoted a Congressmen just the other day saying “Don’t you DARE bring up the very second federal law to me!”
“no senior White House official has ever been put in leg irons for a contempt-of-Congress charge.”
Much as I don’t want to tolerate the hourly felonies these guys perform, that would be a bad precedent, preventing government from ever functioning again. Thereby letting the bad guys win. No cooperation, no trust = evil reigns.
And they are in a cross-fire subpoena war right now, arresting each other daily, the precursor to open Civil War.
…If you haven’t heard, civil wars happen when OLIGARCHS fight. Nobody gives a s—t when the actual little people fight or not. That’s the twin of the phrase “all wars are banker wars.” Not bankers, but rich idiots, but the rich idiots can’t shoot other rich idiots without securing financing first.
“Of course people don’t want war. Why should a poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?” — Goring
He says of course that then you have to LIE! And tell him the country is under attack and keep him in a state of perpetual anxiety and fear of all the fake, false stuff you’re LYING! About the other oligarchs. Then he’ll die for you. Joy! …Sound familiar?
Right now the best lies that will kill the most people are about climate. Behold the Green horseman of the E-pocylypse
Biden says this, the high oil prices and shortages are a GOOD thing. Everything is going according to plan and will get worse for every person in America and probably the world. The WEF promised.
“If the extradition goes ahead, US authorities retain the right to put Julian in conditions so cruel that no one in his position is likely to survive.”
Gosh humans are weird. Constantly saying “Gee, if we don’t look out, things could get bad.” Like right now: “if we don’t look out, we could find ourselves in an authoritarian police state run by fascists who arrest the innocent, keep them solitary for political stunts, steal all the jam and leave us with shortages while killing millions with destroyed small businesses and food shortages. They might even fly our daughters to small islands and sniff their hair.” I mean, really?
No, U.S. Federal prisons will not be worse than Belmarsh. Maybe not better, but not worse either.
NOW is the time you need to prevent. That you can cope with it is great. But they always say “I’ll get off the couch later, when things get bad.” Since 1953. As good as never.
June 8, 2022 at 1:18 pm #109270zerosum
ParticipantHow the world works
How our social/economic system works“I don’t blame myself, therefore I won’t apologize.”
Old/New gun laws won’t apply/save everyone.
By: Alex Lang
Jun. 6 2022
White House Refuses To Comment On Hunter Biden’s Naked, Illegal Gun-Toting Pictures
Tomorrow has arrived“Either you are with us, or you are with the right-wing domestic terrorists”
• Peter Navarro: Jan. 6 Panel’s Tactics Designed to Stop Trump Before 2024 (NM)
White racists agenda, engineered mass-starvation of brown people?June 8, 2022 at 2:35 pm #109271John Day
ParticipantThanks for more good late-night entries, Commenteers, especially TAE Summary!
PRION DISEASE: Watch this space, folks. mRNA vaccines cause your cells to become spike-protein-making-Energizer-Bunnies, for at least 6 months. mRNA is typically gone after 30 minutes of work, but they needed this stuff to work longer, so they modified it to resist degradation in the cell. Who knew how long it would stay active? No time to do the full test, until Robert Malone MDs group reported in July 2021 that 6:6 people they tested for spike protein in the bloodstream, 6 months after Pfizer/Moderna jabs, still had circulating spike protein…
It build up in “Amyloid deposits”, like giant fat islands in a London sewer.
These may be Prion-Globs, as it now appears. Before the “vaccines” were released some theoretical concern was voiced that some of those sequences corresponded to prion-sequences. It could be a problem later…
Is this what Luc Montagnier meant when he predicted the jabbed with spike-protein-making “vaccines” would be “dead in 2 years”? Did he leave some better notes?
I followed a patient with Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease down the tubes as a senior medical student. It took almost a month to make the diagnosis. Weirdest disease I ever saw. Brain biopsy told the story.
Will 2/3 of westerners die this way? All my kids?
I’m just asking. We will all wait patiently.Dr.D brings up the high cost of American Labor in solar panel manufacture. That’s why socialized-medicine, socialized safety-net, social-security and things like that were devised, according to Michael Hudson, to reduce effective costs of labor and facilitate export competitiveness. Farmers on combines growing 5000 acres of wheat are the most productive laborers, but they are all bankrupt, losing the farms to Bill Gates, who will have drones farm it for him. The US lost Kissinger’s food-as-weapon dominance and now needs to sanction food-exporting Russia.
Sanctions work great when you have the global reserve currency, and can also make it disappear POOF! when it belongs to bad-guy Putin, or bad-guy Xi, or bad-guy Bin-Salman…
Sanctions don’t work when you don’t print the global reserve currency. Venezuela can’t sanction anybody, or even keep their own gold.Solar cell manufacture in the US:
Works if labor costs are much lower. Losing reserve currency status can do that. Socializing the life support system for society might help, but maybe the feds are not the right ones to do that.
A not-secret, told to me by a NASA friend is that patents on the triple-layered PV cells expired. They have been licensed for “only in space”, but now they can go on your roof. They are much more efficient, and a little more expensive to make. Wouldn’t it be nice to make them in the USA?
It’s a “strategic industry”. There is no way to avoid a command-economy as America re-industrializes.
Financier-planned-economy fed the parasites and killed the living flesh. We’ll have to get back to that one later, right?June 8, 2022 at 3:06 pm #109272zerosum
ParticipantFor free? No strings?
Ukraine is getting loans, credit, and supplies from the west.
Who will be paying those loans/taxes back?
Of course, it will be those that could not leave/escape to other countries.
Those remaining will find ways of not paying taxes or go bankrupt.June 8, 2022 at 4:19 pm #109273Mister Roboto
ParticipantGreat interview with Brett Weinstein:
June 8, 2022 at 4:28 pm #109274John Day
ParticipantI liked what came out, so it’s on the blog now. Pre/post tomato-canning pics from last night, too. DISEASE: Watch this space, folks. mRNA vaccines cause your cells to become spike-protein-making-Energizer-Bunnies, for at least 6 months. mRNA is typically gone after 30 minutes of work, but they needed this stuff to work longer, so they modified it to resist degradation in the cell. Who knew how long it would stay active? No time to do the full test, until Robert Malone MDs group reported in July 2021 that 6:6 people they tested for spike protein in the bloodstream, 6 months after Pfizer/Moderna jabs, still had circulating spike protein…
It builds up in “Amyloid deposits”, like giant fat islands in a London sewer.
These may be Prion-Globs, as it now appears.
Before the “vaccines” were released theoretical concerns were voiced that some of those sequences corresponded to prion-sequences. It could be a problem later… Is this what Luc Montagnier meant when he predicted the jabbed with spike-protein-making “vaccines” would be “dead in 2 years”? Did he leave some better notes?
I followed a patient with Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease down the tubes as a senior medical student. It took almost a month to make the diagnosis. Weirdest disease I ever saw. Brain biopsy told the story. Will 2/3 of westerners die this way? All my kids?
I’m just asking. I’ll wait patiently. “Joe Biden” will reduce the import tariffs on Chinese solar panels, but is also invoking the Defense Production Act to induce US manufacturing of solar cells to resume. It costs more here, 30% more, or so. It is a strategic industrial capability. It looks like American manufacturing can’t compete without government help these days. Solar cell manufacture in the US can work economically if labor costs are much lower. Losing reserve currency status can do that. Reducing effective labor cost was why socialized-medicine, socialized safety-net, social-security and things like that were devised in industrial nations, according to Michael Hudson. Taking the parasites off of the social-utilities facilitates export competitiveness. The Federal Government might not be the best manager of these utility functions, though…
A not-secret, told to me by a NASA friend is that patents on the triple-layered PV cells expired. They have been licensed for “only in space”, but now they can go on your roof. They are much more efficient, and a little more expensive to make. Wouldn’t it be nice to make them in the USA?
It’s a “strategic industry”. There is no way to avoid a command-economy as America re-industrializes.
Financier-planned-economy fed the parasites and killed the living flesh. We’ll have to get back to that one later, right?June 8, 2022 at 4:30 pm #109275John Day
ParticipantFarmers on combines growing 5000 acres of wheat are the most productive American laborers, but they are all bankrupt, losing the farms to Bill Gates, who will have drones farm it for him. The US lost Kissinger’s food-as-weapon dominance and now needs to sanction food-exporting Russia.
Sanctions work great when you have the global reserve currency, and can also make it disappear POOF! when it belongs to bad-guy Putin, or bad-guy Xi, or bad-guy Bin-Salman…
Sanctions don’t work when you don’t print the global reserve currency. Venezuela can’t sanction anybody, or even retrieve their own gold from London. Keep watching Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has had working relations with Russia since the mid 1950s, and abstained from the UN vote against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian oil will now flow to bankrupt Sri Lanka. Who is footing the bill? China? This is a premier opportunity for Russia and China to rescue a starving country with a new alternative to the $US and IMF debt-slavery. China might even pay off Sri Lankan debt, and transfer it to a new Eurasian-World-Bank if such a thing comes into being soon. China has all of those US T-bills to invest better, until they go POOF! Russia used to. There was a coup/assassination attempt by Turkish military officers against “Sultan” Erdogan in 2016 .
All the best rumors are that the US/CIA were behind this, and that Russia informed Erdogan at the last minute, saving his living-ass and foiling the coup. It was clear to Erdogan which way the ill-wind was blowing. Turkey is a “NATO member” now. Erdogan knows which parties are “agreement capable”. He’s a shameless opportunist, but he’s NOT STUPID.
I presume there is Byzantine diplomacy between Erdogan and Putin. They are going to cooperatively de-mine the black sea for wheat-transport ships.
Playing nicely… Turkey Calls On Ukraine To Cooperate With Russian ‘Grain Corridor’ Plan To Unblock Ports”Mostly Peaceful”: Armed Man Arrested Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s House; Planned To Kill Supreme Court Justice
EU politicians are rational-actors , guided by bribes and threats from the western deep-state-swamp and its owner-financiers.
Their real job is to deliver the people willingly to the orders of Their-Masters.
It’s getting hard to deliver people “willingly” to these schemes, current plans are not “winterized” without Russian natural gas.
I’m pretty sure that’s what Kissinger has been saying. “The West” has to negotiate now or lose access to strategically-necessary Russian energy and exports.
He said it to the press, then he said it at Davos. Kissinger is a messenger for Rockefeller interests.American “Gas crisis” is “Policy” (Corn Ethanol in gas, degrades engine life, raises prices of gas and corn and reduces corn supply for food.) Tom Luongo
A couple of months ago there was a little announcement that the Biden administration would raise the cap on ethanol blending into gasoline stocks beyond the 10% limit in order to alleviate the ‘gas shortage.’
On the surface that idea made a kind of simplistic sense, along with the releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, if we were no longer going to buy crude oil from the Russians.
But, there’s only one problem with that, namely there isn’t enough ethanol to blend into the gas. Oh, and that SPR release? It all went to Europe while prices rose here.
Moreover, that same fuel needed to produce nitrogen fertilizer which is needed to produce the corn is part of the same supply shortage that we’re supposedly trying to help overcome. 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm #109276John Day
ParticipantSurvey results (Russian friendly website Alert) Most Americans Accept “Ukrainian Defeat”: Opinion Poll
One of the largest American think tanks, Democracy Institute, recently carried out an opinion poll on some topics concerning the Ukrainian issue…
[The Democracy Institute is a think tank based in Washington, DC and London. It was founded in 2006. According to the University of Bath’s Tobacco Tactics project the institute has taken part in pro-tobacco activities and has previously received funding from the tobacco industry.]
The data shows how Americans are tired of seeing their government involved in a conflict whose results will not bring any improvement to the people. Only 36% of the respondents said they supported Biden’s policy in Ukraine, while 53% said they were against it.
The numbers concerning other questions asked to the respondents corroborate the Democratic President’s unpopularity. For example, 45% said they would be fine if the US “allowed” the Ukrainian defeat, stopping sending military aid and letting the conflict end with the inevitable Russian victory. In the same vein, 50% of respondents were against the billion-dollar aid packages for Ukraine, and only 5% claimed to see Kiev as a priority for the US.
(Wait, how did this question get into that survey?)
Furthermore, 16% of respondents claimed that they would like to see Russian President Vladimir Putin as the leader of the US. is a Ukraine War update (excerpted) from the Russian Minister of Defense:
As for today, 97% of the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic has been liberated.
Residential areas of Severodonetsk have been fully liberated. The takeover of its industrial zone and neighbouring settlements continues. The offensive in the Popasnaya direction is developing.
51 units of foreign military equipment have been destroyed during the last 10 days of the special military operation.
In five days, 126 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered, their total number is 6,489 people.
In Mariupol, water and electricity supply to residential areas is being restored in stages, streets are being cleared and the first social facilities have started to function.
The Azovstal plant, including its underground facilities, has been completely cleared of mines.
Berdyansk sea port has started to operate. On behalf of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief they are ready to load grain at these ports.
The largest nuclear power plant in Europe, Zaporozhye, which can generate up to half of all nuclear power generation capacity of Ukraine, is operating normally.
33 coal mines, 2 oil fields and 14 gas fields taken over by Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics during the special military operation continue to operate normally. The liberated territories are home to 57% of Ukraine’s steelmaking capacity.Julian Assange’s wife Stella Moris reveals how they raise children together while he is in jail waiting an extradition decision
When Julian is taken from his cell to the prison yard he tilts his head up so his eyes can focus on the distance. If he narrows his eyes, the double razor wire above becomes a blur. Beyond is the open sky.
Julian recently discovered a family of nesting magpies. He spotted their home subversively nestled between the razor wire. I think our family is like those magpies.
When we are together, we are always a few metres from their nest. Our children — Gabriel, who is five, and Max, three — only have memories of their father within the brutal surroundings of Belmarsh prison.
We don’t know how long our children have left with their father. We don’t know if we can visit him or even talk to him on the phone. If the extradition goes ahead, US authorities retain the right to put Julian in conditions so cruel that no one in his position is likely to survive.
It is impossible for Julian and me to escape a feeling that he is on death row. Our weekly visits may be the only time we have left together...
..Were it not for our children, this approaching catastrophe would be all-consuming. But Julian and I know these may be the only memories that our children will have of their father. We make our visits as joyous as possible.
I don’t need to explain to Gabriel and Max the reality of this place where we go to visit their father. They live it. The children walk under razor wire and past layers and layers of security to reach their daddy...
..During visits, our family is allowed to embrace at the beginning and end. We can hold each others’ hands across the table.
Julian and I are not allowed to kiss. But Julian would rather kiss his wife and be penalised than have that taken away from him too. So, we kiss. (Prison rebellion ;-} 8, 2022 at 6:16 pm #109277kultsommer
ParticipantNote to myself (English is my 2nd lang) – mindless re-post of an article about the plight of Assange’s family that was already included in TAE list was explained to me as an “overlap with a reason” in reply to my previous inquiry about the practice that, in my opinion, shows that poster is barely reading what’s offered on this site.
June 8, 2022 at 7:42 pm #109278zerosum
ParticipantNew sexually transmitted disease – monkeypox
June 8, 2022 at 10:16 pm #109279Veracious Poet
Participant“Mainstream political and media sectors instantly consecrated the narrative,”
Why? Why did they do this? Who sent the memo? How was the memo distributed so that “everybody knows”? If we knew that, we would find the name of the memo sender(s).
It’s a *BIG*
clubCULT & you’re *NOT* in it!As many may recall, I was once a credentialed “in-house” journalist within a large .GOV press-room, surrounded by minions from every “news” corps imaginable.
But yet, I wasn’t one of “them”. I was NOT sorted, picked & groomed by a skool of “journalism”. I was there due to entrepreneurial skillz, that utilized the “web” to create an industry from scratch.
The retainers were both perplexed & intrigued, like a tabby observing a mountain lion…
Over the following decades (immediately after my stint in the Christian Patriot Fax Network), I observed these Manchurian operatives as they “reported” (more like regurgitated) local events, always gathering for impromptu meetings to compare notes, to conspire re: “The Narrative” ~ No, I am NOT kidding.
Early on I made it clear that I only would report the facts, to the best of my ability, that I wanted no part of “The Narrative”. This led to a constant campaign of belittlement, dismissal of status, at times outright harassment….
That was fine by me. Having been a cog in the MIC I was prepared for abuse, although that was usually more in your face. I knew I could never trust THEM!
Eventually after 15 years they finally deduced that we had carved out a unique, profitable niche & hired lower level minions in a failed effort to push us out. They lost. Billion $$$ corps couldn’t compete against our genuine hard work, intelligence & honest product. NOt to mention an impeccable track record our clients relied upon…
The straitjacket of proglodyte brain wiring was no match for real reality American ingenuity, ethics & resolve.
The reaction to failure was a litany of lies, hate-filled provocations, then befuddled resignation to defeat.
One apparatchik journalist was so far over the NPD line of demarcation that she exuded the presence of a walking migraine carrying a hand grenade. Even the other CULTists were afraid of her, acquiescing to her tirades of toxic PC newspeak, in an effort to diffuse, rants that would make a Karen blush…
Since she was an Ivy League edumakated “journalist” (affirmative action latina du jour), no one questioned her status, nor her judgment (hate everything not PC!), even her bankster spouse cowered before her like a beaten dog. Her son, last time I saw him, was a toxic cesspool, no doubt on his way to a physic break.
I could site hundreds of stories of card carrying pathological “journalists”, but the point is they ALL play by the same rules. NO individual thought, initiative, imagination or ethics allowed!
ALL sorted for compliance by journalism kamp Kommandants…
I, of course, came from a non-journalism indoctrination background.
Also since I was an independent self-starter, with a thirst to learn FAR more than my fellow “students”, I was a foreign thinking “American” in their CULTure of fantastical insanity & hate…
Thankfully my life’s experience prepared me to deal with such an insidious CULTure, forsaking personal attachments, having no desire to play their demented reindeer games.
I also kept my cards close to my chest, knowing the lying, cheating, scummy disposition of the “IN” crowd, that they would scour for any chink in my armor of unique individuality…
In summation, “Mainstream media” is the province of group think, newspeak fantasy, #anti-freedom lies, hate & indoctrinated propaganda. Then there is the infiltration of intel ops into the editorial suites, the shadowy apparitions of which I will not comment.
I’m afraid the experiment of self-government has been poisoned & co-opted from within, with the masses slowly mind poisoned to follow the Pied Pipers of dystopian evil into their cages, then death…
Be aware, love & care for one another, the future is upon us!
Praying for all,
June 8, 2022 at 11:11 pm #109280Veracious Poet
ParticipantAddendumB: Since about 1994 my personal quest became the cause of restoring America’s Democratic Republic, under Natural Law, as founded by the Sons of Liberty…
About 1997 I realized the futility of that cause due to majority indoctrination under Imperial Emergency Powers, which blocked any such attempts from the bottom up 😕
Switching gears, I began searching the populace for awareness of real reality, which was then extended to a broad swath of journalists, lawyers, judges, politicians, various executives & banksters…
I found that the 99% of word monkeys were totally oblivious to the legal concept, knew next to nothing about Locke & Hobbs (just like the general populace), complete ignorance of where the American Revolution + Declaration of Independence was derived.
Unlike gen pop, once I explained the history & ramifications, most of the “journalists” were hostile to the concept, true totalitarian sycophants, lackeys & toadies to the very core 😕
Only the older, pregeneration X grokked the significance of the dilemma, with later generations seemingly in agreement that America needed to be cleansed of all influence from white supremacist slave owners…
Of course the only demographic with exposure/knowledge of Natural Law was among lawyers/judges, who viewed the concept as antiquated & without merit ~ Law schools almost ALL teach a fawning devotion to Imperial elites & their anointed operatives. THAT is where the money & power is!
I’m sorry to report, from my informal canvasing, that for recent generations the indoctrination is near fait accompli…
June 8, 2022 at 11:38 pm #109281WES
ParticipantYesterday the Ukraine had a really winning day.
Only 780 Ukrainians got totally cancelled.
However the number of partly canceled Ukrainians is not known.So far in this war only 6479 lucky Ukrainians have managed to escaped being totally cancelled. That speaks to the effectiveness of the neo-nazis control over regular Ukrainian constrips. We know hundreds of Ukrainians have been shot in the back of the head.
Since this is mostly a, one sided, long range artillery fight, opportunities for regular Ukrainian constrips to surrender are slim as most are holed up in trenches and bunkers with no Russians in sight. But the neo-nazis can see them clearly. So terror surrounds them from both front and behind. SADS at it’s worst with seemingly only one way out.
NATO’s “no retreat” Ukranian strategy makes perfect sense. It is prolonging the war. This is agreeable to the Russians too because it reduces their casualties, keeps feedings them neo-nazis, keeps the war locally contained, and low keyed.
Evidence of war crimes committed by two British and one Moroccan mercenaries (we didn’t shoot nobody) has been completed. The death penalty waits.
Yes, a good war being fought to the last Ukrainian.
June 8, 2022 at 11:39 pm #109282zerosum
ParticipantStop the bullshit.
Look at where the grain elevators are located. Russia does not control the grain. All the grain must be trucked out. It will not be enough to avoid starvation. It must be truck.
Highest storage capacity grain elevators in Ukraine 2020: rating
29 January 2021June 8, 2022 at 11:48 pm #109283boscohorowitz
ParticipantJune 9, 2022 at 12:28 am #109284Autonomous Unit
Participant is only so much oil in the ground
Sooner or later there won’t be much around
Tell that to your kids while you’re drivin’ round downtown
That there’s only so much oil in the groundWe can’t cut loose without that juice
Can’t cut loose without that juice
If we keep on like we doing
Things for sure will not be cool
It’s a fact we just ain’t got sufficient fuel
Cause there’s only so much oil in the ground
Sooner or later there won’t be none around
Alternate sources of power must be found
Cause there’s only so much oil in the groundYes, there’s only so much oil in the earth
It’s a fact of life – for what it’s worth
Something every little girl and boy should know from birth
That there’s only so much oil in the earthThere’s no excuse for our abuse
No excuse for our abuse
We just assume that what we use
Will not exceed the oil supply
But soon enough the world will watch the wells run dryThere’s no excuse for our abuse
No excuse for our abuse
We just assume that what we use
Will not exceed the oil supply
But soon enough the world will watch the wells run dryCause there’s only so much oil in the ground
Sooner or later there won’t be none around
You can tell that to your children while you’re drivin’ round downtown
That there’s only so much oil in the ground
And there’s only so much oil in the earth
Sooner than you think there’s gonna be a heavy duty dearth
And there won’t be too much time, for no merriment or mirth
Cause there’s only so much oil in the earthWe can’t cut loose without that juice
Can’t cut loose without that juice
If we keep on like we doing
Things for sure will not be cool
It’s a fact we just ain’t got sufficient fuel(There is only so much oil)
(There is only so much oil)(There is only so much oil)
(There is only so much oil)June 9, 2022 at 12:31 am #109285aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
“my overarching theory about what is happening with the Western elite is that the systems that civilizations run on now are extremely complex. You have too much compartmentalization without any effective grand strategists. Without a clear view of all of the compartments, if any compartment fails to accurately assess the situation, or fails to deliver the results it promised, the entire thing fails. What’s more, the compartments have their own internal drives, which can conflict with each other.”
Another theory, which I subscribe to, is that the decline of the people in government is no different to the decline of the people in the mass population, the sheep. We do not have leaders any more which is how WEF has installed WEF whores in all the governments in the west. Do WEF really believe that those people can lead or do they believe those people will obey instructions? It is a hierarchy of sheep and the sheep at the top are as useless as the sheep on that Reddit thread that Dr D posted yesterday (
Talking of that reddit thread – which provided me with so much entertainment and an unusual feeling of superiority, similar to that felt when listening to kids talk about getting drunk – the most enjoyable section was this:
Consider Dr. Fauci, who is a real scientist who respects the scientific method. Dr. Fauci was able to explain a complex scientific concept (pandemic) using ordinary words regular people could understand, and he was unbiased, meaning he changed his recommendations as new information became available. We don’t have a Dr. Fauci of climate science. We have struggling academics fighting for name recognition by out-competing each other on doomsday rhetoric. It’s not the same thing at all.
Oh dear I said as I looked at the hole in the engine block where the piston had escaped. Repairable? I don’t think so: maybe Pfizer will terminate these people.
June 9, 2022 at 12:40 am #109286WES
Since a GMO is basically a lab created bioweapon, it should not be a great surprise that it could be more subseptabĺe to being targeted by a second lab bioweapon!
The first bioweapon naturally creates the opening from which the second lab bioweapon can exploit!
Interestingly Russia has banned all GMO plants and animals! I wonder why?
June 9, 2022 at 12:54 am #109287zerosum
ParticipantThink ….
The grain needs to be sent to where the Ukrainians have gone, (Poland), to be fed.June 9, 2022 at 1:07 am #109288Figmund Sreud
ParticipantBit of the ‘off topic’ stuff: RealEstate: Two part vid.Worth hearing it all out!
Part 1:
WORSE THAN 2008? This Housing Crash will have MEGA PRICE DROPSPart 2:
Will Home Prices Crash As Much As In 2008? “Increasingly Possible” Housing Firm Reventure ConsultingBest,
June 9, 2022 at 1:08 am #109289WES
I suspect most Ukrainian refugees won’t be staying in Poland for very long!
Poland doesn’t have very good welfare benefits but Germany sure does!June 9, 2022 at 1:17 am #109290WES
ParticipantFinally someone has written a Canadian children’s book on Trudeau stealing the people’s “Freedom”!
It is a parody of the Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy written along the lines of Dr. Suisis’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Number one best seller on Amazon Canada.
I wonder how long before it will be banned?June 9, 2022 at 1:26 am #109291chooch
ParticipantBut according to all the military reports, let alone the prophecies, Russia will be victorious.
“To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: To lose a general in battle is surely a misfortune; but lose a general in battle every single week over the course of 14 weeks, and it starts to look like carelessness.”
June 7th, 8pm: Heroic defense of the Donbas’ keeps Russia from gaining over last day.
June 8th, 10am: Ukrainian forces could pull back from embattled eastern city.
Severodonetsk will decide Ukraine’s future. (No it won’t, the high ground on the other side of the river will)
Visualizing the first hundred days.
A good visualization of the more than three months of 🇷🇺 aggression against 🇺🇦. It’s not only the land war, but the constant bombardment of different parts of the country.
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) June 8, 2022
June 9, 2022 at 1:29 am #109292chooch
ParticipantUkrainians are behind the 8 ball. Looks grim.
It now turns out that Germany won’t send the M270 MLRs Scholz promised to Ukraine until much later than thought. The Germans say the weapons system lacks a software update making it possible to fire American and British missiles.
A reliable source tells me (Gary Kasparov) that US howitzers are still arriving slower and in smaller quantities than promised, and without the electronics needed to be more accurate. I’d like to know who is in charge of sabotaging US weapon shipments.
A RIA Novosti source claims that four Russian Su-57 fighters took part in targeting air defenses in Ukraine while operating in a single information network. The 4th and 5th “production model” Su-57 were recently delivered to the Russian Air Force.
June 9, 2022 at 1:30 am #109293chooch
ParticipantUkraine has ample recruits, but not enough people to train them; there’s one-month waiting list to join the Ukr forces.
I read there has been something like 18 Russian military recruitment centers torched.
Russian reporter asks people on the street what they would do for their country. They say, "I'd go to war! I'd die for my country!" He then asks them to write down their personal details on a "patriotic list" to be "first in line" in case of mobilisation. Guess what happens next?
— Will Vernon (@BBCWillVernon) June 2, 2022
June 9, 2022 at 1:34 am #109294chooch
ParticipantNoodle this. Irkutsk is 3300 miles (driving by car) to Severodonetsk.
Russia transferring more MLRS and 152mm howitzers all the way from Irkutsk to Ukraine.
The entire armory of Russia is being destroyed in Ukraine.
— Expat in Kyiv (@expatua) June 7, 2022
My favorite open sources have been mum for about a week, but Telenko had this to say recently. Could be related.
June 9, 2022 at 2:43 am #109295TAE Summary
ParticipantIf you take a nap in the open
Make sure you keep both cantaloupe in
If one should fall out
There isn’t a doubt
Some Biden will soon come a’ gropin’June 9, 2022 at 2:52 am #109296my parents said know
ParticipantCommunications have increased;
Our little worlds and lives have ceased.
We know so much of everywhere
It’s hard to live without a care.Connected thus, we think too much
Of things that we can never touch.
It makes us all inadequate.
It makes us less compassionate.June 9, 2022 at 3:20 am #109297D Benton Smith
ParticipantAll weapons are bioweapons. Some are just a lot more indirect and complicated than others.
June 9, 2022 at 3:45 am #109298D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe operative questions include whether people were harmed, injured or killed and if the weapon (or weapons) were used inadvertently, or by criminal negligence, or downright intentionally. In regard to motive and forethought, the only reason we need to know about those things is that knowing about those things helps in discovering the other facts of the matter, and in making a final determination about who was actually responsible and what we should do about it.
June 9, 2022 at 3:47 am #109299WES
The US doesn’t want their 155 mm gun electronic control system to fall into Russian hands so they have been removed.
However Canada is supplying it’s 155 mm gun electronic gun control systems instead.In a country as vast as Russia, everything moves by rail. Russian railways use a wider track gauge than Europeans do. This was done deliberately as a military defensive measure, to make it much harder for anyone to invade Russia!
However Ukrainian railways use the same track gauge as Russia does, making it easier for Russia to invade the Ukraine.
I remember the Trans Siberian railway from my stay in a Siberian coal mine!
However Irkutsk is still a few time zones further east than where I was!
This is just Russia bringing in new fresh units to replace a current unit due for a rest.
Those are some really mean looking long barreled 152 mm guns on that Trans Siberian train!June 9, 2022 at 3:50 am #109300D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt is not possible to tell anyone anything that they do not already know, but at times it is possible (with luck and some skill) to remind them well enough that they become aware again of what they have actually known all along.
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