Debt Rattle March 4 2021


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    J.J. Grandville ‘A Comet’s Journey’, Illustration from ‘Un Autre Monde’ 1844   • It’s Time for Major Wealth Redistribution (Lee Camp) • Joe Biden
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 4 2021]

    V. Arnold

    IF by Rudyard Kippling is the Bees’ knees…


    We’re looking at the posting issues. We’ve changed the ads, obviously, but what’s appears more likely to cause them is the WordPress updates that were required. That stuff is always hard to define. We’ll find it.

    Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here are V. Arnold’s words from last night:

    I commented about the flatlined Patreon contributions here over many, many months. Ilargi’s hard work deserves way more than a paltry $700, no?


    Mister Roboto

    I think the reason no firearms were confiscated during the Capitol Riot was because representatives of law enforcement went into the Capitol and politely told the rioters it was time to leave, which the rioters did upon realizing that Congress had pretty much locked itself up in the basement.


    Raul: I make anonymous donations (so you don’t have to bother with a thank you) via Paypal using your site’s donation button. Is it better for you if we use Patreon?


    Thank you Raul Ilargi – for the beautiful selections of art and poetry – today and everyday.

    The J.J. Grandville ‘A Comet’s Journey’ illustration is in its’ own world of possibility. It gives HOPE and direction IF you are open to it. Exquisite contrast in all the right places. Cosmic – a mystery, magical and mystical. Our time will come.

    IF…forever in my HEART. We read, discussed and memorized it in middle school; thankfully it has been with me all these years. IF reminds us of our potential, it gives HOPE and direction WHEN you are open to it.

    Today’s art and poetry take us beyond the trap of this creation. Even IF for just a moment. We are better because we went there.

    Yesterday someone was asking how to move forward – after reading Snowden and Chris Hedges. Well, here is your answer.


    @RIM: Am curious about why you used the word “cult” when referring to Caitlin Johnstone yesterday. How did you arrive at that conclusion – to the point where you no longer read her posts?

    I find her contribution to be important because it is completely unique. She openly shares her spiritual journey (which is not clear to me Buddhist/Taoist/Yogic) mixed in with real life experience. IF there was a visual component to her work it might just be ‘A Comet’s Journey’.

    John Day
    John Day

    Piece by piece:
    ​Tessa Fights Robots, on Broken People​
    I have been thinking a lot about brokenness.
    ​ ​If we look at history, at one point, one of the two things happened in most known cultures of today. Either a local ruler, who was seeking personal prestige and approval by more influential leaders of the time—much like the leaders of today are going for the “Great Reset” to elevate or at least to preserve themselves—forced the people to abandon their traditional way of life and to become “civilized”—again, much like the leaders of today are pushing us toward transhumanism—or foreign invaders came along and did the same.
    ​ ​So what we are dealing with today is not particularly new, it’s just strange to belong to a generation on the receiving end of a religious reform. I am thinking every day, wow, I have never thought I would be living through a thing like this!​ …
    ​ ​It seems like today, history is repeating itself.
    For example, the victory march of “science as religion” that is happening today—very much in the name billionaire profits and asset management (i.e. capitalism)—is nearly identical to the march that was happening in the Soviet Union in the name of “socialism” when my grandparents were young. Just like the proverbial “scientists” of today are denouncing peasants’ self-preservation instincts (so that certain pharmaceutical companies can make a fortune on certain therapies, which are wrongfully labeled as certain must-worship medical products), back then, city-educated folks would come to the village and yell at peasants for their backward ways, force them to use toxic fertilizers, and teach them to not breastfeed their babies (see an ironic throwback from 2016).

    John Day

    Another, related thought: (Hi Susmarie108)
    Caitlin Johnstone:
    ​We are here to participate in the expansion of consciousness.
    Our world appears disordered at the moment because much of it is deeply unconscious. Humanity is mostly unconscious of its inner dynamics and sleepwalks through life in a very destructive way. People loaded with unconscious trauma ascend to positions of power and spread their trauma around without consciousness. Government secrecy and corporate secrecy keep most power dynamics which affect the world unconscious. Propaganda distorts humanity’s collective efforts to consciously perceive the reality of our situation.
    Wherever there is a lack of clear seeing, there is disharmony. Wherever anything moves into consciousness, harmony is increased. Becoming individually conscious of unconscious mental habits created in response to early childhood trauma allows us to change or eliminate those habits and begin functioning more harmoniously. Becoming collectively conscious of racial inequality allows us to collectively begin moving toward racial harmony. Becoming collectively conscious of the abuses of tyranny allows us to collectively begin moving toward political harmony. Wherever there is more seeing, there is more harmony.
    This is why we are here. To make the unseen seen and to dispel illusions which distort our perception. The more visible the universe and humanity’s dance in it becomes to us, the more harmony there will be.

    The Universe Is Just Trying To See Itself

    Maxwell Quest

    I see a strong alchemical influence in Grandville’s artwork.

    As for Dr. Seuss’ Sneetches (actually humans), the story always reminded me that vanity was the most easily exploited weakness of humanity. We seem to come with a built-in need to be “special”, we crave “status”, and will do almost anything to rise above the clamoring hordes. Advertisers and marketers thrive on this. When the clever conman, Sylvester McMonkey McBean, arrived in town he saw a people ripe for the picking and then proceeded to extract every last dollar from them.

    I noticed a similar theme in the Pixar movie, The Incredibles, where the arch-villain, Syndrome, was planning to sell all of his “super” technology to the world so that everyone could be “super” like Mr. Incredible, who had shunned him years before hurting his ego. This would level the playing field between those with special powers and those without, claiming: “When Everyone is Super, no one will be.”

    Think of this when your wife pesters you for that Mercedes, BMW, or Tesla, which she just has to have in order to fit in with the other “cool” women.



    Raul: I make anonymous donations (so you don’t have to bother with a thank you) via Paypal using your site’s donation button. Is it better for you if we use Patreon?

    The only real difference I can see is that small donations at Paypal get cut by insane percentages right away, while at Patreon they become part of the total amount at the end of the month. So, larger: Paypal, smaller: Patreon.



    Am curious about why you used the word “cult” when referring to Caitlin Johnstone yesterday. How did you arrive at that conclusion – to the point where you no longer read her posts?

    A while back she posted something in the vein of (paraphrased): “Do These 37 Things So You Won’t Be Propagandized Anymore”. Yeah, sure. Then later, there was something about her “vows” to be always honest bla bla. If you feel you have to put that in words, you’re already wrong. What I say is I want to keep this site open to everyone, no paywalls. That I’ll be honest will always remain unwritten, because that would be very embarrassing to say.

    As for “The Universe Is Just Trying To See Itself”, hey yeah, but now you’re talking physics, and that’s not her angle. She’s getting carried away by her own cult.

    I hope she’s fine, and I’m sure she’s making a ton, but it’s not my take on the world.


    small donations at Paypal get cut

    Not at all if you select “send money to a friend” rather than “pay a business”.



    People who only cared if they could afford the monthly payments are going to change and start to do math!!!!
    People could not save before the pandemic. Now I’m expected to believe that people who spent every dollar they had plus maxed out their credit cards have suddenly changed to become savers.
    Tell the truth.
    Accountants and lawyers are hiding behind Biden.

    • Joe Biden Just Yanked Away Stimulus Checks From 17 Million Americans (Week)
    • COVID Relief Showers States With 600% Of Lost Tax Revs (ZH)
    ” …..the media can’t stop talking about him,(Trump)”
    Repeat …. how propaganda works …. or Russia,Russia
    “What interests me a lot, though, is the CHOICE made by the editors and algorithms of to select these articles over all of the other financial news stories available to them. What interests me a lot is the recursive ENGAGEMENT that these articles and their shared linguistic structures trigger in readers, such that they will look for more articles on this topic, which means that more articles on this topic will be written. This is how common knowledge happens”
    How embarrassing!
    The National Guards are still waiting for somebody to show up on Capitol Hill.


    @RIM on Caitlin reply: appreciate and respect your perspective.

    She is deep into metaphysics (vs. physics) which I believe might offer an additional strategy – on the way to/beyond collapse – for shaping the future. Why not explore the possibility that focused human consciousness could have on transforming the individual and the world?

    Some of us will continue to read her writing and will selectively share.


    small donations at Paypal get cut

    Not at all if you select “send money to a friend” rather than “pay a business”.

    That’s just one side of the equation, but sure, it makes a difference.

    Dr. D

    Speaking of Lee Camp (who I respect), here’s another ultra-leftist that sounds just like Herr Docktor.

    (Russell Brand. He wanders so you may need to take his channel more as a collective body)

    How can that be? Could it be the world isn’t Left-Right, but Insiders-Outsiders? Boot-licking toadies vs and Working Independents? Yes, and our nation was founded on that principle: LIBERTY (Freedom + Responsibility) vs Everybody Else. Now it’s the also-rans and the concept of Liberty and Work is politically homeless. At least until Mitch McConnell is drummed from office and back into the Chinese trust fund he crawled out of.

    But here’s the ad: YOU CAN HAVE LIBERTY. Just do it, right now. Just act it. Stop chatting on EvilCorp. Stop shopping at EvilCorp. Stop voting for EvilCorp. Stop banking at EvilCorp. Don’t use EvilCorp’s money. Boom, they collapse, you’re in charge. Lee Camp’s $13,000 blood-money-funnel stops cold. SachsSquid fails. But you won’t. You’ll tell SOMEBODY ELSE to do it. Government, funded by EvilCorp, is going to stop EvilCorp on your behalf, you wait-and-see-this-time-mister. What can I do with you? You’re all still on the internet, not using Bitcoin (or a freer, privater alternative) If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t have to be. We’d be bowling in person after throwing hay.

    “Joe Biden Just Yanked Away Stimulus Checks From 17 Million Americans (Week)”

    Yup, but more amazingly, they yanked the microphone away from HIM. Who? Who shut off his mike in his own press conference? No one knows. Which means no one knows who’s running the government. Not Joe, apparently not Harris either. I think it’s Psaki. She’s sneaky that way, you wouldn’t see it coming. This was likewise the end of the USSR, and made the USSA super antsy at the time.

    “focused on whether FBI executives knowingly and unlawfully misled the FISA court and Congress”

    Which everybody on the planet already knows without subpoena power. The question is, what are you going to DO about it?

    “This is how common knowledge happens.”

    Only for people whose reality is formed on the basis of popularity. For the rest of us who have real jobs, or are engineers, knowledge is truth, physics, not fashion.

    “No Shots Fired by Rioters, No Firearms Recovered During Siege on Capitol (JTN)”

    This is how we know it was the biggest thing ever, bigger than 911 and all Republicans should be rounded up, reeducated, and shot on sight. What is it about their “Reality” “Common Knowledge” that’s based solely on what people talk about? That is run by 20 magazine editors? Which are owned by 6 billionaires who call them at 4 am each morning for talking points? Seriously, people? Yes, dead serious. Serious psychosis, as serious as dementia and schizophrenia combined.

    Other news: Cheeto requested 10,000 National Guard for 1/6 with Pelosi, who overruled it. Capital Police backup denied 6 times. She said it would have bad optics. Bad optics like when you erected the 40-foot fence of Pelosi immediately after? That kind of bad optics? ‘Cause I’m having a hard time believing you here. And where are those 6 camera-fed pipe bombs? And where is the $75,000 CNN paid to Mr. Sullivan to break Capitol windows and film it? Poof. Gone. Not in the 4am talking points, so not in the AI word-cloud. Therefore Reality doesn’t exist. Unreality DOES exist.

    “use of chemical weapons and abuse of human rights have severe consequences,”

    We’re going to cut off more stuff we don’t have and never sent before, see-if-we-don’t. You’re denied fairy dust, denied unicorns, denied Dick Cheney’s heart, denied, denied, denied!!! We are clearly the most laughable clown nation that ever was. I could not possibly bring it down faster than they are doing already.

    Agree that Cait is a good read. I almost only read people I disagree with. Because that’s everyone. But anything breaking up the standard bubble (politics VS science VS economics VS…) leads to freedom and the new like she does.

    “Iran Wants War” Yes, but they are now PINK military bases. That means they are filled with love drones and love bombs. Just like back home.

    “Democrats are taking us from Trump’s world to Orwell’s.”

    Joke: “Biden is erecting a monument to George Orwell.”
    “Really? Where?”
    “A: Everywhere.”

    madamski cafone



    Re: donations for this site on Paypal vs Patreon.

    Now I’m going to sound like an idiot because I don’t know what is considered a large or small donation. I donate $50 at a time. Is that large or small?

    Thinking I may just start mailing a check to Raul. 😉


    @Susmarie108: “She [… Caitlyn] is deep into metaphysics (vs. physics) which I believe might offer an additional strategy – on the way to/beyond collapse – for shaping the future.”

    And how is it you think we got to where we are?

    Metaphysics … or the idea that how we think, there we shall go, is precisely how we got here. While it makes sense to work on changing the current metaphysical narrative to “remake” the future, I don’t think humans are even close to where we need to be, collectively, to make that shift happen in our lifetime.

    Does that mean Caitlyn shouldn’t write about making this change? Of course not. But if we are talking making metaphysical changes that offer an additional strategy for shaping the future, I believe everyone posting here today will have passed away before the physical changes that result from our collective metaphysical thoughts actually occurs.

    I think the commenters here are already contributing to metaphysical changes, each in their own small way. Especially Raul with maintaining this site through thick and thin. Not sure how he does it.


    The canadian airlines are in negotiation with the fed.
    They will re-emburse the money that people paid for trips that were not taken.
    In return, the airlines will get money to pay for the bank loan that they have accumulated.
    (cough, cough its a bank bailout)

    John Day

    Another “If”, which I presume you have also heard

    John Day

    @Ilargi and Susmarie108
    “I don’t know what that word means, but I don’t think it means what you think it means”
    Caitlin’s fine and she gets out every day and tries, and throws her own self at the sit, and some days are a ot different from others, but she gets out and throws it down for us to pick and choose.
    Jim Jones in Guyana; that was a “cult”.

    John Day

    @UpstateNYer: Now you’re talkin’!
    If a tree falls in a forest and there is nobody there to hear it, does the tree or the forest “exist”?
    What is “existence”, do you think?

    V. Arnold

    This, IMO, is a very good definition of cult

    Oxford Dictionaries
    1A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
    ‘the cult of St. Olaf’
    More example sentences
    1. 1.1A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    ‘a network of Satan-worshiping cults’
    More example sentences
    2. 1.2A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
    ‘a cult of personality surrounding the leaders’
    More example sentences
    3. 1.3usually as modifier A person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society.
    ‘a cult film’


    Surveillance Capitalism and the Abolition of Man: C.S. Lewis’s classic analysis of the scientific worldview illuminates our present danger:

    “..Updating Hannah Arendt’s concept of dispossession as “digital dispossession,” [Shoshana] Zuboff describes how the seeming innocuousness of internet activity during the last quarter century has culminated in a massive yet subtle transfer of power, both within the realm of private economic actors and vis-à-vis the power of the state.

    Instead of the 20th-century economic division of labor, surveillance capitalism has created a 21st-century “division of knowledge,” in which >>surveillance capitalists retain rights to their own privacy while, via algorithmic analysis and continuous experimentation, they increasingly violate the privacy of all others<< engaged in digital social interaction, resulting in >>behavioral capture<< and a situation approximating Emile Durkheim’s “extreme asymmetries of power,” and paralleling Lewis’s conception of a societal chasm between conditioners and conditioned. Of course, all of this was supported by Enlightenment faith in human goodness and reciprocity resulting in the inexorable progress of humanity through science..”

    Surveillance Capitalism and the Abolition of Man

    Good thing it’s just all us silly ol’ humans messing up, and not one tiny, tiny overClass peremptorily ruling over another benighted and subjugated one..

    V. Arnold

    Having been a cult member (JW’s) many decades ago; I would add that there is a darker side to some cults not addressed by the Oxford Dictionaries.
    It includes religions, individuals (Charles Manson), organizations (JW’s & Mormons), and governing bodies, to name but a few…
    Secrecy, intimidation, and a strict hierarchy are generally a part of organizational structure…

    Caitlan Johnstone may, or may not, have a cult-like following; it’s not her fault per se… 😉


    Ms. Johnstone seems to focus on abstractions, and on the Individual as a center of power (“be your own Revolution!”, says she..)

    lemme know how that works out-

    Johnstone also says Da Covid [political, not medical] phenomenon is “boring and irrelevant”. I disagree; I think it’s the defining
    issue of this very, very dark time. BTW: is it triple-masking, or quadruple, tomorrow? So hard to keep up [by design?]..

    #paidto not See


    @Dr D: am looking forward to bowling in person and throwing hay with you.

    Day: hi. What is existence? A very good question. IF we only had more time tonight…….

    : thanks for your thoughtful comments. In my opinion, the most practical and actionable things we can do are 1) inner work on ourselves (that seeks answers to John Day’s question above + more) which involves contemplation, reflection, and meditation and 2) bring insight from our personal exploration (inner work) back into the world, living it in real time in everyday life.

    Reject EvilCorp narratives. Find your own (and call it a Mantra) – see where it takes you. A collective shift is not bound by time. Every act of positivity, of LOVE matters – and rolls into the mighty flow. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise.



    People save more when they feel uncertain about the future.
    That is not a good sign for the future.

    Wealth inequality is a result of inflation. The explanation is very simple.
    The poor cannot protect themselves from the effects of inflation.
    The rich can position themselves to benefit from inflation.


    When Chris Wray, FBI director, says Antifa was not involved in the January 6 Capital riot,
    where the leader of Antifa, John Sullivan, was arrested,
    tells you all you need to know.
    The main job of the FBI and DofJ is to protect the powerful from the people!

    The DofJ has dropped the probe into Elaine Chao, wife of Mitch McConnel.
    She resigned after January 6th, saying she couldn’t stay on due to the Capital riots.
    Nothing to see here about her dealings with the CCP.

    Mitch’s days are now numbered!

    Mike Pence is trying to save his political future to run as president in 2024.
    He, along with Nicky Haley, are now MAGA outcasts. Serves them right.
    If you are going to play with knives like Brutus, you had better make sure you kill Ceasar!



    How can you be so cynical about our PM Sparkle Socks!
    He is just trying to pull himself up by pulling up his socks so he can call an election!

    He is very worried about creating jobs in Quebec.
    But not jobs out west!


    The reason cities and states are getting the vast majority of federal covid aid from joe, is to reward them for helping him steal the presidential election!

    The Durham investigation is not going anywhere it shouldn’t!
    One of the main purposes of Barr secretly naming Durham a special prosecutor,
    besides stopping President Trump from releasing more documents,
    was to place Durham under direct supervision of congress! That is correct!
    Durham now has to report everything he does to congress where as before he only reported to Barr,
    who Congress appointed.
    This is Congress’s dirty little secret they don’t tell the American people!

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