Debt Rattle May 22 2021
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- This topic has 32 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
V. Arnold.
May 22, 2021 at 9:03 am #75704
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPaul Gauguin Road in Tahiti 1891 • Science Has Become A Cartel (Unherd) • House Republicans Release COVID-19 Origins Report (ZH) • No Irish, No
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 22 2021]May 22, 2021 at 9:27 am #75705V. Arnold
ParticipantThe Michael Yeadon piece is a powerful statement.
What he says appears to be a fact on statement of today’s hunger games…
Wow, what a time to be alive…May 22, 2021 at 9:31 am #75706V. Arnold
ParticipantPaul Gauguin Road in Tahiti 1891
Stunning! Reminds me of parts of Thailand when I first arrived; villages without electricity…
May 22, 2021 at 9:54 am #75707V. Arnold
ParticipantEven today; our village is without water for 5 days at a time at least a couple of times a year…we put in a couple of 1,600 liter water tanks to get by in hard times…
This isn’t drinking water; just everyday washing and irrigating water; drinking water has to be purchased separately @ about ฿10 per 20 liters. This is for reverse osmosis water, which is very high quality…
฿10 is about $0.30 USD for 20 liters…
A damned bargan by US standards…May 22, 2021 at 10:07 am #75708Germ
Participant“Gold is the money of kings,
silver is the money of gentlemen,
barter is the money of peasants,
– but debt is the money of
slaves”May 22, 2021 at 10:21 am #75709V. Arnold
Participant“Gold is the money of kings,
silver is the money of gentlemen,
barter is the money of peasants,
– but debt is the money of
slaves”Absoluteally true; thanks for that Germ…
May 22, 2021 at 11:58 am #75710Polder Dweller
ParticipantInstead of vaccinating kids, why not hold Covid parties? It’d be fun for them and much safer.
May 22, 2021 at 12:24 pm #75711Germ
ParticipantTagged just like cattle.
Too funny – but the sheeple will actually pay for these.May 22, 2021 at 12:41 pm #75712Mister Roboto
ParticipantMay 22, 2021 at 2:18 pm #75713Dr P
ParticipantGreat video about global warming. I haven’t laughed so hard in a good amount of time.
Economist, modelling, clown world, quack science, hilarious stuff.
Again, you seem like a quite intelligent person, you just need to get better sources.
Thanks for the Saturday laugh anyway.
May 22, 2021 at 3:32 pm #75714Germ
ParticipantIt really is this simple folks:
Don't allow them to do it. #VaccinePassports
WATCH & SHARE.— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021 at 3:44 pm #75715phoenixvoice
Participant@ Polder Dweller
Re: Covid parties for kidsThe thought has crossed my mind. Problem is, need the T-cell test to be easy to access for this, so their immunity can be proven. Kids are simply so prone to have no symptoms, never show positive on PCR test (even with the false positives,) etc. if the kids’ innate immunity is kicking Covid I’m not certain whether the T-cell test will demonstrate their immunity.
But what am I thinking? Why should it be necessary to prove immunity unless someone is, for example, working in a care home for vulnerable individuals? And if immunity doesn’t need to be proven, then why bother with Covid parties?
Denninger is right…but employees who want to jump to a better ship better make it fast — here in AZ the suspension of looking for work for those on unemployment is ending, fast, and thousands will suddenly burst into the jobs market. (My domestic partner is reacting to this change by setting up a business with the neighbor. He is planning to exit “employee-hood” permanently.)
The “climate of fear” is subsiding. I have been wearing my mask when I go places with my kids, in solidarity with them, to respect the concerns of their father, and prevent their father from making some sort of legal issue out of it. However…my kids’ fear is subsiding. Back in March, two of the three refused to eat inside a restaurant while we were on vacation. But when grandma and grandpa offered to take us all out to a restaurant last week for the twins’ birthday…no one had an issue. Their two teen step-siblings have received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. My 13 year old daughter has had several masked play dates in the past year. She must wear a mask at school…when I dropped her off at a friend’s home yesterday she was masked…when I returned she was maskless, and in the car ride home she talked about how it was so much easier to communicate when everyone could see each other’s faces.
The visual symbol of the mask cuts both ways. Yes, it can be a symbol of control, of allegiance to authority, of fear, letting everyone know what we should do. But taking it off is also a powerful symbol…a symbol that the non-wearer is not afraid — not afraid of the virus, is rebelling against authority, does not believe. And it gives courage to others who are on the fence. Although…my partner was raised as an Orthodox Jew and tells me that right now when he goes into a store without his mask he feels like he did when he rejected his religion and stopped wearing his yarmulke (had to look up spelling on that one.)
May 22, 2021 at 3:50 pm #75716Germ
ParticipantVirucidal effect of povidone iodine on COVID-19 in the nasopharynx: an open-label randomized clinical trial
Conclusion: In this study, a statistically significant proportion of nasopharyngeal clearance with all strengths of PVP-I NI and PVP-I NS (compared to the corresponding controls) is observed, so our recommendation is to use PVP-I prophylactically in nasopharynx as well as oropharynx (through which areas SARS-CoV-2 enters and resides for a while) for prevention of COVID-19.
May 22, 2021 at 4:23 pm #75717Mister Roboto
ParticipantInteresting and plausible speculation about individual’s pandemic responses from Derek Thompson of The Atlantic.
May 22, 2021 at 4:40 pm #75718Susan C
ParticipantI’d be interested to know the source of the Mike Yeadon statement in order to share it further. Many thanks.
May 22, 2021 at 4:42 pm #75719Antidote
ParticipantMay 22, 2021 at 5:56 pm #75720Polder Dweller
ParticipantI get your point, if you hold a chicken pox or measles party it’s pretty clear if your kid caught it. With Covid you don’t necessarily know. According to the website of the place I will use for the serological test, it will tell me whether I’ve had the virus or not for “peace of mind,” in other words I can’t use it to claim immunity. You can check out the website for yourself as they also have everything in English here. I’m sure you’ve got similar things Stateside.
The point then is whether you just want to know if your kid has had Covid or if you also need to prove immunity to someone.
May 22, 2021 at 6:01 pm #75721Dr. D
Participant“The yawning gap between the actual state of knowledge at the time and the confidence displayed in the two letters should have been obvious to anyone in the field of virology.”
Or indeed anyone, since I saw it and I’m just a literate person on the internet. You only needed the run-of-the-mill skepticism of a non-child. You know, anyone old enough to have met adults before.
They all know this: they just play along. Pretend we don’t know what we all know. Or we do know what we don’t know. So long as it’s a lie, it’s good. So long as it’s a popular lie, among people we don’t care about and will never meet.
And do note: “The Lancet”, which is dead false, after admitting they print dead-false or unproven studies regularly, and considered a leading beacon of truth by everyone, regardless of how many Vioxx, Thalidamide, Roundup-is-safe-as-water studies are retracted, with the subsequent ten-thousand deaths, per scandal, per year. Look it up all you like, it goes back decades.
Good thing the gun industry doesn’t have this record. They might actually be dangerous.
“Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee led by Devin Nunes (R-CA) say there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that COVID-19 originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology”
The one funded by Fauci, and defended by him, Dr Daszak, the CDC and the WHO. But China said they investigated themselves and they said they didn’t do it. Those darn Pangolins again.
As they pointed out, and is universal these days, we know for a fact this didn’t happen, and can prove a negative with perfect certainty, but only because we never looked and never shall. Whenever things are perfectly honest and there’s nothing to be found we always refuse to investigate and prefer scandal and jail instead. That’s just common sense.
“And once the NHS App becomes your ticket to freedom on Monday, they will finally have means to weed out and punish dissidence while rewarding blind faith in authority..”
As they say, they must sew a gold star upon thars. Then they can have their shops closed and live together, you know, in a segregated part of the city. …Well nothing bad has ever come of it before, why not?
They may find out that works when the minority is under 10%, but not so well if they’re 30-40%. Then they’ll just undermine the profits of everyone, and establish freedom and competition, the cardinal sin.
Maybe not in Britain, but if there are resistors and examples worldwide, like Sweden and Germany, Texas and CA, their case becomes untenable. They look like North Korea because they are.
“he also claimed that those powers are not limited by the Constitution”
Hahhahahahaha! You’re hilarious. The “Constitution” is not what constrains you, the PEOPLE do. The contract law of the Constitution is only to remind you of human nature, make you vow it and sign it. That nature is innate all the way back to their “Creator”. So they will resist, they have resisted, and are increasingly refusing, mostly by leaving and savaging your tax base…the peaceful option. NYC has 100,000 millionaires left, mostly to Florida. That’s $10B dollars? Bye Bye. You wonder why NYC opened? Too late in my opinion, but not entirely. It has doubled murder, doubled violent crime, doubled rape assaults, and with those numbers, probably will double taxes. And Jersey is MUCH better than NY, it’s famous worldwide for lovely views, nice people, great living. Not. So bye.
The arctic? Yes, they’re all apoplectic: what is RUSSIA, doing in the Arctic??? Did you know they even have military bases there?
Guess who doesn’t own any land in the Arctic at all? At least on the Atlantic side.
The budget stories are all just one: inflation. Shortages. Everywhere. Instantly. Why I don’t know, but between last month and this, it’s everywhere: steak, chicken, plastic, glue, foam, chips, gas, employees, everywhere.
I’m not as familiar with the previous inflation, but I have the feeling it came on the same. Sudden. Where it isn’t clear cut at all how one disruption cascaded into causing the next, if at all. Nevertheless, the disruptions did occur scattershot, oddly, even before they did open inventory hoarding and such. …Due to tax rules, accounting, all that.
Quite a mystery, but clearly it happened, and it happens like this in all inflationary places. Argentina, for instance.
May 22, 2021 at 6:52 pm #75722May 22, 2021 at 6:52 pm #75723WES
ParticipantDr. D:
Yes, inflation arrives suddenly, the moment you realize you now need a bigger wheelbarrow to carry your money!
May 22, 2021 at 7:01 pm #75724Noirette
ParticipantA link to share re. Yeadon, interview, about one hour, on Delingpod.
Lays out the basics of his thoughts, his conclusions.
May 22, 2021 at 7:23 pm #75725Noirette
ParticipantVaried links. Bloggish:
Vaccine safety updates from Lockdown Sceptics.
Instituted Science:
Excess deaths associated with covid-19 pandemic in 2020: age and sex disaggregated time series analysis in 29 high income countries.
(excess deaths are practically the only stat. worth paying attention to.)
MSM, Daily Mail:
388 people aged under 60 with ‘NO underlying health conditions’ have died of Covid in England’s hospitals.
May 22, 2021 at 8:32 pm #75726Germ
ParticipantHave you seen the new definition of a vaccine?
It was changed on Feb 6th this year:May 22, 2021 at 9:05 pm #75727Dr. D
ParticipantI ran across this the other day. From a Norwegian Viking writer. A quiet fellow.
What does it come from in the big picture? We are so divorced from nature. We fear. We think the way to nature is to buy more things, made in more new factories with more oil. That WE have to DO something. That without us — poof — the earth disappears. We’re so important.
Part of nature, we live, we die. That’s life. So why would we fear it. Should we burn down the earth, lock everyone up to prevent it, forestall it a little bit? They’re al tied up together. Bravery. Honor, or however you want to put it, male of female, to live like a man. Not cowering.
May 22, 2021 at 9:23 pm #75728Germ
Participant“Despite the federal government rejecting its use, the CDMX government published a study that concludes that patients treated with ivermectin –which is regularly applied by the IMSS– reduce the risk of requiring hospitalization by up to 76%.”
May 22, 2021 at 9:25 pm #75729Germ
Participant“A Study to Evaluate Safety and Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Healthy Children Between 6 Months of Age and Less Than 12 Years of Age”
It is disturbing that children, at no risk from COVID19, are in safety trials of thrombogenic vaccines, commenced 2 mths ago, finishing in 2023
It is horrifying that those very vaccines are being rolled out on kids, without even waiting for safety data.May 22, 2021 at 9:27 pm #75730Germ
ParticipantA New Study Confirms That Reopening Texas ‘100 Percent’ Had No Discernible Impact on COVID-19 Cases or Deaths
May 23, 2021 at 1:07 am #75731V. Arnold
Participant@ Antidote
Great shot…thank you… 😉
May 23, 2021 at 2:13 am #75732sumac.carol
ParticipantKeep in mind that Yeadon is not on the same page as Bossche. Makes it harder to know who to believe.
“Dr Mike Yeadon and Marc Girardot have written a scientific rebuttal to Dr Bossche’s claims, arguing that the recent downward trends in cases and hospitalisations across the globe indicate that the virus has probably not mutated in a way that makes it much more dangerous and that a healthy immune system is very capable of dealing with these new forms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
May 23, 2021 at 2:13 am #75733V. Arnold
Participant@ Antidote
…any idea where that Buddha statue is located?
May 23, 2021 at 2:19 am #75734V. Arnold
Participant@ sumac.carol
Keep in mind that Yeadon is not on the same page as Bossche. Makes it harder to know who to believe.
I think the most important thing is our immune system health; I don’t necessarily “believe” either one…
May 23, 2021 at 3:35 am #75735Doc Robinson
ParticipantV. Arnold: “…any idea where that Buddha statue is located?”
If you travel by train on the Meitetsu line from Nagoya to Inuyama (the place of one of the most beautiful Japanese castles), while passing through the Konan City, if you look to the left, you may catch a glimpse of a very original daibutsu (great Buddha).
Built at the edge of a neighborhood, it is called Hotei Daibutsu, but the name is misleading, because the statue does not represent the god Hotei – its name comes from the nearby train station… Actually, the statue represents the Amida Buddha (Amida Nyorai in Japanese) and it’s impressive because of its unusual face.
May 23, 2021 at 3:46 am #75736V. Arnold
ParticipantDoc Robinson
V. Arnold: “…any idea where that Buddha statue is located?”
Thanks Doc. I had a hunch it was a Japanese Buddha; partly because of the face and the hair treatment…
It’s very different than the Thai Buddhas’…
Thai Buddhism is of the Theravada sect for the most part.
Cheers -
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