Debt Rattle May 29 2022
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- This topic has 41 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
May 29, 2022 at 8:39 am #108667
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterEdouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862 • Servant Of The Corrupt (IM1776) • Russia Solidifies Gains in Eastern Ukraine (CTH) • US To Transfer
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 29 2022]May 29, 2022 at 9:19 am #108668Red
Participant“The Irish Times living along side clown world” Try living along side the usa! Speaking from Canada it’s interesting. I should think the Mexicans and Cubans may have an opinion less than shiny on that topic as well.
May 29, 2022 at 9:21 am #108669Dr D Rich
ParticipantOur host wrote: Von der Leyen is a psychopath.
She is said to be a surgeon of the obstetric-gynecological variety. Surgeons are in the top 5 professions for aspiring psychopaths and for all intent and purposes she is presently employed as a CEO, of sorts. Unsurprisingly CEO is the highest prevalence of psychopaths by profession, well, only second to incarcerated criminals (~10% of the U.S. prison population)
May 29, 2022 at 9:47 am #108670Red
Participant@dr-d-rich: “Surgeons are in the top 5 professions for aspiring psychopaths” god complex!
May 29, 2022 at 9:49 am #108671V. Arnold
ParticipantEdouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862
I really like that painting. Then the question; just what is it I like?
It’s real…the woman appears to be caught in the midst of a working day enjoying a cigarette break…
She is very beautiful; I can see why Manet was drawn to paint her and her horse…May 29, 2022 at 10:35 am #108672Veracious Poet
ParticipantMay 29, 2022 at 11:21 am #108673Dr D Rich
ParticipantGod complex as stylized by Alec Baldwin’s cardio-thoracic urgeon character in “Malice” refers to grandiose delusions. Here is his character during a deposition!:
I think the psychopath’s ( antisocial personality disorder) emotional indifference and complete lack of empathy accurately reflects the similarity between hospital executives and afflicted surgeons, with the former possessing none of the latter’s penchant for hard work and dedication to duty
May 29, 2022 at 11:32 am #108674Dr. D
ParticipantHand-rolled Ciggie.
“‘Guns Should Not Be in the Hands of the Mentally Unstable,’ Says Senile Man with Nukes” –BBee
“Elon Musk Says He ‘Strongly’ Believes in Second Amendment, Yet Suggests ‘Special Permit’ Be Required for ‘Assault Rifles’”
And that’s why he’s a dum-dum. But he’s from South Africa and may not have got the full read on why we do what we do. Half the country grew up here and can’t be bothered either. Just ask: they will tell you in terrible, mind-numbing detail. Essentially, guns are to restrain governments and scare the crap out of them. Because WE are the masters. If THEY issue permissions, we’re no longer the masters, are we? You have the “right” to fight for your life, meaning you’re going to do it anyway. This tool is the equalizer.
He also said, ““It has been raining money on fools for too long.” Yeah, my money. FROM the poor, TO the rich like you. Free charging stations! We give free gas to the rich! Boot to the head to the poor. So he’s flipped GOP, I guess he thinks they’ll win and that’s where the gravy train is now. Of MY money. GOP are equal opportunity money-funnelers. Or Fire hosers.
“Buried in the report, which was endorsed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, is the finding that escalating synergies between disasters, economic vulnerabilities and ecosystem failures are escalating the risk of a “[civilizational] collapse” scenario.”
What do they mean? We’re not civilized now. We won’t have digital watches? Musk won’t buy a new Bugatti Veyron? Or that we won’t be driving to the mall? Because newsflash, we’re already not doing that. We don’t have a mall, we don’t have a car, and we don’t have the gas.
The UN then goes on to ““science-based analysis of the risk that human perturbations will destabilise the Earth system at the planetary scale”. Uh-oh. They’ve been wrong 100% of the time when they use that “science-based” language.
And the corporations who care, so, so much about it, global warming, save the earth, carbon credits, they are doing….? That’s right, nothing. Nike is still having shoes shipped worldwide twice: materials to Asia, then shipped back to N.A. The dead-#Opposite of nothing. Monsanto is still poisoning all water on earth. The U.S. Army is using all the oil and blasting uranium everywhere they can find. Coke is ruining forests for sugar and coffee. All of them use paper and plastic. 5x, 10x the packing. Nope! I only care about the earth when I can find your pockets and add murder. Otherwise, no dice.
Canada, cares so much they abandoned the Grand Banks 30 years ago, leaving them to be annihilated by China, along with every human being in the Maritimes. Then sell China the tar sands, which is the master process of turning gold (clean natural gas) into lead (heavy crude oil). So, UN papers? Really? There is NOTHING anywhere above the surface of the earth that tells me that causing civilizational collapse is not their goal. And the deep, abiding goal of the civilian-war-authorizing, U.S.-approving UN. Build Back Better. Neo-feudalism can only win with 500M humans worldwide and a scientific dictatorship like “The Hunger Games” sitting on top. Go, go!
You know who has sustainability? Russia. 90% of Red counties who are rural. Africa. All the people we hate, hate, hate and attack relentlessly. If they’re ecological in the slightest, we bomb them.
I see their rapacious consumption to make d—k rockets and go to space is causing an environmental collapse, so their solution to that is to kill everybody but them. THAT I’m seeing.
Yes, I’ve heard they are simply hiding their disastrous shingles vaccine with a fake claims of Monkeypox. Now some data is coming in on that. “I will heal you with the power of my lies!”
“US to Transfer Long-range Rocket Systems to Ukraine (PressTV)”
As Russia said and as we all know, they will not stop until they get blacked in the eye enough. So Russia will long-range missile us? Since we are nothing but pirates in the Aegean, will Russia sink the Mediterranean fleet for us? As easy as pushing a button.
“The leaders of France and Germany have urged Russia’s Vladimir Putin to hold “direct [and] serious negotiations” with Ukraine’s president”
This is ridiculous. Ukraine is “Not agreement capable,” just like everyone else in the West. They HAD a negotiation, and three agreements, treaties going back 30 years. Every day in every way, Ukraine and the West refused to obey any of them. Not one. France and Germany were the top supporters of breaking these treaties, from the day they were written in Minsk, through genocide of 10,000 civilians, right to Normandy. Don’t waste your breath. The Anglos have never honored a treaty in their lives and they aren’t going to start now. Ask Crazy Horse.
“In 2014, the US initiated a proxy war against Russia by engineering the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected president.”
Oh, “Treaties”. “International Law” and “Norms”. All that. And the UN did what about it? Approved it, and the genocide of identical people who spoke a almost-identical dialect within their own country. That’s like genociding everyone who uses double-negatives in America. “R2P is a political commitment to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; it was endorsed by the United Nations at its 2005 world summit.” When Russia followed the guidance of the UN, the UN suddenly couldn’t remember and didn’t approve of the stopping of mass murder. AND when Crimea had the right to “Self-determination” in a UN-monitored national election, that didn’t matter either.
Every day the same.
“Sergei Lavrov keeps stressing that, “the West has declared total war against us, against the entire Russian world. Nobody even hides this now.” Certainly Biden doesn’t. AND he’s going to start a second (third?) land war in Asia with Tawian. Pinky-promise. We’ve declared Taiwan should support us so they can be as wildly successful as Ukraine. BuyBuyBuy.
“Qatar Gas Shipments to Germany Will Actually Come from Texas (MEE)”
No they won’t, we have no ships, ports, or supplies. They can have a boatfull of lies, however.
This at the same time politicians — barely sentient beings — say, “We’ll make our own fertilizer then, by gum!” Because as 5-year-old children, they have never interacted with the real world and play make-believe with toy blocks and toy soldiers. First, you’re not going to build a plant at all, since you morons have no steel, nickel, or energy now. Second, It would take +10 years. Third, you 5x’d natural gas prices and have no supply. So even if you HAD the quantity of today – and you don’t, because you don’t have the wells, which are in Russia – you’d have to collect all those flats into a gymnasium and shut off the heat to 10,000 houses to divert the gas. That’s possible. You planning on doing that? Nope. They’ll murder people instead. It’s always Plan #1.
Speaking of, some of the best market predictors have said 4x on food is a lock. I think they’re talking before Autumn. 10x is a given before it’s over, and that’s only AVERAGE for commodity runs, I expect this one to be worse as a double-cycle. (General 30-year commodities cycle + 220 year cycle)
“Ursula von der Leyen: “We need to buy Russian oil so Putin doesn’t make more profits elsewhere”
“We need to buy Russian oil so Russia doesn’t sell their oil.” Yup, we’re way beyond parody with these people with every word. People cheer! Shut up and take my money, I’d obey you to the ends of the earth!
““…just because God ‘told’ George Bush to invade Iraq in 2003”
Hahahaha! Somebody actually believed him on this? Oh wait: the whole Christian Right did. For more than 10 years. And killed all their children in the WoT, the War that was actually against THEM, now “Domestic Terrorists” because 1) they exist, and 2) are Christians. Yes, we all told them until we were blue in the face. No, they still haven’t admitted we were right.
“Mexican President Unlikely to Attend Summit of the Americas (LATimes)”
Good for them. However, the U.S. is incapable of embarrassment, so they will proceed as usual. They are incapable of thought, so they won’t notice anything. And they are incapable of telling the truth, so they will just lie about it and report all the Americas agree with them. Smashing success! Bonuses all around. Double promotions!
P.S., it would be “Summit for the Rapacious Enemies of the Americas”. Including enemies and extractors of North America. Or of 99% of the people in 99% of the counties.
“Let’s be honest: is there anyone out there who has faith in the ability of the World Health Organization (WHO) to tackle a future pandemic?”
Yes, more than half the country will die for them. They have limitless, unhesitating support for the organization that said “don’t stop flights”, “don’t wear masks” “There’s no human spread”, “It’s not airborne”, “It doesn’t come from a lab”, “15 days to stop the spread”, “the vaccine won’t work”, and “Vaccination will stop the spread and make us free from restrictions,” first at 40%, then 80%, then 99% or else. They will die for them. They’ll murder their kids in the bathtub for them. I know these people, they’re around every day. They took the vaccine, have gotten Covid twice since then, and thank God for the WHO, lining up for shot 5, since the last 4 worked so well.
I didn’t expect it, being smart people, but “The truth isn’t in them.” Not a single synapse of logic has fired off yet, two years later.
Sagan: this would be generally solved if not for Common Core. The general fundaments of science are not too hard to understand if an idiot like me can understand them. Not everyone can, but enough. But that requires not sabotaging education at every possible turn, and promoting the superiority of ignorance over knowledge. Anyone catch the recent “Man in the Street” interviews going around? “Who fought in the Civil War? Either side. Nope. “What century was the U.S. founded?” Nope. “What’s the Capitol of the U.S.?” A: “We have a capitol?” “How many are in a dozen?” Nope. “How many years in a decade?” Nope. And the young people are proud and happy not to know.
It’s not easy to get to this level. You have to capture the learning channels, and then ruthlessly PREVENT all education within them, while scorched-earth destroying all competition. Why would I exaggerate? 100% of all graduates in Baltimore lack competency on Maryland’s exams. That’s with 80% not even graduating EVEN THOUGH they clearly do not need competency to collect the paper.
So the level of scientific ignorance Sagan talks about is a problem, and they do plan to capitalize on it, but we’re nowhere near that level yet. Carter set up the Dept of Education because deeply ignorant people are easy to lead and vote on anything using Cap’n Crunch Cartoon advertising. And they have, that’s all that’s out there right now. “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, let me inflame this mob and point it at my enemies”. That’s why the media had to be put into 6 hands by Clinton, where before it was in 1,000s.
It’s easy: capture the organization that’s SUPPOSED to do the thing, whether it’s the UN, the “Media Freedom” charity, the ACLU, Greenpeace, Southern Poverty Law Center, the Church, or just your local chamber of commerce. Then you have them NOT do that thing. That task is then sidelined in your culture, and you can do whatever you like in that field. All it takes is moral corruption and the ability to print money and it’s inevitable. It could never not happen, and it never has.
This is why you can never allow people to print money, and say, have the boyfriend of the governor’s daughter die in the fiery crash the day before the key election. Message delivered. Murder is just another thing you buy with money. Or maybe the existence of bribery and paid killers is all a conspiracy theory.
“California Poised to Adopt ‘Medical Misinformation Bill’ (ET)”
This is that “Machine Thinking” discussion yesterday. Obamacare was designed, along with some of the “remove doctors” language previous we’ve already discussed, and the health insurers, to remove all humanity from…well, life. From everywhere. Remove humanity from man. Doctors are not allowed to prescribe, we’ve already seen and proven, or get disbarred and arrested by a host of squealers, turncoats, and informants in their own ranks. Who will gleefully end a man’s career for FREE. And sleep like a baby. This bill is another run at that, so it will cause mass-murder. Automated processes run badly, almost always. Ding! fries are done, Doctor. You got a PhD in reading the computer screen and obeying whatever it says without thinking.
Or put another way: That’s “Idiocracy”.
Pfizer: He’s a bullfrog, obviously. He got up this morning, identifies as a bullfrog, and now he is one. That’s science. You’re not a biologist. You can’t judge me!
May 29, 2022 at 11:56 am #108675V. Arnold
ParticipantHand-rolled Ciggie…
…of course…and probably rolled with one hand while riding her horse…
May 29, 2022 at 1:47 pm #108676Doc Robinson
Participant“Health officials investigating two dozen suspected cases of monkeypox across Canada found that 95% cases are shingles.”
I wanted to read that article but didn’t find it, instead found this from Reuters (FWIW):
“Canadian outlet CTV News did not publish an article stating that 95% of suspected cases of monkeypox in Canada were diagnosed as shingles. No such headline was published by CTV News and an image shared on social media is digitally altered.” 29, 2022 at 2:24 pm #108677D Benton Smith
Participant@Dr_D_Rich About the Alec Baldwin clip.
How absolutely apropos. Alec Baldwin. I would expect exactly such perfect performance OF a psychopath BY a psychopath. That doesn’t mean that he’s a bad person. It just means that he is a world class actor who can shoot someone in cold blood with no remorse, guilt or sense of shame whatsoever.
Why, he’s behaving just like an oblivious soul running on AI autopilot . . . and . . . (of course) completely unaware of it.
May 29, 2022 at 2:39 pm #108678Oroboros
Participant• US To Transfer Long-range Rocket Systems To Ukraine (PressTV)
Well, the US has a number of military personnel, such as the illegal ones in say Syria, that will mysteriously get vaporized with no warning.
The Empire of Lies can’t bitch about them being destroyed because they were illegal occupations to begin with.
This will be very interesting.
If the Empire of Lies sends the Ukro-nazis HIMARS, well Andrei Martyanov has his two cents to say:
“As I stated on a number of occasions, these deliveries will not change the outcome, but if HIMARS will be used against Russia’s territory, we may have some very serious escalation by Russia and some of it will be very nasty for the US. Keep in mind, the US has very many assets and bases around the world. All of them are within the range of Russia’s stand-off weapons and Russia will retaliate directly against both NATO members who delivered weapons, such as Danish Harpoons, and most US military bases will be under a direct threat of retaliation. ”
Going on:
“Iran’s retaliation against the US bases in 2020, after assassination of General Soleimani, was an eye opener for the US.”
The Iraq missiles were extremely accurate considering they were fired from 500km away. The Pentagontards were shocked. Zero defense, the Patriot missile systems totally failed. Sweet.
“Russia’s retaliation will be much more devastating and it may go without prior warning to the US side unlike it was done by Iran in 2020.
But here is another issue: ATACMS and PrSM munitions for HIRAMS have ranges of 300 and 500 kilometers respectively. These are precisely the types of weapons which such AD systems as S-400, S-300V4 and later versions of S-300 have been created for.
Putting aside already described retaliation by Russia, in case the US decides to pursue this suicidal “policy”, which will not have any effect on the military outcome of SMO, which already ticking away towards US geopolitical defeat, even mitigation of the impact of such weapons by Russian AD will add weight to already well demonstrated US military, especially C2, and technological ineptness in 404 [Ukraine] and the latest moves are nothing more than desperate convulsions in an attempt to prolong 404 (and there own) agony.”
The “Joe Biden” Clown Show is Burning Down the House
May 29, 2022 at 3:03 pm #108679Oroboros
Participant• Russia Solidifies Gains in Eastern Ukraine
Try Military Summary for a very fine grained report on ‘whatup’ on a daily basis
May 29, 2022 at 3:18 pm #108680Noirette
ParticipantMonkeypox: public health advice for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
25 May 2022. WHO Departmental news.
An outbreak of a disease called monkeypox is currently taking place in many countries that do not typically have cases. This can be concerning, especially for people whose loved ones or community have been affected. Some cases have been identified through sexual health clinics in communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. It is important to note that the risk of monkeypox is not limited to men who have sex with men. Anyone who has close contact with someone who is infectious is at risk. However, given that the virus is being identified in these communities, learning about monkeypox will help ensure that as few people as possible are affected and that the outbreak can be stopped.
This public health advice contains information on how monkeypox spreads, what to do if you think you have symptoms and how to protect yourself and others. It can be used by community leaders, influencers, health workers and people attending social events and parties to inform and engage communities of men who have sex with men.
BBC news seems to hesitate between ‘gay men affected’ and ‘it is just close contact’ in confused jumble-speak (I suppose they hadn’t received any clear orders, info to be touted.) …. + another 4 million articles on goog.
Afaik no link between types of sex acts and pox virus infections exist, ‘poxies’ (just made that up) are transmitted by close contact, incl. face to face convo, droplets sometimes, contact with ‘close objects’ like bedding…(I’m not a virologist, so..) Summary, heh, get ready for **crocodile pox**!
Reminds me of AIDS, it is just knee-jerk stuff from the MSM, or is there something behind it? Could it be that ‘gays’ are again targetted as ‘vulnerable’ who then need to be ‘defended’ or defend themselves (> “wokism” as a divisive political ploy), and what purpose does that serve? None that I can make out, except for MSM hyper-agitation-freak-out to sells articles and gets clicks.
(chiken pox and shingles are different > varicella zoster.)
May 29, 2022 at 3:19 pm #108681Figmund Sreud
ParticipantSometimes, … one just can’t resist but share some most nonsensical ideas existing there. From The Atlantic, … no snips:
The War Won’t End Until Putin Loses
May 29, 2022 at 3:20 pm #108682Kassandra
ParticipantAd for Paxlovid incoming vaccinate more!, where is deflatulance these days?
May 29, 2022 at 3:25 pm #108683Susmarie108
ParticipantHand-rolled Ciggie…
…of course…and probably rolled with one hand while riding her horse…
…side-saddle, her golden soft flowing layered-gathered blouse, dense tapestry woven skirt intentionally cinched and bow-tied at the waist, beaded braids and bangles snapping in the wind….
May 29, 2022 at 3:47 pm #108684zerosum
ParticipantGullibility test Question for health care providers:
Is it shingles or monkeypox?
Gullibility test Question for wantobe freedom fighters:
Ukraine + NATO or Russiarussiarussia.
Civilisation and Anti-Civilisation
11438 Views May 28, 20225. Even so, in only some ninety days, of the remaining 24 provinces of the Ukraine (the 25th, the Crimea was returned in 2014), five of the richest Ukrainian provinces under Kiev regime oppression have either completely or else in large part been liberated. These are: Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhe and Kharkov. If Allied forces wish to take all of the Eastern Ukraine/Novorossiya, there remain only the three provinces of Dnipropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa. Together these eight heavily-populated provinces have about half of the population of the Ukraine, some 20 million people. Of the other two-thirds of the country, presumably the nine provinces of Central Ukraine will remain as part of the real Ukraine, a future, demilitarised Russian Protectorate, leaving the seven provinces of Western Ukraine to be demilitarised and shared out between Poland, which could perhaps receive five of them, and the other two perhaps shared out between Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
“The Anglos have never honored a treaty in their lives and they aren’t going to start now. Ask Crazy Horse.”
Plan # 1 for shortages ….. We all know the solution but pretend we don’t know the solution
Ignorance is bliss/happiness
TAE readers are knowledgeable/miserable/unhappy/unsatisfied/unfulfilled/seekers/
And the young people are proud and happy not to know.
Monkeypox: transmitted by close contact,
One confirmed case in Ontario.
No Partner found/identified
———–May 29, 2022 at 3:50 pm #108685Susmarie108
ParticipantFrom Caitlin Johnstone today:
“I honestly don’t understand how anyone can stay abreast of the day-to-day depravity of the oligarchic empire without a daily practice geared toward inner peace. Things are so insane and confusing and only getting more so; you’ve got to have a regular discipline to form stability.
Meditation, self-enquiry, healing and energy practices, whatever gets you there, but surely you’ve got to have something before you can stare into the face of the beast continuously without going mad. I can’t imagine looking at this thing every day without any kind of a practice.”
Self-enquiry – is the constant attention to the inner awareness of “I” or “I am” recommended by Ramana Maharshi as the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the “I”-thought.
Posting at TAE is a form of Self-enquiry.
LOVE to All.
May 29, 2022 at 4:01 pm #108686Noirette
ParticipantRe. prev. thread John Day and others, see this Bill Gates TED talk from 2015.
Title: The next outbreak? We aren’t ready.
7 years ago, Gates prefaced his talk by hyping up the next threat.
quote … “A highly infective virus, rather than a war.”
(Righteo, he is in competition with war, the MIC and Big Pharma are competing for control and the spoils.)
He calls for, using Ebola as ‘early warning’ and the Spanish Flu as ‘historical’ exs:
— hundreds of thousands of workers to act
— cooperation with the military who can ‘do stuff’
— a global vaxx, and a global health system.
(that is my take, but there is a LOT to unpack in this carefully crafted speech.)
8 mins.
May 29, 2022 at 4:06 pm #108687Polder Dweller
ParticipantVon der Leyen is a psychopath
That’s not her only talent, though, she’s also a world-class incompetent. On the other hand she’s absolutely rubbish at lying – only a handful of brain-dead EU fanatics ever believe a word she says – so there is that.
May 29, 2022 at 4:08 pm #108688straightwalker
ParticipantManet’s painting of the Gypsy woman is a complete art lesson, brush stroke by brush stroke. This is how beauty is built.
May 29, 2022 at 4:25 pm #108689Oroboros
ParticipantUkraine is the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe.
Most corrupt hands down.
Child trafficking, drug trafficking, and soon to be the Capitol of weapons trafficking.
All those crappy Western Man-Pad (manwhore) personal anti-aircraft missile systems that sucked big time on the battlefield in Ukraine, well the ancient overrated US Stinger is however great at shooting down commercial airliners on their final approach to any Western capital airport.
That will be something to see.
All these Ukrainian ‘aid package’ weapons, re-sold on the blackmarket all over Eurotardistan along with super angery, super crazy Ukronazis wandering around the Euro landscape looking for revenge for having been sold down the river.
Example of Ukronazi in exile with man-pad:
“Nice airliner you got there, pay me a million Euros and it might not crash”
The blowback on this flood of mediocre Western weapons into Ukraine is going to be truly epic.
Truly Epic.
Imagine the ‘no go’ zones that exist in Sweden and other Eurotard capitols for instance.
Now add Man-Pads and grenade launchers and RPGs to the restless natives.
And fairly cheap at that, so everyone can afford some and join the party.
May 29, 2022 at 4:31 pm #108690Oroboros
ParticipantMay 29, 2022 at 5:44 pm #108692my parents said know
Participant“…the MIC and Big Pharma are competing for control and the spoils”
But it’s WokeWorld, so they both win and get first prize!May 29, 2022 at 6:13 pm #108694D Benton Smith
ParticipantSo the WEF and Government “Powers That Be” pay each other to sustain and empower each other with money, position, and authoritative expert opinion. That’s not hard to understand. Slightly harder to grasp (but still not very hard) is that no member in either assembly can criticize the other members because such disloyalty would undermine the house-of-cards and get the offender thrown out of the club.
The point that these elite seem to be missing is that neither assembly actually makes anything useful, nor has the skill or capacity to make anything, nor any inclination to do so even if they wanted to. . . which they don’t. Reminds me of the old Missouri farmers’ primary rule : “Don’t starve the mule.”
All of that dirty, uncomfortable and mule-like “working to make something useful (or vital !) for survival” gets done by unwashed and uncared for “mule-people” who for some reason want little more than to be left alone & unimpeded to go on making stuff to stay alive. When that becomes literally impossible then some of those people actually have the gall to SAY so, by complaining.
You see the problem? Of Course ! It is all of that noisy complaint.
OBVIOUSLY (the highly paid in-house authoritative experts insist) the solution is to to shut up all of those dangerous mule people, and failing that, to just get rid of the whole deplorable mess of them by compelling the upper half of the wretches to kill the lower half . . . . . and have done with it once and for all.
Anyone to whom that solution makes even the slightest sense is too stupid to live.
But they needn’t worry too much about it, or worry for very long, because pretty soon now they won’t.
May 29, 2022 at 7:23 pm #108695Veracious Poet
ParticipantBut they needn’t worry too much about it, or worry for very long, because pretty soon now they won’t.
May 29, 2022 at 7:26 pm #108696willem
Participant“California Poised to Adopt ‘Medical Misinformation Bill’ (ET)”
I think this bill should include the establishment of facilities around the state, including a master state-of-the-art facility at the California State House in Sacramento, where sick people can go to see their assemblyman for medical advice and treatment. And since we’re already paying them, the visits should be free, of course.
May 29, 2022 at 10:19 pm #108697Veracious Poet
ParticipantMay 29, 2022 at 10:36 pm #108698aspnaz
ParticipantThe Irish Times confirming my worst impressions of the media: no real argument, trying to divide opinion, resorts to name calling, misleading their readers by pretending that today’s nation-controlling oligarchs are somehow different to monarchy, pretending that the same would not starve the irish today if necessary.
May 29, 2022 at 10:46 pm #108699aspnaz
ParticipantCanadian health officials will hold conferences with WHO to review Pfizer vaccine side effects and ADE.
Interpretation: WHO will tell us what lies to tell to the people so that the global lies are coordinated lies, as we would not want to look stupid or corrupt or malicious.
Canadians are obviously not clever enough to work out what is going on so they are going to ask Bill Gates and Pfizer at the WHO global infection controllers, the people who’s job it is to release diseases and failed remedies. Canadians will then believe what they are told by these people, despite the gross conflicts of interest and the fact that the people controlling WHO are also controlling most of their politicians: obviously, because as soon as something unexpected happens, do they rely on the scientific knowledge in their country or do they scurry off to ask the boss at WHO.
May 29, 2022 at 11:04 pm #108700q77m
ParticipantI’m sure Gates and Pfizer will bring lots of cash to the conferences with WHO to remind the Canadian leaders what this is all about. Just like before….
May 30, 2022 at 2:16 am #108701ezlxa1949
ParticipantElon Musk hails from South Africa where the use of lethal force in self-defence is legal. I have seen adverts for cars with built-in flamethrowers to belch fire over attackers and hijackers. I don’t know what environment Musk grew up in and how that has formed his views.
May 30, 2022 at 2:19 am #108702Henry
Participant@oroboros Thank you for posting Alex Christoforou. He gives a great news summary while walking around one of my favorite cities, Athens.
Kind regards.
May 30, 2022 at 2:43 am #108703Michael Reid
ParticipantHave we crossed the Rubicon?
In my hometown total deaths now exceed last year’s total.
Lecturer Stuart Hooper takes an academic look at national and international elites. Individuals no longer matter in this mass society where all political parties have been captured. C. Wright Mills points out power is held in the economic, political, military establishments. America was founded by elites, but it isn’t until 1886 and the 14th Amendment when power is transferred from the political elites to the economic world. The postwar Military-Industrial-Complex became a self-reinforcing clique concerned with maintaining power. The iron law of oligarchy says that elites are always ready to justify despotic acts under the pretext they are done for the good of the public. The armed forces of the U.S. seem to have been captured by the transnational elite, used to destroy ideological and political forces not aligned with globalization. Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are creating a command and control grid for the elite.
“Stuart J. Hooper: Elites Use U.S. Military to Destroy Forces Unaligned with Globalization
May 30, 2022 at 3:01 am #108704V. Arnold
From Caitlin Johnstone today:
“I honestly don’t understand how anyone can stay abreast of the day-to-day depravity of the oligarchic empire without a daily practice geared toward inner peace. Things are so insane and confusing and only getting more so; you’ve got to have a regular discipline to form stability.
Good catch…
My solution is one 30 minute news broadcast from RT per day, period. No MSM allowed…
Andrei Martyanov is very good as well… creds are deep and plentiful…
May 30, 2022 at 3:04 am #108705Michael Reid
ParticipantApocalyptic Global Food Crisis Coming Soon?
May 30, 2022 at 3:08 am #108706V. Arnold
Hand-rolled Ciggie……of course…and probably rolled with one hand while riding her horse…
…side-saddle, her golden soft flowing layered-gathered blouse, dense tapestry woven skirt intentionally cinched and bow-tied at the waist, beaded braids and bangles snapping in the wind….
Hmmm; a Gypsy woman riding side saddle? I can’t quite picture that…
May 30, 2022 at 3:25 am #108707Archie
Participant@V. Arnold
Side Saddle might be preferred when wearing a long skirt. Modestly speaking that is.
May 30, 2022 at 5:01 am #108708Michael Reid
ParticipantChina and more. Seems like lots conflict potential.
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