Debt Rattle November 1 2024
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November 1, 2024 at 9:30 am #173078
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPaul Klee Carnival in the snow 1923 • White House Overrode Stenographers, Altered “Garbage” Transcript (ZH) • Is the Left Preparing for War If
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 1 2024]November 1, 2024 at 10:38 am #173082Michael Reid
What is to Be Done?
November 1, 2024 at 10:48 am #173083tboc
Participantdoes anyone else have the sense that the Harris/Walz campaign and the current western power structure is a stage enactment of Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart?
All of this talk about about rioting and civil war is being generated by clean boys whose idea is “Let’s you and him fight”.
they are of the same mindset as the brave who murdered defenseless women and children and took their oversized ego to Ukraine and got their ass handed to them on a platter.
Mr. Bean and Benny Hill leading A Charge of the Woke Brigade
Mr. Saturday Night Special, Sunday Morning Coming DownMr. Bob Hancock when lobbying for The Liquor Distillers Industries to make Florida wet often used the term “A Putnum County nuff, that’s the damdest nuff you ever seen”.
Looks to me like a majority has had “A Putnum County nuff”just in case the girl and boy geniuses haven’t noticed the People of The United States have a segment of the population professionally trained in anti-insurgency.
“When you’re runnin down the country you’re walkin on the fightin side of me” – Haggard
just sayinMen for Kamala waving rainbow flags and riding grocery store electric carts ain’t gonna cut it.
November 1, 2024 at 11:06 am #173085tboc
Participantwhat is needed is a slogan for the street:
“Rittenhouse em”
November 1, 2024 at 12:20 pm #173087Oroboros
ParticipantHow About a Different Approach
November 1, 2024 at 12:21 pm #173088Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 12:22 pm #173089Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 12:22 pm #173090Dr. D
Participant“Attacking dissidents is a hallmark of every authoritarian regime. And the solution’s very easy: defund the administrative state.”
I’d say when you’re against jokes, you’re definitely on the right side of history. When you’re for women-beating as an Olympic sport, you’re definitely on the right side of history.
“Kamala Harris speaks in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, blatantly and knowingly lying to her audience. She falsely states Trump will ban abortion, nationwide, stop access to birth control, threaten IVF, and follow Project 2025.”
Yeah, that’s pretty crazy. There’s like a window where you can get away with that stuff, but not after it’s out there and generally debunked. Then you move on to the next lie! …But she doesn’t. They’ve definitely flipped to not bothering if she wins or loses, so no doubt back to RussianRev 2.0 from MI6, thus Starmer setting up shop in Pennsylvania Avenue. (Next to Obama? Kenyan. Or Kamala, Canadian? Ah the Commonwealth, very common, with no wealth.)
Remember the “Syria has chemical weapons” nightmare? The nightmare wasn’t the weapons – they didn’t have any, nobody wanted any. The Nightmare was every day waking up to a false report, known false, no evidence, said to approve a UN Genocide, and then 12 hours later when that was popped, they’d do it again. For what, four years? Can no one rid me of this troublesome priest???
So this is what I think UK is on with desperately creating a second, or third U.S. Civil War. It was hard enough for them, too big a lift for their tiny, tiny hands, and they don’t have a functional Plan B.
Yet we probably have to put up with it. Since the temperature seems to have cooled 30 degrees, I wonder what they think of their plan now. And we’re going into winter, no time for rioting. Nevertheless, they imported, I dunno, 20,000 terrorists-on-demand to blow things, so they got that goin’ for them.
“Kamala Harris speaks in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, blatantly and knowingly lying to her audience. She falsely states Trump will ban abortion, nationwide, stop access to birth control, threaten IVF, and follow Project 2025.”
Like Kamala, that’s clearly insane. There’s a lot of arguments you could make for Trump, and failing with China, that’s not one of them. Plan: Take any word at random. 2) Pump it up to “11” until it’s gibbering spittle-flecked nonsense. 3) Wonder why it’s not getting traction. 4) Repeat.
“White House Overrode Stenographers, Altered “Garbage” Transcript (ZH)
I don’t know what the dust-up is, they say this every day proudly and double down every night. Since long before “Deplorables” which seems gentle and quaint now. I’m more concerned reading 300 comments in a row on “NBC” or such where they say every Red person in Michigan should be rounded up and killed. That’s grassroots hate, which they created with incredible lies, knowingly, and with concerted effort to harm. Now we’ve moved on to “Nazi” which is long vanished in the rear-view mirror, and they’re worried about “Garbage”? Uh, yeah, we know, you’re not fooling anyone. Heard it since like 1990. But, I guess this is holding their feet to the fire.
“• Is the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins? (Lee Smith)
Is a bear in the woods? Is the Pope a pedophile? They specifically SAID “If Trump wins, there will be violence.” Hey, um, buddy? Those are YOUR people. You. Maybe YOU, being the head of YOUR people should sort of tell them not to? Nope. No synapses fire. It’s Trump assassinating himself again, you see. Trump’s supporters will riot because they won and are getting everything they desired, good and hard.
““If a woman or a minority votes conservative, Democrats assert that it’s because they’ve been brainwashed into it.”
Yes, the Leader Principle. All humans are mere minions, robots, servile, slaves. They only do what they are PROGRAMMED to do, this is literally the core premise of Socialism. I kid you not. The Tabula Rasa, that all bad things are put in by society, and we’d have a perfect world if only in the state of Nature. (Also racist, the “Noble Savage”, but nevermind) Therefore, if only you, the sooper-schmarty-personnnnnages, could have absolute total power, you would program all these robots to work perfectly, like Bill Gates and WindowsME.
Again, are people sovereign, or are they essentially slaves, drones and worker bees for the King? Well, if I’m the King, the answer is obvious! But what these alien-ant-farmer hive-mind can’t comprehend is that Humans are NOT worker bees. Ever. We have aspects of that which are illusory, but ultimately we fail at that as a collective, and given long enough, every individual as well.
PolPot, why did he kill all those guys? Not JUST because he was a Socialist, but because he was a really GOOD Socialist: he took them at their word. He BELIEVED. The plan is to kill everyone over 10 years of age, so there is no corrupted, former society for them to hold on to, and really get a nice, perfect, squeaky-clean, MORAL foundation for a perfect society. I kid you not. Sorry I can’t remember which essay right now, but I think it is about the anthropology of the Left, and the Right, here somewhere:
Back to the election, IF you are therefore an Alien Insectoid, with an inhuman hive mind, as they are, THEN it is perfectly self-evident that any ideas that exist are programmed into their masses by a specific, named individual you can discover and assassinate. This is how galactic wars are fought between Bug Empires in “Ender’s Game.” Just kill the programmer, replace him with your own, his drones stop operating. Easy.
…Except for the part that is TOTALLY not what is happening, and you are all quite perfectly insane. Humans have the spark of God that connects us to source, and even if we weren’t, we’re still creative AIs who keep inventing stuff 24 x 7 x 8 Billion times a day. That shatters your “Plan” and your careful computer in seconds. Yet BEING alien-ant, bug thing hive minds, they literally cannot adjust and see the world outside that paradigm. So they constantly and always lose, for centuries. Human beats the crap out of them hourly, just by sitting on the couch and being human, we’re not barely trying.
Okay man, you do you. But you know why you beat your head against that wall? Because it feels so good when you stop.
The rider here? As that is how THEY think, that is how THEY act. THEY are in fact programmed, and their people are specifically propagandized to obey. That’s why they think it’s real. Works on them, and everyone they know (or are allowed to speak to) are all the same. Of course they can’t even TALK to anyone else (eg Joe Rogan, or: the Russians) because the very act of speaking to them means they will be converted, like hypnotism. No human has any mind or agency of their own. Just look: clearly a foundational belief.
“Holy F–k It’s like Kamala has never met a man before.
Shaming is a traditionally feminine psychological tactic. This ad gives us an example of the reality that Democrats operate from a highly estrogenated world view and they don’t understand men in the slightest.”Yes, but that’s only because they also don’t care and want all men dead. They don’t hive-mind properly, according to the Rulz, and system parameters. They are malfunctioning units and must be disposed and replaced. Just ask. Like Socialism, talk to them as a friend for 30 minutes or so and they’ll happily tell you.
““RFK called Pompeo a “neocon” and said he disagreed with him on many policies, but also said he admired him, calling the former agency director brilliant.”
Odd. And I don’t understand Pompeo. Trump said the same thing in the interview, that Pompeo was a good, well-meaning person. SMH, just don’t know. I mean, sorta, I’m sure? All bad people are the heroes of their own stories. I am too. And he’s certainly no Kegan or Bolton. But…to me, no way, I wouldn’t allow him in. I cannot fathom why anyone would have him over the line out of pure “Evil” category.
“• Why the Cancel Campaign Targeting Jeff Bezos Could Backfire (Turley)
Not in this case, maybe, but this is why the Left is so BORING. Everything is political. As that’s their religion (Socialism, “Why Communism is a Failed Religion” ) it’s as boring as, and as identical to, the Fundamentalist Christians not seeing a sparrow fall, or make an egg sandwich, without HAVING to inject a moral aphorism about the Trinity and salvation in it. Like GIVE IT A REST already!!! Nope. What T-Shirts you buy (Che Guevara, in the 100-pack) is political. What you eat, is political. Who you talk to, is political. What shows you watch, is political. So whether he does, or whether he doesn’t, endorse one candidate over the other is political. Aha! But once they endorse her, did they endorse her ENOUGH??? Now THAT is political. So we move from Objective > Partisan > Endorsing > HyperEndorsing, etc. But still not ENOUGH. MOAR! Hyper-Hyper-Hyper Turbo, raving, hebephrenic seizure endorsing. MOAR! Harder! In the service of God and all that is Holy, it is never, CAN never, be “Enough.”
This is slightly off, since that’s directly and intentionally political to begin with, so a political response isn’t out of line, but that’s the background it’s all painted on. That is to say, their raw insanity.
““Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not working.”
Wow. Revelation. Like any other Con, you buy CONfidence, and then betray it. You wear journalism as a skin suit, just like every other institution, each of which does the direct #Opposite of their purpose. Medicine, for instance. Now the point is, that works UNTIL WE’RE AWARE IT’S A CON, and they’re disoriented because they’re like “We’re pulling the same levers, why does no one believe us?” Um, because you can’t run a con everyone knows is a con? You can’t run propaganda everyone knows is a lie? What pin-heads. Like only people from Harvard would you have to explain this to.
II walk into the building with a crowbar and a shirt with black and white stripes and a mask like the Hamburglar, and that’s supposed to not raise suspicion about my motives here. Yup!
“Let’s not sugarcoat it…We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff.”
They’ve misunderstood. THEY may want to be advocates, so fine. However, the PEOPLE want to be informed. …And not MISinformed. That means they want something relatively close to the truth, I’m sure they’re not wild zealots about it like you are. So you’re selling them a product they don’t want, that is useless to them. That’s all. Did you ASK? ‘Cause pretty sure they’ll tell you they read the paper to find out what’s going on in the world. Like ACTUALLY going on, not fictionally what’s going on, not the #Opposite of what’s going on, not gapping out all relevant facts of what’s going on. Just like, if I were there, what would I see? What are people saying? With bad spelling and no copy editor. Rocket surgery stuff.
“the local County Clerk just issued a statement on Facebook confirming the issue “did occur”… but not before he had denied it occurred.”
Like all reality, it both happened and didn’t happen. That’s common sense. So he was peddling disinformation when? Before, or after? He was lying one of those two times. So we should ban, deplatform, and arrest the County Clerk, right? Maybe the whole County? Nuke it from orbit?
Btw, they do it as a “Glitch” for plausible deniability. So the reason it’s not repeatable is they program it 1 in 5, or maybe 20 sided dice, to run the name-switching algo. If it happened 100% it wouldn’t be denied. So it’s only 80% of the time.
Biden. South Park: Kick the Baby!
“BRICS Clear and the BRICS (Re)Insurance Company. BRICS Clear is a multilateral settlement/clearing system for both BRICS trade and trade between BRICS and their partners”
Thanks U.S., Biden, Blinken, Nuland: couldn’t have done it without you. We now have a multi-polar world and easy transition to end of empire. Past tense. Guess what? America First. We won, it’s over, no Empire.
““renew settlements in Gaza” and encourage the “voluntary transfer of all Gazan citizens” to other countries.”
Totally voluntary. Just like the vaccine. Take it or I’ll kill you and everyone you’ve ever met. Free Choice!
“• Israel’s Attacks On Iran Were An Apocalyptic Error By Netanyahu (Jay)
Meh. Not yet they’re not. And Israel had already gone over the horizon long before this attack. This just neatly confirms the direction-of-travel straight into the Black Hole of History, from which no one escapes. Unfortunately that takes time.
““Income from oil exports jumped by 63% in January-July this year compared to the same period in 2023..”
Congratulations, you now pay far more for the same oil, and not only make Russia richer, but India the BRIICS too. Again, merely direction-of-travel here, as they haven’t bothered to change it, you arrive where you’re heading.
“Completely incompetent-they didn’t know the data”
They were perfectly competent: their goals were different from yours. Yours were to have Science, Truth, and Save people, so theirs were to….?
Calvin: The third panel in that frame was “…And that child is truly terrifying.”Musk AI: It will be smarter than Kamala if it can answer a single question.
November 1, 2024 at 12:31 pm #173091Oroboros
ParticipantFedEx sounds like a bad divorce from the government
November 1, 2024 at 12:34 pm #173092Oroboros
ParticipantElderly pensioners can’t live on their Social Security checks because of Inflation the last four years pretending to be illegal migrants near the border
November 1, 2024 at 12:36 pm #173093Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 12:36 pm #173094Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 12:39 pm #173095Oroboros
ParticipantTrue story,
the Feds did put poison in the bootleg booze to deter misbehavior, same as Now
November 1, 2024 at 12:49 pm #173096Oroboros
ParticipantBig Pharma Family Values
November 1, 2024 at 12:51 pm #173097Oroboros
ParticipantOld School. Old Guys
November 1, 2024 at 1:01 pm #173098Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 1:03 pm #173099Oroboros
ParticipantRitual Humiliation
They rubbed your nose in this shit the last four years, feel the Burn×900
November 1, 2024 at 1:05 pm #173100Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 1:07 pm #173101Oroboros
ParticipantBaby be like: McDonald’s colors
November 1, 2024 at 1:08 pm #173102Oroboros
ParticipantNovember 1, 2024 at 1:43 pm #173103tboc
Participantno one seems to remember the final pages of Islands In The Stream
nothing says common man better than a candidate riding shotgun in a garbage truck being represented in the media with figures such as Bill O’Reilly, Dana White and Kevin O’Leary – The Magic Touch
Washington D.C. is just north of the 38th parallel. Maybe there is just a problem with spelling. North Korea is a common misspelling of Pentagon, Russia is easily confused with Ukraine, which would then be rendered as Pentagon troops are fighting in Ukraine.
do you think Bibi realizes there is a sign At The Dark End Of The Street that reads Muammar Gaddafi?
November 1, 2024 at 2:18 pm #173104jb-hb
ParticipantThe Barbarian hopes — and that is the mark of him, that he can have his cake and eat it too.He will consume what civilization has slowly produced after generations of selection and effort, but he will not be at pains to replace such goods, nor indeed has he a comprehension of the virtue that has brought them into being. Discipline seems to him irrational, on which account he is ever marveling that civilization, should have offended him with priests and soldiers…. In a word, the Barbarian is discoverable everywhere in this, that he cannot make: that he can befog and destroy but that he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true.
We sit by and watch the barbarian. We tolerate him in the long stretches of peace, we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence; his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creed refreshes us; we laugh. But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond, and on these faces there are no smiles ― Hilaire Belloc
I conceived of the modern world as a galactic scifi empire – like Asimov’s Foundation, Herbert’s Dune, or even Battletech. A bit like the frontier period of the US. The sophisticated settled society, a “here there be dragons” part of the map, a frontier on the edge of that, and a gradient from frontier to city.
A world in which you could go off to the frontier, disappear into the Here There Be Dragons area, come back – or find your place there forever. Or maybe a wilder person has their own adventure of coming from the periphery into the settled core. Metaphorically if not literally.
There’s a point at which society has just the right amount of decadence. A solid, traditional core, an interesting, adventurous periphery, a live-and-let-live continuum between the two that generally recognizes the core as providing the required stability, but tolerating the frontier. We should have been able to enjoy our perfectly-decadent phase for a century at least. Hopefully way more time than that. Did it end up lasting for just 5 years sometime in the 90’s? Or maybe 1988-2012? You’re ruining my decadence, assholes.
November 1, 2024 at 2:43 pm #173105zerosum
an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.
marketing campaigns – Trump
speaks to actual issuesSave $2T – Elon Musk
Save our health – MAHA – RFK
Stop Wars find peace – Tulsi Gabbard
Free speech – Stop secrets and lying
marketing campaigns – HarrisStop Trump
Hate Trump
Get Trump1. manipulate voters into believing something that’s not true
2. reducing voters down to their most base animal instincts and avoiding any mention of actual policy.
3. FBI, CIA, “liars” and a “slimeballs.” entrappment,
4. honeypot operation was kept “off the books”
5. a “fishing expedition” to find wrongdoing among Trump’s team.)
6. removing—rather than demoting/labeling—claims that Covid is man made.)
7. Liz Cheney – lying, fabricating
8. voting machines malfunctioning in several Illinois jurisdictions
The USA winner will be the looser to BRICS.
BRICS post-Kazan: A laboratory of the future
The much-awaited BRICS heads of state meeting in Russia’s Kazan did not disappoint. The multilateral institution has finally brought bite and substance to many of the global financial and political conundrums that have long-challenged a genuine reshaping of the global order.
Pepe Escobar
OCT 30, 2024
BRICS Grows, Adding 13 New ‘Partner Countries’ at Historic Summit in Kazan, Russia
October 30, 2024
By Ben Norton / Geopolitical Economy ReportThe Global South-led organization BRICS is growing. More and more countries support the group’s mission: to build a multipolar world, with alternative economic institutions that are more representative and democratic, not dominated by the Western powers.
BRICS held a summit in Kazan, Russia in October 2024, where 13 new “partner nations” were accepted.
———–November 1, 2024 at 3:01 pm #173106zerosum
ParticipantMuch of America’s post-WW2 “success” was a byproduct of debt and Bretton Woods.
It was built on quicksand, the typical American use of BS and delusion. The USD is a Ponzi scheme where the debt can never be repaid, only serviced by issuing more debt to the next round of vassals and suckers.
It has taken decades but the inevitable unraveling has begun, which could have been avoided if the USGov had any discipline not to use sanctions against Russia AND China. Once the world realized trading in USD was toxic, and had the militaries to keep them from being taken out like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, they had no choice but to work to restructure their powerful economies to abandon the dollar, bringing a few friends with them in BRICS.
3 years from now, if the Brazilians and Indians don’t mess it up, every country big and small will have an opportunity to escape American debt traps and sanctions for good.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 1 2024
November 1, 2024 at 3:32 pm #173107thomasjkenney
ParticipantName a human-loving AI Colossus.
Name the first robotic surgeon Ash?
I’m sure that dude read Simak. For the love of dog, can he please call it Jenkins? Yeah, there’s a software tool already named that, but I’m sure they’d give it up if we explain that it’s just a new, fancy body for Jenkins, the trade-up.
re: ‘Can no one rid me of this troublesome priest???’
HA! I was named after that troublesome priest.
November 1, 2024 at 4:22 pm #173108Oroboros
ParticipantBidenomics assrapes Duh’merica Sheeple
Retail spending collapsing, especially dining out
Sheeple be livin’ on their credit cards at 28% loan shark interest rates
That pulls potential spending Out-of-the-Future into Today helping to kill the economy later
Craptastic Plan
November 1, 2024 at 5:01 pm #173109zerosum
ParticipantWhere to start cutting $2T and improving US economy.
25,400 US troops currently stationed in South Korea constituting the US’ third-largest permanent deployment abroad after Japan and Germany.
Let South Korea, Japan and Germany pay the cost. (That would make them mercenaries and a profit center.)November 1, 2024 at 5:47 pm #173110zerosum
Do you think that all those demonstrators who called for peace, and a cease fire against what Israel was doing to the Palestinians in Gaza, ( Genocide), would not vote for a politician who called for the end of war and the end of Genocide?
———-November 1, 2024 at 6:10 pm #173111jb-hb
ParticipantIsn’t it weird Democrats are only down to trusting mainstream media a little MORE than they did in 2015?
Trump makes antiwar argument: Violent rhetoric again!!!!
(Is that typical to hand someone a rifle, so they can be armed when facing a firing squad???? In “journalist” heads, that’s just the new Equitable firing squad best-practice? To make it fair?)
November 1, 2024 at 6:12 pm #173112zerosum
ParticipantMore Reflections
Save our health – MAHA – RFK
If you believed that you have been damaged by Covid, Long Covid, Covid Vaccines or a loved one died from covid, would you support the election of a politician, RFK, who would investigate for the truth?November 1, 2024 at 6:22 pm #173113WES
ParticipantSenator James Clayburn’s Church (Praise the Lord and pass the ballots!):
Has anybody seen James Clayburn and his church lately?
Maybe James’ church folks are currently busy printing, harvesting, and counting ballots?
You will probably find all them hiding in the blue states’ regional voter tabulation centers specially setup to steal the election.
The church’s printing presses send their ballots directly to the tabulation centers to be mixed in with ballots from official polling stations to achieve the correct outcomes!
Church’s refrain:
Praise the Lord!
And pass the ballots!November 1, 2024 at 6:24 pm #173114zerosum
ParticipantStill more reflection
Everyone wants a living income, therefore, why would you vote for some who you believe will “give you less/a smaller piece of the pie”, MAGANovember 1, 2024 at 6:36 pm #173115Michael Reid
ParticipantAmb. Chas Freeman:
Israel’s Devastating Defeat in Lebanon/Iran Exposed!November 1, 2024 at 6:37 pm #173116zerosum
ParticipantRussia knows how its can be done
Is US Democratic System Crumbling? Voters on Both Sides of Aisle Losing Trust in Election
How to Steal an Election: US Conservatives Expose Democrats’ Playbook Ahead of 2024 VoteNovember 1, 2024 at 6:51 pm #173117zerosum
ParticipantUN briefing in US Congress cancelled after Rapporteur labelled ‘anti-Semitic’
UN briefing in US Congress cancelled after Rapporteur labelled ‘anti-Semitic’A planned briefing to Congress by the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, on Gaza was cancelled due to political pressure, according to organisers.
American author and human rights activist, Medea Benjamin, shared a video expressing frustration at Congress, with Albanese noting that her report highlighted Israel’s crimes against Gaza, questioning the US role in undermining 75 years of progress in international law.
In a video posted on X, Benjamin criticised Congress, citing allegations in Jewish Insider that labelled Albanese’s position as anti-Semitic, which reportedly led Democratic leadership to pressure for the cancellation….
….She added, “Now this is crazy. You can label anybody anti-Semitic who is faulting Israel for the slaughter that it’s doing but they’re not anti-Semitic. And Francesa Albanese is not anti-Semitic but, because of that article, the representative who was hosting us here got scared; he said he was getting calls from ‘higher ups’, which we assume is higher up in the Democratic Party that pressured him to cancel this briefing.”
Medea Benjamin @medeabenjaminUN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese was set to brief Congress today on her latest findings from Gaza. But in a last-minute twist, pressure from “higher-ups” led to the cancellation. The halls of Congress should echo with voices of truth and accountability, not fear and censorship.
Israel’s actions in Gaza deserve scrutiny under international law, and it’s unacceptable that those exposing these realities are silenced. Our gratitude goes out to the Congressional staffers who were ready to hear from the UN Special Rapporteur about Gaza.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Nov 1 2024 16:14 utc | 136
November 1, 2024 at 7:38 pm #173118Dr D Rich
ParticipantWritten: “do you think Bibi realizes there is a sign At The Dark End Of The Street that reads Muammar Gaddafi?”
Answer: Yes, yes he does. Bibi, a Jew, knows that sign “curbs” Muslim behavior and informs Islam.
Well and unless of course Bibi underwent an exorcism AND conversion. Even DBS and Drd probably would make that argument. Who knows?Fawning over psychopath low-wits, half-wits, mid-wits and super-duper-wits again I see.
Few can stand up to this movement other than a Bezos or a Musk. However, the left has long created their own monsters by demanding absolute fealty or unleashing absolute cancel campaigns
Yeah, those two edgy world-changers, Bezos and Musk, both of whom never saw a camera they couldn’t turn away from or an Antitrust law they didn’t desire to defy.
Tim Walz, according to John Day, sportf*cked the daughter of a Chinese high official back in the day. A goddam high school fugly high school teacher, E-8 Liar National Guardsman.
Shows ya how monumentally stupid China and Chinese women can be AND in particular this now 58yo Chinese wench acting jilted, jilted over a f*cker as stupid, dishonest and repulsive as Tim Walz.
Holy shit no wonder China’s replacement birth rate is in a death spiral.
That news ought to make Drd and TAE leadership proud.Who would have ever imagined Army National Guard E-8 and not Marine E-4 JD Hamel Vance Bowman was The United States secret weapon against The Yellow Peril, Yellow Fever etc
Walz makes Rittler, Tulsi, RFKjr, and Drd look and sound perfectly sane by comparison. Maybe that’s the whole idea but it in no way accounts for the unimaginable stupidity and monumentally bad taste of that Chinese woman who rode Tim, several times apparently, Walz.
And she, the stupid as ass Chinee chick clearly “dwells” on it, Tim’s appendage, dwell as in ruminates… a cow, chews on the cud.
I can’t unread it.
I can’t unhear it.
I can’t unsee it.
Where’s the bleach and metal bristle brush?So, I will dwell on it for the remainder of this post.
Who in the f*ck paid for Tim Walz’s travel to and fro China? Probably the same shits who underwrite the travails of Scott The Child Diddler Rittler, huh?!??
November 1, 2024 at 8:12 pm #173123userzeroid
ParticipantI am usually not inclined to throwing shade. It tends to be unhelpful as it is accusatory in whatever behaviour it is highlighting. I think that politics has already enough of this already in the game, alongside its nemesis, the hero worship that spins propaganda in the opposite direction for its own purposes.
November 1, 2024 at 9:36 pm #173124tboc
ParticipantDr D Rich
The general consensus on the ball team i played on as a young man was that the key to success was to go ugly about the one “Hole Hog” was with?
fell through an ugly tree, Hit Every Branch!“Ace of Holes” went home with an ugly woman once, casting a sidelong glance
lots a times
pregame warmups were a hoot
kinda like this years run up to election day“Fawning over psychopath low-wits, half-wits, mid-wits and super-duper-wits again I see.” Yes
if Musk and Bezos are the cure, i’ll stick with the disease.another matter:
how is AI to gain information that does not pass through a human filter?
able to compute more rapidly than a human, OK
in possesion of all human knowledge? OK
ask the AI to provide the final resolution for The Fine Structure Constant –
or to prove Feynman wrong and provide a complete understanding of Quantum Mechanics
that would be a hoothold a kind thought, tomorrow is All Souls Day
November 1, 2024 at 9:39 pm #173130Dr. D
ParticipantIn preparation for the election:
Ah, those records.
November 1, 2024 at 10:50 pm #173131Oroboros
Participant -
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