Debt Rattle November 10 2020


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    Hedy Lamarr Born November 9, 1914. As well as acting in 30 films, during the Second World War she co-developed a frequency-hopping guidance system for
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 10 2020]

    John Day

    We get a long time to think about things, or something like a month, anyway, so I’m arguing that we do so.
    The main thing upon which our society is based is the means-of-production, that which makes our food and stuff and supplies our utilities, building materials, and so on.
    Many of us have come to take the means of production as a given, assuming that it will remain always present and always adequate.
    The US got a century of oil powered economy pasted onto a previous century of progressively coal-driven economy, and vast virgin forests, aquifers and mineral wealth. That was always enough to grow into until 1971 or so when US oil production peaked out. That same moment, the US ran low on gold, and defaulted on the dollar. The dollar and global oil were more intertwined than ever by 1985, and the seemingly endless economic growth resumed. Glad that’s over. Thank you Mr Reagan!
    I commented yesterday that Americans are to oil, as a fish is to water. We can use less gas, and we use less this year, but everything we have comes through gasoline, diesel and natural gas power to industry, transportation, mining, and synthesis of special substances that everything comes wrapped in.
    We are in way over our heads and can’t really think our way out of this box. We will have to do this step by step.
    No top-down fix will work. It has to be each of us and all of us finding adaptations over this decade. Will our society change direction under totalitarianism, or will we do so with more local and personal autonomy? Each approach has strengths, totalitarianism might work better at first, but it might not, because we are starting in such a zombie-economy mess. In the medium to longer term, everybody at all e=levels of society working things out to self-reorganize our system of political economy is clearly the best way for our species to adapt to a world of declining fossil fuel and resources.

    ​ ​Peak oil – including from fracking and tar sands – finally occurred in 2018. Hardly anyone noticed because – as happened in the USA in 1970 – everyone assumed that it would be a temporary blip. Oil extraction in 2019 was not substantially lower than 2018; but there was no month in 2019 when extraction was higher than it had been in November 2018. And, of course, in 2020 the world discovered more urgent issues to worry about. Nevertheless, oil extraction – and oil demand – plummeted as a result of the various state responses to the pandemic. Some wells will be shut permanently as the cost of reopening them is too high. Others will reopen, but only if the price of oil rises considerably. Pipelines and refineries will also have to be repaired.

    The narrative problem after peak oil

    The elites who own us and own the means of production and own the property and the politicians and the deep state had a plan that got a wench thrown in the works when some smart-asses un-fixed the 2016 election and we ended up with Donald Trump in the White House failing to go along with that plan. Can a plan work after a 4 year delay?
    Do we human beings get to play a part in this massive economic reset?
    Whoever the courts and electoral college decide is president, we will get something drastically less than what is being promised.
    The tension is only beginning. Secure basic needs going forward.

    Jim Kunstler: One other thing: whoever occupies that office beginning in 2021 is going to face an overwhelming economic crisis. Oil production, which stood just under 13 million barrels-a-day at its peak November, 2019, is down over 2 million barrels a day now, and will be sinking to about 7 million barrels-a-day in 2021, which is far short of what we use. Shale oil is a bust. It costs too much to get out of the ground and the companies that put their mojo into shale can’t make any money at it, and can’t pay off their loans, and won’t get new loans to continue operations. So, the whole industry is going to shit. Oil is what has supported the US economy for a hundred years, and it’s over. Our attempt to compensate for that quandary by borrowing more and more money at every level is also drawing to a close. It will break the bond markets, the dollar, and the banks. This is the essence of the long emergency and we’re entering the heart of the storm now.
    It will require a pretty thorough rearrangement of life in our country, mainly in downscaling everything we do and re-localizing productive activity as much as possible. This has absolutely nothing to do with race-and-gender issues or any of the other ideological horse-shit that has preoccupied the Left for more than a decade.

    With or Without

    Dr. D

    “Man of the Year”, not us, Ukraine. This is exactly what the present leader is, who was following exactly his own Ukrainian TV show of the same premise.

    “…the company “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch.” “That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election..”

    I am a coincidence theorist, and that is not suspicious at all.

    “Maricopa GOP Chair Failed to Show Up to Certify Dominion Voting Machines (GP)”

    GA’s head shut off all the passwords on the machines. Also totally great and not suspicious.


    “US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper Fired And Replaced, Trump Announces (RT)”

    I’m not suspicious at all that Goodman Esper was going to tell the Army to stand down and “drag him out of the White House” when AntiFa bum-rushes the fences. Nope. That totally wasn’t going to happen with CFR Esper and his actions so far.

    “COVID19 Vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech Is Strongly Effective”

    So…in 6 months they found the cure to the common cold? Wow, who knew? Should have asked before. At 90% I bet it’s still safer to get COVID than the vaccine. That’s been true of the flu shot as well.

    One In Five COVID19 Patients Develop Mental Illness Within 90 Days (R.)”

    Duh. You told them “YOU’RE a-GONNA DIE!!!!” to a disease that is 99.97% safe, so yes, they’re now going to have to digest their own mortality issues. But that’s YOUR malpractice. Widespread, criminal, unscientific malpractice. Against children.

    “Children Regressing and Struggling Mentally In Lockdown (G.)”

    Yes, children that are 100% functionally immune. Must. Kill. Children.

    Must. Not. Protect. Grandma. From contamination in nursing home. No nay never. Nursing homes still wide open, no new procedures.

    So science: Attack the immune: expose the vulnerable. #Winning! It’s almost like the government is running it.

    Can we fire Fauci yet? I mean, clearly everything went totally wrong. He stopped nothing. We’re in wave two, he’s been unable and unprepared for that too. He’s also killed all the poor people and now the children: complete, provable, double-cross-checked failure of a failure. So…fire him? Bring in new ideas? No! “Failure is Success”, Comrade. NY is the best state in the world, a model to all.

    “Lockdown Named Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary (G.)”

    “Lockdown: /ˈläkdoun/ Universal house arrest, enacted without any rule of law, oversight, procedure, or end, which is collaterally killing all the poor and working, as a measure of forced austerity to delay the economic reset by pushing money to billionaires, and keep the people under violent, oppressive military rule when the shortages and riots come.” Got it.

    That’s why it’s now. At $3T a half-year, the compounding is vertical. They ran out of time. They must have a re-set and they must have a scapegoat. Voluntary lockdown for a nearly-safe virus, the common cold. And people bought it hahahahaha! “No human rights for you!” Shortly, no pension, no property, no job. “You will own nothing and like it” — Klaus. On universal basic income. While we own your house and job. And we’re not letting you do your job. And you can’t speak, walk, play, visit, laugh, sing, criticize: NOTHING. That’s Pure, total Stalinist Soviet Socialism, just as we aaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll said back in Day 1 of the EU unelected, unaccountable bureaucratic system, staffed primarily by ex-Soviets.

    Dr. D

    And they are constantly using the words and warning “Dark Winter”. Biden says total lockdown forever. As everyone but Wuhan, which is open. Funny.

    Here’s the link to “Dark Winter” deadly pandemic war-game by these same people:

    Mister Roboto

    Well, as for this glitch in Wisconsin, I’m going to have a hard to time giving the notion any credence as long as the places on the Internet I find talking about such a thing are right-wing cultist sites and “news” sources. Given the current political climate, it really sound as though “stolen election” claims are as much a bunch of sour grapes as the “RussiaRussiaRussia” gambit of Hillary Clinton’s partisans.

    But even if the Democrats did steal the election this time, I really have to wonder why when Republicans steal national elections (2000 and 2004), it’s “You lost, get over it”, but when Democrats supposedly steal elections, it’s suddenly the apocalypse for constitutional representative government.

    That said, I’ve thought for quite some time now that the USA really needs a nation-wide system of hand-counted paper-ballots. Because whether it’s actual election fraud or just allegations of fraud meant to undermine the legitimacy of the incoming administration, it ends up being a very unhealthy and corrosive thing to our body politic. Hand-counted paper ballots would do so much to forestall either situation.


    No one understands how to create and sell a spectator sport better than Disney.

    I’m just a poor, powerless, uneducated, bystander reading/watching the circus put on by the elites.

    Powerful men have failed to change the systems and been dragged out of their holes and culverts.
    Just being able to read the web does not confer any power to me.
    I’ve read, that there is a woman, wearing an ankle bracelet, who own 3 multi-million houses in Vancouver, fighting extradition to the USA because she is CFO, of a subsidiairy company that facilitated banking for Iran.

    Dr. D

    “The Presidential Election Was Legitimate. Conspiracies Are Not. “

    We know because we haven’t looked. And we’re not going to start now.

    All things I haven’t looked into are true, obviously. An Authority Appealed and told me so. So I believed them ’cause that’s what I wished was true.


    Will this move the needle?

    “If indeed Biden is speaking off the record with foreign leaders, it adds to the charges stemming from the Hunter Biden laptop case, which allegedly proves that Joe Biden was involved in dodgy foreign business deals with Chinese and Russian government agents.”


    Maduro won the 2018 election with 67.8% of the vote. The result was challenged by countries including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France and the United States who deemed it fraudulent and moved to recognize Juan Guaidó as president.[134][135][136][137] Other countries including Cuba, China, Russia, Turkey, and Iran have continued to recognize Maduro as president,[138][139] although China, facing financial pressure over its position, has reportedly begun hedging its position by decreasing loans given, cancelling joint ventures, and signaling willingness to work with all parties.[140] A Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman denied the reports, describing them as “false information”.[141]

    Mister Roboto

    I did find this news story about electronic voting-machine vote-flipping at a mainstream television-channel news site. Regardless of the parties involved in the actual event, I can very easily believe an account of electronic voting shadiness. This kind of voting has always seemed to me to be made-to-order for election fraud and rigging.

    Doc Robinson

    One In Five COVID19 Patients Develop Mental Illness Within 90 Days (R.)

    I dug deeper into this, because they were including insomnia as a mental illness, when I thought it was a potential symptom of a mental illness, not the illness itself.

    The actual study published in the Lancet reveals that “one in five” is really 18.3% (not 20%). For comparison, it would be nice to see how many flu patients similarly develop mental illness within 90 days. The answer appears in Table 3:

    Table 3
    Estimated incidence of all (first and recurrent) psychiatric diagnoses during the first 14 to 90 days after a diagnosis of COVID-19 compared with other health events

    COVID-19: 18.1%
    Influenza: 13.3%

    Not so fear-inducing to hear that 13 out of 100 of flu patients develop mental illness (as measured by the study), compared to 18 out of 100 Covid-19 patients.

    Mister Roboto

    @Doc Robinson: If insomnia were mental illness, they would have thrown me into the booby hatch by now. 🙂

    Doc Robinson

    Typo: 18.3% should be 18.1%.

    And those 18% were mostly, by a large margin, people who had a previous psychiatric diagnosis.

    “The incidence of any psychiatric diagnosis in the 14 to 90 days after COVID-19 diagnosis was 18.1% including 5.8% that were a first diagnosis.”


    Just to inject a little levity into the convo:


    They live in an altered reality, an untruth, a lie.
    We all live in an altered reality, an untruth, a lie.

    Maxwell Quest

    “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie.” – Miyamoto Musashi

    Words to live by. Why? Because our desires are like a lens through which we see reality. The stronger the desire, the greater our perception is warped. That is one reason to avoid the Trump-hatred phenomenon, even though the man is a lightning rod for such feelings. The effect is also the same on the other side of the coin, which is why it’s often said that “love is blind” – referring specifically to the attractive/craving aspect of what we erroneously call love.

    Where have we seen this? Why in Russiagate, of course. Note that those who had the deepest loathing for Trump were also the greatest enthusiasts of the media’s Trump-hating campaign, waiting expectantly by their televisions for the next Trump-bashing broadcast. They are also the same ones who are now crying tears of joy, dancing in celebration over his defeat and humiliation. They will not see any voter fraud, and in fact will turn on you like a wild animal if you even suggest it. They live in an altered reality, an untruth, a lie.


    @ Maxwell Quest

    I see my post/answer before your question/post.

    madamski cafone

    A lovely news and commentary harvest today.

    We wail about the mental/physical health consequences of inept lockdowns. Rightly so. But our mental/physical health was a hole with a paper sack in it in the first place. I see a tendency to treat covid and responses to it as events larger than the reality they impact. Covid isn’t as bad as the fear-mongers claim. Likewise, inept/corrupt/malign responses to covid aren’t as bad as the fear-mongers claim.

    Covid and responses thereto just provided a nifty focal lens to show how functionally bereft our civilization has become. Mostly, the underlying issue is the same as that on which TAE was founded: peak oil/insane economics.

    The Consciousness of Sheep article shared by John Day sums the big picture up just fine while only mentioning “pandemic” twice, properly (imo) citing them as minor but inevitable catalysts to “help” the Titanic to properly line up on a vertical float or sink narrative line.

    converging downward trends

    Maxwell Quest


    Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes after posting I notice something I want to edit. Every so often after a quick edit, everything disappears after hitting ‘Submit’. Last time that occurred I waited for hours for my post to show up, but it never did. This time I just reposted immediately, but not before you had commented on the earlier post which vanished. In this case, behavior that portends an actual software “glitch”. 🙂

    a kullervo


    Hedy Lamarr
    The most dangerous thing in the world: a beautiful woman with brains; fortunately the LEW* (League of Envidious Women) are there to keep her ilk in line.

    “One In Five COVID19 Patients Develop Mental Illness Within 90 Days (R.)”
    Nah. The madness was always there, just waiting to be panic-triggered.

    Glitches, malfeasance and stuff
    The “Democratic” Party, with the MSM onboard, is a runaway train: it went out of control in 2016 and is now reaching the end of the line at full throttle, where it will smash against Democracy itself. Perhaps Democracy – though seriously injured – may survive, but rejoice will spread across the land as the “Democratic” train and all its heinous passengers gets blown to smithereens.

    * Lew: (British dialect) tepid or lukewarm.


    Name the names
    Meet the Biden-Harris agency review teams

    Mister Roboto

    Sometimes I feel like I’m in an episode of “The Simpsons” that just won’t end. And not one of the good episodes from the nineties.

    From WaPo: Postal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials say. I understand if one is reluctant to trust WaPo as a source, as they have allowed their objectivity to be compromised since 2016 especially, but I would believe them before I would believe some of the sources that seem to be trusted around here.

    V. Arnold

    The U.S. in the 21st century: The Age of Mental Illness…


    Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes after posting I notice something I want to edit. Every so often after a quick edit, everything disappears after hitting ‘Submit’.

    The same thing has happened to me. It happened to me only a couple days ago. This is part of the reason I do not comment very often — my posts disappear and it is a really aggravating experience.

    It is usually my fault. I usually do not proofread what I have written until after I click submit. Then I see my post and I reread it again, and usually find at least a couple typos that I want to change — things that actually affect the meaning. This often happens with little words that are easy to overlook — the last time I wanted to change a “to” to a “do”. So even after the message successfully posted, it was completely deleted once I tried to make a correction. I did not have the energy to draft everything again from scratch.

    Mister Roboto

    Curiouser and curiouser. The postal worker in Pennsylvania is “recanting his recanting”, but an investigation into his allegations have found very little to nothing to substantiate them.

    Maxwell Quest


    Yeah, it really sucks when your work goes POOF, and then you want to pull your hair out. That is why I always craft comments in Word first, copy and paste to the TAE comment field, and make sure to keep a copy until it actually gets posted. Usually within the hour. Any text entry tool will do the job if you don’t have MS Office.

    @Mister Roboto

    Recants don’t surprise me at this point, although as a rule I don’t believe anything from the WaPo. Just remind yourself what is at stake, and how much work and high-level coordination that has gone into fixing this election for Biden. I would guess that there is a great deal of pressure coming down on anyone who is coming forward. Remember Seth Rich? You just know that the death threats are flying fast and furious right now.

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