Debt Rattle November 2 2021


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    Georgia O’Keeffe Autumn leaves, Lake George 1924   • Lancet Study Finds COVID Shots Do Not Prevent Transmission (LC) • Number Needed To Vaccinate
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 2 2021]


    Oh, I love Georgia O’Keefe! What a nice way to start the morning. Thanks, Ilargi.


    Take from it what you want.


    Field Able

    When I cant be bothered explaining why I oppose the Brave New World / new normie mandates and forced state vaccination etc I have decided instead to use these exact words from “Dennis Denuto” in the Aussie classic The Castle;

    The Vibe


    Edith Piaf – Autumn Leaves (Les Feuilles Mortes)


    J & J

    “The highest risk was among women aged 30 to 49 years, but the absolute CVST risk was still low in this group (up to 29.5 per 100 000 PY”

    Low? That’s almost 300 strokes per million!


    Fauci’s sins …..
    It wasn’t us ……

    We never said that ……
    PCR tests on swab samples were 100%

    We never said that the vaccine would prevent ….. ??????
    Delta variant
    Delta Variant+

    We never said that the vaccine was 100% effective …..
    breakthrough infections ??????

    We never said that the vaccine would not …..
    transmit infections of ……. ??????

    We never said that the vaccine would give herd immunity against ……
    Delta variant
    Delta Variant+ ……?????

    We never said ……
    why the Delta variant can still spread despite vaccination ????

    We never said what was …..?????
    risk-benefit analyses ….. ?????

    We never said that ……
    The vaccine would protect you forever

    We said …..
    the viral load declined more rapidly among vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant compared with unvaccinated people with ????? Delta, Alpha, or pre-Alpha.

    We never lied by omission …. We told the truth that we knew. We did not know
    Trump aide Peter Navarro exposes the dangerous Dr. Fauci:
    By Miranda Devine
    November 1, 2021
    A whip does not work, (mandate) …..
    you can’t make someone work to their full potential…..
    you get minimum performance ……
    you get breakdown,
    you get, …. “not me,… not my fault”
    Therefore, fire the person in question and now you get zero performance.
    Therefore, now you get total systemic economic breakdown
    Therefore, now you get caravans of illegal immigrants looking for a better life
    The carrot

    Dr. Martin Kulldorff Joins Brownstone Institute as Senior Scientific Director

    The Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research is a nonprofit organization founded May 2021 (501c3 applied). Its vision is of a society that places the highest value on the voluntary interaction of individuals and groups while minimizing the use of violence and force including that which is exercised by public authority.
    serious harms from Covid-19 vaccines.
    These physicians, like Dr. Lee, reached out to public health authorities at the CDC, FDA, and NIH for over ten months only to have their concerns dismissed or ignored. These agencies typically respond by saying that VAERS is not showing a safety signal so there is nothing to worry about.

    If physicians are dismissed as “making it up,” imagine what the average individual without medical knowledge and access must deal with after a Covid-19 vaccine injury.


    This ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ shot don’t work!

    “COVID-19 sweeps through Newmarket men’s hockey league”

    “all double-vaccinated”


    I agree with Hume: if you can’t say “no” you have no free will.


    This ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ shot don’t work!

    “Dead from Hamburg Airport was fully vaccinated
    A passenger died on the flight from Istanbul to Hamburg last week. The deceased was vaccinated and infected with corona.


    When polled, 71% of 306 healthcare workers in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, declared that Ivermectin was working as pre-exposure prophylaxis.

    Doc Robinson

    Published today in the British Medical Journal BMJ:

    Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
    Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.

    For example, they lacked enough employees to swab all trial participants who reported covid-like symptoms, to test for infection. Laboratory confirmed symptomatic covid-19 was the trial’s primary endpoint, the employee noted. (An FDA review memorandum released in August this year states that across the full trial swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases of symptomatic covid-19.)”


    Too many people don’t believe that a tree fell in the forest because “Fauci” did not tell them that a tree fell.


    This Is Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

    fully vaccinated individuals can harbour high viral loads, spread SARS-CoV-2 and cause severe and fatal Covid-19, also among other fully vaccinated individuals.”


    Monty Python icon Terry Gilliam has new stage production CANCELLED after staff uproar over ‘transphobic’ views

    If you go through all the times where Python played women, in often not very flattering ways, there’s not much left. And they say satire’s dead. No, it just got born again.

    John Day
    “Unscheduled Creative Opportunity” post includes a hand drawn scale plan for the small house we are attaching to the main house at the homestead, via a short covered walkway. It’s what I have been doing, since I now have unscheduled time in my life. (Going for a bike ride now.)

    Since my last blog post last week I have been working on physical projects in the world, mostly at the homestead. The absence of a regimented work schedule has allowed me to work on the 1957 house, getting a giant 24 HP vacuum cleaner in Austin, Saturday morning, driving it and a mess of six inch corrugated hose to Yoakum, and troubleshooting the mess all day, as we got shocked by the hose as we sucked out the old insulation. Static electricity was like rubbing wool on a glass rod, but more so with 24 HP providing the rub. The worst piece of hose was the big problem. It’s internally-conductive coil of copper wire was exposed by big cracks, allowing the static sparks to jump to human bodies (impressive visuals in the dark attic).
    I did not do much of that work in the attic, but enough to “get a feel” for what was happening. None of us wants to do that again.
    I told the rental place about the piece of tubing I had tagged with steel wire “really hurting people”. They said they would throw it away.
    I would never have had any understanding of this somewhat obscure line of endeavor if I had not taken part in the process.
    So what? Yeah, “so what”… That’s life and learning. That is actually doing things, instead of signing an order. It’s different.

    For years I have been making scale drawings of houses to build, none of which has been built. I have been studying books about building and remodeling for those same years. I have the books, with highlighted passages, and good illustrations. I have been reviewing them again. I have been drawing pictures again, but this time we are setting out to actually build a modest little house, mainly kitchen and living/dining area, with a combined bathroom and laundry room, and some finished-out attic space. It will attach to the main house via a very short covered walkway. That makes it meet code as an “addition”.
    The contractor has been doing much of the maintenance on the existing house, and we got to talk and draw this weekend. My friend, Lester, an Architectural Engineer, is being tremendously helpful with advice as to what works to safely and securely construct our ideas.
    I am including a drawing of the internal space of the first floor, about 25 ft. X 32 ft. internally, with a 13 X 8 ft. screen porch coming off the back/kitchen door.
    This structure will come off the end of the house, which was seen in the background of the last blog post, behind the Mexican avocado trees. Each square represents one square foot of floor space. The sliding glass door looks out to the avocado orchard. (There is a pull-down ladder to the attic, not shown, because I can’t upload the scanned image of the updated drawing.)

    For now, my abstract ideas are being helped by the much greater experience of the building contractor and the Architectural Engineer, helping us all to proceed carefully and avoid errors. We are communicating well. We all intend to “measure twice; cut once”.
    Though this has long been a plan of mine, it is made possible by my firing from the clinic for non-compliance with vaccine-mandate, changed to being fired-for-cause at the last minute, after the Governor issued an executive order against vaccine mandates a few weeks ago. I am cashing out my very modest retirement plan, which will fund a large portion of this build.
    I have wanted to “build my own house” since I was a boy, or at least a youth. I will be completely satisfied to do some of the work and participate in the design of “my own house” at this stage of my life.

    I will post updates of this constructive learning experience as it proceeds.
    You might be entertained some days.
    We’ll see…

    Polder Dweller

    Germ, I watched the Cottrell video and t don’t know what to make of it. I found it basically believable because it explains a lot of what we are seeing happening, yet it doesn’t explain why governments around the world, in the west, but also China and Russia are not embracing ivermectin, fluvoxamine, etc. It doesn’t make much sense if the whole idea is to guess the next mutation while the rest of the immune system gets down-regulated leaving everyone open to other infections, cancers and the rest. The point is made in the video that this makes military sense when considering the soldiers (although I would say that this is true only in the relatively short term), but for the general population it’s a disaster.

    Also missing was what the best thing to do is to protect yourself and your loved ones. Perhaps that’ll be in the next video.

    absolute galore

    Wow. Smelling a little desperate? The NYT must be paying Krugman a premium for vaccine propaganda columns; this is his second in a row. I thought the one from Oct 30 was bad, but here we have the cake.

    I point this guy out because he is part of the high priesthood of the Coastal Elites. Yet his “opinions” are not one tenth the value of the article Dr.D linked yesterday about the trucking problem. Not nearly as well-written, either. I would put economists ahead of footballers as persons from whom not to take medical advice. Krugman is almost as smart as the crust on Albert Einstein’s mustache.

    Incidentally, the fact that breakthrough infections happen — that some people get the virus despite being vaccinated — actually strengthens the case for mandates, because it means that even those who’ve gotten their shots face some danger from those who refuse to follow suit.Vaccination, then, should be considered a public duty, not a personal choice. But there would be a strong argument for public promotion of vaccines even if we were to somehow ignore the harm the unvaccinated impose on others and look only at the personal choice aspect. For this isn’t an area in which individuals can be relied on to choose well.
    Ah yes, The Science! The vaccines don’t work, so get vaccinated to protect the vaccinated.

    Medicine, in case you haven’t noticed, is a complex and difficult subject. As a result, it’s an area where it’s a bad idea to leave people entirely to their own devices. The clamor for unproven treatments like taking hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin reminds us why we require that physicians be licensed and drugs be approved, rather than leaving it up to the public to decide who’s qualified and which medication is safe and effective.

    Right. Let’s let the technocrat big pharma experts determine what we should put in our bodies. Like experimental vaccines. That don’t work.

    He goes on to make the argument that unvaccinated hospitalizations cost the public money. Right. So does paying many billions for vaccines that don’t work. And then there are the apparently increasing number of double vaxxed now being hospitalized.

    He makes the “just like other mandated childhood vaccines”, claiming Covid 19 is equivalent. He must have missed his epidemiology lectures while going to Harvard for economics.

    Hey Paul. You suck as an economist. Please don’t branch out now.

    No, Vaccine Mandates Aren’t an Attack on Freedom
    Nov. 1,
    By Paul Krugman
    Opinion Columnist
    Sign up for the Paul Krugman newsletter, for Times subscribers only. A guide to U.S. politics and the economy — from the mainstream to the wonkish. Get it with a Times subscription.
    The Delta surge in Covid-19 seems to be receding. That’s good news, and not just because fewer people are dying. Fear of infection was one reason the economic recovery hit an air pocket in the third quarter. Resuming normal life will be a huge relief.
    But the U.S. right is, in effect, trying to keep the pandemic going. We talk a lot about misinformation on social media, some of which — surprise! — appears to be the product of Russian disinformation. However, the role of the right-wing establishment has surely been far more important. Fox News serves up anti-vaccine messages almost every day. Republican governors have tried to ban vaccine mandates not just by local governments and school districts but by private businesses. Multiple Republican attorneys general have filed suit to stop federal vaccine mandates.
    The expressed rationale for all this activity is that it’s about protecting freedom. In reality, while there are several reasons for vaccine resistance, politics is a significant driver of the agitation. A successful vaccination campaign could mean a successful Biden administration, and the right is determined to prevent that, no matter how many avoidable deaths result from vaccine sabotage. It’s noteworthy that Fox has a very strict vaccination policy for its own employees.
    Still, the case against vaccine mandates, however disingenuous, needs to be answered on the merits. Yet I at least have rarely seen the case against a right to refuse vaccination fully explained, even though you could hardly come up with a better example than Covid-19 vaccination if you wanted to design a hypothetical situation in which arguments for freedom of choice don’t apply. And I think it’s worth spelling out exactly why.
    First, personal choice is fine — as long as your personal choices don’t hurt other people. I may deplore the quality of your housekeeping, but it’s your own business; on the other hand, freedom doesn’t include the right to dump garbage in the street.
    And going unvaccinated during a pandemic does hurt other people — which is why schools, in particular, have required vaccination against many diseases for generations. The unvaccinated are much more likely to contract the coronavirus, and hence potentially infect others, than those who’ve had their shots; there’s also some evidence that even when vaccinated individuals become infected, they’re less likely to infect others than the unvaccinated.
    Incidentally, the fact that breakthrough infections happen — that some people get the virus despite being vaccinated — actually strengthens the case for mandates, because it means that even those who’ve gotten their shots face some danger from those who refuse to follow suit.
    And the harm done to others by rejecting vaccines goes beyond an increased risk of disease. The unvaccinated are far more likely than the vaccinated to require hospitalization, which means that they place stress on the health care system. They also impose financial costs on the general public, because given the prevalence of insurance both public and private, their hospital bills end up being largely covered by the rest of us.
    Vaccination, then, should be considered a public duty, not a personal choice. But there would be a strong argument for public promotion of vaccines even if we were to somehow ignore the harm the unvaccinated impose on others and look only at the personal choice aspect. For this isn’t an area in which individuals can be relied on to choose well.

    Medicine, in case you haven’t noticed, is a complex and difficult subject. As a result, it’s an area where it’s a bad idea to leave people entirely to their own devices. The clamor for unproven treatments like taking hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin reminds us why we require that physicians be licensed and drugs be approved, rather than leaving it up to the public to decide who’s qualified and which medication is safe and effective.
    So you have to wonder why anyone would consider it a good idea when Florida’s surgeon general urged people to downplay medical advice on vaccines and rely on their “intuition and sensibilities.”
    Finally, the most contentious area in this whole argument involves vaccine and mask requirements for schools. And in this area, opponents of mandates aren’t making decisions for themselves — they’re making decisions for their children, who have rights of their own and aren’t simply their parents’ property.
    Now, U.S. law and tradition give parents a great deal of leeway, especially when religious beliefs are involved, but not absolute power over their children’s lives. Adults can’t choose to deny their children basic education; they can’t turn down lifesaving medical treatment. That’s why we have longstanding vaccine mandates for many childhood diseases. And the same logic applies to Covid-19.
    Again, I don’t know how many people really believe that vaccine requirements are an attack on freedom. But in any case, it’s important to understand that freedom is no reason to block a potential medical miracle.
    More on Covid vaccination.

    The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email:
    Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram.
    Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography. @PaulKrugman

    absolute galore

    those who’ve gotten their shots

    This seemingly innocuous phrase is telling for me. It feels loaded with the morality that the Vaccine Insisters inject into the debate. It also implies somehow that “our shots” are out there, waiting for us to claim them like good citizens. To use the popular euphemism for Let’s Go Brandon, Fuck “Joe Biden.”

    absolute galore

    Resuming normal life will be a huge relief.

    Sorry Paul. Not even for you will life be returning to “Normal.”Not ever again.
    But it will be completely gone before the holidays for all the firemen, nurses, cops, sanitation workers that made it possible for your city to get through the pandemic and who now are in the process of losing their livelihoods. And yeah, must have been tough going on his sofa watching Hulu and ordering Uber Eats the last couple years. Somehow I doubt that was much away from “Normal” for him. What a douche.


    John Day- Litchfield’s book “Renovation” was THE book we used as we redid every inch of our house. I’m pretty sure it would be useful for new construction as well. (Bonus: we both got into GREAT shape!)
    Here’s a tip I figured out which I wish we had started earlier: take pictures of your plumbing and wiring inside the walls before you put up the drywall.

    TAE Summary

    Hippocratic Oath

    I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:

    To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.

    I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.

    I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

    In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.

    I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.

    Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.

    Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.

    So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.

    Doc Robinson

    @pfizer Asked The @FDATo Change Their “Approved” #COVID19 Shot For Children Age 5-11 Years Old!
    Pfizer Wants To Replace Phosphate-Buffered Saline With #Tromethamine.

    A new Pfizer formulation (with Tromethamine) was also authorized for adults (and 12+) according to the October 29 emergency-authorization letter for children age 5-11.

    The formulation of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses Tris [Tromethamine] buffer is authorized in two presentations:
    1) Multiple dose vials, with gray caps and labels with a gray border, formulated to provide, without need for dilution, doses (each 0.3 mL dose containing 30 µg nucleosidemodified messenger RNA (modRNA)) for individuals 12 years of age and older; and
    2) Multiple dose vials, with orange caps and labels with an orange border, formulated to provide, after dilution, doses (each 0.2 mL dose containing 10 µg modRNA) for individuals 5 through 11 years of age. [page 3]

    Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA LOA reissued October 29 2021

    I found no mention of any clinical testing done on adults with this new formula. So there are now 2 versions of the Pfizer injections for adults (and 12+), plus a lower-dose version for kids 5-11, plus the COMIRNATY brand which is unavailable in the US.


    Unsafe, and no true way to make them safe either. All the data from lots are skewed.

    “Are we done being stupid yet? Statistically all of the adverse events of any sort are in a handful of lots irrespective of the brand. The rest generate a few bad outcomes while a very, very small number of lots generate a huge percentage of the harm. And no, that’s not tied to age bracketing (therefore who got it first either); some of the worst have average age distributions that are less than lots with lower adverse event rates. It is also not tied to when used either since one of the “better” lots has a first-AE report right at the start of January — as do the “bad” lots.

    The only thing all three of these vaccines have in common is that all three of them rely on the human body to produce the spike protein that is then attacked by the immune system and produces antibodies; none of them directly introduce the offending substance into the body. The mechanism of induction is different between the J&J and Pfizer/Moderna formulations but all exhibit the same problem. The differential shown in the data is wildly beyond reasonable explanation related to the cohort dosed and the reported person’s average age for the full set of events (not just deaths) does not correlate with elevated risk in a given lot either so it is clearly not related to the age of the person jabbed (e.g. “certain lots all went to nursing homes since they were first.”) While the highest AE rate lots all have early use dates so do some of the low-AE rate lots so the attempt to explain the data away as “but the highest risk got it first” fails as well.

    In other words the best-fit hypothesis is that causing the body to produce part of a pathogen when that part has pathological capacity (as we know is the case for the spike) cannot be controlled adequately through commercial manufacturing process at-scale. This means that no vector-based, irrespective of how (e.g. viral vector or mRNA), not-directly-infused coronavirus jab will ever have an acceptable safety profile because some lots will be “hot” and harm crazy percentages of those they’re given to with no way to know in advance. The basic premise used here — to have the body produce the agent the immune system identifies rather than directly introduce it where you can control the quantity, is a failure.”

    those darned kids
    those darned kids

    ag: To use the popular euphemism for Let’s Go Brandon, Fuck “Joe Biden.”


    those darned kids

    tae summary: thanks. i just took the oath. i think every human should, too. after all, we are all doctors. we are all teachers. we are all scientists.

    the only difference between a professional musician and an amateur is your last paycheque.

    those darned kids

    doc r: so pfizer now has a new coke/old coke dilemma on their hands.

    i hope they rerelease the cherry vanilla flu vaxx this year.


    Anthem for battling the Vax Cult.


    In the next 12 months or so, we will hear lame excuses, in the W.

    All of them BS, such as:

    The vaxxes (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZ..) did protect ppl for a while…that immunity would fade so quickly couldn’t be predicted…

    Pfizer’s study was cursory, we need more controls, our standards have now been uptdated…Moderna’s vax creation was much too rapid…it shouldn’t have been approval-stamped without numbers about /xyz/…

    Everyone wanted to believe the vaxxes were a magic bullet that would halt the pandemic…

    It takes time to analyse all the data and come up with solid *risk / benefit* guidelines…

    The pandemic might have been worse without the vaxxes, all those who gave their lives are heroes…See Mindy, Cindy, Aleesha, and their little kids…Travis the weight-lifter and his son Kyle..

    It takes time to judge which vaxx performed the best, while overall the performance was not optimal, there are lessons to be learnt, for example the Pfizer vaxx prevented more deaths than AstraZ…

    Politicians jumped on the vaxx bandwaggon as saving ppl from dire disease would enhance their status…they didn’t know the secrets of Big Pharma, we need to review FDA rules and functioning…

    Vaxxes were distributed unequally, with less coverage amongst Black/Hispanic (BAME in the UK, etc.) communities, which wreaked havoc on the ground and with the stats, equality must be fought for!

    And so on..adverse effects are more problematic, more difficult to deal with but will also be ‘spun’ …

    This post is actually quite hopeful, as it outlines a ‘normal’ kind of scenario, not too different from several past happenings.


    I ran across this article dated Feb 2, 2021 which mentions that the Moderna vaccine includes Tromethamine. So this is new with Pfizer, but not Moderna.


    Coronavirus Vaccines: Here’s What’s in Them

    Polder Dweller

    Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions”

    “A non-profit organization called Public Citizen obtained a confidential unredacted Pfizer contract of some of its negotiations. The contracts show how Pfizer can stop countries from speaking about its contracts, block vaccine donations, unilaterally change delivery schedules and demand public assets as collateral.”

    Mr. House
    those darned kids

    woohoo! i’ve inked the deal and now pfizer® is sponsoring all my posts here!

    Doc Robinson

    An important peer-reviewed study looked at the CDC’s data on pregnancy losses following the mRNA injections, and found that more than 80% of those who got the injections during the first 5 months of pregnancy ended up with a spontaneous abortion (which is 7- to 8-times higher than the expected baseline of around 11%)

    The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation (Table 4, footnotes).[4] This is a very high proportion of pregnancy loss observed in those exposed to the mRNA vaccination before 20 weeks’ gestation, ranging from 81.9–91.2% (n = 114–127), which is significantly different to baseline estimates from other studies (11.3%, n = 79,978 [6]; p < 0.001), being 7- to 8-fold higher than expected (p < 0.001).

    Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy

    Dr D Rich

    In response to TAE Summary vis a vis The Hippocratic.
    While I provide the reference article from near antiquity, 19 years ago, and agree with most the author’s sentiments, I take exception to his broadly brushed condemnation of military medical officers failure to “refuse” because he never met me. The author also never encountered the silence, isolation and marginalization I experienced after confronting my service’s surgeon general and ASD for Health Affairs David Tornberg’s spokeswoman Col Elspeth Ritchie on this topic.
    Nevertheless, as I posted a while ago, this contest was lost long before Fauci and even before Tornberg. Google Alain Enthoven’s contribution to the System’s reduction in physician autonomy through the devaluation of the physician-patient relationship.

    Here’s the full article.

    Here’s a few choice excerpts:

    “Why, then, were commissioned medical officers not the first to draw military and public attention to torturous acts? Why did they not refuse assignments that violated professional oaths and international covenants?”
    He’s generally right but there were a few of us, very few. Trust me the rewards were myriad and magnificent for toeing the line.

    “Physicians assigned to military intelligence…have no doctor patient relationship with detainees and, in the absence of life threatening emergency, have no obligation to offer medical aide”.15 As professionals whose first concern is patient health and welfare irrespective of political or military allegiance…US military physicians were taken out of the game. “A medical degree,” Tornberg said, “is not a ‘sacramental vow’—it is a certification of skill.”1 Under the Tornberg directive a medical degree becomes a practical diploma carrying no more ethical weight than a plumber’s.”
    I respect all plumbers and some physicians.

    “The result has been “the deprofessionalisation and the transformation of medicine into a vast industry, in which physicians lost their authority as professionals and became dependent on managed care organisations”.
    Most peer physicians surrendered willingly or offered silent tacit approval.

    The ultimate exhortation and principle became a substitute for professional ethics and personal morality.
    “Do what you can within the boundaries set by corporate employers?”

    Btw, the assertion by Ritchie, Tornberg and Rumsfeld that the Hippocratic Oath is not a suicide pact to be followed that places the Nation’s security at risk is insincere hyperbole and overwrought emotionally. These 3 collaborators fashioned a higher ethical calling to Justice in defense of the homeland which they said superseded a physician’s professional obligations under the Hippocratic Oath.
    Their reasoning, however, invoked a non sequitur as Title X US Code does not hold a military medical office to Hippocratic ideals. Rather, Title X demands uniformed medical officers AND chaplains adhere to the Geneva Conventions in the treatment of prisoners, POWs and individuals rendered hors de combat. It follows that Title X is the Constitution and therefore the law of the land no matter a decree put forth by the likes of Ritchie, Rumsfeld, Tornberg and POTUS. However, to stand up to them most assuredly meant your ruination.

    Veracious Poet

    All the world’s a stage.

    Child EGOs that refuse to mature into the Infinite require distractions from their inner spiritual dissonance.

    The Bush/Clinton crime family, the Obamas, Trumps, Bidens et al. are merely bit players working with a pre-existing script to placate + control the sheeple.

    Actors that break character are shunned, or worse, made examples of.

    It’s all part of the show (acting club) ~ Heroes & villainy to titillate the senses!

    Even Xi, Biden, Erdoğan, Da Queen et al. are only to engage in the art of Ad libitum to-a-point, before the child EGO culture they’re playing to lose the “immersion” factor.

    There are also Geo-political constraints, but they’ve been working to merge scripts for decades ~ Kissinger the great playwright is the modern architect.

    Hitler, Stalin, Mao are cult-of-personality examples that broke the mold to achieve maximum power to rewrite the social morays, thus the script.

    Until the Infinite’s Children reject this political theatre of the absurd, the rape, pillage, plunder, torture & murders will continue without end…

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