Debt Rattle November 7 2024


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    The Voice of Reason



    Another Voice of Reason Speaks


    John Day

    @Dr. D:
    DUDE, Men TRAP Women in Sex!
    You are in a position to know about lies, drugs, alcohol, date rape and ovulatory urges, Amigo.
    It is better for society if women have ways out of that trap. Morning-After-Pills are a Social-Good, but the back-up of early abortion, though more harmful to the woman who chooses it, protects her from the somewhat-longer con (men).

    John Day

    Populist Nationalists Transiently “Unburdened”

    I woke up yesterday morning at 3 AM, wide awake, and looked at the internet. No Civil War, but Trump won the electoral college and popular vote, so I did go back to bed.
    The negotiations underway since Donald Trump got shot in the ear in mid July seem to have brought us to a potentially peaceful transition of power from globalist interests, interested in breaking up the US and parting it out, as they did to Russia in the 1990s, to a nationalist and populist coalition, which has swept the House, Senate and Presidency.
    It’s about time, and it may have been “the last chance”. I’m happy enough to not “know”. At any rate, there will be (Trump) Republican majorities in the House and Senate, a talented and competent team to help formulate and enact policy, and it includes the World’s Richest African American Space Cowboy, who has been pictured carrying a sink to the White House. Working people of various races, religions and ethnicities saw “something completely different” when Trump stood up, pumped his fist, and said “fight, fight, fight” on July 13. They saw somebody treated-the-way-they-feel and openly fighting it.
    This is a critical moment to adjust the American economy from global-extraction back to productive enterprise, and to quit being a global enforcer of $US-based financial empire, as the global availability of cheap-oil goes into decline, from the current post-2018-plateau. Trump made a special point of opening up American oil production, that “we have more oil than anybody else in the world”, and that “Bobby can do anything but he has to stay away from my oil”. If global oil production will go into decline, not just stay on this plateau, that will be critical to support of the $US through export value, not self-consuming interest payments on public and private debt. Exporting oil, food and industrial products, and cutting the Federal budget will put the US in a much better position when the cascade of sovereign debt defaults starts suddenly and causes a reset of national currencies to their actual trade-value.
    Zelensky called congrats to Trump and then told General Sysrkyi to start withdrawing Ukrainian troops from old Russia, Kursk. Putin hasn’t called. He got burned last time for having high hopes. Orban did call, and he can bear-messages. Others have called, the sooner a bridge is mended, the better.
    Clintons, Obamas, Harris, Bidens & associates slept in all day, until Harris got up hung-over to concede the election, “but not the fight”…

    Andrew Korybko has this very good, bullet-pointed summary: How America Became Unburdened By What Has Been
    1. “It’s The Economy, Stupid!”
    2. Immigration, Both Legal & Illegal, Is Out Of Control
    3. Folks Are Afraid Of World War III
    4. The Media’s Smears Against Trump No Longer Work
    5. Musk Restored Freedom Of Speech Online
    6. Musk, RFK, & Tulsi Made It Cool To Defect From The Democrats
    7. The Amish & Poles Helped Trump Pull Ahead In Pennsylvania
    8. The Republicans’ GOTV Campaign Made All The Difference
    9. Abortion Is No Longer An Issue In Presidential Elections
    10. Walz Was One Of The Worst VP Picks Imaginable
    Trump’s political comeback story is one for the history books after the seemingly insurmountable odds that he overcame. A mix of masterful campaigning, Musk’s purchase of Twitter, and arguably a stroke of divine providence over the summer came together to make this possible. America is now truly unburdened by what has been after decisively rejecting the past four years in full defiance of the Democrats. It’s now up to Trump to deliver on his ultimate promise to “Make America Great Again”.

    Trump’s acceptance speech:

    ​ President-elect Donald Trump has made a number of sweeping proposals for a second term in office, outlining a wide-ranging agenda that targets federal regulations, taxes, immigration, and social issues.​..
    ​ Since 2015, Trump has made curbing illegal immigration a cornerstone of his campaigns. As president, he built or reconstructed about 400 miles of border barrier along the U.S.–Mexico border and implemented a number of rules curbing illegal migration into the country.
    ​ During the campaign, Trump often said that he would initiate the largest “mass deportation” effort in U.S. history if elected.​..
    ​..Taxes and Regulations
    ​ Throughout the 2024 campaign, Trump has promised to curb federal regulations that he said would limit the creation of new U.S. jobs. He also has pledged to keep intact a 2017 tax cut that he supported and signed while in office.​..
    ​..Trump has pledged to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 15 percent for companies that make their products in the United States. In a bid to win Nevada, Trump earlier this year pledged to end the taxation of tips and overtime wages to aid some service workers and waiters.
    ​ He has pledged not to tax or cut Social Security benefits.​..
    ​ In multiple campaign stops this year, Trump floated the idea of a 10 percent or more tariff on all goods imported into the United States, which he said would eliminate the country’s trade deficit.
    ​ He has also said he should have the authority to set higher tariffs on countries that have put tariffs on U.S. imports​..
    ​..More Drilling
    ​ The former president said that he wants to cut federal regulations on drilling for oil and natural gas​, a move that he says would lower energy costs and inflation. In multiple instances, Trump said he would reauthorize drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, which was suspended under the Biden administration.
    ​ Meanwhile, he would pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords, a worldwide plan that claims to reduce carbon emissions. Trump also said he would roll back some federal policies around electric vehicles.​..
    ​..Social Policies
    ​ Trump has pledged to require U.S. colleges and universities to “defend American tradition and Western civilization” and to purge them of diversity and inclusion programs, which he and Republicans have said are leftist in nature.
    ​ He said he would direct the Justice Department to pursue civil rights cases against schools that engage in racial discrimination. At K–12 schools, Trump would support programs allowing parents to use public funds for private or religious instruction. Trump also wants to abolish the federal Department of Education and leave states in control of schooling.
    ​ Regarding abortion, Trump has said that a federal ban on abortion is not needed and that the issue should be resolved by states.​

    ​ Musk reveals plans for Trump government
    The tech mogul told Tucker Carlson that he will slash the number of federal agencies if he becomes part of the new administration
    ​ Speaking at a Trump rally last month, Musk pledged to help the Republican slash US annual budget spending by “at least $2 trillion” as part of a review of federal agencies that he would carry out if Trump returns to the White House.
    ​ “Your tax money is being wasted and the Department of Government Efficiency is going to fix that,” Musk stated.
    ​ The tech billionaire has repeatedly sounded the alarm over the US debt, warning just last week that the country is spiraling toward bankruptcy and will quickly go bust if Washington doesn’t curb its spending.​

    John Day

    ​ The protest (not a “riot”) last night outside a Trump property in Chicago looks small and sounds really lame and low energy on the video.
    Radical Left Activates Anti-Trump Protests As AOC Riles Up Rioters​

    ​ Simplicius, Election Aftermath: Notes on the ‘Grand Realignment’
    Points out here that Republicans (500 lawyers per state) successfully blocked the vote-rigging that “won” for “Biden” in 2020, with a graphic display of the impossible number of Democratic votes cast only that year. Actual American voters, not Nazis, were fed up with the lies and bad economy. Harris only “won” in states that did not check voter ID.
    He closes his analysis with a statement by Russian and BRICS economist, Sergey Glazyev:
    The ostriches are running away, Pax Americana is ending. The Leo Strauss sect, which ruled the USA and planned to establish a world dictatorship of the chosen few, is losing the election. The US deep state has no choice either – a repeat of the falsification will lead to a civil war and the collapse of the country. Pragmatists who recognize the fact of the transition to a new world economic order are coming to power in the USA. Brzezinski’s strategy of defeating Russia, destroying Iran and isolating China, as expected, only strengthened China, which has become a global leader. Together with India, it will form a new bipolar center of the new world economic system. The USA can integrate into it as another center of the world economy if it abandons imperialism and stops the global hybrid war. It is in the US national interest that Trump liberate the US from the ostrich [Straussian] sect that has saddled it. Bringing Washington’s policies in line with the US national interest will entail poisoning Europe and the fall of the anti-human traitorous regimes in Germany and France. As we predicted, the world hybrid war, started by the US power-financial elite for world domination in 2001 with the attack of the US intelligence services on the Twin Towers in New York, will end next year with the universal recognition of its defeat and the completion of the transition to a new world economic order. The world will become polycentric and polycurrency, the significance of national sovereignty and international law will be restored.​

    Gilbert Doctorow says Russia is much more guarded than in 2016, having been once-burned: How Russia perceives Trump’s victory in 2024 compared to 2016

    Gilbert Doctorow, German coalition government collapses: the first shoe to drop in the aftermath of Trump’s victory
    Yesterday’s Financial Times report on Europe’s reaction to Donald Trump’s victory carried a wonderful remark from one high official in the European Union institutions that ‘we are not panicking.’ In that pithy observation you see the essence of Eurospeak: panic is precisely what is happening in Brussels and in the major capitals of Europe now that speculation turns from who will win in the States on 5November to the looming consequences of the political earthquake that struck across the Atlantic: a trade war with Washington and the end of American support for the Ukrainian forces in their war with Russia, all of which will leave European foreign and defense policy in the lurch.
    ​ This deep anxiety is upending all of the tidy calculations over which country, which party gets each of the portfolios in the European Commission that is about to take over in the coming weeks under the command of Ursula von der Leyen. In reality, we may expect a shift of power in the European Parliament away from its authoritarian European People’s Party – Social Democrats duopoly of the past several decades towards the so-called ‘far right’ Patriots for Europe headed by Viktor Orban so that the portfolios handed out today may soon be meaningless.
    ​ As I had foreseen, the coming aftershocks are about to overturn the complacent domination in the principal European countries of the comprador elites that have been serving Washington at the direct expense of their own electorates. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Federal Republic of Germany.​

    John Day

    The Real “Burden”:
    Surplus Energy Economics, “Fake It Till You Break It” SUBMITTING TO THE INESCAPABLE
    This article marks a planned change of direction for Surplus Energy Economics, and not just in the provision of downloadable SEEDS data for readers. The case for impending economic contraction has been made, and is being vindicated by events. The need now is for hard analysis and constructive initiative.
    As you may know, the global process of inflexion from economic growth into contraction has, in its earlier phases, moved slowly, though it’s now accelerating markedly. This said, even the early deceleration phase has wrought profound changes in the economy and society.
    Throughout this precursor period which has preceded economic contraction, we’ve tried to reinvigorate the material economy with monetary innovation. Though wholly futile, this has resulted in sharp reductions in the real cost of capital, creating a huge escalation in financial liabilities and a correspondingly enormous bubble in asset prices.
    This has become a candyfloss (cotton candy) economy, resembling a sweet confection which has vast open spaces within very little material substance…
    ..But chaos undoubtedly looms. As old certainties crumble, orthodox classical or neoclassical economics is well on the way to becoming a busted flush. The promise of ‘infinite growth on a finite planet’ is being exposed as fallacious. Monetary and fiscal policies can’t fix material economic deterioration.
    We’re now entering a phase of fake it till you break it…
    ..Above all, we need to develop a clear understanding of economic disequilibrium, a concept which reveals the real dynamics that are shaping the economy. This is discussed towards the end of this article…
    ..The brutal reality, of course, is that public services are floundering, and infrastructure is deteriorating, because Britain is getting poorer. The economy has long since inflected from growth into contraction. There’s no quick fix in taxing “the rich”, because the wealth of the most prosperous exists only on paper, and can’t be monetized to any significant extent. Around the World, some people feel poorer – because they are – whilst others feel wealthier, but only because the paper values of assets haven’t crashed yet…
    ..The simple mathematics of the equation are that governments can’t, by borrowing now, generate enough growth in the future to pay down the initial debt plus interest…
    ..Governments almost certainly now know that public debt expansion has become the only way in which they can sustain the semblance of ‘business as usual’ for a bit longer. This leads directly to the monetization of government debt and the onset of runaway inflation.
    To think that we could escape this grim reality by switching from credit-backed fiat to some alternative monetary system is to misunderstand the role of money itself, a topic to which we shall return.
    My reading of this situation is that sentiment in the corridors of power is shifting from forced optimism to a sense of resignation which borders on fatalism… They just have to make the best of things, and put a brave face on it, for as long as they can…
    ..As so often, America is the leader in the trend towards ever-higher public debt…
    ..US government debt is rising by $1 trillion every three months, and has already breached the end-2024 projection of $35tn. Annual interest on this debt now exceeds $1tn, which is more than America spends on her armed forces and all of her security agencies combined. More than half of all outstanding public debt has to be refinanced over the coming five years.
    The global role of the dollar puts the US in a uniquely advantaged position when it comes to financing fiscal deficits.
    As seen in Washington, the current plan is a competitive gambit, designed to maximize the benefits of global dollar pre-eminence.
    The deficit is being used to finance massive subsidies, whose purposes are to re-shore industries sent abroad during the era of ‘globalization’, and to drive investment, particularly in new technologies and energy transition.
    The theory is that this investment will pay off in the kind of growth that can put debt back onto a sustainable (if not a downwards) trajectory.
    But history and mathematics alike decree that not even America can pull this off.
    Mathematically, American debt has increased by $35tn (96%) in real terms over the past twenty years. Of this, $21tn was borrowed by government and $14tn by households and private enterprises.
    But real GDP was only $9.5tn higher in 2023 than it had been back in 2003. This means that each dollar of private and public borrowing yielded only $0.27 in growth. This number falls to $0.16 if, in addition to debt, we also include expansion in those broader financial assets which are the liabilities of government, households and PNFCs (private non-financial corporations)…
    ..Empires face an inflexion-point in their power and influence when debt service costs crowd out spending on the military.
    Mathematicians will likewise recognize that the trajectory of US government debt is taking on an exponential (“hockey-stick”) shape. This reflects, in part, the compounding effect of interest.
    This kind of exponential curve can’t be stemmed, still less reversed, until we enter a chapter of debt monetization, after which the value of money itself collapses…
    ..SEEDS analysis reveals the central problem, which is that the average British person has become 11.3% poorer, in real terms, since 2004, whilst the costs of essentials have been rising relentlessly. This is something which no government could admit to, even if it had the requisite data at its disposal.
    Furthermore, any British government has to walk a tightrope, knowing that fiscal excess could, by undermining GBP, trigger the kind of rate rises which will crash the real estate bubble on which the economy depends to an extremely dangerous degree…
    ..An often-proposed alternative is MMT which, according to taste, means either modern monetary theory or magic money tree.
    The MMT thesis is that credit-based money is an inefficient system, maintained only because of the benefits which it confers on banks and other intermediaries.
    Instead of collecting taxes to pay for public services, MMT proponents argue that governments could fund these directly, issuing sovereign money for this purpose. Taxes would be collected, not to finance government spending, but to drain off excess liquidity which could otherwise create high inflation.
    The snag with this idea is that it concentrates on the form of money whilst disregarding the functional role which money plays in the economy. If we did have MMT rather than credit-based money, governments wouldn’t be driving public debt upwards. They would be cranking up the supply of sovereign money instead. But the end result would be the same.
    The fundamental fact is that any kind of money, irrespective of format, is token, not substance. Money has no intrinsic worth, but commands value only in terms of those material things for which it can be exchanged. This is the principle of money as claim. Money is an exercisable claim validated only by the process of exchange. It has zero worth if isolated from exchange… This is a fundamental principle which applies equally to precious metals, cryptocurrencies, cowrie-shells, or anything else which we might choose to employ as an exchangeable token…
    ..The purpose of the economy is the supply of material products and services to society. This is accomplished by using energy to convert raw materials into products, and into the physical artefacts required for the delivery of services.
    This “real” economy of the physical has a parallel in the “financial” economy of money, transactions and credit. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the critical conceptual distinction between these two economies can’t hope to understand how the economy really works…
    ..The key – matters of equilibrium..
    ..The relationship between the monetary and the material is mediated by price. At any given time, the general level of prices exists as the rate of exchange between the material economy and its financial corollary.
    Inflation and deflation are functions of changes in this relationship, as mediated by the price mechanism. If the financial economy expands more rapidly than its material counterpart, the result is the devaluation of monetary claims through inflation.
    Under ideal circumstance, the material and financial economies would grow or contract at pretty much the same rate. This would mean that the relationship between claim and substance would be stable.
    In practice, the financial economy has generally grown a little more rapidly than the material economy over time, resulting in comparatively modest rates of inflation. An obvious exception to this pattern occurred in the 1970s, when restrictions to the supply of oil undermined the material economy, whilst the financial economy carried on growing. The inevitable result was painfully high inflation.
    In short, what we’re describing here is equilibrium between the material and the monetary, in which the quantum of claims remains in sync with the volume of material products and services available for exchange.
    Now, though, we’re in a state of extreme disequilibrium. It’s part of the mythology of orthodox economics that material output can be invigorated by monetary expansion…
    ..Between 2003 and 2023, the flow of monetary exchange (real GDP) expanded by 98% whilst the material economy grew by only 29%. We can only estimate the global stock of claims – because some jurisdictions choose not to report on this – but this stock seems to have grown by about 160%, again in real terms, between those same years…
    ..Our predicament now can be likened – if we mix our metaphors – as a far-out-of-kilter pendulum swinging back towards our fragile candyfloss economy.
    At first glance, disequilibrium in the United Kingdom (of 23%) looks less critical than the global equivalent of 35%. But there are two problems with the British economy on this basis of interpretation.
    First, material prosperity is heading downwards a lot more rapidly in the UK (Fig. 2C) than in the World as a whole (Fig. 2A).

    Second, broad financial exposure is about twice as high in the UK – at 11.6X prosperity (Fig. 2D) – as the SEEDS global estimate of 5.8X (Fig. 2B). Even the latter is unmanageable…
    ..But the task of ministers and officials has now become an impossible one – they face economic and financial outcomes that can neither be prevented nor acknowledged.

    John Day

    Middle East At War: How Are Regional Leaders Reacting To Trump’s Victory? [Missing a lot. Where are Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, UAE ?]
    To the surprise of no one, Israel is overjoyed that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was actually the very first world leader to issue a hearty congratulations to Trump…
    “I congratulate my friend Donald Trump, who won the presidential election in the US after a great struggle and was re-elected as the President,” said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan via X.
    “In this new period that will begin with the elections of the American people, I hope that Turkiye-US relations will strengthen, that regional and global crises and wars, especially the Palestinian issue and the Russia-Ukraine war, will come to an end; I believe that more efforts will be made for a more just world,” Erdogan added…
    ..Iran – Iranian government spokesperson, Fatemeh Mohajerani, said “US elections are not really our business…
    Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said “We urge Trump to learn from [US President Joe] Biden’s mistakes” and said that the new president will be “tested” on his statements about being able to end the war in Gaza.
    He also pointed out past statements of Trump and/or his campaign officials about US support to Israel not being endless. Interestingly Trump had received record Arab-American support in swing states like Michigan, amid anger at the Biden-Harris administration for its blank check support to Israel even as tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians die…
    ..Palestinian Authority
    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated Trump and expressed hope for regional peace and stability based on the future declaration of a Palestinian state and equal right and freedoms.
    “We will remain steadfast in our commitment to peace, and we are confident that the United States will support, under your leadership, the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people,” Abbas said.
    Saudi Arabia
    King Salman and MBS sent issued separate formal diplomatic cables congratulating Trump. MbS and Trump have long been close, despite during Trump’s first term the Jamal Khashoggi murder creating tensions and some distance between Riyadh and Washington…
    Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani formally congratulated Trump. “We affirm Iraq’s firm commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with the United States on the basis of mutual respect and common interests,” he said.

    Meryl Nass MD, Trump is said to have told Netanyahu to end his war on Gaza by the inauguration. An arms embargo could end it and save face for Netanyahu.

    Turkey presses UN for arms embargo on Israel in joint letter with 52 countries
    Russia, China, Iran among signatories of missive, which comes a month after Erdogan’s similar demand to UN; Turkish FM: ‘Selling arms to Israel means participating in its genocide’

    Protests Explode In Tel Aviv After Netanyahu Fires Defense Minister Gallant
    This could lead to a bigger revolt among oppositionists to Netanyahu’s coalition, and gridlock. Israel’s just installed new Defense Minister Katz has vowed to defeat “enemies, achieve war goals.”

    ​ Israel Informs UN of Its Plan To End Relationship With Palestinian Relief Agency
    Israel’s plans to ban UNRWA would ensure the starvation of more Palestinian civilians in Gaza​

    John Day

    ​ Meryl Nass MD, “Israel Is Unleashing an Apocalypse in Northern Gaza”/ Ha’aretz editorial today
    War crime piled on war crime. Israel’s leadership won’t end this themselves. They have gone for broke and there is no way out. Like the Dems and the Globalists, it is up to us to stop them​.

    ​ Shell the hospitals and kill anybody trying to flee or get water. Israeli Scholar Lays Out ‘True Brutality’ of Ethnic Cleansing Now Underway in Gaza
    ​ Israeli scholar Idan Landau argued in a column published in English by +972 Magazine on Friday that what the Israeli military is actually doing in northern Gaza “is even more appalling” than the plan outlined by a group of retired generals. Landau argued that focus on the details of the Generals’ Plan has served to obscure the “true brutality” of Israel’s deadly operations in northern Gaza, which has been rendered a hellscape of death and destruction by the military assault and siege.​..
    ​..“These photos tell a story that is unfolding so rapidly that its harrowing details are already on the brink of being forgotten,” wrote Landau. “Yet this story could start from any point during the past 76 years: the Nakba of 1948, the ‘Siyag Plan‘ that followed it, the Naksa of 1967. On one side, displaced Palestinians with all the belongings they can carry, hungry, wounded, and exhausted; on the other, joyful Jewish settlers, sanctifying the new land that the army has cleared for them.”
    ​ The Israeli military’s dehumanization of the people of Gaza, Landau wrote, “cannot help but trigger our associations with scenes depicting the Nazis loading Jews into cattle cars.”​

    Israeli Airstrikes Pummel Syria For A Second Day In A Row​

    Israeli settlers burn cars in West Bank attack​

    ​ Israel warship travels through Egypt’s Suez Canal​
    ​ A video capturing the passage of an Israeli warship through the Suez Canal has sparked controversy on social media in Egypt, and led to protests in the capital, Cairo. Their anger was raised after images showed the Egyptian flag raised over the vessel along with the Israeli one.
    ​ Demonstrators declared their solidarity with the people of Palestine and Lebanon and called for the “occupation’s ships” not to be allowed passage through the waterway.​


    It’s a lie, selective memory
    … we don’t use murder as a solution …
    Did you forget what was done, in history, is being done in Gaza, the middle east, Ukraine.
    It’s like the person who says, “I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat”. However, uses a belt made from cow hide to hold up their pants and wear leather shoes.

    John Day

    US Bombers Arrive in Middle East as Part of New Deployment for Israel​

    Iran Says It Won’t Be Deterred by US Bomber Deployment to Middle East​, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said the US presence in the region is ‘destabilizing’​

    ​ Not if the war ends… Ukraine needs 500,000 new troops – lawmaker
    Former general Zaluzhny, who was fired by Vladimir Zelensky, was right about need to mobilize more men, MP Roman Kostenko has said​

    ​Kill your mother or end the war? Mobilization of women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is necessary – Rada deputy Bezugla

    Military Summary 11/7/24, explains collapse of German governing coalition, as enlarging the Bundeswehr with 18 year old will break the budget, and the finance minister is out in protest. Ukrainian troops seem to be preparing to withdraw from Kursk, Russia, as that may have been a “Biden” pet operation. The US is putting out suggestions to drop sanctions against Russia, and is asking what Russia would like from the West, while the globalist EU “leadership” talks about rapidly mobilizing for war against Russia.

    John Day

    Nothing new about North Koreans since Trump won… Ukraine Announces First Direct Clashes With North Korean Troops​
    ​ The Pentagon has said the same with spokesman Pat Ryder having stated Monday, “All indications are that they will provide some type of combat or combat support capability.” He added: “We would fully expect that the Ukrainians would do what they need to do to defend themselves and their personnel.”
    ​ The US administration has continued to warn that these foreign troops are “legitimate military targets” if they are found inside Ukraine and enter the fight.
    ​ Kiev has taken the allegations a step further, saying that already there’s been an exchange of fire between Ukrainian and North Korean troops. But it reportedly happened inside Russia.​

    ​ Ukraine to jail people for storing firewood – media
    Perpetrators could end up being slapped with a prison term of up to seven years, according to a new law​

    Von der Leyen to prepare EU for war – defense commission nominee​, The bloc must focus on arming Ukraine, Andrius Kubilius has claimed​

    Hours After Collapse, German Cabinet Approves Draft Law On Military Service​

    Trump as POTUS to Seek ‘Pragmatic’ Deals, No Budget Money to Sustain Ukraine​–1120797777.html

    John Day

    Biden to speed up arms deliveries to Ukraine​, The US president reportedly wants to leave Kiev in the “strongest position possible” before Donald Trump takes office​

    Study finds pesticide exposure leads to 41% higher risk of miscarriage​

    ​ Pentagon issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed​, the link between Covid 19 and Ukraine War
    ​ An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone.
    ​ But the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, as was the entire contract awarded by the DOD to ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’.
    ​ The contract details found on the ‘USA Spending’ site actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contract was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded 20th September 2012, and concluded on 13th October 2020.​

    ​ New Peer-Reviewed Study Calls for Immediate Global Moratorium on COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
    Study reveals alarming breach in safety signal threshold for cerebral thrombosis amid mounting calls for market withdrawal.​

    ​Steve Kirsch’s list should be a lot like Kennedy’s list: My MAHA “to do” list (unburdened by what has been)​, Here’s my “to do” list.

    John Day

    ​ Rare Bees Nuke Mark Zuckerberg’s Plan For Atomic-Powered AI Data Center
    Mark Zuckerberg reportedly told Meta workers that plans to build an AI data center powered by nuclear energy were scrapped after rare bees were discovered on the proposed site.​

    ​ Nate Hagens, from 2014 Humans and Earth: Transitioning from Teenagers to Adults as a Species​
    Things might look dark, but there is always a chance for benign and fantastic trajectories for the future – and the odds increase slightly with every person that acknowledges this truth. “We” might not know how to influence things. Our actions might just as easily make things worse as better. But if one views the future as a fan of possibilities, many are still available, and those in our small but growing demographic who are aware of supply and demand drivers might aspire, at least for some fraction of their time, to synthesize and uphold as examples what this tribe of humans COULD be like what they COULD manifest as, despite the tall odds.
    ​ My ultimate point in this lecture is not a call to action, but a call not to rule out action. What matters? Caring defines what matters. In the same way, not caring defines what doesn’t matter. We may not know exactly what or how to influence the future that increase the odds of better outcomes. But our situation calls for dignity, integrity, creativity and probably some discomfort.​

    John Day

    @zerosum: I have mostly non-leather belts and shoes, but I never eat any of them.
    Leather can last for decades…


    Scattered thoughts … 🙂

    John Day posted prev. thread “Hitler wouldn’t have killed Peanut.” Nice pic. Yup.

    Hitler was ‘Green’ in the sense that he was a vegetarian (though some stories have him sometimes eating meat), a non-smoker (he forbade smoking around him, in meetings, etc.), and a v. strict non-drinker. He was also an anti-vivisectionist, and adored animals and pets, and was totally against hunting. Afaik, he even tried to ban meat-eating in Germany (it didn’t work out, he died.)

    Anyway, my post is superficial, historians will know more, but I am struck by the similarity between the present ‘Greens’ in Germany, as the most rabid war-monger party (no question there, see Annalena) and some kind of ‘Green’ Agenda which champions personal consumption along supposed ‘virtuous’ lines but completely ignores, for ex. the effect, contribution of blowing up stuff, building milit. materiel, etc. to ‘conquer’ or ‘defeat’ ‘opponents’, with no concern for ‘preserving the earth’, nor of course killing others, genocide, etc.

    Plus ca change, plus c’est la même chose..

    yes, thanks to Ilargi for the board.

    Mister Roboto

    As I’ve said recently, I do realize that fraud on a truly massive scale took place in the 2020 Election in many states, but putting the results for Wisconsin under a microscope, I have my doubts that the Badger State was one of those states. You see, the result was a very typical Wisconsin result, with Biden winning by less than the total population of my hometown of Stevens Point. One thing that was a little off was that a high turnout presidential election turnout percentage is typically about 70%, and 2020 was about 72%. (2016 was a typical low-turnout year at about 67%.) But considering what a polarizing figure Donald Trump was from the get-go, 200,000 more people showing up to vote than you would normally expect, isn’t terribly sus. I suppose the fixers could have put some votes in Donald Trump’s column to make it look good, but it seems hard to believe that competent fixers would take that much of a chance.

    Maybe I just want to believe that good, old Wisconsin is one of the few places remaining where we still believe in fair play and following the law, but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we do make an effort to keep our elections from becoming too dodgy. Feel free to disagree, I won’t get butthurt about it.

    those darned kids

    shoot, my wife trapped me..

    those darned kids


    D Benton Smith


    You hit the nail right on its head. From the Boomers on down there’s hardly any adults in the room. Never were. And the REASON is that the so-called “Great” generation thought that it was perfectly okay to lie through their teeth to their own children, which consequently grew up to be the battiest idiots that the world has ever seen. Just ask them! They actually BELIEVED the bullshit self-serving lies that their parents didn’t just teach them They actually hired PROFESSIONAL bald-faced-liars to literally TEACH those lies to those kids. Just ask them! Go to any school or University in the entire United States and verify for your self that BILLIONS of dollars are being spent on an entire IDUSTRY that does nothing else than lie to children.

    And then the alleged “grownups” in the room ask themselves how it could possibly happen that the current 4 or 5 generations coexisting in this world (and in the West especially) are looniest batch of drooling morons that the world has ever seen.

    Couldn’t have anything to do with YOU now could it? You didn’t tell any of YOUR kids that money was the most important thing in anyone’s life, or that it was perfectly okay , indeed ADMIRABLE and revered, to take more from your customers. I don’t suppose any of YOU swallowed the lie that your parents told you when they said that you should move out and earn a living and basically get tossed out of the family. The funniest part is the parents getting old and being tossed into a nursing home because they haven’t got any FAMILY that loves them enough to take care of them until the end. Well, not that funny actually.

    D Benton Smith


    I just realized that my use of the rhetorical YOU might be taken as meaning TBOC. Naw. I mean YOU in the sense of me, you, everybody in general. The rhetorical “you”.

    Alexander Carpenter

    Dr. D at #173645: You have just defined at least one aspect of “toxic femininity.”

    Doc Robinson

    Dr. D “You can’t get drunk, drive home, clip a pedestrian, and think “Well, I’ll just kill him so he doesn’t sue me now” OBVIOUSLY.”

    Not so obvious a concept in China, reportedly.
    Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit.”

    It seems like a crazy urban legend: In China, drivers who have injured pedestrians will sometimes then try to kill them. And yet not only is it true, it’s fairly common; security cameras have regularly captured drivers driving back and forth on top of victims to make sure that they are dead. The Chinese language even has an adage for the phenomenon: “It is better to hit to kill than to hit and injure.”

    This 2008 television report features security camera footage of a dusty white Passat reversing at high speed and smashing into a 64-year-old grandmother. The Passat’s back wheels bounce up over her head and body. The driver, Zhao Xiao Cheng, stops the car for a moment then hits the gas, causing his front wheels to roll over the woman. Then Zhao shifts into drive, wheels grinding the woman into the pavement. Zhao is not done. Twice more he shifts back and forth between drive and reverse, each time thudding over the grandmother’s body. He then speeds away from her corpse.

    Incredibly, Zhao was found not guilty of intentional homicide. Accepting Zhao’s claim that he thought he was driving over a trash bag, the court of Taizhou in Zhejiang province sentenced him to just three years in prison for “negligence.” Zhao’s case was unusual only in that it was caught on video. As the television anchor noted, “You can see online an endless stream of stories talking about cases similar to this one.”

    “Double-hit cases” have been around for decades.

    Doc Robinson

    Most people agree that the hit-to-kill phenomenon stems at least in part from perverse laws on victim compensation. In China the compensation for killing a victim in a traffic accident is relatively small—amounts typically range from $30,000 to $50,000—and once payment is made, the matter is over. By contrast, paying for lifetime care for a disabled survivor can run into the millions. The Chinese press recently described how one disabled man received about $400,000 for the first 23 years of his care. Drivers who decide to hit-and-kill do so because killing is far more economical. Indeed, Zhao Xiao Cheng—the man caught on a security camera video driving over a grandmother five times—ended up paying only about $70,000 in compensation.

    Mr. House

    Sorry Dr. Day, i’ve never heard of a man trying to trap a women with a baby. Quite the opposite actually. Women are being used by the Democrats and corporations and can’t see it, apparently neither can you. Agree 100% with Dr. D.

    @Dr. Day

    Why were men given dowries back in the day? We come here everyday because we realize that our modern society is only possible via cheap oil. So for the past 40 or 50 years women could work behind a desk pushing paper or today sit behind a computer pushing paper just as easily as men. It also was a great way to keep wages down by increasing the labor pool and competition for white color jobs. Feminism will die with our reversion back to nature. Trust me. Luxury belief if i’ve heard of one.

    Mr. House

    Also, flaming the division between men and women, destroying community and connections is a great way to keep birth rates down along with economic distress lending a hand, if you believe the planet is over populated……….


    DUDE, Men TRAP Women in Sex!

    Had a guy working under me as an interim supervisor.

    He was in prison for child payments. They’d drive him to the call center, let him work, and drive him back to jail daily.

    Was he asked permission to conceive? Was he given ample warning of the approaching deadline past which abortion could not be performed? Was he asked to sign off on birth, else abortion would be carried out due to lack of consent?

    Was he high or drunk when conception occurred? Even if the woman was also in this state, if he was, then he had no agency. He would have had no capacity to consent to conception. Was the appropriate justice done for this man?

    Mr. House

    Men control violence, Women control sex. We’ve outlawed violence and turned the knob on womens sexuality up to 11

    Mr. House

    And how do you trap a women with a baby when she can divorce you and make you pay her? And that if they even get married in the first place.

    Michael Reid

    Richard D. Wolff &
    Michael Hudson:
    Trump Returns!
    Empire in Decline!

    Mister Roboto

    And as an addendum to my post on Wisconsin, it would appear that the turnout for this most recent presidential election that Donald Trump won in the state might possibly be as high as 73%. That did happen once recently, in 2004, when feelings were running high on both sides of the issue of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. John Kerry won the state in a very squeaky squeaker. Talking to a lot of working-class people, I later learned that quite a few people might have voted for Kerry instead of George W. Bush if it weren’t for the long-standing American civic tradition of voting for the incumbent president whenever US troops are committed to a military action somewhere outside the country.

    Mister Roboto

    As long as we’re arguing about abortion (sorry for the double-post, Illargi, my attempt to edit 173684 was too tardy), even though I think that aborting a fetus in anything but the harshest of circumstances such as rape or incest, is a very serious spiritual error, I remain committed to being consistent about the principle of bodily autonomy. And this means whether it is about how a woman chooses to deal with being pregnant or about having a medical treatment whose effects cannot be undone forced upon someone. And the Issue should belong to the states. Abortions are generally illegal in Wisconsin and are expected to remain so. It remains an option for women here with the means to do so to get an abortion in neighboring Illinois, where that is legal.




    then help to create a society where women in “oops” pregnancy situations feel comfortable giving birth and then either choosing to raise the child or give it up for adoption, and where both of those options are viable for the woman so that she can make the choice that she prefers without coercion.

    That already exists. You can abort or have your kid…the Dad has no say at all in that process.
    Fuck your “feelings” and abort them.

    God trusts women with fetuses — if god made women as they are: physically weaker, but with a stronger tendency than men to form resilient social connections — then god trusts women, as they are, to be the intelligences that direct the process of fetal gestation. Women are the mature minds in the equation, and they do not need men nor the government to make their decisions for them simply because an unborn baby is involved.

    That’s rich coming from someone who trashes their baby daddy and relies on Govt handouts.
    If God trusts women?…then god trusts men too dumbass.


    getting a woman pregnant to abandon or enslave her is a predatory action, like trapping animals in a steel trap.
    Women have a right to get out of that trap, and society is better off in the long run, even though a woman must harm herself to get out of the trap.
    DUDE, Men TRAP Women in Sex!

    It is better for society if women have ways out of that trap. Morning-After-Pills are a Social-Good, but the back-up of early abortion, though more harmful to the woman who chooses it, protects her from the somewhat-longer con (men).

    Wow John day cuck alert.

    How can men “get out of a womans trap” John ?
    Please explain your blatant and ignorant hypocrisy.

    Can men demand an abortion when they are trapped?

    6 feet tall
    6 inch dick
    6 figure salary

    your body your choice… except for experimental injections eh?
    Liberal women are disgusting hypocrites.


    Don’t believe in anything you can’t break…don’t believe in anyone that you can’t tame.

    For Kamala and hypocrisy…

    Team garbage taking out Liberal trash and burying it in a hole…

    Mr. House

    “Take some responsibility for your action.”

    This is really where the divide between democrats and republicans boils down to. Democrats don’t believe anyone has any agency unless its thru government. Women pick the men they sleep with, women decide to use birth control, women have agency. They don’t want it and they vote to give it to government in large numbers. I didn’t know a single person who died from covid and i don’t know a single person who has been raped. For all the people that scream and yell about it, perhaps you aren’t exactly hanging out with the best people?


    Oroboros said

    Only 13 percent of Generation Z and 22 percent of Millennials believe that “absolute moral truth exists and is an objective reality.”

    At least there are some sane youngsters; ‘absolute moral truth’, nothing in philosophy is absolute, everything is up for conditional interpretation. The Christians are supporting the Israelis in killing the Palestinians, what is the ‘absolute moral truth’ in that circumstance? There is also no objective morality, there is Christian morality, which the USA was founded upon, but no objective morality, again I refer you to the millions murdered by the USA over the past few decades, where is the objective morality in murdering savages – for that is how they are seen by the hyper-racist Americans, according to some Americans.


    Promises made are promises kept – Trump
    Path to Peace Speculation

    Trump/Putin work on a secret plan – Ukraine-bankers/investors – Unconditional surrender, declare Ukraine defeated – Cease fire, negotiations, force an election on Ukraine.

    Something similar for Israel-bankers–Iran-Gaza-Hezbollah Houthi-Palestinian War

    Those in power, ( the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, CIA, FBI ), still have two full months ahead of them, and they will surely use that time to wreak general havoc and mayhem. They will be planning to hammer in stakes that cannot be easily moved and prevent a quick peace as much as possible, regardless of what Trump may or may not want. What he wants now may be meaningless in two months.

    Appoint Senator Lindsey Graham Colonel MacGregor and Scott Ritter…along with Johnson and McGovern.
    Democrats ‘care so little for our democracy,’ says Tulsi Gabbard
    Trump transition team member Tulsi Gabbard reacts to President-elect Trump’s decisive win in the 2024 presidential election on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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