Debt Rattle November 7 2024


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    Mister Roboto

    This essay by Paul Kingsnorth, Donald And The Pincer, provides an important cultural context to Donald Trump’s unprecedented political comeback.


    I’ll add, regarding abortion, that the notion that individuals will each decide as a matter of conscience and that women, being the ones most sure of whose the baby is – they are 100% certain of at least half its lineage – would be a natural individual decider.

    HOWEVER, given the progression of the past couple decades and the current environment I exist in… I’m not giving away anything else for free – not even a notion or what is to be taken for granted. At this point, I am for tribal-loyalty negotiation. And asking pointed questions based on blank-slate equality.

    Until I can put down my sword, the giant puts down his rock, and we wrestle like civilized people.


    @CelticBiker I accidentally wandered into the Dr D quagmire, started reading one of his posts, I rapidly rescued myself by moving to firmer ground.


    Americans are murdering Palestinians right now, but all the talk is about abortion. Does anyone in the USA really give a shit about lives, or maybe what they do care about is interfering in other peoples’ business.

    The only question with abortion is “when does the baby become a legal citizen under the protection of the state”. For Palestinians, that is never, so they can die, no problem; for US babies that is “at some time between conception and the cot”, to be decided by the tyranny that never gave anyone bodily autonomy, ever.

    How can anyone in the USA preach morality and ethics when the USA has been murdering people for decades? Self awareness should inform you that you are not standing on a morality hill, you are standing deep within a morality sewer. Abortion should be the least of your moral concerns.

    Vote Trump and keep the Israelis supplied to genocide the Palestinians.

    John Day

    Men have a drive to impregnate women, and there is a cost to men of raising children.
    Throughout history men have trapped women in slavelike conditions in order to have more children, and have raped women and left when they could, as in war and raiding, and in catching women alone on a road.
    There are lies to get women to have sex. Many men leave when they said they would stay.
    The genetic success of all of this is apparent from Genghis Khan’s famous Y-chromosome.

    Women can take responsibility to avoid being used this way from really understanding a man before marrying him, and having the men of her family talk to the husband sometimes, too.
    Dowries used to be common to assure the well-being of a woman and her children going into a marriage, her family’s gift to her security.
    One of six American women have been raped. That’s pretty good odds in history, and there is likely under-reporting.
    As far as being-responsible, it comes in stages, as discovery of one’s circumstances comes in stages.
    There are condoms, the morning-after pill, early abortion, little bit later abortion, and then increasingly heart-rending consideration from there if a woman decides not to have a baby after unprotected sex, then a positive pregnancy test…
    Can men be legally trapped in a system where the law protects the rights of women and children by holding them responsible? Yes, of course, and my eldest son is going through this after making every effort in a marriage to a narcissist, being an ideal husband and father, and a very nice guy… He’s still a very nice guy and still gets misused. They met in church and the church pushed them into it.
    That’s life, init?

    Aspnaz makes a valid point above.


    Mr. House said

    I didn’t know a single person who died from covid and i don’t know a single person who has been raped. For all the people that scream and yell about it, perhaps you aren’t exactly hanging out with the best people?

    Are people who get raped bad people? Sure, some are, such as the fake Weinstein career-boosting MeToo type rapes, but there are plenty of other real rapes by respectable men on respectable women. Telling women that they are bad for being raped is kind of sick.


    Liars, thieves and murderers. Gaza says it all. Careful what you wish for MAGA was a Trojan Horse for MIGA.

    John Day

    @Mr. House: You know lots of women and at least a few men who have been raped.
    You are right not to ask, though.

    Mr. House

    “Telling women that they are bad for being raped is kind of sick.”

    I didn’t imply anything along those lines. But you can usually judge a person by their actions before something like that happens. Its generally why parents try to keep their children from hanging out with some people while growing up. You’re still wrong Dr. Day.

    Mr. House

    All i know is that both men and women can be equally shitty, and putting either group on a throne(which dems and government do) is stupid. Live by the golden rule and shouldn’t have many problem, eh?

    Mr. House

    “but there are plenty of other real rapes by respectable men”

    How the fuck are you respectable if you rape someone? You’re an idiot

    Mr. House

    the church made your son marry her? You didn’t notice she was off before they got married? Once again, nobody has agency, its everyone else’s fault!

    Mr. House

    Dr. Day

    We all know nice guys finish last. Saying has been around aloooooooooong time.

    Mr. House

    Ha we’ve come full circle, but we all know they won’t be able to do, have no discipline and its everyone elses fault anyways!

    Mister Roboto

    How the fuck are you respectable if you rape someone? You’re an idiot

    Dr. Day will have to verify this as I can’t read his mind, but I think he meant the word respectable in a way that really should have had quotation marks around it.


    Looks like Biden’s dementure has been healed, he is now compos mentis. Maybe it is a miracle, there are lots of believers here, so it looks like Jesus has healed our favourite Catholic shower-pedo. Just goes to show that nothing in America is trustworthy, it is one huge scam.


    Iranian Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei:

    “Who wins the election in America doesn’t matter to us, we simply don’t care at all.
    Our policies toward the West remain the same, whether this or that person is in power. America is a corrupt, warmongering country.
    They say one thing and do another.
    Look at what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan, how their mafia bosses in their military-industrial complex forced the Ukrainians to wage a war against Russia, which they cannot win.
    And now they support the Zionist regime, as always, without limits in supporting their war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

    Mister Roboto

    @aspnaz: I think they probably gave him an extra big shot of whatever it is they fill him up with to make him sound more coherent. And they probably deliberately injected him with a placebo during that infamous debate last summer that he flubbed so badly.

    Mr. House

    I think Biden voted for Trump. Dr. Day didn’t say respectable men rape women, that was AZPANAZ


    Biden puts on a dementure act so that Kamala can take over as the Democrat POTUS candidate (appointed, not elected) so that Trump can win the election. Makes sense, Kamala being a guaranteed loser right from the start. The owners also had to hire a bunch of celebrity faux anti-establishment types to boost the Trump campaign in order to pull a reasonable number of the less hysterical Democrats across to the Trump side; who else could they vote for, Kamala? Great plan, it worked out nicely and it released the middle ground people from the grips of the Democrats.

    Now that the puppet is in place, what will be the main goal of the Trump presidency; we will soon discover.

    Mister Roboto

    I just the article by Simplicius that Dr. Day linked, and it would appear that a better cautious estimate of the amount of votes fabricated out of thin air in 2020 for Biden might be more like fifteen million than ten million.


    @Mr.House Now collect all you toys and put them back in your cot or no dinner for you.

    Mr. House


    I imagine you’re an old man, who let things get to this point, and now you like to complain about it. You have no marbles


    aspnaz I agree with you mostly. As a retard, I need disambiguation. But TAE, I would like to see more Brics and belt and road news. Arctic adventures. Nuclear electric power plays. I am not sure how to put it, but environmental cleanliness. A focus on shysters trying to misdirect us all. How is the south pacific doing defying london? Have we closed any US military bases? Just trying to break the ice on apologizing for being rude. My apologies. Please.



    When it comes to Joe Biden, he has a double!

    The double is about 6 inches or more taller, and the bottom of his ear lobes are different than Joe’s.

    You can easily spot the double if he comes to the podium with Dr. Jill as he is much taller than her.
    The Real Joe isn’t much taller than Jill.

    So a coherent Joe means it is most likely just the double!


    @poppie Thanks, I secretly always knew you were not a retard, but the game must go on.


    WES said

    When it comes to Joe Biden, he has a double!

    Makes sense, given what we have seen of his dementure in the past. It would be one hell of a job finding such a closely matching double, which gives me some doubts, but as you say, he is not such a closely matching double, just a superficially matching double. I also doubt my “acting dementure” idea for two reasons; Biden is a proud man and would not want to be seen as having dementure; Biden would have to act very well to convince the TV viewing medical people.

    So many lies and deceit, how can we determine the reality.


    Putin congratulates Trump on election win, says he’s ‘ready’ for talks
    NBC New


    @WES If Biden has a double then we are definitely being played. But the question is, why roll out the double to give that speech after the election when he is supposed to be unfit to stand for POTUS? Does that mean the owners want people to know that we are being played; the die-hard Trump supporters will not want to see that so will ignore it, but the more cynical people will see that something strange is happening.



    You know the pretending circus must go on.
    Everyone must pretend the empor is wearing a fine suit!
    You know the penalty for not pretending insane is sane!


    One thing you should watch is how the Trump transition team are avoiding signing a contract with the Government Services Agency (GSA) setup by Obama in 2010.
    This agency turned over all confidential info in 2016 to the deep state.

    Mr. House

    yep you old boomers get it at the automatic earth get it!


    Senate Guardrails trying to being installed by democrats etc.


    Personally, I do believe – and there are many examples of this in the Bible – that God selects certain individuals to carry out His plans on Earth, and there is no doubt in my mind that Trump is one of those individuals. (Isaiah 6:8 says: “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me”)

    Religious fruitcakes are now touting their prophesies, hot on the heels of Trump the Messiah. Jesus is so passe, the new Messiah is Orange Don. Americans are so weird, they completely ignore parts of the bible they don’t like, such as instructions not to kill, then come out and quote other parts that they like insisting that you are going to hell unless you obey them. Pick and chose religion.

    So far we have Trump as Superman. Trump as the Messiah, Trump as Orange Jesus, Trump as Jerusalem Don … the Americans love their faux spirituality, which they feed using conspicuous consumption. Not a lot of meditation involved, if they wanted to think they would convert to budism.

    It seems that all they really want is war, doesn’t matter what they are fighting, they just need a war to make themselves feel good. Trump is leading them into battle, like sheep going to meet the wolf.

    Onward Christian soldiers, marching off to fight for Israel.



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