Debt Rattle October 2 2022


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  • #117485

    Marc Chagall The Feast of the Tabernacles 1916   • Russia Makes It ‘Impossible For War To End’ – Borrell (RT) • The End of Western Hegemony is IN
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 2 2022]



    One might have hoped that the message would get through after nearly two decades. But no. The word ‘produce’ is still attached to the word energy, even though energy only ever changes form to another (other than is the very unusual circumstances of nuclear reactions, in which matter is converted to energy according to that famous equation E=Mc2 which most people have no idea of the meaning).

    And when it comes to oil, we see that same nonsense about nations ‘producing’ oil.

    No country produces oil: geochemical forces acting over millions of years produced the oil that is found in ‘reserves’. What humans do is extract oil.

    And that is where the above graphic is so misleading, because it does not indicate how the oil is extracted.

    We should note that US conventional oil extraction peaked over 1970-71. Extraction from Alaska temporarily offset the decline in the late-80s to 90s. But by the early 2000s US extraction was down to around 10 million barrels a day, and declining, whilst consumption was around 20 million barrels a day. Hence the numerous oil wars.

    So what is the 18.61 million barrels a day quoted?

    Well, if you take 9.6 million from the 18.6 million you have around 9 million barrels of fake oil.

    That fake oil consists of condensates extracted from gas wells, plus various glugs imported from Canada but called ‘production’ because refined oil is exported to Canada to dilute the glug and make it pumpable so it can be imported back into the US, so it can then be refined or re-exported, plus whatever can be extracted from short-lived fracking wells. And when we say short-lived, we mean wells with an average life of 3 years start to finish, i.e. kaput.

    Saudi is forcing extraction by pumping sea water into wells.

    Canada burns a stupendous amount of natural gas to extract oil from tar sands.

    A while ago Zero Hedge had an interesting report on ‘Who has the most oil reserves’: it turned out to be Venezuela.

    The only problem is, all the easy-to-extract oil was extracted decades ago, and what is left is nigh-on-impossible-to-extract kerogen in very awkward locations and requiring a monumental effort and a massive amount of energy to extract. Hence, it remains unextracted.

    You can tell any story you like by clever use of words and juggling with numbers. Politicians, bankers and economists do it all the time.

    One would hope that oil geologists do not fake the numbers. But we do know that commercial oil extractors and retailers do.

    There is the famous story of how OPEC oil sale quotas were determined on the basis of reserves. So, the ‘reserves’ of numerous OPEC nations suddenly doubled overnight!

    It’s a fake world when it comes to politics and commerce and energy. Ask Dr Colin Campbell, retired oil geologist.


    ‘At the same time, China wants the yuan to play a big part in the new currency basket they want to replace the USD as reserve currency. Problem is, it’s too weak right now.’
    The real problem with the Yuan is that China has a closed capital account.It has a closed capital account because if the Yuan was traded freely on the global capital markets , the capital flight to other currencies would gut the Yuan overnight. The Chinese people don’t want the Yuan , they want any other currency but the Yuan. China is constantly trying to block the flight of capital. They also keep their capital account closed so they can manipulate the currency to keep Chinese exports cheap. So the Yuan will most likely never be floated and that is why it is such an unwanted currency and not suitable for a reserve currency.

    Dr. D

    “Russian Gas Stops Flowing to Italy after ‘Problem’ in Austria”

    A day after the elections. What a coincidence. Isn’t that right, Ursula?

    Faced with ‘Acts of Sabotage’, EU Countries Rush to Secure Energy Assets”

    I have not seen this. Considering what a change it would be to the foundation of the world, every act, function, price, and allegation in it, I would expect more. My reasoning was that everybody knew who it was, so they know they have nothing to worry about.

    Just like T’rrists! Under me bed! And yet 20 years later literally nothing in the whole United States is hardened. Not one fiber line, not one substation, not one pipeline. If anything it’s significantly weaker and more vulnerable than ever, to everything, including but not limited to an EMP/Carrington event. Sure pal. Sure we have actual terrorists you didn’t pay for, and suuuuuure you’re really sooper scared of them.

    The Curious Whodunit of Nordstreams 1 and 2

    Luongo has his latest article, saying what I said, NS1 and 2 is the United States, but WHO in the United States? What faction? Who gains? TL;DR, Davos. As minions of the god of Chaos, they need to collapse the world to their level to have any chance to compete. Sounds insane? Aha! Just proved it then. They are the Le Plus PREMIER league insane blood-munching lunatics.

    No? Okay: Joe said he’d blow it the minute Russia invaded. So? What took so long? That is, who gave the order that NOW was okay when last week it wasn’t? It’s not like these guys didn’t want to, didn’t try, as in sinking an entire Russian battleship. Or shooting down Russian airplanes (Syria as well as MH17) So who held them off all this time? Who gives the orders?

    Put it this way: If Europe loses Russian plunder, they are dead for 100 years. China and America will blow by them. So THEY have to start the war and get Russia. What does the U.S. get out of it? Not much. And if Russia is won, who cuts up the carcass and eats? Europe. The U.S. only rakes a %. And if Russia DOESN’T fall, then what? Europe fails utterly. So what’s the best outcome then? That the United States and China fall also. Cue Taiwan. Cue Pelosi, Cue Joe. Cue the media, the Universities, the Letter agencies. Historically, do they go for panopticon environmentalism like Davos? Do they ally with “Europe” and depopulating Davos think-tanks and against the Deplorables and Gilet Jeunes? I would say yes.

    So when do you burn NS1 and 2 and blame America? When you have no way back but war because you’ll collapse, finance is already cracking because of Powell, and at the very least need to discredit, attack, and blame America for it. Getting them in a 2-front war with China they can’t win.

    How do you do it? Finally give the green light and pay Nuland and a few oil execs:
    “ Nord Stream Explosions Are a ‘Tremendous Opportunity’ – US (RT)”
    It isn’t, of course. It’s a death trap. If $10B pipelines can blow, but LNG ships can’t? Srsly?

    As above, the resulting behavior, the choices they should make but aren’t are revealing who knew and who benefited. Germany? Meh. Doesn’t seem bother’ed. So the U.S. the major NATO ally and occupying force just OPENLY DECLARED WAR ON YOU, and is certain to kill I dunno, all of industry and 20% of your people, and you’re not bother’ed?

    Really? O rlly, O rlly? Huh. Well I have to say they – and everyone else in Europe – are taking this unusually well. VERY unusually. Why?

    ““..von der Leyen: [..] any “deliberate disruption of the European energy infrastructure is unacceptable and will lead to the strongest retaliation”

    Clearly not. Clearly this statement is completely, totally false. Because the only person who did NOT blow up the pipeline is Russia, and you have stopped investigating.

    My guess, what would be funny for perennial liars? The U.S. trains UKRAINE to do it, gives them a “drone” as we admit we do – just a deepwater, armed, undersea drone – then runs it out of a Polish Naval base. Then we deny the whole thing! WE didn’t blow up the pipes! No U.S. soldiers were involved at all! Well I say, sir!

    Who signs off? Well Joe isn’t running anything, don’t bother there. Upper echelons of CIA/Military Black Ops they essentially already own. Who? The Derp State cartel that is essentially merged with Davos looking for that world government. Then Joe says “Well –I – didn’t do it! It HAD to be Russia!” Uh-huh. You’re just not in the loop, jackass. You’re the patsy.

    Fed Inflation: DiMarinto Booth in interviews points out that Inflation, unemployment, more or less the same during the years Powell wouldn’t raise, and while he decided to raise. So…what’s the actual reason for the hiking? ‘Cause it’s not what they claim. They’re lying. ‘Cause: The Fed.

    Oil chart: You see why if we remove Europe there’ll be plenty of oil left for us. P L E N T Y (And obviously 100 years of free oil for Russia alone.) Especially since Canada refuses to use it and gives it to us to sell. What a bunch of hosers. They’re on the Biden plan: refuse to use your own oil, and make sure somebody else burns it instead, like Saudi Arabia. Then it’s sooper-moral and carbon free! Make sure Russia has liquid hegemonic power that wins wars instead, then go fight them 10,000 miles away in their backyard. #Winning! O Canada.

    “Russia Makes It ‘Impossible for War to End’ – Borrell (RT)”

    Really? When one side loses doesn’t it end? Who is the war between? Not Ukraine, they already lost, they have no gear. Germany isn’t sending anything, certainly the EU and Spain aren’t. So who’s it between? Who has to write the peace? Putin seems to know, why don’t you ask him? Didn’t he not mention Ukraine once in one of his recent speeches because they’re irrelevant?

    BTW, this is just an extension of the ‘Treaty’ you ALREADY signed giving Donbas autonomy. So it’s impossible to sign what you already gave away, or were you lying the whole time? I mean, like you openly said you were in order to make and train a slav-killing army.

    Speaking of the flood of Russians leaving (still contested), so they lost 200k Western-loving Twitterati and gained 8 million hardened Russian fighters? Deal! If only we could do the same, but they won’t leave the U.S. like they promised.

    “Greek Gas Utility Clinches Winter LNG Deal (R.) “

    Again, LNG is strongly un-environmental. They waste a constant percentage of gas compressing the gas they could get from Russia for natural pressure. Then waste dirty diesel bunker fuel shipping it. So this demonstrates they are the LEAST environmental-minded on earth. Anti-environmental.

    Just keep it in mind and don’t let them get away with it, same as out-gassing $1B in methane from NS2 on a lark. Probably more than every farmer on earth they fret about. Lying awake nights figureing out how to steal all that $1B in juicy green condo lots.

    “The Euro Without Germany (Michael Hudson) “

    Rumors were China is collapsing. Dumb rumors. However, look at cutting off Russia entirely, no western pipes. Zero. Then IF China could be brought to ruin, either with no Euro imports or actual war, Russia couldn’t sell East either. See the plan now? So is it in Europe’s interest to collapse Russia and eat them? Who’s cutting off the pipes and also starting a war in Taiwan? It’s easy when you’re willing – nay when as gleeful as Christmas morning – to kill all the world’s poor as well as half your own people with the fallout of a food/energy war. Greenies. Technocrats. Ugh.

    “Thousands of German Stores on Brink of Closure – Spiegel (RT)”

    #Winning! There’s nothing Davos Centralists like better. Everything must be run from the top, like a Politboro. Or a Scientific Dictatorship. A Technocracy if you will, where every paperclip is tracked, and your chip won’t allow you to buy one unless we say so. The existence of small people and small businesses is the antithesis of this plan and they’re sorry they didn’t die already during Covid like we told them to.

    So this is not a BAD thing to them – it’s a GOOD thing. Killing these businesses is the REQUIRED thing for their plans. BBB.

    “ The Great Game in Ukraine Is Spinning out of Control (Jeffrey Sachs)”

    Not really: they’re just losing. And when they’re losing, they just self-immolate and blow up the world instead.

    “I have proposed him for the Nobel Peace prize. But he has … denied the role of Ukrainian people in the Holocaust.”

    Uhhhhhh….what? Isn’t generally Holocaust deniers reserved for Neo-Nazis? That are also world peacemakers? That you both lionize and criticize in the same article? When they say Liberalism is a mental illness, Dersh is their poster-boy.

    “The filter process set up by the government to try to prevent FBI agents the government from viewing the government’s privileged materials has already failed twice, the government [said].”

    I trust ‘em! Faith and confidence. When have they ever dun wrong?

    That said, I have no idea what they’re up to it’s become so Byzantine. I’d have all HRC’s missing emails in the stash, or the name and evidence against of all these crooked agents in the material.

    Keen didn’t know double-book accounting as an economist? Ummm. And it took years to get through his thick head when he wrote entire economics textbooks about it? While bridge-trolls were yelling at him about it.

    “FDA Withholds Autopsy Results on People Who Died after COVID-19 Vaccines (ET) “

    We always hide evidence that is most helpful to our case and can discredit all our critics, making them obey us from now on. That’s just basic Science to hide all evidence, refuse all data sets, and deny access to all models. Scienz!

    ““..most of them have battery backups that last around 30 minutes to run the mobile antennas. After that they go dark.”

    Ours use 500,000 diesel generators. Which will go dark after the tank runs dry, but, “Go Green!”

    Who wins if in the “Three World Wars” the people are brought to abject poverty, war, and desperation? Gee, that’s actually THEIR WRITTEN PLAN. To give food for the chip, every action tracked and cut off if you misbehave by THINKING wrong. Sounds like the collapse is just one step towards “Building Back Better”.

    The problem here is nobody else is insane enough to believe them. They write a manifesto like Adolf did and they say “Nah. He doesn’t really mean it.”

    “China wants the yuan to play a big part in the new currency basket they want to replace the USD as reserve currency. Problem is, it’s too weak right now.”

    Wouldn’t they just use gold and oil? And speaking of, why haven’t they? They set up the plumbing and don’t seem to have opened the taps.


    The Difference Between Hypothesis and Theory

    A hypothesis is an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.

    In the scientific method, the hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has been done, apart from a basic background review. You ask a question, read up on what has been studied before, and then form a hypothesis.

    A hypothesis is usually tentative; it’s an assumption or suggestion made strictly for the objective of being tested.

    A theory, in contrast, is a principle that has been formed as an attempt to explain things that have already been substantiated by data. It is used in the names of a number of principles accepted in the scientific community, such as the Big Bang Theory. Because of the rigors of experimentation and control, it is understood to be more likely to be true than a hypothesis is.

    In non-scientific use, however, hypothesis and theory are often used interchangeably to mean simply an idea, speculation, or hunch, with theory being the more common choice.

    Since this casual use does away with the distinctions upheld by the scientific community, hypothesis and theory are prone to being wrongly interpreted even when they are encountered in scientific contexts—or at least, contexts that allude to scientific study without making the critical distinction that scientists employ when weighing hypotheses and theories.

    The most common occurrence is when theory is interpreted—and sometimes even gleefully seized upon—to mean something having less truth value than other scientific principles. (The word law applies to principles so firmly established that they are almost never questioned, such as the law of gravity.)

    This mistake is one of projection: since we use theory in general to mean something lightly speculated, then it’s implied that scientists must be talking about the same level of uncertainty when they use theory to refer to their well-tested and reasoned principles.

    The distinction has come to the forefront particularly on occasions when the content of science curricula in schools has been challenged—notably, when a school board in Georgia put stickers on textbooks stating that evolution was “a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things.” As Kenneth R. Miller, a cell biologist at Brown University, has said, a theory “doesn’t mean a hunch or a guess. A theory is a system of explanations that ties together a whole bunch of facts. It not only explains those facts, but predicts what you ought to find from other observations and experiments.”

    While theories are never completely infallible, they form the basis of scientific reasoning because, as Miller said “to the best of our ability, we’ve tested them, and they’ve held up.”

    Did you know?
    Two Related, Yet Distinct, Meanings of Theory

    There are many shades of meaning to the word theory. Most of these are used without difficulty, and we understand, based on the context in which they are found, what the intended meaning is. For instance, when we speak of music theory we understand it to be in reference to the underlying principles of the composition of music, and not in reference to some speculation about those principles.

    However, there are two senses of theory which are sometimes troublesome. These are the senses which are defined as “a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena” and “an unproven assumption; conjecture.” The second of these is occasionally misapplied in cases where the former is meant, as when a particular scientific theory is derided as “just a theory,” implying that it is no more than speculation or conjecture. One may certainly disagree with scientists regarding their theories, but it is an inaccurate interpretation of language to regard their use of the word as implying a tentative hypothesis; the scientific use of theory is quite different than the speculative use of the word.


    TAE says Read more …

    How many ways can the truth be told
    How many ways can lies be told
    Vote for me
    You lied
    You told me
    You saw the problems
    You saw the solutions
    You told me that you would take care of our social/economic system for me
    You made war not peace
    You took
    You did not give
    You’re smarter, I’m not smart enough
    Everything is worst, nothing is better
    Motivator – pen or/and guns
    Fear mongering
    Tactical nuclear weapons would return Ukraine to nature.
    Would remove all social/economic activities in the radiation shadow

    Radioactive fallout would contaminate air, soil, water and the food supply (Ukrainians are already familiar with this kind of outcome because of the disastrous meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in 1986).
    USA Walk back

    US doesn’t believe Russia will use nukes in Ukraine

    Putin NEVER mentioned using nukes in Ukraine.
    That is western propaganda.
    Washington brought up the fairy tale nukes.


    There are Iranian women, though a minority, who are not in favor of the mandatory veil – a legitimate grievance, an opinionated dissatisfaction to which humankind is entitled. And then there are people leading a fraudulent anti-hijab movement with a barrel aimed at Tehran.

    Masoumeh “Masih” Alinejad-Ghomi
    Meet Masih Alinejad, Washington’s weapon of choice for flaring up the largest color revolution attempt in Iran today.

    “I’m leading this movement,” Alinejad, 46, told The New Yorker on Saturday. “The Iranian regime will be brought down by women. I believe this.”

    Operating from an FBI safehouse, Alinejad has been living in the US for the past decade working as a full-timer for VOA Persia – or, Voice of America, Persia – Washington’s propaganda mouthpiece funded directly by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), a soft power arm of the empire fully funded by the US Congress, made to capitalize on harmful narratives in favor of Washington’s corporatocracy.

    Alinejad’s tasks are quite a few: To take cozy photographs with the world’s most effective pro-war politicians who’ve only done everything to wipe out West Asia, such as Mike “We lied, we cheated, we stole” Pompeo, and Madeleine “The price is worth it [to kill Iraqi children]” Albright.

    But, that’s not all. Between 2015 and 2022, the US Agency for Global Media paid Alinejad over $628,000 to harass veiled women, spew propaganda, and demand more sanctions against her country (not a very patriotic thing to do). Alinejad has been doing everything in her media power to isolate her country, attempting to render it a pariah state banned from all diplomatic, economic and political privileges in the global arena. Indeed, a champion for imperialism, Alinejad is on a fat CIA payroll to incite violence and lies.

    But, that’s not all. Between 2015 and 2022, the US Agency for Global Media paid Alinejad over $628,000 to harass veiled women, spew propaganda, and demand more sanctions against her country (not a very patriotic thing to do). Alinejad has been doing everything in her media power to isolate her country, attempting to render it a pariah state banned from all diplomatic, economic and political privileges in the global arena. Indeed, a champion for imperialism, Alinejad is on a fat CIA payroll to incite violence and lies.

    Enough yet? there’s more:


    Due to Western sanctions against Russia, gas was not being delivered through the destroyed pipelines. However, gas inside the pipelines is leaking dangerously. The pipelines remained ready for use whenever an agreement could be reached. And the first, dramatic significance of the sabotage is that henceforth, no agreement can be reached. Nord Stream 2 would have been the key to some sort of settlement between Russia and the Europeans. The sabotage has virtually announced that the war can only intensify with no end in sight.

    In Germany, the Czech Republic and some other countries, movements were beginning to grow calling for an end to the sanctions, specifically to solve the energy crisis by putting Nord Stream 2 into operation for the first time. The sabotage has thus invalidated the leading demand of potential peace movements in Germany and Europe.

    This act of sabotage is above all a deliberate sabotage of any prospect of a negotiated peace in Europe. The next move from the West has been for NATO governments to call on all their citizens to leave Russia immediately. In preparation of what?

    The Russians Did It

    D Benton Smith

    @AFewKnowTheTruth regarding energy #117490

    Excellent essay. That’s the most concise, cogent, accessible and communicative summery on the topic that I have read anywhere to date.


    Anyone else having trouble accessing Moon of Alabama site?


    While all eyes are focused on Ukraine and Nordstream the WHO is up to no good…again.
    What if they threw a pandemic & nobody came.

    A little background from Forbes magazine, 2009.

    The Pandemic is Political


    Let’s see what is the most democratic.
    1. Four ethnic Russia/Ukraine provinces vote and request to rejoin Russia.
    2. Ukraine president request, without a vote, (after 4 provinces democratically voted to join Russia), to join NATO.
    (ps.: Our opinions don’t matter)


    At 21st century wire, by Freddie Ponton, a French journo, title:

    Chaos By Design: The Roots of the EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception

    .. . Relates present events to a long standing agenda of de-industrialisation of the W, starting with the US.

    Article is translated from F, not well, but one can read thru the ‘mistakes.’


    The Trilateral Commission‘s role in orchestrating the self-destruction of the domestic U.S. economy from 1977–1981 is well documented, and that includes the push for the so-called era of “globalization,” as well as former Vice President Gore’s relentless effort to create a “post-industrial society” under the guise of fighting climate change – all which has been overt manifestations of a global plan of control to bring about a financial regime change which requires a constant state of emergency and subsequently a population in a constant state of fear.

    The radical changes implemented by both the Nixon and Carter Administrations, which are best known as acts of self-destruction of America, were instrumental in bringing about the gradual dismantling of this once glorious republic – a process which continues up to this very day.

    Time has now come for Europe to undergo this transformation, better known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, the key pillar of the UN’s Agenda 2030. It’s crucial to understand the very root of this Saturnian agenda and the motivations of its architects, as well as the implications associated with their proposed new economic world order.

    Here we can posit that the origins of the so-called “Great Reset” can be traced back to the Council on Foreign Relations’ CFR Project 1980s, when the name of Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum didn’t mean anything yet.

    > end quote.

    Such attempts at describing historical continuity are quite interesting, natch I don’t agree with it all.


    Both Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank look in very deep doo-doo. Both are too big to bail. More tomorrow.

    TAE Summary

    A Tale of Two Narratives, Climate Change Edition

    Disclaimer: These narratives are based on multiple sources and neither may represent any particular person’s beliefs

    * The Mainstream Narrative
    – Greenhouse gasses absorb dark radiation and re-emit it. With more such gasses in the atmosphere, radiation and its attendant heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere instead of escaping into outer space and so the atmosphere and earth itself warm up.
    – CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas inducing warming. It has increased from about 280 ppm to 420 ppm, an increase of 50% in the last 200 years and is higher than at any time in the last 800,000 years. The effect of greenhouse gasses is non-linear and a significant tipping point will be at around 450 ppm.
    – There is a proven correlation between CO2 levels and global warming both long and short term. Increases in CO2 have caused mass extinction in the past. It takes a long time for life forms to adjust to big changes in CO2 levels.
    – One of the effects of global warming is a disruption of the jet stream which causes extreme temperatures both higher and lower than normally seen.
    – Another effect of increased CO2 is the acidification of the oceans as CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid. If left unchecked this will terminate much of the life in the oceans.
    – That the earth is getting warmer is obvious to anyone over the age of 50.
    – CO2 emission and therefore global warming is primarily due to humans burning coal, oil and natural gas.
    – Nothing is being done to actually combat climate change because of the immense profits to be made from selling fossil fuels. Climate change is a consequence of our continued financial ponzi scheme. None of the so-called climate change initiatives are sincere or effective.
    – Expect mass extinction on earth including humans by 2050.
    – People who deny climate change ignore the facts and are victims of propaganda. Their beliefs are similar to religious hopium.

    * The Counter Narrative
    – While it is true that greenhouse gasses absorb and re-emit dark radiation, it has not been proven that this action increases global temperatures. Energy absorption by CO2 levels off as concentrations increase after which there just isn’t much more energy to absorb. The models used to predict the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere are too simplistic.
    – The CO2 increase in the last 200 years is only from 0.028% to 0.04% or 0.016%, an insignificant amount. Such a small increase in concentration has little effect. Water vapor is much more prevalent in the atmosphere and more involved in warming than CO2.
    – CO2 is necessary and beneficial for plant life and higher concentrations will increase crop yields and be a net benefit for mankind. Epochs with higher levels of CO2 had more abundant life compared to now. Plants today could use more CO2.
    – There is no proven correlation between CO2 levels and global warming. The earth has had both dramatically hotter and cooler temperatures with the same level of CO2 we have now. The earth has not gotten any warmer in the last 20 years. We are just experiencing normal, erratic weather. We have recently seen a lot of extremely cold weather which contradicts global warming.
    – Increased CO2 will not acidify the oceans. As CO2 is absorbed by the oceans it will form insoluble carbonates and act as a carbon sink. Even with ocean acidification fish will survive like they did in other epochs with high CO2.
    – The idea that humans can affect the climate is hubris. The climate changes naturally, always has and always will. Solar radiation is the biggest contributor to warming of the planet and especially the oceans and is outside human control. Human activity is insignificant to the climate.
    – The global war on climate change is a way to grab power, reduce the population and save resources for the elites. It is a political tool. The people preaching climate change are themselves big CO2 emitters and huge hypocrites.
    – Humans are very adaptable. Even with the natural shifts in climate that we are experiencing mankind will continue to thrive for a good long time.
    – People who believe in climate change ignore the facts and are victims of propaganda. Their beliefs are similar to religious paranoia.

    Alexander Carpenter

    Fully agree with DBS about AFKTT’s energy essay (and others of his, as well). It’s not too fawning, I trust, to describe them as brilliant.
    it’s interesting how in some matters (mostly political and logistic) many people can apply their pattern recognition algorithms and intuitive common sense, and come up with genuinely insightful commentary — even, occasionally, wise.
    However, when addressing science matters clouded by a “consensus,” prejudiced by a belief that science is simplistically “logical,” and crippled by indoctrination into beliefs about the infallibility of reductionist linearizing semi-science, too many people completely fail at sanity and realism.
    This is true of the climate noise, about Covid and its “vaccines,” about nutrition… the list goes on and on.
    When I read (fairly often) people quoting the late and lamented Al Bartlett that “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function…”, I recognize that that inability is a subset of our collective inability to comprehend complex non-linear systems.
    Both those inabilities are being challenged by an increasingly obvious need to develop a working complexity-ware paradigm, however tentative and nascent, with which to adequately address our real-world challenges (since our present paradigm is failing us every day in every non-trivial way).
    So it is with compassion that I propose that AFKTT (and many others) go back and re-assess from scratch his climate-change beliefs, and stop pretending mastery quite so aggressively and foolishly — which subverts his credibility in other domains.
    The genuine science is available for that process; however, it delivers uncomfortably indeterminate explanations of how climate-change works overall. At the very least, though, it entirely falsifies the politicized conclusions of the corrupted pseudo-science used to justify its social manipulations.
    So snap out of it!

    Figmund Sreud

    Only in Canada?, you ask, … fools like the following one*) provides investment advise like that?

    The end?

    The end?

    … pity, ain’t it!



    D Benton Smith


    I recall a multi-panel-cartoon from some magazine back in the day. Panel #1 showed a door-to-door canvasser (clipboard and questionnaire at the ready) knocking on an apartment door. Panel #2 shows a slightly scruffy hippie/beatnik type answering the door, and the survey taker reciting his pitch, “Hello, I’m from the Acme Good-Cause Polling Company, and I wonder if you would take the time to answer a few questions.” Panel #3 shows the hippie laconically replying, “I’m sorry I can’t help you, man, but I don’t have any answers. All I’ve got is questions.”

    Honest to goodness Scientists, if they’re being good and honest, are like the hippie in the doorway. All they’ve really got at the end of their quest for answers is just a bunch more questions.

    Figmund Sreud

    Helmer in overdrive: … another posting of his:





    How Two Narratives Function in Online Debate:

    It’s similar to TPTB’s fave distraction method: fling poo then blame it on the flung upon.

    It is, indeed, distracting. Even a little annoying. But that’s all.

    Efforts like this, however, merit (imo) not flung poo but a nice slice of cake, served not flung:

    “So it is with compassion that I propose that AFKTT (and many others) go back and re-assess from scratch his climate-change beliefs, and stop pretending mastery quite so aggressively and foolishly — which subverts his credibility in other domains.”

    Anyway, it pleases me.

    Me, I’ll quote Robert Frost:

    “Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I’ve tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.”


    Why do it.
    If Germany and EU are not buying Russian gas, why repair. It may be better sealing the pipe and Ship the gas to friends
    Maybe, USA will sanction anyone trying to repair.
    Nord Stream pipelines can be restored – Moscow
    The process would be time-consuming and costly, according to Russia’s deputy PM


    Lauded economist Steve Keen has only now learned how the fractional reserve system works and we’re talking about one of the least indoctrinated economists out there.

    Yes, the principal is destroyed upon repayment, but not the interest, which means there is more debt than money in the world and if you try to pay all debt, you will run out of money and there still will be debt left to pay. It’s a negative sum game.

    People don’t realise how big of a sham the field of Economics is.


    Russia is doing an excellent job of following a major strategic part of its plan: present itself as a genuinely “good cop” versus USNATO’s “bad cop”. DOing so has required it to use its decidedly larger military stick with what Sam Gutman in The Maltese Falcon called “nice judgment”.

    It’s willingness to be superficially humiliated by USNATO so that the damage caused by USNATO’s collapse won’t hurt any more people than can be prevented by having a much Bigger Stick all around and using it with nice judgment.

    Sadly, Russia is killing its own people with kovid vakzines, but so is everyone else, so: yippee! More room in Russia to which savvy kind-yet-ruthless people can immigrate! My kids aren’t as stupid as their old man, so they may make it there yet!

    Velkom Home, Kumradd!

    Ah, that good Russian vodka and kombinat kokaine… it’s what 20th Century rock musicians crave…


    “stop pretending mastery quite so aggressively and foolishly ”

    However, I’d remove “foolishly”, at least from my perspective. From what I’ve observed so far, both of you employ folly in your discursive aims. Why, if you put your follies together you might scrape up enough to sound as foolish as me!


    Also, “So snap out of it!” is as aggressive and, if ye like, foolish as AFKTT’s more strident remarks.


    Also-so: Also: Witness ‘It’s willingness to be superficially ‘


    Early, purt near proto-ur recorded pop music:

    Turn Off Your Light Mister Moon Man-Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes

    Before microphones allowed crooning to be heard by large audiences.


    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken

    The Great Lie. One of the Hobgoblins. If you want to better understand the Anthropomorphic Climate Change Hoax read on.

    I am a chemist. I run a business measuring air pollution. In chemistry there is a scientific tool known as spectroscopy. The principle of spectroscopy is measuring the absorption or transmission of “light” through matter.

    “Light” is in quotes because for true scientists the electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of frequencies that begins with the very very low frequencies, say below one cycle per second, (alpha brain waves are 8 cps btw) all the way up to ultra high frequencies of X-rays and Gamma rays and beyond.

    Different forms and compositions of matter absorb or transmit different frequencies of “light”. For example, a 0.1 mm thickness of aluminum can stop visible light that would easily transit one hundred miles through air. However, in spectroscopy, we vary the frequency of the light that we use to “study” the material so that we end up with a “Spectra” of the material as we vary the frequency. In chemistry, these Spectra are used to tease out compositions of materials as well as their concentrations.

    In chemistry, we immediately run into the phenomenon known as “Extinction” or the “Extinction Coefficient” where our sample, suspended in the “light” beam blocks the light so completely that there is no useful data coming through the sample like the aluminum above. The Spectra is at complete absorption or 0% transmission. Not useful. When this happens, you dilute the sample or make it thinner so there is greater penetration of the “light” so you can obtain a Spectra.

    In the other extreme, your sample may be too transparent in the spectrum that interests you to obtain a Spectra. The Spectra is a complete transmission or 0% absorption or near enough. Also not useful. In this case you make the sample more concentrated or increase the path length of the cell making the sample “thicker”.

    As this relates to our atmosphere. The “cell length” of absorption of solar radiation is a somewhat abstract concept. If you assume that the atmosphere “ends” at 50 or 100 miles above us, you can make calculations. However, at any one time there is only one point in the atmosphere where the sun is coming down at exactly 90 degrees. This changes moment by moment as the earth rotates and seasons change. Everywhere else the sun is coming down at an angle which increases it’s path length. At the poles much of the sun goes straight through the atmosphere and never touches the earth and exits out the other side. The perfect tangent. This is what causes the “ozone holes” not the fluorocarbons. A separate hoax and separate discussion.

    So, with all these varying path lengths, and variable densities (absorption also changes with pressure) and changes of state (clouds are liquids suspended in gas) you get a complex absorption process.

    However, you can easily measure the solar spectrum at the earth’s surface (or at any altitude) to obtain the measurements that show you which frequencies are absorbed partially or totally or not at all. This spectrum shows thousand of “holes” where thousands of frequencies of light zip through the atmosphere, carrying their entrained “photonic energy”.
    The “Hard UV” radiation that hits our upper atmosphere is absorbed by the oxygen molecules when they are still quite dilute at 20 to 25 miles up where the atmospheric pressure is almost a vacuum. These UV frequencies are at “extinction” because they never penetrate very far into our atmosphere. The UV frequencies that are “softer” the so-called UVA and UVB are of a lower frequency and exist at what is considered the Ultra Violet Cutoff for our atmosphere. Hard Ultra Violet frequencies cannot penetrate down to the surface since they are absorbed to “extinction” at much higher altitude. Our atmosphere at sea level would need to be near these vacuum conditions for these “Hard UV” photons to reach the surface, or there would need to be no oxygen in the atmosphere. Neither would allow life to exist here.

    Any and all light the reaches the earth’s surface is either absorbed, reflected or refracted. Some of the absorbed light enters into chemical reactions where it is “trapped” as chemical energy. Photosynthesis comes to mind but there are others. This is a very small fraction of the total received. Some is reflected. The fact that you can “see” is a confirmation that a great deal of the light that reaches the earth is reflected. Since all of this light that reached the surface has already been “filtered” through the atmosphere, these reflected photons have a great propensity to “exit” the atmosphere as well since their frequencies have not been shifted very much. The multi spectral sunlight that hits a green leaf is partially absorbed and partially reflected. The reflected light is green because the “useful” frequencies have been deducted from the spectrum by the chlorophyll to operate the plant’s chemical factory. The remaining non-useful light is reflected away as waste. That color green was always “inside” that sunlight that came down and is reflected away to your eye, camera, bird wing or to space. This is why you can see green forests from the space station, that green frequency is not absorbed by the components of the atmosphere.

    All these processes occur on femtosecond time scales. The light travels from the sun in about 8 minutes transits our atmosphere in about 5/10,000 of a second, hits the leaf and is reflected back out to space in another 5/10,000 of a second and continues it’s journey throughout the universe to an unknown end.

    Light that is absorbed by material at the earth’s surface has a different journey. The energy is absorbed by the electronic configuration of the molecules that it hits. This forms an electronic “excited state” where the electrons of the material move to a “higher” orbit. This excited state can be used by plants to run their chemical processes, or, in inanimate matter, can exist for a period of time (usually only femtoseconds) until it is re-emitted as a lower frequency photon or photons.

    Thermodynamics forbid the new photon from being re-emitted at the same or a higher frequency (higher energy) although there are modern high tech exceptions to this (thermal imaging scopes &c where additional energy is added to the matrix).

    So this new lower frequency photon is once again either absorbed, reflected or transmitted out into space.

    If the new lower frequency photon is absorbed onto something, it means that it’s frequency was just right to enter into the electron cloud of this new molecule forming a new “excited state”. This is once again re-emitted as a new-new lower frequency photon which follows the same process of reflection, transmission or absorption. All matter is constantly emitting photons that are being absorbed by the matter around them. The higher energy (from hotter atoms) photons relatively quickly reach equilibrium with its surroundings. Hotter things emit faster and more energetic photons. Think of a hot skillet taken off the stove. Doesn’t take but a few minutes to “cool” to room temperature. Some convection, some radiation of photons. All the convected heat also gets emitted as photons from the atoms that did the convecting.

    Once again, all these thing occur at very short time scales.

    The photon that get’s absorbed and re-emitted at infrared frequencies follows this cascade in nanoseconds depending on the time it takes the photon to travel to the next absorption site, either microns away to kilometers. If the photon’s frequency is of a wavelength where it cannot exit the atmosphere since there are many molecules of say CO2 there to absorb it, it gets absorbed and then re-emitted at a lower frequency. Eventually, the photon is emitted at a frequency that has no “absorbers” around. All it sees is open sky and is gone. Nanoseconds. The atmosphere has many “frequency holes”.

    CO2 has a Spectra, look at it if you can find one wide enough, see the thousands of holes in it. The fact that it can absorb in some infrared frequencies does not mean that it absorbs all infrared frequencies. The infrared spectrum is much much broader than the visible spectrum.

    Clouds are a complicating issue in all this since they are composed of small droplets of liquid. The Spectra of liquids is usually different from the gas phase. However, that said, clouds are quite transparent to some frequencies of infrared light. Infrared imaging cuts right through fog and clouds thus no absorption at those frequencies.

    So, overall, the sun’s energy that enters earth’s system does not stay here long. The heat that builds up during the day in the soil, rocks, water and air spends the next few hours emitting and re-emitting lower and lower frequency photons to each other and to the sky as they approach the new dawn. Cloudy nights can offer a reflecting surface to slow their exit from the atmosphere of certain frequencies but even a cloudy night gets quite cold by morning since those lower frequency infrared photons pass right through the clouds.

    If you ever spent a sunset in a desert you realize how quickly the air loses it’s heat to infrared photons and the desert’s surface does not reheat the air above it much. The radiation pressure of a clear night sky is very weak and these infrared photons coming off the land are exiting en-mass.

    The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has also reached “extinction” in that the frequencies that CO2 absorbs, almost none of those photons escape back out of the atmosphere to space. They are, however, re-emitted at lower frequencies almost as soon as they are absorbed. This is the point of the person who wrote about the “sunglasses” analogy where more CO2 is just adding more sunglasses.

    I like to use the ink in the pool analogy. If you are underwater in your pool and looking across to the light under the diving board you are getting near 100% transmission (of the visible not IR). If someone throws an ink well into the pool and stirs it around, your ability to see the light drops. Adding additional ink makes it drop more. At some point you have complete absorption and cannot see any light. Adding more ink to the pool does not make you see less. You have reached “extinction”. You could of course swim towards the light until you could see it again. Then more ink would make it opaque again. CO2 in our atmosphere has reached “extinction” a very long time ago, long before life arrived. This CO2 Hobgoblin has been so effective since almost none of the people, and unfortunately almost none of the scientists understand, or they refuse to understand these principles.

    This dissertation is a slightly simplified version of reality. I tried to keep the concepts intact without going into too many sidelines. A nit picker, including myself can find many nits to pick, but I think that I’m getting the main points across.

    These concepts are not difficult to understand. It is all founded in base level physics and chemistry. Applying your intellect to the understanding of how all this works clears away the “fog of agenda”.

    Plant potatoes.



    Thank you for the refresher course in how and why solar heating panels (not to be confused with solar electric panels) work.

    Light passes through the glass then hits a dark surface creating heat which the glass then prevents from escaping.

    It is so cold up here in the land of ice and snow, I could really use more solar heating right now! 0The US must be sabotaging that too!


    @ Bishko: an excellent post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. This translation provides new understanding.

    Question (one of many) – Frequency is sound, right? So how does sound become “light”? And light become matter? Or is it that light reveals matter, matter being the manifestation of “light”?

    My curiosity is rooted in my study of Yoga, where Om (AUM) is the primordial sound. “In the beginning there was Om” (and the creation grew out of/from that).

    Love the mind-opening potentiality here.

    Om Shanti.
    LOVE to All


    Bishko: I think you did very well. I think I learned something. I will be reading some basic text on concepts like spectral absorption extinction to make sure that I’m not misinterpreting you, and also to make sure that you’re not miscommunicating — being confusing despite your best efforts or blowing smoke up someone’s ass, on purpose or unwittingly.Not that I have any reason to mistrust you or doubt your competence, but I want to be at least a little bit scientific in my approach to your text.

    In the spirit of complete disclosure, I’ll gleefully add that my driving motivation is to somehow prove you wrong because, while I maintain a diligently open mind on climate theories (and just about anything I mentally encounter), my early bias regarding climate theories was inclined to believe at least the primary facets of greenhouse warming effect models etc. etc.

    I will even more gleefully admit if it is I who am proven wrong. I’m pretty sure I am, but who am I to direct my ego? (As if I or any but the very enlightened few — or so say the major holy writs of the world — can direct our egos any more than Hunter Biden on viagracoke can sexually restrain himself…) Considering that it is my ego that disapproves of the intractably impulsive nature of my ego, the sound of one hand clapping is for me that of me surrendering to my ego and appeasing it with the discipline that a long-ago mentor said was “the discipline of allowing yourself to do what you really want, especially what you think is right(eous)”. This works better since both I’n’I are constantly sucking up to each other and admitting how brilliantly superior the other is — which is what they wanted all along since the day they were born and first learned to squawl and kick for attention.

    I’ve been and will surely continue to be wrong much of my life and have learned to enjoy it.

    Surreally relevant (with an uneasy sneer at Elon Musk’s AI Day) to my infant reference is what was the best section for me as a teenager from Stanislaw Lem’s book, Solaris,:

    “I regained height and continued to fly above the fog, the machine almost touching it, until I discovered another clearing, much larger than the previous one. 80 While I was still some distance away, I noticed a pale, almost white, object floating on the surface. My first thought was that it was Fechner’s flying-suit, especially as it looked vaguely human in form. I brought the aircraft round sharply, afraid of losing my way and being unable to find the same spot again. The shape, the body, was moving; sometimes it seemed to be standing upright in the trough of the waves. I accelerated and went down so low that the machine bounced gently. I must have hit the crest of a huge wave I was overflying. The body—yes, it was a human body, not an atmosphere-suit—the body was moving.

    QUESTION: Did you see its face?
    BERTON: Yes.
    QUESTION: Who was it?
    BERTON: A child.
    QUESTION: What child? Did you recognize it?
    BERTON: No. At any rate, I don’t remember having seen it before. Besides, when I got closer—when I was forty yards away, or even sooner—I realized that it was no ordi- nary child.
    QUESTION: What do you mean?
    BERTON: I’ll explain. At first, I couldn’t understand what worried me about it; it was only after a minute or two that I realized: this child was extraordinarily large. Enormous, in fact. Stretched out horizontally, its body rose twelve feet above the surface of the ocean, I swear. I remembered that when I touched the wave, its face was a little higher than mine, even though my cockpit must have been at least ten feet above the ocean.
    QUESTION: If it was as big as that, what makes you say it was a child?
    BERTON: Because it was a tiny child.
    QUESTION: Do you realize, Berton, that your answer doesn’t make sense?
    BERTON: On the contrary. I could see its face, and it was a very young child. Besides, its proportions corresponded exactly to the proportions of a child’s body. It was a . . . babe in arms. No, I exaggerate. It was probably two or three years old. It had black hair and blue eyes—enormous blue eyes! It was naked—completely naked—like a new-born baby. It was wet, or I should say glossy; its skin was shiny. I was shattered. I no longer thought it was a mirage. I could see this child so distinctly. It rose and fell with the waves; but apart from this general motion, it was making other movements, and they were horrible!
    QUESTION: Why? What was it doing?
    BERTON: It was more like a doll in a museum, only a living doll. It opened and closed its mouth, it made vari ous gestures, horrible gestures.
    QUESTION: What do you mean?
    BERTON: I was watching it from about twenty yards away —I don’t suppose I went any closer. But, as I’ve already told you, it was enormous. I could see very clearly. Its eyes sparkled and you really would have thought it was a living child, if it hadn’t been for the movements, the gestures, as though someone was trying … It was as though some one else was responsible for the gestures . . .
    QUESTION: Try to be more explicit.
    BERTON: It’s difficult. I’m talking of an impression, more of an intuition. I didn’t analyze it, but I knew that those gestures weren’t natural.
    QUESTION: Do you mean, for example, that the hands didn’t move as human hands would move, because the joints were not sufficiently supple?
    BERTON: No, not at all. But . . . these movements had no meaning. Each of our movements means something, more or less, serves some purpose . . .
    QUESTION: Do you think so? The movements of an infant don’t have much meaning!
    BERTON: I know. But an infant’s movements are confused, random, uncoordinated. The movements I saw were . . . er . . . yes, that’s it, they were methodical movements. They were performed one after another, like a series of exercises; as though someone had wanted to make a study of what this child was capable of doing with its hands, its torso, its mouth. The face was more horrifying than the rest, because the human face has an expression, and this face … I don’t know how to describe it. It was alive, yes, but it wasn’t human. Or rather, the features as a whole, the eyes, the complexion, were, but the expression, the movements of the face, were certainly not.
    QUESTION: Were they grimaces? Do you know what happens to a person’s face during an epileptic fit?
    BERTON: Yes. I’ve watched an epileptic fit. I know what you mean. No, it was something quite different. Epilepsy provokes spasms, convulsions. The movements I’m talk ing about were fluid, continuous, graceful . . . melodious, if one can say that of a movement. It’s the nearest definition I can think of. But this face … a face can’t divide itself into two—one half gay, the other sad, one half scowling and the other amiable, one half frightened and the other triumphant. But that’s how it was with this child’s face. In addition to that, all these movements and changes of ex pression succeeded one another with unbelievable rapidity. I stayed down there a very short time, perhaps ten seconds, perhaps less.”

    Figmund Sreud

    @zerosum Nord Stream pipelines can be restored – Moscow

    Of course it can be, … it’s not that difficult with help of modern technology: “smart pigs”, or ”intelligent pigs”. It’s done all the time. Example of using pigs from ENB:

    Anyway, … if Газпром is permitted – fat chance of that happening! – they can isolate pipelines damage with sending pigs from each sides and work on fixing the damage. This is done all the time in offshore oil and gas fields! Just think how quickly damage pipelines are fixed in Gulf of Mexico after hurricane damage – and those damage pipes are all the way down, down to depths of more than 11,000 ft.

    Also, with pigs, NS1 and 2 pipelines can be preserved for the next 50 years if done within a month or so. Salt water can be expelled from pipelines, preservatives applied, … and when or if repairs to damage sections is completed, … restarted.

    – some more pig stuff =>

    … fwiw,



    @bosco: No fire or ice for me just yet…but a bite of that perfectly layered chocolate wonder will do.

    @ Wes: just got my Classic Edge 560 EPA certified stick wood burning outdoor furnace (American made in MN). Will get it hooked it up (next week or two) to my giant hot water boiler/radiant floor heating system. Getting off the propane (cooktop the exception) for good! Now I can do fire remediation without such a heavy heart by putting all the dead trees to good use – beyond the insert/fireplace. Do send some cold weather over my way (NoCA).

    John Day

    Dr.D said: “Keen didn’t know double-book accounting as an economist? Ummm. And it took years to get through his thick head when he wrote entire economics textbooks about it?”

    I think Keen was providing a gentle entry to this complicated discussion for his readers, meeting them at the door himself, so to speak.
    (I glazed-over several times, had to get up and eat some fresh okra I just prepared for mental fortitude.)


    A friend acquired a large sheet of aluminium. I suggested it would be an interesting project to make a solar oven. Four sides of aluminium sheet and top and front of glass, to heat objects inside as per the greenhouse effect. On a turntable to allow for the rotation of the Earth.

    There was a day when the ambient temperature was above 18oC and the sky was clear for a couple of hours. A candle placed on a dish on a dark block in the centre of the oven just began to melt, i.e. a temperature of around 75oC was briefly reached.

    However, for the past two weeks every day has been characterised by cloudy skies and temperatures in the range 8oC to 15oc. So the solar oven sits, unattended, awaiting clear skies.

    The solar oven will undoubtedly work quite well a few months from now.

    The above emphasises several important points.

    1. The amount of energy required to manufacture sheets of aluminium is stupendous..(Aluminuim was unknown until reliable means of passing large currents through aluminium salts was achievable.) The manufacture if glass is also energy-intensive, though nowhere near as energy intensive as aluminium.

    2. Passive solar is useful for raising the temperature of buildings etc, a few degrees above the ambient temperature but is ineffective in achieving the kind of temperature required to cook food, other
    than in the height of summer.

    3. Solar panels for heating water or generating electricity work best when required the least, i.e. in the height of summer.

    We should note that Germany ‘invested’ heavily in ‘alternative energy’ and when the wind dropped and snow fell, none of the ‘investments’ converted anything more than a miniscule amount of wind energy or light energy into electricity. Coal-energised and natural-gas-energised systems were utilised to keep the electrical grid active.

    With a large portion of the coal and gas cooing from Russia, and with NATO having declared war on Russia, we can speculate on a mass migration of Europeans to Africa, reversing the trend of the 1950s to 2010s.


    . .


    “… we can speculate on a mass migration of Europeans to Africa, reversing the trend of the 1950s to 2010s.”
    If they walk, the roadway will be edged with bones.



    Bishko, thank you for the informative post. I’ll need to read through it a few times to grasp the the fine points. Plant potatoes indeed and a few extra hills for your ‘keto’ neighbors.


    Can’t poke any big holes in Bishko’s application of atmospheric extinction vis a vis CO2 except this, and he can probably explain that I’m wrong about this as well: “Then more ink would make it opaque again. CO2 in our atmosphere has reached “extinction” a very long time ago, long before life arrived.”

    This doesn’t account for how much of how many other gasses/particulates were in the atmosphere, something which has a major effect on the photonic absorption/re-emission cascade factor. In the pool analogy, the right kind of absorptive particulate might absorb ink into themselves and create “holes for additional light to come through.

    Per Bishko, at some point (that we’re already long past), increasing CO2 emissions won’t make the climate warming effect part of ACC (anthropogenic climate change) worse just by increasing CO2 emissions. I don’t see that this relates to the concept that lessening CO2 (and other greenhouse gas) output now will result in reduced CO2 levels down the road. That involves many other cycles. <<Not that I necessarily assume that lessening them in 50 or 100 or whatever years is automatically better, or that this would make a sufficient change in CO2 to go below the atmospheric extinction level and produce genuine lessening of energy from solar infrared radiation.>>
    But it does appear true to my manic mind that there’s a maximum setting on the atmospheric warming throttle of Terran CO2 greenhouse gas warming. We can’t make it warmer faster just by pumping more CO2 into the air once we’re past that level.

    I’ll also note that there is significant debate among people researching paleometeorology about how much CO2 was in the air aeons ago, or so I read. It doesn’t appear to be all that settled a topic. I might better gauge how seriously I should take this aspect if you’d tell us what that maximum extinction level for CO2 is.. I’ve been proven wrong about believing I’ve been proven wrong maybe as much as just plain proven wrong. 😉

    I remember when the term was greenhouse gases not carbon emissions? I would guess that the move from greenhouse gases to CO2 as the kleptocrat’s climate logo moves in symmetry with the emphasis on natural gas that began ? probably when the 80s domestic oil boom began fading? With the PR people recognizing that greenhouse and green energy made conflicting semiotics in the public talkstream?
    Thanx mucho: this was very stimulating and enlightening. Mongo learn something new every day whether him remember or not.


    Meanwhile, entirely irrelevant to my remarks to Bishko: It’s a form of food fight, really. and much easier to clean up. Is it a global warming joke or a joke about the joys of internet discourse, or both? It adds at least to meanings to the expression ‘hot chili’.

    Figmund Sreud

    “Question (one of many) – Frequency is sound, right? So how does sound become “light”? And light become matter? Or is it that light reveals matter, matter being the manifestation of “light”?”

    Yes, sound has a frequency. A “pure” sound, say 1,200 cycles per second, is a very clean sound. Philosophically unobtainable with any modern science. If you use a sound generator to generate a 1,200 cps tone, it might sound quite clear and clean. But how exact is it? Can it be demonstrably proven to be at exactly 1,200? Or does it have a “width”? Say 1,199.999999997 to 1,200.000000003 cps. Hmmmm. Not so clear after all. Also, what metric are you using for the second? The beat frequency of a Hydrogen atom at 54 degrees kelvin? You see my point. We can at any point and in any argument get away from “truth” and argue for the minutia, but at what cost. To prove a point?

    Yes everything is vibrating, and not at just one frequency. Our bodies are filled with myriads of frequencies; some harmonics from your body being an antenna to the power harness in your house, the power lines outside in the street and underground, your cell phone &c. There are also untold other “frequencies” in our bodies; our peristalsis; our brain waves (~8cps which strangely enough coincides with one of main peaks of the Shumann Resonance); our many endocrine cycles that move over days or weeks. The list is endless.

    Sound energy can “become” light, I have done it. You make a spherical resonance chamber, usually made of glass so you can see the light, fill it with water, glue two transducers (small powerful speakers) on opposite sides of the chamber and crank up the sound (usually ultrasound). The sound waves form a standing wave pattern that has the exact center of the globe as it’s focal point. Light will be produced. It turns out that the light emission matches the frequency of the gases dissolved in the water. This is called sonoluminescence.This is highly artificial and no “natural” phenomenon of this are known to exist so far. Your are artificially concentrating sound to produce light (and heat). Some calculations estimate the point source of this light can exceed one million kelvins, a lot hotter than the Sun’s surface (but not the center).

    Speaking of the Sun, this is where light becomes matter and matter becomes light. In the center of the Sun it is so hot that matter does not exist as we know it. The atoms are so hot that their electronic excited states are so wide that it can be calculated that the atoms have no electrons at all, they have all flown the coop so to speak. However, they are still nearby, swimming around in the “Soup” of atomic nuclei in what is commonly known as a “Plasma”. 27 million degrees is really hot and you would expect all these “particles” would emit a lot of light. Since these electrons are not happily nested in their normal orbits (normal for us here on earth) we find it difficult to “calculate” the band gap frequencies that photons would have from electron interactions. The frequencies would be higher than we normally have experience with. X-rays and gamma rays are the normal currency of the center of the Sun. These extremely powerful and short wavelength photons are transferring from atomic nucleus to atomic nucleus so rapidly that there is a flux that enters the Einstein equation E=MC2. Light really is being converted to matter and matter is really being converted to light. The concept is that if you “untie” the “knot” of an atom, it’s entrained energy is released with a value that is proportional to the speed of light squared. In the dense, hot, confusing center of this plasma the photonic density is so great that there are innumerable photons squeezing together again to reform matter. This is the common belief in the center of main sequence Suns.

    Light does indeed reveal matter, especially in a dark room, and matter certainly is a manifestation of light. Especially in the center of Suns. And since Suns are far and away the largest component of the universe (as far as we can tell so far) then these statements are more the norm for the universe, even if they are not quite so true on Earth.

    BTW, even though I have spent my life studying to be, and working as a Scientist, I found out in 2006 at Burning Man that I am a Shaman. I didn’t believe it at the the time but after a bit of study, I was rocked to my roots to find it true. My main task then was to find a way to keep them from fighting: Spirituality vs Science. Not only do they not fight, but they made an agreement to work together for the betterment of myself and for all I meet. Been quite a Journey.

    Figmund Sreud

    Did the world just changed last week?

    Scuttlebutt: “Something broke” in several important places.”

    Hmm, … Credit Suisse is currently trading at 0.23x tangible book. Deutsche Bank is trading at 0.3x tangible book value. These are most distressing valuations for any bank! Credit Suisse, I understand. Deutschmark Bank, … not so. Could it be criticalenergy supply situation in Europe? Like I said, Hmm, …



    “…a shaman.”

    You certainly resemble that remark. I love it when I find things like this (re: sonoluminescence):

    “The mechanism of the light emission remains uncertain, but some of the current theories, which are categorized under either thermal or electrical processes, are Bremsstrahlung radiation, argon rectification hypothesis,[2] and hot spot.”




    Thanks for that.

    Not forgetting that photons sometimes behave life waves and sometimes behave like particles. Also electrons, of course.

    Is it a wave or a particle?

    Is it where you think it is?

    It depends on whether you are looking at it or not. If you are looking at it, it’s not there. When you look away it is there.

    It gets tough when you try to explain why electrons sometimes spin in one direction and sometimes in the other direction. And even worse when you try to explain why a bunch of them spin all in the same direction and generate a magnetic field. Especially when they are not particles anyway but are waves..

    I do know for sure that whilst many people say “Plant potatoes,” potatoes are one of the most unreliable of foods when it comes to storage, and that other sources of carbohydrate have better storage potential.

    So the key to survival immediately after the financial-economic-social crash we are living through gets to the gruesome stage is diversity. Potatoes, kumara, sweetcorn, yams…beans peas, onions, nuts, fruits etc.

    Obtaining animal fats -essential for really good health and vitality- could be problematic. I guess cheese will generally become unobtainable.

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