Debt Rattle September 12 2016


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    Harris&Ewing WSS (War Savings Stamps) poster, Washington DC 1917 • Clinton Health Another Landmine for Suddenly Vulnerable Markets (BBG) • Asia Stocks
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 12 2016]


    All this angst about growth. Lowering interest rates will not make it happen and It certainly won’t come from private enterprise. If Government started building/improving infrastructure then it will happen.

    phil harris

    Re pneumonia
    I am not a fan of HC policies but pneumonia can strike anyone, often suddenly; especially the elderly and frail. The ‘bugs’ are around – it is almost entirely a matter of succumbing rather than exposure and transmission like influenza. She was almost certainly diagnosed only after she had felt unwell and retreated. Her health however does come under further questioning.


    I’ll make a prediction on the behavior or the stock markets. Do I believe this prediction? Nah; I only make it so it can be tested; if it comes true, then I’ll have a little reason to think I might, maybe, possibly, have some grasp of the forces at work.

    Prediction: The “markets” will be allowed to drop to at least the same extent as after “Brexit”; possibly more. Then they will go back up – to stabilize at a tiny bit lower than the last interval, until after the elections; when it may be allowed to have some more drastic drops, ups, etc.

    Reasoning: I think it’s clear the 0.1% do not want Trump. A hard market crash would, according to all history, be strongly in his favor. He would bring chaos – which is just never good for business, as a whole. Yes, some folks profit in chaos- but – it’s chaotic; and many businesses also die in chaos. So – they will use a bunch of the Monopoly money in their accounts to manipulate the “market” – which market, as we know, is entirely a fantasy, created by them in the first place. They know they’re not spending “real” money, so a billion here or there to swing markets is just part of the game.

    I can be entirely wrong, or course. But there you have it; a testable hypothesis.


    Wow, that was fast. I think I was right about a some things – but –

    This kind of rebound is exactly what happened after Brexit, which surprised me with the speed. So – a pattern, of sorts.

    The rebound shows the 0.1% is still in full control of the market – and- I think the speed of the response indicates a fear of panic, on their part. They are aware that the “little guys” in the markets are getting spooky, and likely to panic – and the 0.1 do NOT want that mood to build.

    I doubt they can control a real old fashioned world-wide market panic, and I’d bet they don’t think so either. I think they’re prepared for it; but want to keep current fantasy going as long as possible; and they still can, just by tossing in a few million extra “buy” orders when a day like Friday happens.

    I’ll be interested to see what happens through the coming week.


    “Where have the jobs gone? Australians grapple with less work, low pay”

    I would have thought that part of the answer is to be found in the article itself. The writer – Swati Pandey – interviewed Raman Kumar. The editor was Shri Navaratnam.

    Australia – like Europe – is importing a massive number of people from the 3rd world. Many of them hardly speak English – and certainly not at home. This race to the bottom can only ensure the demise of the Australian working class.

    phil harris

    Re pneumonia
    I need to apologise for my comment on pneumonia above. I had not allowed for virus contagion and for viruses that can cause pneumonia (RSV virus or sometimes influenza). Otherwise, “Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, which causes most cases of pneumonia, is far less contagious than a cold or flu.”

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