Debt Rattle September 30 2017


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    Vincent van Gogh Boulevard de Clichy, Paris 1887   • Trump’s 1,500-word Airball (Stockman) • Puerto Rico Supply Failure Stops Food, Water Reachin
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 30 2017]

    V. Arnold

    The van Gogh is just beautiful.
    I’m at a loss to go further; everything “out there” is not getting better; and frankly, won’t get better.
    I think people, generally, just have no idea what to do to change it; not make it “better” (whatever that means); but just to change it…

    Dr. Diablo

    “Everyone can have a pony.”

    OMG, what can I say? LA Times, Sander’s Economic advisor, we’d expect no less. At least Sanders is honest: he’s a socialist. He wants the government to run everything, including the economy. That may be counter to the Law, the Constitution, and the national character, but it’s a legitimate position to have, and props to be honest about it, unlike say, Romney’s Bain Capital (who just bankrupted ToysRUs) and John McCain.

    How can I be clear about this? Yes, the government can “print money” and props to the economist who points out the real economy has physical limits — a refreshing change. But the government printing money, then directing how many ponies to make IS SOVIET STYLE CENTRAL PLANNING AND IT DOESN’T WORK. You might have noticed, since you Professors pom-pommed soviet communism for 70 years as it murdered millions, devastated quality of life, and fell so far behind Capitalism (such that we have any) it was like comparing the 19th and 20th centuries. After the removal of Soviet central planning (and neoliberal colonial extraction), Russia has rocketed forward such that they’ve leapfrogged the US in military technology, and is arguably better off than several EU and NATO countries. Everywhere else Kelton’s miracle central planning has been tried, it also destroys the economy and kills citizens, most recently in Venezuela. Winning!

    Here’s the newsflash: no one “print money” and gets rich. Never ever. YOU, Ms. Economist, sit in your ivory tower and circle-jerk it in a cocaine-and-champers party and make ME, the working guy, turn the bolts on making new tractors in flyoverland and go home to a collapsing house with no food. JUST LIKE THE SOVIET UNION. I don’t even have to warn and hypothesize since we’re already there. Just no one notices since they only leave the Blessed Coasts on a sightseeing safari of “The savage and deplorable natives.”

    So go ahead, LA Times, tell all us people who are far away from the money spigot and actually work for a living how we’re all going to just keep working for nothing forever ’cause you tell us to. How’s that working out for ya? How’s that working for your party? Your college? Your profession’s credibility? Your newspaper? And lastly, how’s that working out for your political and/or real power to have Billy Bob in Wisconsin vote your way and obey you?

    Yeah, I thought so. Personally, I’m happy with it: the more Kelton’s of the world talk smack, the more all 330M Americans realize how dumb, how destructive, and how murderous actual socialism is. Then maybe we can stop being stupid, stop pillaging each group against the other other with government guns, and start building again with something we call “open cooperation” and “voluntary exchange” where you have to “be honest” and “keep your word” by force of contract law. Yes, that might even be Capitalism, and you’ll notice that Kelton’s and Bernie’s Socialism are therefore the opposite of cooperation, freedom, and voluntary, personal exchange. Funny ol’ thing.


    It’s time to hang it up Illargi Meijjer. This daily compendium of stories that is. It does not advance the world view stated by Nicole, in fact it demeans it. Give it up.

    V. Arnold

    No, absolutely not!
    Ilargi must continue.
    And, he most assuredly, does not, in fact, demean it.
    He’s (Ilargi) a voice in the wilderness of the mainstream blather of fog and obfuscation…


    The daily compendium is great! Please keep it coming!


    I think it is important to see sometime the humorous side of things.

    Scientists surprised that reef that survived the hotter holocene is already recovering from 2016 bleaching

    The coral bleaching catastrophe story is so weird. I mean, these things have been around for hundreds of millions of years. They are organic and they release vast amounts of sperm and eggs that can settle in any suitable location. The same reef cann tolerate acidity and alkalinity

    What is coral spawning?

    What happened a few years ago to the Great Barrier Reef was as follows:

    1- The sea was abnormally low for a number of synchronous reasons
    2- The coral that dried out and was exposed to the sunlight bleached
    3- The sea returned to cover the coral
    4- The coral that was below the surface at all time was not damaged at all.

    The media had a great time of it.


    Diablo, what is socialism? I am not sure what that word means anymore. You mention the Soviets. But what about the Germans? Are they socialist? What about the Scandanavians? The Venezuelans? There are a lot of diverse systems that have been labeled socialist, some more successful than others. America is now a banana republic crony capitalist system. Is that any better? If so, for who?

    I would like to keep property in private hands, but I think that tax policy should operate to prevent extreme concentrations of wealth. Rather than blowing up the Middle East and stealing Libyan and Iraqi gold I would like to see a US aircraft carrier park off tax havens like the cayman islands. Let’s instead steal all of the money illegally stashed offshore and distribute it all back to the American people. Is that a socialist idea?

    Dr. Diablo

    Agree. The modern Humpty Dumpty use of language, where words mean whatever I think they should mean is by definition, insanity. So not to open doors, I’m just using the classic wikipedia definition. Basically that Communism the people own the means of production (in effect, the community, not individuals) and in Socialism the government owns the means of production (in theory to hand it back to the people, which never happens). That’s why Fascism and Socialism are twins: in both systems the government own all, and once owning all, there is no economic or social counterweight to offset totalitarian state power. As I’ve pointed out, that used to be well known, as both Hitler and Mussolini were basically worker’s party organizers, only they believed in national revolution instead of worldwide worker’s revolution. In practice, history showed Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini to be indistinguishable.

    So is Germany Socialist? Well, like the U.S., all the Western nations are now Socialist ‘lite’ in varying degrees. You technically own property, but the government can pass laws to completely control it, outlaw it, tax it into oblivion, and single out companies and sectors for totalitarian control on a regular basis. Apple is exempt from the law on standard charging plugs. Why? Because we feel like it. Or taking the Bundy ranch to sell to China. Or Solara, or paying Tesla $7500+ per car. Or Lockheed for that matter. The difference in our Socialism is that it originates from the corporate side, which is why it is better named Corporatism, or as Mussolini said, Fascism. The companies tell the government what to do, who then tells the less-connected corporations what to do. Or better put, the insiders vs the outsiders, where the Insiders are a revolving door of corporations and government/military, and their handmaidens and well-paid intelligentsia “1%” who execute the violence and control on the ground, vs the outsiders, who may even be government, businessmen, military, but who do not have the levers of power and/or oppose the merging of corporations and the state.

    So are they Socialist or not? Yes. But if you start from a true definition, understanding what’s going on is a lot easier. And also the solution: if we know well the risk of complete control of a State/Company merger — that it kills millions worldwide, as is happening now — and we know they were better contained when the State could not be paid to make economic winners and losers, then we know the solution would be to NOT have an all-powerful state transferring wealth and creating winners and losers. That implies cutting the size and scope of government and pushing it down to the local level as much as possible — one reason the Scandinavian example is so much less feral.

    In America, that’s easy: the whole nation and its law was founded on this principle, and virtually everything that makes it Socialist/Fascist is specifically forbidden by the Constitution, which is our top law. So if we just followed the law and returned to our roots, we’d improve sharply AND stop marching around the world like idiots. Win-Win. But as you notice in our Humpty Dumpty world of Humpty Dumpty reporting, wanting a smaller government that has less foreign expansion, less domestic surveillance, less state control of the economy and a return to equality under the law — that is, the OPPOSITE of all things Fascist — is considered to be Nazi, while the expansion of all those things is reported as de facto good, just, and Antifa. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. How do you think they sold it in 1936? Your grandparents weren’t stupid. In the same lying way, with the same Oppositeland words.


    Couldn’t agree with you more, Diablo.

    I take the liberty to copy and paste recent commentary from my FB page:

    Anti-Fa terminology is anti-Logos in action. Anti-Fa themselves are the current incarnation of brownshirt fascism but use the standard Zioglobalist trick of turning reality on its head to confuse the general public. That MSM refuses to condemn them is the proof in the pudding. Don’t forget that what is routinely referred to as the Democratic left has morphed into the farthest right in US politics. ANY politician who wants to maintain the status quo is a functional Zio-Nazi, a REAL one.
    ” It may be assumed that the interests of corporations and their shareholders are in opposition to, and in conflict with, the public interest. And insofar as elections are fundamentally matters of the public interest, corporations must be prohibited from efforts to influence the outcome of elections.”

    Citizens United is right up there with formation of the Federal Reserve and CIA, and the Patriot Act as coffin nails for democracy.


    Diablo, with your clarification of definitions I find little to object to. As you say, people do not use the terms consistently, which adds to the confusion of people trying to figure things out, and doesn’t really matter to people who do not care. If Antifa is anti-fascist, then sign me up. But then, like Andre the Giant in the Princess Bride, I feel compelled to say to the Antifa warriors “I do not think the word means what you think it means.”

    I am not a socialist, but I thought the Socialist candidate was the best candidate by far in the last US Presidential election. I am not a socialist, but i think a major redistribution of wealth is in order. But talk like that sounds socialist to a lot of people — because of conditioning.

    I hear people talk about freedom and the Constitution, and that sets off my bullshit detector. My antennae come out and I start sniffing around for Koch and Mises Institute propaganda. Because a lot of these freedom and Constitution types want to use that as another form if propaganda to perpetuate the status quo.

    The only way out of this is is a jubilee. But centralized power will never accept that. So for now I think the focus needs to be on rebuilding local communities. Local identity and local self-control. Secessionist movements and direct participation democracy. Break up these corrupt power structures and repudiate the debt that props them all up. At some point I would like to see an aircraft group parked off the Cayman Islands to reclaim some of what has been looted, but I am not holding my breath.


    After the removal of Soviet central planning (and neoliberal colonial extraction), Russia has rocketed forward such that they’ve leapfrogged the US in military technology, and is arguably better off than several EU and NATO countries.

    “When researchers asked the public if they would like the Soviet Union to be restored, 58 percent replied in the affirmative, with 14 percent saying they considered such project quite realistic at the moment. Forty-four percent view the restoration of the USSR as unfeasible, even though preferable.”
    Sorry, Dr. Diablo, Russians seem to disagree 🙂

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