Debt Rattle September 6 2023


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  • #142577

    Claude Monet The Japanese Bridge 7 1924   • West Is Using Jew To Hide Nazism In Ukraine – Putin (RT) • Putin: Russophobia, Neo-Nazism Become Norm
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 6 2023]

    Michael Reid

    I seek to discover true spirituality.

    I ordered the book for my Christmas gift early:
    The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya

    The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Part 3


    I would be interested in seeing the inclusion of the hypersonic missle into the montage.

    Or how about the speed of man made weapons over the course of history?


    The only way I can see the Ukraine conflict ending is complete capitulation, like Berlin at the end of WWII. I see this happening at the point Ukraine has no effective army or armaments and has no power to resist.

    Russia will take over the Ukraine government for a while. Russia will say which parts of Ukraine will revert to Russia and then will decide what to do with rest of Ukraine.

    They could possible let Poland, Hungary, etc. take over parts of Ukraine which were historically theirs BUT only as a protectorate rather than be absorbed into the mother countries. Also these protectorates will be demilitarised with the promise that any military installations will be destroyed without warning. I favour the Ukrainians voting to say which protectorate they want to belong to and the information being used to define the borders.

    For what is left of Ukraine Russia will need to organise elections. I would expect them to seek out
    the neo-nazis, imprisoning the worst and executing those guilty of warcrimes. The rump Ukraine would be a Russian protectorate.

    I think that something like the above would be the only way for Russia to achieve all its’ objectives.

    Dr. D

    Biden: You’ll do what I tell you. “And I will be happy.”

    “Fairness RFK”

    I was sitting here and I don’t remember that happening under Reagan. There were huge discussions like the movie “Network News” about CNN and fabricating content to fill a 24h news cycle and everyone said “that’ll never happen.” But the fairness issue didn’t alter until Clinton authorized all media monopolies and vaporized like 50,000 local outlets into Heritage and Gannett. Having been flattened, the few remainers re-newsed from AP and NYT like good little bots because they had no reporters, not even local ones. The internet only finalized that model, which very likely could have – and possible been better at – the local news model if they were “Shop local farm fresh authentic”. That was done via “no need for profitability…ever!” model where they mined the stock market to keep money-losers afloat to kill local outlets. …For DECADES. As long as it takes. And here we are.

    But Reagan? I don’t think so. That may have been the first discussion but it wasn’t the genesis event.

    Owned by BlackRock. Don’t forget Neil Young! He’s a wholly owned subsidiary of BlackRock, because he’s all moral n stuff.

    No, really, BlackRock just buys the market. That’s why for DECADES now – just like the papers above – they lock out all capital to that pipe-n-pump manufacturer that has 30 employees up the street. Small business of the Russel 2000 have been in a deadly Depression since 2001, since they do all the work, and they create all the jobs! Obvious. We don’t notice because the Dow is 5 stocks. Just 5. So they choose them, and like Tesla they are regardless of any sales, profits, or merit. That is, the definition of “manipulation.” If they all go along, they all get rich. Based on insider, “Club” trading.

    Also “BlackRock” didn’t buy them. YOU did. It’s YOUR money, not BlackRock’s. BlackRock themselves are arguably bankrupt, they’re just a throughput pipe for YOUR investments. The People’s. YOU own THEM. Don’t forget it.

    “• West Is Using Jew To Hide Nazism In Ukraine – Putin (RT)

    The problem isn’t this. It’s that the Western audience is so impossibly childish, they actually believe it. Hhahahaha! Who could be that dumb? except college kids, professors, and NPR?

    “Kiev declared him a national hero in 2010, however, and nationalists have honored him ever since with torchlight processions”

    2010? Are you sure? Yanukovic was there until 2014. Tiki torch processions? Nothing they like better. Pay EVERY man who does (literally), to the tune of $150 Billion dollars for tiki torch khaki Proud Boy marches (Literally). You can go up to them, pull out a photograph, point to it, link to the NY Times articles, and they don’t care. They LOVE it. With a pure, deep passionate, heart-felt love. Doesn’t bother them a bit, they’ll go home, sleep like a baby, grumbling about how you were an annoying, fascist, jerk.

    So… Got a response? ‘Cause I got none. Truth, reality, not operating here.

    “, the first head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, who was killed in a restaurant bombing in 2018.”

    So they’re terrorists and not assassins. Despite what you see on TV, that’s sloppy. It kills everyone when you only need to kill one person, which is relatively easy. So why blow the restaurant? It makes you look like the short bus. They don’t care. The other people are Russian and they aren’t accidental collateral damage. They WANT them dead. A good Russian is a dead Russian.

    …As said, I generally refrain from calling state actions “terror” because it’s not. Words have meanings.

    “to show that it is serious about redefining its partnership with Africa, despite the troubled legacy of colonialism,”

    Now? 200 years later? This week? The week they lost in Ukraine AND in Africa. Uh huh, I’m sure that’s a deep transformation of heart on the road to Damascus. Here’s the reason Xi and Putin don’t need to be there: the G20 ain’t go no money. No moolah. They’re broke. Tapped. Dry. Flaccid. Lost their Mojo. So the only REASON to be in Africa is to GET money from them. Not GIVE money TO them. So 100% of every negotiation will go like this: “Great, you want to recognize Africa and bring us in, I want $200/lb for my uranium then.” “I want $32,000/tonne for Cobalt.” What? Why not? I thought you were serious. China will give me $29,000tonne AND a free bridge.

    Speaking of, you REALLY don’t want China in there doing that. Because they’ll simply do what we were doing. You REALLY need a moral and fair-trade U.S. in there as an alternative, and that ain’t likely any time soon. So we’ll lose Africa AND the people of Africa will be screwed again, but this time by China. Can’t we do better?

    “Russian Production Cut Decision Shocks Oil Markets (RT)

    Doomberg pointed out that MBS has TRILLION dollar build-outs in Saudi to replace oil. (With resorts, etc). Whether that’s smart or not, it says they put a floor on the price of oil to afford it and not collapse. Here you go. Luongo follows important connections of oil and bond markets, all stress to the Euro market among other things.

    Speaking of, so much chaff about BRICS, the Yuan replacement, the “collapse of the dollar” 10,000 time in a row, that they kept everyone’s eye off the real loser: The EURO has been cut in HALF. In use volume. Yes, the Yuan barely rose, the USD fell 10-20%. But the only news on that board is the EURO. Which is approaching death as far as world uptake.

    No one notices? Huh. So weird. It’s almost as if all the reporters are Davos bots chattering on about Climate Change and Social Equity and anything else the WEF tells them. They’re Europhiles. The ruling classes ALWAYS hate their own country, think their own people are backward hicks that should be murdered. And the reporters and professors, the intelligentsia ALWAYS agree. Like Britain before WWII, selling them all out, only to get their teeth kicked in a year later when the people and Churchill was right, but that’s not the first time, it’s the ALWAYS time. ALWAYS. They are Eugenicists, ALWAYS. They sell out that Giant Sucking Sound, ALWAYS. The reporters love it, ALWAYS. Hilter, Stalin, “Man of the Year”!!!

    And so when the Euro and the Global Plan goes up in flames, not a peep! Because they hate freedom and defend tyrants ALWAYS.

    “..Joe Biden is a very religious guy, “

    Uh… If your religion is Satanism? Words have meanings. He’s not even a “very” Catholic since he’s hard-core pro choice. He’d be “barely” Catholic. Since he probably hasn’t seen the inside of a church since the 80’s “barely” is even a stretch. Why do they say these things? As above, they ALWAYS defend tyrants. ALWAYS. And they ALWAYS lie. …Or they wouldn’t have been hired. ALWAYS.

    “the issue of his age remains a central concern.”

    I’m not sure any of us care about his age WHEN HE TOOK A MILLION DOLLARS FROM MOSCOW. Literally. From the Mayor. Maybe THAT is our “Central Concern”? But since like the Ukraine example above, you can point out to the media THEIR OWN ARTICLES, then those articles DIDN’T HAPPEN, they ignore them in ir-reality, then I guess that does leave his age. …For the chronically mentally ill, like our media, off in the corner sniffing glue.

    “So I’d vote for the potato.”

    We already had that election. Joe never left his basement, no one was at his rallies, not even the media, 5 and only 5 swing states all stopped counting in the same 5 minute period. Then Joe Biden won, and the election has not yet been looked at in court.

    ““..we can make an assessment of a 40-50 percent chance at present of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., winning the Democratic Party nomination. If he does, I would assess his chances of winning the presidency at 90 percent.”

    Sounds right to me except it’s all “Selected” not “elected.” So if team Trump is sending him to Ken Lay island, which seems a good idea, then RFK is already “Selected.” Fine by me, esp as that means he already has the Trump, that is to say White Hat, as Trump is an irrelevant mascot, approval.

    Could we please have real elections again after that?

    Biden Trying to Incarcerate Rival While Covering Son’s Crimes”

    Excellent. Please don’t stop. Everyone needs to see who you are, and what our system – of government – is. Totally corrupt. Without the slightest moral foundation. Doomberg brought this up as well, as per the collapse of the dollar, yes, but more importantly, Aliens.


    What??? Why? Because they released ALIEN UFO disclosure, IN CONGRESS. No one cared. Why? They’re so discredited, no one believes a word they say. About anything. They could disclose ANYTHING, that JFK or Biden was a bot from Disney’s Hall of Presidents and no one would believe them or care. Take off his head, on camera, show the clockwork, nothing. That’s how discredited they are. This is a vital step in reclaiming the nation for the People. Perhaps the only one that matters. STOP ASKING DADDY GOVERNMENT. If you hadn’t noticed him sneaking into your daughter’s room every night.
    (pics again)

    Dr. D

    “When he presses ADL staffers for evidence to back up their claims of a sharp spike in North American anti-Semitism in 2007, they can offer only wan transgressions…”

    Just like Musk and the BBC. If it’s so common, SURELY you can cite one example, right? No? Because no one has ever challenged them on facts, ever. Not once since grade school. Because they operate on the basis of pure POWER, not reason, facts, or cooperation.


    That is to say, they are a Mafia, and this is their extortion racket.

    Rachel and Steve. Shows how polite men are. Won’t matter. She didn’t notice, was self-interested, they’ll be out smashing and belittling men tomorrow.

    I am very shocked of the crossover of some of those speeds. And I didn’t know they actually built and shot some of the space probes. I’ll have to keep up better, but when Science became always wrong, I stopped paying attention.


    I’d like to see how fast Gates can throw a syringe at the world – that is the speed of science


    Dr D – your points about people not caring about the truth is like so much childishness, just wanting to play and have mommy/daddy tell me where to play and with what toys. These people don’t want agency because they don’t want the hard reality of consequence and responsibility. I work for them. You can tell them facts, show them data, speak back to them what they said 3 years ago and they will just erase your comments from their ears by changing the subject, becoming uncivil, raising their emotional state and just saying they wont discuss.
    It is a silent word with regular folks sometime and I am glad I got you people here to mind-meld with.


    LISTEN I’m the boss. Do as I say. Keep out of trouble.
    5 Sep, 2023 18:31

    West using Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to distract from Nazism in Ukraine – Putin

    These anti-humans are putting bloody killers on a pedestal, and carry banners with their portraits as they march down the main streets of their cities,” Putin told the committee.

    • Putin: Russophobia, Neo-Nazism Become Norm in Ukraine, Baltic States (Sp.)

    • Total Defeat Of Genocide-Promoting Kiev Must Be Outcome Of SMO – Medvedev

    (Ancient history/Goal/objective of war/hate …. extermination …. depopulation)


    “..we can make an assessment of a 40-50 percent chance at present of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., winning the Democratic Party nomination. If he does, I would assess his chances of winning the presidency at 90 percent.”

    Indeed, Kennedy didn’t just happen by chance, he is being put their for a reason, a reason that benefits the Jews. Listen to his “understanding” of Israel and you will discover that he is all zionist ideology. The last thing the USA needs is a zionist in the top seat, how does that help the USA get rid of its Israel-morality disease? In America, the people are super stupid and they will vote for their annihilation, so I am not holding out any hope, if Kennedy is elected, I will know the show is over.


    Putin uncut (and angry) :

    “When you look at actual archival documents, the blood in your veins simply freezes, it is impossible to look at it without tears..”

    Putin acting, I am sure he knows the holocaust was as real as Zelensky’s hatred for Nazis. As for the people in Israel, well their morality and judgement was fucked a long time ago. You have to wonder why they still believe all this holocaust shit when you can see that the top Jews, especially Israel, do not believe it, they just use it.


    “The word ‘India’ is an abuse given to us by the British whereas the word ‘Bharat’ is a symbol of our culture..”

    IPA becomes BPA?

    D Benton Smith

    West using Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to distract from Nazism in Ukraine”

    Just like the Kahzar dynasty is using totally fictitious “Jewish” heritage and bunk “anti Semitism” to distract from Satanic Nephilism in the whole damn world.

    It’s not as if the distractions were sufficient to keep that historic fact a TOTAL secret, but I must admit (and am somewhat dismayed) by how well it worked. Frankly, I had always assumed that (since I was just a barely-above-average-dummy, and even I had figured it out) that there had to be at least hundreds of thousands, hopefully many millions, who also saw through the ruse.

    Alas, it has not been so. Even among the most lofty there is near total fucking ignorance (and even rejection) of the fact as stated above.

    The wise and well informed are ridiculed, and a total lie is held aloft in its place as the veritable APEX of respectable information. I am consistently stunned by how deeply rooted the lie has been.

    All that is necessary to refute the veracity of that fundamental truth is to suggest that the well informed (and to that extent “wise”) individual actually BELEIVED the facts which were simply true. I’m sure you can see how frustrating that is for the guy. If he knows and speaks the truth then he is regarded as liar, fool or lunatic, and the things that he is trying to communicate to others are dismissed and rejected out of hand and without further inspection, because they are the ravings of a fool or lunatic and thus not worth consideration and CERTAINLY never to be believed as true under any circumstances.

    And yet you cannot understand yourself or your role in the world if you do not know your own history.
    That’s a tough nut to crack, but I keep trying and am gaining tons of valuable experience as a nut job.

    Michael Reid

    Ignorance of truth can lead to incorrect assessments and it goes on from there.

    D Benton Smith

    As a mental exercise (just to keep the old brain cells revved up) go on a sort of Easter Egg hunt to find the biggest lies in our entire civilization. Here’s how to do it:

    Identify the biggest and most powerful OFFICIALLY recognized leading institutions (there are many, but the number is small enough to be easily understood by anyone with reasonable intelligence). Now find out what the top layers of that institution ACTUALLY believe and ACTUALLY do to achieve and realize those beliefs. I don’t mean what they SAY, I mean what the DO. For example, is the World Health Organization trying to IMPROVE everybody’s health? If NOT, then what BELIEF do they have that is driving their actions? I Betcha it isn’t that the world’s population needs to go UP.

    Anyway, you get the idea. You will find that the alleged truth at the the top of EVERY institution will turn out to be the biggest and worst lie that one could possibly imagine in regard to the civilizational “zone”
    ruled over by that institution (hint: communications, news, and education are KEY institutions because they control so much of what people believe to be facts.)

    This is because Satanic Nephilists (under a myriad of misleading names and labels) constitute the entire executive management of every one of those “official” institutions. No exceptions.

    At the end of the day you will have a very interesting list. What ARE the biggest and worst lies that this civilizations’ official institutions work toward around the clock around the world?

    D Benton Smith

    Oligarchs work within every known country in the world (and a few secret ones) to serve their own interests at the expense of the everyone else (outside that circle) in those countries.

    These semi-invisible (fully invisible in same cases) oligarchs and comparable “behind-the-scenes” rulers usurp the collective power of those states and use that massive power to serve their own interests at the expense of the everyone else (outside their approved circle) in those countries. This is done using broken oaths, counterfeiting, bribery, blackmail, and murder.

    They are, in other words, a de facto WORLD government, and specifically a “One World” government, to be precise. What I’m saying here, and as you already know, the much feared and warned against “One World Government” is not some future condition that must be avoided at all costs. It is a routine fact of your daily life, and has been been for more hundreds of years than I like to count.

    The reason you don’t know that simple fact is that the self-same One World Government that is in charge of everything else, is ALSO in charge of the OFFICIALLY ENFORCED BELIEF SYSTEM that that allows you to believe it or not. If you try to believe what they don’t want you to believe then brother, they will move to CRUSH you in so many ways that I do not enjoy counting them.

    Well, boys and girls, push has come to shove and the time is upon us when we must decide which side is lying, which side is lying more, and which side is lying the most. You life LITERALLY depends upon making the right call.

    Is there God or is there not, and if so then what does God want of you? Whatever that is, then you better get to work pronto, because the end is near, and you can take that from a barely known raving lunatic.

    Michael Reid

    “a counterculture revolution is so necessary”

    D Benton Smith

    Everyone is talking about how long it might be before Trump, RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson get bumped off.

    Everybody knows that their assassination is at least a strong possibility, and NOBODY thinks that those guys aren’t taking an enormous risk.

    So I ask ya, if there is NOT a Cabalistic One World Hidden Government with the power to reach out and snuff whomever they please, and get away with it absolutely Scot free, then what are you so worried about? If there is no secretive hidden power structure that could pull that off (for maybe the gazillionth time) then those old boys are safer than you and I are just walking down the street.

    Let’s just hypothesize for a moment that it is the teensiest bit possible that it is true. Then what?


    The saga continues:

    Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Silver Spring, a wealthy DC suburb, has brought back the mask mandate for students and staff, and added that the coverings should be N95 masks.

    The school sent out a letter informing parents they have taken the decision after just THREE students tested positive for COVID.


    Ahh conspiracies abound. This one should fit nicely on with all the rest on world domination or overly power hungry trust fund kids.

    The Quote is Chilling: “THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. I’M SORRY.” The Funeral of George H.W. Bush and Exposing the Dark Secrets of the World’s Elite

    Michael Reid

    “Do No Harm” Organization to Protect Children from the Dangers of Transgender Medicine

    Michael Reid

    The sorry state of the world is due to allowing people/entities to control excessive quantities of wealth

    Michael Reid

    This messing with genetics could go seriously wrong and become an extermination event in my opinion.

    These guys have some different ideas too.

    Donald Hoffman: Reality is an Illusion – How Evolution Hid the Truth | Lex Fridman Podcast #293

    I was involved in microelectronics at the start coding in assembler for the Intel 8085

    But this genetics, I think we may have gone too far. Who knows?

    And this evolution or god or whatever, maybe we will find out in the end.

    Best to keep a positive attitude and work and enjoy until it is over

    Veracious Poet


    Ignorance of truth can lead to incorrect assessments and it goes on from there.

    Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?”

    Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth listens to my voice.”

    Pilate said to Him, “What is Truth?”

    And after saying this, he came out again to the Jews and said to them, “I find no grounds at all for charges in His case.”

    Same $hit, different century.

    John Day

    Blue Pill Crack Pipe

    You may remember the Larry Sinclair story from early 2008 during the primary season. Hillary Clinton supporters liked Larry. Larry said he gave Barack Obama $250 for some cocaine and had oral sex with him in the back of a limo in 1999, after Barack smoked some crack. That story came up in February of 2008, but the first link I can find in my inbox that is still live is from May, describing Larry’s story and how popular he was during the 2008 primaries among Clinton supporters.
    ​ Larry Sinclair, the Minnesota man who took to YouTube to allege that Barack Obama had oral sex with him in the back of a limousine in 1999, is one of the belles of the ball. “They almost made me cry this morning when they told me to get out of there,” the blond Sinclair–who’s looking roly-poly and giddy in a blue-and-white striped shirt with a pack of Marlboros protruding from the breast pocket–says, referring to several nervous protest organizers who tried to evict him when he first showed up at the rally site early this morning carrying a box of “Obama’s DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS: Murder, Drugs, Gay Sex” fliers. Since then, though, he goes on, “I have been totally surprised by the reception I have received!” He’s not kidding. Clusters of people in Hillary shirts ask to take their photo with him, one woman covered in Clinton buttons introduces him to Greta Van Susteren, and he estimates he has handed out 500 fliers.​.. In the thirty minutes I stand with him, only one woman expresses disgust at his fliers and his willingness to chattily discourse on whether Obama is “good in bed.” Earlier, he claims, he even got to take a picture with Charlie Rangel. “I love him!” Sinclair chirps, though, it must be said, not as much as he loves Lanny Davis.​.. It’s easy to sink into despair here. Standing and watching all these Democrats chat up Sinclair–who’s retained Montgomery Blair Sibley as his lawyer and says the Republican National Committee has also been in touch with him–makes me want to fall to my knees, rend my garments, and start insanely screaming, “Wake up! Wake up! You’ll hate a President John McCain!”

    Somehow Larry Sinclair is still drawing air all of these years later. Tucker Carlson has mentioned him recently and has interviewed him.
    That interview may have “aired” by the time you read this. Here is the 1 minute teaser of Larry Sinclair’s statements to Tucker.

    James Roguski, who focuses on international treaty law, particularly related to UN and W.H.O. “Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention and Response” instruments has long monitored organizations which advocate for these interventions. James has put up this blog post about a meeting which would benefit greatly from some “diverse views”.
    ​ If you know anyone who lives in the New York City area, or would be willing and able to travel to NYC on the evening of September 18, 2023, please share this information with them ASAP.
    (Technically, you will not be “crashing” the party – everyone IS invited!)
    The Panel for a Global Public Health Convention and the Government of Malaysia are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion during the 78th United Nations General Assembly on September 18, 2023.

    John Day

    This is extremely dark and evil. I have been seeing this same basic story since the mid 1980s. You are not required to look at this. I think it is real. I knew one victim in 1989.
    Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine, Part 4: The Final Chapter – Towards Ascension

    Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine, Part 4: The Final Chapter – Towards Ascension

    Ukrainian Spy Participated in US Capitol Breach Alongside QAnon Shaman – Report
    In one of the photos taken on January 6, 2021, QAnon Shaman is standing near the man later identified as Dubynyn at the front door of the US Capitol. Per Jacob, he didn’t know who the man was: the individual approached him and asked for a photo.–report-1113136979.html

    ​About the complete social media blackout of all personal videos of Maui fires. “Removed for Graphic Content”, even with no “graphic content” at all. 10 second loop of a strange tree on fire from only the inside.

    U.S.-Funded War in Ukraine Costs More in One Day than Biden Is Sending to Maui

    John Day

    ​To their deaths…
    Poland begins to extradite to Ukraine men who left it after February 24, 2022

    ​ Remember the Polish-Lithuanian Empire? (me neither)
    ​ MINSK, September 4. /TASS/. Poland is using the issue of the Suwalki Gap as a pretext to enter Lithuania and potentially occupy part of its territory, Andrey Bogodel, deputy head of the department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces at the Military Academy of Belarus, said in an interview with the STV TV channel.

    ​Gilbert Doctorow , Kim Jong Un as guest of honor at the Far East Economic Forum
    ​ The New York Times and Financial Times both today speak about a meeting between Vladimir Putin and North Korean president Kim Jong Un in Vladivostok during the coming days. Buried in their reports is the suggestion that this may occur simultaneously with the Far East Economic Forum which opens in Vladivostok on Monday, 11 September and continues through the 13th. Of course, neither publication says a word about the Forum itself. Meanwhile on today’s Russian state television (Sixty Minutes) I heard confirmation that Kim is expected in Russia as early as on the 10th.
    ​ The Economic Forum is clearly a determinant of the timing of Kim’s visit to Russia. But then so are the American-South Korean military exercises, the port call of a U.S. nuclear submarine to South Korea and the observation by Kim last week when he visited his own naval headquarters that the nearby seas presently hold the world’s biggest concentration of warships, and that North Korea would respond to this threat…
    ..Of course, at this point no one can say whether Kim will be given the podium at the Forum. But his likely presence in Vladivostok for his meeting with Putin at this moment which will be watched by the entire world shows that Russia’s emerging relationship with North Korea is anything but surreptitious.

    Kim Jong Un as guest of honor at the Far East Economic Forum

    ​Shutting the barn door…
    US Sanctions Fail Again: Huawei Unveils New Smartphone With Its Own Advanced Chip
    ​ Bloomberg purchased a Huawei Mate 60 Pro. The handset was delivered to TechInsights for a complete teardown. They found a new Kirin 9000s chip manufactured in China by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp.
    ​ TechInsights said SMIC had used existing equipment and applied its second-generation 7-nanometer process, known as the N+2 node, to manufacture the Kirin 9000s chip for the Mate 60 Pro. This phone with the new chip is on par with Apple’s iPhones launched in 2018. Currently, iPhone chips are made by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, using a 4-nanometer process.

    John Day

    “No Choice”: Musk Threatens Suit Against ADL; Blames Activists For “Most Of X’s Revenue Loss”
    ​ Elon Musk, owner of the platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has threatened to ban the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) from his platform, adding that he had “no choice” but to file a defamation lawsuit against the advocacy group, which previously called for a pause on ad spending on the social network.
    ​ The group alleges Mr Musk has failed to clamp down on hate speech on the social media platform since his takeover last year, allowing disinformation to proliferate – something Mr Musk strongly denies.
    ​ Further, it was revealed that the ADL has put pressure on X to deplatform popular anti-woke account Libs of TikTok, which is run by a conservative Jewish woman, Chaya Raichik…
    ..News of the potential lawsuit comes after news broke that X is still down around 60% in US ad revenue as the ADL continues to put pressure on its advertisers to avoid the social media platform.
    ​ “I don’t see any scenario where they’re responsible for less than 10pc of the value destruction, so [around] $4bn.”
    ​ In November, the pressure group Stop Hate for Profit, which includes the ADL, called on advertisers “to pause their spending globally” and claimed “hate speech and disinformation have proliferated” on the app since Mr Musk’s takeover.

    ​ ADL “Has Lost Its Way”; CEO Claims Musk Is ‘Inciting Violence Against Jewish People By Criticizing Us’
    ​ “The ADL taught me that nastygrams from Jew haters were just the price we pay for liberty, worthy of being filed and forgotten,” writes Ron Coleman in the op-ed.
    “This is not Weimar Germany; it is America. We have a First Amendment, we have civil rights, we have a working democracy.
    That is part of the good we have done.
    ​ “But” Coleman explains, “the ADL no longer believes this…”
    “It has become part of a great online censorship machine that is being exposed day after day as an anti-free speech enterprise.”
    ​ As Coleman concludes:
    ​ “The ADL’s efforts to censor Twitter confirms what we have known for years: Not only is today’s ADL not doing the world some good. It is doing something much worse. How much longer will we be allowed to say so?”

    ​ These graphs of excess deaths are really easy to read for 1-or-more vaccinations, 2-or-more vaccinations and 3-or-more vaccinations compared to no vaccinations.
    Proof of a mRNA Disaster! A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.

    ​ This cost Dr. Littell so much time, effort and fees, and he gets nothing but his Family Medicine Board Certification reinstated. Mine remains revoked for this same offense.
    ​ A Florida physician known for being outspoken about COVID-related topics has regained his board certification that was stripped because he publicly criticized COVID vaccines…
    ​ Dr. Littell, a longtime family physician in Ocala and a medical school professor, began posting videos sharing his thoughts about COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines early in the pandemic. He was frustrated to find his content often was pulled down from his YouTube channel.
    ​ But he fought against what he saw as censorship by moving the content to other platforms, such as Rumble, he said.
    Then, in January 2022 and again five months later, he received warning letters from the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the organization that issued his certification for his medical specialty.
    ​ The letter stated that his videos on YouTube and Rumble spread “medical misinformation” and could put his board certification in jeopardy, he said.
    The ABFM declined to comment on the matter because the board’s “policy indicates we are unable to comment about professionalism cases.”

    John Day

    ​Here is a one minute smartphone-video of flying saucers flying at low altitude over Florida a few days ago, followed by some helicopters.

    Sub 10 minute video, “What Is Space Weather?”, clearly explains how solar conditions directly influence weather and communications outages here on earth.


    JD said

    it was revealed that the ADL has put pressure on X to deplatform popular anti-woke account Libs of TikTok, which is run by a conservative Jewish woman, Chaya Raichik…

    CEO Claims Musk Is ‘Inciting Violence Against Jewish People By Criticizing Us’

    Are these two statements compatible? It appears that ADL is being used by the Democrat zionists, Jewish and RFK Jr style brainwashed wannabe-Jewish, with the full support of Israel. As with all Jewish victim culture – the predominant Jewish culture – their cries of pain make no sense, they do way more bad than they do good.


    Trees burned from the inside out? Sounds impossible.

    John Day

    Thanks Dora. That video has lots of examples of things like water-loving trees burning from the inside out and dry wood is spared, while metal cars are cooked and windows melted. Seems like microwaves transferring that energy into some things and not others.

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