Gravity is a repentant algorithm.
Incidentally, I recently downloaded Jung’s collected works, and began reading ‘Man and his Symbols’, said to be his most accessible work. I appreciate his work on interpreting dream symbology, and the collective unconscious is indeed a profound concept, relating to moral memory and cognitive syntax. I’ve revalued psychology as a key part of philosophy rather than as exact science. Describing the psychological and mystical mechanisms of the subconscious mind should be indispensable for understanding the dominant irrationality of economic behavior, but perhaps at a cost of systematizing the process of imagination.
I wasn’t aware of Nietzsches concept of the ‘spirit of gravity’, I suppose this interprets societal gravity solely as a coercive force antithetical to moral volition instead of a medium infinitely conductive to moral volition. It can be both, if not both at once. Free will by mathematical volition can only propagate timelike in a gravitational field, yet any structural oppression of the will is also to be found there.
Happy new year to all.
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