Grab Your Bits and Shoulder Your Kits, We’re Going In!


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  • This topic has 8 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by Raúl Ilargi Meijer.
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    John Waterhouse Diogenes 1882     This is a new essay from Alexander Aston. He describes how once the world has passed through the -narrow-
    [See the full post at: Grab Your Bits and Shoulder Your Kits, We’re Going In!]

    Dave Note

    An old professor of philosophy I had used to say that Diogenes was not wandering the streets of Athens late at night looking for an honest man but for a dishonest woman.

    Nice painting


    “There is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertainty and change.”

    Maxwell Quest

    I love that painting of Diogenes, how it contrasts his ascetic life with luxuries of the curious women strolling by, their minds filled with a thousand little things, while his ponders upon the great problems of life and the Law.

    Nice essay! One can only hope that Alexander’s vision of the future is correct, in that this pandemic will be the catalyst needed to break up the old, corrupt institutions which are currently blocking the birth a more equitable and socially enlightened era.

    I’m reminded of Max Planck’s famous statement that “science advances one funeral at a time”, meaning that the old guard are generally hostile to new ideas, often doing everything in their power to suffocate them in their cribs. As paradoxical as it may seem, even the sciences have their high priests who rigorously guard the status quo, determining which new ideas will be blessed and which will be cast into outer darkness.


    Sabbatean-Frankist psyop/ritual or emerging pandemic of consequence? Who knows for sure in an AntiLogos world? I personally will be exercising an abundance of caution towards the Wuhan virus until the tea leaves seem clearer. Alternative essays well worth reading:

    Plunging stocks, pandemic fears, quarantines—what’s the real operation?

    5G and the China epidemic


    John Waterhouse Diogenes 1882

    !n 2020 this picture would be “man living under a bridge”, or “Helping the homeless”

    ” things are never going back to “normal.” …. “the benefit of a very select few,” …. things will start looking radically different from what we have known to be the order of things. States, institutions, practices and beliefs that once seemed permanent fixtures of our world will be swept away.”

    For the elites and the enablers, and facilitators that serve them.

    If the ruling class ….
    Let’s name those groups: Bankers, lawyers, accountants.
    The blue collar workers are not the ruling class.

    I agree,
    “our societies as zero-sum games designed to provide luxury communism for billionaires and debt slavery for the rest of us.”

    You could have said, corporate welfare bums billionaires

    but we are also going to see new kinds of beauty brought into this world
    Who is “We” Maybe most of the people will get a new cardboard box.

    half of the world’s net wealth belongs to the top 1%,
    top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world’s total wealth,
    top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth.

    ” …. The future belongs to those ….” who have a monopoly on energy


    It is certain that change is coming. A consumer economy with nothing to sell is dead. Manufacturing in China and South Korea has stopped; at best, for months. 51 million South Koreans are sheltering in place. The Wuhan coronavirus is here in the USA. There is community transmission on the West Coast and one death. Unless there is a divine miracle, the pandemic will sweep across North America which will also be in an economic depression.

    Three seventy years old white males are the top contenders for President. The present President is too incompetent and stupid to address this extraordinary black swan event. The other two old white males will try to ignore it. Joe Biden is senile and will blame Russia. He is the last of the ancient regime that restarted the Cold War.

    Most Americans will survive the epidemic. Rich areas will hardly notice it. They will telecommute from home, stock up with supplies and have Concierge Medical Care. But around 50% of the Middle Class infected with the virus will not be able to pay the bills or co-payments even if they still have jobs and insurance. But most will lose their jobs. It costs thousands of dollars for a COV-19 test and the CDC requires at least one to detect the virus and two to prove the virus is gone. A day in the ICU costs on average $10,794. The last wealth remaining in the USA will be extracted by bill collectors for the rich.

    In China about 15% of the infected need hospitalization. Around 5% (8 million Americans) will need respiratory ventilation. That is twice the number of ICU visits in the USA in a whole year. In poor areas the infected will die at home or on the floors of overwhelmed hospitals. If 1% of the infected die (the projected mortality rate for the Wuhan coronavirus) that will be one and half million Americans. Care the poor in hot spots will revert to medieval levels and the mortality rate will be much higher.

    The only way the USA can survive the twin disasters is if government by and for the people is restored. A new government will need to tackle the pandemic, unemployment and inequality. If not, the States will splinter. No matter what happens Globalization is dead for a generation. The post WWII Western Empire is over.


    Excellent essay

    Yes reduce income inequality – reduce corporate welfare for billionaires – healthcare for all – no more regime change wars – free education – for the people by the people – sounds good to me. But where is the world are we going to find a president who would go for that kind of revolution?

    V. Arnold

    I wish I could muster Alexander Aston’s optimism; but, I just can’t…
    …at least when looking at the west…

    Dr. D

    Great article from a much better writer than I.

    They’ve long planned this, (read the papers, please) and intend to push humanity to and fro while they’re unmoored for maximum death and disaster capitalism extraction. Then they can rebuild the system in their violent, crooked image, as their motto states. We, of course will resist that, as always. Unfortunately, people overwhelmingly help them by refusing to believe there’s anyone out there that would do them the slightest harm, and believe like a puppy every man is their very special friend, and there’s no slaughterhouse anywhere, ever, where they take your rings and gold teeth.

    I have no idea where they got such an idea, but it’s not from the history of earth.

    “Places such as Syria and Yemen are very likely to see truly horrific outbreaks”

    Quite the opposite, I think. They “collapsed” early to beat the rush. You at Oxford are going to become like them, not that they will kill twice as many when everyone who isn’t rock-hard is already dead, dead, dead. Don’t worry for them but prepare for yourself. What you did to them and was authorized and loved will, as always, now be done to you. How can you say no? For decades you all said it was fine, moral, justified.

    horrifying possibility, that certain sociopaths will use the synergetic fears of refugees”

    Like the total destruction of privacy, free speech, and intentional austerity killing tens of thousands a year for sport, this is no ‘possibility’ but already happening for decades everywhere, on purpose, and well-reported. For example, just yesterday Erdogan did it for the 100th time.

    we must hold on to a sense of vision and endeavour, that something better is still possible.”

    With universal corruption, the only fix is within the heart, and that is religion. That you will do good and are willing to die for it. Materialism, atheism cannot provide this fortitude which is why it’s hated so violently and opposed and undermined constantly. A placid, abstract, “sense of vision” is inadequate when the soldiers tell you to perjure the innocent and persecute someone, or they’ll burn your house, shoot your kids, send you to jail. And they’ve already been doing those light, cheerful things for decades. And people’s constant surrender to any challenge has not stopped them. Only if you say “No”, remove your consent, and hand them your useless broken body will that mean a whit. As that homeless Indian guy said. And only religion, faith, will provide that, but that sense, honor, faith, #Logos, is our arch-enemy and will be persecuted the hardest. More than now even.

    USA can survive the twin disasters is if government by and for the people is restored.”

    Government has never worked, especially in health care. Our whole 230 year history shows that. So although there may be solutions, they’re not one of them. Cutting off 90% of their taxes so we can afford health care might be because slowly giving them 90% of our taxes did not. Pandemic? Meh. Unless somebody wants to admit to 100,000 dead in Wuhan, Corona appears safer than the common cold. It’s one way or the other: either admit the dead, or stop saying this is a thing that exists. 3k dead when the common cold has killed 100,000 in the same time is as many as were hit by lightning while fighting sharks. Now I don’t believe those numbers, but you can’t have it both ways: either it is or it isn’t; pony up.

    If not, there’s nothing to tackle. “Habeus corpus”: “Produce the body.” No death rate = no pandemic = no collapse. They will counterattack in April.

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